_The Gastonia DeTOtvd t© the Protootioti ot Hooit g=- - ■ -■ ■ ■- — . ——- r-rr^n Vo]. XVIII. Gastonia, N. c„ September 10, 1807. MAJOR JONES* COURTSHIP. By flajor Joseph Jones, of Pineville, Georgia. LETTISH VIU. Pixkyillb, Hot. A—To Mr. Tttompaon: IXsar Sir— Sana* I writ you that last letter we'ye all been a* buey u filler jackets In a oottos Moe too, morm' over to town It «ugl no great ways to haul things, but than you Itdow il*a slch a plagy Job. I never thought ther was so mnoh plun der about our house till we oome to more. Hut It's Jaet so every year. Mother’s always got room old walkin' tuba, and fat-gourds and aplnuin’ wheeli. and quiltiu frames, and sleb fljtlns than would Oil Hoar’s ark, big a* It was: and ahe'i got to have Vm all moved, lock, stock and barrel, for ■ha ain’t on tho plantation This movin’ Into town -ovary winter and out la tbe summer la all a fool ootlon anyway, and I’m guiln right ste* of It, aad if It hadn’t been that the Stal linaet was gone to tnwo when I got book I blleve I *d coaxed tba old wo out of It this Urn*. “Well, now I’ye got a fair swing at Mias Mary, for ahe’a ao clone I can Jest call lu any time; but’twean you and toe. I’m afraid I’m gwioe to have noma trouble bout tbl* matter ylt. Thar’s a lot of fellrra soootln round her that I don’t moro’n half Ilka no bow. One chap’s jeat eoroe from lb* north, rigged out like a show monkey, with a Hide tag of hair baugln down under bla cliln Just like our old billy got, that’s a lartla too aroarl for this latitude, I think. lie’s got more brass la his faoe than ther la Id mother's preeervtn kittle, and more gab than Mr. Montgomery and our preacher to gether. He’s a music teacher and I don’t kaow what all, aad makes him ■all Jest aa poplar bout town as If lin'd lived bare all bla life. All the Iowa galls la gwioe to take laaaons from him on Use planer, 'eept Mias Mary, aad old Mias htalline am aha ain’t gwioe to the expense of buylo a planer lbaas hard tiroes, no how. She sea she's gwioe to laru her gall* to make good housekeepers and good wife*. and when they git married. If ther hus bands like roustek, tbay can buy alcb things for ’am If tbar're a mind to. “Yea, madsm, but though, you know”—sea tbe 1 nape root cuss, (he very Brat time be wua lotardueed Into the bouaa by cousin Pete, who Is just a* thick with him as two fool* could be—“you know ’oompliehmeola la tba bast riches a young lady can hsvs— 'eompUebmeota last for ever, but rich es don’t.'” “Bat nobody can’t live on ’oomplUh menU,” « old Mias 8lallloa, “cot tbese times ib»y w’t” “Yea, bat Miss 8tnllln«,” ees be. “yon’s riab snoegb to give your ball ful daughters every gratification la the wurld. Now you hadn’t ought to be ao stingy with atcli ohermln daughter* as you’ve got.’’ Wall, cun your i cape recce, thought I, for a stranger, right afore tber teem too; and I never wanted to settle my foot agin the seat of a fellrr’s irownra so bad afore lu my life. Old Mlm 8 tall Ins didn't say muoh, I waa lettin pretty near Miss Mary, and whea he begun to run on so, 1 sot In talkln with her, so she couldn't bear tbe dratted fool, bat tbe fast thing I ksowed Mr. Crotchet come sod sot right down beMreen us. “Don’t you think we can ’■wade tbe old woman Into It. Mlsa Mery, If we lay our heads together." 