The Gastonia G ______ Ouuoturt to th« Protaotloo of (lomii anti fho 1 ntoroMtu of rho County. Vol, X.V111. GRMt4»nla, N. C„ IJeroml>cr 0. 1897. grg——iw^——bp—p—_ TNB BAT «» TUB BBVBBTVK. fl>»ck-Ky*4 UnaUn la Hte for Its sake ! There have been self drnlal and nnsrlOabneea There has been lha giving up of giant hopes, and sometime* the absolute killing of one’s heart’s desire, for the sake of dear love. The world coo Id no longer exist wltboot love than It conk) without south I or n*n it eaKTiuwwTAi.. You can talk about patriotism. You can rest oo yonr mentality. But yoa will saver find that either of tlieee will give yuu the same pleaaute. nor anywhere near it, that cornea when yoa have yoar urm aroaad Ibe special small vwaao and look down Into ayaa that tars to you with davotlou. Aa for tlie love written about by Hie la diva who or* very Intense, 1 have noth ing to say. It Is much more written about thou lived. Although raauy aloe bare been oommilted iu Ibe name of love, there have been a lot a tore of good deeds done, sod on the greet rec ord book tlie good will Wot out tbe bid. A woman a* naturally needs lore ss she due* bread and butter, and when she doesn’t got It her life Is a barren one, without any of the swret dowers or rich fruit with which It should be garnished. Sentimental? Perhaps so; but I have a great number of noble predecessors, and I ara wllltug to pul myself down as believing In love Qrsl. forauiojt, auJ always. I don’t like a garret. I. ecu use 1 atn uol sitting enough to climb raauy efalit; still f had better be there mid have the love than reside to tlie durst second story front with real l*oe cur tains and Indifference. Men Ilka to say that when inverty comes lovo dis appears Now every man who makes lliui assertion knows that ho Is a down right fibber, for women have slunk by meu through the direst sort of povsrty, have tried to make things batter, and have usually succeeded. If you will n-mrmler, you never heard of a raau stiivlog to make built t-nd* meet. It is always a woman. My fnond. if you can get tbe love of a good woman, yoo have got the best thing lu life, nod from tlm king on lits throne to the peasant working In Uie field, there li ■ milting that surpasses It. And Ui# beautiful part of it all i* that king and peasaut alike raay have It, nod l» hap py since love oan neither bo bought tmr stolen. nm oum ik PKitviiMKa. liy tho Lye, just now iLere Is a (real bwrt for a Tomtit Anthony Comstock, who will rise aud prutaat against tJis us* of patcliouli and- musk. Indeed.: So long as it i uds t tie tiling nobody] caiss whether Die person lighting against it Is mtle. female, or even sexless But why are iunoceul uivu and women forced to eudure these sickening ordais. strong enough to he called amelia Why should s whole I carload nf people have to become the I victims of tome atrociously dressed woman, who conAdet to the woman | with her that she uses pints nf musk j every work, pouring it on her under 1 clothing until every part is thoroughly impregnated wiibllV Carbollu acH is delightful i■emdes it, whiln benzine and yanilsh are heavenly compared with such suffocating stuff. I like a good perfume, and a lltUe on one's handkerchief and a fuw- sachets among oue’s llncu are permissible, hut the shute of a good thing ts a blunder, a blunder is a crime, and the proper1 place tor criminals is in the peniten tiary. IUrxl he.irteiV Nolabltoflt. Ask yuur hutbsud ot your brother hovr be likes this vile stuff in the street i care nr the hotel corridors or wherever he may cbauoo to meet the womvn ! who ha* had form enough to use it. ] He would prefer that such a woman | should lw drowned In a cask of the ex tract she is fool enough to adore, aud her head held down until alt* choked, while over bar grave should ba writ ten, “tiers lies a fool, drowned in bor own folly.” This type of wumau Is anything but a joy. BOMB KAUTULY JOTR. And yet all over the world there are so many Joys Uiat even aim can be overlooked aud all the pie isuren appre ciated. A women who can lie a friend sod yet not expect a m in to cater to her vanities is n Joy. A man who knows how to