_The Gastonia ___ Oavotod to tko rrotoutlon at Itoma and tb* Ijifinu oi lb* Counqr. V ol. XVIII._{anaT'.ld } Gastonia, N. C„ November 25, 1807. aaO—gH— -I..——————_ _ __ BILL ARP ON A CIRCUS TRAIN. THAT'S HOW HE 0OT INTO OHAi* LOTTE. He tali With the taUiuli mm4 Three Xtoe Ladle* tut hM UmiImm. (rent Wearer. MMt Wilket Up fheat the IttkMre htatlee— hmperiepeee *1 Mtakary Merle*. Auuila Ooortltmlon. “Hard, bard. Indeed, It ibe contest for freedom sod tits struggle for liber ty.” “Ttiero la no reat for llie wick ed.” TbU world la all a fleeting show sod Jordan is a hard road lo travel, I believe I There are oilier ejaaula lioaa I might utter, for of late l lie re has been trouble on Iba old man’s roiod. You see, I was Invited over here lo talk to these people In a hu morous and philosophic way and my wire said aa tne larder was gal ling tow and tbe girls needed some mare winter elotbee, and tbe tax man was bobbing around and tbe grandchildren would be expect tag something for Christmas, she thought 1 had better go. 8u she packed my valise with my li/al clothe* and fortified roe with a llllla drug •tore of camphorated oil nod flannel and llyar medicine and paregoric and cough drop* sod quinine and bead ache powders, and so forth and to on. We kissed good by all round nod 1 de parted feeling like I wai being driven off from home by sad nteeselty. I took the Seaboard Air Line at Atlanta bound for tiburloite, via Monro*, out our engine broke down at (ireensborn about dark and delayed ua threw long, dreary hours, and when we reached Monroe It wae away after midnight and tbe Charlotte train bad gone. TUora were three nloe ladies aboard and several gentlemen, who were grcutly disappointed, but the conduc lor waa kind and sympathetic and said there was a circus train nearby that was going to Charlotte right away sod if we didn’t mind rid log thirty mile* in w nab, he would get ua tbe privilege. Tbe ladles said yea, and we did, too, and see climbed in. It was a* dark aa Erebus. We felt our way to find scats hut there was nothing but same long tool boxes whose lids were hard and Cold. There was no Ore and tbe wind blew through a broken glass nn tbe luck of my head. Tbe India* chatted away merrily, fur they were going home, but I wasn't and 1 couldn’t obat lo save my life, for I waa very tired and thought of that good, soft bed at home. Ilf and by the conductor came in with a lantern and took up our tlcxeta and left ua Iu the dark again. About that time llie animals got rest less and the lion gave an aueartblf lrowl. Yon see this wu a menagerie tralo. "Tbe animals went lo two by two, Tb* elephant aod lb* kangaroo.” and every time the car* careened about or swung around a curve we oould hear some devilish noise ahead of ua. •■Oh, mercy,” mid tbe youngest girl, "liippona they break out I” “ltrey will will eat tbe sweeten and leodereat first," said 1. “Lion* always do.” I palled my elosk up uv*r tbe back of my bead and rnmloated. For two long hours we Jogged along, for tb* train was running alow to salt tbe wild beasts and w* were of no con Mqueooe. It waa near 8 o’clock when we got to Iba suburbs of Chariot to and stopped. Nobody ysi looking for ua - -nobody rushed forward to meet ut, no Hackman—no omnibus or street car* not even a wagon or an ox cart or a darkey. Tbe moon bad hid herself to keep from seeing our mltery, but w* setred our gripe and wrap* aud satch el* and mads a march for the electric lights. My companions scoo separated from me and I marohed In single die with my big vallee full of elotbee and iuo urog More, ana straggiea lor three quarter* of a mile up tba long and hard sidewalk. I am not naed to sro llghta, and tba flickering shadow of every tree and telegraph pots looked Ilk* a man In amboeh who was Using to hold me up. I bad forgotten where the hotel* were, aod oooonsclonsly pa*aed