The Gastonia ____ to th* Protnotion m floina And tk* latiwost* ml Vol. XYIH. {JliJ'JMKSifcW Gastonia, N, C„ September 23, 1897. MAJOR JONES’ COURTSHIP. By riajor Joseph Jones, of Pinevllle, Georgia. LETTER XL rmzvrLLB, Dec. 90.—To Mr. Thompson: Dear Sir—It Mean out folkei always la lo a fuae. FI rat it was DOTln. then it wm* bogkllllo, and cow every thing la topav-lurvv ataklo ready foe Crlsmut. 1 do blieve Ilia olggwa It showered every spot from the garret to the doreatepe, aod every time I comt into tbe bouae (bay's all holler in oat, “ui«r now, Ids* Joe, lest look at your traektl" and “don’t you step on the heath, for it’s Jest re deoed,” and “don’t you (pit agin the Jam.” and aich foolery, jo*l at If peo ple’s house* wasn’t made fur ’em to live in. It really put* me out of all patience to see aich nonsensical dolus. And mother, she** had all the nigger* ehoppln aeaage meat to maka mlnot pie, aod pooodln aploe and ginger, aod making marvel* and but in rgt to male* ponodeake, aod all aoru of swett doloe for Criamua; fur wbeu she take* anything into her head, aba ain't a gwine to be outdone by nobody. 8be sea Crlsmni don’t oom* but once a year now-a-days, and sbe's gwine lo treat It haneum when II dors cum— •bo’s gwine lo abow tha Bull in tee that •he’* used to at good llvlu a* moat of foke*. Well, I glory in her spunk, but It’e monel root expensive to go things on Umi big Qger that ebe’e oo now; It never ought to be dona only for wed dlna, end It wouldo't do torn wtaar ther was to be many weodlna Id the same family. 1 tell you what, I waa monslroua riled tothsr day whan I got a letter from Crotohett oallln me all aorta of hard uemea, and abuiln me every thlog be could think of. 1 showed It hi the Stalllnaea. and Mioa Mar? led he waa good for notblog wicked retch, to go and run off and leave hie wife and chit dnm, and tbeo wbeo he was found out, to dare to go end write about a respec table geaUoman la that way. “Thal’a Jest the way with the world, my oblld,” ere old Mlsi AUllioe, "the bigger rascal a wan la the mote Inaur auoe he’s got. That'*Jest what put me agin him et fust. Whenever I see to much insurance 1 always suspect User's eons rascality with It." And that's my Ulef, too, Mr. Thompson; I'll toll you how I lodge fokes what I don’t know much about. When I eee anybody tryln right oK to show bow smart they la, sod lakiu all Use oooyarsalloo to themselves. I keep my eye oo 'em. Cause when people It account Ussy's got sense enough to know that other people will Bud It out: hot when they really ain’t nobody, and when they koow they’d amount to lees the more tbey’s found out, then they try to make people blleve liter’s the mischief and all. before they can have a chance to ees Into ’em. Hein’t you never found It eoT f nannuvce la like varnish; It makss Use commonest kind of yaller pine look saolly like mahoga ny. and Insurance covers ell the rut lea Ptaoce in the character of Use wont kind of raseali sod makes ’em appear like gentlemen. uo tell mi wbat upon yeatli all Ihl* talk meaua about the world Io a eend mxi April. l’eu beard a great deal about killer’s dSctrlce, aad bustle*, and Dickens’ Note*, lately la tbe pe pm. No other paper but the "Miscel lany” bain’t (rot much else in ’em. Is It a April fool business, or Is it a faetf If tbe world wa* to bast up bruit that lime. It would lutrrfere with people’s calculations monstrous, specially mar ried fokae. Ttisr wa* a man liar* last week from Aug11**/, and he sed It was a fact, that ba seed it all iirered out oo u piece of paper, and ther was no mis take about It. Ha was col lectin tor a clock man In Boston, and he sed they waa cloeiD up Manets an tint account. Now I don’t Ilk* to Mleee oo atrli non tense: but If It was to cosse.out true, I wouldn't Ilk* to be so took In. Mother nod old Mian Stall (ns sod two or three more old ladle* la io