The Gastonia G ' . _T>*voU Cousin Teta, “you ain’t foolin’’ I never seed Fata look ao aquare. Ho looked sort o’ akerred and sort o’ pleased, aod ba trembled all over aod bis voioa was eo bnaky 1m couldn't hardly speak. “No, t la In dowo right yeernaat— you aea if I mint.” “Wall,” aea ahe. “we’ll see." Pete seamed monstrous fidgety, and btmeby ba ’lowed It waa time to go; aod attar telllii ua all good night, an ba. “New remember, Mias Keelab," and away ba want with a heart aa light aa a bandfal of ohtekan feathers. Ho hadn’t been gone hardly ito time before stater KeaUh boat right oat a lauglilo. “Now,” asa ahe, "It 1 don’t (lx Dr. Pomposity good, than I ain’t Kao lab HtaUina, that’s all. Ha's always beau cavorttn about and makln ao much at bimself aa who but ba I and now I'll taka tba gentlemgn down a peg.” “Why, aim you gwlna to bang op no bagt” aea Bister Carlins. “That I slot,” aea ahe. “Oh, bow ala, that would ba too bad to diaappioL him ao.” “Hot tba doctor ahant be dleappolo ted, for I’ll maXt aunt Prissy bang up on* for him to taka au airin fo till moroin if ha’s a mind U>, and tba* wa’llaee If ha'll ba aa good aa hla word.” Aod shorn acough aba called Prlaay aod made her go la tha loft and amply the feather-bag and fix a rope In It, aud go aod bang It os the porch (or ooualn Pete. Than aba told Pnaa all how aha must do to tha moroin, and wa all want to bed. I con idol sleep far thiokln whet • boro I noble fool they gw I no lo make oat of pom Pete. Mary eed It was a great shame to servo anybody so but aba didn’t blleve Kaatab over wooM quit beln wild and mischievous. it wasn’t no great time before I heard the gate squeak, end the next mtnlt tber was • roostrous racket among the doge, and 1 koowM Pete eras oome. I could hear the gall* a tltterln and langbln In tber room, and the next thing hang want something agio the fence, and then one of the du*we candy for Prta, and can’t git out.1' Pita never laid nothin’, waitin’ for the galls to coma. "Ob, Min Callloel MIm Ketlahl come and aee what !’• got in ray tag.” aea Prli. “I ipec 111 aomethlug wtiat uncle Kriday fjtch from Quits; he srd be wn gwlue la give me a Until mat.** By this time the gulls wm on tbe | porch, and the nigger* anewuog the beg, and out tumbled Pel*, all klvered with feathers from bend to foot, *o yon couldn't sea hi* eye*, mouth, whiskers, nor nothin’ et*e. "Wbewl" in lie, ■■ loon m be got Ins head out, aud the feather* Hew all over llie door, which sheered the little ulegere to they split to the ktteheo squealin' like ths very devil wm after ’em. “Good Lord, Mum Pete;’’ *e* auol PrtUT, "dat you In my bagf I thought ’em wu aomathing good." "Your bag!" am Pete, "drat yoar Infernal pitcher, who told yon to bang op a bag for while fotka to go and git tutor Never mind, Miaa Kaalab. I wu only In fun, anyway,’ ae« lie, whlln they wu all laughin' lit to die. and ha wa» trying to bnuh off Die feather*. “Never mind, I watouly joklo’ wiih yon, but l had a better opinion of you than to think you would eerve a body eo, and ding my fealbau It 1 ain’t glad I've found you oat. Never mind, Ml*e," *e* be, end he gin her a look like he could bile her head off, and then he Mowed hii uoee a lime or two »nd put oat. “But ain’t you gwloe to be aa good at your word, doclorT" aae the. “You jeet go to grant," tee he; and that’* tbe laet we’ve teed of Coualo Pete eenaa Cbrlamue mornlu'. Mary gave tlie galli a right