Thc Gastonia __ _ noTotod *°. **»• FrutacUon or nomo ari« a* intonro or I (wJ'JISliilA,.) ^ , Gawtonla, N. C.. December 16. 1897. ANNUAL EXHIBIT -OF COUNTY REVENUES AND CHARGES. NORTH CAROLINA, I OMc*. (tag of Deeds GUsto* Couwtv. J DvIUa, N. C. I. John J. Oimand, Clerk of the Board of County Com mlm loner*. d» hereby certify that the following la a traa and oorroot report of the Oounty Revenues, elc., a* obtained fro® Treasurer's Annual Report, soil the Mtnntea of Mid Board as required lo be published and posted by Sec. 7/W of the Code u( North Carolina, lo wit; COUNTY FUND RECEIPTS. Dee. 3, 1803. To amt. bslaaoe on band at last report, S 535 28 Deo. 3. lHOb, Received from O. H. Darla, C. 8. cTjury laxsa. 20 00 Jan. 4, 189/, Received fro® A. K. Loftlii, sheriff, part payment oounty fund. 1800, 500 i! oZ’ " BtcM from Q. Q. Darla, C. 8. O. Jury U*. k „ S' " 4’ K- J'viUn« ,bet- P*11 payaent oouuty tax, 1800, 1000 ,, *<• '* A. K. Lufllii, sbff. part pay turn t ctunly lax, 1800, 1000 „ 3 “ 4' S’ ,bff- P"*** Payment cosuty lax, 1890, 1000 »» [ 4' £• •*>*• P*** P*vmenl •>" county tax, W00. 1000 » “ST * 4’ 4' hart payment on coanty tax. 1880, BOO Apr 23, •* A. K. Loftlo, ahff. part payment of county tax. 1896. SCO Juoe4, '• A. R. Loft In, stiff, part payment on oounty Ux, 1808, 800 ia £ o n0!1."1,- ",ff- P*rt P*»“«"t on Ux. 1800, 000 19 W. 3. Rutledge, part payment on road damage to Clantoo, 5 -3'?ai 4' !>• *5- P"rt P«ym*°£ °o oounty Ux, 18«0. 1000 .1 S’ . K‘ eh®. Part payment on oounty Ux, 1890. 1800 ' 0, “ Uoivoaed from L. 11. Hoffonan. by County Coar'e. 000 ‘ 3 4 4 Hr“*“4 P'11 ("»“’*• ''Ire of Robt A Ranke Lay, 25 „ . *>. J- 4. CrmsDd, pauper* claim returned, 5 .4 K. LofUo.stiff, full payment of county ux for 1800, 30 02 12, ’ J. tl. roatt, chairman County Commlaslotirr* sals of cow at Oounty Home, gj " 30, " W. T. Love, ahff. part payment on county Ux for 1807, 300 Not L " rrsiiAftrrsd from school fund to County Fund oo ac count of release. C9 j ;; “ 4 4 Ormand, part payment of hire of Tree Robinson, 7 00 .. }' , J-J-Owand. part payment of bite of Wm. Stowe, 15 . o’ 7 \T, 1/0V*’ *“• P-*rl Payment on oouuty ux for 1807 2600 3 .1 r y 73 “VrU** llcrn"- >«•» 5* 09 33 3b, Gr. H. Davis, C. 8.0., Jury tax In the following cases: Slats vs. John Black, gg on State vs. Abe Rale, I.’qq Stale vs. Miltoo regram va.C. C’> A1/ G. R. B. 3 00 Scliiff A Co. vs. J. T. CarptnUr. 3 00 E. 8 Saunders vs. Gallant, Whitesides A Co. 3 00 I/ess 6* on Total, ji 40 “ 26, " Received from W. T. Love, shff. on Co. lax for 1897, 600 Nov. 39, 1897, Total KBeams, g!3 334,77 . COUNTY FUND DISBURSEMENTS. Dr*. 7It, Paid A. K. « Loft Id jail feet, etc. 199 00 A. K. Lou in making seoa I oriel returns, 14 2ll A. K. LoftlD carrying Alex ander to Llnoolnton and Charlotte 14 oo H L Rhyne keeper of poor 10 80 J F Thomas 9 dare on comt 4 00 G U Davis CSC stationery * Reg elect Ions returns 48 88 Adam Paerxir error In tax for 1806 9 011 W H MoG lunas serving notice 7 90 S J Willard pauper 0 00 SD Brown Registrar 9 08 APR Rhyne Registrar 9 68 F W Thompson Registrar 9 68 Matilda Nichols pauper 0 00 M A Moore medicine to poor and fait 13 60 ] Sarah Sailers pauper 3 oo Geo F Fergusou pauper 5 00 Iawsou Reynolds pauper 3 00 Margaret Beafnsr pauper 0 00 John Crawford pauper 8 00 Wm Mltebem pauper 0 00 Judy Smyro pauper S 00 Q W Bowman delivering elec tion boxes 1 oo RelUce Gooden pauper 4 oo John K Jones Reg 00 names 1 00 J F Fries, VT b Rutledgeaod J L Wallace registrars 4 68 ^*7 A Teaguo pauper 