—the—» Sawmt Us ZSESfc -** fma a Hula phM by tba Uatoe Meume :*»<*hCaiallaa.-l»u—ton least pmaQ, —rtiwiiy swMMUd.asdpaaten nut beer Tbedwr.eaiuo i. ckued from Da oMbteMsttoOrtolwcl* ftgtwtes. s^arjnas.sys 11 *■»*«■« ao^Bsatoy^forMddw. toytotomWjtoM. *ST£l*£ as* sry Sra.mS JoKr^o^Tiw W*. Stn mad Carrttook ooasUrn troabMp MM, hoc. battery or Boat wbiab to aot oa laod. In Ounttccfc eoasty tba aw of battue or bUada an boats er akUb, or any Beat ofeayde nriyttoa *M tbo lot ant of deooyiof or panda* teaha U forblddau. Tba Tba mm of decoy* as tba wtun of JM fowl moot not bo killed for aatelaUawaten of Brwaawtch. Car tnrnm and Haw Hum oouetUw be twees Hint 10U aad November 10th, wbd fowl Bolt not ha tttlpeed oat ef (ha State bat wees than data* if kttad U (be watan of the above eoun Vm. The wpomttoo of ariW fowl fraoi Canttobk ooeaty is rotbUdas batwaan April lot aad Haaambarltth. Sbaetlarbsei doaoya la tba watan of Canttattreeaaty betwaoa March 90tb Odd October 9Pth U forbUdao. Tbo •aia orttripcwat at any wild fowl bo twaaa Una dates la foctoddea. tt U tebMdan to pst deoayaia aaid watan lalpM sonatas batwaaa Oetobar SOU —djttaaah Ski, also oa mj W»d ■Mhj sad awry Ostorday bataraco Oetobar SOU and Marefa SOUl Tba ■saajfaayboaUOr panning wild fowl to than watan for Ua purpose of ratt&arawassE? WbeaaMp wQdfowt with a rlflla while aaUtorwaay ttowta forbidden. Bat tery baateanat not leave laod for the PHPMb Of haatta* wild fowl until I Airm, HAkaw cvrro* hui. O.D.UupaatarlapreeVdent.arcreUry Uaaaanr and iota owner of every thing ban aod here abouta. MU1 kAmni to au tbrtarti, ftlodlay. lowing. gioalng and gaaeral meialmnUea. Hr. Carven lar la doing eu itutnaaaa bust ana la Ibia little world a< bla own and ought 2£J‘£E“i-'" everybody fra) 1 Wo found the mitt looking Ilka btoema and tatting kruabee could bo ■•id U moah advaatago aad aea Oblaeiy looking came way. Opera Ueao warn lootlag bale and ha«yaad wwo wan eo at anted ao far aa we oonld loom from thorn. I'ey can be bad moataay tlma he needed, aaecheoki however and pay off every 10U». Jo©. Hoffman and Walter Hlggtae are la abarga o( aplnniog and B. b7 Daria aad *• J. Gerrleoo ran tte eard room. BY Ttia WAT. UapC. Hyde Bow, conductor oa the ®««* railroad pulled Won. ir.eol. from the laws at death Mea the trala Ml Dellas tonight. — wes a heroic efortofa brave com , to ostch 1«0 pouedi by Ike beak of the Mdk while Mima between the ears, hia feet bumping Ibetiea, aad hoUtog biw with oca of bis strong arms and Pablng the bell cord with the other ■etU the twin wee stopped, that eev •ngtb. darkey frean being grooed to ouut AsUwm oalyooe mile t^th# de pot from Hanliu factory by oar gravel train, wo pot on s good hand of attain two oop* of coffee ud thrawtag peaty of fuel into tbo Bra box jost baftoo marling. It we* aw all tk* way uphill Mdby tbo tarn w« got ta tbo half way •tattoo board too whlctlo blow oa tbo OB, L. each trying togettbera * Um mum tint and blowing to otnka ooaoacttoa which w* did by rouulng tbo maam almaat high aocogh to “beat a bllot” and aot to* tile* aflia if we hnd carried much greaee in oar boxen, aad about oar running gear. As it wns wo borate got there la Um« to ooople oo aad roach Dallas together. From Hardin depot it It tteeo miles to Dallas and through a poor locking co entry. Tbo crops wore abort, I tod won and ragged sod but few build >“*» ax«s>i tboto tost lacked aa if bout 100 years ago, even lightning bed struck too telegraph poles along tbo road aad aoltt them to pleocs *od wo wore afraid that our