The Gastonia ____ ___ to th» l’rotootlou o» ilomu and Ck* J nrnrosu of tk* Vol. XIX. WtoI'JfSSJitb,.} Gaatonla* X. C„ January 27* 1898. MO POSSUM FOR BILL ARP. THE 0X01011 PHILOSOPHER 11TB ITS "101 'POBBUM” FOB HIM. WkM ■—— -»•■* >M iMv'-ll 1*UB«rikil(«raMtanMr u*«l Ik. CMH u4 BaMllH mil Arp la Atlanta (talllullun. ** ’Poaau*” mom to be Urn slogan or Htata politic*. It t* among tba brat l-atln wort* 1 er*r learned to deoline, and means, “1 am able.’’ A* a filthy varmint I decline it (till, and It l bad been invited to the toast X Mould ha v« replied noo ’possum. I can eat orow, bat not ’poeeom. A bouaru would b* so palatable, for oo* U a day scavenger ana tba other bunt* for carrion by night. Mot long ago Mr. Hal* told me at Rising Fawn that his boy caogbt three on three snetMlve night* by.sst tlag bio steel trap on o dead bog In tb* woods, uad Mr. Young told mo yes terday that tb* last one hi* dug treed | was In tba csrcase or a dead boras. I Mow, if a 'possum Is kept up lu a cuop or pen for a mouth nod fed on decent food, bis oily carcass inlgbt be Alien for a scalawag or a hungry darky. <‘-ol. Candler In hU letter slogs the praise* and tb* oily julost of the north Georgia ’pornom. hut tutus up his noo* at tbs piny woods breed. Tbe difference U that dead dog* and bogs and mole* are few and far between in the plney woods, and tba 'possumj can’t got enough carrion to get fat. Rut 'poaaam Is just now thu poll tic* I fad, and a politician will eat anything for office except crow. They don’t like that. Dr. Miller used to say Uni he could aat orow, but be didn’t hank er after it. W* college boy* uaed to have 'possum supper* away io the night bat Hansel, who furnished them kept them up and stallfad them. Tbe Chief MtlsfaCtlsc, however, was In bnaklog tb# ruin sod dodging the professors and tutor*. Jim VVarrau and Obese Howard uaed lu give mid night Mppera and pull up the ,possum and turn So s basket by a rupo and take it in at a tblrd-etory window. Wail, tbe nation has got a slogan, too. Cuba and Hawaii are still on deck as Mattlreooks, and the gams is loog and uncertain. Cuba la a fruit that is about ripe, and ought to be polled before It rola on tbe tree; but i I swell is a* green at o gourd. On ha is 400 miles lung, and it nearby and nbould be purchased, Jan like we bought Florida from Hpaiir but Hawaii io 9,000 miles from our I’adUo eoaat, and oil tb* Islands put logsUwr have not at much area aa a tingle county la Texas. Tnay toy we want tifora coaling ststiou. W* have U now for that, and can keep it daring peace; but it would take oil our lluis nary to bold it daring war. It looks very Ilka tba wJTole plot of annexation is a personal Job for a tew men. They are trying to alarm at with the threat tbat if we do aot annex It England will. I don’t reckon England wants it very bad. In case of a great war it would take a good part of her navy to hold it, and the game It pot worth tbe candle. Oar poor ItIU* navy won't Justify os in annexing anything, sod we can’t burry up any more battle ship* under tbo Diu^ley tariff and the pension frauds. Koglaud bu 16 battleship*, 31 cruisers, « caobhote, 00 torpeda boal* and S war steadier*-la all 110 keel*. Tba United State* hat 0 battleship*, IS cruiser*, 15 guoboata, 6 monitor* and 5 torpedo boat*—In all SO kwli. How tS that for war ? Japan has more war keel* afloat than tlie United Staten, aad la now tba acknowledged niatnwa of the Pacific ocean. But we eaa beat than *U la a brag and bluster J Ingot can. We are very like the aver age young matt who lives oo bis fath er’s reputation. We gobaekaoen tary or se aad baak on the Conetltu twa and the Wasp in