*«■*■» l» etlUanvtag gaily itog. A hailsf ha* already tea printed in ttm detunac that tba heat antidote to “**• Wh*a Iha people or llm tMt*d of let theai apto u out. If Vy the tin* another election roll* around tba avsr ****** OerollaJaa la notaaoagb attHMd «( the carrying* on d tbe doMtaant gang to rot* agalust it, then Ih^eoaMM nlittle brotar than «• - 18 "0*7 thia«i already kaoera and •oU4 rat to added meat develop rata la fioeeroor Baeetill proceed **9* to lift lha two WUauos ant of •anta aad i la their stead, la Xarloa Bailer. Bath an after Bailer* tana pal, tb« ‘ Otbo Wilson. Orders sut tta two truasna bar* hern ad thalrappointed innriaanii hawa dawaoded tba oOoaa. Tba Wit aoaaiafoaato eorradar them, aad tU eaaa will be fought from ooort to ooart. A pmty owe* lodnd. Vow It transpire* that & Otbo Wil •ea baa ant Butler word that he, Otho, raao to rah his. Batter'd, •roth nader certain ooadUioaa. All •* which ia la esldraca to show how thrrolauaacolaU PopaHat* and Fu tioniau regard each other. They are Justifying every day the wisdom of thon 'wha hare utterly ao oonflitenee la tb*M aad ao an for tbew. Batter and Skinner at odds, Butler nod. Pritchard at odds. Boiler aad Otho at odd*. Hen wa go. They have ao aae for each other, aad their objections arc well eoocgL grounded. Mwm «l ■■■■■■! U( mm. (•Mb bfirir. Wm. Pfaetoo Jobcaoo, aa fya-wlt ana, mk On Wadneaday. IhMwtN 2ft, 1*70, lha bwfanUc of tETeod aam. la tha Baiainc of that da; ba waa baa;, aa aaaal, with official wort, lha aaatetaaea of wbfeh ba •"Mltaaa ayallad hlaualfj aad la tha Otaca Kptaeopal choreh.t,7!ta actn m ahalnna, aad aallaanad tha uaatloi wtth ihawfat eoayetraaUoo aad iatar ■Map aaradotaa. Tha waathar waa ehQto aad daaip, tha raom act war mod aad Gaoaial Zm art wtth bla military dad thtwwo aroaad bla abouldan. SwraetMlrtSa^Tta* <^1|”3ta*BtJy diaeaaafcm waa lha rector* aalary, aad whan thp awhasripUoaa wan handed lajt waa fawad tLar a deficit of lit -1 wl* (In that wjm’^lSd tn eoml BUhK^^SS-US ggg? Cwi^S ^aralaj ' 5 t iXUPTWiiai ^ AMyitx •»d rmitmr JUOI—t n^mM oa mrwat of „-J. Carrylatf concealed Submit*. isaodooau. . -"d Momoo Got*. «<** OoUatta. |3 auii eoeta. Taaw not fatty. Two Bobtaaoa. BataiUn* wiltioat four aatki la jail. J9*- J* Vaodyba. J.ireaay. Bill ohancad to Iran***. S-.uo.lta. J*d* ■aM Mapandaa on jux :wgt of aoaL J. A. LioftTfalt aw! Ja«i« Jlatealf. FonlcaUau awl auMlary. Sabwita. Jadgapaat toapoodai oo uny t»mt at OOtCa Tbowaa Floyd. I.areonj. Gnlity. Four woolba on rut* of Catoa Tooay and liob Dell In (rr. •'obBlta. fa and ooau, aa to Toowy. DaUlafor dlaataaad. *• >»• Bfcja*. Abandonment. Sab. put IMM BSW bond U> appear at Mtt tarn of ooart and * torts to tapporl wife p*y «»u. T. McClellan. Carrriof coe omled^ weapons. Guilty, fieodgotad Robert Sadler. Forgery. Judg MMt eoeoeaded on payment »f mm. EoRmhiNriM Ue taw bus Ooel ■erARwy; Submit <6 aad ooets. -8ami and doe Mart la. ForsknUou aad odnltery. Submit. Sua Mart la dleehaigeASmilh three moutbe In Jail. Will Stow*. Be tailing. 8ebmlu. Foot mouth* la J*IL Joo. J. Mauuey. Arnault. SebmlU. Judjmeat eutpaoded ou payment of 60AC, Herbert Rbyoe. Retailing. Sub ■RUd. W> aad ooeli. * Adam Jenklo*. Retailing. Nat *.5-, ***** Charlie Lowe, aad H. Bodiger. Affray. Submit. Judg mMt suspended oo puyumut of eoat. Tboaeua FeweU. Latueuy. Sub ■Its. Jodgmaat suspended on pay. UMotof eo*C Maury Sidra. Slender. »o*o oua taodete. Judgment suspended on payment of eoat. Cera Sugg*. DleturtUg rellgloue woreblp, Submits. II aad oaata. iMoeShipp, Wkl Sblpp, Walter (Sin ford, Jake Shufocd. Affray. Submit. Jodgmaat suspended oo payment of east. L. F. Gtores. Retelling. Guilty. SU aad coots. H. C. Huff*taller god John Moure. Moore called aad fulled. 