them, for tba doors were all shut, and there waa no sign, lly and by I mat a pollae mao and be oond acted me back to tba hotel, and I was a* thankful as I was tired and bn mUu. My pitiful tone of volo* secured ate kind attention aod a bed. Whan a mao Is far away from home, bit warmest weloome la an l.m. But I did not rest wall. A 10 o'eloek supper, on fried tsusuge and scrambled egg* aod stale oysters, disturbed my corporeally uud 1 dreamed that tba tiger got looea and came prowling and bowling around the ear and aomebow I got a hatchet out of tbe tool box und lifted tbe youag lady through tbe port bole upon the roof, and volunteered to defend bar wltb my llfeacd tay scared honor. The tiger mad* desperate leap* to get np there, but every time be got a paw on tho eve, I cut It off and let him fall baok again, f don’t know what became of lire other ladles, bat Iblok that other wild beasts got la aod at# them up. The men trad all fled prematurely, but I saved the pret ty girt Urn sweetest and tender ret, be fore ! woke «p. Who woeWn’t, In a ilrram t What carious things era drena**, anyhow I The o**t trouble on Urn aid man’s mind oame over bias at Hallatojry, where I was balled to lec tors that night. On my arrival I found that sugoat body, the Presbyte rian Hvuod In seas toe. Preachers aid elder* lanumersble war* acreUtred among tlw good people all over towt. They arm* holding night are*Ions, sad wouldn't bare adjourned for McKinley or flrovat Cleveland or the yellow fever of* Bat this was not all, tba Bptaoopal bleliep waa U lecture sat tba Holy Und. -where ha bad batn recent ly. sad I knew that I would fall be tween and get smothered. Mr Marab seemed to tael very bad. and apologized by saying that when be booked ass ha did net know of thane meeting*, ••WeJI.'' said I. --saint* will all go to lb*»* mreUngs, but you here aluret* In this town.” Ha admitted thee* ware sore*. And an 1 west shred and lectured, aod was surprised to are be fore wn • select and Mitered awdleoe* •elect, and I hope elect aooordlng to Presbyterian theology. So all It well that eode well. The next evening round meet the live little town o( Marion, in western North Carolina, away up In the land of tbe •by. They are good people there. I kuow, for they Oiled thn court house that night and gave me an ovation. The old told Ian are thick iu that region, and they cam* out to (tear us, and some of ua got together and talked of otd Boh Lee and Joe Johnston and Qroerale Early and Pender and Whit ing and Ituka and Kan tom and Petti grew and Clinginan and other*. Tlrelr •y«* watered and thalr heart* buri ed within them, and they got cloeer and closer together. What a peopl* three Tar Haris are—these daeoenduota of tbe Scutch I About every other name I* Scotch, a McLane or McLmurln or McArthur or UcSometblogalaa, and then there are Alexanders everywhere and CaMwells and Carl)**. After the lecture we bad a musical* at the bote) by the gifted Gruber family, who keep tha hotel, Mr. Gruber aod Mrs. Gruber and their seven cbildreo. I have heard much during my long life, but I never heard any bailer anywhere. How iba old man's Ungers did dauce upon tbe (triage; bow sweetly did tlm (till handsome matron eing the “Last Rowe of Summer” aod other old-time songs of Scotland i What delightfel chords came from tbe piano under the touch of the young ladles of only ten summer* 1 And when they played “Home Sweet Home.” with variation* i 1 could hardly restrain my tear*. I fait like we all ought to hold a eeauoe, if we could, with John Howard Payne end tell him lew the world loved him for hia song. I had tweet divwm* that night. I am still on tbe ground round*, talking to the unpretending peuple of lliia grand eld but*. It seem* to huve gut ont. however, that I had Joined John Uoblnson’a circus end goo* off with It. Rome of these mis chief is drummers