n mighty Qdget about It. and old Mist SUIlloi dreamed aba seed two mooes (other night, and oo* of ’em was all blaslo with An tod Ilyin about In the aky Ilka all wrath. I don’t easily know wbat to think about It, bat Lber’a one thing sarlln, It’s got to be gin monstrous early in lb# morning on the third day of April If t a'u’t up to set that woods sire about Plnerllla, Jest at that Uma I wouldn’t Uka to »n»»** for the consequences among to* old urimln But I’m not gwtoe to 1st slob mat iDwnon wiin no7 marrying latloo. I oall It speculation, (or, you know, tbar'a oo tolltn bowtbeee things is (Wins to turn out. In Ibe fast plsoo. It’s * ob*nos if a body (its the gall bo's oourtin, and after he’s got her *11 to blaaself, for bettor or for wore, It’* • chance again if tha don’t tore out a monstrous alto worm nor he taefc liar for. But I think mica's • pretty aafa Msoaaa, for Miss Mary M Jest a lantle tbs smartest, asd beat, and tha botlfnleet gall In Georgia. I ’re need Iter two or tbrss time* asms tha candy pnUin,’ sad I alo’t no ore’n half so frakl of bar as I need to be. I told her tether night I bad a Crtemot gift fot her which 1 hoped oho would taka and k*^Wh*t le it. MaderT” sat aba. •Ob,” ass I, “It's to math tog what I wouldn’t glrn to nobody elm In tt« world t” -Wall, but what la tty—do tall am." •’Something,” am I. ’>what you atoll from a» a long Umo ago. aad tenet you’re got It I want you to kca» It, and tire as* one Ilka It In return.” ••Wall, do tail me what it la, fast," •ea me 1 and I seed her out her eye at Mias UarllM. aad aort o’ smlla. ••But, will you glee me ore In re turif” ms L ••Whet. Majer-lelt mo whatf” ••1H tail you Or lam as are,” tea I. ‘•Dot wilt you glre am yours in re turaT" •■Youral Oh, my-,” then her (am ■ot undiit puppy, end she looked aowo. •‘You know whet, Him Mery,"see I —“will you?" She didn’t ley nothin, but blushed | worse sod worse. “Now, mind," era 1, "I must base s answer (,'rtsmui Kts.’’ “Well,’’ sea sha—end then sbs look ed op and laughed, sod seal—“exchange is no robbery, la It, sister Carlin*?’’ “No. sit.” M* she, “but I reckon Joseph got hi* pey bout tbe same time you stole hto-” “S’op. atop, sister, Uijer didn't say bla heart—’’ “There, there I” w* Him Gerties sod Ulw Keaiab. olappio tber hands aod latitn aa load aa they coo Id—“there, there, lltUe Innocent slater hi* let the oat out of tbe hag. at lust. I told you to, Major." “I neyer felt so good afore in all my born days, end Mias Mary, pore gall, hid her race lu her bauds aod began to ory, she felt su shout It. That's the way with the gelle. you know, they always cry when they feel tbe happy ret. But X aoon got her In n good hu mor. end then 1 went home. I'm gwtoo to bring her right op to the sera loti CUrlamus, ur I ain’t here. It would take a berbera’-abop, foil of CrotoheiU to back ma oat now. I’D tell you how I come »ut In my next. No more from Your frteud, till daatb, Joe. Jokbs. LETTBK XII. Pluerllle. December 37. To Mr. Thompson: Dear Sir— Crumus It over, end tbe thing 1* does did ! You know I told you in my lest latter 1 was gwlne to brlog Miss Mary up to Uie chalk on Crisaas. Well, f done It, slick ns a whistle, though It come mighty nigh beln a serious blal neas. But 111 tel) you all about th* whole circumstances. Tbe fact la, I<a made my mind up ■ore’ii larcaty times to Jest go aod come right out with the whole btsl uses; but whenever I got wfaer she wae end wbeoeyer aim looked et me with her witebio eyes, aod kind o' hi ashed at me, 1 always felt sort o’ ikecrod aod falnty, and all what I mads op to tell ber was forgot, eo 1 couldn’t think of It to save Et. But yon's a married ■an. Mr. Thompson, so 1 couldn't tell yoo notblo about popla the ques tion, as they call It. It*a a mighty grate favor to ax of a pretty gall, aod to people what ain’t used to It, It goes moo*irons bard, don't it ? They say widders don’t mind It no more’n noth in. Hut I'm makio a transgression, as tbn preacher set. trismus eve l pul oa my new null, and tltaved my face a tllck a a tmoolbln iron, and after tea weot oar to old Mtu Btatllneee. Aj won a 1 went Into Ibe parler whar thar was all ksttin round Uve Are, Mia Carlin* aoa Mia Keaiah both laughed right oat. '‘There 1 there!’’ tea they, “I told you ao. 1 koow’d It would be Joeapta.” “What’i I done, Mia Carllao f” !• “Yea come under little aieter'e chicken booe, and I do believe tbe kaow’d you wee comic when the pat ilever the dote.” “No I didn’t—1 didn’t no such thing, now,’1 at Mia May, and her face blushed red all ova. “Oh, you needn't deny it,’’ eu Mia Keel ah.' ‘you belong to Joeepb now, }at ae turn as tber’i any cbnrm In chicken bones. ’1 I know’d that wu a Drat rata ebance lo ay aomathlug, but tbe dar little oreater looked ao sorry and krp blokhln •o, I cuoldo’t ay nothin sadly to tbe plot I ao 1 tank a chair and reached np and lack down the bane end put It in my pock ft. “Whet ere yon gwloe to do with that old cbtaken bone now, Mater?” Mk Mia Mary. “I’m gwlne to keep It a long aa 1 lire.” ea 1, “a a Crliaos preant frea the handsome it gall In Georgia. When I ad that, abe blushed worse iyd VOTM. “Ain’t you shamed, MaJtrT” lea abe. “Now you ooght to give her a Crle mue rift, Joseph, to keep ell her lire,’’ ted Mia Carlin*. • Ah,’’ an old Mia Stallla, “when I w«» a gtll are need to hang np our atoeklna—*’ -Why. mother!” ea ell of ’em, “to ayetuekloa right before-” Then I felt a little streaked, too, oeua they waa all Mubin’ a hard a tbev could. "flighty Uty !>' ms tha old tody “wbat monstrous 'floamaat to ba abora ! I’d Ilka to know what harm there la In i took In. People aowaday* la Blttlo’ ■} mealy moo Iliad they oec't call nothin' by Ita right nine, and 1 don’t aaa aa toay’a any batter than Um “l.’J1.®* P-0** .WM Wbwl 1 • gall Ilka yoo, child I um to h*ag up m^atoekioa and gH ’em full of prra Tba gal la kap laughin' and blushln.’ “Merer mind,” aaa Miaa Mary, “Majer’i got to glya ma a Crtamua gift—won’t yoo, Major I” “Ob, yaa,” aaa I, “yon know I ymm tod Toil OM.” p ! “But I didn’t moan that,” aaa aka. “I*ra got ooa tor yon, what I want yon to kaap all roorllfh, bat It wonld taka a two boahal teg to hok} It,” •aa I, “Ob, that’* tha klad,” ms aba. “Bgt wlH you promtaa to kaap It aa long aa yon lnr# F” me I. ' Starts loly 1 will, Msjar.” *%MoO0inMM ’flniMMrit ootjhUva— old people don’t kaow oothln’ about parfhaaaaa,” aaM old MBs Statllaa, jaat gwlna to alaap wltU bar ntltta la “Mow yon boar that, Mbs Oarlloe." Ml. “Bha aaa aba’ll keep It all her life.” “Van. 1 will." aaa Mias Mary-"hot what I* itr* “Borer mind,’’ aaa 1, ”y#a bang ap • bag big aouQgb to bold It and you’ll dad out what it la, whan you aaa It In tlm morale,’ ” Mite OarliDe wlnkrd at MIm lCnslab aad than wbltptrtd to her—then they both laughed and looked at me aa mln chleeout aa they ooukd. They ’apletonad aometblng. “Toani ha abort) to glra It to ma now. It I bang np a b«g,M aaa Mia Mary. ••And proalae to keep It," ata I. "Well, I will, caiiM I know that you wouldn't girt mo nothin’ that wnao’t worth keopln. They nil agreed time would Imag up n bag tor roe in put MIm Mary’a Crii mun praneot id. ou Ibn back porch, and about 10 o'clock I told 'em good evenin' and want home. I not np tin midnight, and wbeo they waa all gone to bid I want aotUy toto tbo back gnu nod wool up totu porch, and Lb nr, abort) enough, wan ■ grant big meal-bag bangin’ to tbo jiee. It war moDStroun mibaody to git to It, but I waa lermlned not to book out ho I ant tome chain oo top of a bench and got hold of Iba rope and let mjr aalf down Into tba bag; but )aai at I waa fftttto’ In, It iwung agio the c<uira, boo Down may want with a tarrlbla rack at; but nobody didn’t wake up but Mle* Sullloaea old oar dog. and bare be oom* rlpplo and taario through the yard lib* rath, aod mood and round ba want try In to Aod what waa tbe matter. I aerooelied do wo io tbe bag aod didn't breathe louder oor a kitten, for fear he’d Aud me out aou after a while he quit barbie. TLe wind began to Mow bomlnebte ootd. and tb* old bag kipt tnrnin round aod ewingln' ao It mad* me eee-elok aa tbe miachlef. 