THE GAZETTE! THUHBPAT. PICflMBKK A iW,. BUSINESS LOCALS. »na M I ovals TjtOB SALE—180 um land near * Gaatoula. L. G. Cathky. f>ORD WOOD wanted.—100 oorde of dry pine lu lota large or email. TmcNTox Mill. TTMBRJELLA LOST-Fine umbrel w la, ivory Itora handle. ‘"Irving Douee” engraved. Return to I>k. W. 11. Hornux. SCHOOL WANTBD by youug lady. graduate of Davenport Female College. One nenr Gaatoula p ref rived. Can begin aoy time. Apply to Dr. W. H. Wllaon. LOCAL AFFAIRS^ —Happy Mew Year te all our readers. —Christmas la over. How do yon feel t —Gel oat your New Y«er resolu tions. —After this week, no pay, do paper. Please do not alio* your GaxktT8 to miss a tingle visit —The physical culture class of Mis* Goodhue gave an eotrrtalnoirnt to a good audlenoc lu Dallas Thursday Bight. —Now la tlrtr lltne to renew. Moos hut tlioaa who really wish the editor a Happy New Year ere likely to think of It promptly. —There is no roee without It* thorn, no Joys without their Ills; the jollity of Christmas morn Is followed now by bills.—Philadelphia Mtoord. —For reader tud paper alike there’s no plan to good os tbe cash plan; we have never printed In these columns a single dnn agmlnet our subscribers /*’ —The Gazette foroe took holiday r from Thursday night until Tuesday taunting. D was n welcome holiday which all hands needed and cojoyed. —Ad Interesting news letter from Ml. Holly eatoe to us this week uo vouched for by anybody’s signature. If ihe writer will tend name, we shall bo glad to print the Items. —Tbe Avow Company act up all tba families at their mill to a Christenaa turkey apteue, and we liappen to know from other sources tbe fact that the gift and the good will behind it were heartily appreciated. —Tbeee ere damp, cold, aod muddy day* underfoot. But yoo will dud tbe editor and a good warm Ure In hi* liUlo den. Wutk straight in and warm yourself while we write your receipt. —This Is cleaning up season at tba peetoffloe alao. lie member holiday hoars to be observed oa New Year’s day aod atteod to all you r mall mat ters on the day before. Office open only a abort while after each train. —Christmas weather came In uo a delayed schedule. There was a big sleot oo I road Sunday morning hut It soonjnelted away. In northern cities, like Hew York, there was a pretty snow. Here the snow fell very lightly Monday night. —The Christmas tree at tha Opera House eras not ao well atteaded or patronised as In foraser year*. Tbe order was good and the exereisee abort and sweat. There were tome beauti ful presents, and everybody present enjoyed the occasion while It lasted. —Pay a* you go la a good rule. In the oete of a reliable and wall estab lished newspaper It Is a good enongb rule to nay before you go; then you'll feel better ell the way oa you go along. In any event, so far a* taking a news paper is concerned. If you can’t pay don’t go. —It Is a rule we -have endeavored (aithfolly for six years to live op to— not to send the Gazrtte where It ts *>ol wanted. We bavo heard people eomplkia that they oouldn’t get some papers stopped. Tlie Gazeitb la a lit tle difficult to start, but It la as sure to atop as a watch If you don't wind it up. —The depot force were made unex pectedly but moat decidedly happy Monday night bv a waiter laden with Christmas delicacies prepared and sent them'by -Ml** Susie Hoffman. The hors, including Mr. Nolen, wanted a h.ilf column, which we didn’t eave to spare, lu which to tell how they en joyed it. —We doubt whether any gathering during the holidays was a happier one than that arranged at their home Tues day by Kev. and Mr*. H. F. Smith