1 gin Mary a look as much at to nr, I think ha’s In a mighty grate harry to lay your heda together; bat the jeat ■mlled, and put her baoksroher up to her faee and aed she didn’t know. "I say, Jones.” era he. “woo’t von be a spoke In my wheel, old feller? I'm dyln in love wltb this butlful young lady, aud I can’t bear to eat her opportunities negteoted.” I looked at tbe teller rite In the face, and I )eet had It on Urn eend of my longue to tell him cum his Insurance. But Mlsa Mary was tbar and her moth er, and I tried to torn it oft the best way I could, without lettin my temper rise. "1 MM no wagoncnaanr. i^rovcnn, ■an T, “but I've eot a nigger feller that kin nut a apoke In your wheel mighty quick, if tbat’a all you want." Mien Mary crammed her handker eher In bar month. “Ob," sea be, “you don’t take—you don’t taka, Jane*; I mean, can’t yna help me to oourt Min Mary, here, and her mother." I begun to f«el aort ’o warm behind (be earn, but I thought I’d Jeet give him a aort of a hint. "I reckon you won’t need on help," aea I, “yea teem to git along pretty (eat for a at ranger.” "I think no, too Joaopb," aed old Mine Stalllna. “Then you will glva your ooneent. I fnp##_ UNM&AtB?” Ml b*. I didn't breathe for more’a » mlutt, and triad to look at ’am all three at lb# MM# llflM* “What, air," axrd the old woman, open 1u bar ey*e aa wide aa aha could aad drapto her ball of nlttln yarn oo the floor at the lame Una “You'D buy one, won’t you?" " Wbawt" aea I, right nut loud, for I felt an relieved. Mian Mary laughed more’a I evtr heard her afore In oompeuy. "That*e what I won’t," ana old Mlm Stall laa. Jerkin at tlio ball till the like to oo winded It all, tryla to puD It to her, "net throe Umea, I’ll aeahorn you, Mr." 1 lumped op end get the ball nod wound all the yam oo It and handed It to her. “Thank you, Joaeph,” we ahe, “tkaok yen. my eon.’’ 1 kind a’ oieared my Ihrate, and my face bn rat like Are when *he raid that. “Ok, yeal" tea he. look In round to mo, “l eae how the wli>d Mow*. Jonaa, bat you might aa wall give up the •ham, for 1 don’t think yea eaa ahiue. I’m amnion mmlf. Wlmt toy jroo. Mlm Mary? The Major kata’t gat 10 ‘^SSTboT fE," eald Mlaa Mary ''DODO Al All.M I tried to my enmathtog. but 1 could* *t (It a wool In adgawaya, aad •very time I looked at Mlaa Mary the heplaughln. “Thar ain’t no mortgage on narry nig (•< nor foot of gronad thank Uia I/wd, three bard Hams," aad lb* aid woman. She drai-pln to along, and didn't know what aba waa talktn about. It waa Saturday night and time to go—but I waao't gwlne till CrotcbnU wont, and bo didn’t mam Ilka he waa gwiaa at all. “Wondar what time It la?" ted Mlaa Mar*. “Ob, taint late,” are lie. li ther gwloa In be any praaebla here lo cum row?" “Vra, air,” are Mlaa Mary. “Are you gwiaa?" egad Crete halt. MI Mirra mother intend* to go." "Very glad," are he, "I’ll be vary mich obliged to attend mu." “Mother 1* gwlne, l bllere." "Hut won’t you go too—I'm certain to oome of ter yoa—oome, you must •ay-’’ “ICO moat ten," am I, but be didn’t pay no tantlon to that. "Shall I bare the pleasure, Mlaa-’’ "K*a tea o'clock," are I, again, “and I’m • gwloa"—and I looked at tbe feller and then ebook my bead at kllse Mary. “I’ll call for you, Mies Mary," sed Crotcbeu, pickin’ up his hat. Mlm Mary didn't say nothin, but kind o' smiled. 