good geuin' down for aervln’ him to. But for my part, I think It ain’t no great matter, for he it etch a bomtnubla fool, that a few pretty bard leeaona won’t do him no I taro. No more from Yoar friend till death, Joe. Jones. P. 8. Mary'a In right good aperlta. oonalderin. I expect to writ* yon a laUer one of Ibeae days, old feller, that’ll make yuur hair aland on tend with joy and gratification. But aa the old auyia’ la, we muatn't oount our chicken* before they’re hatched. LETTER XXVI. PiNEvir.L*, January IS. To Mr. Thompson—Daer Sir: New*’ uowe; glorious nawal Hurra for me 11 ——“Let Um Kettle to ik* trumpet. apeak. The iruovut to tbe eaoaooeee without • Um OBmwii lo Ike tuvnoi, tlM hotvoa tu Um cull." x or Jtary'a got a oaoy j i i And a m (matron* floe boy at that t Tbe King of Danmark, yon know, wanted to aet all heaven and yeath la uproar, Jaat booaate bla Majesty waa xwloe to taka a driok of llckar. Bot if aver a man did feel Ilka thia world wnmi't big enough for bim to enjoy bla bapptuem In, l think I ought to on tbia important occasion. I never H«d ileb feeling* before. Wheo I waa ’lacted Major of tha Georgia Militia I felt a good deal uf pride and gratification; and when 1 ■tarried Mary, I thought I waa tbe liepplrrt mao iu Georgia, bot thia last btioeaa has olapM tha ellmax oyer arm thing that ayar happened to ma Iu all my bora deye. It wooldn't do for people to gat macb happier In Utla world Uian I am, sow mind 1 tall yoa. I don’t want to brag over other peo ple’ and I know It's a old maxim that ‘Srvary crow tblaks Its own young once the arhlteet,’’ but I'U tall you wbat'a s fact—mine is oae of the moat sspriaanest children that aver waa seed In theaa parts. It ain't bat Jest four dayt old this eveatn. and It’s got plooty of hair on its band,and tbe pret trost little feet and hands, with toes and fingernail Jaat aa natural aa grown peuphi’a; and when it opens It* ayes It rolls ’em all round the room Jaat Ilka It knowed ovary tblog that waa gwlno on. Mother aaya she really dot* blleve the child koowd bar tha Brat lima abo took It in ker arms, and old Mtia Sul lies aaya all aha’a afraid of It If* loo ■mart to lira. Tbs gall* I* almost array about It, aud rich another pollio and haul In about It as they do keep. One wants It, and 'lother wants It,and they won't give the little feller no ohanee to sleep for lookln at It, and ahowln it It to people and Wiki a to It, and If a all the time ’coma to aunty—twa*lest Itttlo pwaolous baby—aunty’s tittle •agar sandy, data pay diddle”-ami every time I Uka It iber’rn all scared to doatk for fear I'll hurt It some way. Jest as I iprot»d, the namta has oean more trouble tban a little. I picked out “Hidry Olay” for fate name mor'u a month uu, but they alt want ed to Imre a my In It, and ererr on* had a Mam that they liked beet of aay. Mot liar aald aba new liked t* bare but of her family named after treat political character*, fur the never k oow'd a George Waah lepton or a Tbomea Jeftmoa abet waa aay man ner of aoeoont la bar Ufa, except the A rat owe, and tber kbh wooldn’t been ae batter than eomnaen people’* If tber ebaraotare wam’t. OV1 Mlm SlaUioa wanted to call blm A bar ha re Maillot, oauee that waa her baeband1* aaam. and ateter Carlin# wanted bln named Theodore Adotfaa, aaaaa they •are bar farurlU norat name*, end elater Kealab wanted blm named Chart** TWrrrly, oaam ha waa one *< tire meet latereatlaaat ebaracmr* la "Tim Children of Um Abbey. 