: I I ' ' ; j i i ■ ; . ; rtsbtfcrtlwStt; wtoTwooMboAto fct y— roooat bo bNotto aoythio* Uiot woo* bo to poo ua prlvoto lodl MopotoapUbto Cor Um 0ov ood tbU IlMtnUo tbo to SSjK S&iS-VffS tbo Stato, tbo oolieotltro moo, tooooo >rvodoo rirtoo tor r r. Uu to to ooi. U It bo rt0bt torTT^vromoot to ssasaSSsSsasa to do tbo Uko. .Thto to » trSSoSSJSI. My foUow ooootrroMo, tbo nbno to bood^Tbto aottoo tototaUyao Qtooo I*bortooo bUST^STSSb UOMN VOffci JOC ibut hU fljkbfej KAyth by toMtof bboto Umo ^S.^8o f«^*‘«Uoo 5" To Itooooo wroo« toolio tbot tooleprooch toooy no Utltt. iMtaoan tba printing manat oMab a***® *“d **** »f the uaehlna pniath •r and practical poll .ioUna at aono Uilsc. but I pete Uia too aobooi buuoo !■■ «utty Um graatet bason amino of nfeno. But far ay own port, I ua SffggSSfrJSPSSZi G«d ooto dal mien to Uo ebon* tot ood throogb her to tbo poopia; but ol ooorao lfb all rubbish far tbo ebiwcb to »»o tbo ararMlf aba wtmkltom booth of tba corae and altaaa ol UH» taproot contagion of . *••. »•* aa^tra a char mfod. Wbat la itgMaauaooaa f or-lo other words whot It ealvaUua t WaU, to depends oo tba aobjcct of tv. (alMtooXa fndt traa to tach coobtootloa ot wood ood top ood toll and aaoaoa and uroa togaad fcrtUltalloa aa wtU prodooa tbo ooatpartaot fruit paaaibta M aoeb • Woo. Solvation to o mo* la aacO on litTCg&tlOQ Q \od roiaorln tom. SZSsir10’ *Btrv*! ood good aorrtondtnga^M wtu^bring tbe beat crop ot choraeter poatlbta too Ban. Salvation Cor o nation la aoeb no adjuatoaot of ladatotiva. Judicial,ood elTllaarvtooao wUUpro^ dnae praapaaoua tadoelry. grawtag to taUlgaoor. virtuous citlaena, ood happy *"•«*» Jbot tatha bind ot MtaUtou U»ta country deals. Too nay do what go will to tba tariff, yoo^nay rsfo.w ttoHoooocaaotly tojoorHkaf,In trodaeo ballot tyatoo and low enforce ■•li J** toay kill off Torn many Hall US 5E!? °* ww. •W dull off tho boaaan, but thla oooa* tzy will tarn be aovud until Ood lata ?°n***ad to tba oaoetttnltao. aad tbo aathionaaaot of Jeans to politico of Um notion, aad bta coroaotton bv Um Cnrtatloa rotera oa tbs Xing ot Xian otLoids and pisiform of dwoaauiuoa ttat too roily log cry of our UtrUtUa cUlawnbip front now on ought to bn •tooUoo day for ateaUisoay toJsauo Ckftat, nod IT that UkM ua out of nan anrty into another or oat of all parties SsssKawssra sjj^sjv’ss&sass Upu, bat ouly acbarUUoa to duty that tUdg« vblehrt to thabaaaateowardioa “>■»*” >1>ow. Ocaof tbsaaofl •W Pitdgta roods Ibis: Ko political party has tho right to acpeet nor ugu itto rooatrs the .oppose? CbrioSro SStSSTt^4^-^^ And there 1 aay all Christian —— ****** to stand like palm trees by the **re«rea. 1 want to mj this to tbs good oneoaoeatratsd aad »acoaaeerat*dChri«tfauDiMiiwbo Mae tba right and owoettand wants to do it hot thinks he can’t, who de> •ptaec the bow but obeys him, who lojUiee a trimmer bat supports hire, who te ashamed of bis eompaay but kaepe it, wbo wye that probibitloo OMOt «o ba the torrecst iSw., to* •rent settlement, who votes an regrei ticket ts'ccow Vbsre la aa onctaancr la tbalkid, sod the clean ocedeaTnoI scare to ba a .winner, who Whew he now ***** poll* sees the Week