1 thought. "Good ereein, Mlai Mary," ma I. “—That I won’t, uot there luted times’’—are old Miss Stalllos, jest wakln up. "Good evenln, ladles,”aesCroUbett. Well, next moruln, don't you thlok Mies Mary went to meat In with that imparent cum, and I had to Uka old MtaaStallln* and Mlm Cerline, aad Cousin l’ata lack Mlm Kaalab. Thar be waa. shore enough, end nobody oouldnt git to my a word to Mlaa Ma ry, and before the galls was out of tbe dor* be bad her arm ia bit. 1 carer felt jest zactty so cheep afore In my life, to aee that Journeyman Add Ur, what nobody didn’t know nothin about walkio with Mlaa Mery to church, and stick In hU big carroty wit taken right down under bar bonnet and Utkin to bar and grinnln Uka a baked possum. And what made ma feel worm, waa. ■he seemed to take It all r> mighty One. Mlaa Carilua are I musn’t mind It. cause Mlaa Mary couldn’t help herself. Bet I mean to Hod oat all about It. and If rtie la big enough fool to be rttU't .t’on'i for ther aiot oothlu in creation I bates wora'a a coquet. Mo more from Your frieud. till death. Jo* Joks*. P. 8.—I don’t want yon to think I’m Jealous, caui l mint, not by no mean*. I don’t uctly Ilk* the ’pearaoc* of tbinga—but I hint Jealous of Orockatt. Only ir Mlaa Mary tflaSlIca gore to meet In any more with him, ibe don’t never go tbar with Joseph Jonas— that’s all. LETTER IX. Pinevili*, November 33 To Ur. 'i'homptoD: Deer Sir—If I didn’t bav* lots* reel fait rate oewt to tell you. I don't believe I couUl dad time to write now. L'ra eo mooitrooi biey. It'e e bog-killiu time now, yoa know, end the way we la Into the bog* nteet lo Plnevltte la 'maaln. U tee cm to me that I balnt aead nothin but huge and balnt beard nothin but rqoealio. for more'ii a week, and I know 1 balnt rat nothin bat baek-bune rod turnip*, and apare-ribe, and aaaalngare and craokliD-bread ever lenae the klUln ooomtnced. Rut U for tbat part of It. I wouldn’t care if bog-killta time laated all the year. I go for hog inert myeelf any way It caubeflxed, notwlihetaadln old nlok wa« turned Into ’em onoe, and eat a whole grng of ’em rnnnln down tb* altep bill Into the tea, whar they got drowned in the water. CHd Mloa Stall 1m ■** it’i all a fact, and I don’t never ear* about giitln Into a argyment with her; but lhar’a owe thing I’m certain of—If tb* old feller did git into tb* bog* then, be didn’t epfle the meat Bat that’* not the pint. I want tn veil JUU WUV IW«b IIIAni HIKVW1I X writ to you ubo.lt last time. You know I told you I Ain’t aaetly know how the omt wu gwln* to Jump then. Well, tber'e been u dreadful climax amony Uio call* lu Ploerille mum my last letter. Thing* ha* toroed out Jest as 1 steeled only n grain deal more eo They couldn’t went more to my Ilk to If they’d tried. That chap Crotehett. whet I told you about, had all the galls la town erasy round him. In no time, and I do believe tbey tried to see which could get the moot ’tontlon oat of him. The war lbe feller did thin* for about a waak bent any thing that was ever aeed In Pmevlll*} ha waa calllo aod US In taa bare, and dinner tkar and rtdln out with thla young lady and walkln out and permloadln, a* be called It, with that one, Jeat at If ha wee cousin or uncle, or torn* near kin to 'em *11. Well, Mkee Mary oome In for her sJtare, and 1 do Idle re the oneerd fool—It make* m* sc mad when 1 think of It—I ilo bleive be had a no tion of marrying her; and what wa* a dratted eight wore*, the seemed to be bout *« will In aa he wie. He erd his kin ww all monetrou* tick, and owned oome mighty grate waterpower* In the Jeraeys. He Uld old Hies duUlos that he ]**t oome oat south to spend the winter, for bit health, aud be would Ilk* to 'etonleh hi# people by takln a butlful wife to Mew York with bin la tb* iprlng. He skowad the eld womso two or three m*p« of tena derlag big town* Uiat wao all »" hie father’* la ad toe* we* named Crttobet villa, and bad the greueat watertower* In It la the world, be eed. 