be a per fect comrade ami yet not make lovs to every woman lie meelu is a Joy. A thoroughly good story that it written in pood English or readable French is s joy A great, big bunch of Quivers, pretty of hue aud street of perfume. Is s Joy. A dainty dinner with somebody you like very aitieh is s Joy. A becoming Imt that sets comforta bly on your baud is a Joy. A well-flttinc frock, which is paid fur, is a joy. A box of sweets, a pleasant letter, or a new magazine, eooh Is n joy. A dear baby, an affectionate dog, a Chirpy Utile bird, each It a joy. A sunshiny day, when tbe air scams clear and good. Is on* of Ood’s own Joys. And cao't you he a little gallant and take off your hut and say that snolhsr Joy U Uaji. ■ ■■ i .1 ■ \ uiaisn-A ww uni.u. reter l-rlrr I'iudi (I. ml ■« litot 4'lenr until. fflnitn Journal. A few days itoce Peler Price of Oreemb >ro and Joe Vanghn bartered on a piece of land at Madlion, winch they owued in co-partnerahfp. Mr. Pi Ice proposed to Mr. Vaughn to buy oriallat Mr, Vanglm’a figure#. Mr. YaoRhn act the price at fiJ.SOfl and Mr. Price made tlie puroliaae. A day or taro later, while having an old Cabin removed, mi old half-gallon pot Wit* found containing Bee thotmod dollar# In gold. The gold U mppoted to have been atored there by an old man by the name of Black, who hid led a mleerly or retinae Ilf* The Boone Democrat Mil that the cabUgn loarke l li eery Iwrlly crowded at Lenoir and tbe price* are not much above tbe plkijre per load. Wliy ii It that on.; man u old md deerncid at it. aa.1 anw.hir hnl' and hearty at Ml ? /| .lo pemhuatM vatu he Ulieuf kimaeir. ortivt a lawri'i UUr m.n oar of rep rtr^Jtv irn.ible ktwwv uma ft lava hnu ent In but Whuanvn • »■» rpk Ikaf boll art a» well it be ouptn • oka. wtuvwvrr wkllHba, vUJwul nurr. amt aHhoot ruiai, whenever be lahiktl ho W imr-e wrtltrt la* that ... atmm .<2t nr‘h®ri£s%* warUOk tOtbSw llrrr hmrllr. md ItTEeS 'twr^h^jhaew rpftnm Iruui ■Ili.1. AMP IAVN< IIIH DOOM. Bnrtiara nd TkUttt INUrm (ho Bar low VMMWtOar-ttaww In MM Town ara MahfeMl Kalolah .News tux] Obacrvcr. "IIujA. bark, tbe Coal ilo bark; TBa buralar. hatv t-umoto town.'' I'or fifteen reus this Iras been «n ur. (lerly, peaceable aud boneel town. Kver >luoe tbe saloon* were' abollabrd tlmre baa been no disturbance of tbe public tranquillity. Daring ell that lime nur door* have not been locked at night nor Ims our chicken roost been robbed by tbe fowl Jnvnder. Tbe presence of our faithful dog may have been our protectlou. for Utvre Unvo beau aoiue faw ohickeus stolen In these pari a Onr neighbor, Charley Patcmon, auffrred enme In that way uutll he bought the old gallows on which u mail liuug n few year* ago and built a chicken huuss of the timber. Since then he cau hardly g>-ta darkry to put olilckeoi iu it by dsy, much Iras to take theta oat by night. But our nogrors In aud around Cartersville are a clever, indnatricus people and as buoral as mankind are generally. The domestic servant* will take some liberties with little tblugs that they think we won’t ioIm; but they have runny good trail* that are a set-off. and so we compromise on gen eral principles. But now the burglars have come to town aud alarmed the whole commu nity. X believe they ootns from up north where every bad thing oomee from, evon to bad weather. The other day a tramp came to our Itonte and waked lor something to eat. lie tva* fairly good look inj aul well dreaasd. My wife got blue a luoeti and asked him where hla home war, and where b* was going. lie smiled nud said be turd no home, ami was raised in an oipliuu aayluui up north and was going to All iota in aesrc.'i of work. u.»