for the "old ladle* and widows." It woe e happy thought, aod with Mr. and Mrs. Smith to provide the pleasure of the occasion is couldn’t have hreo otherwise than a delightful one. —Complimentary to their guest, Mias ltaby Glascock, of Greenaboro, Kev. nod Mrs. W. Id. Bag by gavy a holiday sociable at their pretty home cm Main street last Monday night. The ydhng people enjoyed Immensely tha osuskj aod games provided and Ihe rrfreihMeota ao elegantly served. In tba goeealng game Silas Lojrrle Win ford tftd Mir. D. W. Thomas wen the prizes, having, after a gJeooe. onrreetly written the name* of M out 34 arti cle* displayed upon e table not (e the room. IIH l»>H, UM. tkat KiaiM kn kora abb to aura In *3) It* Ibp* «ka» k twurrk. fi*a> OtiarTk <>'*» U iha anlr prwluv* aura known to the nn lk« natornh* Ontank hrtan a ayiatWu I *«»*' *>«k roiulann a oowatltutionaTTrant uMkii. Mai* cainrtk Iktta |* lakan In Writ loumtnllaa ot rka dtawaan, aad ai.taw ■»* cs^fsetr^t-juar sre^ Tka yrafadlnan kata ao aaab rairk la Ita essa&nn!sn3 ^»nvDtKs:??,*TA °*-T~** —One more day and lb»n It omit be written 1866. —Did yon lose soma paper money in Gaatoola ? We koow of a prison wbo found a bill. —That Wmi a pretty Qua pig Rev. F. W. Bradley’s boys butohernl Tuesday — welgtied 487 pounds. —Tbs Bras of llano a and Dellinger, mgiketoaen, lias become Dellinger .and McIntosh Mr. W T. Molotoab bought out Mr. John Haona’s Interest last wsek. —The oslebratlonlala did their shoot ing Christmas see sod then let upon firework*. It was afterwards s auict but eery happy Christ maa generally In Geatoola. —At Yorksllle yesterday Miss Gram Mollwse was . married to Mr. J. D. Hiveus, of Washington, D. C. They spent Lb* day at the Fall* House, whets the bride, wbo la well known and muob liked In Gsatonlo, waa called on by a number of her friend*. —The social fra luxe* of the holiday* were never happier or more extensive In oar (own than this aeaaoa. Din ners and sociables and ths coming and going of guests have been vlte orders of tbe week, and there are numbers and numbers of others yst on the way be fore New. Year's is ended. —A number of their friends dlnrd yesterday with Dr. and Mrs. R. M. lleld at their pretty little home on Oakland Aveoun. Among the guests was Dr. lleld's mother from Charlotte. A congenial company of their local friends enjoyed with iliom th* feast of good things sod (he How of good cheer. —Our year's work la ended and It is bill-collecting limn. If we shouldn't happen to get our* In ahead of the otli er fellow, please remember that wo are eomlug, anil stave liim o9 If anybody must be slaved. There was oever a year’s end w.ven we had lesa tiro* to oollect, ormore urgent need for whet Is due in. —A distressing accident occurred at Steele Creek Monday afternoon. Geo. Neely aged 14 and Murray Pagram 19, wera testing or trying to alioot au old gou. Hy aoraa acoidrnt Ita sudden discharga killed young Neely Instantly, the charge culerlug hia breast. Both wera rvlattvwi of Mrs. W. L. Qallaut. and young Peg ram la a balf-brothsr of Mr. T. C. Pegram, of our town. — People may aay what tb*y wilt1 »U>ut Gaston county “moonshine," but there waa not a single drunk or disor derly oo the Mayor's docket Christ mas. llnw la tills for a town of 3,000 or 4,000 people » Tbe nearest approach to any trouble on Ibis score was Uve juggtng of Abe HruroOald, colored, on Monday for retailing without license. Ha waa running a private bar In a box oar on a very limited scale. —Among Tuesday evening’s parties waa a brilliant sociable given to “tbe junior*” by Miss Mabel Craig. They wrr* handsomely