11 off Metier I JOO bond to appear at next court. 8. L. Jenkins. Larceny. BubmUa to trespass. Judgement »uspeeded oo payment of coota. Will Oblldors. Tiuepeeu Guilty, f 5.00 tad coiti Henry King. UemuTal of cn»po. Submits. Discharged on inenleeut debtor'* oath. Jabs Little aad D. W. Meadiam. Affray. Submit. Judgment luspon ded on pay meat of costa. Blah Jock eon. Fornication sod adultery. KoL pros. Con la Connor. Larceny. Guilty. ' Penitentiary ID month*. James Bow. Laroeoy. Submit* Four moutbe on Union county rood*. Tbomu* Brown. Larceny. Guilty. Six moutbe on roads of Ualoo county. Sam regram. Forgery. Colled and failed. Bud Baldwin. Carrying concealed weapons. Submits. Judgment sus pended on pay went of cost. Rep Luwlut. Carrying concealed weapons sad for osmelt. Submits. D lock urged oo bio own racogninnot io the earn of $100 for costa. Fletcher Floyd. Larceny. Submits to trespass. Discharged os bis own recognisance Io the turn of 180 to pay easts. Grant Rhyne. Arnault with a shot gua. Guilty. Judgment impended m payment of ea*t to court and $40 damages to Ed. Krwla col , prosecutor. Minal* Eskridge. Larceny. Sub wit*. Seeea months la tb* peniten usry. O iLBbyne. Retail. Fire cases. 8cbaits In all. Judgment impended oa pay meat of coate. Defendant bound la etia of WOO to appear at spring and fall let inn next year and alww lie baa uaU* fully anld no moor. J. W. Oamble. Retailing. T«o Caere. Habmtta. Judgment smpen dad on payment of ooec Bond of 9900 to appear at next tana and ebow he baa refrained froai nrUlog liquor con trary tala*. Ha ever Ferrar. lama; from tha lull, Oailty—19 mouths oa Union county read*. crriL dookkt. Mix Elinbeth Henry, vx Juo. W. Hd fttk U. HaadrtcM aad Jao. M. Bbcdre. faeoteneat. Vmlletaad Judg ment in favor of pin Wx Iff. Defend - rate appeal. Bebtff A do. ra. Jno. T. Carpenter. Debt. Verdict aad Judgment far de fendant. Plaintiffs (Its notlee of IPdprI tJalUot A LX son ra. Bradley. JU poet of ante eoaffraMd. B. A Handera rat Outlast White sides A Co. Vardlet aad lodgment la favor af puletlff far tTM. Cotton aad Kiwis ra. J. A Boyd. Dsfe^JPardwt andjadgmeat (a favor mnesn noexmt. O. t. IfaT.aafbea ra. W. P. Rkyna. Dube. Judges wit by defealt MM In favor af idalnttff. Lowaix, hft M-Qnarterly com mart on enrol me begin at tba PrabyU riao oharah to-night. Bar. Jeaaa War ui family paaaad ttoMih yesterday rataratag from aa exteodad mountain trim Bar. M. T. Static sod aan Jeha laft yeaurdar (Teeaday) oa a rtaU to rela tives aad Meade In aad near Leaoat Ur, k C. The fourth quarterly maaUag of the Me Aden villa circuit Method let church will ba beM at Boalh Mat ehorob Otb and 10th of October. The singing school hat >wea aa aoamoad to cloee on next Saturday wub a picalc dlutr, bat aa tbs data conflicts with tbs aervteei at tha Pree byterlaa cbarofe don’t know jest what step will be taken. Mias Nom Remaey returned borne near Lincoln ton, Monday after a hilt nf eeteral day* at Eiq. Cornwell'*. MlmsalUeDmg.of Klag’a Moun tala os me down Sunday morning on a vlait to Mlaa Mamie Crouse, returning Tuesday. Monalaln produoe I* being shipped down to