"""" — ■ - . The Gastonia ( __ ___ Oo-rutoO to tit* Protection ot Horn* uitf tk* In tor—to oj tk* Vol. XIX._Imm—'.—RSAgfc*.} Gastonia, N. C.. January 13, 18»8. ARP’S VBEKLY LETTER. HE LECTURES AT HATTIESBURG, HISS. Najralt*.* KoadTwa-X* narmaa, awl Ina aka Ju« Oiu(mm Mn'l •rrmukaUrriMl lla. ter Ik a (Vaa •uoall/ k at«laU IL . DUI Arp In Attain* Oiuiltoufa. Hattiesburg la a gtoarlug little oily away down lb Mississippi on Ilia road that leads from Meridian to New Or leans. It ia In tbe piny woods and de rives large revuuua from lumbar tud turpentine. It Is llie market (or many thousand bales u( collou, but bualoeat does oot seem to be depressed on ac count of tbe price. There nro large stocks of good* and tbe store* are thronged with customeiaabd llm hotels thronged with traveling salesmen, for Where tba carom* Is tbe eagles will be gathered together. I know them la mousy there, for it Is a aura sign of prosperity, when over 400good people turn out to a lecture and pay r>0 eenta apiece for It. I wa* called there by the Lamar Literary t*oclrty, which la an other sign not ouly fur prosperity, but of culture sod rriluemrul. A dead ur declining towu cauuot ktepuptnoba society. Tbe public school Is blessed with oue of the must earn rat mid capa ble mao I have mat with, and he Is as handsome as ho Is zealous In liia work. Protestor Phillips made an imptsaaiuo upon mo. The population of Hilt growing town Is remarkable for ila high moral atuiulurd There i* not a saloon l ha re uor did the jug bualnrts •cora to ba earned on. The commu nity u •gainst it, and the young men •re deeply Interested In Improving their minds and preserving their mor ale. Another railroad Is rapidly wurk iug III way there from Habile aod everybody le looking up Instead or down. It le a model town. Elllsvllle is rather north and le another thriving town. It is an old town with new clothes on and haa a large trade. You would hardly believe it, but there are more goods in one •tore there than In all the stores to Cartersvtlie, and there arc several stores of that kiud. They are double stores and the goods are piled high up stairs and down. Large sawmills are at work in the ueiglibjr hood and hundreds of men employed, oud ut every station hundreds of bar rels of turpentine are awaiting ship ment. The railroad aod the people •loog the line eeeui to work la harmo ny aud have uo couflict or litigatioo. It is a line road and keeps lime like a clock. I found there tome old friends from Bartow county who are engaged In the lumber business. In fact, 1 never fail to Had Georgians la my travels, and It pleases me to meet them, sod pleases them to meet rue and we getcUnulali as we talk about the good old Stale. I met an old ne gro bare at Crockett—old Unole Jake —who came several miles to see me. He used to work fur Bill Rainey, of Home, away back In the 01 Ues, and came out bere with bis folks just after the WAT. Rainey kept the livery Sta ble there for fifty years and everybody respected him. lie bad a good, gen tle old tone that a timid lady ouuld drive and he waa known by them as old Jake, and did service for thirty years. That horse waa named lor bit old negro for he had the caro of bim for many years. Old Jake la a Demo crat, the only true, uufllneblnc colored Democrat In Hus * county. He called on too at the hotel and It was putbetto to bear him ask me about bit old frieods In Rome. As be asked about one and another all 1 oonld say was: “lYhyjUuclo Jake, he Is dead long ago. They are all dead. Almost ev erybody Is dead but you and I.” He asked about Harden and Waters and Tom Prloa aud Wallis Warren and Colon*] Shorter and Cohen and the Derrja, tad »e«me<1 surprised that they were all dead. After be left ms I went across the town to see a friend, and had not been there long when Jake called In. Ho wanted to ax aboat 8am Stewart, who has been dead forty years. After s while I went to see another friend and