The Gastonia C ___ ®,TI,t,d *• U«« Pn»t*otJOB o* Horn* Mid H« IntatMta af Ml. Co Vol. XV 111. _Gastonia. N. C„ September 30. 1897. GASTONIA, October 8 >•> ••••< ••• r ♦ 4 •nl||jti tr* . * ~ =»* » M-mtmmTT—f —TTI—Tn——_ mOjjMH^UkGEiT, GRANDEST and BEST AMUSEMENT INSTITUTION IN yUlfflE WORLD. 1 i. TWO MENAGERIES IN ONE, ' Two Hippodromes in One. ■/low United • | -under-Onc' |#THC>ONbY>5(G>5HOW>TO*V15IT*THI5>SECTION"lN*ITS*£NTrfcETV^ GASTONIA, * *1*' Gaston Institute. 0AST03STIA. NT. O. Fall Term Open* September let. Ta tha faealty alraady annoanaa* that* baaa baaa addad— Prof. S. I. Wolf, gg»« •*u —*»■ »*» tan oM>« of a»fc^SLS5«S*3£P3S«t rmMl if M»ieo4. 1m« Tm 1* B^StaJTJgg‘,,w,w J. P. KEID. Principal. Cook Stoves and WashPote. Wahaij Juat ramirod a ear-load of OOOK «TOV*8, W Art ft rOTB, *c.. and ara prnparad to name yea moat freombU prtoaa Take Notice. in « W tota, aad fat wot aaafc, By buy)a* U.H 1? . ** tba Brat pUoa, frata 90 to 75 ante i lB._fr*^hui In tha aaeond plaae wa fat Uaa bBbmbp bi Th- -^nr« Don’t liny a Stove Anywhere until yo« aaa oa ar |at aai prtoaa. LONG BROTHERS. MAJOR JONES’ COURTSHIP. By flajor Joseph Jones, of PlnevUle, Georgia. i . • • , • I* ',*•> K LKTTJBR XIV. _ PiaoviLL*. January 18. To Mr, Thompaon: Doer 8lr— Whan I writ you my laat letter to you I was lo e peek of trouble*, aad It did atom to me like beam aad yaath waa oon ttJ&z'i.’rszri.rzr: tore agio, aad aaw I can aay with Mr. Maekbtlb lo Sbakaapaara, "So foul, aa fair a day t never a**d afar* nod all I tba Maud* that towered oa my bead. I* lo tba deep baaam of Uaooaaa burled.” Too mutt axaoaa me for wrttla trage dy out of the book. I don't biker* la wok la la book Lara I a la ovary thin* a body write*—bat than tbar la aoow time* whoa yaat oommon ward* won’t eapraa* tba fall mean la. yoo know. That** tbo way with m* now. Bat I'll toll yoo. You moot know tbo aoxt day after tbo yanltaaaka whet Ilka to dbuak old Mleo 8 tall In*** life oat of bar. aotbia would do but aba matt new right book to tlm plantation, bag aad ba> pgo, gallo aad an. Mother aad all of ’em mad tber boat to a wage bar ont af aioh a Ceolluh notion. Bat It a *t aouar. The old worn* a’a bead m aot, and yoo moogbt Mat a* watl Ik aroaa to a Uaorgla leglalator. or try to build a mill dam aaroaa lha rim a* orgy wltb Iter wbon aba takea a notion. Tibo aad ah* waaat gorioo to riak bar IU* no kmger In ao Mob place -there waa loo DMoj bowaao oa tba bill any way, for aalaty. Bbo mi peo ple bad been eomia la aad build in eve ry year aeaaa aba aatUad In tows, mad aka (parted nothin alaa hat the yvetb woaU earn tber oou of tbeea daya, If It didn't ao wbar alaa. WtU, abora too nab. tba BUUInaca moved out Hint vary day. Mary look ed Ilka aba dldat Ilka It, bat aover aad nothin, only that aba hoped I'd ooom oat to ho *aat often. I waa aozioao to no and aoo Mary, but aanaalbaoM vomaa waa ao atnhbara about it. 1 thought r wouldn't show tao macb hurry. *> 1 waited till yaatarday. wlioa aid uoele Onto brang bm a letter from tbe old woman baaaSf, which I can au thor* yon waa aa lataraatte to bm aa tba MnHtUany M wtian I foot git it oat of lb* Doat-ofUo*. Tea may look ont Cor a waddln before long. I'm 'tor mlaad to bovo the thingload 'tboat walttn for oeay more aeoldaato. Bo more from Your (need, tin death. joe. OOME8. P. & L will (old bor Uttar meld* of tala *0 you caa am It Mj dear Joseph—Artar By oorapiy maoUL t want to aay a word to yoa oa thesatyaoof yoara ao Mary'a I’re bane thloklc about It nw aaoaa that otta wben the yeatbquaka coma