1 wot afraid to move for fear tha rope would break and let me fall, and tbar I eot with my teeth rattlin’ Ilka I bad a ager. It auacaod Ilka It would oarer ooroe daylight and [ do believe If I didn’t love Mlaa Mary ao powerful I would fro** to death; for my heart was the only spot that frit warm, and It didn’t beat qoore'o two lleks a mlolt, only when I thought bow Mie would be (apprised la the morn id, ’ and than It want lo a canter. Blmeby tin cuaaad old dog coma up oo Urn poroh and begun to smell about tba bag, aod tbao be barked Ilka he thought bo‘d treed aometbiog. -Bow; wow l wow!" aaa ha. Then he’d (mail agio and try to git ap to the beg. “Git oat I” aee I, vary low, for faar the galls mooght bear me. "Dow, wow t” me lie. "He goo* 1 you Uxnloeble fool,” me I, aod I felt all orer In apoti, for I apected every mlolt he’d nip me and what made It worae, I didn’t know wbar about* he’d taka hold. “Bow I wow t wow !'• Then I tried coaxin'— “Come her*, good feller,” uee I, and whistled a little to him. but it waa no uaa Tbar be stood and kep op hit evarlastln’ wlitolo' and barkln,’ ull night. I eouldn't tell when daylight was brankin’, only by tbe cfalokeoa orowtn,’ aod I was is oca trout glad to liear ’em, for if I’d had to stay tbar one hoar more I don’t bellave I'd trer got ont of that bag alive. Old Mim StalUne coma oot fust, aod aa soon aa the seed the bag, me she. “What upon yoalh baa Joseph went and put in that bag for Mary ? I’ll lay It's a yearllu’ or aome liva animal, or Brain wouldn’t bark at It ao.” 8b* went la to cell tb* galls, and 1 aot tbar, ihtysrln’ all over ao I cooldn’t hardly apeak If I triad to—hot I didn’t •ay nothin.’ Blmeby they all coma running out oo the porch. “My good ocawhat 1* It f" see Mia* Mary. “Oh, It’s alive 1” am MBs Kedah “I seed It more.” "Call Cato and make him cat the rope,” let Min Carl I nr, "and leU am what it la. Come here. Onto, aod git till! btf down.** "Don’t hurt It for the world,” see MBs Mary. Cato untied Hie rope that waa round tbe jiee aod let the bag down easy oo the floor, aod I tumblad out all oovered with ooru meal, from head to foot. i “Goodoresgrooioui 1” lea Mle* Mary,' “If It ain’t the Majei htmaatf I” “Yaa,” aaa I, “aod you know yen promised to keep my Crlemon present a* long aa yen livad.” Tha galls laughed tbemeelvee almost to death, and want to brualilo’ off tb* meal aa fast sa they could, earin' they was gwlna to haog that bag up every Orta®aa till they got husbands too. Mlaa Mary—Meet her bright eyes—ah* blushed as beautiful as a morning glory, aod sed she’d stick to her word. She was right out of bed, end hat batr wasn’t homed, and her draw wasn’t Axed at all. but the way aba looked pretty waa real dlatr actio.’ I do be Here If I waa frone stiff, one look at her sweet fee*, aa she ttoed tbar lookin’ dswa to tb* floor with bef rouglah eyes aud her bright curia failin' all orer her eoowv neek, eould bare fotobnd ms to. I tell • you what. It ante worth baa gin1 In a meal bag from oua Oris tout to another to feel aa happy aa I hare aver aaosa. I went bom* after we bad tba leagb out und tot by Ute Bra tIU I got thawed Io the forenoon all tba BUltloaeu ooaaa over to oar boaae uud art bud ooa of tba greataat Crlataoa dlnnora t)Mt ever waa aaad la Oaorgla, and I don't be lieve a bapplar aaaapauy ever lot down ta tba aama table. Old Mka* tttullloe aad mother aettled tba mat oh, aad talked over everything that aver hap pened la tbelr retain**, and laughed at m aad Manr, and cried about tber dead Laubenda. aaaaa they waaat alive to aaa ther eblldren oarrad. lt*a all Milled now. 