The Gastonia V°1‘ XVt11, _ Gastonia, N. C„ October 28. i»»7. W—WPWW——wbi——^ _______ J M A I A A 1 A AT I~' tf 1 /^/\i i rvrr>r> ■ ■ ■ I •-»- . . .1_. _ . I .. . . ^ MAJOR JONES’ COURTSHIP. I By ftajor Joseph Jones, of Pinevllle, Georgia. LETTER XXII1. Pineville, Aug. 24. To Mr. Thompeoti.' Dear 81r-My lost letter Mm to produced a non ■troua see it Ion among the cultivators of hair, and I can’t help bat Tea! a tit Us proud of tbe soereta of my writ Ini on tbat sobject. dome grate Oloaofer has add that the man what made two spears of grata grow wliar only one growd before, wot a beanyfaetor, Wall If that’s true, the rule ought to work both ways, and I’m of tbs notion that —In times Ilka these, when tiling* la run into dob bomlnable extra mae—tbs mao wbat causes only e decent crop of hair to grow wkar sicb everlaetiu stacks of It waa cultivated before, hat a equal claim to the gratitude of all decent people. Tbe way my last letter liar cradled oB the sonp-locks a»d Imperiels, end gost knou sod rouetysbows (a truly tlsrmln to tha vermin wbat ne ually Inhabits them regions, ae the geografv sea It seem* It'a made a clean shave of ’em In some parts of tbe country, sod fallen wbat used to go about In the hot weetlier aweatio and smoklu uodcrtlielr burdens of lialr, and etlnkin with bar’s oil aad permatnm worse nor a spaniel dog after a aboaer of rain, is so much al tered and look so muoh decanter tbat tber friends and relations don't hardly know ’em. Day before yesterday, I went down to the poet offloe to gtt the Mltoellany, aud wbeo 1 ax’d the postmaster if ther waa was any thing for me. ae* be, “Well, I reckon you’ll Ihlok so gin you pay the postage.'' and be handed nia about a donee letters. I paid him what they come to. tod wsagwlneto ■tart borne, when he liollered oat, “Stop, stop, Major, here's something i'!»• (or you,” and ont be oome with a grate big bundle done up lo s piece of brown paper. “Why, wbat upon yesrth la that f ” tea L “Lord only boowa.” sea he—“it oome In a extra beg this mornln.” 1 looked at It and betted it in my bands, bnt I couldn’t make oat what It waa to live my Ufa—It was $2 pos tage, ana 1 didn’t feel like peyln tbat for nothin. “Maybe It’s a booket.” see the Post master: “you better open it and aee, ai.d It It Is you wont have to pay no postage.” But I could loll by the feello U wasn’t no bucket letter, t k no wed Mery’s aunt down In Auguste aed in her last letter the wst gwine lo send her aome little things, and 1 was afraid to base it opened lor tear the Post master would see 'em, and tell every body In PlnaviDe. So I paid the pos tage and tuck the bundle under my arm, and went home laugbln all the way to Uilok wbat a joke I would have on Mary. Well, when I got borne, Mary and 1 h« galls some round me the Bret thing, wantia to know wbat was lo the bun die, . After foolln ’em a Mile while I gin Mary a kind of a wink, and see 1: “Don’t you remember wbat aunt Mabaly writ about In her letter? them little— But Mery’* band waa on my mouth in a mtnlt. * "llueb, huali, now Joseph— give It to me,” ns she, end tbe snatched the bundle out of mv treads, end ebe and the galls run oS to her room almost tickled to death, to ate tbe little Qnerlee. i aot down In a chair and begun Vo open tb* letter*, when all at once I beard a load soruum In Uirj> room, and they all com* main out Ilka they wa* frightened out ot tber Mtuei. Mary com* aeraamln to me, «• white aa a sheet, and I took bar In my lap and tried every way I snuld to quiet bar, bat *ha like to faint two or thin* tlmea. The Orat word abe aed waa. “Oh, Joaepb It'* eomsthlng hairy I" “Yea,” *«e all of ’em, "it’a some kind of a lie* varmint, for it atlrrtd as toon as it aeed the light.” ”1 couldn’t help bot one* a little to myself. It mad* coo to mad to think ■om* dratted thing most all tb* time to b* happenlo to moot Mary, and then ■ho1* to plagy akury. At aoon a* I rot her pattiBod a little, I want to as* what It was. Mlaa Car* lloo abe got the toog* and Mlaa Ktaiah got tb* broomstlok and eome along a* brave as bould be. bot Mary bung to my cot* tall and