1 waat I *d ’mi all to be sstlsHed, but It »Min»d Uk* tber waa no Olio tha biaoaaa to anybody's llktn, until after they all talked themselves do*n tired about It, we ell agreed to leave It to Mary ta dectda. Fore Mary didn’t know wbel to do, wben they all gathered round bar baggio tier as bard ae they could. “Remember your pore old father ttiuFe dead and gone, child,” laid old Mia* fitalllua. ••Ob, don't oall him Aberbam; tliat’a ■lob a ole time name,” eee lb* gall*. "Theodore is so pretty,” eee a I star Carlin*. “Oh. tbat’s alcli a outlandish French name,” eee all of ’em. " Hut Charles Beverly was slob s good character It ‘Tha Children of the Abbey,’ and soar da so nobla.” sea ■later Keelah. “No Christian child o«ight to be named a novel, name,” eee old Ml** 8t*lllna. "They’re all lies from seed to eeud. “Call him what you’ve a mind to. dear.” aaa naoUwr.'’ for yoa’rs hi* mother, and ought to plena* yourself.” Mary looked up in my face with her pretty blue eyes, aud am lied to sweat wben sister Carlin* laid the baby in ber arms—and then she **d, a* sbe hugged It to bar bosom — “Too* to It* unddor, muddar’e tweeteet little Henry Clay—it sail be eallcd Henry Clay, so It salt, madder’* pwedoae little ringdove, so It 1*. sad It shall be President, too, wben It gt* e mao, so U sell.” “llurrefor CUyl” eee L “Her-” “Husb-h-b-b-h, Joarpli,”eas mother, "ain’t you shamed to shook Mery’s nerves aof” auv ww, i mo giia i lorgot wbst 1 was about. Bat 1 went right off sod writ down In the family reeord: "HEXUY CLAY JONES. Tbe Orst son of Joseph and Mary Jonca, was born on iho stores lb day of January, 1844." I've baen *o flustrated tot the last week that I hardly know what I'm dum half the time, and 1 don’t apose 1 shall flod lima to do much else bet nurse the baby for tome time to coma. Mary’a rltlit piert, aod little Henry Olay Is mafcln a wonstroas good be ginning in the world. No more from •Your friend, till death. _ . Jos. Jera as (To ba continued next Thursday.) atrvaucAS itKtiex wmiskiy. It Takas Lata a* tk« naM «• Bu a KaSleal Caaapalm _ auuaeat mt DmUoi*, awtn Ta. Raleigh. N. C., Oct 37.—Tbara was a qaeer case before the Supreme Court reoeoUy. It waa that of tbe State oo relation of Harry Bppa, and Harry Bppa v. William H. Smith.-from Vauea. This was a civil action triad before Judgw and a jury at May term. Tbe plaintiff Introduced the sworn statement of election expenditures, (137 In amount. Bled by Smith. It In cluded the following items: To Chre. Young, because ba ask ed me for it..$ .50 To Cites Weir, two gallons of whiskey, (to be oted as be taw properl ... 380 To LoveUee Young, one gallon of whiskey, (to be used as ha tiioaght beet). 1 oo To Jim 8111. whiskey to bo used as be wished. 100 To whiskey furnished another party, whose name I have for gOiUu.sttt. . 2 90 To fix nlluoi whiskey, used by myself and lrtsods, and any other person who happened to be present. g 00 1 To ooa gallon whiskey furnished K. M. Townee, to ba used as ha pleased. 1 75 To hair-gallon whiskey furnished Daniel Bullock, to ba used as lie pleased... . 100 To one quart, George Hughes 50 To iwo gallons whiskey used by myself sod friends sad all others that might be present at drlokiug time. 8 30 To one gallon furnished J. A. Green way, to be used as ba liked. 1 00 To one galloo Heart Turner, to ba used as ha liked. 100 to im galKta W. U. Beavlt, to bn used aa ha liked. 