entertained and wiU long cherish ibe moat agreeable memo ries of tbe pleasant evening glvso them. Ou the same evening there ware also happy sociables given by Mr. Lawrence Beal at bis parents’ home on East Airline St., and by Ulaass Bessie aod Daisy Wilson— makiug four given la town tbe same «vaolog. How many more, we don’t know. —Oo Tuesday ulgbt an elegaut blah tea waa given at Mr. M. II. Sbuford’s hy Miaaes Lowrle and Oaie aod Mias L. L. Gaines. Fourteen happy young couples euJoyed to the highest degree tbe loclal amusement* of the evening, and one of tbe must delightful spread* Imaginable of daiuly things at tea. A diverting feature of tbe evening waa the “bridal aecne,” in which “l'arsou” D. W. Thoms s prooounced with be oomlog dignity and appropriate pbraaee tbe ceremony on which he ha* a pat ent. Tbla concluded, the window shade waa draa’u abide and banging displayed there waa In reality a bridle even. —At tbetr charming borne on MIQ Street Mr. end Mr*. T. W. Wileoo handsomely enturtalnad a Dumber of their friends and neighbor* at dinner yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Culp, Mr. A. C. Williamson, Mr. M. H. Bbuford, Mr, T. I.. Craig, and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Marshall bad the pleasure—and It waa complete loo—of scale about tb* bountifully laden aud tastefully dooorsted festal board. Mistletoe and holly were there, a din ner beginning with oyster* and lasting through several course* was there, the big turkey for whloli Mr. Wilton gueaaed eo luckily waa there, delicious ly prepared and most daintily served, and all the good cheer and warmth of hospitality which Ulnae thing* sug geit and inspire were there In full measure. Upon tb* happy guests the earns of this life sat lightly, and all owe a blfaelng to Mr. and Mrs. Wil son for tb* pleasure the whole-souled oocaaloa gar* them. TM enwlnl Bnaelf. Mr. R. M. Qreeve, merchant, or Ghllbowie, Va.. certifies that be bad eotiau option, wna given up to dla, aougbt all medical treatment that money eoald procnm, triad all cough remedlea ha ooukl bear of, but gOt DO relief! apent many nlgbLa alttlng up a chair; was Induced to try Dr. Kbig‘a New .Dleoovary, and waa oared by ute of two bottlet. For peat three yean baa teen attending to bneioeea, end >«/) Dr. King'a New Dleoovery la tbe grundeet remedy aver made, aa It baa dooe ao moch for him and aleo for other* la hie eoomoolty. Dr. Klag’a New Dleoovery to guaranteed for Uougha, Cold a and Conaumpthm. It don’t fall. Trial bo 11 lee free at J. S. Carry A Go’a Drag Store. Klswu»» Mad FIifsImi c«li«r«. All who dr*\r* to Join MIm Oood bae’e cleiaea In Ktocullon and Phyalcal Culture are rrgnveted to Inform bar or Miae Annin 'VillUeaeon aa aeea aa poaeibte. An evening elaaa In foil gymeeatka oaa be arranged for the baueftt of thorn otberwlav engaged dar ing the day-time. Both young man and women will be admitted t« thle etaaa. ■ n. HA1VIT WILIOJ BUD. DtvartMl Ikk LISdbrliAiut ImlM •» BptBMr Bmuta NIH-Inml mi laviDi ■« qsastama x t—wg Wall Imu awe eieearaJjr SoariM* la DmImId. When the tidings came Christmas morning that Ur. Harvey Wllsoa was dead, tUare were many Md hearts In Gastonia, for he was well known here, possessed many strong friendships among oor yoang people sol was uni versally Hked. The cause of hit death waa typhoid fever with which ha was stricken dowu two weeks before. The disease was of a violent type, and It soon became koown ikal hie physician, Ur. B. 11. nud. of our tuwu, regarded the case as a desperate one. Ur. Irwin, of Charlotte, was called In bat saw no l*ope for the young