8 00 G M Dickson registrar 8 19 Susie Ferguson pauper 3 00 Bettle Boyd pauper 8 33 Spivey Cash & wife, pfupers 10 00 T U Fegrain, registrar 8 10 J H Remedy registrar 4 1C ■Tames II White delivering ballot boxes 7 00 E E dummey leglstrar O 18 Jnlla Llneberger pauper 0 oo ! G W McLsughen serving notices 3 00 J F Riueald registrar 4 00 Adeline Neely pauper 4 00 Amanda Ford pauper 0 00 Julia Com best pa a per. 18 00 T B Lenhnrdt registrar 3 91 W A Howell serving notice* mo. 0 60 T H Ford serving notioee 8 00 C 8 Carpenter registrar 00 W H Rhvpe reglatrnr 8 12 A Jberry Cherry pea pet 0 00 I'olly Proctor pauper 8 00 K V Gusto j pauper it 00 Ksocy IIanti I pauper 0 00 K J Kennedy exam. loualle 100 Frank McLean pauper 5 00 Pink Black pauper « 00 L P Stows error Id jury tax 1 OS L P Stowe utatinnery etc a 06 Elisabeth MoAIIKer pauper 0 00 C raaonr services oa eumt 4 od Jacob Rohm pauper 9 00 Kettle WheUtlue pauper 6 00 <.latherlua Mauoey pauper O 00 Wales Friday pauper 4 00 B L Thornburg serving notices a K0 J M Skidmore amt dux Rose* Mamfblt till death g 17 C A Thornburg registrar 3 88 Charlie Barnette pauper 4 DO 1) A Garrison. M I>7> M ex amtnaUoe 10 00 Pec. 9, L If ltoffenan 1 day on corpqjlttm 9 on Jaa W AberoeUiy sorewer heldInK laqneat gg 93 J T Morris pauper A 00 Jan. A 1897, J L Thornburg kreplag rafts off bridge 18 00 AddIs Broom pauper 9 jn TUI mao Cahill peeper , 3 kj Waity Bead,em an pauper 0 00 U L Ithyne keeper of poor 98 90 Iff J H'Jeukloe (to physician 17 30 W F Marshall edv'g raaorta 67 40 If I. BeaUy conveying luoa UeUanloiki 2174 Jaa B Alexander exaialolag luDalle, (daisied #3 00) g SO I A WMffr burial expaoass of ' s iNMkb 10 so J B Carson lieullng oe public road 1 M w T Love jail fees etc (11(1.11 M A Moure medicine to poor A jail 12 «0 John J Ormaud clerk A Reg ister of Deeds gj 75 Fraud* Klell pauper (00 T G Falla repairs on bridge 0 00 J W Groves serving 0 ctial lenged voter* 3 80 Ann strong Furniture Co oof On for paupvr 3 )0 Jobu J Ormstid clerk A Reg ister of Deeds 42 20 Dr J II Jeokiei Oo pbyslolan 18 .10 J It lewis.V Go supplies to poor 19 75 Juo. 8, Catherine Ramsey peupr 0 00 Jan. 13, B. R. Itay oo bridge at McAdenvIllo 500 00 12, R. R. Ray otj bridge at McAdenvDIe BuO 00 Jan. SS, Ida M Roberta pauper 4 00 James Craig pauper 3 00 The Star Co for pauper U flo Jane M a? Held paai«r 0 00 Chart#* Blackwell pauper 5 00 > M Gilmore peuper 2 00 W T Love jury expenses ley log off road 0 00 J R IawU A O) supplies to poor 25 35 1’ A Aummey repairing bridge 18 00 Peb. let. I & McFadden erroV in tax for 180(1 2 00 M A Moore medicine to poor and jail 9 OO Ira >1 l.lnebrrger lumber eto • for public mud 14 75 J,1 L Rhyne keeper of poor 15 00 R A White services as oomr and mileage 11 00 Jofcn J Or mi ltd service* as tiavk and RegUter of Deeds 28 86 John J 0rased books etc for ofllee 27 29 Joke C Puatt, services as com’r and oom't. 13 00 J W Oar ml I conveying prla t# jail 2 00 j*H teea etc. 120 75 J P lUtyee error In tax, 1806 1 10 O H Davis C 8C book* for ofllee and service 30 70 Tota Ballard error In tax 1800 3 00 J R lAwts A Co supplies to 'WU Rutledge ARM John- “ “ aton J P's examining I u nail 3 3 00 y<rb- #. B R ltay pert payment on bridge 500 00 11 Bay P*rt IWMIil on bridge 500 Of* Feb. 17, Mery Wtnts pauper 5 00 8opbla Weetx pauper 5 0O Elizabeth Brtmer pauper B00 Roth Brtmer peeper 3 00 Hosea Rum frit paper G 00 A K IxjflUi jail fen 16 30 Exptnon Indigent pupil* 00 00 Peb. 10, a W liclean grand Juror 2 80 Pab. 16, M W Hauuu tala* Juror loo , J J n<vrU UIm juror 1 oo P 8 (laudrlck taka juror loo J 1’ Hooper Uln Juror | lo 1> H Paaoor lair* Joror 1 60 J T R Damanrn lain Juror l go W X Holland grand Juror 980 ?