told that. Your* cm lb* wing. Bill Agr. »xu uKtrrna ar hock hilu MHralt OpemllM •■■emdlljr fw IknuMl. llocK Bill llcrald. On beptembar 22ud Mini Kllen Out law waa Uia victim of a horrible acci dent at the Manchester Mill, wberatqr, her hair having caught in the ma chinery, Uie greater part of her acalp was torn loose from her head, the loner lining destroyed, sad the ahull axpowd. For several Marks site haa been rs covering rapidly. In the majority nf cases where the skull waa exposed, tba flesh haa oot grown hack. On Novem ber 7Ui, her pbysioiau, Dr. J. E. Mas sey. assisted by Dr. \V. 0. Hteyei.a, performed a very delicate operallou to r os tore the acalp, aud, unless some cotspllcalluoa arise, the operation will be successful. Small piece* of cuticle, not larger than a pin bead, were clipped from her arm and grafted on the dealt on tba ■pot where the lining of tbe scalp was destroyed. This spot la seven Inches lung, aud six Inches wide. About thirty of these graft* were placed on lh* exposed place, tu row* half an lr.«h apart, being held in po sition by stripe of rubber tissue. The grafts war* allowed to remain six days, when the bandage* war* re moved. The phyaloian* at Oral exam ination were not enoouraged, as only three of the grafts seemed to be In a healthy state. Tba next day, however about flv* more grafts teemed to bar* lakeo. On the third dav.allofthe graft* teemed to be doing ' fleety. and tbe phyaloian* think that ere long lb* ■kin will Itav* covered the place which heretofore be* been unprotected. In a few small places the flesh had oot covered the skull, and while examin ing on« of tliene a pole, Tuesday. Dr. ilaaaey found that the bone exposed waa loose, which proved to be merely a small silver which had been toru away from tin? skull. Between tbe silver and tbe skull bone proper be found the Oeah bad grown back. Ha removed several of Hies* silvers of bone and made new gmf la. Ibis time using tissue from the back of her bead, hoping In this way to get the balr started to growing on tbe piece where Uia scalp was torn off. ■rii.Er* imu otcrr. **• SmM Mim or Um> PM*lr. Bat *•» tun* AU efriMH. Kpirigti Now* and Otawrtr, cm. Senator Hatter yesterday worked * nice little bluff for the morn mg train. Tbe Senator was going off on the east bound Soul hern train. There bad been much Mild about paaa-ioters end asms people were wonderlag what tbe Sen ator was going to do about It He came io banledly with bis big, stepped up In the Southern Railway ticket window, took oat a roll of money, handed over a fit bill to 11m agaot with • request to ohange It. While Uie agent was doing this the Seoator shifted soma other ohanga from one pocket to anotlier; which to tba crowd bebiod him, who coaid bear nothing of what passed looked Ilka he was pat ting a ticket m hla pocket. Than ho raked In the 88 In change, picked up bis bag and hurried toward tba train. “And ao tba Senator la baying a tloXet,” as Id sarsrml In the crowd — but ho did nothing of the kind—he rode oo his pass. Who Boat V' BIG FIRE IX LOXDOX. ABOUT 110,000,000 WORTH OF PROPERTY DESTROYED. Ua«4ml nil Flflr Wantnn DMJrjn-aoi HiU,n r Ira Km. «••« C««M| ta nwk Iha dfiraad 1 t»« rimn far Nrrrral Haun-Tha laa Rail nan.I nt rlia KUUaa rwada Nnrllad—Hlaiarir HI. Ultra lltank Karri? tand. London , November 9a— One of the moet dlssetrous flrve lu London’* his tory elnos lbs great lire of 1006 broke out In a large block of buildings lying eastward of Aktorgate Street aad be tween Uial thoroughfare and Redeross street, lust after 1 o’olook last after noon. The flames ware fanned by a strong wind and were fsd by highly In flammable stocks of Christmas fancy goods and flimsy drees materials of all descriptions, that Oiled every floor of the»t* story building In the old street. Consequently tbe conflearmUoo gained headway with surprising