'cep* Niaga ra Pal la, whloh be lowed waa herd lo beet. But old Hie* Kutlln* waon't to betook In eoenev, and ahegt* her talk a good Ulkln to right afore me, about the way lhay was Ulevla everything be told 'MU, “A track of lead.” tea she. “la worth CBora’n a buthel basket full of i*oh pteter paper*—and Bind what I «W gaUa, an alat gold aa glitter,. I heist lived ay Um for nothin, aad I dent blleve la thaw* Jarsay water powara. Whar upon yeath la Jersey, anyhow T” see alte. "Why, Bnllivr. Jaraey’x to Ilia North," std Hlaa Mary. "Hath, child.” aao the old woman, “your bead1, tall of nothin but Crotch etta, and water-power*, and iha North Md deb DoojHua. I tell you I doa’t bnetu la ’em." "Thar alat no uaa of gltUn nud at tba gentleman, Botbar—1'* aura be'* vary polite too, alt," aad Mlu Mary. ‘TblUeeem slot every thing, my child and ’peers nosa alat every thing aotbvr. 1 don’t btieve In these out laodiah peopir, not till I know ’an Rood. If they*, so nooatroaa well off, and aieh big thloga whar they eome from, what’, the raaaua they don’t stay thar and not be elwaya treveUlo •boot for the* health, and try in to marry ovary gall wbal’a got a llttls property. Nobody that’s say aoooaat don’t aavar go to the north to git mar ried, bat whenever anybody glu found out la tom of their meanness. tbvy’re shore to go to Texas or some whar cite for tber health." my MotlmenU, think* L but I didn't lay a won). ~Wby, toolbar," aaa Min Mary, "anybody naa tea Mr. Ootebctt’a a gentleman or icflaocMat and educa tion." Ul« Koalah and Hla Cirllne leap looklo'at ma and lban at ooaanolbrr and amlllu’; bat Mia* Mary looked aa •ortea* aa a judge. Old Ml** SuUlna wa* j*at gw In* to ■peak, wbeu rap, rap, weal aooMbody At tb« dors. "TharlUiat pUgy Crotahett, I’ll lay my life,’* m the. Ml*a Mary raa to the dors aa quick li ibe could. "Ah, ba I Uood eranln’. Ml* Sul line—lad to*, good araolo’, Ah. bow are you. Joao*—bare again, efa ?" 1 felt my dander ruin’ when the im potent cut went end tuck a seat along aide o( Ml** Mary, and the begun to aalle and talk with him aa gloatin' a* could be. 1 k no wad It wouldn’t do (or mo to euy ther, *o 1 jeet took my bat and weat borne. "Good evenic', Jonee," aaa be. 1 wa* in aa aea of cumin' him back. •Oh. don't go. Majar," w< Mlm Mery, don't go yrt, Majer.” IJeat*eld. "Good cranin', ladle#,” without looklu’ et aoyooe lu pertiekrl mr. and put out. Well, the nett taoroiu’ t went oat to U>o plantation to tend to Ike bog killin’, and I we* jeet mad eooagh to ill1 all day, aud a* to Mary Stall In*. I didn’t hardly know wbat l« think— •omiUmee I felt eort o' mad at bar, but Ibeo agin ( couldn't. The (act U, it aiot *ich a caar thing to (**i mad at a right pretty gall, aod tbe mom a man feel* mad at 'em. lb* more l>e’a apt to (ml eorry, too. I toll yon wbat, I we* In aiUw. I didn’t know what to do. U waa after dark whan f gat buaaa, and whoa t gat thar, all PloerlUe waa lo a bat—everybody waa talkin’ about Crotcbatt. Moms said be waa a biga my, aod some aald be was a thief sod I don’t know wbet all. C >me to tod oat about It, what do you tblak f HU name wasn’t Crotcbatt, but Jaak son. alias Brawn, aad be waa aa more a nwale-tcaoher than 1 waa, bat a dan dy barber, what bad atoU aoaoabody'i pocketbook with a heap of cacaay, la New York, and tben ran away, aod left bu wife aod two