'oept wa hala’t aot ilia waddle day. I’d Ilka to kayo It all aver at once, but young gala el way* like ta be engaged a while, you know, ao I apoaa I mint wait a re oath at an. Uary (aha aaa I couato't Mil ber- MIm Mary aaw) baa bam a good deal of troaMa aad botheration ta m; but If you oouVd *M bar you woelda’i tblak I ought to grad a* ■ litUa ea tw in ta git tub a awaat litUa wife Tan an eat oom to th* waddle if you poaatbiy bka. Ill let you know whan. No more from Your ft teed, tin death Joe Jomb* H. B-—I llketefargot to tall yeu about route* Pet* Hi gat aoapt ao •(nog whan ha heard ot say lng»ge meot, and he’a bean aa seller aa hoea npple or er mam. LKTTEll X1U. PinevtUa. Jaa 0,—To Hr. Tbooparw: Dear Mr—There's been a awful emt aatarfy la Plnsellto aaoaa I writ ay toot latter tn you. Little did I tblok than what area a comlo. though I al ways thought noma cussed thtug would turn up )aat to aplla my happiness _ Last night I waa oyar to old Hlaa htalllnaas, talkln long with Mary and the gal if, and maklo osleulattOMa about Dm waddln and booae-kaeplo. and alcb things, when all at ones lhar *•* a terrible aliakln and a rack In, Ilka lbs bouaa was (wine to tumble dowu on top ot ua. The gaMa all •quailed out aa loud as they oould bol ter, and ootcbrd right bold ot me, and bugged eluse to me till they almost f*8 breath out me, aod old Mtea StalUna tainted away Into a fit of tbo hlghatarloka. The ibaklo didot last icora’n a mlnlt Iwt It had a mon slrmia onriooe Mia white It did lank When It waa over tbo gnlla Ml to rnbbin the old woman's bsnda, and 1 poured n gourd of water la bar fnoa to bring bar loo, sod blmebr ebe got bet lint all Piusvllle waa aback ap as wall aa ui, and everybody era* ruatiln in every direction to Sod oat whet was the matter. Some of lha alffera lock to the woods at bard ae tbay ooold run and some of ike old oooe got down on tbor knur* and want to pray In Uko tbay waa at a oanpmootln. for a wblle tbore waa a general >«alek, but wboo Montgomery aed it waa only u •hook of a yratbquake, and tbo danger waa all ovvr, the people got over titer aoaro. Mary wee frlgnuaed dreadful *l *“*\tot »*> noon got over It, and ao did Mtea Yeelab. and Mira Carllne. But pore old Mine Stalling-! do Wlevo °** footbquake baa ebeokall bar aanaaa out of Iter, for sho hasn't talkad about uotlnn elan but tbe world combi to ao atod ever aaoaa. Site tea aha didn’t dream about them two among for nothin, and that the yvath ahakln that a way la a abore alga that aotae thlog terrible la gwlao to ha(>pen. But that ala’t tbe worst of It. Sbe aaya ao and Mary muetn't git married not till after next April. She sea nobody ougtit to tblak nothin about anything Mae but gluin ready to die, and that It'a wicaed to think about wnddlua and aieb like, now, 1 told her If the world was to oome to a a«M), aaa I. tf we waa married her daughter wouldn’t be loft a wldder, and I waver oontonud do way, without I waa married fust. But It ain’t no nan to orgy with her, for abe blteves io panor. Miller now like a book, and wont listen to no sort of roaaomo. Sbe sea It waa Jaat ao when old Mr. Noah built tbe ark— nobody dldo't biiovo blm Ull the water waa up to Uter ohioa, and them they couldn't help themselves. So you see what a Qx I'm in—after all my doable, end jest when I thought I was gwlna to ba happiest, man io Georgia, a yealh^uake most come Jeat to upset my calculations. I italot no notion of puttla oS the weddln so long, bet I spoae I moat wait if l can’t do no better. I'm in I to pea though, old Mlu Stailioe will git over tor liver, and oooe to her sense# loug afore April. I’ll ba abore to let yoo know. No mure from Your friend, till death. JOI. JoXXa. P. 8.