tba days of Paul Jonas sod Decatur. Those were glo rious vtetoftsa, bet we were Cgbtlng oo the defensive then, and our great leaden, both on land and ms, were Southern nsec—Paul Jones was from Virginia and Decatur was from Mary land aad old John Adams did ’ot like either of theta. Bat almost srerylblog that oonoerns OoograM now Is political jobbery-and tha penal on frauds will go on. They grow bigger and bigger aa the yean roll on. Tha fifty thonasnd pension lawyers op Horth moat ba kept fat, and Ibary are organised and know bow to contral Cocgrsasmno. Tan dollare from aaefa one will pUoa half a million Id Waahlogtou and that will puraluae fifty votes at (IOiUOO » eota. They de fy Commissioner Evans and all bla ef forts to purge tba rolls will ba la eala. Wickedness la lilgta places still pro fails, aad the wonder is that the na tion survives lu corruption. I board boom preachers discussing It on lbs railroad nod one said tha wickedness was so mi It sras a woodsr that tha Lord didn't destroy tba capital and all tbe great eltlee. But an ohl Irish praachar said: "So air; do air t the lend wouldn’t have destroyed Sodom If tbsrs baa been tea good mao there, sod I am sun that than are at least fifty la Atlanta and nearly aa many In Washington nod Now York. Ne. slr, the oI lies ora safe for soma Uma to soon, but It la wall enough to keep your ays on a place lo Ilia ooun try. In 1841 Thorn*i H. Heaton made a great speech In tha United States Senate In whloh bn opposed tba grant of fifift.000 to President Harrlaoa's wldoW aad said: “A new page has been opened in tha book of our eiyen d It urea and tbla new departure takea which leads to tba bottomless golf of penal one aad grata Ilia*.” Verily ha epoka like a prophet, for H.OVJ.OUO.OUO have already bass paid aad thura are now ou tba rolls nearly a million pen sKmars aad OotnmMonvv Evausdod* <00,000 additional pending Spplioa ttoue, Qaed gracious, bow we did fight. John O. Cal boon mid In one of b» speeches. "A powur bat rtssn sp la Iba govern meat that In grsatar than tbapwn>W. It aooatsu Ot many In tiroM aamMned la oaa snaas and bald Ugetber by tba eobeelvu paver ot pah Be pinwdar.” So all thla i tea la# e la uo new tbiug and It wouldn’t matter very much If It concerned the North only, hot we down South bare to pay a big part of It and get nothing beak. The wonder le that wa hare been able to Uv«. But our oomfort la the Lord lovelh whom Heobaeteoth. W# are getting along pretty well and our peopla are In better spirit* than they went two or three years ago. They spent a lot of mousy UUiiatmaa, and that’s a good sign. Tltey tell anecdotes and laugh mure aud bare more little parlies. «Ve were at one last night -my wife and 1, and there was no sign of povorty or distress uo ’poaeum aud tateri; uo polities. Sixteen of ua sat around the festive board and oommemoruted (lie tlilrtr elghlh marriage anniversary of Major Calhoun and hie wife, two good people a good father and mother, a good hus baod and wife, good friends and neigh bor*, and we were waited o«i by their children—good cbUdrruwbo bad nevrr brought abater or grief to llieir par ents. Thla li the biggest and beat lb teg 1 know or. And we had wit sod anecdote and conundrums all mixed up with oyster toup und turkey and “emt cetera a." I aaktd Judge Aiken whet klo lie was to his slater's bua baud’a uulbrr-ln law and be gave It up In despair. 