1 60 Om gallon Andrew Wat kina 160 Smith farther aware: “The parties named abort are all Republicans, and were working for the straight Hepub •loan ticket aa I aa Informed, except Mr. Weir and Qrnnway (and perhaps owe more), tad Joe and Phil Hunt. I treated and drank with am or all parttae before and daring and alnoa tha campaign, hat not with a view of Influencing their votes, nor In aM of my election; would have done ao If I had not been a candidate." ASmtkUa lake Snlaw. farm Mae^litwy. I don't care how big and rich and widely known a concern la, let It taka lUada out of an paper* for aay two •eaoooa and it will waver again be able to catch up. Why, soma dealers take It to be a sure sign that a oompany la falling baek, perhaps getting ready Le make an assignment when it stops ad* sad keep nut for s looser time lhaa osual. You eaa send btm all the catalogues, elroulera, letters, ok, you ptaaea, but aalam ha aan fled your M In hU paper lie don't ooont you aa being in the front rank. No >—thitm man eaa a lord to lot his ada drop out of tha papers that reach hie customers. PER PAID EXPENSES IR ’96. MB. LEAZEB MMTHB THE TACTS nr A LETTEB. ■’wlteeltwr Was WHMaiela* *••• Ml M IttiytM-a ra, and It was hoped that It would be given to the public that tha state meat made by the Governor might be aoeompaaied by the evidence, ee far as i It bad been proenrad, of it* accuracy or luaocnrucv The public, however, b*v* nothing except tba rumor again gathered la tha utwepapert, that toe expert eecouu tani’a report shows a lose to tha State Inlhe laat four years of about $104, 000. ir Ibla be tha result of Ike exam Inatton, and If it wue true, which It w not, tba Governor’» atatamant mlae *■ Uia mark in tha extant of only $21,000. How, let It be understood that It hae nartr been claimed liy the peat aamtn I at ration that the peu limitary received Du aid from tbe State, or waa fully MUf-euMainlng during tbe years 1303, 1B94 end 1393; but it la claimed and proem than It waa approaching self support for years end tbet tble comil tloo ««■ fully attained in tbe yeur UN. tot It also be kept in mind that money appropriated by tbe General As sembly la not necoaeurlly drawn or used by tbe penitentiary. The booka of Uia State Treaaurer ebnw Ike nuiouot uf State money, tbet ii tax mooty, uaed by tba panltaollary lo tbe several yeura. I respectfully refer to ttrem: ForlBUO, there W«i appro priated and used be the penitentiary. % 12,800 For 1894, there was a regu lar appropriation used.... 18,300 And an appropriation made lo 1803 In pay debt of 1804 and ao used. 14,128.71 For 1896, there waa appro priated and uaed by tbe peultenliary. 80,000 Total.W0.1C8.71 For 1600 there wee appropriated al together $30,000. From tble appropri ation $3,000 waa drawn aud ueed dur ing the suqamer, when Uv» tooome Is always abort. See report of Treaaurer Worth fur 1603 end ISM, peg* «. wlicrs it is elat ed oorreetly. Be coodudee Lts state ment lo reward to lb* peulteotlary by •Uf log. ‘*1 think tbe management hae been eery good.” The Treasurer's year cloees November 80th, the peni tentiary year deem December 81st. On December $1. 