«b 17, A J ballt tain Juror 1 go J Harray taka juror 1 so R V Hunter (aim juror I to J Klttr taka juror 1 go A C fltroap ukajuror ISO II 8 Sal Ian taka juror 1 00 J I McNight tak* Juror 1 80 W If Ilaraon taka Juror I 80 P P Coatner take Juror 1 80 T tl Monro lake Juror 1 80 W M Adana l oka Jaror I 80 W X Beatty taint jaror I 80 B A CaU wall uln jaror 180 * M Agaa* taka juror 1 60 K A White uln Juror 1 80 RJ^MrOtanaa uVm juror 1 80 M ECrut* taka joror 180 1 . Morri# Uln Juror 1 *0 8 E Or*If Uln juror 1 go Akx Waut taka Joror » 10 0 W Beaman t.m juror 1 SO (aln Jaror J 80 X L Wlkau tain Juror 180 W M Adami tain juror $ 1 00 B IV White Ulee Juror 100 TN WtUlaiue tales juror l 80 A M Paaour Ulee Juror 100 Lartlr Paaour fraud joror 8 00 R F. Henderson grand juor 0 40 'Tilay Clark grand Juror 8 70 FsU. 10, L P Rankin creed Juror 8 70 Ju Gaston fraud juror 8 20 Bsu P Orroaud grand juror 8 30 0 U Rhodes gruud juror 8 80 Nosb 1> Msuimjt grand Juror 8 80 John M Gas toe grand Juror 8 40 T M Bradley grand Juror 8 60 J) A Jenkins grand Juror 8 20 J- <4- Hall graad Juror 8 00 J ODelliuger, grand juror 9 40 A R Humeuly grand juror 9 10 T T Craig graad Juror 8 03 ty 8 Carpenter fraud Juror 8 40 II H Adame officer grand Jury 8 60 IV L Huff sutler petit Juror 8 60 Feb 20 J C Arrowood petit Juror 9 00 U L Cannon petit Juror 10 80 l<*o Krldey lalre juror 100 J P Rbyoe tele* juror 1 oo k N Ueuue teles Jutor 1 00 tV A*Jubuslon petit Juror 10 00 l> K Ksker petit juror 10 20 J P Ferrer petit Juror 10 .'10 J F Thome* petit Juror 9 70 •T F Wilson petit juror 10 20 U a CloeInger laics Juror 1 00 J ITarrejr tales Juror 1 00 R C Stroup tales juror 100 O tV Darla tales Juror 100 1) II MuKuwen tales joror 1 00 W G Morris tales Juror 1 OO Peb 23 B C Hunter tales Joror U 10 T N Williams talas Juror 6 10 M H Shu ford tales juror 6 10 E ESummey talas Juror 0 10 Pander W ltbers tales j uror « 10 .1 P Hooper tales Juror 6 10 Jacob Jenkins ulea juror 6 10 W T Jtalnbsrdt tales Juror 0 10 J 11 Adams tales juror 6 10 A P Stroup petit jaror 3 00 B O Hours petit juror 4 40 A A Leaver petit juror 4 TO W A Lerper prill Juror 4 00 W T Hanka petit Juror 4 80 M W Whitesides petit Juror 3 ISO A N Oral* petit Juror 4 60 L T Henderson petit juror 4 30 J T Duau petit juror 4 30 'v A Jeuklea poUt Juror S 80 J M Noleu petit Juror 4 40 J T Harrison 4 15 H 8 Adams 0 10 K 8 Prather petit Juror 4 20 J A F Aderboidt petit juror 4 20 J T Glenn petit Juror 4 20 T J McGill petit Juror 4 30 WC Abernathy petit Juror 4 SO t J< Wbito pa(H Juror 14 60 CE Torrence petit Juror 14 40 M B Pateraon officer nf ooui v 18 70 C A B«aiy oraoer of court 13 40 T B Lenbardt officer of Jury G 10 Mar. 1, U II Davie, C. 8. C. county liublllllee aprln| term <83 78 ousan Fenrnaon pauper 3 00 y M atlmore pauper 0 00 Harah Sellara pauper ft 00 F \V tea per for 3 re* let rare at I-o well precinct 4 29 y h k«per of poor 1ft 00 G H Parle C, 8. C. services, stationery eto. 17 04 J R Lewi* A Co auppliee to poor 1*0 70 Cbee Beuuetl paaper 4 fto Geo F Ferguson pauper ft t:0 Wm Mltcbem pauper ft 00 John Crawford pauper 0 u0 Jody flairre pauper ,1 00 Adeline Neely pauper 4 00 Nancy Ilaneil pauper 0 00 Jamee Craig pauper 3 00 Julia Combeat pauper 18 00 Amauda Foul paaper 0 00 Ida If Roberta paaper 4 50 XVallta Friday pauper 4 00 Matilda Nichols pauper U 00 