the old man followed me there and stayed until he waa called for sad bad to go homo. He Is nothing but an old ne gro, but be Is os true and faithful aa a a good old dog. Dr. Beasley, of La Orange, Ga., la a leading physician of Crocket, and it did him good to meet mo and talk about beu Hill and the >nd ****•/• «ud Morgans and Vi alkera and .Maooos and others. The doctor Is | scientist in his own way and showed me an Indian’s skull that was token from s mound osar by, and be called my attention to the fact that the skull bad no seams or saltire* In R. Tbeno seems are Terr marked la a white man’s skull hut there are none In llie Indian’s. They are eery smooth all over and very thin. I bed never heard of this dlffereuoe before. Crock et Is a very thriving and pleasant town of 3,000 people snd has, they any, Uie dneet negro oollsgu In the State. It eost about *50,00(1, and was built with missionary money of the Northern Presbyterian church. That Is all right I reckon. Tno colored part of Uie doulh Is good missionary ground, and If their charity dose any good it Is all right; but I lisvt my donbta. So far »» Iff* eUlaeusblp Is concerned I wouldn’t give one good old fashlooed negro for a hundred o< tlt» new set. There la a pcoitentlary not far from hero where several bundled oourlets, while and Mack, are confined and U>ey Hava among them some very (Ins O’*® 1 lnylted by Apdge Gibson to come dowo to Rusk and witness Uie rehearsal and I was ■olng but the train was three hoars rebind time, and 1 missed the oppor tunity. I am told that liter# Is noth ing finer la tbe State or In tbo Booth than the mloiatrel shows that these oonvtete gat up and people flock there from ell tile surrounding country, la closed I send you the urixromine sad you will tee that It Is A.-a* class la all respects. Now this la an otyvet lesson for our people who are wrv»UIng over Iba eoevlet problem There aiet.MO ooevicts la Texes. Tbeg are -*11111 half and half, white* and blacks, and are divided Into tbreo different prisons They are not leased, but pursue tbeir trades with prison wells, nobody here raises a foolish rumpus about tbeir competing with free labor. The pen itentiary is self-sapportlac and besides that the oonvtcts have a chance to re form. They have preaching and !Juu day schools and minstrel shews and other reoreatious to make tbeir lonely lives endurable. These people think that confinement and bard labor la •udloteut punishment for the worst onniloal* and that juatioe should he tempered with mercy, sod a oltanoe given th«cn to reform. I i eg ret that I did not attend that minstrel show, for maoy of tboee white convict* expected me aud were disappointed. Well, now, you wilt wonder wby t hare are ao niaoy whites In prison (about 2,300) while tberu are so few In Georgia. The explanation Is (bat U< orgla bu nearly as mauy negroes as whites In population, while Texas bas only ons-bfth And Texas ha* to deal with a hard class Diet Infeat ibe south »ru and western poitioot, many of whom aie gieascrs from over the border. This portion ol (be great State is full of Georgians-old sod youug—aud thoy Uocit to see roc at every town. Yuuugmenof good Georgia families ere hero and they soon fall Into line and do aa the Texans do. There are no class distinction*, no SOU—wo so cial boundaries save those of good be havior. 1 met u nice young man from Macon, who is now an all-round help er at lb* hotel, but mogled with the best people and was at Lome with the utceat girls. I thought of tliat old couplet: “Honor and shame (rum no condition rise. Act wall your part, there ell the lie*." flere at Henderson, Ilia largest town 1 litre visited, old Georgians kept me busy all day receiving them. This region Is very much like upper Geor gia. It Isa high rolling couotry with sandy branches sod oak forests In terspersed will) plao sod abounding iu pecan trees Innoad of hickory nuts iu the bottom* Everybody Is cracking pecans now. It Is as common lo the hotels as Is playing dominoaamong the drummers. The law prohibits cards even for amuse meut and so dominoi has horn substituted, for they are bound to play something to while away tho time. They remlud ms of the little girl on tha train who, being tired and weary with the long ride, begged her mother to lot her suck her thumb just a little while. ssvu nmouxe sis. The Tel lew J»ruT> ftellrUeile Abeet delete'* I*«retie*. OurloCU.