1 hear that be pon dsred over It all tbo way home and away In the night orierl out: “Eureka! Bnrrka I” Tbeu Mayor Utlbeit put tbe saveuleeo elvpiiaut problem at uin aud 1 got tangled up and then I aaktd him how a ground squirrel dug hla hole In the ground without leaving soy dirt nround the top nod It ecarvd bim. bet hla elfe came to ble relief aud answered It. Meu Itaveu't got very much of that kind of senee and I al ways depend upon my wife. I don’t like to strain my mind. Tka Week's Itasiwi, Tbe Manufacturers’ Nreorrf of last week culls intention to tbe icmarkabln develop meet of the (South's export trade, which in emphasised |>y a sum mary of the statistics of breadstuff ablpmeuts for me year 1807 la com paisd with ldttl. The total shipments of corn, wheat, oata and flour from fire ®?"lh,frn port* a*«r»galed l«»,938.07a bushels, sg.iinst 128.661, (Mi bushels In 1890. The total increase waa 30,677,125 bushels. Tbe total value of tbs exports of all breadstuff* from the loading porta of tbe country for 1807 waa 8243,121,11*, a gain over 1890 of 160.996,000. At these tive (Southern porta tbe total lor 1897 was 89.05o.U42, sgaioat $57,177,884. being art Increase of $31,877 188. Thus a total gala from the entire country of $66,990,060 nearly one-balf or $31,877 - 108 wsa from flve Southern porta. Making a compariaou by peroentsge*. tbe Increase lrom these five Southern !XrJ*,nW*#46 7-19 per cent., against 23 5-10 per aant. for all other porta. Of Industrial uuterprlaea reported for the weak the two moat lmportsut ones look to the development of extensive waler-poweri—on* at Atlanut, Ga.. the capital stock of $1,000,000. ar.d ®°® *l Q*-. w*U> a capital stock of $100,000. Bach company will develop from 10,006 to 12,000 horse power for electrical Irausmlmlon to be oaed In manufacturing enterprise* m and around these cities. The Atlanta enterprise baa secured the co-operation of some capitalists to New Turk largely interested lu municipal under takings throughout tbe country l>urttig tbe week there was reported tbe organisation of a 8100,000 steam abip company to operate a line of steamers from Tort Arthur, Texas, to Mexican pons, large contracts fur freight to Xfcxlco having been already made. Among tbe uew Induatrlal enter P*laea reported durlug tbe week were a $00,996 cot to u manufacturing com p»oy at Fayetteville, N. C.; a $30,000 Iron rouudry at Borne, Ga.; 6150,000 r>»d mining company at Dsblooega. Ga.; large machine-tool works at Uovlngton, Ky.; $100,000 brewery at Uew Orleans, La; $600,000 telephone company at Uew Orleans; $109,000 factory at Baltimore; $230,000 corundum mining company to opernte in Clay count*, North Caro llua; $100,000 Meamahfp line company at Tort Arthur, Texas; two $5000 tele phone companies at Lexington, Va., and a $10,(XX) oil-development company at Uateravlile, W. Va. wit* n»B i *»*•<«* Xrw» end ObMrrar. The Chatham (Xiixtn (Populial) re ferring to till* dlacbarge of lulb, “T»: ‘‘Good. Let the good work go on." Amen end imtn. Let It go on until John B, DoUlli, J. M. Mewborne, Kobe rt Hancock. Hal. W. A yea, Jim Yonng, Daniel L Uoaeell, JeUr U. Pritchard and ell the Iwlance of tlw gang now dlagreotng Dm State ere drlveu out lo dlegiaee..Good. Let It go on I There wifi be no de °a°tjjOTernnacDl until Urn whole gang tn ll>,a « two CoM. You want the beat mod I el ne that can ba obtained, a oil that li Chain berlalu’e Cough Remedy. You want x remedy Dint will not only giraqnlck relief but effect a per manent aare. You want x remedy that will relieve the Innga and keep expectoration eaay. You waut a remedy that Will ooun teraet any tendency toward pneumo nia. Yoo want a remedy Oat la pleaaaut and aafa ta take. Obambarlaln'a Cough Remedy la lha naly medicine In use that meet# all of llmae requirements. Tbla remedy .