*ao you travel,” old site, “If jou money V” '•Well, 1 rid* on the freight* until they put me off,” >10 Mid. "and than 1 wait for nnother one an-i ride aonva mow. I am just taking a little trip now to see the country." There were two of these fellows in town aud they took the rounds asking for something to eat aud always got it. My opinion is that they are profession al thieves aud their purpose In calling st a i tusoy bouse* is to prospect the premises. The ulght after they were at our bouse burglars entered four house* aud stole money. They took !M>0 from under s sleeping man's pillow and smaller sums from the pockets of other men. A few nights after thev entered three house* aud took a flue guld watch from under a hauker's pil low and the ovxl ulght a watch aud aome money at uuotlier place. They lake no clothing nor anything to eat. They are while folks, l tell you, and are experts in their bssluosi. Well, of course, the whole oo cornu mty 11 aroused, and especially the womou. My wife Is oot a timid wo man. 8he is more afraid of snake* than of men, but she, too, got aUruied and made me get the hammer and the screwdriver and some bolls and nails and Ox up evary door and window. Bhe held tbe lamp and watchod oae all touod from room to room, and I rnatbvd a great blood blister ou my Unger and It hurts yet. When all was done to her satisfaction and we got ready to retire, aha suddenly told me not to lock the back ball d.air, for Un do Syam had to oome in there In tbe morning to make a Ore. Considerate women! tjbs knew that I didn't like to get up out of a warm bed to unlock the do ir. lieckon the thluka the bur glar* wouldn't be so impolite a* to come In at the hack door. Bit they don't get any watch from uuder my ptllow.for I haven't gut any. Forty year* ago they got mine jost that way In old Dr. Thompson's I hi tel In Atlan ta. and 1 have n» ivr earned one since, They got my pocket book, tos, and a link mousy nod aome valuable papers. They were from up north and were verr clever men, considering, for In about a week they sent me nil toy pa per* back through the mail and tl* letter was postmarked Philadelphia. They will given mau hack everything they can’t use. Bill Port told me that they were a kind hearted set of thieves and h* had known them to lean ovsr ami kiss a sleeping man after tlwy had rubbed him. So, it la while folk* who are it ruling limes valnahlo Ullage. Negroes haven't got above clitokensaod turkey* y«t. I heard the other day of *o old darkey who prayed every night duriug i Christ atae for tbe foy» were getting ull Uie educational faclll fie* fur girls in Uils State than for boys. I don't hnow what it all mean*. Do the girt* want to mix with tbe boys and Improve them und l« Inspired by them V Tlien why shoeld not Ui* hoys claim a similar privilege and go to the f. male collage* and to Uw girls' luiliiatrlel school at Mlliedgevllle T It we are going to bunch, let us bench the whole concern and Include the ngrleultural attachments and let lira girl* do soma plowing If they want to. Bat I reckon It la Just the new women •Ik Is Contend lag for tha abstract right to go to tbe university. Of co»r« they won’t g.», fur their fathers won t let them aa long as tba female »re *vna at Macon and AUmos and I. a Grange and Dsoatur and Rome and other idaora. Them I* plenty *t nduoatloo for them there without tbe *«-. The Iwst mother*, f know, wwver gut higher than s high school aad the t*at ou-eduo.iU«i Is for Um girts to get married young and gc to raising ohll dren and oblckcn*. If they do that diligently, Uioy will Itara euongb In • life time and bo aa happr a» their col lage toed daughter*. l’v« never been entirely aatlsttud that toch abetraee aclanoe at cbemlalry, aatronotay, trigo nometry, fluxion*, calculus. Greek, the torto end logio wore of euy u»« to the average boy. much l<-*a to the girl*. I went to college end my wife didn’t end I have to tako it back neat now sumeltmea. X teen i*d bar when ah* wa* ouly alxteen bat if gUc h*. H, locks like a Vir ile'*" °f ti„. t,m« o{ i*atrlck Henry.! WUli Homan feature*, ruddy face, and ! long, catling. Iron giay look*, lie per sonlfles Intellectual ability and phyel- ; eal vigor. Aroused In debate, tie re- J niindt you of Judge iUidarln’i deliue alloijt of old-raabloi.ed lawyers lu tli* ‘•riusli times of Alabama." Quaint., Incisive, discursive, apt. antique, unique, and persistently original. Im tears tlie House up by (lie r«'Ols when evei ho add run a ir. Ji resembles a circus In a town off the railroad. Warming with hit argument, the uiouiitaiueer Congressman it lathed lu |KTsplrsllun. His shirt oollar wills, ai.d hi* wrlat-bauds melt. In hie ge« tieulati >ns lie swabs Ills face with his pockvl hsodkcichief, addiug erapliasia I to his argument by ibe very swab bing. His words well to hi* lips seem ingly onblddou. and are uttered with rapidly and precision. There are ; thuiideralotrs and vivid tiaabea of lightning in his speeches, but soft tropinal skits and gulden sunsets fol low them. Anou the atmosphere Is' Iridescent with sarousm. He tlirows * pictures upon tlie clouds— pictures | Uiat recall tie pencil of Hogarth. 