rapidity, mod was sooo far beyond tbe possibility of belog checked by the lew engines which were early on tb* spot. For four hours aad a half the flames Usd their oern way and It urns only after mote then a hundred eoglot* had worked an hour that tba chief of tbs Are brigades rsoeived tbe signal that the Are was under control. At 11 o’clock tonight the Ore U still tbe scene of great excitement. Fifty engines Me playing upon the ruins, wagons are hurrying up cost and loos of water are pourlug Into the debris The scene must occupy the fir* twt gsde for several days, especially In view of the grave danger of tbs col lapaa of ebclls or betiding* which fall uow and again with a loud report. The latent accounts Indicate that nearly 1(10 large warehouse* I rave been destroyed; while tb* lorn will probably exceed £9,000,000. The historic church of St. Giles bee been badly damaged, the principal damage being tn Die rout the old windows, the Baptismal font and Milton•* staloo. Hsmlen street was tb* scan* of the outbreak of lbs fire whleb was started by so exptoiloo In oonneoUon with n gas engiue on the premites of Walter Brown A Co., mantel manufacturers at No. 30 on lb* thoroughfare. Their factory was crowded with girl* when Ute Ore broke out. Tbe frightened operative! rushed to thereof of tb* building, thence crossing to other buildings sad so effecting their escape while Use flams* were pourios out of tb* bessment. In lees than a quarter of so hour the fl tunes bad enveloped the adjolulog wsrebu-iae, and tbeuoe they leaped serous the street to so enormous paper warehouse wliioh was fully alight lu less than lea minute*.' By this time, it was evident to tbe firemen that lIvey were face to faoe with a great disaster and s general alarm was sent out. Pol lee men also patbered about the netgbborhod tn great numbers. This display of strength oo tbs part of ihe poll be was required, as the crowd, swstliug In sis* every moment, sooo amounted to lens of thousands of people and the flrsmtn required every possible freedom of ac tion, as Umtr fight was oo* 0f the greatest diflleally, Owing to Uis nar rowness of tb* old crooked streets which are lb* feature of that part of London, ooqiblned with lit* height of the warehouse* which out oil tbe fire men from all fair chaooe of confining the outbreak. The rxcitemeol among tlie on-lookere who crowded every po* title point of view, was very greet, as mey be judged from the fact that fire men had to be repeatedly rescued by tbeir comrades, by tbe aid of the flra escapes, from buildings which had caught fire after the firemen hud mounted u> their roofs to fight the flame* in adjoining buildings. Tire rescue of operatives tb* fire men; Lhe hurrying of hosts of clerk* wbo were trying to save hooka and valoatile papers from the fire, and tlw rush log her* and there of masy oio ployeee wbo were attempting to carry to places of safety ooetly merchandise or other valuable*, added to tbe eonfo eiou. Then again the heat was to In tense that several Bremen were obliged to direct their opsraliens under show er* of water poured upon U-etn. But In nplte of tbe sxsrtton* of tbe firemen, tire flra crept on very steadily until Nldholl square, which t* situated ut the far end of Uamsell street, waa rase lied. AI a imte after 8 o'clock a down I hose pip**, noli with a twelve foot •pcead pouring water Into the bUas from an opposite roof, from tbe straat Mow and from tbe burning preio'aas themselves did not ana to have any effect. The water rushed out of the window* and from Die ground floor like a water tall while Um denes leaped higher aad higher nod as tbe floors fell In tbe plaoe still b(ated-a gigantic display of Are and eaauke-tin tha building wae completely guttad aad tbe walls knocked oyer. The confusion la the streets In creas'd a* the lira spread. Suddenly there waaaa explosion