- Observer. Iteu.*>, ISJ;. The New Vork World bus an edito rial with the heading, “Grime's Ap palling ltecord.” The man who wrote tho editorial must have been fresh from a gUucC over the forms of that morning's Insne. It aaks: “What 1* the meaning of the “epi demic of crime’ whleh has broken uut In an many parts of the oountty?” It means a harvest of deednets and Ultli and rottenness for yellow Journal ism. The WojUI itself coins money out of this “epidemic." It spins oat the horrible stones of murder and out rage and lyocblogs, top" them with "scare" headlines and elaborate* them with fake Illustrations. It wallows In sensationalism, and then. In Its edi torials, bolds up its hands In horror ovrr the havoc it Is helping to create. It professes apprehension and eooeeru for tho condition of affairs. This rot ten moralist proceeds to express Its alarm after this fashion: “In Chicago the prevalence of rob bery has suggested the organisation of a vigilance committee. In St. heals tho inability of tits police lo prevent ths rrrriaent “hold-ups” and assaults has led to the suggestion that highway robliery shall be made a capital offence. In other cities of the West ths situa tion U toarely lea* alarming. “What doe* It mean? Theeonntry is at peso* nod fairly prosperous What Is the cans*, what Is the provo cation for this outbreak ? Are we re trograding as a nation? Is It only municipal government which falls to perform its function*? The reoord of the nival district* la nearly as bad a* thnt of ths cities." And It winds up by asking, “Above «ll wbat 1* the remedy?" Clean Journalism would aid greatly. A sage remarked when the daily news paper waa la Ite Infancy, that “noth ing bat a newspaper can drop the asm* thought Into 10,000 minds at the mine Instant." Now ono modern newspa per drops Its thought luto 1O0.000 minds, aye. Into half a million minds, *t one and tig same iDttant. Wbsu a sensation-gatherer, a pollution-dissem inator, like tbe yellow Joarnsl of to day. falls Into 100,000 or 000,000 homes It sows seed, ft cultivate* the de praved taste, Wbst Is Ute remedy? Choke of? tbe yellow sheets. That would bn a good banning. If lb* World would commit suicide it would help slung. TS»a Two \V. M. Hep toe, editor Tlskllwa, Lit, “Cbl*f.”isya: “We won’t keep ftous* without Dr. King** new Discovery for Consumption, Coughs sod Colds. Experimented wlUi many others, but never get Uie true remedy until w* nsrd Dr. King's Mow Discovery. Mo other remedy can lake Its piece In our home, ns In It we have a oertaln sad sure our* tor Coughs, Cold*. Whooping Cough, etc.” Ills idle to experiment with other remedies, even If they are urged on yon »• just as good *a Dr. King’s Mow Dlseovery. Twy are not M good, lieeaaao this remedy has a record of cure* and hesldrs la guaran teed, Hnever toilet* sattafy. Trial bottls* free at J. K. Curvy A Co’s Drug Mtore _ I The Urltlah Uusteyy Oo., of Thorn ton. U. L, will move a part of Its plant to Masbvtlle, Teen. J—:— ■*_ i J—iuu **T A MCIMIIUTIC MDI. A MMto-TUI nrari pbmi the AM I'MwiWMtk lk« Mnlr lua are ▼•Malta. ChsLhan IUoord. Soma of toe ao-called "reform” pa per* and organ* of tbe court houeo rings la this State have been greatly rejoicing and gloating with rouoh glee, that It waa tlie cartesaneea of a Demo cratic Legislature that rendered .void end Invalid tbe Stanly eeunty bond* as recently decided by our Supreme Court. So many mu of grcM negligeocn, If not fraud, were committed