1888. one mouth after tbe Treaaurer ckwed hie report, tbe peulteotlary bad to tta credit on thu Treasurer's booka $.3,800.60, be sides $1,800 In its own safe collected after tbe cioee of butines* at the Treas urer’* odlce that day. It Ii apparent Wwt there waa more Uito enough to balance tbe $1,000 drawn from tba appropriation of $30,000 made for the year IBM, aud therefore, practically no appropriation waa uaed that year. tm toui of approprmiiona md by iba penitentiary for Um Uiraa year* tew, 1804 nod IBM waa (**0,158.71) j sixty Dine thousand one ha ad red and flfly eight and serenty-ona cents; and for tha year 1888, the penitentiary actually paid all IU expenses, having Planed in tha Traaaary a dollar of IU own earning for every dollar drawn or paid out oai lie account. If Iba Audltur. la tbe statement drat referred to, baa Mid tbat 880,000 wee appropriated for the years iftOO and 1848, It would have been true, for 830,000 waa appropriated for each year; but that for 1M8 WM not used. As to the additional statement said to have been made by tbe Auditor that the year waa closed with a dsbt of 810, 000, tbat la totally untrue. Every Mil against the North Caro lina penitentiary known to the man agement and daa In 1800 waa paid at the close of buaioam for that year. Tba reference, when apeeklag of a debt of $10,000, maylmva bean to tba Mila of December 1880. which did not mature Ull January, 18817, wbea they were paid In regular aonraa of business Tha Mils of nay moctb era nayar paid till oral month, cannot ba paid sooner. for the greet*? pert of them eannot ba seat In, and of course oaanai bn audited till tba aocoeedlog month. For IneUcea, tha pay-rOli and tka freight MHa, and three oonatitaU tha largaat Items of as oh month's expanses, eannot bn made up till Ure month eloana. do that the year 1887 ueeasaarlly I a eludes Decern Ur of 1888, at 1880 locloded December of 18M, and 1808 loeioded Deeember of 1884, and ao on tot stare rear. Tha Mila fee Doeambef. 1800 may have amounted to 810.008; December Is alware a Imavy month; but this waa no daw till It wae due, aad It aonki not be dua nor paid Ull January, 1897, whoa Um Mlk ware In and ware paid; and paid ton ant nf tba earnings of Um futiiiUtn, It la not only true that Um panllen Mary paid IU expun see eaUrety oai of IU aaraloga la 1818; bwt also Mutt U bad an band oai tba M dap nf Janua ry, 1887, Haatdaa farm and other pro duota bald for consumption. aaaete la e*te Md product* readily salable aad convert I bis into cate to neat earroat expentta the sum et 863,347.79, aad tela eta loir valuation, lower than ®uofc of the tana ware aold for after* warda. ror Inataaaa. oottoo ana valuid at 899 per bait; about 900 b4*a were aold by tba Democratic manage moot at near 981 par bale. Tba pres ent management report that tha cot ton ou band In April, which waa 811 bales, when everybody know* tea price waa much batter, area add for a utile over 916.000, or at about 818 per bale. Sea report of tea 8upariutcnd*ut to His Board In tba month of Auguat. Tba 803,347.79 an band January L, 1887, constated of Urn follow lug Items. Oottoo valued at 939 par Cotton aeed, aurpjii! 1 ’. UriekA.1,31747 Cate..8,494.4o ToUl.163447.78 _ And tela dor* not inoioda about *15,000 of outstanding claims due the penttentary, of which on* half ought •Orel? to have bean collected. It 1* conceded that tea Damocratio management recalved oat of the taxes of tea people 809,000 daring tee On* three year*, it used none of their money tea Uat year, and left a large •urpluA t ncn* vw ■■ average expenditure of •23,000 of tax noon for tho three roar* of 18U3, IBM tod 1806: the <—of tax mommy from 188* to 1893 too years, avrraced 800,718 a