of gee meters, eoundleg Ilka l be reports of field guns, followed by a momentary hush. After that Uie wild ranking here and there was resumed with loeruaalng energy. Men risked their lives In desperate efforts to save daybooks, ledgers, feathers, jewelry, valuable ehlnawure, etc. One man actually risked hie life In felab Me bat and unue, 900 rest of stone work and glam falling at hie hosts as be emerged from the building. Several fl rente a were almost buried In burning ruins, as frost after frant of tbe flaming warehouse* fell Ip. burl ing tone of brick and masonry Into tbe .“0l5 vuttleg the Ore hose In all dtreniloua, while ton* of B€rf mutt** war* feilleg to every dl reettoo, making It impoaeibl* to tor* lb*o**fl*gratlou ecthUop, u roof after roof aaagkt lira and win dow frnasrm all about tha scans began to emoka. Ae Ike afternoon wore uw, the danse crowd* war* stNI farther so largml. until K wae estimated that maay bawd rads of thousands ef people surroawdrd tba big Bra. Tl*a*« molted bmm« of humanity bad to ba pon< ■taatly prrmod back by the polios u the ana of tba Qn-awrpt spot Ineiaaaed Ib alia, «D operation wblob became niwa aod more dUTloall hi tba owner* and amployeea of tba wmrehonaa ad jaoaot to tba ecane began tha work of aaving tba moat valuable portiooe of thalr portable belonging*. By rtiuk the picture priaeuu-d w.it extremely brilliant. • four atraat* were blaalag oo both aide* ani there waa plenty to Internet um gambling aplrlt of toe on looker*. In baiting aa to whether or not die ecnarable tower of St. Oitca chord) could aland Ui» hall of aparki and burning fragment* with whleh it was enveloped. ArrBK Tain visit uimi nu. »*• Mmi Im Will ke Psasc UMN, SOO-ObI, T*t rinm l«|ar«t, »»« Tbar *u*wn,. Loiroor, Nov. ao._Ills impossible to accu ralsiy Mtlwato the damage dune S'*•" *r**1 eonilacraiioo yesterday, but t be d I reel low will probably ba bo low 510.000,000. CoatoU aiul India 3 per oaotf bare falka heavily on Um beilsf that tba loawa will nsecsstlals bsary Mies by lu suraoce companies, aod woat of tba in taraoea shares bars dropped X0 to 80 shilling a. Tbe Evening Mandard In Ue Snancbil article tbb afternoon aays It la believed that tbe bilk of tba Are loeaea will fall upon American lnsor uncc 00 mpan lea. In spile of Uie magnitude of tbe dlr ustrr ouly two Bremen werosllgblly In jured during tbe work of extinguishing tbe (lames. About BOO firms aie seeking for new ultioes. Tba oOelal reports any tba cause of tba Ore Is unknown. A large number of warehouses from live lo s.x stvrlae blgb liar* beeu burned aud have imrtly fallen, tbs; whole covering an area cf 900 to BOO yards, bounded by Hlohols square. E.I muuds place. Jawiu ertaceat, Aoetra lUn avenue, Paul’s Allay nod Bed Crua* street. The Insurance agecla take an optlrn Lsllv view of the losses. their estimates ranging from *1,(100.000 to *4.000,000 It is a fact that doxsna of the burned* nut arms were uot insured, la aome caace 'because they were considered tu be undesirable customers. auJ tu otli era beoauss the locality has long been eonaiderrd dangerous by the insurance companies. Tbe letter assert that the fensaltune! rumors regarding tlui losv *• have been promoted on tbe Stock ex change In order to iuflueuoe stocks. All tbs historic treasures of Cripple Gate church were removed, Inoiiidtug tbe records of Oliver Cromwell’s mar riage, XUlon’s burial aod tbe deaths from the plague iu lOtMl. •nmio a uouc ui r mv a wu.l TM Water Wm T»m4 la lie Wiu fueled la Ua« Tap. UouUuraon RoU kaf. Toay Ferry, » negro men lltiug on tha northern edge of to we. bed a pecu liar aad exoltiiig experience with lilt bone Friday. Tbe animal fell In ■ well and lu rescuing him '•they bad a time," to borrow an expiration from one wbo wii there. It waa a very large wall, breed aorta*, which uo doubt account* for tha foot that tbe animal