little train would plunge off the bridge into to* rtoer end be tost in this tonaaome little toctloa of the country. Tbe beak bone of thin ridge looked eery much like that of a re tor book bug before meat time, but when we got near Dallas tbe pbua* of things ebaoged somewhat and pat u s mors life Ilk* sppeemne*. Lend ud crops locked more living end somebody at homo. W# were told however that our muu tine* wc left the Sooth Pork of Catawba had been really over the poorest section of tba country ud that crops wen eery good aad well saalund, especially so slung tbe creeks nod rivura, the mum hnd bow favorable and farmers would reap n good reward for labor this fall. Tbs eottou mills at Dalle* u located lasMu the tooorporattoo near toe Ches ter sod Lenoir R. R. with 118 loom* WOO spindle sod employ* about 80 buda making cotton warp* Ron. 18 to 80 nod too. sheetings. L. H. Hoffman Pnt. *• 1* Wilson, Sec’y. and Tteac ossr. James A. Dow* ana super baa hold down his Job for Bra ooasoeuliee Mors and work is running splendid, his control and management glees cgool satisfaction Co the operative* a* wall as owners and is eery popular. B. Loefcmao. hoes weaver with Howe m second bend, keeps the mill and machinery In good order and worktug m fall Ua*. Uem Spiooer T. & Ban dore day and L. A. Holland night overseer, base card room J. V Wents, day with J. f. Downem nlgtit over Hand* run From six to sight loom* alflng wearers but little trouble. *M«&«8SWiSS Uw anaahiaary under hie charge WM wauld aay be knew* bow to keep It. Tba Traaaaxar Is baring a nawgla araatad aaar building which will be raady ter work tbla aaaaan aad spanks of adding n tend and aora will Inter oa. Dalian villa baa adopted tba 11 boar eyateat—tb«t la arurbieg alxty aix • weak—tba old way aad knocking ad at 11J o'atoek a* Saturday -bagFauiag •fMn M MX oHdack Maoday, wbUa the Wgkt forea works sixty hears te the weak. Tkb Omega senes to suit ell iswt vary well sad the will la turning •at as Bash production as whso ruw sins o« longer than. Us ass mat and garden oort Uo pur maw pur month, buildings pteuiy end •MesaiaaUy located. Mill pays arary WBnaa'storaT0 kara ao Mnahlnary toabou Baa Door Is not s’gSursrsg?.3,gii t^jreassra&js JrjSkBttkSMtr* compared with Wa raaak tba aaart huuss aqaeta JaB la that tewatbu sbabdoL of Bdlss, blbsai and full lend of STyStte tbdbg far tba union Sunday sahoal •kiteran, bsm of wbow worn atm MbteblacM tba awa pm af tba aaart kawte yaad to thste Sanday utetbaa aad aajaytag a aaad Hat Tba start beuas bars stands la tba pSiSp Bitter U Um Steady teas* sad out HMif kbto oaaatywbatbsr il baa tear mltoMto or eight ot ten oattoo tae terlee.ee they been ageist piece whme they oeego te have their deeds re eo«d»dt»er. Ibeirtot with mem te bttobtkelr bones one book street end beta a good talk with a neighboring teMrlbey ken not nee for along Uw. without being ran ever by noma Ugk heedrd dede or knocked down by aoneieeklen tramp. nuu roe tu mm. Its bigti time for people to begin to here that after aB the CM level heeded farmers shoo id be Itateoed te and their w tabes consulted. They bnvs broken the beck bone of Um panto this veer in •pita of all that the shark* sad watt attaat gold beg* too kl do. Aad they did It too by tending atnotlj to their own boalnem sad kiting other folks elone. The lawyers, fees, the factory hands, and every wheel la the cotton factorise IbeiDsefwe would stop still ee death, If the farmer didn’t move and heap all going. ..