— You oust exons* mistakes and bad writln this time, for I am io a great burr? to wad you this, aa I know your reader* will be glad to bear the dredful nawa of a yeatbauake, even If tber ain’t no llyw Inst. Every body I've seed this mornm look* tort of akeery ’oapt cousin Pete, and he •ea Uint nothin to the sbakln what they bsv* in Egypt eometlcaen. (To Oe Continued Next Thnraday.) PassMl Iks milU«n-aal* kwk. Usmifsurerers- kstunl. Annual eoUoo eonnmptlon in the South ha* for the Bret time passed the (olllloa-hale nark. Th# following Bguras fur eight years, taken from tha report of Secretary HssUr. of th* Mew Or loan* Cotton Exchange, slvow th* growth of eotton manufacturing in eight year* In th* 8outh, compared with that of the North In the same period: Th* signifies no* of th* figure* h» ootam greater when It It obwrvvd that whll* th* oooaamptloc lu Northern mills In 1807 was bat MM mot* bate* thao that In 1000, and much lew than that In 1001 and 1HW, th*consumption to rtouthurn rail la bat la tb* eight year* not been late thao that of 1801, and to 1807 waa nearly duubto that of 1000. Dollar** rwUMal l»««lrjr. Halotoh Oar. GkaHgtaa Wwvsr. Senator Bailor Is ihouUac “Danone Ibo oonmtaelonars I" Bailey, of North Carolina, «uU to know why, If there lo auoh • row shoot the rooting hy MoJ. W llaoo to Othe WI loon of the Round Knob rating house, It la not aorroot to oak If Lbara la ''undue ie fluonoe” In the leadsg at OoTarnor Knoarll's aradda villa to Senator But y It Is aatd funiter that the Governor hoa conferred asroral tNaaa with the Senator aa to the proper thing te do. Ho greatly valoao Senator Hatter'* opinion In all matter*, and. as a re publican pat It to-day, "Baybeesld to loon heavily upon the .Moator." V*r«u«vaje ooa-rr Advertising la vary Doeh Ilka riding a biayele. If you don't keep Boring tbo wheel yon will M of, nod If yon don't paroled In advortMog, your trade will fall a*.__ Don't fall to try Rise’s OoooaOiaaoo. It earns. We aal and guarantee It. J. X. Carry * On HBi* «W f*UU. JrpJmmm Telia Akaat Maria* Mrkaal *• <*»»« la HA. Lome Keewblii\ - Oo* winter. whoa tIHaga «M power* f“‘ How at flquau Oeek, aad *v*rr body wm tired of apitUng aa u>« it*n £■* lyloxahout flab end eraba aad lobaUta, Horn* Barber auggaotod Uat waglt upa ringin' school It waa a happy thought aod embody took to It at oust. We Brad up tba old eooper abop. pat In atom and bsnobes, and ajut near to Philadelphia fora teacher. Thera wee over forty of oa In the elm, and Boat to tba teacher Moaee tort o' boated U>e Job. I ain't tollin’ any ! thing but the salaam troth whoa I a? that Mom Balter bad a voice oo hits which would jump a row off her foot. I* waa a mixture of fog-horn, hum cat*, cooch-obelt, bray and growl When bo waa oot on the boy you oouM buar Mm two allua away. Boom aigbta, titUng by hit own fl reside, ha would akig, aad wbou be did 10 the rant of Hasan Crook would alt aad ahivar. Thera rant a tierin’ voice In the bolt crowd, but that voloo of took the cako over all. Tto ***cbor aaked him to Hag aumthlo’, to m to git a Itoa oo bis votes. aad Mom draw a long breath aad M tr go. It aoowod at If every ahlegle ou that oM co-tperubop fluttered, aad tba taaober turned pale aad backed off aa ha naked: "Mr. Barber, la that your own mo rtal vuloeV" “Of coo re*, "aa Id Moan. "Mow long hav* you had it?” “Over forty year*. Wbil'r the mat tor with my vomr’ "I doo't boow. Did a bolldiog ever fell na to It?" "Mow." "Ever bit on tba ehlat byaoaoosn Ho, I've auue takes mighty good koer of my voice, and I’ve lining It bara to be trained to alog. What I want to learn to alng la ‘Yankee Duo die’ and ‘Tha Sweet Blceabv.’ 1 kla um • Yankee Doodle* to rook tbe yuong 'uoa to eleep, aod tbe other to toftoii ap Urn oM woman when aba glia mad. Leone Uy agin." H« pot on a lee tie mote power thla Heat, nod the Umpe went nut and tbe duor boated wide open. If seventeen plain in •-mlllt had all Marled up at ooea the ini tea couldn't bre bln wuea. It waa two tnlnlla before Urn teacher got breath ’no ft to say; “Mr. Barber, I don’t want to dt» eourage you, bat ir 1 waa yoa I wouldn’t torn to Bingin'. Your voice la what they call ’aot’.’’ “How wtf” eaka Moeaa “It’s bln dole’ bianaei in one lino fur forty year* peat, aod it’ll bo power fol bard to make a change. If 1 bad aleh a voice a* that I’d hue out fnr a government fog-iiom, or I’d walk etjund aearln’ tougfao and priio fight era to death. ’’ “But I want to laarn to alog eopra ■o.” aaya Moeaa, feeliu’ hurt aud mad. “Thee I’ll be goto’ back home," aaya tha teacher. “Tber’ ar* aoine tbluga In Kite world which no man kin do, and one of them la to teaoh you to Mag.’’ That made Maeee boppln’ mad, and he aetd It aba couldn’t alog nobody alee ahouldL As he wne a party good man, and allot willin’ to load hie jnaok knlfeoradhaw of tertecker, tome of tbe folka took aidao with him, aod aa a eoeeequaoce that elogin’ school didn’t go off. Ho basted ou tlm hull thiog iaatde of a week, aod wbaa Im aot down toeing “Yaakee Doodle” to bit Mat boro tbe apllataro aod abavln'e flew all over Squnn Croak. Tbroe er fnar weeks later ha got another Idee. One nlgbt, when the gang of ne wae In Parkor’e grooery, eumthln’ waa s«id about bow to apoil ‘whale,’ nod Metre nx up and Bays: “It don’t make eo much difference •bout Bingin', bat we otter know bow to apoil whatever cornea along. I've ble ketchra’ crate aod lobatara fur tha last twvnty-fiva year*, bat 1 couldn’t mil one of ’em to save my neck. When I’m tendin' a box up to Maw York them fellera don’t know where in It till limy rip tbe kirexe off. Twant long ago that my arabe got mixed op with eomabody'e elaa’e ’eauaa I oouldat apoil ’em. What I aaya u fur Squsa Creek to her a tpeilla’ aobool.” It ’paired to tut good Idea, ud we all went la fur It, aod wo repaired ap Um oooprr-ehop agio and tented oat one evenin' to spell. Jason Spooner, the Town Clerk, waa appointed to hold the spellln’-book and afore the per* formaooa atarted off, be tori: “Wo her started In to boost Hqnsu Creak oet o' lbs quagmire of diesis ahan by I aimin’ to apell, aod nobody oust gR mod and disturb the meetla' ’eaoeo bo can’t bit things tbs fust Um. Mere couldn't soeiFaai’ to tbs day of b<e death, and thar bee Mn kings and queans who was jest as bod off. Tbs fust word out Is 'oIsm,' sod aa Mom Barber Is at tba head ef the line, nod aa he shipped orer 100 bar’ll of els DM to Mow York last arson, bs kin bar tba fust go at It.” “What sort of o elataV” asked Moses. “Any sort.” “But thar’a versa aorta o’ okas, too know, and 1 ain’t tryla* to spell a hard-shell fnr a aoft-eltell or a little nest.” ”Tliar' may be rarne Hurts o’ elanm,” says Jason, ,rbot thar’ Is only one way In spall her. Jlst draw a long Wreath aod start off.” ”Pm • pollin’ It k-n-l-rn. clam. ” “Wbleb ain’t right, and I’ll past to the nest.” That word west to lerou different moo afore Isaac Harper spatted It right He kinder thought it woold be glean oat, and ao be bought a caa ef claea-cbowdsr to the afternoon to study ip an It. Bimefap Moose was glroo a show on the word erst, and ha •apt to Jam: ■Ton mlsed them cUar on m end pot M ont. Mow I'm wantin’ to know M this to a hard shell or aoflshetl erahT" ”Ht Jlat erah.” “A big one or a little oanT" ■float sap aa to that. That’ ain’t . - - Ml !■ »11U— I* L. /mm, PrmUmtL J. D. Moou, Outkiir. First National Bank, or OA8TOXU. X. c. State aud County Depository. OOMMEIOTD KOBBt AUGUST «, 18S0. CUjBtftl Itookf - ■urpha, - - Diridwdi p*id mam n ftoaoioii. /;• L. LJmUm, t.C.frnmm, ■ P> Mmt*, T. T>mik . ■•=::> • * rum.. ' .?