kap dose behind me at the could. "Take car* now, Joaepb,” tea Mm, “yoa don’t know what It Is, and It monght Mt* you terrible.” I felt • little sort o’ jubus of the drafted thing myself, and I luck the braom-haedln and poked It two or three times to aav what It wonld do; but It didn’t etlr, eo 1 wont up to It aad pulled the paper open, and wbat do you think it was r As shot* aa I’m tattle bar* It we* nothin bot a grata big heap or wbltkor* aad hair 1 As oooo aa I aeed It ( keowed by tha lb* odor It wan tb* name establishmtat wbat akered Mary so up to Atbae*. The gall* aad all of no bad a good laugh at tha olroumaUnc*. and after polTla It about a llttla with tha taaga, w* found tb* follow lag latter la tb* bundle, which 1 tend you to print In tb* MMo*Hany: •Aogmu, Aug. |4.-Xo Major Jooaa: Sir—( Kara Juit board year latur toad la whtah you ma to bar* ilogted my balr and whlakara oat aa tba object of yoar ridicule. [ regret ran owl that Lboy aboold hara bean took a aourea of terror to yoar aat eabla tedr, and foaling llialeome alone taaat la dm for tba ontraga upon bar nrrrooa aanatbllltteo, I bora determined to anarldm thorn aloriee »f my man hood. and to aand them to yen to ha •ubaatttad to an eh punlahmant aa aba may Amiga to lofltet a poo Umm. Van raapaattony, eto.. “wnnxBBs.” Mary laagbad right oat. 'Wall, wall,” am the; ’If that don’t boat any thing I Cat hi* wbltkcr* off to ke*p , ’*tn from *k*rla people I Well, he «>■ 1 a terrible fright, *bor* auoogh. end I ; d*re my be’* e right Cbrl*ti*n4ookin' ■art of ■ human, now’* b*> took all that mooatroue beep of balr off hi* faor, I would Ilk* to we him now: I would.” ''K*’* a rlpbt gallant gentleman, ai*," an Mia* Carfioe; “to anod hi* whliken to you to ba punlihed for frightenin’ you ao up to Athana, ain't be t” “He li so," in Mils Keetah. ••Well. Man-, what It you gwine U> do erltb ’em r' aaa I. "Why.” ace she; •! 1*11 make Cato taka 'em oot in Uut old Oald to-morrow and bum ’am.” "Noueaeose. child," sea old Mtaa Si ail In a, who's the most too qolo teal 1st old wnmau In the world; "let Oslo save ’em till next spring to plant Irish taters Is; they say hog’s hstr la tba best thing In llie world (or that, sod I don't aaa why they won’t do Just at mil.” "That’s a fact,” ere L "Here, Oato. take 'cm out to Uia bero sod he cara ful of 'em." “Wall," aaa Mary; "you oan do arhat you please, but L won’t ast a talar.” Caio tack the things asd carried ’em oat, and are all sot down aod weal oo raadlo’tho letters. Has*lathi next one what wa opeoed: "Athens, Aug. Ld-To Major Joseph Jones : dir—xoor letter has caused a most alarming decline of soap-locks and goat-knots, aa you vary appropri ately call them, 10 this town, aad a consequent depreciation of Maeaiaar aad bear’s oil. Tba barbae hare a perfect harvest of tbe hair crop, aod our community are becoming to look llkaeiviliiad beings. U would seam that a compromise has been made be tween lbs dandy* and dandyesssa, aod that bustles are undergoing a sensible reduction. Oo last Monday at church I saw IS young ladies silling oo one bench, where but eight could poesibly stow Uiemttlvcs on tbe Sunday pre vious, tnd I also observed that fans were not In anything Ilka such con stant reqatsILion as formerly. Having observed thee* happy humanising re suite, 1 ball you, air, aa one or tba greatest reformers of tbs axe. Vary respectfully, your obedient servant, "OBSERVER.” 1 read the last part ovar three time* to the galls. Mary sod aha liked it all very wall, all bet the bustle part. Sbe sed aha couldn’t sas why man need bother Ibeioaetvo* about wbat don't concern ’em. "But ltier da oonoern ’em,” tea L, aud on I went to read tbe next letter: "Savannah, Aug. 17. “To Major Jooes— Sir: I have just read tbat ridiculous latter of yoan from Atbess, in whlob you have takna the liberty to apeak of my whiskers In s most scandalous manner. Sir, you are a fool, sir—* beardless puppy, sir, tbat ain’t worth the notice of a giotl* maa who can nuse a pair of whiskers. If you had half sense, you would keep tbat elUy little hysterical wife of yours at boats (‘did