abundance. We bope Ibe aepplT will oonliaee to bold out dur ing lb# winter. ..Mrs. Roberta, Master Steele, and Mies Xmma Steele returned last Thursday (iota WraTvrrvtlk. atk rcutca nr area. e« the Onset te. Old Puasraca, dept. Mr. D. F. Ormaadta at bla oil bourn sick with typhoid fever Mr. John J. Orman d, of Dallas, was “P.Sonfkf to ma bla brother Prank. Mr. M. Lather Kiser hae accented a position aa book-keeper for theXlcgi Min. Held Mining Company. Mlm Rank A. Hoyle hue relumed U> Lleoolnton, after having spent to me time with her slater, Mrs 11 Stroup. Msmra. WUeoa aad Raaaaar Bros, era going tn “Mtoh on” an engine to their water mills, aa as to keep up with UHr custom. ..I?* rTr*n.ur* eaptatad a bleak• da Mill end destroyed Just "lota” of beer, etc., near Smyrna church last Wednesday night. Mr. Prank Hovis spout last Satur day wlU» rolattooe in Ltnooln ceauty. Meeera. A. a Clark. J. T. R. IW “d D. M. Arrowood went to Wng% Mountain Thursday to eooanlt about a amuse for their pastor. WtrM« Mai Wai ij T«rkrtn< Ungutrrr. It’s oM. but it's good, Uid so wv glee it: “Now, Aunt Sal lie, do please tell oa why you ovvvr got married. Yon remember yo.i said onoe wbeo you wee* a girl you were engaged to a min uter atui promised us you would tell •a about it sometlms. Now, aaat, pleaae tell us” "Wall, you am whan I was about 17 years old I was living In Utica. In the state at New York. T.ioojb I e«y it myself 1 wee quite a good looking girl then and bad several beau. Tbe one that took my fancy was a young minis ter, very promising young man, and ha waa very plow and steady. Ha thought a good deal of me aad I kind of took a fancy to him, and things want on until wo wen eagaged. One evening he cases to ms, pot bis arms ■round me sod kind of hogged me, when 1 got excited and somewhat flea trated. It waa a long time ago. and I don’t know but what I might bars bugged back a tittle. I was like aoy other girl, aad pretty soon pretended to be very mad about It, and pushed him away, tboagb 1 wasn't w* a bit. You must know that the bourn where I lived was <m one of tbe back streets of Iowa. There wen glass doors la tbo parlor which eprtied over the street. Them doors were drawn to. I stepped back a little from btm and when he cams close I pushed him beck •pin. I pushed harder than T Intend ed to; and dost you think, girt*, (he poor fellow loot hie balance aad fell throosh one of the doom Into tbe strvfct.*’ "Ob. Aunty I Wee be killed ?'• "No; bo fell heed Brat, and as bo was going I caught blm by the legs of his troessre. I held on lor a ssloau and tried to poll him beck, but his tus peodsra gars way, and tbe poor yeoug man fell clear out of hta pantaloons In to a imroH of ledtaa and gentlemen paaalng along the street.” “Oh, Aunty I Aunty I Lotrdy !** "Thera, that’s light; squall aad gig ■lens much as you want to. Old* that can't hem a little tiling Uka that without tearing around tbs room sod he-he tag in seek a way, don’t know eooop to oome In when It mins. A nlee time Use man that manmocaof yon will have, went Irn?” OaLch me tell log you anything again.” "But. Aunt Sully, what became of blm T Did vee ever see bios again 7” "No; the moment he touched the ground he got up end left tbe piece lo a terrible hurry. I tell yeu It was s mgtit Is be remembered. How that man did roc I Hu went out weal, and I believe be Is prauohtng out In Hllaels: But be aevsr married. He wee very modeet