man's recovery. At 8:1B e'olock Christ mas moroing be calmly breathed Ills lost. Hie author woe with kirn and attended him day and alfht. Tbs following we copy from tha Charlotte Otarrorr. Haryey Wilson was tbe oldeat ton of Mr. ■ and Mrs. J. H. Wilson. Be would have been 23 years old la Feb ruary. Few young men of lbs day could show n better record Ilian he. He pusseesed tbe dignity, ability and stability of a man of twice Ills years. In manner he was retiring, but be sbiank not from doing or saying what l*e believed was right. Ha was a floe diameter, a noble, lovable man. The funcrul lervtees take plaon Ibis after noon at 3 o'clock, at the First Presby terian church, of which deceased was a Dirmber. The psil bearers will be: Mresrs. A. L.'Smith, II. L Sanders, A. Graham, Jr., J. It. BmiII. DeLaif la Sadler iu>d Zab Moore. Tv-ee who came lu with tbe body beside* Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Wtleoc *ud Mr. Uaall(A>u Wilson, ware: Mr. and Mm. J. II. WMaou, and son, Mr. Frank Wilson. Mr. Laban Lloebsrger, half brother of deceased, Mis* Nulls Rankin and Mr. John ltankto Tbe funeral wrvieee over the re main* of Mr. Joseph Harvey Wilson. Jr., took plaoe Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock »t the First PresbyterUo church. Iter. Dr. Howerton conduct ing tbe service. By request the ser vices wars abort and simple. Alter the hymn, "Asleep In Jesus,” Dr. Howerton read a passage of Scripture, Uten ai*nke of deceased, paying a feel lug and beautiful tribute to him. He spoke of Ills Christian walk and char acter, hi* falthtalneae lu every affair of life; the great responsibilities wbloh had be«-o laid upon him, and the abili ty with which ho had borne them. The hyrnu, ’‘Nearer My God to Thee,” was sung, after wnloh the lody was borne from lit* chureb, and the funeral procession wended Its way to Kim wood. Tbe casket was covered with beautiful Moral tributes, which were placed on tbe new-made mound. A number of relatives and friends o*me from Mt. Holly and Spencer Mountain to attend tbe funeral. *l*» I.IUK ADAMS' tinSOL. r*«T.IMIe MbWMkiUnliUWi IMrranaliHMI rrtn«> ■ IMIiktM KimIm. The entertainment by Min Lizzie Adams school come off on schedule time laat Thursday eyrnlac at ths Academy. A good large audience of the parents aod friend* of the bright little youngsters were on band to see and hear them In their various parts. As is usual, Miss Adams’ little pupils showed that they had been carefolly, patiently, and thoroughly drilled. The evening was ooe of delight to the little folks and of great pleasure to tde lUdlMCt. The program w it as follows. Speech—IIurokl Shields Mus’o— Spelling Match — Musio— Multiplication — Speech-Loot* MeLsugfaen. Hong—Bunch of J (aisles—K«ia Tay lor. lleolletion—Liura Spencer. Song—Edna Jenkins—"Poor Utile Joe.” Recitation—Grade Uray-Oatehleg Suushlna. Sung—Cora Costoer—I'll tell your Mother. Speech —Arthur Barringer—Tight Times. Song—Connie Haber-Maggie May. Dialogue—Six Small Girls. Heng—No, Sir 1 Recitation—Daisy Ewart. Speech—Robert Gray. Dialogue. Song—Silver Threads Among the Gold—Minnie Costner. Music. Coming of Santa Clans—Connie Bzbcr. ■*-<— — An A————■siegr auk The Trader* National of Lowell, Maas.. kept It* door* open Friday evening from 7 to t».80 o’clock, for the purnoan of accommodatlug it* patron*. The bank also announced lpat It would receive deposits from merchants who war* not oiwtomct* but who might wish to avoid the lerponatblllty of carrying targe sums of atoney In thetr store safes over Christmas and Sunday. The pHvllees being granted of withdrawing IbesndepoelU