ebUdren, to keep from being sent to the ding ttuag Pea etentlory. He Wit gone, and nobody couldn’t tell wkar, and tbo aaoa what come after Ulm. steak ap mom aotlaaa at vhe tavern ai d lbe poet oOor, of ferin’ “100 reward I” far anybody to ketcb bin. Cousin ret# lowed be kaowed be wasn't ao grata abakoe all thetlma, aad was taskin' wore oolse then any body else a boot swine after him to ketoh him; aod all the fetters that waa try In’ to git tato Hr. OrutobsU’s good grsoea, waa tell to’ bow they »pa«Ud some thing, aod bow tkoy bod (her eyaa oo him—they waa lookin' oat for blot, and all that. But Creteh«U wee no*, aad tbat’e whet tuek my eye. I didn’t cere a tinker * OHM wbo ba wee. BN Vb«0 he wee gone la—ha oooWU’t ahine ’bout Ml* Mery ao mom. with kla Mg wblaken and bta water pewera la the Jinejrt, aad that’* all I oared Her. I don't know when 1 felt eo good—not •mat I want after grepae. and i bad to go and "ikln lbe eat” Ilka a fool, aad tkloQcd ay mom to oadaelaaely. 1 Jeet took oaeof the admctlwaiute end writ eo It, “Iblo te a BMP of Mr. Crate belt** weler-piweee at the norUi, for Mia Mary Bulllne,” aad amt It to her by one or the little nlggere. When the rmd It (bo laughed right out, nod mi alia Jut dooeaoto try ao. Bley bo aha did-bot lt*e ay tern to try bar now, end I'm 'termined to de It. Ill let Mia Mary Sulllee know that I’m get a little ipuak, too, and I’M lea hot aea that I own be ea Independent ee aha ou. Boa’t you think It wonM be a good plan, ir I don't carry the Jake too far k III tell you bow K work* In my next. Xo mom from Your friend, till doetb. Jut Joan. P. 8.—I’m Jut liawTd that U>o tell* a got It all omr town iktt Mlaa Mary waa gw to* to marry Cratahatt, aad the way aba la mod about it la Marmla.' “Lord koowe,’’ alia are, “ehe didn't newer think of *l«h e thing.” Aad old Mlaa SulUa* uema Ilka aHio’d ham the bldrafoby or meaapotu about tt. 8ho are ehe’a twine to keap a tighter rafa on her pill* after thit—and if glrla' 'oompllehmeau la gwlne to aeeke ’am take up with amry dandy barber what no met ’beat towa, the* wont got ao aura wjiWge lernla’—that they wool I tell you what, the klghdiom theft been try to’ la ho ariatookreay boo bawled la tber* home aooaldermble ■wet OrotoheUeet out. If the fader *• «•(• don’t burn, then Utor ain’t bo truth In old fayin'!. LETTER X. _ „ I’lnevtUe, DmoUr I. To Mr. Thompson: Daar Sir—I do I reliever last wash waa tha longest one aver waa. It seemed to me that the exist re* of the world wanted (remain' or to me thing or other wai oat of Ox, for It didn’t team to tarn raaad half so fast ag It used to. Tha dan waa aa long aa Ilia weeks ought to be. and tba otghta hadn’t no rod to 'am. Somehow or othor, I couldn’t alaep o* nights, nor eat nothin,’ and I doa’t know what upon raaUi waa tl*e matter with ma, Vbout it waa tha dlapopay, which, yon know, makra people nave mighty low apeiits. Cousin Pots thought ha wat tnon atruua smart, and went *11 around town and told everybody that my eymptom* wu rrry bad, and aad lie was gwloe to put a strengthenin' plas ter, made out of Rummy pilch, ou ®7 braaat, to keep- my heart from breakln.’ I know wbat b* thought, but If be • posed I waa gwine to make a fool of myself 'boot Mary Stalling, lie's eat as muoli mistakes as ha waa when J# took tha showman fnrTom Peters, from Ciacker’* Seek. I did feel son of vrx*d about the way she Vuok up with that 'bomloable soaundrel Crot ehau, that’* a fact; hat than the eras eo disappointed wkan be turned out to be a ruuaway barker that I couldn’t help fee Ho sorry for her. too. It’s a monstrous curious foelia wbea any body tries to hate somebody that they can't help I Ik In. Tha more on* tries to spite Von the worse he feels himself. But i was termloed to hold out, and If abe hadn't coma to, I-I-Well, the fact is I don’t know what t ehould a’done, for it waa inonitrouj tryln. you may depeod. Rot It'* all over sow, and everything U jest *a straight as a Oahhook. Old mlaa Stall ins was over to our house to take taa long of mother, one even lo lest week, nhe and mother talked It all over about CrotcheUaud Mis* Mary to themselves, aod wbea I waul In see her home, eh* didn’t Ulk of nothin alee all the way. "BomluaLtou taka the rvloh,” ms the old woman, “to run away from hi* wife and eblldreu, the Odlln wags bone, aod coma out here trying to ruluat* some pore Inuoceirt gall by merryln her, when be’e got a wife to home ! Us ought to be sent to the penitentiary for life, ao he ought |» “Zaetly ao. Mfm Btaliln,” see t; ’but he waa mighty poplar ’moug’ tba gall*. Some of Via wh* almost era** after him.” “I kaow they was. Joseph, I kuow was; and now they weat to tain it all •• *7 pore daughter, Mary, when, I'tw* knywL the okild couldn't bear ***** x ra, toal.fl’Vkr PMlltaoeas.” churob with Mm, you know, aod he Was to your house every night wheti I •res tbar, talkln to bar.” “That waa only for perUtaoeia, Joseph. That'a what eh* larat dowo to the Female College." pee she. “If a gentleman coma* to tea a lady, ike mast b* perlite to him, whoever he Cm* atoll perllteoea at Uiat, think* “And It uiat no matter If the do tplaoa him off tko faeo of Urn Tenth, •be mutt talk aed tall* U him Jeat Ilka aha liked hi a ever to mueh." “Bet Mlaa Mary looked Ilka aha tbo««fat a beep of CreteheU," tue I. “It wue ell dtoato aed perllten***.” tee the. “Thatfe the way with the fell* now-a-diyt, Joeaph, eed yon muato't mind ’em. H didn’t one to be eo when I end your mother wee galte. I’ll warrant eo Oroehettt didn’t oome boot ee If we dMat like lUar company, aed w* bad to know eU about ’em for* we kap ceotpeay wltk anybody." ‘•It eia’t eo now, though, Mb* tftel lleu,” eee I—end I bUeve 1 eert o’ drawed e look breath—“It »* very different eow. If a ebapoaly oome* from the North, or tome pUoo away oat of onmebaa. and It gut e ereo of heir eed wbtakerl that would make e teddlt ptd. eed rngote eoat dlffereel from everybody ala, and e theedvrkn grata big gold chain reend hla oeok, no matter If bo tUle 'em, be'* the popteraet erne moeg the led ye, aed oM eogeeioteoeea, whew been railed right along aide of ’em, don’t etaod no eort ehaoee.’’ “Hat all tba galla alai to, Joaapit b; galla haan’t no slab fool doUuoi la Uwr hada, III aaabara yao By this i law wa waa rlgl* ap to tba “Caaoa la, Jaaaph." aaa aba. “Mo, Uwok you, Mlaa UtalllM, • aaa I. "I oUaro I'll go hpma." “Oh, eoaaa la, ablM, and aat a wblta with tba (Mis-dhay’i pallin’ laaaaa aaody In Uw parlor." t waa klaiof baMlaUa.' whoa 1 board Mira Mary* vMaaaay: “Jfarar mlod, mothar. I apoaa ba*B mud at mo.” 1 onuldo’t ataad that, no mora’a a Co Mump ooatd ataad a a lap of than . 1 bod o’! board that rotaa for moro'a a waok. and U did aawnd aa aotloin.