Margrct Heafner pauper 0 00 Piuk Black paaper 0 00 Mettle Wiietatloe pauper 0 00 Oatlierlnu ftfauoey pauper 0 00 Lawton Ueroutda pauper 3 00 8J Willard pauper ft 00 M A Teague pauper 3 00 Polly Wt* pxaper 000 F V Gaatun panper 000 Mr*. Spivey Caeh pauper 0 00 BUlle Gooden pauper 4 SO Folly Proctor pauper 6 00 ■fall* Llceberger pauper 6 00 lillzsbeth Brlmer pauper 3 00 Kulli Brlmer pauper 3 00 J r Stowe ooffln for pauper 8 20 Catlierloe Rameey pauper 8 00 Ephraim Rankin pauper 2 00 Elitabetb MoAllater pauper O 00 Wilaoo Geor«e pauper ft 00 Jaoe UayAeld pauper 8 00 Chau. Blackwell pauper ft 00 Jacob Rohm peeper 0 00 Frank McLean pauper ft 00 Geo. H. Orafle extra wnrfc on bridge 50 00 O. 1‘asour 1 day ou bridge oomi. j 00 M W Whites Idea error to tea 18W i aa C Morrow error ia Ur 1800 2 00 K r, McGinn** seising 8 road orders and conveying L B Jones to Jail 3 20 K M Held II. 7>. county phy sician 1 soon It. 7 23 M A Moore medicine to poor and Jail ' ft 73 John J, Ormand. services sad books for ofloa 10 00 Fred B. Smith registrar at (lastonls No. 1 . I 00 Q W Bowman, eonvsylng Alexander to Jail 2 BO CD Smith guarding Odell and Orsotbsw % 50 O T Gambia 14 load* timber on road 2 10 0 B ITutohlson work ore bridge 8 83 1 B Useberger 1000 feet I am ber for public road JO 00 M H Peterson eouveylng ft prisoners from CkarlotU 8 90 J V dpsnorr lumbar on road 83 i?a'lf.PV°,,r 1« W l 00 tV * Uaebarmr grand Juror 1 80 Mar. ft. W T Jv*re siwriC Jail fee# ate ftm <0 Mar. 11, Joel Morris uaupsr O 00 Mar. ft*. ▲ K T-ofU. tT rifiod lax on exhibits 0 go Wsalsy Itaadlamau pauper n 00 April 8, Julia Farrar pa a per * 00 Jolla Farrar pauper 8 00 April i, J R Lawta A On sup Mks to poor *7 M J O PaoM oomr. eto 8 00 Dr.J II Jenkins oo phyelclan fJO 73 Adam. aorvlng 8 road iV™Tj£!!* *hBr1R Jull (tees ita 88 30 8 T WhlleeiJea rook for curb lng bridge uo • oon J Oroifid •trvleet as »■< "fitter of deeds » OO •• »*»par of poor 17 90 A W Tit man 10 corda wvod on public road 12 30 Wio Jeoklot lumbfr tod ri* rdr» on bridge 12 00 T Gatee coroner bolding lo 9“»tt on Jo*!*11 MH*r 18 30 W T Booty for 3 reglatrar* at Growrtor’a precinct i 82 Obao RoDnett Lai on pauper* claim 1 10 Smith error la tti for 1HM 1 oo T T Cntlg Inniter and rrpalie ou bridge 43 03 M A Moore medicine to poor and jail ft 28 Jft Mary Weola pauper 8 00 ftjfbU Want* pauper 8 00 My 8, A B Battle feeding Farrar In Cleveland co jail C 08 John J Or id and, aeryleaa aa reglaUr or de-da etc 8108 ff k keeper of poor 16 00 ** Oarrett reglatrar 2 «8 A C Stroup exeuiinlux 2 lu natic • 9 00 2.f r°1 hauling rock for bridge 1 jo Albwry Cherry pauper 0 00 Jf ® .Kaoklu feea paid by C. B. C. to treaaarer 1 63 C P Llneberger making 9 eomnarurpeuper, , 8 00 1 rtecilla Friday error In tax 1806 1 07 T B Leonhaidc eonveylug leiecmer* to Jail d 70 L P Stowe key* fur treat office 70 O H Umii U. ». a. county UablliUee omitted In general acoonnt 11M J R IawIo ft Co ouppllua for poor 8167 Dr. J U Jeuklasou. physician 8U0 Mo,nl«*b repair* oq bridge ]4 30 John W BIiiImdIioo arrof Id tas 1800 J 00 M A Mooie Dttllcloe to poor aud jail 10 15 Tillman Cahill pauper 7 50 J W Bradley repairs on bridge U OS May 4. li M lias loo 3 registrars at B IS H A WltHe comr, A mileage 13 00 X T Smith feeding prisoners la Maokltuburg eounty jail 41 03 W T Lore sheriff jatl rees etc. 1 month 89 83 May 26, Frau ora XlelI pauper 3 00 Juno 7, F M Gilmore pauper 0 00 Jacob Rohm pauper 9 00 SVm Mtabcm panper BOO Judy 8myra panper ’ 3 00 John Crawford pauper 0 00 Aultiooy