along aad Ilka to ewalated tba whole of oa op la the bowel* of the yeath. Mow jeu no. Joaeph, that I aaatadar yoa ao more nor lass than ml aaa. parridao tba world don’t some to a aaod, (or I thlak Mary got slab a Iraaoo from what taroad up with that raaeal drat* obit that aba’ll mind bow, ah* project* with deter folk* what aba’s nown all bar lira, anny more. You ao I slat gwiae to oppose yaur marryln Mary far •any ohiectsaua to you. Cor that aay It ta you whan I ougbtant to any it I would rather hate yon tor n awm-ia-Imw than anny yoruw bu I no of. But I did thlak it waa no timo to b* thlokia about marryla whan all nator waa protin the truth of Paraon Millar’s prodaaayla. But Mary baa task oa so •tar aaoaa 1 opposed yoa marryla bar right off, that it baa worried aaa lmaa taly. Shs tea. of the world done coma to a send aba couldn’t bare tba alia, no bow *f you wasn’t thor, right by her. Hbe aaa taoren that, aba aaa mad I de clare I’m aha toed to rlU It ta yoa. and I no you’ll blush to mad It, Jaot to no bow ilia ohlld dom lorn you—aba am aba couldn’t 01 ao bow, about It waa fat your ansa, aad you so l( you was to gratlil bar wbao tba eataatwfy cum, aad wasn’t married, paapia wood talk. Aad tbaa agin, thar'a that paper wliat Mary takas on your aecounta, baa got them latter* In It what you writ to yoar friend mlatar Tomsoa, wbsr you pored out your faalloa ou tkoaublao aad let th* whoU eat out of Urn wall it; aod Mary oaya all* apacu that mora’a Are thouaaad paaola baa rad all bout tba wbula biaoaa far sow. tor ate aaa th* editor aaa bta aeripabon llat IS growl* at ary day aod la moat n thou sen now, and you ao more’s Bra bony It whir on* scribe* for it That’s ona reason that Mary la spoaad to your turoln odltar— aha am Il ia bard wort and pom pay, aad firs thoaaaa bor ry• srs wouldn’t support no paper. Mary la a mky spunky gal, aad don’t bUor* la bain poaed ao by nohody, sad af tba worid don’t soma to n sand, I think you’ll aay in IS mouths you’re get the latartast wtfo In PI set II, the f aay H boo oegbtant to. But I'm gwiae eft tba setose. I bar com* to tba coaclo ■km that you aud Maury maypU aaaurrlad af you my ao last U earn niaranoaa.aad you nadaat git as Baton ter hoamhaaa Ta tlH after aprll, and whaa yoa la married I’ll iaaa let yee aay wbatbsr wall pitch a cram or ao. Ha more bat years till death, Pout Stall:**. PsrHtaaaaa of Oatar. LBTTKB XV. Pimiuj, PtUurj L To Ur. TfeOMfaao: Dror Mr- -Iroo MOM I writ oj loot tatter to jroo, thing* gooo oo Joat M otrolgfct M • •hiogto, oo4 tho oolr thing «Mt troo Mm mo la. I’m otroM if* in too M to late. fro alooyo booo tho oop *lth mo o**r mom I ooa toMOMhor ohao rror I’m tho hoggtoot mom oooood thing moom to Uro *g)oat to agoot oil mj Ml*olotl»M; oo4 mo thoogh tho 4ajr la aot tor tho woMlo. oad tho Bui Umm to tettio onrp thing toady aa Coot aa tipy ooo, I oonOdota ho ooo prtaaiMOOhtf BOOM hoMteoMa thug ooo to haagoo, boom jroothgoahoar oooMthratjMt to hoot tToite^te, U>oiShHiMMl!iu‘rmrttetpteoo ta Wttmm Xlltri' Inn, ond I do Viri ■>*« «o glad «W u MtfatofS ■bot* m woo id Un i white itnoand IMnamtemlf. teiwbi htet Pj y fl*. **» yodlio mw, aariS2’iai,"ai£ua mMteHMW ttwouUUte £ TiP. »**4*«d bow Mr. HIM * opoM alter Ite (Mag out « ~trs|ptit. to. tbo way dor. without o rtogtoate tebo. but oowboteundoalebutorrtUo ^atfas’rissis? a"*"1"* — ««. It* wully ooiyrteto bow booIo m £££see:,ss&;yKE! 8«ooo tbo IblniH la tod oat, ovary ilmoat ovary aljbt Mary aodaote lovltad to o party. Totbsr sight wa wvcttoooo to old Atuliv ftogarw, whor I