you aver I’ sac Mary, 'the mtaa old thing) and oot carry bar about with you whan you go to show yoar sal f. On* foul at a lima. Besides, yoo ought to know tbat tbe hair Indi cates the Mood, aod tbat soot of tba tba greatest hero** of antiquity wore long bait and flowing bauds. Rat who could expect better from a ploy wood’s fool ? “Your*. Ac , ELFIN.” “Bead that orer agio, won’t you. brother f” aaa Sietar Carlins, with a mischievous am I la oo bar pratty faoe. But one raadln’ of that letter waa quite enough. I fait aa hot aa a pepper box for about a nelnlt—to think tba drat ted aeoundrel would apeak that way aboat Mary. “Don’t you mind,” aaa 1 to bar; “bit argyaaeuta abowa him to be n fool. The hair dote ahow tba blood of a hone or aoow, aod maybe monkeys, but I newer heard anybody ear before that human creatures waa to bejodgad by tbe saute rula. And aa lor the baroaa of aotlqulty wearlo’ long hair, that all “*»*?’ J«rt I reckon they waa Jaat aa much Indebted to iber honaa talla for thor victories aa to thar own hair or whlakera Be’a e baboon, Mary, aod don’t laaa mind him.” Hara'a another letter: “■atontou, Aug. Id, 1B43. “To Major Jooea—Dear Sir: Go It, old fallow; gtva the goata a swingle* eriay time you coma serosa them. Thera it taro or three klnda of arialo =racy In tola country that I want to are put down, and one of them la tba ’arUtooraty ef whlakera.’ Thla a the mart annoying of them all, (specially In warm weather. Swings them. Major, till they ehed. Yours alnoeraly, "A SHAVES.” I waafarfaotly willin' to road that ooo orer agin, hot they all wauled la hoar the seat, wbiob waa tba last. It waaoa pink eol lov'd paper, ead la Urn prettyeat hand wrltln' {erer did see. Here It la: "Athene, A up oat 10. "To Major Joaeph Jonta-Dear (Mr: Mjr rrouae for eddreealn* aiutlMlo moat be tba Irraaletlbie deeire I (dal to axpteaa my tratltude to yoa for the tary treat favor you bare rendered aaa. Dear Major, I am IndaUad to yaa, wordeeauoot tall bom much. Torou I o wo tbo ptaearyatJon of cay daar Baa* ry. But for yon I woo Id aayur ban enjoyed tba bllaa of Uile moment, tba raptata of hnowlat that I pcoaaaa tba undivided a (feet tea of tbo drat aad on ly daar, doar, object at car heart. Tau aaoet know, Major, that aa Wa grew ap la tore of aaoh other-I neatf not aap bow happy-oaUI about a mr atnaa whom tba painful aoarlottoa waa forced upon mr mlad tba* Henry waa not aa ardaut la hla attaetimaat aa formerly. At about tbla period I per ceWed a Under growth of little ‘plu fr^’ f* TOO here elyled Lbeoa, about Ills mouth and chin, and I could not (all to obmrvetba assiduity with which ba cultlratod that tiny growth. At length they broeme par ewpfelble acroa* tbe room, and be evl d«tly grew ooMer and colder, eeemlcg t® forget the fond tiiemae of other days In bla eodleae dUouuton of U>* faahlon of Imperial*, whiskers, and muatacbea; •nd It era* only when X (poke of bla beard that ha stroked bla ebln with a degree efeomplaoent aattsfboUon, and manifested an interest In my aociaty. (lit beardVre* under hla ooneUnt cul tam, and "b« dally became more end more single in his devotion, until It neenased tbe most hideous proper ties, and I began to fear that 1 bad teat all ptaoe Ta hi* affections. One olgbt last weak, as he sat by the win. dew. the night been* playing tbroagb the great tut of hair under bit chin and Oiling the room with the odor of noeld olf and absorbed perspiration, be ehaaord to oast bin eye upon the 'Mlsoellanj'—» paper which X ever kept opoe say eeutr* Ubte. It wa* the number which contained jour last let. ter. lie reed It. I watched with in* tenses* InUreat the shade of mortldoe Uoo that played ever his ones manly Natures In ute mam of hair that de formed them. He read the supplica tion In my look at parting, and In a tremolo os voice bade me a good eve ning. I received s package, neatly en veloped and tied with e Una ribbon, with tha follewiag Hove: “ ‘Iteu Julie, receive vour discarded rival. Henceforth my heart Is wholly thine.1 “Drsr Major, need I my more? Can weeds express lb* deep end lasting gratitude 1 am