Earle* pauper 9 00 Jaue MayOeld pauper u no Chsa Blackwell pauper 5 00 Wilson George pauper BOO Susie Ferguson pauper 8 00 Jolla Coiubest |iaup«r 18 00 Ida M Roberta pauper 1 30 Amanda Ford pauper 5 00 James Craig pauper 3 U0 Adeline Xsely pauper 4 00 F V Gaston pauper 0 00 Matilda Nichols pau|«er 0 00 Julia Ltneberger pauper 5 00 John Rohm pauper 1 33 Billie Gooden pauper 4 59 Annie Broum panper 1 oo Frank McLeau pauper 5 00 Tillman Oablll pauper 7 GO Tolly Proctor pauper 5 00 Mary A Teague pauper 3 00 John Moon panper 0 00 K phi ram Rankin pauper 0 00 Joel Morris panper 0 00 Xnaoy Ha nail pauper 0 00 Wallla Friday pauper 4 00 John J Ortmtod book* elc for omee 26 OS John J Or maud services aa clerk and regletar of Deeds go 35 John Tacit eervioso aa eomr 9 00 R A White aereieoaua comr 7 00 L M Hoffman S days ex amining treasurer! hooks 4 00 M A Moore medicine for poor 4 80 J It Lewis A Co suppHea for poor 38 47 D W kltlcbem repairing bridge 33 75 J T Oalea coroner bolding iDqnsat over infant child f 1 00 G 11 Duvis O 8. C eourt costa 7 04 11 L Rhyne keeper of poor 22 25 J T Rpaocer repairing bridge 3 50 H 8 Adam* conveying luna tic to asylum 1180 Juna8. Dr. J H Jenkins co. physician 1 month 11 OO W T Lure sheriff. Jail feai M3 oo lawmo Rayn.ilda pamper 8 00 Cattsrlne Mauoey pauper 0 00 Uettto Whetatlne pauper 0 09 «*. J Willard pauper 3 00 Tinkney Black pauper 0 00 Margrat Ileufoer pauper 0 00 Jsoe 9 Geo T IVrguscu pauper #00 June 18. Tolly Wuat pauper 0 00 Elisabeth MeAllater pauper 0 00 Juoh44, Annie Broom pauper 4 30 July 1, Ruth Bruner peeper 3 00 Sarah Sellers pauper 0 00 Mary Went* panper 5 00 Jaly 5. G A Patrick wereioea as oomr and eta 3000 A G Stroup listing Uxs* la Gastonia lowcsblp 88 00 W 0 lluUsdge listing Una In Rlrer Bead township . si 00 II P Rankin liattsg Uses la ‘ Sooth Point townrtlp SB 00 J T Galea llatlog tans la I rowtlsr’s Mto towosklp M (O J Ktaar listing taxss to C’liar rtrllls township St 00 liobt L Abernathy lumber for bridge 8 SO J M Kendrick cankering )n oaMc to asylum 11 00 II L Rhyne keeper o< poor ism W O A bars elk y repairs on bridge 4 00 Hupbla Wool* pauper 5 U0 A J McGill repairs on brldga « 74 pr J. 11 Jenkins Go pkysUla* 14 00 Or D A Qnrelaoo pant Shorten examination (ehtld) tO 00 H A Moore mad pour * jail out A R Ainters ins t InnaUns 9 U0 WI ley Hurt* run luwatte 1 00 Prank W ilson aooeeying luna tic to Asylnrn 11 00 W F Marshall publishing tick- $ H and notion 3 00 J R Lewis 4k Co aaraUss poor It) 04 W T Ixrva ah* Jail fee* etc 179 30 U 11 Davis for delivering Reg. laUatiou Book* 4 25 John J Ormaud Service* as Clark and Register of Deeds 01 05 July 19. John C FutU servlets as cummltsloner etc 19 00 11 G Mliyna listing Uses la Dallas township 28 00 July 14. R A White servlata aa commissioner ate 10 00 July 2M, Fmnrl* Nell) pauper 8<0 July 92, Wi'nley Itendlnnnn pauper 6 0) Aujr. 3, J Kiwi- exam lunatic 1 DO A P II Rhyne exam lunntli- 1 (O J >Y Patarnon convoying t uunporw lo manly home l ;*i W T Love ehlf jail far* 1 mo 87DO Dr J H Jenkins Co pbyal mo 1*fl0 Jolm J Ormaud dMIoiiwy A aarrlcea um clerk A regfatrr h og D 1«" Friday rvpairing bridge anOp J U l2)vl* A <3t> »upi>UrH to poor S2 HU il H Davte aervlcrr asCHC 4 04 H L Rhyne keeper of poor 15 00 M A Moors med poor A jail 4 80 WbH Lewis Miter pub no lle* special uur alec Hoe 8 00 Dr F Robinson exam 5 luaa’s ID 00 A C Stroup exam lunatic 1 00 W h Dali convoying luuatle to asylum 99 00 £ ^Ksy ^Wga 70 08 8*p. (1, 8 O Stowe delivering ballot boxes