* It awda ma ffal aort at tram My all arar. My Horn fall rad aa a pappar-pod. aad mj Mia karat Ilka tbay waa frootMt. Whoa I wtal Into Uw roam, Mha Mary tanwd nwod wltb aaa of tka wlablaaat amOaa, with bar balr all IWBa’ arar bar raayahaaki. lookin' iwaatac tbaa tka laaaaa Wady wbat aba had M bar baad, aad raid: “Art yon arad at m. Major V' 1 oaoar wan at took a* abaah—my Ik rata fall Ilka I’d awmltarad a baadla of foddar, aad I aoaMa t aprak to aara ma. I don’t kaow wbat waaM took olaen If It hadn’t baan for old Mlaa "Ob .bo, Juaapb ain’t mad wttb yaa. akUd. Thar aorar waa a paml ’twaaa Uw Ktalllaoaa and Joanna, konay. and wa’ra Hand iwlfhhora tkaaa twanly ya»r» I” “Wbat mada yaa think I waa mad wHhyaa. Mlaa Maryr'aaa I. Tboo I kind a' atappad a UUIa aad alaarad ■ay tbrota. "Tan know 1 narar aaa Id ba mad with yon." “I thaagbt yaa waa." mo aka. “aaaaa yon didn’t aama to aao aaaay mow aaaaa that night that maaa aU Crat > ehatt waa ban.” Why* aha aaMUut, I do thJnhahe □okad tmaitmmtr th*a am aba did la Jw» Ilia, aad 1 aoelda’t Imva tba hanrt "T^jOf Haiti bar fatl had. lhH that all waa right agin aad eud* "I* «r » tod ta Inal her Jaat Mka aothlo* aaplaaaant had am happaord, wa raoaffaritio’by tha parlor In. aad tha gall* waa pallia' lama eaady. MUa Carlloa «*” m. UI .2 pan waa. 1 fait aa aoaav I didn’t thick about nothin’ bat Min Mary, *ft?. T“ J**10’ • «wte Mg pteoa. right aloaa to tar. “Tikaaomr, Malar.” an aha "aad gUH tew. awl m aria ™uta whta If* dona.” aad aba Mad a’ loohrd •Idewayi at am “Wall, 1 know HU ha might* iwaat,” aaa I. Jaat aa I waa gwtna to taka ep aocaaontof tfcadMh. "Taka oara, Majcr," aaa dka, "H'i dradfulbot. Whar'atbaapoon, UtoaF" •w aha, aa aha waa pollin' away aa bard aa aba coo'd at a giata big bright ropoof lmmaa. O. new mind the apron," aaa I. *“*1“ P?!? .“V fln**r' right Into tha almoat blttn' hot laaan— “Ugh'' wa I. aad I p«Had ’em oat qnlekor'n IlgbUla." "My hud I" an Mbm Moriah, “If tha Major ha bi't bo rut bla Hagan draad That laaan ia right ant of tha £•*11 *™w- nalot too gat no battar aaoae, Uloa F’’ • DHiuni uery warn a mils, and griadla lot teeth, and alingla my to gara; but I dial aa* aolhia loud. ••Wall. Mice Carlin* totem* bring some more from da kllcheu,” aaa th* CUMftf D Iff far “Ob, dear I*’ an Mist Mary, "I'm ao J®rtf• gw y<y fU maoh ob yoar Anger*, llajer V The Lears was ruanlag out of my eye* but I didn't want to let on, for fear It would make her feel bad. “Oh, no, not much. It alnt very bed." ae* I; and the fust thing I k no wad my trousers was ptestared all the cusasd stuff wbar I nibbed It off on tem.lt bo rot so at on'd bad. They mads old Clue git a basic of waur to wash tka lames off, sad old Mim Sullies got soma soft soap to draw Ui# Ore out. and after awhile 1 sot down with the galls to rat candy and talk abort Crotch ett. 1 XI you what, I bad tho game all my own way this Hits 1 Muted te Miss Mary that I was sort of afraid Crotchett woe gwlua to eat me out, and that I was a leatle Jealous at 8rst; aud she hinted to me that 1 ought to kuow’d bettor than .that, and that I oughtn’t to axpoot her to shew Imr feel lot for me no plainer than she had done before, and that th* only took * little notlee of Crotchet, Jest to try mo. to me If really I did think anything of ’■ 'Jay you won t, uagiu u) um uiy iw Ins. I never felt so full of talk batons the galls Id my life, and, I think In one or two more beau (I don’t mean Iba hot lasses). 