— taiTBB arm as tubs WlOaeO On Ike AlUraMe af Un i'*. —ary er Lara, mm Wklratiag ftaSer, ■ouallae, aaad Marriage Ansa- Bray Teare-mieekeU. a«U •« akta Vaeaay aka saaaa at ske SekarlUe Cttiaan. Usdisct.. Mitchell aod Yanoey coun tie* Ugora In a alary of love rekindled efter n dumber ef 40 yearn that la ao unusual aa to demand that It should not go unrecorded The faela In the earn era given the Oilmen by J. M. Gadget, Jr., who Is well aeqwaiated with ooe et the chief actors in the life drama. Forty yean ago G. M. McDowell, now a resident ef Madison county, was awe of the most promising young mec of Yancey county, aod was known ns “Zsb Vanes orator" of that section. He laved sad waosd a young lady of Yancey who waa accounted the balls of that part of Wsslero North Caro line. True love ran smoothly with the young oooplo themselves, but n barrier existed In the person of an ob jecting father, whose wrath was kindled sgalust Um idea of a marriage; and a decree was written literally la blood. It is said, that they should not wed. About this time n second young man appeared upon tbe seen* and eought the hand of the beautiful young lady. Weeing that nothing would move the father from hie determination, negotia tions began, reselling to young Mc Dowell's signing a release, la obedience to the dteree, of his rights end claims upon his bout's love. In considera tion of this set he wee to receive tbe beet hone, saddle and bridle In Yanoey ooocty. Shortly after, the fairest girt of all that county Joined hands with a Mr. Tress wood, th* sucre maul suitor, and they started ss ooe along life’s Journey. Young McDowell rude away on bis mettled charger sad bye aod bye be wooed and woo another, aad for more than SO years they fought life's haulm together. About Id yean ago Mr. Trees wood died, aud a few yean ago Mr. McDowell's life partner died. The decree written Is Mood having rami away with the death of the objecting father, two heart* Umt yean ego had beaten so close together again turned lo seek other. Tbe love that buroed so brightly long ago was rekindled and ■ooe faulted Into flame. The lovers plighted their troth alreab. and bv agieemaat Mrs. Proas wood became Mrs. McDowell, 40 yean to g day from Urn date on wblcb tbe release was signed. The marriage occurred only a few day ago, and Mr. and Mrs. Mc Dowell, are living over agata the sweet, sweet days of old. W«U»» ariu la M—III. Moofuc Journal. Ttw ulecUoa hero last Thursday on the proposition for the town to Mil $30,000 worth of bonds for tlis porous* of putting la situ works, carried by a majority of 41 «f tbs registered voters. There were few votes east against it. The eommiatooaers will Uke prelimi nary steps towards the object in view at ones, we eoppoee. ■wvwtaey a* Stanley Crash. Uasnla JoumsL The residence of Mrs. Addle tie Luid, at titan ley Creek, wae broken Into Hatanday night. Some yoeng la dlae were aroused by the noise of a window belog raised and awoke a young urns sleeping in tbs hoose. Re arctad himself and Investigated. Tbs Ulcbeu had been raided sad suine provisions it. < I jo . but the burglars es cap'd before the young mao arrived on tbs scene. Wesr—Olegs sr as Seel sens. It was ruled that when contract for a public school la arede with a private •shoot the eommittoe shall be allowed to pay for only tbs lest ruction nqutred la the public schools, leaving arrange ment fur higher or different •Iodise 10 be agreed upon between the private school aad lu patrons. Beard extailoed aad and I led liie Treasurer's accounts and found the aches I fond balance on band to be PlttAOl Viullag of the schools by the super visor Is advtasd wbea onnvtnleot, bet It to not required. Aesounta for per diem aad mUaaaa ware audited to U>t amount of PPO.fc. Tired Mode ais I trad base are they bar# exhausted their strength. The only way for there to get strong to to •M p^Opif f#0>» Bm swtlag to wot all. Strength ootnes from food, after 4 toast too. 1)1 •■ttow is mod* easy with Shaker W gseUvo Cordial. 