Moaday. It is little tillage like Ibis tsbieh tend to balld op a bank’s knetnau, and Uw custom could bn adopted with rood effect in oihci cities. IWrenlng to the above from the New Vorfc Ft*imeitv, It might b* noted tbsl the First National Hunk of Cas io nla Is not oely similarly aoeommo datlng at Cbrtetmaa, but lastor a ouasber of years opened IU doors rag. alarly on Saturday nights to receive lliedeposlu of |U pal rats. au*T ■dtiyviux T»f BctuUfW ckiWMM Trwt- tk< ffnnri n# o»*nulT*« la. Hr Ik* Imu out Ma CkrttUMM >w kw-Tkl Naa r.Kjairaia IllWr kfta . *«* al lire Uaiai. Cbrraapondancv of th* Oaaattv. Me Air ex tills, Dae. SB—Christ area passed off qnietly, but wilt much good cheer and merry making. There wm a large audleuoe at both Metho dist aod Baptist churches Christmas era night aod Un eboie* pragmas ren dered were greatly enjoyed. Savers] number* ou the program reodered at Uie Metbodlit ebureb were sathuslaa llcally encored, but tbe length of the program forbade reepooeee. Ooe num ber. a beautiful duet, "If Mu be Vour Burden” by Herbert, reodered by Mlm Jawis Wlleon, and Mr. J. B. donee, era* repeated by spaaiol request There were many nloa presents oa the tree*, at both churches. Tbe little folks were especially remembered *nd all woe Joy end Uepptoem. McAden Mill* gave tbe niual gift to their employes, a nice Christmas turkey to each family. This Itoi been a custom here fur year*, and tbelr kiadeeas la much appreciated by the MOfilfte The MeAdtovjiie Bond gave their oeoel opeo elr ocooext Christmas eve. A choice program was reodered In* eluding several new selections. The Band reodered three beautiful selec tion* In tee Metbodlit oknroli Christ* mas eve night, taking pert with the choir Id Ue Christmas ires exercises. The Used It looking forward for a very prosperuat year during 1886, being well prepared for all kind* of business, and cooitantly improviug. Ad occaetun of rare pleasure and •nyoymool wm the elegant oyeter sup* p«r. given Christmas eve night, by Menars. B. It. R«y, B. M. McAdeii, and H. N. Buyoe, to tbelr gentlamaD fi leads, st the hotel kept by the Mimes Webb. The Urge dinning room «u brilliantly lighted, and there were Tew vacant chairs. The oysters were ele (font and eeiyed to the queen’s taste. The company waa a reprmentaUveone. Wit wm not looting, and with ssany a jest, music, aod entertaining oooveraa tiop, tbs hour* oped rapidly away. Tbe company broke up with the or ire of "Merry Cbrlatmu.’’ at lbs clock was striking tbe hour of twelve nod usher ing iu the glad CbrletmM day. Vour correspondent voloee tbe sentiment uf the assembled guests, io thanking Uie mauagers for toe rare pleasure ana en joyment afforded. Tbe occasion will long be pleasantly remembered by Hums present. • l*» ll'aiitli «MN. Th> UolMay* turn Jfew and OM W C—ia Had O*. Corrc«pond«ace of lit Qautte. Old Fob wac«, Dm. 38.—Mr. and Mrs. James K*mmy of near Hunters ville. are spending • few days at Lewis lUtaeey’e. Messrs. John Torrence and Frank Ornaand, of Long Hhosls, oeqce over to spend Cbrlstmss with the home folks. James Ashe Torrenoe. of the an place, will spend a few day* of this week around home. MUi Falter Torrence, who baa been attending school at Saluda, is at boats for the holidays. She may uot return on ecoou ,»t of filling eyesight. A delightful sociable was flreo at Mr. K. D. Ormand’s on Uirlitnucys night by his daughter. Mias Aunla, la honor of her visiting friend Mia Haley, of All KeollM. The achool at Little Salem is Just moving right oo as If there had base do Christmas, while Ilia most of the others are reeling a weak. The teach