bound to fkel towards on*, who bsa not only restored to me the affections of my dear Henry, but whoa* searching ridicule ba* weened him from n devotion *o unbecoming to hla nubia mlud. Please accept my heartfelt Uianka, sod give my beat compliment* to your amiable and ao oomptlebed wife. Your*. with sincere esteem, “Julia. r. e. xoor remarks open loorfll oaie liaalla* were not half severe enough. All modest ladles are either discarding lbam entirely er reducing them to e else only aaftcieut to beeoni Ing fullness to tbetuoka ef the skirt; observed, was the extent to which lire. Jones lsdnlgad In ttiom. and which I believe Is approved by good taste.” “Reed It Mini read it aglnl" are Mary sod all of ’em, and ( had to read It over agin to gratify ’em. Mary aea If* the best letter abe ever reed, aed la worth a dosao of (Job things aa that old hateful Elfln’a, from Savannah. Ilia* Carlloe ace I ought to be really proud of tt, and aea she wouldn’t marry do man la the world that wore big ugly whiskers. I can't think wbat upon yealb pos sessed that fslier down In Augusta to send me bla whMera. I apoao be thought 1 meant bis whiskers, and was ’lermlued to give ’em to me, aeoee I'd mad* etch a roa* about ’em. Well. 1 don't care about pay In U * bundle for pouter manors, but I iball nee wbat virtu* tber la in bair next spring, and if It doe* make big potaiera, thao I’ll be willin to admit that billy-goat* sad man-monkeys la some aeooanl after all. No more, from Your friend, Ull death. Jo*. Jonas. LETTER XXIV. PiftBTUxa. September 97* To Mr. Thompson: Dear Sir—I ought to writ you a letter last week, jott to let you know how w* was all glttin on, bet the fact la that I bad no time for nothin. I’ve had more thao usual to teed to about the plantation, pnllln fodder and plokln oat a little, over to tb* new ground, oo the teds of the bill, whar the cotton's opened con siderable; and lex Idea a good doe) ot my time baa been took np ea horse teodtu to Mary and the faaaily. So, between oversee!n the nigger* and ■tela to Ullage about borne, 1 baint had no Um* to devote to my cone* V>ond(*coe. Ifa monatrooa strange to me how wlmmln can have so ranch imagina tion, sod b* id dradfal skery and no tlooatc. Now, Mary’s jest as fat aed bloom In aa ever the wee, bar cheeks lockln like roses, sad pel she's every now and then Imagtoin aba's sink, sad gwtno to die, and maklu cut I don’t love her like 1 umd to, and all sioh uonaenm. And If I go oat la Um bald to look after the niggers a white, or happen to stay down to town more than a beer wbau 1 go after my paper* aed letters, when aba’s Jest aa apt aa soy way to take a cry about It. It tasks* is* feel bud to see bar set go, and you oan’t think how glad I aa wbau abe gits over them NUte streak* of low apatite. Than site’s jest aa hap py as a lark, and If you could see bar them, when she's laughing and ruaio on With the real of ’em, or plagneln and rompln with me, you wouldn’t think her hens Ufa! bright cyus was over dimmed with a tear, or that her marrr little heart ever knew the weight of a tigb. Tbe gall* I* all the i time eoaxln and babyio bar up ae, I don’t wonder abe asu child tab aoeao tlmao. Bet old Mia* Htelllos, she •cold* her one mlelt and than klseas her tbe nest, and (aa I mustn’t ml ad her little whims now. and set she’ll eutgrow ’em nil sue of these days, t hope aha will, pore gal), more oo her Soars ot then mine. wettn*r nn b*M monatrout Hot bora for mocr'a two weefci, ate I doat think I tear did aaa Ibtagalmt •wawladeuttte twinged »p to with the tan at Ufa taatiio of tha rear be fore ft really does toomllGttor a'ataoooel rhady plane fact eny more ootbafam af tbarMtb. Tbe doga fa *!' roato about looking tor noma oool ptaou, with thor toagooa kauri a way •i*. »»*<1 V*Utt* at iba rate of about two hoadred and atrenty flee braatha a mlott, aad the haaa aad turkaya It •II gat thar fttlbtrt plated totter ate ftreaaoot, tod If yoo ooald boar •tor bruatU yon would ba aboro that all bad tta qoloay tho wort* kite. Wo bare bad pratty good bpaKb, except old MUa bulling, who baa bad lbs Tiler Grip