TOO Jobu J Ormaud computing tax list fur 1807 484 08 J C 1’uett service* as coni’r 10 00 it A Whit* service* at comV 13 00 W F Marshall publishing etectlon nutlets ate 17 00 II « Adatus arrvlng 19 road order* 7 go M A Hoorn torsi to poor. J all 8 70 U G Davis building bridge 12 SO J R Ltwi* A Co sop to poor 86 00 M U IVerson serving 13 road ordeiv U 00 M. U l'riile pub slast’u notices 8 011 K S ItiiRatetW arrring 14 road orders 10 80 J T Gates coroner bolding iotiumt Thomas Collin* 19 73 J M klclotoah services Hah com sad repairing bridge 10 71 C C Cornwall ex.un appll carta for state lioeplta) 8 Oft C 1* Llnebarger rvpalis on Krnut stand 1 00 l>r J II Jen tins e-> p’ly’n 1 tsa 12 >10 U L Rhyne keeper of poor 18 1ft John J Ormond services as clerk and register As 37 31 G U Davis dark sap oourt services end tteUnnery 97 00 W T Love shit Jdl fee* 167 01 ;Dt W W Davis exam lunatic 2 00 11 M Oaslon exam luuatle 1 00 J M Sloan examining luuatle I 00 Dr F Robinson exam lunatic 2 00 A O iftroup J p exam luuatic 1 00 I K Lewis reg of election 14 00 1* M Uhyue registrar or eleotlon 3 00 II 8 Baker ragiatrar of eleollno 16 00 W S linen* registrar of vlrcllofl 7 25 F J Lioeberxt' >eg of elaetlou 2 0(1 R L Ceaenn reg of election 8 85 W I, Aderboldt reg eleciluu 15 50 H K I.vnhardt reg of election 7 00 J W Abernathy reg election 0 0ft J It Tltaan rrg of a lection 5 00 L 1* Stowe reg of election 5 00 Jonas rasuitr reg of alcotlon 0 00 L H J Unit ter reg of elaetlou G 50 A li Gantt registrar of electloo 0 00 L G Cathey reg of election u (10 J it 3loan registrar of election 3 00 J W Armstrong rag of electloo 3 00 A 4 Smith registrar of station 3 00 T W Thompson re* of election 0 00 A C Stroup rag of election 17 70 J D Ragan rag of election 17 80 I Sep. 0. C A Kiser, registrar of eieotinn 17 00 J J Whit*. reg. of election t) 03 J L itofTa tn, rag. of eleotlon 7 30 J L IUcka, reg. ol eleotlon 9 00 J A Morris, reg. ef election 7 00 E L 1‘egnun. Jr. reg. election 7 00 S J Black rag. ot election 7 00 IV b Qloin reg. ol election 1300 U K HuOeUrller rag. election 10 00 J U HuSetetler reg- of election U 00 W A Howell judge of etectlou S 00 A J Merlin Judge of elect) in 1 00 APII Hbyoe judge sk-etkm >00 K E riummcj Judge eleotlon 1 00 J C lUoilet Judge ef election 4 00 J A Hum judge of election l 00 T C Hegmm judge ot election 100 J W am judge uf election 9 33 M H Pride judge of election 4 30 Wul. Bell judge of electluu 1 00 J A Torrence Judge ef election 1 00 S T White*Idee Judge eleetioo 9 30 C U llafTmen Judge nf election 9 00 S J Skidmore Judge ef cleetlon 3 >0 Utccro Harris Judge of aleetlon 1 00 W b Abernathy judge eleotlon I 00 U B Peturaon judge of rlectlon 9 80 H F Forbes Judge of eleetioo 1 00 (I It liawllngs Judge «lection 1 00 W U Hetledge Judge election 100 C H Carpenter Judge election 3 40 W ft Carpenter Judge election 7 40 Fred’k Carpenter jdg. election 900 Q ]*n Beam judge of eleetioo 9 30 K M Burke Judge of election 9 70 K L McCHuuaa Judge eleotlon 7 HO J U llnneer Judas of election l Ik) A A Mammy judge of election 9 70 Wm M Contour Judge eteotiof] 1 00 E H Hoffman Jadge election 1 00 K H Ford Judge of eleetioo 1 00 A J Bankln Judge of eleotlon 9 00 W A beeper Judge uf eleotlon 9 00 K b Underwood jM's election 4 90 T L Allleou Judge of eleotloo 9 M U M Armstrong j'd'g eleotlon 3 00 Matilda Nleiiols pauper 0 00 J P Mntfstetler penper I 47 Chat Blackwell punper 3 38 Wilson George pauper 3 00 Jane May Held peeper 4 00 Astbuey Karlas peover $ 00 J L flwKb