was not seriously hurt. And the site of It bad mooli to do with bi* rescue Id tbe way It waa sooomollabad. A* It was ha fell right aide up aad aud when dlsoorerrd might have been lelaotaly grazing Instead of walking about In tbe water bad tb* putarage been good. How lo get him out was a problem. Some suggested one plan aod some another. Xnue of (hem aeemed practical. "Dig dowu tha side of tb* well," aald one; “throw dirt uoder him. All It up and rata* lilm that way," aootber said. Finally Mr. W. W. lleavis appeared on the scans. Hi* plan waa to Hood the well with wntar and float the animal out. That oim wbo know# at much about florae# as Mr. Hearts does ought to know tb* beat way to get oae out of a wall waa conceded by all and his plan waa adopt id. Tbe boa* rwd waa twit for aad a oonoaetton was made with tb* oaarttl hydrant. Tha notxle waa put down under tha aide of tha animal and the water turned on. Gradually Urn wall began to OIL Tha watar rote to lh* hot#*** aides. Mteadlly the stream poured In aallt lie waa taken off bia feat. II* hagia* to float. High. *r and higher ha rtaea; up, h* curves WJB *op. A WKJU» up, in* •obetae work* parfcotlv. A llttU later •Od tha thlreriug, exalted beast gland* on terra knee, eoparently none the worse for his novel experience. WbUe he we* being 1m away the question wu waked: ” Wag ever water work* put to *oek u*e before f*> The reply cam* quick: “1 never henrd of It if it was, but who would ever have thought of suoh a thing bat Mr. Rea vte V' T»rm Mslhwls •rAkmkm In Harks. Xononlim HemM. WRhlo full view of tha street* of Morgentoo end not *lg'>t miles awhi a* the crow glee Is a country where some of tli* farming method* art Iden tical with tho«* In vogue la tha lima of Abraham. Go the top of Kay lor'* Knob, one of the highest peeks of the South Mountain, I* a wheat field ooa talcing aeerly a hundred cores, com paratlvety level and of r* markable far tlllty. In thlw fi*M ou the tide next to Morgan ton It a great flat rook whlob ha* been used time oat of mind u x threshing floor. B#»e the wheat and rye Is brought end threshed with flatto, and winnowed lift a* Boat winnowed hi* hartay at hw threshing floor near Bethlehem centurtee age. The Wlikeehsro Cfirsairh says Mis* Mlaaie Ptrller killed a hawk with a •tick while a fight was going on la the yard between lb* bewk and na o44 hen. “MARY AMR” BUTLER, VHAT HAVB TOU DOVXT AUI TOM MAWOI. Valla Haller aa laUral FSSSWd WiaU MHateWMIUi «aaae»«fm» lavs* rariy. Atlanta Jonrual, liak. Too Walaon furulalwd a spky signed editorial In llile week's laws of the People^ Party Paper, leeued to-day. The 1'opal 1 let leader rlaea to inquire abat liaa become of bla party. Ha mye, in part : Will aoaie Melons believer In Mary Aan llullrr tall* as what that aaleeut fraud baa dotio with the People'a Par ly t Where waa it durlag lb« recent elec tion y What figure did It cut? WUal aae IU vote f In the off-year elections after the presidential year rf IMS, the Paople<e Party tree Intact, well orjrenlisd, ag gressive. oorberant end sfsetlvs. It polled nearly tiro million Populist rotaa, oaat for Popnllat candidate* ronniug upon PopolUt plelforoML Prom uortb to south It eu united: from cast to west It knew but one doe trine and followed but one leg. Where I* the party nose T Where waa It daring the recent etec tiou V Who can My It ia Intact, watt organ fa aggremlye, ooberact and sC*c:1t»? WIhi can My It cast two million vote* f Who eon uy Uiat It U united, that It ha* bat one dootrlrvs and fol low! but one flag V Waa It a Populist victory In Hafteaa ha V By no twe*M. The Democratic name covered the whole thing; the Democratic coler* waved over ail lbe troop*; autl a Democratic politician Kot the ouly office that svm at slake— Uai an per id* Judgeship, Tli* Pope got two miserable little collrge regvndr* that would not b* oelled