tor more's a weak. The old wu maa bad » monsUoo* bad time ol It. baa drank more ysrb Ian than eeoagh to kill a boas. (fee see abaal. ways did eooaider old TlUr a cues sent «•!» oounlry, for tJebbett-brsebln and other badoaaa that’i gut ao com mon of late yaan, and now aba knowa l»; aha am aba wosdara why the people don t paUtlon Onncram to send bin loto Botomy B*», for all the mtoehlef be’s done seat* he's beta Preeldeat. I have reeeivad a good many loiters worn I wrote to yoa, about my wlifs ar lettm, from rattan aU overy the •onntry. Some of 'am ara terrible aaad with me, aed aopa la vary mimb pjeaaad with my etrletara ou hair. Tba follow! n letter was root red two, 91 HO!" MP>, and M the writer I* a military mao and swot anxious to bear mr opinion on tba eutyeot, 1 bare concluded to give him my rtewi in aa taw words as poMiblr. “Batomtom, 8apt. 0. "Dmt Major—81nee your atbeee let Ur made Ito mppaaranoa ia the Mtoeel laay Lbara it baa bean oaila a eooatar • naUoo among tha unfortunate dieel of Abenlom, and I harm no doubt but that aa many of tbaaa gantry bare town ahoto of their ‘pride* aa Buffered damage by the eeletratad ‘eoaptoch’ ordar of tba curtailing Beoretary. It to uoWvexmU queetto* (at tba lawyers ••») with gaoltemao of tba ‘errord and plnma whether you Intend to extend your prohibition to ^Georgia Mijon’ aod their iubal(«m«r whether there are U be any cxoeptiona to unlreraal amootb facet? Now, I regard the ‘sllltU1 ua a bind of privileged claim, arbo have aa much right to be hairy aa Kama bad. But‘noo* varroua,'aa Mr. Orlop need to aay when at lom far , *<>», »to, aa you ara a Major yonreolf, you will perortye Uieimpor tanoa of your petition and oo doubt Iu your next letter will gtre ua your view* fully on tble subject. ••Very reareotfeUy yoora. “ConrouAL Trim." How 1 with Corporal Trim aud «v rrrkxxly else to understood am aa Uili plat. 1 hsin’t got no objtetioa to rsa •ouable whiskers l0 tber right piece, 5® ® military man. or anybody else. Decent luokln whisker* la well eoougb, but wbst l oljeet to Is lltrsa bomiua bto grate big oatlaudlsh looklu things that hirer a mao’s fsos all nrsc, and make It look more like a weasel lookln Dot of a muss insures thau tire eouute ®®*ce of a human creator. But all whisker* sbouldu't ba of a ruaaonable, deoeot vise, but thay should be la their right place, and not oo the upper lip por oe the tip ead of Urn Ohio, like a billy-goat*. I have always thought that the great Creator of all things In tended, In outside appearance at least, lo distinguish bstwaoc man, monkey* and goats, though ther doss happen sometimes to tsa monstrous rase ns - bianos In thsr tastes sad order of Uier mind*. Wbeeever 1 sea a chap trylug to coins the goat by eultivatln a scrap of hair on the tip earn! of hia ohlu, I can’t bslp but wooder why be don't hero his oust tall cut lo tura up lie bind and have It lined on the eidcs with hair. It would ba a decided Im provement, an would make him look more Ilk* the animal ha seems so anx ious to Imitate. Bat the Corporal arenas more anx ious to have my opinion about the proper kind of wtalekari tor millUa offi cers. who, hs ss*. b* thinks baa a good right to bo hairy as Bsaw. Wall, I ain't disposed to dispute that, but If tber hair don’t do ’em uo more good thau that chap's did wluit sold hia birthright for a bowl of rad soup, aod got footed out of hie father’s blessing with a piece of goat ekiu, It wouldn't bo worth tber while U> waste usuob bear's grease lu ita cultivation. Be sides. If thay sna to be called into ac tual aervloe with slob whiskers ou as some of ’em wear oow-a days, and bad to charge through such hammocks as I did la Florida, tber wouldn't be a mother’s son of ’em (It through, bat they would be left hangln by tber whiskers in tbs bamboo briars, ilka ao many A.M*lotus of old, fur lb* boa sard* to sat at tber letrurw. Tber la some excuse for pretty ocra alderabta wbtektre oo militia officers, lo times of dec gar. baosuse they sort o’ bids lito algae ef share lo a reller’s fare, whore, if U* slot got no pluck, ha’s ]*st ae sere to show the