1 Finally, lie winds up, topping it off ; with a quotation fn>® sillier Abate ■pears nr tlie Bible, gathers up his papers, and resumes bis seat. Thru Hie spell Is l-rokeu. Membeia flock about Ida? In congratulations, and the House regains Its composure. Judge J limey (aoylody who it not a colonel or a genentl i*a judge lu the H-nise) la SO year* old. He was a pri vate In the Confederate army, and was to badly wounded lit Ciutiiuelloriville that lie was discharged from the ser vice. His preparatory school for Con gress was three terms in the Legisla ture of North Carolina. Fortunately, or unfortunately, for him he Isa mem ber of tbe eommltleo on electiues and of no other Important committee. All hit speeches haye been delivered on election ointesta. They are in tine with Ida law practice. He analyzes tbe evtdnnen mid addresses Hie Hours as tie would address a North Carolina jury. In this teaalon, however, lie may hive uceaiiou tu display bis abilities In nboilier Asld—-in, in wlilrli reverberations from hi* speecbe* may oe beard throughout tbe laud. A SkUms Maikflr. Asnf.irJ Sttow*. There aro some few farmer* to he found who make an Independent living despite the hard tiunea and the low price of cotton. Ooe of them I* Mr. TUoma* Ritter, of Carter's Mills, thia county, Mr. Ritter la W year* of eye and has u family of fourteen children. Iln lias farmed all hla life and lias never bought a bushel of ooro, a pound of bacon,* pound of dour nr a pound of anything nisi that can he raised on the farm, hot has always kept thrso things on hand for *otion overhead, and one of the ship’* olDcer* rushed down and banged St Mr. Kipling'* door. “Mr. Kipling,” he cried, "your boy has crawled out on the yardarm, and if Imi lelt go he’ll drown ” '•Yes,” said Mr. Kipling, glad to know that nctblng serious was tlm matter; “but hn won’t let go.” ■ He won’t let ge” Itukle good as a ehtiractensile of III* literary work. Tbs hold hr has I* mtrvelou* It la Has most retentive of gri(M, and It I* fot preolsaly this ten mlty that Kip ling I* such a universal favotlti. Bwsiwk ArmUmHmtn. Tug IfgsT »»t»* In the world for Oats, Uruisee, Hocus. Ulcere, Halt Itbeum, Fever Hof**, Tetter, Chapped I lands, ChilbUiaa, Corns, and all skin KrupUoua, and positively nurse Pitas, or ao pay reqaired. It it goaraouvd to give perfect •atwfaetlon, or sauuey rafnnded. 1’rVee 4* easita par bog. For tale by 4. R. Uisrry * Co. BKX'KTIATIC STATE MMBmtE, *««•« tm lUMfli lest Week—Bias Isltess ASesleU. Tbe Democratic filato commutes met is RaH-IgH Tuesday night nf Usl we*« st Hie cull of Chairman Manly. Every member of the committee save two w«s represented la persou or by proxy. After a gtnsrsl Interchange of opinion tlis foUowlm resolutions, in troduced by r. D. Winston. Esq., of ttsrllr, wars adopted nnd tseaod as an address to the peoplo of ths Stale: The ivprtsenUtlvn of tbe Demo craUo party in North Carolina con annulate the 1 Mmocrals of Usr sister Stales, who. with a Arm stand for lbs principle* embodied in tbe Chicago platform, Intro won spWodld victories for Urn people. | , l® rejolchtg at Ibc sucoesi of (he Democratic party in tbe late , w® lemtnd Hie people that Democratic majorities were largest, and Uepnbll osu majorities wen sasllsst, In Uoss States when that platform was the issue. It ie a significant fact that Democracy was defeated lit tbs Stains, wlmre local concern! were allowed to overaliadow the principles of tbe party. Democracy ie for all the people. Tbe receot utterances of Uts people are plain and decided. They have ex pream.] iheJr faith In tbe Chicago pUtfoiis, their belief In