pauper 1 00 Jamee Craig peeper 3 00 John Kabul peeper 4 00 Jacob ttohm paapei BOO Mrs SO Jenkins peeper 4 00 Ose T Feegu M»n peeper 0 00 HBlIe Uuodeu pauper 4 30 France* Klell paaprr I 00 Wall* Friday pauper 4 00 Julln Uueebsat |>*upor IP 00 A S3 snda Ford peeper 3 00 Kph rales lUJkln pauper 0 00 Jells Mnoberger pasprr 4 00 Jody Hmra pamper I 00 Wm Mlleltem panprr ( 00 John Crawford paupar < 000 John Moor* paapar *00 Mary A TW«u* paopar 8 00 h*ri»m Enter pauper • 00 PttklUaak paaptr 000 8 J Willard paopar 8 UO Battle WhataUu* paapar 0 00 Odharln* Mauney paapar 0 00 Lawaaa Uepaolda paopar S 00 Jassy"' is £l.STXLZlfiX£r .28 S2' ?; *,‘2W KnaalTpaapar 0 00 Sap-11, J F Speaear repair* on bridge 7 80 EifcabaUi MeAlktar pauper Boo St^lB. BnUJntuaou paupar 8 00 F Su?llwon*1"*0 MB,Wr l 00 Sarah Sellar* 000 Frank Me Lean 0 00 Sap. 80, F8 Bean grand Juror 810 S*PM, ACOtroupUlnJorar 100 U E gamble lake Jaror 100 R L iVgram uka Jaror 1 00 W E Beatty tala* Juror 1 00 IT A. Rutkdga taka Jaror loo 81 A Barer Ola* Juror 100 Sap. St, W C Abaruetby taka Jurar 100 fl B Selim tale*Juror 100 M A Rutledge tain Jaror 100 O H LI neberpar talra Juror 100 JKIaer talaa Juror 100 Sep. 89, D A Keel taka Jaror 810 W O Rbyn* talas Jaror 100 John KcaOrlek talas juror 100 8 8 Ilar.wkoa talaa Jaror 100 W O Hartslaon tales Jaror 100 J T Carpenter Uka Juror 1 00 JOFIcbW Uka Juror 100 J Kiaor talaa Janir 100 A M White*Ida* tale* Jaror 1 00 T O Fall* taka Juror I eo J A Murrl* f*«’n grand Jury 0 70 Wm hi it lark grand Jaror 7 00 J J Ktroup grand Jirrur 7 to W T Lowls grand Juror 7 SO Tlioa H While grand Juror 0 60 Mlcbaol Klaer grand Juror 0 Ou i) K Horslo.v grand Jaror 7 80 A 1.8mlth grand jaror 0 St) 5- £ *i?**1*!1 K™**, l»*» 7 *> \\ T lUyrae grand Juror 0 6t> J L Jwukius grand Juror a A) <’ A Kentbwvtono grand jaror 0 W V H MeArrwr grand Juror 0 gu I. A T JlKIIntin gnvud Juror 7 Al H L Tucker grand inror 7 00 J O Beatty gnuul Juror 7 la Andrew- < lowiiigrr grand Ju’r 0 40 M B Smith ofllrar of court 7 00 Si-P*. 81, C M Hoffman tales ju*r 4 80 K E kummey talrw juror 4 00 J C Flclite talrw juror 1 A) J L Tlinrnhnrg ulea juror 1 A) W O Morris talcs Jnror . I 00 O IV Davis tab<s Juror I ou C Lea Neal tales Juror 4 no J T Oraa-furd talas Jurol 4 00 J U Rutledge tales Juror 4 (M T H White tales jurur 8 id H E Cmig tales Juror 4 hi I. A Friday tale* Juror 6 10 J R St in mum taler Juror 3 10 J It Thoridvurg rider Juror 810 (' L Thornburg taler Juror 1 on W K Dnvlr petit Juror 8 ill J J Wilson petit Juror 8 00 J K Sucukt petit Juror 8 tin W <1 Tltomnr petit Juror 8 .’to J W Friday potlt Juror 8 40 1* H OlMVontcr petit Juror 8 4# ” H RttytiH petit juror 8 00 3 <! Rhyne petit juror 8 00 DA Htnntney petit juror 8 80 w ▲ tells petit Juror 8 Ml \V It Smith petit juror 8 10 Mat Smith petit Juror 8 00 t! A Beatty officer of court 8 40 T U l*ouburdt officer of court «tut Sep. 47. Joel Morris pan pur u ill Oct. 4] A Hmlth Judge of election 1 uo W It OrmandJudge of *1 net'll 1 no U B Rawlings mmeengnr of election 1 on W M J.luelwrgat' Judge of election 1 txi >J H AiUuiim judge of elect’n 4 80 A Jl Line harper judge of election 100 W H Rhyne Judge of elec tion 1 0.1 John H line ton Jmlge and moMongor of election S 40 K f. Stroup Judge of election 1 08 Phillip Jenkins judge of election 1 («) Monas Krroup Judge of elec tion 8 0(1 J Kiser Judge of election 4 00 R U Johnson judge of '• lec tin n l on Ed Kennedy J'dgu of eleet'n 1 tn Jl L Stowe fudge of election 1 IW J J Kennedy Judge and reg ister of election 7 U0 J R Whit* rag. af election 14 uu H V Black reg. of election 8 0»> 8 M WUsou reg. of oleetion 4 00 TS Wright reg. of election 4 00 K L Pegratn reg. of election it txi J J Carpenter rog.of eleet'n 8*0 S M Robinson reg. and nm senger of election 17 81 O H Dart* C. H. C. county liabilities faU term 847 84 O M Davis C. S. O. narrioaa Cto. as C. 8. «’. 