office* any where else on earth aieept In aoonvsu l ion where fusiuu tactlca had mada lonatics out of sensible men. Did Uw Populists wia may glory la Kaims? By no meant. They went down in Use sllmcof a common defeat with ttw Democrat*—a disgraceful da fnal beciuM lb* fusion between Demo Drat* and Potmliata Was a mam cor rupt Uvrgslii for ttw spoils at office •'oun ranrr ookk.” lu Colorado liow was U—Colorado, wburo a few yearn ago a Populist gov rrnur rultd triumphant Y Democrat* tod Kapnbllcana united and rooted Un Populist* who bad bean turn Into fae Llnns by the fusion of 1600. Our i«rtr In 169* 44 waa growing in Virginia nod Maryland. Where la It bow Y Goa* 1 Xot ii grease (pot left In tbe pan. In Kentucky how wot H Y Bntee Joe Parker led the middle of tbe road light and did It brilliantly, bat with Duller knlAeg bins all tbe time, bo waa | owe rise# to make headway. In low* liow Is It—tbe liomn of James 11. Woaeer Y Less than six thousand Populist voters remtlu; tbe others are Democrats lu rut ms, la poil oy. In prloetpla and In organhutlon. As Populists they bars abaolntaly no separate existence. Tbe Democrats Uav* swallowed tbsm ‘bodaoeously.” bo It Is all around. A sugnlOeeat parly of two million men bat disap peared. It lisa been swallowed upas though tbe aartb bad opened aud taken It la. Hoelt auelUUatioa has not bona known stuoe the earthquake of I.lsboa. Will some ksalous Butlerite please tell u* wbat that eminent fraud has does with the People’s Party Y Das he lost It t Uas he bid M Y H** lit loans'! It out Y We trusted him with It; It was In good condition when h* took It, and how we ask him: "WnaT IltVB TOC BOMB?” What bars you doau with It* You are (be last one that bud It. 'Ye want yon to aoeoont for it. In 1609 and 1804 w* could tarn to tho ndljlal returns of Uia elections and tell to a man liow many Populist* voted. Can yon do It aowY liow Bsany Populists votod In X shrank a to give that - suprema court judgrsbip to n Democrat? You don’t know, and nobody on earth doe* know. How assay Pops voted la Kansas? You can’t toll, rad nobody site can. Uow many Pop* voted lo Ohio, In Kentucky, In Iowa, ia Virgin Is? Yon don’t know, sad nobody also uor*. You nr* chairman of a onoe treat party, aro you not? Hoar many rut are atw lo yoar party mow? You can’t usurer. You mlaorabta tailors and fraud, you onuat go book to tho UMaa of 1MH and 18*1 More yoo can arso gaaaa at tlN Populist vote. You aaa’t, to aar* yoor wortbUas Ufa, tall what tfaa strength of yoor party la today. Yoo are a a tor fallow (or ohalrmao, ain’t you ? You’re a good pallbearer —Uuit’a aboat what you are. max iiLvaa not kxxotlt dead. Bryao editors UU* aa that fraa slt »*r la nut dead you No, not sxauUyi hot If H hu to twallow aaeli mars media In* of tbo kind adalolttnred to It by tbo Democrat!* pollUoUot to Um last campaign. Il’a a gone goal lag. Tha ouboow of Poaeoratlo candldalao who are (oM bogs, of those who " rralra” Um ollTor question. would probably bo fetal to tbo aiirar qaautlca If It dld'ot hare more liras Uaa a oat. The foot of tha buatuaaa la Umt the Daaooretie boaara hare cot about all Uwy wanted oat of the sffrtr question They root tod of It for the purpose *f drat raying Um lVopfe’a Party with It, and wlU) Bailer’, balp aai Attend aid they bare pretty wall dona It. Wa look to aaa both wings of tha JWaaoermtlc party aoure toga* bar. and free aihrrr Um paaae offering donor* t Ing tbo alur. how to bMtmkmrr rtnrr. There’s Juot ooa way to rreurreot th# Paopfe** Party; raorwaatna freai Uia ground op, and rigidly axotads tteMmipt leadership wtieh Zee hurt "^Tberw mm m abatement of the Wait More (JO p, m. The Uw ebeek mm la Jewlo street sod hi Wall Bint, where the onllapee of a wall eu the iMe of that thoroughfare wee the Beast of eaylag tha iaet bonding la the afreet. The width of Itederost street, a oooe paratlraly