bimttallUnt, tliolr disgust und disapproval of Re publican creeds and practices, sad, above all. their Haired of the tyran nous gold standard. To«y thus that Uiry will no longer snbmlt lo ths rob bery of trusts, the domination of bosses and Ua upprrmloa uf tlie rnutn-y IMwrr. Tbe coudeisnation of lh* hypocrisy and faleeh tod of tbs Repub lican party is crushing. ■ i ib iquniiy pronounced, whether we lw*r it loud und free to Um wheat Itelil* of Ohio and Iowa, or straggling f»r ulleratic* In the wealth o-HigvsU-d o>-utr« of •On-aler New York,’ where tin c-indid.tln fur mayor received 80.. oou plurality—a candidate whose unly campaign utteraoou waa, ‘I am a Ueui ocrat.’ who wwi Heart and Bout for Ilia Chicago platform and the Candida tea who aloud ou it. No lea aignlQaaul ib tbu fact that He)woiile of tlw StHte of New York Have olec’-rd by 70.U1J majority ua c'ikef Justice of tile Court of Appeals a at- teaman whn sought support by ao> nounolng Hint Ini ‘Had volant fur Hoc. tVm. J. Hiyau last year.’ And wlih thla glorloe» asws of Democratic success we raj-doe that slum international bimetallism ha* lwcn exposed. Thara is now no room for llepublicuu dodging. Wo reaffirm our belief lu tho prlu ciples of the Chicago and 8Utie plat fnrma Ilf lli« Democratic party, as i id opted lit 163J, io tbslr emirs', y; and wo will still support llioan prluetples until they are wriltea in our laws. We would t« untrue tr the Arm and loyal allegiance Um DitnocraUe parly a oilcan orators In 1S0C predict dir* disaster if Uw DemoorsU were elected, that McKiuley is Tmldeul of tb«a IJnIWd 8tales and both branches of Congress are UepublicaM. Tbe pec* pie are anift to draw the proper con dualous. Wo thauk nil patriotic cltlr.sna who juioMl with ns last year iu carrying the State for our presidential candi date. and wn invlta lo the future coun cils tlte Democratic parly—tbe party ■if tlw people—all men wlm believe in lie principles desire its supremacy, und who will assist In carrying on Ub IMalN, in »n than ot>a yanr opportunity will b« •Ivan ihu voter* to express a Aral adherence In those principles. We regret that lbs laUot box waa not this year opened to all North Caroli nian*. North Carolina la now acoi <1. ntally Republican. We do oot lw liceo that any number of Intelligent and virtuous men expected or buped for the present rule In tlila dtale. Wo arts sure all good sa«n an evger for a olutt>g«. We have fallen on aril day* In North Carolina. Thro reoall the nays of reooualruotlon. They deasou alrate she trulls that no Southern tltate can be governed with honor and decency by Die ltrpublloan party. Too large it tiumt-er of Ha voters ura lg. uoraut for Use bum to Control, Hnd Uio large a utimber at the leaders are venal arid oorrupi to give North Caro tlssa good government. We look with horror upni the evils wrought by a coin hi tint lou of lUpelsUcaaa and the oorrupt element* of the I’opullrt parly by roeeus of wliloh nttr Legislature has .n-corwe a farce, taany of our nfflieM. dcr* beoorne toir ipt and criminal, ntsd Ignorance and rice raised above Intel Uganda and virtue. We denounce Use efforts of this combination to plaoatlso Insane or the auto at the mercy of In coco pc tent, violous and lustful men. and we eoudemn Use ohaagei wrought In onr laws whereby ignorant and im pure matt have beau placed In control of loltoolv, court*, prison* and Sly Ititna. These are the inevilaMf oou ■ ■quenera ol Republican rule. The Deooooratle party pr oat laps Use people ■at It* return to power In oumcl all these alinan*. It. will guarantee every dttears hla i Ighta, but it demand* that virtue and Intelligence adiwll rule Use mate. It wilt restore to the white •omen of the .State the aronilty they fell under lha twenty years of Demon racy Inaugurated by the ha mortal Vanoe. To tint >ocu gmlmllr mt iktaitfM VMiilalk«m»rr»ilc i:^hr«|i«liiiii l,««jr«r In. UmumIL lUilotfffc *o4 Oteurrtr A otrUIn Iawynr from Urn western imrt of the Suit. who is Ivm attend lag Suproa* court, reoenU* osllvd up-Jo Gov. Bussell, whom h« hid never “I’m a Democrat,:1 said tlie lawyer. “*>“• of Urn atnwigvst you ever auw, OoTsmor. but I've