white feather aa he’s born-, aud I halat the least doubt In the world but that is the reason why big whiskers la so frehlooahla In the army. But in times of peace their slat uo excuse for thuo darts grata whisker* that look like the man’s faoe growed oo thorn instead of User growl o oo hia fare, apse tally if they ar* red or sorrel odor, Kvury man’s toot le adapted lo a sertalo man's lacs for a certain six* and out of whisksrv, soma men oe* go barefooted, aod so ms oan go without whisker*, bat tber la no mere propriety lo arear ing a mus a tala of hair oo the faoe than tber ia la stlehts one’s fast into a pair of leather maO-baas. It'* all a matter of taste, sad as I ballsy* the •train's got mare of that artlcls than the rasa, try a long shot, 1 think tbs host piss Is for every men to lsuvs It to hts wife, end thorn that Uatrvt go* ao wife lo go without whisker* till thay rtt oo* When my pileber was tuck for my book, tbs aagravsr pat oa s very gsotesi pair of military whis kers that would do very wall ror s Major or e Colonel, but asoee 1 got married I’ve shored ’em all at, ns Wary am I look a great deal better without 'am sod literary men halat no Masse* to soosmbre thrir 1 a toller teal earns with si oh things. Corporal Trim one git Um drumour of his oompeny to arum him up • satiable pair for a Corporal la a few mtotta, which should always bear about the same propor tion to hta common die officers that a little pocapooo la a snbaltern's osp dona to the Bowln (aether Is that of a Hrtgadlsr General. Hut I rueko* I’f* writ «aou«ti tbout urkMun. How do you tbiok liowru Would i* tWIDUMT I *■ for Mr. uur, loot* “4 to* ull, m**t, u4 t«wi p u4m im'i )wt w (*od ter Pr**M*»t rwart teJl »• ? ,Uli1P ,!* tot ■ glngetowk*. Your friend, till death. Joe. Jos*.. (To Da OoaUauad Hut Thonday.) ■•vim la dw aeae*. PMtitfcipMe Tlie extent aad variety e< tha ma teHel developmeat of the South aad the revival of budoeaa In a-t section ere of the moot gratifying character. Mines, nauufacturts. agriculture uad traiieporUlluu are healthily active tad employment la abaadaat, with wage* aad pricve buoyant. Tha crope have been mm than ordinarily fruitful, wltb raevrvutloa aa to ootteo and totaieeo, compeneation ter tha latter being bad la aa laereaae In qootatioao Tlie Southern farmer to ttoglaalngto dJverelfy bto crope. SoTo toogm etakee hie all on aottoe aad proapere or teito ae that itapje to nmttaaraUve or oocooeamfoL Be to giving greater attention to cereal*. to fruit aad. to order produor, aad flada tha resuUo greatly to bto utteteetton. M Inlag operation* an being oooduo tedoa amen extenelve acato, with greater Intelligence am) aretem, and the prodeoti are being marketed in a store boaioem-Uko wav. MaaaUo taiee toiowa wonderful growth, aad tha South to peeparlaw to aayply Ita own need* la this particular by making hp tha flaiebed aixlote with tha raw aatarial and tha labor at lie door. Notable progreat to ahown io Urn tex tile trade*. With Its own oolUn and the flaaea of lla uwn sheep the Booth is felting ready to make lie eUlee and towna ▼eritaUa hives of ludoatry. I^aa politico and more nttsutlou ttbti Ineea, ItM repining over the loot causa aud more ambition (or the fatarv, leas anoitonal distrust and mem friendly no-operallon with Northern nalghbora thla la tbu spirit of the Booth of to-day, •ad It la. Indeed. • ptaaaem to learn that under toeh worthy Inspiration that seetIon I* fast ataumlag tlia pro portion of a laud overflowing with milk and hnttvy. ■aa«a Hens VrtsaS. PMadetsMa IVam. First aud foremost woman la man's beat friend— Because the la hla mother. Second, Uecauaa she is hla wife. Beoausn without War lie would be rude, rough and ungodly. Ueeauaa she eaa with him eodum pnlu quietly and axt Joy gladly. Because she la pat tool with him la lllnaaa, aoduraa hla fretfulnaaa and “mothers" him. Because aba teaches him llm value of gentle words, of kindly thought and of consideration. Because on her breast ha ean shed I tasra of rapnatanoa, and ba la never rnmlndad of them afterward. Because slot wlU atlek to a bud tbrough good and evil