1*11 be aids to come up to the pint. I know I’m Jest as good for old Miss Stallin'* oooaent as a Ibrlp te for a ginger cake; aud If Miss Man alnt foolln (yon know three galls te mighty uncertain) I think I wool ha vs no difficulty In brlngla all things round sa I want 'am. No mors from yoar friend, till death. Jot. Jowas. F. B—I wish you could oome down to ttoavllle to Urlsmas. I don’t think I will git married ao soon as that, but we're gwioe to have grand flower doles down here than. I tea got soma go biers ao fat that Urn feathers won’t hardly allot In tern of a warm day. Wo Vs gwlos to have one of ’em tor dinner, and lbs Stallioaas te all gwlae to take dinner with aa. My Anger* i* bettor, but they ts bomlnab)* tor* yet—eo you mast excuse bad spelllu and bad anrltla this lima (To be Oootiaued Next Thursday). TrMluiml «ra*f>. Mourn* JotirntO. On* of the of Hum, regent log pmett tbeboje • i LL Jurat, IVnMai*. First National Bank. or Gastonia, it. a State and County Depository, ookwokd buidtcu august l ims. 33b, jApMtlalMk, .... HQQQOmo Burplaa,.6,60000 DM4«ada paU rise* atfuiMlin, 8000000 i •>.- ■■ ’* iyV»* **, iks? ;.vse « I r. duiim. m m ****»— ■ I _ I ; | Hrlgbi »o—on, bat atof Ao otvOisiag Mmm of llw aahael will Usua be hteegbt Into eioee jexte paaitloo with tbefaro ley allul the daooe Italia, wbicfi levariahly Mk* the etrike of cold the world over. The raouR riioold lie of greet good hod ooe f?hM—.to the peeeo eod wetfere of the Klondike atitropolli. Mre. R. U. Howland of Non lru< daeo, for teerlr lftae H. K. a lea a of , Rootoo. la title MtetprWag TTinee dhe eeded for JMaeke on Ibo MU ia •toot, and wtO opaa n eebooj at 11aat Kin eltT. Mr*. Howland |* a graduate of Um Harvard Aanex I Bede! Iff.), ate to »t»n • w«» haabood, wtw baa not aoaM yaara la tlm work. Mr*. Howtaad la a war* that at pretest Ultra ara vary taw ahil flrvo, if may, at Jfewaoa City, ate bar first claasea will prnba*4y ba bearded tars, who will mlM tba opportunity to got a little "book lamia' ” daring Ilia long winter months, whan art Mag la IntDonlblff. Ir the bold of tha ataawar apoa wbloh the ptedky aeboolmanm sailed wise tba malarial for a achooihousn in Motions, all ready to art ap, wife a ptoper aapply of bosks, alette, wap* and stationery. Tba aohoat baud lag la ana air* of ad ♦specially for lie aaVIiwamtot. Tiara la a flat, aloplag roof, ao that tba (now can bo eaany tenW off. Tho win dowa art hhih abova tha ground. That to to provnot tho now from drifting ovar ibaa. Everything baa haaa m aVdarad that wUI ba eoodoctva to oon> fort. big wood^siovo wlH bo plnetejn will°to oa^ty on? door!*atentLfe will open Into a small maw, tbrongh wbloh a door wlM open lata tho nhoslroam. Tbl* part of tba bonding win ba aa arranged that on* door maat bo nlanad torora tba other aoa ba opanad. TMa wHl avoid aUdraaghto. Tha sobool will aom (0 pn pUa. Mr. Howtaad tor gold while Mia. Hnwtate tho yonng idea to Aaot Wlm Mr*. Ilowtate left am db*. _ font at tha Ann written __ nod rmnit of bnr i tba llttla rad i win bn awnltrd with an kg on export moot in ndnonUow. .Professional Cards. Wm, m. Lewis, —ATTORN BY-AT-LAW.— -9umu, v. c. W. H. HOFFMAN, —DXNTI87— •moiu, 0. a-osw imi nm -rir X a. A D AM*, U.U. M.M. MO, ■ D. Adams * Bud, PHYSICIANS AMD iJUBOBOX rt, )aiisf.iio»^»Orti>naow ROB'T. X. DURHAM, -LAW Y MB, A 0 MMX0VM. -ATTORSMT-AT-LAW •ASTons, K. C. Will sneUMlath* oo*rt» of OaoLaj F. G. WILSON, M. A, Outoolo, N. C. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. WOfltao at Totrcac*’* Drag 8ton. PS—IN. IS. Dra. Gleua & Coffey, W. H. WilBoa, M. D„ PHYSICIAN AND SUE&BOX. L. I. 1. D., iHMlltl AjMll. Doj Pfcooo IS _NIsMPNmM. J. M. Sloan, M.D.. PHYSICIAN AND S0MHON. DojPkocoM. NfcttfNMflS.

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