The Gastonia a: _ ^•▼otod to dim ProtootSoa of Homo and tho Intorootr of tbo Covuacy. Vol. XIX. Gastonia, N. C„ Febrnary 10, 1808. {MX\ STORIES OF THE CLOAK-ROOM HOW THE OOHQREMMEH TILL TIME. IkImimi of MH r»«l»»i Iijmi •■MaltTl AniM Onanlifi Writes af Ua«aM tplrlk of tka Ihu Wba M>lp la taalabaaiM aba Mall babaialn *a-Pri>ai« Jaha AUaa la Always la bt krlla* Uatt to Pal aba Oiaal af Laaaiaa la Marry Maa4. CbarloUc Obsarrrr. Wahhimotos, January «9.—The cloak room* are two cozy little nooks adjotuiog the ball ot lb* House of Rep resentative*. Oji 1« patroul*-d by Rapabllean* aod tbe other by Demo crat*. They are really tbe private boxes of the legislative theatre. Thnlr doorway* command good views of lbs Chamber and galleries aod of tbe Noes and figure* of tbe actor*. Within tbras box** circuit lights abed a soft radiance, and sofas and eeay chair* Invite weary Represent alive* to lent repote. Jo winter a oliaerful wood Are la ever hitting on u liny hrorUi adorned with a mantel of variegated marble. Around this Inglealda gather a few choke iplrtta; who light their pipe* and cigar* and solace thi-mselvee with quaint sterlet and remlnlsceoec* while tbe drowsy hum of dnetry dis cussion Is beard in llie House. The Demoeralte nook was a favorite resort In days long past, of Governor Andy Curtin; dunset Cos, CUailea F. Crisp Davy Culberson, John R Fellow*, and ■coroe of stalesmen of more or less re nown. Samuel J. Randall. William S Hoi mao, Fernando Wood, and men of that Ilk had no uae (or tba oloak room. I.tfa was too aartous a matter for them. Whatever of uerv* and vivacity was about tliecn was reserved for post pran dial speech** or elabroom seances. They tabooed levity while in the House, aod weot ao far aa to bang their baa and overcoat* In their com mittee rooms In preference to tbe cloak-room. Tbe habitoce of Uieae cosy nooks are men whose dispositions ere streaked with sunshine aod wbu relieve the strain of legislative work by opening the safety valve of mirth. To them an hour In the oloak room t* Ilka raoeae to a schoolboy. Figurative ly. they run land Jump and about, play "red linn," "pull away,” and "auap the whip." To th* new member this daily rooem la a revelation. At drat be la daxsd; anon. Interested. and In uauy case* captivated. He ere* well known statesmen in a light entirely new.and If gifted with wit and rspar tee, Winds up with becoming a mem ber of tbe inner circle himself and contribute* to the fund of euj»ymeut. Tbe retailer of obsolete stories or of pithless reminiscences quickly goes to •tad, but tba uulque original is far flitted with no real rained applause and flourishes Ilk* a green bay tree. Hour* io tbe cloak-room vary lo ce lebrity like deye Id winter. The at mosphere la not always clear. Cloudy day* alternate wilb*, or Ibe rain fella, and at limes there la a heavy frost and frat-xing weather. One sunny hour oocarrnd during tbe debate oo the cltll service bill Silver Dollar Bla..d and1 David D« Armond were of the party. Carmack, of Mem phis, eat naareat tba Ore, and Jobn Allen, of Mississippi, war struggling with an alleged perfecto. Judge Moon of Tennessee, waa twiddling bla (bomb* In unalloyed enjoyment, while tlieeunny-feoed Strait of South Caro lina. waa extracting comfort from a clay pips mad* by a Watauga ludlao. There were a drtxm or mote In lb* party. Jobn Alien opened a reminis cent campaign by referring tb a hot confab which had Just occurred on tho door of the House. "ft reminded me," said John, "of a (oeoe Umt happened in oav district In a little towu down In Oktibbeha ooun ty. Tbe so o was about on a level with tb* borlson and the chickens srare thinking about going to roost, when a dispute arose between two lauky elt Irene la front of a country store. Their language was quaint and Idiomatic but pilnftuly virile. It woald have at treated more than tbe usual attention. In Fanenll Hall, aud It would have horrified Plymouth ohuroh. The men were evidently old acquaintance! and on that account were disposed to be lenient toward each other. Both were armed, bat neither drew a wropou. They bad almost reached the border lln* of passion, when the heaviest of! the two sprang Into ble saddle, gave hi* hors* free rolh, tod rod* away. As be disappeared at a tarn In th* road, some one turned to the lone man sad asked him who his antagonist was. 