by our two "reform” Legislatures that thee* “re form newspapers were perfectly de lighted to think that a Domooratio Legislature had so tMgUgeully passed a law that the Supreme Court decided It lo be void. Tbe very idea was a ■weet morsel to roll under tbelr tongue*, and bow mortifying sod dis appointing to them It moat now be to And out that they cannot eojoy even thli crumb of comfort! Yet, tbe (rath la that It waa not the negligence of a Democratic Legisla ture that Vitiated tbe 8Unly oonnty bounds I What are tbe facts? Tbe plaintiiri complaint. In the case decided by tbe Supreme Court, alleged that lliase bonds (Issued !>y Stanly county to build a railroad) are invalid and void, beoause tbe act of the Legislature authorising tbelr issue "had not pawed three separate read ings In the House of Representatives on three different days, and tbs yoaa and naya were not entered upon the Journal of the Iloose of Representa tives.” Now, what Uoow of Representa tives was this? And when waa ibis sec passed? I It was tbe Legislature of 1887, and tbe act wm ratified on tbe 3rd day of Uarcli, 1887, sad la chapter 183 of the pabllc laws of 1887. Who controlled and organised that Houae ol Representatives? Did tbe Democrats? No! Who did? 1 The Republicans and llolr allies who then called themselves “Inde pendent*!” Yes, It cannot be denied that this Ilona* of Representative* defeated tlie Ifemocratlc nominees—Hoc. Lee Over-1 man fur Speaker, and Col. John D. I Cameron for clerk— and elected the nominees of the Republicans I ▲ D*Mf«« rWMU. Ctirlotti Ohnnrcr. Coming upon Urn keel* Of tbe per formance* of oartaln mlnlsUra noted In yesterday'* Observer la something just u little bit more progressive, from Jenay CUy. Bar. I)r. Edward I.. htoddiird is rector of sit. Jobn’a, the moat aristocratic Episcopal chnrcb in tbe place. and ba haa Jcat made tb* an nouncement that he baa arranged to itart a dancing school in connection ailb bta el,arch, Id which be will be prepared to furnlab lnatraction in tbo art of dancing at tbe unpreoedentedly low prioe of 8 eeota a leeeou. It la raid that ba baa in fact made a canvass Df Uio yooog folk ot bla congregation fut pupils, and obtained shoot twenty Miner. When be gets a* many aa for ty hia aobool will be opened. Dr. Stoddard explains In advane* that be expecta to be erlticlaed for this oourae. but lie does not intend to be driven from hia purpose. Ua saya that by running this dancing school annex to hia cbnreb he will keep those wboae beetle are set upon learning to dance from Uru evil* that might coma from attendance at a publle dancing class, where tbe membership la restricted only by the ability to pay tuition, while lu a church dancing class only those who are known to the rector, or are Introduced by church members, will be admitted. The leeaons are to be given In tbe gymnaslom adjoining tte cbnrch. Tbe lame argument. It appear* to ua, would bold good all along the line, and there la no reaeon why Dr. titoddarl should not wldeo bla scope and broad in his (laid by adding another annex for a chor^i barroom, where those whose hearts are set upon a drink can gat It without being contaminated by contact with the patrons of a public saloon. Again lb* Obterrtr would ask, "Whltbec f" Wtmw D««Im«. Xi'wtflM ONomr. l»nl Sandhurst, the governor of Bombay, In n recent speech opening n lioapitaJ for women nt Junagadh, *x prMMd himself u a strong believer In women doctors. It waa hard to rea lise, he deolsrsd, bow great a blessing they eonld be to Vbelr sisters to tba ottlfsand densely populated countries of Indie and the Hast. He hoped to ace hospitals for women with women doctor* in charge In all part* of tba Bombay presidency. There ought lo be a skilled woman doctor In every loan la North Carolina. Mlaa Bo* Dlmmook, of Washington, North Oar olina, who was drowned at oaa, waa an rxoallent physician who waa winning hounn in the profeaaton. itls* Annie