1‘sopte who art too tired, die. Ufa to strength, food Is the maker of strength. Toed to not food until H to dig.staff. TlfWd. pals, this, exhausted, sick •offerers from Indigestion, eon bp cored kf tho ««• of Maher Mfestive Uardtoi. II Stoll revive their spent snsrgiss, refresh and Invigorsit thorn, eras to h^reuregs. sod are wo* aad strength, tu digest re aid* aulure, sad this to Um beat *f II. It rIvm lasmsdiato raltof sad, with l^d'hy'AwSsu"~TrtoTboUto IP .Btoito Pores Ureare l.ialmect cere. OWCJTTT PA' ‘ The oommteeJoncr* bad a buay day of It last Monday. Otbar bealmm wa. light, bat there w»» a Mag pay roll ou head—eipenaa aconaata lor tba two btawteo* haying rotted la at this Tba mlnataa or tba laat regular Mat log mad af tba seating to count tba Tolas oo tba removal of ooort booae war* read and approved. AOOOinm AUDITS) AKD PAH). Alloereacas foe outside peupara were paid to tba amount of $964. J. &. Lewis, regtetrar and Judge $14.00 H. H. Kbyae. keeper of poor.... 18 IG C. 8. atowo, delivering ballot boxen. 7 00 O. F. Maaoo, legaladvtea. 1000 3. H. JeaklD*, ooualy physician 19 CO A. J. Martin, eleotlua Judge. . ip) U. K. Uuffstetter, registrar, ale 18 00 J. H. Huffs teller, •• •» 3 60 J. L. Hicks, registrar, ato. 9 00 W. D. Olaaa, registrar.ato. 13 00 W. A. Howell, siectloo Judge . 9 00 E. L. Vagram, Jr., registrar_ 7 00 J. A. Morns, registrar. 7 00 a J. Black, “ . 7 00 Cl A. Kiser, •* . 17 00 C M. Hoffman, Judge,. 9 00 >'. W. Thompson, registrar. 0 On J. M. Vclntoeh. tleb oom*r...., 8 00 J. M. McIntosh, repairing bridge at Vagram’s. 9 71 M. A. Moors, medicine for poor uid jell. 3 70 T. C. Vagram, rtectloo judge... 1 30 3. L. Hoffman, regtetrar.. 7 SO B. L. Underwood, judge and rasswugsr. 4 90 J. J. White, registrar. a 96 & 8. Maucey, election Judge... 9 7U W. H. Costner. '* *• ... 100 J. D. Began. Judge, messenger. 17 HO C. P. Uneberger, repairs at county bosk*. 1 00 A. C. Stroup, registrar. 17 70 A. U. Stroup, J. P. exam, luoa Uo. 1 00 Q. M. Armstrong. Judge ete. 3 86 T. L. Alileon, Judge eta. 2 85 C. C. Cornwell, exam, persons for State Hospital. 5 00 Dr. F. Boblneoc, exeat, lunatic 2 00 B. M. Gsstoo, J. P. oxen, lu natic.. 1 00 Dr. W. W. Davie, exam, lunatic 9 00 J. M. Sloan, exam, lunauc 100 W. A. Deeper, Judge etc.. 2 00 A. J. Baokln, Judge. 2 00 J. W. Armstrong. reglatrar_ 3 00 J. II. Sloan, rnglslrsr. 3 00 H. & Ada—, serving road orders. 7 90 W. C. Abernathy. Judge, etc... 100 S. J. Skidmore,. 3 90 Cicero Harris, Judge, etc. 1 00 M. H. Pride, pnbltefclng dotiose Of election*,. 8 00 M. H. Pride, Judge e messenger 4 00 W. M. Bell. Judge, etc. 100 Battle W hetetlne, pauper, allowed to go to oonoty borne. Petition for a public road lend log from Tom Clark'I on the Tuokaseege Pord road croeelng the lauds of Waalay Stroup, Jacob Plonk, Jacob Friday, crowing Vratal Ford read, and follow ing Ike present road on the lend* of Jeoe Coetner and Harden Manufactur ing Company's end Intersect with patdle road at Harden Factory, Its offered.) J. B. Posit, la hereby appointed to go to Mt. Holly sod — about oon tract lug for repairing bridge over Dutch man's creek. an. i>arpeaior II macouuaaea at agent of Lawson Reynold*, a pauper. T. B. Leohardt la appoluted lost rad. Petition for public road from Clorar aod Gaatonla road to Betaetorr City la rteelrtd aod Sled, aod proper uotieea ordered to be potted. G. A. Patrick appointed to examine Petty bridge and report at next meet ing. J. R. Lawia, A Co., supplies 8 for i-oor. 38 00 W. T. Love, sheriff, Jail feet .. 