er, Mr. neater. Is a hustler, and Is giving general satisfaction, we ara glad to aay. Mr. John J. Ormand. of Dallas, ■peat Christmas with hla boma folks. Ur. John B Ormaod, who has been with Mr. George Fails for some time, Is spending • ferv days with bis folks before leaving for California. Mr. D. I,. Arrawood Is visiting rela tives and friends In Lincoln aad Ca tawba counties. Mr. Dan Grayaoa aad Mies Lillie Johnson were married oo the 34th InaL by J. Kiser, Ksq., at the real danoa of the officiating magistral*. The parties were from Ueeaemer Olty. On Lest Soinrday while bird-hunting Mr. P. 8. Kiser accidentally shut Master Chat. lUmeey In the face. Tim wounds ware slight. Concord Church use been changed to the Jlesaemsr CUy circuit sod than la preaching theta every let Sunday at 3 p. m. ana on the 3rd Sunday at 11 A m. by the poster, Bay. A. R. Sur ratt. Rev. T. U. broker, col porter for tbs Mecklenburg Piesbvtery, spent a eight at lioa. It. A. White’s lest weak. Joins F. Clark baa moved to Owes toad oouoty near Wss. l'lonk'i. Mr. Tbos. H. ltoysler Is visiting ret all res in ClereUuid and Rather ford eoanthm. Mr. M. F. Peyssor end family spent Christmas near Hardin, with Ids klu folksL _ When wear brglo* to exceed repair la your body yon are colog to tall alek Tlta dgao of it art: loaa of Oeali, pele oaaa, weak nan, imTotiMw, ate. Tba repair needed la food. Yob think yon net enough, and yet you feel that yon wear oat more t*eee, energy dot en force, than yuur food makee for yoo. Tbe dimniitty la that you go nut digeet enough. And lb* * eo reriooa It la worth rlttlng doom eorlonely u> think abent. If you eaa’tdlgoat what yoa eat, take a taw dona of Shaker Digee llra Cordial. Theafcet of It will ba lo laeraen your and make yon feel at rotifer. Yoo won't fall alek. Proof that it la lo control of your re pair npparataa. U'r rear enough to teat Ula for roared/. Take a few hot lien of Mhaker IXgraUre Oordlat Aotd hy dreggttta at 10 eenta to gl.00 per bottle • rummiL amnox. - * e£&WC£U£f2tt& — *f MT2»Jw«!tAa?4Rjar »|V*tWtUa tftrtr paraur!1 JUr; »*?MnTJ^ ^^isr^r'wrsr^ f&ygZ •3&S&T&SSEB« BS32S5rejSF'jas‘ sSwSKSSE**?* ^uss&sams gSSNffiifSsii'SaTsKS ^rw-Sf^TO&S sSd?£®s®Bff oJ! v-.J»: %ss:.- ^sru2?^4 ssrc^.TfcSSSr. “*“• psffa^SSyjreSgSS ■Min until ruodijr of imsi woo*. ^ransffli IttnanB aTTTJSK haUA*#. Ham throtu* wit* Plaeirawt— 25:fiS2ir5rT “" marta,'*v °r ■*■«• _“*fc i. 51. At* wn*r, of Uonr, H. C., r«w4 tkroujtti Uonou > curtly mocaloe oak* war to Kawrt * Cor t*or( rMt. Uo donu t put inuoti fiutmto report llwc D*w tocky sap boett o*pf urod. Byau, the wifi; murderer, «u It Mixed id Ureeuaboru laM Thuraday. ■a mi ■atklWilnlaaMrc. Tub Bbst bAuva In the world for Cute, Bratios, dote*. Ulcer*. dolt Uheum, Fever Hone, Tetter, Cbappod Uanila, ChilbUlua,Oorna, and all dkln Eruptions, and positively ernes PUm, or uo pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or motisy refunded. Price is oeota per box. Ko» aa'e t,r j. e. (lurry e Cj Professional Cards. Wm. H. Lewis, —ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW.— -Gaitovla, N. 0. O*oo otvr Loatf Urutbori now tloro balldae a. a maniitm* —A TTOUNKY-AT-LA W~ QASTOXIA, V. C. Will pnottM la tba ooorta of Gaatoa and adjoining countlea aad In to* Federal Ooorta. o. a. ADAM, ». i*. n. M. UDC, M D. Adams & Held, PHYSICIANS AMS SURGEONS, OAATONIA, M. C. Offloe at J. B. Carry A Co's Drogetare. J. M. 8loan, M. D„ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Day Phono 10. Night Phone SO. F. G. WILSON, M. JO., main, n. o. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. SMa at Torrence1* Drag Store. Phone No. 10. \V. H. HOFFMAN, -DKNT181 OAtTOXIA, 0. gV Offloe orer Pint National Bank. ROB'T. L. DURHAM, -LAWYX GASTONIA, • N. C. -mm. niiaoi a «un.— W. II. Wilson, M. D„ General Raoul and Oyneooloortool Suraary end CH renlo Ptaaaae a Spec ialty. Umlted General Praotlee. fNiaatSAu% lVntmiitateaeadatea. S. Say Mwat 41. SleSt Wl«4 04. L. N. Client), M. I)., Urmrsl Fm»<4IUi»r ftp* AmMfflM to Ito. Wfthmi. u*~* r»£,s: s&JkSif*• Will be Glvea Away. Dvn'l form* to mi m nit Draff Mora •Mi. In tmra an* gat oat nt MM'i fra m(4mLmi rgtffn. Li ■■ |(M *•• aotikxrvtt !'■ ws >•■1 kwawowM HareMy-two <n> IMki ia» tenet Mkma by ike brat kaova PkynHaae. ter ketae tme*•mt. ten* gug. IKML fnear 1 tenaia * On. nmgetota, Oaaiiada. ; a. a Bound to Move. "7 t: , t - f * ,\V 'Aat*S There’s no use "beating about the bush**; we’ll Just make a dean breast by tailing the whole story: The dose of the year finds us with ah un usually large and attractive stock of both Clothing and Shooa that must be sold or greatly I reduced within the Next Twenty Day*. H we cant get our price, we. will do nor 1 best to take yours. Come on. “Strike while the Iron Is hot.** Don’t put tt off. -^—-Morris Bros. __ _ Do Yob Set This? Thousands of Others Will See It Tm. 1000 Sheets Given Away Absolutely Free I Do You Love nitric? If ao call at the "White Front Pharmacy," and look through their collection, and help yourself. Other alee aad naaftil sun dries presented to ooe and all free of charge. We Have Left iust a few Holiday Goods which we intend to close oat by the lot. So if you wish a like “New YearV' gift, call and we will show \-ou some bargains. Our Stock of Drugs, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Stationery, Cigars amt Cigarettes is complete and up-to-date and our Prescrip tion Department Is attended by competent men only. For the convenience of any one wishing or pre scriptions filled we will observe the following Sunday boors: O TO tO A. M.-3 TO 9:30 P. M. Night calls answered by our Mr. D. W. Thome* who rooms at Mimes Untie and Emily Adam’s residence. Thanking our friends and customers for favors in the past, trusting that our goods will continue to merit your approval, and wishing one and all a bright and happy New Year, we remain, Yours to serve, J. H. KENNEDY and COMPANY, Phone &4. Druggists and Pharmacists. ....BLANK BOOKS..,. ! Now Is the time for changing Books for the ( New Year. Do you need a new Day Book, Coaster Blotter. Journal, Caah, Record, or Ledger? IT so, we have them. Bay Books,...zoo to 600 Faces. LixS^tri,_....___zoo to 800 Putt. Single or Double Entry, doth or Leather Binding. If you need a Blank Book of any kind, we can suit you is die, atylc, and prior. Pocket Memo, and Ledgers, 5c to 50c. Special—wc con sell you a 600 page Ledger or Day for $1.50. O'. 33. OUItR'X' Sc OO Taking Stock. Watch for advertisement next week. A Happy New Year to all oar /Honda and customers, A. O. WILLIAMSON. _ Li_• . . Christmas Fruits. Moot*, Whit* * Oo., Into Joot rotolot* a (toib M at Oiuju, Buaiu, jttatt «mu, Cmtoita, InAm tafcta, citunximiti, cunt, in DnixM nn. FIREWORKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Ivor tr/ tteOboao oa* talon J«n u4 Moota raaotab ootonf WoaoboUar. inMoytt. Ltso «( “May ■Uio” obott at oor loaor atooo. WboMtMa* aooaa> •ary boro aa • tboa oo wttoly baowo Id IMo omUool vu May tbaab. tor tba moral oatroaagoef o*r Mia to taotot pool roar oad wMrint oM a Mrry Obi tot mo wo ua i Oboitoot to yorotootaaato, —-—JHOORE, WHITE # C9. baOpyootto P. O. oad Pint Wat too*! But.

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