gag of the tadwtry HeaUngTrw the *■“* boa bales it bet takes oft Ms bat to tt and tarns hie back on hie Lord. I make noap ■ - •( him, I hare eiapiy \ r power after that "the Holy Cheat la oereeapou yen ead ye than ho wit. ■wore onto we.” How Book pewarT *? hji kooirektiSwir freSV S**®4 by, end to die by. Sock e nun freili* Ukaa SOT djrebtWjjreretag, «d«r riot of a lorldronarl. egwioet tbs midnight of mom aad aaarehy, mob “t Art eod ■ ardor, agaloat the rewSe ^dnsm^ili *“■!»«» <"• by defeat eod die “tor. and what do yen one t %w% n XfZ£VSlL!*~ - ron wire won who kirn * ftd *y r re A t gart£ys,-iasci£ *■* **• dey-hreak In the ekreSacS notion’• Mean, it ia the darkest Sg&fiauSSS t&SiffjSiSSsBSm £ssm,£r3 g&mm ■tWili tka tktup m (K put, nw oar faith. 1b faith'* atsu ara, tka world■» nroim oaa> ao ah fa wa; U la light annwhare. tka aaoM q**r aina akrlak awaj apyakaf, aad lka wqhmac(lba trea of Kb that an far tka kaallag at tka MUoaaiatai whiapariag to ooa aaotku: “It U boo*. St la tka Jadgaaat of tka nora iag aad trow It tkera la appaaL " ~ SkLAII. Pluait Bldga, Jan. 80, 1808. Tunuarna —— T-*m IIImi Ipttj Ml—1mm • Nisi. 8t* I4M Winrnra.JM. Ik*-” Private” Joha Allan of Tnpato. 111m., spoke of Um howling of the gallery auli-clvU mcvmb ref ora oWquan during tba de bate, aad loM hie Mary to Illustrate why Um gaOerke applauded. “A Mead of mine waa tailing an,” aaW ba, “about a dog bo had that kotriad aad raMiiad at nights. The dog kept bawl log aad moaning until Uda maagiuw vary weary of it. Ha did oat weat to kOi tba dog aad did oot want to give It away. He wm talking to aa aid darkey and Mid to bln : *1 don’t knew what to do with that dog; ba keopa noanlng aod bowling au night, aod l cannot atop kina. What satta kin do it V “Tba oM darkey aaeweiud : ‘Why. nano, you raised la do ooteiry among data aad doa’t kaow what make dot dag bawl dat way ? Why, ba anwb eonnlhiag aad can’t locate it.’ ” When Um yells aad ebeere that pentad this alary died down, Mr. Ai na tamed to tba Kepebltaaoa aod ad ded : “Kow. ay friends, whan you bear Umm bowts of applause from three galleries It limply shows that the crowd ap there malls pte aad can’t locate It” V—WWW* TV CWIm Mills ea* CsMm OfWe rtilsdatpM* Mcsortk Tb* oottoo mill proprietors la Now Euglaod wboos employee have refined to wort M reduced wined do aot on to b« met lag say special effort to run their factories. They are aaUsSed to •too while lhademaad for oottoo goods •haB over lake supply. In the mean time tb* operatives mast do tbs beat they can- There is oe* fsotere of this uarortunate ooodllton of affair* which ■hortd aot be overlooked. When the McKtoley tariff was r*rt«*d, and tb* WUsoo tariff adopted laataad, the cot ton schedule was pronounced Un moat wlentldc adjustment of rate* that bad ever bees mode. Whatever other 4«emi the Protectionists In aad oat of Osagren bad with the Act of ISM, they bed only praise for the treatment of eoueaa. The Dingier tariff U ut> ■teLSUaUy the same aa is th* WUsoa law la this particular. U U oot pn tended that any new adjustment of duties weald help to suit tb* wheels aiTTr’ ^ The work logmen of the United BUtea who