never hail l he honor of meeting you and so I thought I’d drop Id to pay my respects to the chief executive of my State.” His Exosllsney assured him he was pleased to bava blm sail. “And tben you know,*' wtot on tbs lawyer u little hesitatingly—”yos know, Uovtruqr. basidra being a Dam oerat I’m a member of tho Episcopal church and my people pray far you every evening. Y«»n know our prayer book aoks tbo blessings of Aaavou upon tho president of tha United State* and Uto Governor of tho State and alt in authority.' So I’ve called to eao what munutv of mao It la I’ve been offering up UjU petition far.” “Well. I hope »lr," Teotured tbo Governor, "you are pleated with tho iOBDCCtioil.M “Vaa-I reckon —but—well, I don’t thlok I’ll aay amen any mon for tbo praaeut, while that prayer I* bring said.” Thin closed Uw Interview and tba lawyer retired. »** avarui idmitit. Annual tiMk la (anil nulla, (n la Ihilr AkwIMNImkih Wan and Olwarar I" * letter to tlie Libor Ontatateeiou* •r Mr. Taeoiilitlctt Whit*, chief oyater Inspector for iba State, utloatM that there are three thoueaad or more per* tone la the State enraged to theuyeter Induatry. lletwaeo djWO tad 6.000 buabate are caught aaaually aod aoM at froaa Id to 00 can la a bueheh. ‘•TWa aupply of oyatara In the Bounds and rtyera of North Carolina,” aaya Mr. White la alpaoat larxbaiMtabta, aod all tha Induatry need* to make a graad auceaat te a market sadaleat la lndaaa buyers to eoaae to lbe State. A ad to do that, dredging mutt take the place, la part, of toaga, whleh te a atowateth oa of taking oyatera. Dredging wiU loor*aw tlm entail and aeeeaatrily build up a market, aud our prloaa would ba battar and tha raeauua would pour U, to educate lbs poor chiMrpaof Um State. IWimiM Ta Sipm w Mr. Jwh Jnw, of Uw drag Ira of °tba and Colds Is knsrtawod lodoUko^ work. Try MdUsn at J. M. Carry it Oo’s Drag Mosa. A* UM boats wan pulling oat I U>okrd Into'heal toare wbutklodof food ut« ladle* were tending to U>«lr •*«*>/■ Them «r«a every daTicacy that ooald to found to too market, and I «“ Moaoaabw sow bow bmo I thought tlwdoluUoa bobcd. bow I should hare Itkod to taato aomo of Uaa aad hew I wondered what aa '~|—inr sash a gift under Mali —■—irwiTtnnrt would muha upon Ms}or Aodcmoo aad hla men. “Shortly after toe sending of thaoa provision* to to* bstoagovrod Cart by tM women of Ubartaaton, from their tolterlMOD Ifurrto fstottd) dred upon the Star of too West, which was aa aaged upon a ataaltof bWm, OtisrUatoc would not have allowed too Federal Major aad Us gantoao to atorva, tot It waa ranaMy del arm toed not to permit the United Statoa Gov ernment to pwvbrioa the tort. The distinction was alter enough, sad the prearaot of war Itoelt eauld aot buld la otaMhoe thooUlgaUeaa of hospitality. remember Just as vividly snother experience in toe Sooth. Shortly after ll» war 1 was to Virginia with toy father, and be took me to am Gen. Hubert B. Lae, who waa than to Wash ington aad Lao Uatveraity. I don’t think that I have aver bum a toaa whose grant rmnilltj Igiprwiiil me worm Gen. Lea waa eaa of toe taw toaa tbavaaaaa who seemed to ato to boar a poo toe brows the i stamp of greatiwea. Ha wag log!/ ewMtoous aad kindly, eurrad lo btw at ease that I, who waa on^bl^war toaoAla* Tmimi!* '*** brought uf too G^Sndptoaal me la the saddle; aad for a tow mo monte last upon the hone that Me compdalOMhlp la me rah and la baUb bad made famous. rnaMmurntpnm ****** -JiXi‘ltiS2'Z?riJiC£ THWn !»•»«• ud rniMilk warn trying tbfkbM* ta -rtnwt from Mm aomiTiing aboat tto apart of a trains "Wh IV gotog faatV aakrt tto ;:a». * ■•v* »»«wrt tto •ttnwa. "Haw ftoit" :*stassftff£Ks:«r. "Aw, jrla" aaM tto Crlakatt. atai that Uta buaU far aa iMla?w«to fW, “aa faat aa two aala bla raw.” £§££2“s2ffi Maanikubntaal latatol to tto drag atom M«tot|tWM out Itaaaaa.’’ Wtoat aakrt art kladotMaabtoto mntrt; to ngllrt tto* to aratort *ttot a*t artot paorta aj rlrt wRV> art to waa klrtVrdiaw* to tto togltUfa ndoa, atom m wm orjNjgJa^VMto and aaato hit tog . itaUatory »V14 aaya that tto kouto rra'ajmr rotllaat V«,00Q and Uta klffc to *40.000, faat ttot ttotUpt', J koutaatortrttoiarttoBk.