report aad al ways believe to lilm If aha lores him. Because when be la behaving like a fretful boy—and they alt do, you know, at times—with no reason la the world for It, woman's soft word, touch ot glance will make him ashamed of him self. as ha ought to be. B tea am without liet as an Incentive ba would grow Isay, there would he no good work dona, there would ba no noble books e rttten. there would ba no beautiful pictures painted aad there would ba no divioe strain of melody. Bacaum—and this la the beat reason of all—when the world had reached an unenviable stats of wlekedaess Urn bleated task of brief In* It a Savior for all mankind was riven to a woman, which was God’s way ot sotting ait teal of approval on her who la mother, wife, daughter and sweetheart, and therefore man’s boat friaod, ■aMeff Umm a Pdtt, T#o. CUilon DmootoI. Senator Uarioa Bailor, an apostle of reform wbo goes about »eretelling agaloat the ate of psmss by public oOclals, rtdsa oa a pass over the At lantis Coast Una and ba hoso doing an for 00000 tins This matter la sim ply mentioned la the Interest of oon ■Money for which virtue Governor Kassel sod Senator Butter have obuo* lately no rospaet. Wbo eaa have faith in lhair alnoarlty or choir honesty whoa they are attempting to hound down other paopte for a thing whlaii they do theoamtrwT apwpqp—dMsaaap—s Jo4ge Mm* 44||»U Oh (Mi Plan. Lunotr topic. Jodga Graea haa on« method of (tool* lag wlvh offeodara that other judgaa would do wall to eopy. Ha ragolraa ihoae oonrlotod to p*y tba Boa and eooU oa the apot or go to tail or tba obam gang. Ha haa bung up the alga ia bla ooorU "lX>a*t m»\ lor ereda, however good tba aaoanly. We do a oaah boamera alrlotly.” — ■■■'—I at. 1 • W.rriM uOh ■UVario. TMBM*. la aonta parte of Devooahlre tha people live to be vary old. Jlb old oeaa of BO, iiviog gull# a diMaeoe trom Uta naaraat town, requiring none hually grooetiae, toot hie aoo, a ana at ear only -odd jaara of age. Whan tha aoo failed to ehow on with tba prnvtalona le tiara bla grandfather, eealenerUa of 108, aaM paayiahlp: “That'a what aofwea from aandtag at hid.” BATTLE OFTHB OHABTLT SXOOL Monow «m*j roan or HAVMTa. I •O U** (Pbvrr a/,_j ^."w dnitb "•"«** >“1 ««y fa baty tba daad. Tha* one put n| »»w fatten of tba haute of Uia ~fliTTiniii wm tba unberief dud, UU lav far *•!»«[«*• all wnc tba Mood •talnad laid*, oaa of tba moat borrLUa fad Ibaifty nlfhto ever expaaad to banuo rtelon. I’mImUt mm hetllsMd of tba civil war afforded auabaaap i—*--**r ‘ inniia ■» ttiib. Ordinarily, attar a «fbt, barylnf partial wan datallad. nod tba loop. «•«»>,• «HM fntve, wat, dat mad tha dead wan at lent oov aaat.bat sot ao ban. Grant ooald aot atop, aad tteloof atratoboCoaas. *?£• .yfo y.Hbflaaby’a fwerillaa, that totamnad bar wan tbaBappaben aack riyar and tba Bearcat onion linen, unruled aid from that dlraatlon la re.-vassra,5p«rs« SpoUeylvaata Court Hoorn. . fy* •« »T »*wy looklaf em tba portion ot the Qeld wham tba daraa cod deadly flfbtlnf at Umj 4and(, 18M, marred. It waa four or five dayaaftar tba Bfht. about tha Mb or 10th of May. 4 Msall detachment of oar refluent had beaa ant au» eort U a train ot nabelaaeei, te father fa the woandal who hud been temporarily cared for in Ian* aad wmT hatllfiaM, aad 1 that had aa opportunity to via* this bUtorto aoaoa. Durine tha Ibbty thru yean ten* It buban a. open aovatioa whether to be fled oraerry Umt I rlnltad thin ImUle-deld. It ovoid not be more vividly Impraaaed ! upon toe had lean It yntardtor. It I aad a berridl day dream ell tbaas years. Often ban I preyed that rtetoua of than up turned faoea, blackened and dietorted, >>f fUiaoed aye hull*, of £• oot-at retched taada. ymlifly atUI fraeplof for eupport, thy ranad (oust wrapped In blue nod fray, that bad foofht their last battle and now l*« aide by aid# la tlwt peat charnel Bald, attain ha UoUed foryc from my recollection. Tlwu afnlo, ( have b*wi clad I kuew ao well haw baitarmia, Urotal and inhauan It “*<U wm KUd Hint I knew bow 10JXI0 daad lirfura looked, who bad faced aod met death amid tba wild, fret tied aoenaa of m»« of