Alexander, of Charlotte, haa a large and growing practice. Mias Bailie BonUu, of Goldsboro, la taking a anura* In medicine In New York. Tliere will be more and more ns tba people come lo agree mom with I/)rd Sandhurst and the New* and Observer. — 11— rrw mis Hand your sddreea to H. K. Buckleo A Ca., Cbfcugo, and get a free ssa>pla box of Dr. King’* New Life Pllle. A trial will oooTiuoe yon of their maiita. Tkaae pllla are eaay In aotiea and aia particularly effective In Uia mire of Constipation and Hick H sedan he For Malaria and Liver troublee Urey have brcn prov*d Invsluitbe. They are guaranteed to be perfectly fres from •very deletarlons enbotanos and to be purely vegetable. They do not weeks* by their notion, but by giving tone to •icaaaok and Uiwela greatly Invigorate the system. Rngolar sias Ik. per box 5otd by J. K Cony A Co. Drugglata. ■nwr iimh ciixuaiT. T*» laUraMl Tiimwlie aMM la TkttetfaeA Xm and Ofaen-rvr. Mt. Tba Kingdom of Heaven auffered Tl?!*nc? *°® 1,11 Uken by tba violent iiut Got, JUuaall la determined that no aaoli accident aa thle shall happen to tba railroad oommlaatoc office. Forewarned U forearmed—or Should la*. Tba ifeiet ami Obnn.tr raoeotly auoouooad, and on tba vary beat of authority, that aome aaneallocal de velopment* In tba railroad oommlaalon < alteatioa might tbla weak ha expected at tbla and of the line. Uetult: Th* railroad ooaamlaaloo office i« now guarded day and night by armed men with loetrnotlona not to let any of the enemy pnae In. -And who ar* the anamy F" I ask «4 oo* or tba guard* lata yaateiday ' altera oon. •‘Weil, the old oommiaetonen eed their crowd,” be replied. “From whom do you get your In •tmotlonel” “Uov. Ituteell F” ■ Direct /” No. not exeactly —through Mr. Durna, keeper of tba oepitoL" The guard consists of Ike watchman at tbe oepltol. Mr. C. MoO. Dunn, who la on day duly, and Mr. Terry, the gantmcr. wbo U guard at night. In addition to tblx. therm ia Senator Hbarpe, LUa assistant clerk, whole In tho offloe day aod night. The Implement* of war oonalat of a double barrel ihotguc, e pistol. aa axe wad e poker. At leant these ere the defenitre weepone I saw lying around In tl.e offloe loot night, at I par pad through the window at Mr. Tarry and Senator Sharpe, altting before the Ore. Tbe doom were lowed aod the window* bolted, and no man could ao Ur until lie waa eloaaly questioned aod carefully Inapnoted. Oaring the day Mr. Dune, arsed to tbe teeth, walk* up nod down la front of the dour. At 5o’clookeacb evening bo le relieved by Mr. TVrry. Thane two vxJIaut troop* Orel want ou duty Monday afternoon. Mooday afternoon Otho Wilson called at toe office, and Monday night ona of than reported Uavlngaeen M*l- WUaow pm* by. Tinea warliko thing* canard a eautloD for renewed and unoeaaiog vigilance to oome from tbe oomtsan drr-ic-chlcf. a oew supply of aras waa brought in and Uw garrtaou waa provisioned for a mouth's adgo. lu addition to till*, tha new com mtaslonera were telegrepbed Vo be ready to more at a somuot'a notice. They are kept dally posted, aod will aurt for itstolgh the moment they bear active bo* till tie* Lava broken out. Wfcvm a Itiuiir Uom ta i>Ui I* lame. Nur Tort Sun. la Ebodo bland: «Ijid oo* beglaa to tell a atorjr, l( ooe la oo a train, tbe (lory la likely to be fiolalied In an other atate. Whan e woman pate out a e lot lira lion aba baa to be caret a! leet one end of It ie tied In another oonnty. Wbeoa mao aeyeba Dree la abode bland lie la out often naked where. There ere only a few towns where be oo old lire, and If be docen't live in town lie taunt lire alone to town. Home of the railroad towns are no oIom together that sometime* the lo oemotive will be at oae station while the rear oar of Um tralD will be ad tbe other. If Uie etmoepbtra la clear mad ooe oao get op a law hundred feet one can eee moat of the atate in whatever di motion one looks. II a baby ram away he La apt to get into another