end 1 suppose lie was aw badly frightened that time that ha never darad tenet blmeelf near a women epda. That, girts. Is Urn roaaaa that I never married. I felt very usd about It for a long lime—for be was a real gMd man. and I often thought to my sail that me shoald have bsea very happy <f hie suspend era bedel given away.” A fur maalt m afcouM ha** elmply a f«*llr*f af ooafurl aa« taUtfaMloa Toa AmM aotfcel aayayaolal lad lea Men* *i*t dlfHtian ta a*ieg aa. If ha*a fadjareUea, whloh ■aati mi dtfertioa. TWe aay ba tba bagioainf of M aaay daagaroua dia aaata, that M la Mat to lata H la Haad ateaeeaad tnad K arlth Maher 1M a*aU*a Oardlal for you ka#w that ladldaaUaaaahaa yotaaa, which eaaeaa gaf tad alahaaaa. Aod that Makar higraOTC CbtSal Mae dl«aaUoo aad coraa laBIgaUia. Bhakar IX«**tt** OerdUl daa (Me by yarldiaa the di«a*tl*e aatodala la wbleiitSa dak aldfMMb la «Htkf. ft alto laoaa ay aad atraaf kaaa tft BpoHt ergaot x It aftat the WaNsvUlw A thoughtful mmi Mid to the writer, reoooUy, that the btcreh bee oust Um South aere than the paaio of 188S. He cited the atm of a North Carolina town the tax mono of wliioh ahowed •a to reef at lo bicycle* there of 1110,000. Thla 1« a good deal of Money—all goat to the North, oarer to be moo boro any orate. Thla gentle wan went oo to My that It woaM not ho to had If thlo wore the end of It, but that the bicycle li • continuing ex P«—e. flea the feat that It toon weara oat, chaagee atyle, etc., oaaaUg new pure beers. What this gentleman *ay* auggeeti aa Hea, and it la that nearly all the money we spend go— away from ua. Ha evidently bus a prejudice against Um bicycle; wo bare none, it 1* a ■seas at rapid transit to harried me*, oo buelucM boat; It comm men to lake exorelM wbae they would uot du It otborwlaa; it pro mot re brail b and la oerfol lo osaay way*. But It drain* a lot oCmooey oat of the Sooth. So du many other things -and ttila la tba Mm we refereed to awhile ago. When wo oome to think of It. vary few or lh« things wa bay are of Southern menu feature. Nearly all the rods we tray oat of the atone eta medals the North. So are our agricultural implements aad maoblnery; aed our life and la»uranee momey cow to Naitliem companies- In addltlou to thla, tb« governmental policy m wholly agaluat Southern In terse la Tarts and In ternal revenue taxes are levied so that the money U drawn out ol this sect too and aoae of It oornee booh. The cotton aad tobuceo crops an all wo hoc*, to offer aga'nat three demand* upon us and they an qalte ooswumed by the purchase* we make from our Northara neighbors. The bicycle—to return to the begin ning—la but ooe of many thing*. Tt l* a wonder, aa we look at the whole sub jrot. that there I* a dollar left la the Southern States. Tbs North and Eu rope send to ua for cotfoo aad tobocoo. Against those, we bey everything rise •way fro—born*. The remedy forlhl* condition la the establishment lo the Sooth, m far aa moalbfe. of maoefitc torlm wbleh will make tha things we boy. W* bar* all the while been an agricultural people. W* will never be come rich nod grant aatll w* add to agriculture mannfeetortef, aod that not In 1*0* line alone bat In all Um dl v*raided lines of human endeavor. 