137.01 B G. Daria, building bridge orw Little Bearer Dam.... la SO J. A. Hate, judge o.' election.. LOO J. J. Ormond, clerk, register, sod stationery. *7 31 J. J. Urmaad, computing tax llet.;.T.. 434 0# B. L. Gannon, icgfslrar. S 83 J. C. Hamlatt,election Judge.. 4 60 J. W. Hill, •• “ .. 3 5# A. J. Smith, registrar. 3 00 T. H. Ford, election lodge ... I 00 T. B. Leohardt, registrar. 7 00 i. W. Abernathy, •* 8 00 J. T. Octet, coroner, inquest brsr body of Thomas Collins 18 75 B. L. Half*t*tlrr, election JMg 1 00 1* G. liatbey, registrar. 5 00 A. G. GaoU, •• . 8 00 ». I* Beam,election Judge.... 3 60 J. B. Honeer,eleetloii Judge.. 1 00 l» II. J. Houser, exam, lunatic and registrar. .ICO £. L. JfeOInnas, serving r-w»l Oaten and elution Jodar. • • 7 Ai H. If. Berks, elect I od Judge . 3 7u Fred Carpenter. “ 3 00 W. 8. Carpenter, reglrtrar and Judge. 7 40 C. 8. Carpenter, eieotlon Judge 3 40 W. G. Hulled ga, •• 1 00 H. F. For bn, - •• 100 fonu Paeour. regtatrar. (100 M. B. Peterson, election judge 3 90 L. P. Buiwg, regtetrar. .. 5 00 G. H. newline, election Judge. I 00 L. Ad nr bold t, regtatrar, eta 15 90 B. H. Hoffstetler, wring rood orders.’. 10 HO i. H. Tltuian, registrar. fl 00 H. B. Peterson serving road orders.. 0 00 JV X. Wbitsaidoe, elect loo J’dg 3 *> ». W. Boweoso, regtatrar— 9 00 /. o, Torrence, aleetloD Judge I 00 G. H. Darta, dark * stationery 47 00 H. 8. Baker, election Jedjfe... 18 00 iVjzars:sum *“ •tbool aleeUee and ne«lee to ^^^^ikmlelliKttoe Judge *9 00 ":&&£? "■W"':::::: iS B. A. Wfeit# eommteetooer. ,. 18 00 0. PeeU, - ... WOO B. B. Summer. eteetioa Jedgs. 1 00 U M. Ho55ih uke 5®*tks from date eo neoeeat *»oe®. otnno CeasMustlon of petition for Drhlgo eee» UsUwba crate on tbs Oemtoulo and Rdek HIU road I# postponed. Report of A. K. Lomi , tamrlF. re stared, ^ostppud, god ordered to be w*«r Bead Is deetarod s pauper •re fern or ed etuife peepers at# a# l«v»d Id oo per quarter F. P. Hall. ^Attanry Cherry ftayatmnod^a^aa 0, heU, not to be toll eared. Bcport of ootnoalttee to examine taesaurer’a book* ie aooapted ami or dered to ha recorded. W. T. Loee, Sheriff, t* lostruoted to bare grand-juw room whitewashed and chased ap In general and to repair archway am court-bouse entrance. Jacob Bbom, outside pauper, li dtc oonttaued aa au outside pauper and al lowed to go to the ooanty home. ikWa iriaa Mr. Hint nat liotxjk killed two ratlb aoakee Dear Wade Till* that be utya would have Oiled » balf boabel. One bad 14 rallies; tbe other era* larger, bat 11* rattle* had been broken off.— Troy TVpax. The Interior of Uts A. B. F. oburob building la nearing completion, Tbe brlok work Is nearly finished and the roof Is now using nut on. Tbe »ya ■artry end beauty of the clunch Is very •eldest from the part ao nearly fin Is bed.—Kook Bill Htrnhl Only a few persona, some of Ihem from the country, gathered at tbe court-house Friday to ••* Um Wash ington aroblteot’s plans foe the Im provement of the ooorv house. The meeting decided ngalnet the proposed Improvement, -dtateaellle Lnedmarfc. C. U Uwyu w-s out bunting one Burning last week and shot at a sqnlr rvl In n bkkury tree. When It fell anolber on* fell twenty yards distant with jnet one abut through its I Mart. Mr. llwjn didn’t tec the eeoood ujulr rvl but It happened to be lo lioe and got shot tltrough lie heart.