year. Tbla lo alao worthy of consideration. The 8*0,000 expended, ae above etated, wai uut eeeeMary tor ooctucaption la the ordinary current rxpenem; but that amouot and very auoh more wae applied la permaneot Improve—uU «ad in vest man la on tba various farm* wlitob bad Juat been inaugurated, and wblofa required a vast outlay lo the pornfiaat of animal*, lbs ooostructlou of balldiugs, Um churlsguf 5,000 acres of timbered lands, and other improve moots sod property, which remain for future oae and most of whioh do uot need to be duplicated. The conclusion is beyond dispute that the pealteetiary wae self-support In 1808, and that uodcr fairly good maoagemant, wllh fair leeteialloa it ought to maintain this 00edition. It la uot the province of lb la onso munieatloo to exlilldt this admloli tratlon, already eonteaaed a failure within lu flrat few mouth* by thorn In control, nor to b»eUtate a comparison between tbla aud the prvoediag. Tbs good people of the State know the present condition of affairs, aod will readily understand the cattle Osh policy now lu vogue. wutaair art «• racinnta. riMTMU>niis r«r Pnuhu Or t*» eMlinUwf-Snla VMCkrr hr Siae Worm srKsatMhy VhHkrr S* Paid goat Ike Kama. UutclKh Our. Wllcniagtoe manu. Much haa been aald lo the papore during tba paat ten mootla about Bee. T. W. Iiabb, an unfrocked BrptUt preacher. He was given a place at tlie penitentiary farina. This wae strenu ouely denied by the fiaatun administra tion , but today the exposure earns. It was lo tho shape of the following voucher: “but* of Forth Carolina, debtor to Rev. T. W. Babb, for sar vicea aa minister at the Halifax farm and tba Northampton farm for two aod one-half months, ten weeks, at •8.00 par week, •0000." Wllh this wee mad the following letter signed by Frank D. Wlmbleh, clerk to the pent toll ary, addressed to Babb: "We an oloee you pay for service* up to this time (October 28rd). By the request of tbo board of direoton yon will have to bold up preaching for the present. Tin— are bard and Um penitentiary owe# a big lot ef money. Sopertntan deet Smith requests me to eay U yon that be woo Id be glad to am you before very long." The Idea of actually hav ing each a preacher at tha convict oaapa will give tba people ofiheeUte a freeh easm for talk, particularly af ter all the bitter denial*. Babbles devoir d friend ef Coegremman Skin ner, end wee e banger on during Um last legislative session. He is a “Pritchard popullat.” Than U as Interacting fact la ra ge rd to UiIt Toucher for Hebb'a pay. whloh Trentoror Worth aeya, bo Wuot hoc or, tbla Mag that tba roocber aoxt preeaedlag waa for 9139 for a barrel of Kaotoeky whiakey. On of the “rouaUboata” at tba depot who waa unloading paoKenllery whiakey recently rutted a great Uagb by toying lie thought North Carolina whiakey good enough far the pealteatlary people People la a poahton to know aaanro aw that reveUtlooe about tba penitentiary are only joit oow beginning. kewUr. Cbnori kuiM. A certain Democratic aohool eota calUeeman of the ooonty waa told re oently by one of the two fatten a«a bera of the towaablp committee that ualaaa bo voted to pay Lbew lot tbnlr earvlore that ba nootd ba taken og tba board. Ha proaptly told thorn to •rock their whip and proceed. Tba law* doe* out allow any omnpecwtlon. bat tbeae boagry fua'onlrte want to vote pay for tbomoelroa anyhow. Happily, they have Democrat* to watch their llule ranee Tlie