conotr before he stops if be is a^good runner. If ooe gone from Providence, for la* atenoe, to Bootoo, one geta to Boatoa almost before one gate out of Provi dence. Yon oko aland In your own yard In any town la tbe atete, and throw moke at your neighbor la another county, •ad, If you are e good thrower, you 8»" bit a mau In Uawacbuaette or Connecticut. Thb le the way It eeeme to a man when he mulee bte Brat trip Into Hbode bland. M*m*y-wre*r NM Tmm Inlriut*. A Washington dispatch says that after a trial of about four years of Um present form of money order, the Poet offloe Department le caching by legis lation to dlaeontlaoe Its further use. It waa adopted aa a result of the Dockery com®tailor, wblob required that, aa a measure of preoaatkm and to prevent fraud oa tba department, tbe form of order to be need abunkl be tauvided with marginal Bgnree, wblob, when leaned, were to be oat la eueb shape aa would serve a* a chsck oa the poaunaaler and the payea alike. Ho intricate wee tba system. however, that many mistakes were taade, the number of errors oomlug to the atteulloo of the department reaching an aggregate of 000 daily, to addition to This, the dajMTtiarat has hern annoyed by liti gation growing out of a eait alleging an Infringmeut of patent. •hw Tm Have a M 0*14. You want IU« beat medicine that can be obtaloed, and that ia Chambarlaln’a Cough Remedy. You want a remedy that will not only give quick relief but tffact a per manent cure. Yon want a remedy that will relieve tbe luaga and keep expectoration near. You want a remedy that win ooua teraat any taodaaoy towatd pneumo nia. You want u remedy that la pleaaant and aafe to lake. Chamberlain* Cough Remedy U the only amdlotoe In uaf that matte an of llama requirement*. Thla remedy I* faaoae for It* oure* of bad oaMe throughout the Vnlted Ktala* and In many foreign cooatrle*. ft ha* many rival*, bwt, for Urn Hmady and per manent car* nr bad aolda, atanda with out a peer and It* apleadld quuniiea am every where admired and praletd. For aale by J. ■. Curry k Co. ranamm dcsab amwna »•«—tore «fU«liUM Have Wag a «•» iXleaas DSilrt. tU. All bai» lialf doaao uf tba a near plantationi In Louisian* bars galsbed tbtir grinding and manafeotore of sugar aad nolaate*. Tba ladlaaUoM arsof a crop of froai 383,000 to 800 r 000 tons, slightly la rxocaa of last year, aod nsarlr equal Lug tbs crop of 1M4 *93, tits largest produosd la tba Stats. Tbs molaaaas yield will be trom 80,000 000 to 87,000,000 bunk, of whleb 0.000,000 will be opsa batUs of good quality, aad tbs remainder oeotrlfugal molaaasa. Tbe tuooags of eaae was below tbs average,)anting fro* IS to 88 tons to tbs net*, bat the yield of sagarbae tn creaaad. belugas average of 138pounds a ton la Lafourche, 140 ia West Baton Hooge, 100 in St. Mary aad 177 ia 3fcr reboune, and 108 la the Stela. Tba average grade of eager Is bettor than •■at jsar. tlie pries touch advanced, and a good prodt returned tbe sugar growers. The result has bean aa advaoo* of from 80 te 88 per cent, la eager prop erty, many old pianutiooi being biougbt under cultivation (bat bar* bem idle since tbe civil wer. Many plantation* have already begun plant ing aad tbe acreage for tbe next crop wUl be Increased aa compared with J»7 et least IS par eent.Last year hi SKKB.rt"“»“ "»■ A In Pin rmtki «m Wnliisfton Duqpetcti. At lb* request of tbo Homo post otoc* eemmit tee. First Assistant Post master General IleaUi baa lo prepara ttou ao amendment to the survfeM ap propriation ImU flying to oarrlen In raral diatriete authority to raeaire cash aad obtala money orders for na trons, and to rseept for and dsllver refliUctd Uttan. IT&U addtttooml doty could tic per fhraMd readily by tba oanrtare, who. If tba schema should be pat In operation, would baooms “traveling postonoaa.” Ooubtry people, therefore, would hare nearly ail tbe poatoAoe booedta en joyed by realdeois of the elty. aa tbe carriers bow are