(a famoua Aw ila cures of had enlda throughout in* United Rtatr* aad In many foreign enualrtea. It line many rlvala, but, for the tpaady and per manent rare of bad oolda, atanda wltiv oat a pear aad lu iptandid quallllre are every where admired and preleed. aale by J. ». Qurry A Oo. TIm Aberdeen Lumber Oomeejtr’r Dteet wh burned lead Thunder. TboeMnd* of feel of dreeerd lumber was burned. I am »V.,(jHO. Ho Ib iWUMi SAM P. JONES, The World's Greatest Hiunoroos Lecturer, is Coming to Gastonia. February 7th, 11898 He has no equal in entertain? a crowd with the richest humor and sharpest wit. If you fail to hear him, yotu will miss the chance of a lifetime. You have never heard him; this may possi bly be the only opportunity you will ever have of hearing this peerless humorist; don’t miss It. In many cities often, people eagerly pay $1.00 for the rich treat of hearing SAM JONES, but it will cost you on this occasion ONLY SO CTS. RESERVED SEATS 75 CTS. He is the most famous lecturer in the United States to-day. Secure your tickets before hand. They will be on sale at the following places: Torrence’s Drug Store and Morris Bros. OPERA HALL, 8 P. M., FEBRUARY 7, 1898. THr. DUOCBAVII AUK rLC-VIKI). TUo ItMMIlrjr «r Ike BrpmMtaMN U Ain« n«u «f Carrrae.v Befurw im Ikt liber leulh ««•!. VYAiblDKtuu i)lHMitrh. During the hex Inge given by the Rouse committee ou tanking and cur rency u> the member* of tbe monetary on man** ton there have been no mure interested llrtenera than those Demo cratic member* of Congress who are most pronouncedly iu favor of silver. They profess to believe the failure of ti e Republic ms to agree upon a plan of currency reform will strengths*} tbe silver srutimeot at the country ami aid tbo Democrats materially in the oougressioual elections. The dismal prospect of currency leicislatiou ai Uii* enalon Is, therefore, as planting to Hie silver Democrats a* It is disheartening to the sound money uien of tbe two lionses, sod If it alto transpires that Uie BepoUlcau majority In tha Uoute cannot agree upon a hill I be Demo erttt will be delighted. The Republicans, they aay, agree with the Democrats that Uie presant monetary system Is unsatisfactory, iiud Uie volume of money lusuffieienl fur Uie builueaa of the couutry. Instead, however, of agreeing with tbe Demo crat* that better times eon be brought a boot by a larger use of silver, tlw Re publican* propose to Increase the cir culation of ptper money based prlcl pally upon gold coin, but partly upon the credit of the government und partly upon the available astoli of tha various banking institutions. Iu de funding their own contention regard ing silver, they insist the controversy over the money question, since U>e formation of tbe different financial scheme* now being considered by tbe banking and currency cnmmilUs, lias narrowed down to a positiou for tbo larger roe of p»per money Instead of ailver, and that the proposed provi sion* for the sarety of tha currency *r* such a* would give an artificial value to tha paper with >ut Insuring Ute sta bility of Its value, Iu addition to thl*. the silver Dem ocrats hope to be able to straw Hist the Republicans bra unable to agree upon a plan of ourreaoy reform, although .there Is apparently no lack of agree ment rupee ting the need of currency legislation. Tbo absence of a fiction* plan lor Improving tha currency sys tem limy contrast with tbelr own well defined belief lu tbe efficacy of fra* silver ooluaga aa a remedy for all financial ills. While the Democrats are no mot* practical Id tbeir plana of monetary reform bow than they wars during tbe campaign of 1890, their hope that the UrpublioaDi will not be able to evn|e» a general financial fubeme upon which llwy caa agree and which will also bar* tbe approval of tbe commercial world I* aot without reaauu. 