broad thoroughfare alto roood a harrier these. At 4 a. as., a very large Cone of 6ra> awi aod aboot tweety engiaee have beeu working at high praetors all sight Tlia constable who fltat deteeted the daaiwUew hlawhistle toodlytora* llltMOCB lu|k mmm] mlwulad tilled before the alerw wea hoard by aey of hie ootaradee. Bo “ -- aa to suBtaonthaBre agela there wn# as __j sa> by of tweaty mlnotaa before the Bret nciua appeared. Thro the taarfel dl wesslone of Uw Ore were apparent and ft wet decided to elroalate a eaU throughout the whole mctropeUUts diet riot. Nearly three bandied telephone wires have hags cut, tbas interrupting earn wonieaUoe with Beany of the previa Bfal towns. The fire wUl same aa twwMM advanca iu the prioa of oa irlch ftatbere, which rose thirty per Mt. last eveoleg (IWaav). TWo Feat h«r Iren stone have last jBK.OOO (fTi.OOO.) Himeuri 1 TMta or 1*7" MufU* la ■«*u* tab WhM Um earn again* Um „ tea wrecked First National Bank uaoe up before Jodas Dtak la Aaha rUla to i«dueed bail aad continued Um nae. HU reaaoa for Um flrat waa that ba thought ths baU am Mi In Tbo mm waa oontlaued baeauae, bo (aid, bu area aaatda ou aceouat of tbecon lltioo of bU health to try Um mm at tha present term of noart. Thu action evMaaUy failed to nwt ten apnrobaUoa of at tensions of Um rtaUrn'i, who wrote Judge Disk tea tollowlag anonymous, letter wbleh ■mb girsn by him to tea Asheville ftUara: von or Tun uma. AabaeUla, X. a. Vow. g, U07. Hubert P. Dick. Judge! dir - Whan you had look grand oso wytiou of warn ter IfaefamUiM of BreeM. ltenlaad A Dickerson. tea Pint Mat. Bank llobbore, by not only delaying thair trial six maulha longer, and reducing their bunds to Iraa than oaa-lutU tka original aa*, did It at teat tone ones oocur to your Mind that ■any fan lilts had com# to want, aad that lltUs children were golug half clad, & with uo altera on their teat, alt brought about by Uier Oral lug A knavery. As yea haws each a Ugh Mmm of IucUm A merajr why did you not enquire Into Urea facta. These nobbaref 'am IIIm can wall led A ciotbad A their children an attending college on their ill-gotten gains, while the poor IQ-fated victims’ obUdren bare to go to a free school, barefooted. »• W* MM HD« Ola 1x017. II m sua oo«Mi before you foe making ob« gal. tor nstlMM are allowed to he** free dom sad liberty, enjoying the poor de positor* money. Ah, my Chrtatinn brother, thin Is what makes Uooblngt In our country ft that In Jut what Is polog to Iteppen In thin mm. If you don't before yoa leave the bench In Asheville, raise their hoods ft sat s special Uras or tbs court far a spsady trial, yau will ba a party to tho crime by your unjust leniency to ttoM oriml oals. whoM very hooks In thoir own writing will provn their guilt beyond any questloa of dooto. What the vic tims at these vtlUaaa want la a speedy trial ft swift Jnstice masted oat to tbesL or wo wilt Uko tho law la oar own toads ft aMSt it at tho sad sf a taps. Yoa ashed If tbaM men wars pose, why, my dear sir, Joe. E. Disksraoa alone tos Made am to hla sister-In lew (lira. Alrvy) over PU.000 worth of property ft tho tew gone sa fcta toad with this property, ft all voa toad to do la to bring ta her ft other witnesses to prove it. Ton lead ft Bnww have ibeita bid away to Hko ms oner,-besides sll this asoasyaaOM to found If proper mirth was mads. Wbao yoa fit through clenriag all aloads away from their crimtoal sky, aB their property will to turned hook to them, ft oar wooey dog up from Its hiding pioM for them ftltofea to so Joy. [amoaoof the MO vtatlauwbo intend to have Speedy juaUea if wo are forced ta taka Uw low la oar ova ppo tefw«w£lliL ■vot Ima «Mk to i oi ilk'. Oh ■( lit _ _ I'M wltMMHl ta UMli was tba tr.i:*5s«2?; asatw tnt. without MUtmtaiBg tfca tUahtas* : *E2faTlO*, Kr., Not. 0, UK. i ma !■■■

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