permitted to carry Portal cards aadj stamped envelopes (or isle. Should tba proposition work well. Urn department would be enabled to abolish many of the are all poetoOeca along star route*. oeaaseel Ortau *•. LohU ItrimbUo. Place two cup* sugar with on* cup water over tba Are and stir until tbe sugar la diUMlved. Thao boil UN tba sugar, wfaau poured lato loa water, may be rolled Into a soft ball. Boaaore from tbo Ore and pour tbe boiling water oe a marble slab or on a large flat dish. Sprinkle over a little cold water, let It stand ill) you can touch It with tba buck of your band without burning, then work It wltb a small wooden spoon till it la white aad Arm. Taka it in tbe bauds mod work It into a soft ball. At flrat It will bo bard aud crumbly, but after working u little wbUa It will become smooth and soft. Thla la called poudant. Put the poodant In a double boiler over tbe Are and let it boll. Stir lu half pound dedicated coeosuut, then pal It with a tablespoon on battered Una, let eland till Arm and remove. haMMMPMate Plnata. New Tort Tlt»c«. A remarkable experiment whiob may mesa a gnat deal to tba limited garden •pace t>; Korop# baa been aucoaaaf ally tested at Troyee. Tomato plaoto graf ted upon potato stalka Jo* above tba ground bare bean proved to do batter than oa their own roots, whlla tba potatoes underneath were ceruloly un impaired. If not actually mads bitter la America, where land la net so minutely ealUratod, tba dleeorery may ba morn of a cariosity than a hlenalag. but Id the track gardens at tba Law CooDtrlaa sod la Franco it wilt prove to ba an extremely Important economi cal discovery. Tub Beer SALvn lu the world for Cuts, Pruiaaa, Son*. Cloom, fWH Bbeum, Fever Some, Tvttae, Chapped Hand*, Chilblains, Oorna, sad eB ikia Erupt Iona, sod positively cores PI tee. or no pay required, it la guaraataad to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price H cants par box. Poe •ate by J. B, Curry A Oo aummdaaaaim X* WewSer mb Otim Woe SenuS. Cnrt'Aoo, III., Dae. 37.—Tba meg Actant eutomatto plpo-organ lu tbe Uraat Northern Hotel wee destroyed by Ore this evening. Ttm organ coal •18,UU0, and was aoa of tba Boast of Its kind la Uie country. Tba Ira «u oauaad by I be electric wins becoming onward. When tbe Bre broke owl tea organ wm playing ‘ There’n bo a hot tlmo In the ohl towa tonight.’’ Tlntoty lhicvMrfl«M. ftwrt Journal. Sots* imyli tlitok they Boat go to CMm to io altdonu; work. If they wlM only arrest that tala of (Under they katt arhan It lid breaks out thay •rUl plaoa llumaatma farther in the front rank of BtaaSooarfes than they eoald. perhaps, do In Oil on In fifty yearn' work. J,“ IL“ Ta»y wm oast* nt|M. KMu>.ne4 These. Tlw people of Nertli Oarolloa art news and boom* ia their Inettaeu. They bare beta M astray for tba that by deaaartguae, hot they will fetsra rortrtta bqutnv. ThaIrtabhaw hUmi4• mate* SSWJXsss&ssxssz wbkb an oooaUaUr confounded; but mT uffe*£“nJiiLil I wiwuTny w imua—lniWlFS ss^'fijs?’ pSw o#fu PMtjta. IttaMtatiJl adaftabaufdi lr which ao owe aaa oowptabaud—u to «lw*7* cocoprabtoaibia am wfaaa It to ■Mat wataato. It proceed* mot tmm want, but Um aoparabandaac* ot idea*, which crowd on aaoh athar m tmmt ia aw irtofcyaaj* yartmiSattal lo the doarwajr ot tSaapMo^ aotfaahr taiableoatiaUieJr ortuf.ry dieortte/ ixunuiou may, indeed, to called a notional obareeterisUe. it )gn|g all Irteh tommy. Ifthoatnemof the latter la early day* haalte gieamaef brlgfat tranquility, sorely Woeitodddm sins; ss ttrasrusss ssg&sskssxsgtz: sssaswsi.