meeiieat man to any coaawanlty lathe Mlu|y. peaarloua pirate wbo Cla tba beoedtaof tbeadmtialog and rd work of otbera who aaalM in do raloplag a city Uwt directly atakaa him money and who eer*r halva la lie work. They arose hotter than Urn dag that tip* over a table to gm what la aall. 1,1 ' wr=s-rwmessss-m 4,P 4***JM nmul ■NllfalhWw VM (Mt ‘' ttUmil BUI ktp la ttoltekoru baibta Vow hm la a book UMt U Mru hwrtag. A boot that Ja Sixl« iw£Sj SrS£SESSSJS»5fi5 stti&A'S& at flatly oxtouted lu feea and teat one •aod palatine* I did not know that Uxn waa ante a book or that aaeb wold kb doaala thorn dot* Boob plate baa a btoftimphtoal memoir oobOteiaby to*, white la In laipa typo -J* kite that I can «*od ti on-hand witboat ftaeaw. Thtawork teanalo hate bean li—llii trow tbo ,i IoUm Indian battery of tba paaArsKss «rs Uu property of Hi. David Black, af Atlanta, and aa itoaaadawn toMa io tba (aaally I did not aappow aoothor In tho Sum. bat ay frtaod Joo If. Brown talla wo (hot bta brotbor Bit job baa it, and alaoonothar to loota, white I wtalt to Me, for ibis aoa haa naUber Bote aorOtorola. It ha* BMm and Xo to teak aod otbor Orwk and Oharokoa dilate, and Paddy Our. tba famooa Interpreter, wfaooa father wan Sootob-Iriah and hla mother, m Indian. Per ouay wait ha waa la I Gtoaral Jackaoa'a aorvtoa aod in ana-1 oroBMt aorrieo. aod pit rite and In- j vaalod hla moony iu land and nawroaa. A wan frtaod of bta bad a beautiful. ftddy^rwlfl»»ateAtartTtotwin ’*5S j baanaodona Ary and tbo otbor Ad nr. » ebarmlag biography of M»j»r Kid**, aad makes lilm a vary ■ strong mlodsd aad nob!* man. Ilia llkeoem ahowa aa mack fore* aad 4a olslon of cbsrnotor as don that of Webstar or Orikonn. Indeed, soma of the apaaelia* mad* by tha Indian nblaft lu tbair loug protracted discussion# with tba government are patWtie, stoqoeot im ooeiiswatebl* aa If they) oeoia from Patrick Usury or aay *Ucr grrot orator. It Is touching aod Uaf-1 ful la road too pleading, poetical ate-1 queue* of Bleak Hawk aad Keokuk Tuetsourges and Major Kklgeaad Big Warrior. Mr. MoKaoaay area tbe government’* agent I j all tbeas Me tis*. aad declares tlwtr oratory to bo a nateral gift, aad no ram of people eould excel them. They apeak with ooLart or effort, so l most of tiieia bed I alow, soft, torect and musical voice I Uust gave at exprussloa to tbrir earnest j P^tMInfL The account civeu <»t >1 ij,*r Did**’* graatoat embarrassment In cititundlog with John Rost us vary jidurine ltoss was bitterly hostile t-» Ridge tn hi* polloy, and In order to alaiia tbs In diana b* not » balf-brssd named Cbarlss to ptebnid t<» »mii down from som* far-off tn nintatu with a assarts to them from tits Groat Spirit. Charts* ■eld: “Tbs Oteal Spirit U angry wHb you. Es tolls as that you am follow ing tbe custom* of tbs while people: that you hava already cotton mllls aad cloths* aad faatbor beds and books and eats—ye*, oats—and, tberafora tbs buffalo aad other gams ersfast dis appearing. Tba Gnat Sprit la angry, aod says you most out short your frocks mid klQ your eats mid giro ap your mills and quit livfag in hoe***, aad than roar game will corn shack.” This excited the Indiana very stack, and liter cried out that tba talk was good. Ridge am** with soger in bis (ace aod vole* mid said; “Tbs talk la uo good, it la falsa. It did not com* born tlia Great Spirit.” Tbe Indiana rushed upon him with fury aad a wild Oght ensued, aad some of hi* friends