an taught to bells vs that Uriffk an almost solely arraagod for th* purpose of maintaining the rate of wage* at a higher level In this country thus la other eoentries, will dad Uw press*t situation of the oottoo Indus try a most Instruettr* study. Not withstanding th* cotton tariff hoe been arranged to suit and satisfy the oottoo makers; notwithstanding Uioy have th* advantage of access to lb* ehoopeet.ahd best nntaxed raw mate ria]; notwithstanding th* aofcnowl edged effectiveness aad *up«rlority of their skilled labor, sod not withstand log th* itDdMputed pamemlon of th* borne market, they an obliged to ask for a reduction of 10 per oent. to th* wages paid to their operatives. Of what avail la tb* tariff to Urn work ing mao |f while It makes dear to him the things with which be must teed aad shelter aad clothe himself it can not assure to him countervailing ad vantage to the aula of hi* labor ? What the workingmen ia America oord, and what lbs manufacturers of A—riea need, U wot a fenced-ia arena in whiafc they an fcroud to gore owe another in futile competitions and combinations, but free aooaas to the world**- markets. Our formers rale* the eottoa with which to doth* the untie**. Our operatives lo the cotton mills should spin and weave it,>od ear ship* should curry It wherever there an beets to sever. ■MAkUMCfMUk VmMW Im. »•* y*rt SUM. To tbo Editor of tbo Sra.—Sir : I Tour dtopatob from Berlin oflbodtb, uudar Um banding “Cbo 3m Ba D> farmland f” upon* op aa Intonating pbyaiologtoal qaaotloo, aod Um da alorslloo by Prof. Sebraofc, of Vtouno, ibot tba mx of tbo progeny of moo »od ottor animals con bo daUrmiaad to ndaaaoa to mn to oroko moob d toons Boo. Most poopto would bo loot loud to prooooooo tbo tbtag IwpnaBbta, but la ao dot op tboy woold bo ecafoaslng (bat moo an aoc so wtoo u a aotama altjr of boas, tat baas boro tbo power of dot op tbli wry thing. It la wall kaowa that la a fclyo tan boat an at thraa aaroa Than la OBly ooo rtmalo, tba qaeao boa, aad abo la Um mother at ail tba progaoy- Tbo moloa mn law l« ou mbar, tboy aro tba draora, that gatbar ao boooy aad an atlaglata. Tba gnat army of wotkiag baa* an of a aoatrol tax, aad an Taaapobio at npnlaolag tbalr kind. Mow tbo oartaaa aatat totbto: If tbo (mm boo darld dto or ba takao away, tbo working ban know bow U rwtaao bar •a ogg or rtoa of tbo grab from thasgg -ao ibot tbaysoo emu » i ' oa Corn responds readily to proper fer tilization. Larger crops, fuller ears and larger grain are sure to result from a liberal use of fertilizer* containing at least 7% actual Potash Our books art ftco to former* ozrmam Kali works. n X«M a. Nr YrS. m rimi uareniui. IWyAlwItaM ~ •*- ---— of flllM ease Hmiul—. Sorfelk UndMrir. AM we bare eald before wUL nfrr eoee to this mailer, we do not believe that the people of Hortb Carolina, or the people of Ue terete] Quantise Boat Intimately oooearned lu the threatened repudiation are, taken collectively, scy thing etas than honeet and war. We bnlinvn that than eoald ha found nmoog them few men who woald eon peat to take advantage of a Iwiat or turn lo the tow to refnae the payment of n debt wbkeh thry fcaow to bn jott. The trouble la, aa tbe Observer de dares, that “the rv pod tattoo oonaty governments ere Ben miniatures of the present State government.’