99 BW MOBBUS. IM* AKIM*" amtfciA yTy *r. rear. Al bis horns osar QsstonU at 0:13 o’clock test Moo day morning. Ssu. 27, Mr. J. A. Hatch ford depurLetithi* life, aged 68 jeati, a mouths and II Us bad been a consistent member of tbe Presbyterian ehorch (New Hope) tor over 40 yean. H* was a mao of prayer aad tbe role# of prayer in tbs altar of bis borne wai beard as lung aa be was able to conduct this serrlee a serrlee of delight to bis soul. His attendance on tbs ordinance* of tbe ianclesry was regular aad reverent. Ha enjoyed the gates of Zioo more than tbe door gf worldlier**. Ha eould say “I -ytfC3 wbte to the house or God they said to me gu up.” He reared a large family, tearing tea sons and daughters, cl a* of whom ac companied him to bis last bona. All ot bn children *r* In tbs faith and Are to 11st In the resurrection morn and call him blessed. When the rotes of war catted on Mr. Batchfurd, ho answered lb* cell, and did three years’ faithful aeirtes as a membei of 38tb N. C. Regiment, He was twice married. Tils drat wife ™ • Mias McKee sod bis last wlf* a Mis* Pries who sarries him. The deceased bore his last sickness 7**? patteocc and reelguatlon, and died a triumphant death. On the 28tb of September he was buried lo lbs frars-yard of Now Hope. A large ooucourse of friendi were present at tb* funeral eouduesd by bis Pastu* *» Was «.*■*» UwCnilea Aabvrtlle OAlaoa. There appears to leoclrooe reason tor testing tbs penitentiary convicts to a syndics**, and that is that tbe ad ministration cannot or will not hare this Instltutkiu so man »g*d that it is uot a scandal sod a burden to tb* tax payer*. Tbs pswitantisry. uniter Dem ocratic sdmloUtrations, was self-sup porting anc • ersdit Is tbe 8lat*. Mow it Is oreriun with Goytrnor’* fa vorites, and aeeuaattoaj of tba most MflpM aad saendalous ns tore are ■•do sgalaet lu oAoer* witbont dr* w lejL“y denial. .The proposition to far® Oat tire ecu ricts Ought not to b* senshtered. ir a syndicate eon make money free* them. ** o*n Urn auto, aad to lure Uwm om to persons wboss only perpws it will bo to get tba moot from thorn with tb* team possible return offers sad ism opportunity lor ahum, diiwurijiit orutely so4 scandal wltbout and. Tbs expertise* 0f other (Hates confirms this view, and tb* oummeudatten that be* heretofore bran made of North Carolina's oouvtet system, when It wua ondor Demeoratte control, ought *° that, instead of Chaaclog to • system condemned la all expert • return W reads to tb* seonoad. osl sad human* managsmsnt that pre tedad tb* prmsut exhibition of tneom l***"oy *od sxtrersfsnos. •“•an >n)Mowtrw. Utonan kaown, tboo*h, tint Otl.a botda Bat tor raatnaalkla for tbs Oot •rnor’a MUn, aad ba doaaa't oaa tanaa takaa frata tba Bbortar Gata cttoia whaa saaskloo of hba. -Wbat wnTroa do whoa UtaSaaator oo*to to aaa towrpUtor* I aakad. “•tab kla atooUi." ba is*tod, -aud •Vo^atraadj amt bt* word to that Old paoata who raqaba nadistos Ut rtfatou tba bossla aad btdaajra wit) 5S.‘WjaSS£JB3r«S'i: Odd aaatalM no wbMay oar atbar latoitoaat, bat aota aa a teato aad at torattrs. u Mta *lldty aa tba atoaa •jb and banrta, addtaf «»l*Q«th aad Uao uTia arm*, tbarsbf at*. stiffis » ihr emta par boUto * to Dracrtora. TJCB HUT ULTILU. This wonderful bar* he ok rider, i famed all over the clriltied world, )e one of the feature “ArUita” with tbe Greet John Robinson sod Franklin Broe.' Enormous Combined Shows. He la the oaly Hying rider who has appeared before the erawaed bead* of Bumps, end would esrer permit hie oeme to he Identified with any but tbe eery beet tented amusements. Mr. I Melville la tbe embodiment of free*. • His work