'Chare ia grave danger that tha multiplicity of plans which are already being stig g«»ted, and which are still to |>a evolved, together with LUe disagree tuenl of the Republican members of the bauklug and currency oomtalttea on the charautcr or tbe hill to be re ported. will Increase the opportunities of the silver men to oast doubt upon the sonuduera of the Baanclal princi ples upon which the last presidential campuln was won. The Democrats are preparing tor a most active campaign In the coming summer and Tall, and as the money qucstluo will again be the dooiloiint euaSKteration ia .tottrmlalog the elec tion of mam liars of the next Mouse, Republican dla»rd and Indifference to the general demand for currency leg islation ia likely to weaken llie sound money forces and stirnglhno lime* of •liver to a oorreepoudlng degree. ^PnqKCpaofeeegpmMw. Mecklenburg ft s«M to have Urn Imat railroad facilities of any oountv to the Mate. Oast on county has never voted a cast of bonds to aid In railroad ooo stmotion and yet there ta a railway lias within seven unites of every man's house la Urn county There ate seven count lee In the dials that have Wo railroads. at uimiir a*rirrAis. rh»y ano Out «r Maputo* Una MoaaOotlia —Tt.» Lap* (a Xol Vain. *M*« Tltt|r Orro|t *ttr INo I.IU0O. Cor. Ouri<*to otaervar. Cusuky MOON rATN. Jan. 18.—This seclloa la now ublaxa wllb excitement, aod (lie color of blood Ison tba pale face of 1 he moon. The caoee of war ia not bonds or lb«> repudiation of bouds, but because of dirif rercaeot as to laud boundaries. Tim land bare U not vel uable, aod H Is not because tbey have not enough to cultivate. Some of the alleged farms are to poor you can’t mlae a disturbance oo them, aod a great deal of Use land is looked after as a place to harvest ptna-korta tu th» winter HDd fox-grapes In the suauKr. The hr*1 pessage-at arms took place between the Brst nlerk and gieaaer-ln chlef of a saw.mill, and a very re doubtable minister of llm Gospel. A surveyor-general was Called lu from Rutherford county toralabllah the line between the contending parties, lie tort two dejre. his last year's crop of religion, aud then refined both farms as part pay. Tire contest auta are not sat is Bed and have appealed to the solar plexus stroke, aa tbe moat satisfactory arbitration. Tim match will come off oa February 220, lbt>8, under Marquis of (jueensimry rules. Tbe tight will l* loaUnlsh. Two other Grangers, the one au ex bouae carpenter and the other en act ing justice of fbo p*«et\ lied some Uif fercuce of opinion about land. The face of each look! like a chopping, block, and their clansmen liaVe ou war palut. The aarveyor took no extra hazardous accident poller, and when laat eeeu waa offering 123 for nne end of a road leading into the state of Buncombe. Thera, lie aavi, the wick ed laud-grabbers cease from troubling, and surveyors are at rest. He says he had ruUier risk hie life end limb among the most arrant bond-repudiators of buncombe, yea, even tearless Stanly, than to meet a eon of Cherry Moun tain who has ina amuck because soni« bodjr disputes purt of tile 40 acre claim In the forest. While Pllzsimmows and Corbett are Ulklug their jaws off and perforating their bead-gear with unseemly speaeh, osr hayseeds gel right down to besi oeas. Get up the land subject sod we can have a nice scrapping match lu 13 minutes. The disputed boundaries are ell near the school house, end when any -‘mix ing'’ la done, as Ashling U termed, we stand adjourned till some defeated as pirant for freebolderehlp throws op the si>oote, and admits that