* The people have ptaeed their affaire la the hands of tble political comMoalioo, and oow they are reeptag the fra tie of their folly. Because they wets credu lous and Impressionable enough to fall into the trap laid for then by polltloal sharpers and wire-puller*, they now Sad them eel vee shoot to bn branded to the world. Tboee who are close at bend and are acquainted with the trou ble know that it la not caused by any desire of the dtlreo body to spurn Its honest obligations, but the grout world takes no account of the difference be tween government and people In such metiers—It has oeither the time nor tbe ladinattoo to Ieveatigate these things for itself. U aces only tbe Im portant facte that bonds at* repudia ted. and that these hoods ware toaeed la the name ot the people of such or socb a county In such os snob a State. While we recognize fatly that the people of North Carolina, taken in the aggregate, era aa honorable as tbe peo ple of any other *tato, they cannot es cape responsibility for tbe ecu of their government, whatever that govern ment may be. In the present case, al though the plight of the Uommoo wealth under fusion regime to to ha pitied, lie oltlssne are specially blame worthy. They were warned a# the es evoidable results of a victory tor fu sion. lie ooDsequmors were predicted by the State press, and by rsprtaeota li re men from border to border; but the voters allowed the oombtnatloa to triumph, and now they are merely harvesting la Um Adds where they haveeowo. Hone can cure them ex cept themselves. t» earn ro avt«ivbt. Tfc* awrawnt» )•*■ tuw ■Mttw umo1! a»»mi. Chartoue Krwx. la a reoeot speech Is Congress, Rep resentative JUansT. of North Carolina, said that if the system of alrtl aerrics continues, be will not get 19,WO totes •ext Tear; neither will tbe Republican party In the state present fores enough to grease a gimlet to bore Ute hole to burr themselves. John Alien, of Mississippi, accord log!? polled off hie gloves and “want for** Mr. Llnney. la' a speech made last Tuesday Mr. Alisa, referred to Llnney*s ststeaasot by saying; “Now, 1 am not going to abase Uio Republican party of North Carolina for voting list year for that party on a platform that said this elvll terries policy ahaeld not, only bo oontinusd, but abouold be extended; they are not to btaaaa, sad I will tell'yon why t do aot Meats them for it. There was aot Probably nos In Qfly tbat oonld read tbs platform, aad thsy knew no mors •bout Ilia civil service plank than they did about the other supposed priori end the Republican party, •gktar aad applause 1 "I will tell yon what la Urn solution which, as roar grrst sad good friend. 1 propose ts apply *® tbs Huts of North Carotin*. Let us great to North Ueroiiaa in this civil sarvles ■MUr ‘autonomy.' ILaoghtsr.l 1 bsllsvs tbat Is what ths giant end good friend of Cabs now In the White Hones la trying ts do. peeifiy that un fortunate island to which the BapuMI ma Plat form promised aid.’ * Ob. vmn mr a mmmtmm mam. fc'trMlt f !%■>«■ if <*'*%«■ alM. Vi (iMuaiit mm* fWtonfiM tba Vortb it Mr mtmu, whoeoww bjrata •2>— Um (icon of a Wortborn winter. W« Mi Iwllitr- rMNllr, Imi goto*, wta wi yllQMf wluoof tao SSB bat waa aaryrlaad to btn that »• bM mcto aaboot aoaalttaaaao Hr walta icboal*. tbaiaoUa^a p»Uaa h7»mTX*«“ gTBrajrut'^sa wear531 alaaUon* baraalUe, tba wbMa aaoato »rt rate M tba mm foat-SSd Tbta U auroaty aafro «b.t5si arfer?n.S5^ —at aa> fat Mai «*»* —>* ataattM. G™L R E. LEE. SOLDIER, Clttseii and Christian Patrlat. a «i«tinwBMKnatenoni. UVE AOENT3 WANTED Kvrrrwkerv to Mov Mnpto via n4 |V up nftuha. Extraordinary Ubamt Twma. aBsafiSS^BSbs&'E MM WWW o* « Mluiy Amrm Aocno a Km mnr Rurtxa * Eicw Hamm ••me of «sr bMA voMvo at« (cUIm •mo *m aiMbwl Mil ■ tnk. SS3®3aTV3i*#*BS aMlMoy booutl U. i*i« o) M4 oof*M A vacs, TkaWirk Cont.lni llgpuuul Itautai GJSSt* “** ““0* A* IUSAITT MMrtCTVA omaMAoSm*iSaralMtMA 2Sm%iTm gas^vrcr'air.ssftJE gag: ja^saav^TS •emiory • x ouraa HOYAL PUBLISHING CO., ium m« am. m, iicHaua u. va. GROVES TASTELESS CHILL TONIC IS JUST AM OOOD POM ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 80 oW. o£5r«ff?taBl5jicBt£LT'nSjo^’Sf*5.u MMttiUio nmnaiktM. wnm U u nut. to u* an* fcuttMt. tn< ■lltMt tt HU*< iWprt Ml HMtlUi EKtuni^-. An dracgtata guarani** Grom Taataleaa Chill Tonic to eor* chill* aod feran and all forint of malaria. ftuamsM hr In-leddenL Mount UiKwtJL < 1b tbo Superior Court, Sunncnom, iBefuaaO H.Dev U, C. 8. C Join T. Crawford. * wife, ) tra. V Suminone for ■Mae ham w eel pallet m otbcra, ) Noo-mtdeot Mateo? North Oaroiltta, to nna rrUdral do faudant Jea. f. VfliaUu, la tba above to ut led tore-1 iwooetdlaa. Seoetlac: J&wszssF&nnriszsi Ovurt of Genoa County, at Me otapt in ftanaa. neainti Onunly. Monk Omlma, «■ Fab. tUi. lata, aad ■ newer or dtaiar to Iba peatloti aao aoatptalrn^ now an Mr In Iba above eoalOad You are further nodded, mat II you fad to Mp oar and a newer al laid Uai a. Ibe Plata tUTe mi tinware wdl apply Hr aba <Vtut for taa re liar 1 minded lu theirremioa. You art*farther notified, that iMe lea tptttal ptuaeodlnr baaon In tbe Superior Court at aeatna Coaotyby JnoT7. Caawfard and wife, pidlrlMiaa above named, arafaat you and otb ant bear* aad dovtaaaaaf Ktwand WMcratdta, fur tbe perOttne end dtrlatoc of (be borne piece of tbe raid Edward WbttaaMaa, Iba aatd Jobs T. Crawford da* teller to ha tap owner af *lateaa toy band and aaal af odds*, tola iba ITib day of Uao. Ml. 0. B. lUria. Cterb Bwparior Oourt, Oaawa County. Notice. NORTH CAROLINA.I gapartor Court. Oastus Cocrrr. f Sprlna Teem UN. 8.0. Drawn . TA Chmrlaa Crown. Tho Mco4ut mbora atm* wiM taaa aotlow t*au aa motion mntltiul M ahorn Ms baas tea* tasnas4 a tbs Superior Court of Or won oonal*. N. C. far tba pmrposa of pnantag a taJddS cn f^ithl^tmS*SoffiT22ml bs tsEsmzzr'tzHs:"’ •a* NaaMr la Warth. aaaa, at tba Omit Hoots of aU oaantp In UaHam, K. D»r, . . O. H. Daria. C. KC. Tins imnuarr I lib. KM. 1)1 tail or to Sen-KetldeRte. tVSPVXr* Ihihmih4». m*mi of Mo in hi CUf* limit Ortti Cm Mr. Tfc» ua IMm Lot fir PitaU kk. omA w**m r«i do m«4 B^wt-saP*™ U L. Jmui, PrtMtnt J. D. Moon*, OnMirr. First National Bank, or GASTONIA, n. a State and County Depository, OOMMJUukD BVHJE8S AVGUST 2,1880. OapiUl itook, .... $eo/JOOJOO DIKE0T0M. ,up1u'.8,75(xoo h; J. D, Noon, T.T.TUmi, Dirldaodi jaid lino. organisation, 2800000 P. Dflling. M *0000r,t*^f !f!