was so dererly done that it has the appeeranee of excessive ease. Oe iprings upon tbe back of e swiftly running horse a* readily aa the ordl ! nary man mounts n chair. QU thrill* ; in* riding created a future. Ha con quer* UU audience by the mastery of bis art. Long after the show haj eome aud guar, nd miring thoosands dilate oo Ikt marvel of hie performsnoe. This worthy rider t* la worthy earn pauy. He Is surrounded by the stroor set errsy of Amerioeo and European areolc sure aver gathered together, innumerable great features enchain lha attention of the audhmee. Schools of educated ponies, goats, pigs and baby elephant*; a double tmaps of Royal Japanese; thrilling serial acts by lha greatest of all aerial perform art, Selgrlst sod Silbon, and many others; equestrian acta by more lban a score of Justly celebrated lady end gen tlemen ndere; areolc sports and pas time* of ancient Rome, together with * teal Roane hippodrome. The oely elephant-riding lion and nomtrooi other features. The entire show will exhibit at Gastonia FRIDAY OCT. 8th—Air. Scotland Neck Iras drawn a colored P°e*«**ter—making four for Helirax county. We sell Zante. the great blood reme dy. A sure on re for falling manhood. Frost Torrence A On., Uaetonta, N. O. For Good Bread Buy Good Flour. »t> cook ■aa m Ju mod ttrvod of poor floor. Arotd Iota of IroobU by rain* ike brat Sour. Swan's Down, Out opinion—and we ere oooartoed Is it by may caitixners-lt. that there la no better ■our tfaaa -deaa't flown." All we aah Is lb el you try It onoe. Then wrU here you for a flour customer le lb* future. Water-Ground Meal. Wu ere headquarter, for A. a abyss's water .round maul-the brat os flu) market fw oorabreed “like your mother always neakee." Grauufatcd Sugar. W© teres quAAtliy or rrinuhutd wiw in 10i pouod boss. Best Groceries. Is fsra we ere wotaw ns ht .heel eaktri. reputation for handSax I ho very beat foodeoo ike menus. Con ’shone SI eod talk srocerira end vrrr laMaato Moore, White & Co. -AGKRVY Charlotte Mean Laua4ry. Do Ton Want a Piano? %J3Sr\J2&‘ SfiS KSL'Z'Si nyerded ma a borne n.nnWty. STDE3FF PIANOS powwows tint lodraorlbeble quality of ’***•—ikooe mesi rfwb wblofc sire to muslo UeaoaoUlsod peculiar chans. 2>« fltletrTSti, baa made may a boms Three feneration* slim Ibta kmihrlllaliSimr!?niij|sa' W&USSSm.• i*"** «. ZAS&lflFU*'.fit n«kjM. nf w. fSRffltl**-:.*• • >twH lump. IHAHLOTTB/ft. .m N.Tryoa ft. jcstiT The Coral ami moat romplete Ultra of Watches, Clocks, •lewelry, Spectacles and Musical Goods •▼er broaght to Oaatonfa. ru-aKOt folly, TORRENCE, _Jkwlkq amp Qrrn a«. ■•tie® (• Creditors. Adalotstrator’s Notice. Clear the Track! I Our Styles, Qualities ami Low Prices Demand the Right of Way. MouHtiXLfikSd!1 lb*tor w* "•T* fou«M our *** w» IVio^Udl<Jbl,Lin'" iW 001 ,IVW ^ ehmoc’'’ Woo* *nd I-ow W* otter no ‘'Doll*” but o wbolo bou** (nil iif Itofotn*. Ificto not call any price Chtup uniat it hat (ftnUtg behind it. mole tbTuu^.'cV d0,tr ** ^ U,e ro<-r°i,*'“ n..d TBiISfS- W'tAVSSiAWSJSff*ooous •FaJw njj to jrowr titlffrO. Don't be tetptical Pnrtf Dot,-out Doubt. cnLXxrE «sc ooxtisrEXjXXJS DISPLAY °F MILLINERY. Ob FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Oct. 1 and 2, W6 Will Have our Opening. Public Cordially Invited to Visit our Store. A O. WILLIAMSON. TAXES! TAXES! To the Tax-payers of Gaston County: I will visit the fallowing named places at Um time stated for the pur new* of receiving