got wyOnndor 041 0 MtSlho wwot l**o hod It for oobo clan, i don't ballavo you hsvo ovsr honmot test steh n dlogd tool fetch 00 thoy Pteyod on a* Tter woo nnad Bony sariTtaar^aaa: dsnoio. woam rw *m ttttr rplurdi teout In UwMffWt with bU dud r-cot «idjbli «Mdn, Md triad to taka tba (bln* off orarybody aba kataaha nlwaya doaa. Wall, uawby baaaa; “Mpoaa wapiti brotbar Bob-lata play brother Bob" "Tat, tea pity that," aat aU o( 'aw, »*■> you ha aroibar Bob, Major 1”’ “ Wbo’a brotbar liab?" aa* l—for I didn't know nothin’about It, oad theta tuak*in 1 **m **•>■»«/ “ty tall you,” aaa ba. "yea aad MMbody aiaa moat aat doira la tba ahataaacdka Mlndfridad. aad tba root nwftallwalfc round and noadyan, bad kaap tappta yoa aa the band with •Ottajhta* UU you yaw wbo bob'd yon.” “Bat bow bob aa r» aaa L “Why,” tat be, "alien any oaa tape K^rj-sr^rsf'.j'a bob’d yoa?’ ud If you gnaw tba right oae, tliea tbay iauat taka yoor ptaoa ud ba bob’d Ml tbay gaow who bob’d teat. If you’ll ba Wlodfoldad l wUI," •at ho, “Jeattaefan.” “WUl "aaa I "any thing tot fan." ■* octt wo obaira loto tba U* room, back, to baak aad waaot down and tbay ttad a baakarnbar rasarftrt.tsfi,’! bad no eyw at all. Tbaa tba boya aod gala ootaoaaooad walkta round aa ta a elrota an giglia aad taagbta. I badaVaat tbar ao Uwa batata **• took “• ***** alduafthabaad with a dratted tag beak. Tba Bra itw oat o* my oyaata big Ilya ooala,aad I Hfca to kaatadwnr oat of Um obalr. I fait my Mead riato Ilka a am-toU, bat tbay afi teogbad mightily at tba tba, aad aftar a wbUa “Brotbar. I'at bob’d." “Wbo bob’d yoa f” aw tbay I gaaaatd tba blggaat toted falter in tba rooa, bat tt waan*t him. -KjL not’’ they all bollond. aad roaadibry waotagate a rowpta aad kugbta aad aojoyta tba fee aUto t haw aat aaa and wbUa «y bead waa ■tagla Ilka a tab koitte. -Wh..l'. . „ ■»«,. P. “Who bob'* mu T” an, thoy. •at ooaaia P<U didn't fuaee right %ssifz&jg* lk'w’ .1 woodrodrol Mjnlotm to iwi right "BfotMr, I'm boh’d !'• m I. ^attqegra Ko, I hw,” too, ud Uutjr oil fotrtd oat want thoo omr. * *•*»• to fit mokiwh ttnd of •tub fun, whloh annd ao ntto Nto to too agoUta book—for It to fun to ttota itWM tooth to — id I don't know what I would bar, foot It Kar?tota* ootot oy a^naUto u» boaikowtoj. gggawl^ towW^-^ to," yd «toh tot reotariw Ul thoy SatasKs® It won tto OMt noitoahint toho lo J didn't wt rifht to . 9 MTM MlartWiliai kit kl^ i ' ffSS tto light 15 h ,1 1 "IMetor Paver '-titi. mm he. “I lo. Urdooa yoe to Uwr caajaatyr tba ^oSfjtonnHjaid* wtde J^ta fttt|d tjiMil twal aad Jto a» IwwaoTto a* d£wn?*ea2uhe fail thing ha kaotrod. kantoah be weak rtUtote *W»U» •of.MIfradS ooW water^irtth aathiag bet hta heed Ha tried Utla Mary a* be vu UMa btaaaat. aad if yea eeaU Jaab •••* bt* aa be want fata that lab with hleanaa raaahad oat to bar. andbia caooih sot (*r a ktaa, I do baUaveyoaM your Mra.B<Tbe MUrTai1* edaehjf etoat that aoau trtak waagwlaetoha nraiadhaatia Mdtaoflila Itoa ibay W* fotottt aa qalak aaha aaaUL aad leaver aaada toller aa wilted fiataaflUstTVa jaSSSKarsw *«?£rs.M£.■ Mato, aad pat^te Mb aTaabartane MokaitcaMutwi oat that way. . Ha thought tfeaaaaaa waagwlaa ta aantaoea a vary totter what dtolkto har aa ha aotdewa, bade etoaatMM that weald wake tea toe jtoial. J StSSSS'SMSi qatto ae toad af faaay totatothdawb Bat 1 like to forgot to tall too. ay •tot ao an yaatSrMdHa'aaraMMK amacwtsars r, a.—i weak aver bather i haet'lT^taw*bnrtet%ewta " *" S5L»Wn flaanaieaa al —nlh » ss.'LsffJss.Sasjs wMib

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