*!,*l>s Wrma. and Corporation*. Intarut pal \ Oo*r*n*— »o patron, wary aooommodatlon oonal. tmtt with eontinftt>»t btriMnc. Advertise In Business Locals. ▲ (snail adrartlaaiDUnl In the bual loeaJ( dapartokani of lbt( pat«r will often—nearly always bring you what you want. Hare you (ooetblnr special to »-ll T —on— Do you want to bay a special article f Du you araot to coat a boat* t -on— Hara you a houaa to rwul ? Do you want a cirri', or boukkaapar, or ntber help f Du you want customers or oallers oo (pedal days T SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 0»<i«ua4 «»»<tu •> ftamf Tni (•> tan <mwi i», im. RvriKb^ind. _ Kft.lt Dfttlj Ta» M Dally. ».* Ill PM.MI »•. tl Itailv. II m m l • » 18 5 If. 1'to i Is TID 5 iT m 5 I0» • 58": 1J8-* P\ p HI t» a l« a • •a 4 • a 4 at a is: IS IS: «■ p I KM.Ml! K*. U Oailr. *•>11 KfeUjr u. l/r.Ourtllo . .. At- ObartoUa jpte: fcSSsti LI tO nj « I* J I 30 « a a ■ 4 U ft 4 m ^ «» • • m •. »io 3 m »* s Lt 00 at Is: > ■ * 1 u I iff; lit CAROLIIA ft IORTHVBSTRRI R'!. ic*tDtLi aii voncnion 11 urraor rmkait rtn mm. Q. W. F. HABPSB, Pwrtd«t «■»» INIHi «. p Ss= 8.685 ]8p ill: ill: AdMBbtrator'i Do you want to borrow money ? —OB— Ham you money to lewd ) Ilaer you found aotneUiinf and want to know lbe owner T —OB— Do you want to fled a loot article or recover an car rayed animal y Do you want to engage a teacher ? —om— Do you waol a situation to leach T —om— Whatever, You Want, Try an advartisecoeat for it In bnalntas local*. Nearly every tine it will bring you lbe object of your quest, and the ooet , la snail. Only 10 casts a its* jtrst weed <md 5 otsl* a line ateA tettJk lA trtnfUr. Try u 14 l« Bui hu Uali —nr— The Gastonia Gazette. Professional Cards. 4f. « MMJWUM. —ATTORN KY-AT-LA W— a arroNTA, a. c. Will practice la the court* of QaaLo.i and adjoining eoaoUee and In the Federal Court*. C. a. ADAMS, SL U. H. M. WE, M D. Adams & Rkid, PHYSICIANS AMD SURGEONS •ASTOMIA, M. C. OOm »t J, K. Carry Jb Go's Drugstore. J. M. Sloan, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Day Phone 1A Nlsht Phone 90. F. G. WILSON, M. D., (iaatoula, N. 0. PHYSICIAN AND 8UROEON. ®TOOe« at Torre ace*B Drug Store. PtlOOO No. 1®. W. If. IIOFFMAN~ -DKNTiai OABTONIA, - - - - JT. C. gjrOlBe* otot Flret National Bank. ROB’T. L. DURHAM, • —LA WYHB,— ■GASTONIA, • N. C. -IM. WILMI * «un. W. II. Wilson, M. D„ Central IteotaJ and Oynaootoaleai ■ur|«iyuidChronlaDI«MkWtl»M UKy. Limited Oanaral Pnotlo*. IteadRan. nMinuMdooMtWtr. torr •atwnat an raguaat. HWM WMI, •tea. iMtoa teut* • is a !• »o lTBii wtmt rteM at, »lgte ra... at. L. N. <il«nn, M. I)., tami W—dteMT *tTar w i ! Uteaa. BkMIa Daorutear V. M. a A. Baft, •teas U. I Mr ate Slat*. POMONA HILL MURMUR, POMONA. - - N. C.. mm*r flr.wih.rH' mw wl turn «»mn Mtl>. l ^y***0*- *** Mortgage Use Me. Mortgage Lani Sale.

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