tha rreeteet battle* la the hfaiUtry nf the world. une ot in* u>nwt (Mum to u* that day. aod theone moat thorouctv >f Omd U oar memorise. <ru that all over the battlefield, or at least. that part we visited, there lay three boy* io bias to one la gray. It will be remem bered thet all through tba WiUaraesi Igbt that Coofadatataa wan protected by a system of earthworks aod Mmtily eoMtooeted fortlfioatlona and abattem, •bile Uw Union troops wets compelled to flgbt largely to Uw open, aad aaeaH the Confederates In their stronghold* From them It was utterly Impoaslble to dislodge the enemy exoept by the masterly eerlea of flank movements no aoeceesfally nxroutod by Qeaetal Grant. Wo a« In onn place where the men In lines of battle Lad taken ot their knapsacks nod laid them In a long raw, evidently to ba prepaced to mate a charge upon one of these earthworks ot the Confederates am little dis tance in (root. TLoos knapsacks re mained almost uudlatarbed, white the men lay, some la heaps, eoma bees and there la front of Uw rortiOeetteea Uwy bed charged open. XX this point Uie Union dead lay thtekest. 1 believe I oould have dismounted and watted a dlrtasaa as great as two ally Moots •ad neyer mwa have stepped upon the Kand—walking 00 fiend both* eU way. Indeed bod I oafimtakoa “• flhaotly Jo«nwy. I wo#M bee* Moa compelled la some pteem to etlmh over Mens of Uw dead. There was a alight growth of aader bniehat this point, wtth a tew tram reroalolag. I mafia a careful examine Uop and oould not mo a limb or twig ee bush that waa not narked to a toil led, and aoma ot them la several places. The wonder seemed sat that then were to maay dead. hat that soy lived. Ottoen aad orlvate* all made oommoa eases hare, for among tba deed wo not wed the shining shoulder strep* of the eommleeiooed officers mingled wtth Uw ordinary Waa uniform or the com mon soldier. The tram wmo torn and shattered, the tearful work of ebot and shell being shown on every tide. Haskett, oantaens haversacks, keap seoke—In fact Marly alt that makes » the neeeaUamaoto of Uw soldier, were ■MUerod la all directions. Xaar the road, evidently smashed by a solid xfgflSXfk! Xoneof u* fait Ilka *et of gboulteb vandal saw a tetter extoad leg __ of a deed Oaataderata sold ter I dis mounted, aed. amen af the bays gath ered amend wo look ad it ever. It was wera aad partly lllegibte, bot wa mod* out that it was from the lewu of Ham M. la the State nr Xerlh Carolina. U wae la a lady's bead wrlUag, aad the parttea that wa wan able to read wm as fellow* i XT If BAB JAOK-Wa bop* Ul*t f"» *•“ totBW ud Np M with 'ita Mmw crop; b*t If Bdt,«Odo lTp! 55 •"*? w0## »»X» ®W <hBt Am — looted at tho lotto* and U*a f1 *£. »••• ®* *>•* lock, bate turn ozpoaoM to tS s» focwaid 4^FUTCmmSi *Saee (2m ley ee they bad ph—ad band Ik—t to thereto far UMUoefMacaaallaaa. -giaai.’SSStSBS tbe' uTlr i|T ywTu) haw marly failed to dlaMto la with* Uawewfif1 aad^dfrtoaT u! ■UrtaJ on the Ion* —rah toward Air rxeadrU, Va., whew tba orareet help f1* h^u,1#«Tl0* «»W be pec awed. In Cortina tin ha " ‘r- .• the Uottetf SUtaa waa driven tato a _ poor fallewa were „.Uw w. U waa a aad eodloa to their brief dtraai of beta and hum, and one of the toa thou—i cruel, bitter aaeoee of that cruel and Wtter ww.-t^rrua o. Sl..pwd, Oota tauiy P., Sixteenth Row YortVoUa Lear Cavalry. M. Quad In Si. Loula (UpobUe. YeetanUy wa raealwd aa invitation tw*i thalradlu* me af Plan Rill la tba aetyaetef a rail/old °° locality. Tba aald oor thaafcc, bat we tba how. Tbe laat tie ill Piee QUi it waa oa U qoaaUon, aad we were Ho* op aeatthta* aalaataa after wa * earcaaaee of Jaok-i la* do an on aa, i retire aomabody hitea withal__ P» w* detta witHa* to oaB It eve*, hat tba other fallow* were not. They lariated oa reaato* oa ate totiee over tba wont nod la tba Ikrtury, aad wa ware ao played oat whan we waehal •£ afterclape aha—teriaUe of tha Plan BlHera ere ralanlatad fa nh aa orator Uied «f life. Wall —d a apaaoh owr to ha teed to tbe crowd, our cTJertur*od 0*3irUf aawTooma to »«tap right—W.

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