£!2£riw: tto brains of Bat: aad, If tomiii to aaoaaad sow aad than of being a little erratic in bb eaylags aod djioge, to caa atlaaat oooedeUrnaelf fay plat ing to a too* tutor loal authority. He mgiy |^J. "Arret 1 now, wto wouldn't 1 to oaufamd? Wasn’t all of us confuted, aad from tto alrlieat timer, aad taa't a ■teo u> to ommiateatr Would you torn him turn hie coat wton ecaroaly a rag o( It b left him?" 7 A good exampia of a toll mar to eilad la tba OBseof two friahmaowto, fancying that they knew aeeh ottor •roaaodttoauaattoahato baadeOn diacovertag tbetr error, “1 beg your pardont” cried the one. “Ok, don’t manUoa It," aeid tto other, “U’e a motual mistake; you am 1 thought It waa you, aad you thought it waa me. aad, after all, it wasaaKher of as!" . A f00* pendant to thb b told of “And why would to Mat" “Oh, bob gut ao tbia I Voe’ro thin 5sSttW. A bull b aotMUmca prodooed by tto talpauoe of a word, .a lo ttooaeeof an Irish match mot, giving evidence at A police office: " What is thb mau*e offenoc/" . dbordarly, your worohlp, ia tlm strata*, Uet night.” “Aod did yoa give kirn warning be fore you took lil ui into custody?” .nujffire1, 1 lo Again, a bull may be occasioned by a contusion of Identities, aa when it waa mid of au ugly inau that to waa - hac deems when au, infant, but ha was i unluckily changed at nurse; or as It! wmaahowa in tto fervor of a glH who.; dealrlM tor lamb miniature, nod to •mrtog It might lead lo discovery: “Oh, it needn't,” aha exclaimed: **X’ll' fall the palater not to make It Ilka you!" i Aad again, a bull may to owing to a limited amount of knowledge, aa la 1 tto oaaa of an old woman goiog to tto otoodfer’e tor a fatttoog candle, aad being told It was raised ton half-paw on socoout of (be Bumlan war. “Bad luek to them I” she crolaimud; “aad da they debt by oaadto light?” I Apart, however, from all ttoea, the 1 ordinary say logs of tto Irish have an Imaginative quality which b Just u characteristic, and ootst all confusing. As, for InaUoca, whan they say of a man who Is irretrievably ruined: “Beltpetre wouldn’t save him, aad that b a atroeg pickle;” or wheo they would adyta# another to avotd arrest: “Be off while your (torn am good;” or. aa they deltastaly my of aa aider!y “T wtoaa number of yuan they for toar to mmtloo, “A Uttau of bar age wouldn’t play with a oock.1' wiasss f'S-surzi toa aattlog of the bail in It winterer, tot, on tto ooatrary, tto clearest no tions, aad very often tto etinndaat •mm. Wa will ouly rite a eoupla of loataacaa. which will not to tha baa welcame if they happen to have tone A gent towin Mill aa Inetooan ■Uttering home frou a fair, nlraiTid "Ah', Darby. I’m afraid you’ll fed U» road you’re going to rather a longer oaa (baa yon think.n •’Sue*, your honor,'* bo replied, ’Mt'e not the toagtb of the rood I ear* about; I to the breadth of K I* doatroy lo’ DO.’* A ad again, la lb# bog 6f AagbrUn. to the Itft oratory, plenty of gao-ber Nb need to be found aa a lanoeale of Itagreot battle, ood there woo a Milk MooUoeoa* of tbooi exploded In Wo farrago, wboa bo eralaiaad: , *^od Irak to jyur lot* of wartfer toon Um battle of Augbrtaa oat of you /** • Mr. Allah* Barry, of tbto plena, Bay* ho rarer fed anything do bba no S» good aod giro eucb gutok relief ThMaaeUeee ea CferabetMfh Bob*. He woe bothered gretotty erltb tfeetlag palno froai btp to kaeo ontil he oerd UlU imiMOftt, which ■trade prompt relief.—B. f. Bihar. drragteT H* Parle, n&w fee aoto by J. B. Carry A Uo. i t \ i i { £ - c —Ua«M linen. J&ts.ts’air.ssar.i SS.{?SSX.tJSSSLSSZ *»»»• o—sgaagg ?* ttrti napai ib* Hoc. Abbot L. ^gwyairCta^8 Tta -^ar, "f srs^^sa-fiUTJt: dlegnaCal aaae aoa repeated la tba bolMlDg o^ gaS^gpjiS BneeaUta HaUroea UgaoMNbnte ocac tba door of tbeedMeof tbal Gone* ^u»u.*ns.as.ffla; AnovMUt roaiToii. dosw Uaiaago WatUeaian. boa 0«t M Gunpowder Wee reported am being engaged la UUatt dtaMlag. aod waaarreetad bp D. XeAhaUJatlco. A« tbaarliUaee egalart bla w> albar ^wt »**>—•*<Wied"b»od. laat Saturday bo ww inhere bad a heartog before ^■■Itaaim Oeeia. Wa didn't abow ap, tat aoao «r5o wltaeaeee told tbe deoatp tba ttaeafct hla “outfit” eoold be toadT ta fat 55SVT2K£.«bS£ brought bare aed Bey be aeeo la Omm. Uoeley’* o«oe. ttle ando o(Ua vttb ^•ss-asMas frlgbtaea, tea »oot iBaaaaaSdk!

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