—Dkln W “Our blood." remark* a New Eng land microbial, "awarms wtlh min ute, living creatures, swimming Ilk* Babes In tit# ass, and oar brain* and muscles ar* as full of Umb si an old (Hess* la of mltss.” Wa always tliought there was something tbs matter with those people.—Wild lug ton filar. At Vrsnkllntnn yesterday morning. Rev. Mr. Dsvlx, pastor of tbs U. E. chureh, was strloksa with paralysis a moment after kt bad pronoaaoed lb* benrdloltou. He said when he began the sermon that lie felt strangely. He eas move a Toot sod arm but csunot speak. He it one armed and a war veteran.—Raleigh Cor. Wilmington ifruntgtr. The dsaghter of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Wright, near Olbaonvlll*. In this oouuly, a yoaug lady nf perhaps fifteen or sixteen years, will never come to want If energy and industry count for anything. This summer and spring »t>e sold 166 dossn egg* at good urices. while lb* entire family liad all they wanted. Detides this soine 500 or 000 young chickens wese halclied out. n large nuiulwr of which were sold on this market—Green boro IitoorJ. The tinea ami Obssrrsr says the firm of Edwards fib Broughton are con templating purchasing typesetting machine* to nte in their prUting es tablishment. Mr. C. U. Edwards has gun* north to examine diasrsot ma chine* to Qod lb* kind best adsptsd to their work. They bare round that lbs machines haye become a necessity Id their buslntes. but they Have lutd some difficulty lu Qodlng the kind adapted to their srork. which Is largely upon books. Mr. Edwards Is now examin ing machines la Philadelphia and oth allies to discover whloii kind will | suit lest. Cspt. C. U. Denson, of Kaleigh, who bad been elected as principal of the high Softool here and liad accepted and advertised to opan school lb* first Mon day In September. write* tlie secretary snd treasurer of oar town this day that h« will cot come, be basing ac cepted a position tendered bln by a New York Insurance company. After this Batter had gone thus far sod at tills lata hoar, tome nf our good peo ple are veiy much surprised sod won der how soma things do liappso any way. We bass a splendid building, uud aa Queuing It btre for tbs right man -King’s Mtn. Cor. Charlotte News. It will tie ltd qbwi to Durham to know Utal Ur*. J. J). Sutcliffe, tie* Mlaa Albert* Newton, daughter of the late Rev. C. C. Newton, Ib dead. Mr*. Sutcltffo died in Lagoa, Africa, on July Id. luaCs of the fatal African fever. Mr. Newton waa paitor of the Seoood iuptiat church In tbit city when the church «u Bril organised. Later ire and his family went is mis sioimrl-x to far off Africa aorl Mr*. Newton waa tlie first to pasa over tba liver of death. After Hurt Mr New ton caught tin- tarribie fever and died. Mlaa Alb rta naarrlad Rev. J. D. Sut ellffa and hna since that lime been laboring with him.—Durham Herald. Mlaa A mi la Allen, who, a couple of weeks »gt> waa bUien liy a pilot snake at Flat ltnck. la just recovering from the effects of lb" bite. She waa In her yard Sunday mom leg and mi return ing to the bouts discovered t>*t site had hern within a f-a»t of a pilot and didn’t are it. This morning yoor cor respondent saw Miss Allen on her front stop* and was Making "hoot the Sunday’s expartence, when to bar hor ror alat discovered anoltier pilot right atherlMwis. It M dead Mlaa Allen says aha doesn't expr-ol U* put Iter fool oelelda the house again.