18 47 A R Tltman for lumber 8 44 W T Jarre stiff Jail fees etc 141118 Dr. R F Dixon examining lunatic—claimed t3A(l 8 (10 J U Hauser exainlulag luna tic 1 nu Dr. H R Hunter examining Innatlr—claimed 48.00 8 nu Alex Morrison ptm> pales 4 <u (! V Llncls-rgrr coffin for RTh Jcnkln* county phjr sic Ian 1 month 1810 L ft Sans work on ford m SlftSts-s poor ism T B Tcnliarot serving road order* Mi Jacob Jsnkln- Judge and mcaaunger of electicn 8 40 J R Lewis A Co supplies poor 48 88 <1 W Cornwall making mltin cnlrXn--* JS John J Onnand servin'* «* Register of Deed* etc 8813 Oct. k. Pally West pauper 8 00 Oct. 7, A K igift In Judge and nusateuger of elect Ion 8 at Oct. 80. kl TI tapper arrest and earn ing prisoner hi this Ox Hi 81 Oct. 41, (tophi* Wonts paapar 4 m Man- went* isurpsr 3 it) Bnlh Rrlnmr pauper Ami Km . I, J. E. Rainsojr DM com - ▼eying A T Bridges from HurWe county 4 41 DunWI Raid trnvTg «xp of recoecred lunatic from He*, if ft ftSlfa nftlaetloa * 5 John j onn»Bd dark and fPt? i-1 tie wjESfmS****— u« °* *•«* it TT rli‘> BrtiMa lot JBLRWtaACteMVpllMINM* no J R Ifrk * Co cow far coanty homo M(Jt J_ H iWl** Co 15,000 .hli. KlUlsSSB btMKun too 5 V^fiSJTTiArS “• election ” iff i K Huffatvtler aanriaf frond ..Sgiawmr JZ *« £8JFsstsVm a H JUwtlnf. work H court lamaa too Oae. 6, K Kto part mni on uoica duo aalnamfl MOO <10 Dec. Ik, C I, Hop* work ou brldpo at Mt S3& , MO Of By coaniulaatonara altaanart jPSCm ra* TcMuaror 2fo<r Mtb Mfflf Total cMelmreamenu Tott dttuj&ta a Oom. Halaww tine ooniUr fond Nnod 1fc» Counnr of Oarton la indebted laiw by note for matj borrowed In aid to the ereetlon of a bridge aeroae SgiEajF “• °“~w "jsixi dollar* bjr bote <A tXiMRtb* bearing BM Internet. for balance on tl«H erarrioo of Horta'i Iron bridge. thita»M> luyhkad. tht* Mb dayof Dereinher, im. log* J. Obmanu, Clerk of Board 0*1 of llN . work), a tribe at aayatioel rpxxta.1 by Uolled But* the tribe wbloh Inbalriuthe Tttmron Xalaed, le tbe Golf of California, aad !£teS •ff^Oatumta Better, who foaght f tom hie boot, while dytnc. The ooneal eepe the bleed efflhn too it oee of the lergiet aad moat aim. tvreeque la tin (Mr or UallCorola, and le peopled by the Merle lodleneT wbe are outrd for their larre alee aadestra ordinarj athleteee oelaad aad water. Thoee who have wltaaend their egeetle eporte ate reepmlelile die tanoe declare that teeayof then ao taefty walk and mo upon the welt with bo other —rlTleiwe thee breed rawhide ahoee. They are. wrtlea the ceaeeL expert and beatameo. haetoc rZd Hear aa to the mamma atgaSma mSm mpeeel They deatroy ad ehUdna that »re malformed or appear to he high. It I* currently believed that at dm time the Dative weaeee wet* extern* nated u make ream far a whiter ead aaparior nee of women. The aacteme at this race at btghar wewma waa formed from eaptivee made at vartoaa -’S.'SKST"—• They have ao eeheeh. bed eaeh hone Erase 2? ni«bt, and m nea le allowed Upee* tanu the Ulead, even If he efcoald make a lead lam. It le (aid that no epHlentn have ever prevailed oa the Mead ead die . .i , m . tdd»ldeeat la their pDjttcai twoiatiii

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