he owns no laud, never has owned any and never expect* to own but two feat by six. Xo man is looked up to hare unlesa be owns at laaat five dug* They also ■crap over the titles while the masters Aghi, and lo see about three coo plea of man arid a strong Istllalkm or dogs rolling in oombat i* Indeed thrilling. We are prepared to say that edoeaUou does not Increase erlms. Tbeas sladi slur# are not irarosd-don’t want to be learned. No cnmmanlty is euirelt ed with literary attainments where Hie dog la too conch in evidence, a sheep has no show lu thesuylrun* of Oheriy Mountain, and the bog unless I* be of the pluey woods rooting variety. Is de spised. Book learning Is rated with uncer tain vanities, and Uil school teacher is regarded as au eetl, and not a very neertsery evil either. Corns Chackkb. *r. »!«■-> r«t warOw Tlila la tli« be*', mrellolite In l!>e world foe all forma of Cuugha aut) Colds and for OonmroiHlon. Every bottle la gairanteed. It win sure \ sot disappoint. It has so equal fur WhoopWis Coash. Asthma, Hay Veter Poeamonlx. BroneMUs, Lm a rim.-, Cold Is tlte Head sod for CXmtuaBptluu. ■ t I* safe for all ages. Shorn nt to tube, and, abate all, a asr« ours ft leal wars well to lake Dr. King1,jiew Lira Pills In eonoeotlsn with |)r. King‘a Kew INaenttry, as Ibsy rtfoUta and tons the atrusaoh asd bo wall. We guarantee psrfsrt »«llafnotion or r* tara money Pres trial bottle si J. &. OCkMY 4 Ob. I>rs* !4srs. rNiubUPKiiiwio curatn CklHIrtwt Inhi ik> l)Mlk 9* J latHllnn «M Ah ««< Murnow krtwttm (km lb* * !»■ Timm, IKK Jeonlr, tbe pride or tbe Zoe, tbe friend of the children, la guna—goua, doubUctt, to a happy Juugl* prepared for all good rlrpUaala whoa* Utter year* ban been devoted to tbe genial art of maklug people happy. Nearly a quarter of a century—lialf ber life—baa alio been In tire gardeua acioae the Sobuylklll. It waa U 1871 that the waa given a borne there. Sira had been for a couple of jeer* tbe aUr In a cirout tlut loured utoatly around tbe Weat ludlea. Uar experience in the etiow baaiatea euntied bar Um Letter to win tbo beartt of the little ooaa here. locidea tally abe made all tbo able-bodied don key* r*eu with jaalooay, but abe waa quite big enough to alto inipirt their •wo. To tide ou Jooule'a geaaroo* bock waa a treat aaxtoualy to b* look ad forward to, long to be remembered. There ia a touching xuaodot* told of her wbll* abe waa that aeting at a banal of burdeo for the little ooea. A girl—acaroely more than a baby—hav ing begged tearfully that aba night ha among Jennie’* paaaaugera, wept pit eouely wlien lb* groat ho Inal atarted, aud hatdkaa of the oosttquencas began to tilde down tbe ruugk bide. JencIt itupped, threw back bar trank and gauuy, wrapped It around the Infant and awuag her aefely upon tbe graaa at tbe feet of ber dlatracted parent*. . Only a year ago this hula girl of long ago thought bar little girt to rid* on Joint*'* btok. Sbt wa* bar hat paaeeagtr. Although only at about rniddla age, Jeouke already allowed »lgHi of nearing ber eud. Soaattlma* •he couldu’t get up In the morn lag, to bad wtta tier rbcumatlani, while aono tlnM alio bellowed In rage at her feet. Yet withal ahe waa never vicloita, aad ■lie never refuted daily token* of re gard lu tbo shape of peanutt, proixeU aud tbe like. About two weeks ago It wm eeeu that Ui« rod waa approach tug rapidly. She Muk luu> a stupor and ate but lit tle, even though ibt food waa specially prriwri'd for her. There was but little faihug away of Her hum body, apd yet to lliuhe who kuew her io tbe days wlM-ik aim wh* full of >t(a aud eplrlta as It Is possible for aa elephant te he ebe waa bat a gbotl of liar