-Wadaahoro Cnr Charlotte Obmrerr. Sunday night of last week a colored woman who eooki for W. B. tiled** aenr Mapleville. Franklin county, ■■bed Mr. Stedgu for a watermelon, and there betag noon at the hones aba wa* told to go to the • patch" and bet one, to In company wit It snoUior colon d woman *h« (Urted for tha melon. Wlwn In Urn adga of the yard alie dlaeorervd Socos one trying to break Into tha smoke house and. leav ing Urn other woman, Hastened to llat hows* to Inform Mr. Siadga, who picked up hie gum and want out, and, aaalag something more la lh* adga of tb* yard, took It for tha thief and fired, killing the autored woman almost Instantly. Mr. Sledge realised hi* dreadful mistake and did all la hi* power for the an fort koala woman, bet to an avail. Ha willingly defrayed all the burls) expense*, and than Cave wtAtk urn. The oM court-house property ta ClHtriotUbw IjeaeoM tTlfr.1. R Krlnga for 815,900. Architect Mllburo of Charlotte, hu e guarantaed nork and do It whan you want M. at ptleaa platak lust aa well at my work, at Mnuar obi stand. R. C. WARRISN. This is the Man' ««0 UVMTOB J.8^ Ml JUST IN. Tb* flneot arxl Boat oorapUtr (Inn <,( Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles and Musical Goods •ror brought to Oiutoola. BroyMtful'r. TORRENCE, JEwm.au ako OmcAX. this For Yon, Read It. Tou uj you are "Hurd on Shoea?" True, In some Instances, bat morw frequently the Unit U in the shoe. See that the sh-*e la well made sad of good material. That the Inner soles, taps aod counters are eoild leather. This Insurra *ood wear, and wtU not turn cranky when worn in rain. Do not pay $].$5 for a <1.00 shoe, oor lil.UO for a <1.90 shoe, uur $3.00 for a $3.00 shoe, for you will still think you are "Hard on Shoes." Hut buy with a guarantee—that the shoe Is tight- that the pries ia right. We carry a complete line of Gent's, Ladies’, Misers, and Ctilklrau'a alines, in all grades, all prloea, a ad all the leading atylea. Caa please all—even the mowt fastidious. Wo buy with a guarantee —we sell with a gotxanlea VOLT HUN NO RISK. If after fair trial our alines do not give satisfaction return them to ua. we will repair them, furnish aoottier pair, or. refund your money. See our styles, buy from ua aod be convinced that you are NOT "Used on Shoes." Very respectfully, Cline and Cornelius. Gastonia. Aug. li, lHfl7. Notice t tSflgagaaas aasMswK'wa _ SALEM mee* ia asa^jawiiia OoUf*» lMin»eiloa. T cloounon, Unfuiun*, •£»*• Htodlcs. Instill Tfco Btrtiltr kK “ torn* to Bi __ =*>*«.. Worth C«wiM.l~~ Land Sale. Turkey and G Turkey Manii to have gotten the botUr of Qtmou In the recent war i BolUn U much elated over Ml triumph. kl>c Bat the Point lhll should Interact housekeepers !■ net how to pet the better of Om.. . . "E3T 0B*A8B, Tor their breed endT?*^ KlnffAii'H Lard ptoew universal tattifaction to ell who dm It, end If YOU hero oat i»i_a ihoold eend up «e order and let ua aapply you. »» trion u, vow Uae “Boiler Kin*” or ••Jrlltoo” floor, Klnpau’a ILama —>v~i _,lh ban's Lord, end yon will bo as happy as the Batten la over hto victory ** Kl"*‘ Voura, etc, EDOAR DOVE Sc COMPANY. Advertising is The Light to Guide The Buyer to Your Store. If yon have no light a buyer may aonvetlmem ■tumble upon yoor place of boainem by accident If ymir light borne dimly, he may not me It ~ may fellow a brighter light. Pot an advertisement in Tn« Caz*tt* and how It la like a good light brightly burning