•* ViW/'-M [_ •onot*»—■nunteof ln«*<ua—. Wmw.and ThrMiaHjHia mii WI jmm •ant aRh onwwvM»i banklrur. ****** **** ************ *****’ outhln' down la the book mat ersb." "Thea I dtol try to spall It," oaf* Mooaa. “Wlai I •Mkb* blrgbs*. If the man who writ tt* spall to' book dtda’t know lhar» ««■ several kinds o’ crabs I ain’t to bUmofur It." Jaaoo aaM tbo word would pass to Uw oejrt, but U dtda’t. Mosm fa* that bo was bein’ tbrowod down on crabs, aad ba got go ptemb mod that h« smash ad the door aad broke a wta drr, aad ilia iptllln’*ckaal broka ao ia * row. Soon waatad la toga imwttb. out Moasa, toass ooritaadsd tbat ha or tvr be given a show, aad batwtot tba two Squaa Urvek clipped baa* lata that quagmire of deeolaefaaa aad do ■Pjfo aad ovary body meet eroaad ■pallia1 Jest as ha plraaad. It’s tbat wav now. We spell ‘-oyster’’ savta different ways, aad hoe as good aa ’lother. aad when to comes te "lob •tar" aoraa folks trim to spall tt and •oma draw* a ekalk-Uae actons tba bog aad stakes two claaaa atooe sad of to. «'»r i» W«w» vnvcawnr. A Oplsmai* D—stlm is a RaMrlasU MSW Rr-ssRSw. Riba stirs Th*, H.fhMthls Wrosvt. Orssavttlo, (*. CJ Rows. Dr. and Mrs. F. A.. Ml lee. i< this £?*■ «®«d« *» deed of glhuftbsU valiiabla CM sir’s Head property, coo stating or th, buildings of the famous Caesar’s Hoad rsoort aad U)| aoraa of vaiojd^ land to Farmaa aaM* Miles refused **>.000 ia enob for tbtt ixoparty a fsw years ago. Tba ooodltioaa named by tbs do non an that tbs Forman trustees pay them aa annuity of *800 and give thorn (no board lathe hotel, or ana of Urn aot> tagofl. whoa Urn hotel ia open. The trustees an given absolute ooatrot of “** '*'*•£•* *^Ur the lint of next mouth. The aaaalty to to ba paid dmtog tba Ufa of both, or either, of the do dots. Tba news of the gift will package about aa modi surprise the friends of aad tba public generally aa tt vHH delight them. Tba ftcat known of Lbta ualjic splriud lataotloa of Dr. aad Mn. Milos waa tost weak, wbea lbs For—n trnetsea met la Colombia to Meet a president and won presented with a memorial from tba owaata whs mdd they waatad to help the neeaa of Christian odscallop throogb Forman. Bi-Ohcmmmmi »■■■ Uayn Wllkwooro OkronJcto. Uaagraaameo Ubm; mM wMl* ever bereatooart that if yoa would (It* Hart Bower oae night to Meapand dream oa aeaea, that be oontda't be boat on preaaattng tha oaaa to tha |my. Mr. Bo war ooaaturf* to try it one algbt tart weak. He got along lovely Ull ho name name a mole in tha path. Ha lot drive to Inek Um mala away and bta toaa mam la via taat oMUnrt wtth the feet boa* of tha bad, and the next day Hort war llwplng a little. HataoTthe opinion that melee are daogeioee even In dienme. nod ha doaaa't propoao to try Lloney’e plea again right aooe. laMWMuaaiikt. Uneut» JnralL Ttk* othar day, IMIb HUHMt, eol •nd, *Im lira to Praadaao, mi bar bedding oat to M. That awaatog aba took u to, nada aphar bad, raUrad •ad alombatad paaatfallT uatll taarn tog. Soon attar aha arm lha aazl aarntog, aha waa borriOad to aaa aa •aaraaaa apaaadlag addar crawl tnm oat moot tha pOkiw oaaaa. Ittaaap poaad that tha anaka got Iota tha pll *“ balog mmgd tha£y bafora. Wlianara lha Tttoan thtoka •C bar ajght<aala* with tha raaa mam mk« oodar bar haad, aba alwal tarna whtta. Profe—tonal Card*. Wm. H. Lewis, —ATTORNEY- AT- LA W.-— —or Um— >mWi —» raoto - . -_ _ fP. IT. HOFFMAN, -DKtiTiai •MTOIU, --I*, c. arOSoeovec Pint National Bank. 0. B ADAMS, a. U. K. M. nnc, M D, Adams & Ueu>, PHYSICIANS An 8UBQBONS, aASTOMTA, m. c. OOeaat J. B-CatryAQo^pp ftOB’T. L. DURHAM, -tAWTMB, Gastonia, a. CL A « MMFmtM* -ATTOHBrar-AT-LAW •asvomta, v. o. Wll> pmctloa So tba ooarU ol Gnaton ai«A adjoin in* ut i In thr radarnl Oourti. FG. WILSON, M.D^ Gastonia, N, C. PHYSICIAN AND tUMBOK. OTOOm at Turraoca*! Drag Mors., Dra. Glenn A Colley, __ owimwmBiMflaswu. mjtm eOtmmUM.tHy.M. W. H. Wilson, M. D„ PHYSICIAN AND fUBOBON. LI.OUu, I. D .ltstdtUPkTHeUB. D*7 PSone 18. Xtgbt Pbon 84. J. M. Bloan, M. D „ . PHYSICIAN AND SCBGB0N. DayPhonlA IsmOmN .

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