former sett A couple ot day* ago those who mln Ittered to tbe cotalort of tbe dying an imal kuew thet I tar end Wae only a few hours off. Hbe eauk deeper and deeper Into the that ended quietly aud painlessly in death early yesterday morning Only a ahudder of tbegmit body told Of the passing of her uitca great atreugUi. In tba cage ou oaa side Bolivar—who bas killed tfaiee men — wae stamp!og wltb rage because bit bnnkfaet was late. Io tbe cage on lbe other side JStapresi, who had also got ten out the wrong elds of the bed, was taking a hath to tbe acoympanlment of her own melodious voice. Truly tbe peseing of Jennie lias left a piece that will be hard, if not impas sible, to OIL U over man end beast understood and loved one another. Head Keeper Manley aod Jeouie did. Jennie never butmed a liumau being so far aa la known, but site waa especially gentle with old friends whose acquaintance she made In tba West India* circus. Manly let brr walk over and aronnd uitn without touching him, aud be of i Ira repented this performance at the Zoo for the benefit, of visitors. Her special delight, however, was to pick bla puokete, n feat for which be al ways provided himself with articles of food to her liking. Manley therefore looked upon the pnat-mortem treatment of lilt old Irieod a* comelhtug of a aaerllega. The great weight or the bod* mad* U uecaaeury to poll it with block and taakl* Into Hie yard, where aulopej we* performed by Dr. Heury C. Chap wan, of the Academy of Natural 8:l*ucea, after Da*ld McCaddcg, taU dertalK of the auixra inaittutioa, bad Stripped off the akin, and Stare O'Don nell, n near-by butcher, had carved It up to an appropriate manner. Tbu aniopay ahowed that dec ole'a kidney* were affected by dtaeane and that aha had an ahnoeea of the atocaaob. Jaoale’a hug* frame wUl be added t* the collection of the academy. MUM by b f.«r tfbrnadm Ijuiotiw. ft. C, La4/«, Della CraaConi, colored, on Mr. D. K. Moore’# plauiatlon, soar Plaint, in CherterflMd oountjr, wa« a hoi om Satur day lilght. 8th lu»t. aad died from Um effect# of the wound the following Monday. Sim bad Juft moved on lbe plantation that day, and, aa wat tba enftom of um aagroaa when a now eomer or tbalr race moved In, they gave bar a eerenada with oM plowa. tlu pan a, ete., that night. Della Bred into the crowd on their return (or tba aeeuod part of Um aereoadn, when ana •f lhe party, euppoeedly Join Mfiler, ret anted the lire, the hall taking effect In her aide Wh»l It ■ When we adrertlat that wa will guarantee l>.. King.* JTaw DiMOTMt, Kiecirie Ilium, UaoklenH Antim Balva, or l>f. Klof'a Maw Lifa 1’lUa, It tarnni that wa ara aaUiotiard by the proprietor* to aaU tbaaa rvmedtea on a poetllve guarantee (hat If poreliaaai la unt mllaOed wtUi raaulta, wa wtM refund thu purchaee ptiaa. TVata oaed letuea have bean eold on tbla (uarantaa for entry yaara and tbara ooold ba aa aora coed naira ortdawca of there grant merit. A»k a boot tbea and ■lea the* a VrtaL Sold at J. H. Carry # Co’a l»rog ibora. — » vt?JfT^L£lKx‘{m r*r“**» i* u* !Uo* Hill Mtlm Mm Mlirpd (bait «r»l-i Mmp and will radaea Uair ooUaa a»wi«|». Tk* Mb atria aiao la abutt Uim jnr Uaaalla aaaanl aar-fciada Ian MM ao* b? tiila Um Tba Mao—, Oi. TOmrash earn at Mr. W. H. fc-a&M.rfiraTSg Uvea In that cltyaae bnu near Ik, that when ho waa a toy ha leaned u “■aha hay when the aaa ahlaan.” hat aow that be la a oaa, ha Sa It ah u» uaaa." Ha la a rood farmer, ta bMTlawiUi, aa proved by Urn tost that ba “•aally relate 76 bn abate at oars Ia tba tact" on Ida tr ees) bora of I hay that “other "farmer*"".hroughoat ST 25SZF*'***** Ula aaa bay-maker,howeverthat atsssasurgrassissi af “aeraral bandied aaraa" near Ha aw, “from *bUb heouta three crepe of bey ovary aaaaaa." He nan -about six or aavaataaato tha aora” in a aaaaun, whUh brio— $lfi a ton aa tba market, and than ta always a goad daeatod." “HU great crop aotahlm •bout $75 an aora." HU land la good, hat than aaa thaw eeoda of aaraa Uhr it la Georgia aad boatb Carolina. Ho “eaUlro&a" tha fraasawhUtorm aad isafeaa U ray Beley naked -if the quality of tbs Gri did not Leva a gnat dost ta da with tba yUid 7’” he rapitod; ' • Undoubted ly, tat tha ansa Uw a great daal aura to da with it.” Aa tor tha gr—a. •Hkh yield* a ••aat” profit af 173— "n year, it U not • bltberto unheard-of hind at great at eU. It grawala aUparU of tha Sooth. aad there U a good daal of U ta Booth Carolina, ta spate. General gi——fi and He. W. G. tihUfia. af Obl—rtta, we balUva, oeiUvated tt With t E—_fp» aaa. If not Tba a—d or roou, ana U- r obaaply, nod wb— it hat —« be— plan lad any where It grama right •lung, at tba same plena, tor yaraa, without nauirinx aueclel —-»—* Fertilising aud ?ulUrationr-SE| aud oaring, an vast aaho U pay *75 —t profit par aora. to Ur. Mb—fiaM ovary year. Wa da aot raaaQ its I—ha DOM. bat farmers ia South Carolina usually refer ta it as “that damp great, ” wbea Ibay do not call It “Bari made." Mr. Mansfield'a money era— beat tobacco; beau grelo: Mata eager; Mata •ay orau with whlah wa are a—aalat ed. Outer crops may bring ta mats moaay to Uj# aora—vary tow bring la aa maah, but then U no at bar that wa huow af that leuvaa $73 par aoia alaar tsofit tu the tanners' ban tie every year. If Bet made gram had awrar be— Sown before lu the United States, and r. Me—Held lied just Imrvdeoed U wan the showing lb-4 be —— la Its profitable—aa. fanners Uxuegbosl the Swutli would ba failing over each oUrar In U»ir efforts to gat a obanoa ho “try M,” aud paying high for the pris on—. Borne or tbwn who base had H ou Uiair tan— for years might do wall to try it aay way, under the condition* exemplified by Mr. Mo—ftaid. auieertU* lift Binw the oooykt (one bee beet et work la Statesville then bee been e eotloeeble faille* off In the hnetneee eC tbe mayor's oourt. Boon after the force wee located here aererei reooUe •ere added to It from the mavor’a court and eiaoe then habitual law breakers here meuded their ways. Tliey bare ae fancy for obaia m eiDM they base bed an Insight into lie operations, sad the feet that K la ao seer at bead bee deterred them from erlL Barer el entered men bare been beard to remark on occasion that they would here done ao end ao oader car* tala cireumelapwia bat they bad ao money to pay a Ana aad tboy didn’t want to go “orer oa dal bllL” Tba ebela geag la a greet inettle tloa la many weye._ •notwctUeiMMUb. CkwU/tMUMm. Tba only way to “grow oM gracsful 17," to Dr. Priubsra Md to mj, to to tof ttohaart oeatiaatly watered with ***• T%* “•* awtsaeholy tight is the world ku«M ■tea tired of the world, aad yetoloteb UgttBtotetoawbe*ers UuTfatart; ti«ti aad petolaal aad lawirtlaat Ihe Plot are of despair. “I nave waver knows happiness," bewails Btotearek, aahe teeaea sobla weary oases, have lived too loeg. Death would ha a ioroaa relief froa a erver light bardea that baa sow *—«»—? aa Intolerable tortMe. Aad thto fra* the betlder of the Oeraaa Bapire, Ihe maotar Bled, perhaps, of tae osatury 1 Otodstoas. witt a heart pars, aid etaae, aei •weaAaooovetated hla groat glfu to Me Lord, aad la a happy aad leader eld ago he to still lirlag toe world mm Mgsaof wanath aad eberr aad hope. Wa hare an ttto aaas tMag dawn* toted to humbler Uvea thaa tbeaa. Have you t i ' fl : ■. 5 ! i ) •' i : » t ■■ A : : ■ ' . £ *? *1 a i . | I