the tax due for the year 18117: v Dallas, (ouurt house.).Monday, October 4tU. Begonia. (II affair tier's atore.).. .Turaday, •* 5th, 9 to 12 a m Gtaucx'i 8toiu. •• •• *• 3ioftn."m' XLMORK’sSTonE.Wednesday. •• Gilt. Ola 12 a m Lowell. (Diug Store.). ** •• •• 2 to 5 u m' Belmont. (IUgaa A Smith's itore)Thurad«y, “ 7tb, 10 to 4 p m Bi-enc-bn Mtn. Cotton Mill*. .Friday, - 8ib. 2 to 6 pirn.' Gastonia, (Mayor's ufflee.).Saturday, " 9th. 9 u m P> 8 p ® MeAumm iLLi. (Baker'satura,)..Monday, " lllb, 12 a. to 9 p m Tula Asaxoic.Tuesday, « I3tb. » a m to 12 m Mt. UoLLY. (J.C. Cannon's atore) •• •• •• 2 to 9 p. m. LUCIA.Wednesday, >* 13th, 9 a u to 12 a Mtn. Island Mills. •• *• •• 3M0p.ni Stanley Cue ax .Thursday. •• I4ih, 10am to4p® Hakhbn Cotton Mills.Friday, •• 15th, 10amto4p m Carpenter's.Monday, •* 18th. 19am to4d® Chkbutvillb.Tueadar. *• 19.h. 9 a ro to 4 pm Homs'* Store.Thursday. " 2lal, 11 a m to 4 u m Bearer kb City.Friday, » 2*1, UamtoOpm Dii.uko Mills.Tueeday, - 28Ui, I0amto4pm Makers.Wrduradav. “ 37th, Os m to 4 p ® Patterson School House.Thursday. " 28th, 10 am toil pm Glenn*.Friday. ’• 20tli, Oa m tn 13 m Pleasant Kilkir. •• •• •• 2 am tu 5pm The laws tn regard to both the collection and payment of taxes are very strict My duly Is to execute them. It la n,j purpose to f-tllhfully disc-barn that duty. TS*« erapiece tm pm* thrlr tnara at She praprr tima, aN sals neeaaartaS* an* arrfbrmittp aa —jrfra—s *mt* bat trill atom aSd ramtm ta tkrlr taeei. Make a memorandum NOW of the place amt time that will he most coo* venleal for you to meet roe, AND DON’T FORGKT TO HE TIlKltE Youte Truly, W. T. LOVE, Sheriff of Gaston Coanly. Dallaa, N.C., Sept. 18, 1897. ’ CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING!] Special alien!ion la called this week to cor \ Children's, Youth’s aud Men’s Suits, j We have the beat line for this teaaoa that wo have ever carried | and will (ell them ai cheap aa can be bought on any market. J Owe In and look through our atoek. We will internt you In ‘ goods and prices. ! . . . Holland & Kobinson. j Turkey and Greece. Turk*; seams to have gotten the better uf Ore ace In Llta recant war and the Sullen Is much elated over his triumph. But the Point that shook) Interest housekeepers Is not bow to gat the belter of Greece but how and where to obtain the BEST GREASE, for tbrlr l^.a.1 nud for'other cooking purpose* KIdkuii'h Lard glees nnleersel aaiisfaetkm to all who uta it. and if YOU hava uot tried It von should send up an order and let os supply yon. s ’ ,vv Use “Roller King”or ’’JalHeo” Dour, Klngan** Hama Oaoktd wltli Kino ban’s Lard, and you will be as happy as the Hottan la over h(a victory. “ Yours, eto. ETGQ.AJEl LOVE Sc OOMPANV. Furniture For All. Ho matter what you want la the Furniture line, c inae to Armstrongs t« get It. We hava bought the heaviest stock for uur fall trade that w. hava ever handled. Litigant Oak Suita Ranging In price from git to |9S. Gome Id and see thaia. Chairs, Chairs, Chairs. A Mg carload <rf chairs-all aorta, styles, and prices. Beantiftal Exlantlan Dining TaMei. A BanBsane Stack af Lannge*. It win be a pleasure to show you aur goods and quote prlo8^ Armstrong Furniture Company. We Are Dally ttecelvtiiir Our Fall Htock of . . . Shots, Dr; Goods, Clothing and Gont’s Furnishings. *3- Cull to see us. We cun give you low prices. MoDillfcPreBBly & Co.

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