wen stabbed, but KMct was a vary powerful mao and defended himself with gnat coaraga. The tain alt was quieted after a time, and Jess* Vasa end Jabs Harris and some old man brought about a reeoecilletioa. mere nt mucc urooom mi along thorn ymn. I hare a War latter rroaa Mr. R. M. Ed ward a, a Teuambla law yer of Cleveland, Tana. Bo am ladina bon of tba Oaom dlatrfat In aaat Tanoaaaae and among tha many ■ad aeanm of an uneventful lifo, one tbaaaddaat waa to aa* my little play Ml owe mart on their long and waary looney ta tba waat. They left tba moat baaetlftit aonntry I earn beheld. It raaamblad aaaca a magnlfleont park than a totem, owing la tMr tribal eoatom af burning the wood* to keep down tha eadargrowtb. * • • ft la alogular that aa great a oonoooraa af people—foorteeo to alatam tboaaaad— eonld bogatbarad ap by formal It ss^sfsEfc.'SkSra Miaaonn. Thay aroaaad tba Tanaaa am atBlrtba’a ferry,jnatbalew tba ■MuthoClba Hlnmaam; Uma anmaad lha Cumber)and range at ItkaetUa, tbaa ta Sparta, Imbaaoo and XaabrWe; Ibaa armtrd tha Cembactaad Hem, and nast aaamtba Ohio and Vto •mnca; Uma aa tha MhoMppl. wklab they (oand fraaaa orar, aad had ta waft a month for lb* Im to break, and frgly raaabad TaUaqnah lo April, Won. “In tba debate* le Oongram gnat wnatuoa waa made U tbla Meaty by Jofro <4. Adam# and Heart ATWlm. and It waa abated oe tba torn by oaa of Umm man that John Kom arm *r naiad by tba Suva of Georgia aad ea/rted to MltfedgaeMM ant bia home waa raWmd often thoaaand doflme while ha waa gone. Tba apaakara vary mraraly aHDHaad I’raeWrnt Jaekaon for bia tagmlliade ta Rem, whaaarod him m faivbfnlty nt tba battle af lloreeabaa." Tbla old pBiatn M fall af mamorkm of tbemlodhu ttmae, mux. : . trying'to write ta grars^gga-i loM«f»ar&ito(hiuHMM«N of Uieco, but 1 have oarer dome ao. Bb name la K D. iTNaadha mbenta JUwraaoavUin, Oa. *Oet of the Call oaaa of the bant tba Booth aaeaketh.' and tb tala aymaaa IbrwXtacU jwj. „ Mas. R. D. irxa." Wdl. now, that la* goad latter. How lha obickmt would oome beat K tb*y could. Next oaaaa Mm advance ‘“•'•^ssafswss —* mSdaataadwfc TUa chapter on Colonel Ella* G. Boodlaot la fall of lataraat aod caafcaa Mai a very toutrhahlo teas. Hu father'* naua waa Valla lea nab bat being adopted by Ella* Boodlaot aided with Ridge ia regard to tba treaty and B ma became bla bitter aaeaay. Boaa was a powerful vindictive aad aa* acrunaloaa com. Ha bad Boodlaot and Haj ir Ridge aad John Ridge all aaaaaaUmtcd. Ootoael EllaaC. Boudl ■* T^.b0™ ** o»*. dJBM lit, 1835. Ha waa educated at »»». obeatar, Vt. In 18» he oaaaa to ray etteyllle, Ark aodatudMIaw with Hon. A. If, Wtlaoo, waa to tlie bar in 1848 aad aeon reea to tba front tack at aa aide ~ gather. la 1800 ha I__ Tim Democrat at Uttlo Book. Ia 1 attar tba state linflal. be tad aoaaia, *'8tead Watte," rata maat aad fought U4 battle of He waa afaoaao aaa Confederate Oaagtaad the batttaot Elkbora^ tba Oaafadarao* aad Soatbara Obacakaa* fu Booth. Boodlaot __with aigaal ability aad datlvarad aaab apbU hpptc *g»lu«t hit trcachary tbatba waa to Some years ago Moodloot, by InrtU af Boaaiort aad Hiiwaaaatatlvaa, de> •J vend a tortata In Week legion on tba Indian race that gaada iMtaallfr pram km. Jadgs Holism soars of him: "Serna yean agate married a baaatt fol aad aanompoltob lady of Waabing ton. Hals aa aMe lawyer. apoiUtad ISuTSui Ulac^aod omT’o! uT^d lean ttat iplamildT fwmkta'tmtad that aart of aa ladlaa. ■