'He’s as good friend and as •qoare a neighbor a* you'll see in a dog's age,’ was the response 'Tbs only trouble with him la that when be’* drank bis mind wont work at all and wbea bat sobrr he's a ouseed fool.’ 11 John knock'd tbe aahee from lb* al leged prefect©, and looked unconcern ed while bln oolleegoee roared with laogbtee. Before tbe merriment had oeaxed Mark Smith, of Artxon*(sprang Into tbe mete*. “It1* a good story," uld t>». "and reminds me of some thing that happened nereral yearn ago In Arltooa. Two friends of mine ware tiding near the Mexican border, when they *«re at.tiled at seeing the body of a man swinging from tbs limb of a tree. It waa evident that Judge I-ynch had been holding curt, sod that a vtrdlet had been rendered In no eordance with the la the ease. Home ©on hod ear'd the sheriff of the coenty maeh trouble aad s«me ex peeat. A gro«ip of bnmarda were perched aa n limb above the victim sating at a paper pinned npnn hie bask. As my friends approncl** the batasrds stretched their wins* rather reluetaolly, and (Upped away a hun dred yards nr more. The hover tarn rods aroaad the body, aad finally da cipher'd the Inscription im the pnper. Homobody had writ!an neon It the words: *T*M was a vary had anas la SOSOS rssgsete, sad a thnnd'tln* sight votes la ether*.' The bastard* wars evidently la a qwandary eves the In ecrlpttoc, for tbe body was uo touobed. ” U »u almost too ihaiUy a story to b« •musing, but Mars’s way of trlflug It oaptored the coUrls. It’s oas thing to Ml a story, and another thing to write It. The voice and aeoeot of tbe narrator oaooot be photographed, aor oao bla faoial express loo be given. All Uieee add to tbe seat of tbe narration and aid materially In making tb* de nouement. Tb« laughter over Marfa story had barely subsided before Uie Hon. Ike Hill, of Ohio, buret Into tbe clonk-room with Important news from Columbus, where a great seoalurUI light waa raging. Tlvo news started John Allen afresh. He said that the matter would probably he fixed up according to the logio of a negro dowu lo Mississippi. Tbe Quanolsl xitualKm and Ua retsUoo to tbe Afrioen raoe were uuder dlscuoatoo. tell you Bphraim, wlutl am do (rouble wld de trouble wld de nlggah, an' why he don’t dooe pros pub like de white quo. You see de olggah be don’t know bow to transfer Bo how. Now de white maa he kaew bow to transfer—yee, luderdy. Now yere am ds milk In de nut: if I done gib my note to a white mao to git a hundred dollar* for to make a crop wld, ha dona transfer It to the merebaut, an’ de meiebaat be done transfer it to de bank, an’ dat bank she dooe transfer It to anuddar bank,and ebery one o’ desn glia a hun dred dollars on it but me. I has to pay a buodred dollar*, ’cause I don’t done understand dt* yer system o’ transfer. No, sab; de nlrgah ain’t gwlne to prospab till he dneelestm liow to transfer.” Of court* this rtenloltotnot, to 1ST nolbiog of ill application, gar* rite to a Daw tliearn of oierrlmaot. It en couraged (be great Miatiasippiac to a new (Sort. It oaoi* lo pat ebon acme one commented on the prolonged at> aenoe nf a well-known habitue of the cloak-room. “Hu used to spend the most of hla lime I wire at the extra seat Ion," re marked Mr. Cochran, of Missouri, but he Meats to have deserted ns for good.” "Hla desertion,” bloke lo Allen, "reminds gwolt story told me l>y the I lev. Ham Jones some months ago. Aud by the by, .Ham Jones is one of the best story tellers I ever met. Tbit locldent occurred in hit early lire, while ba was the pastor of a country church up In the naouutalna of Geor gia. Hla oougregatUMi kept up a con tinual assault on the outposts of Ha ton. They had prayer-meetings and class meetings coutinuelly, sod wound uponoea month with a genuine hip. and-knee baptismal service. One of the most enthusiastic mem hers of lit# church was Brother Snodgrass. He always took the lead at clam meetings, and was regarded es the ball wether of the flock. Heddeuty he ceased coming to class meeting; nor did tie appear at chnrcli on Hnndaya. Three months had pasted, aud nothing bad bran asm of Brother Buodgraae. Cue night at oltks meeting Brother Dusenberry got up aud told his experience. It was well eeatooed with "ament" aod “I«onl be praised." It was so affect ing that many of lbs brethren and aB the sister* were lo lean. When Broth er Duten berry took bis seat, Mr. Jones tald, "Brother Dusenberry, Isn’t .Brother Haodgntaa a neighbor or yours?" I "Van, Pasture," Mid Brother Du unberry, "Brother Snodgrass la my neighbor. He ia a mighty good neigh bor, and I reckon a great deal on him." "I am very gtud lo hear It,” lbs pat tor responded. "But Brother Sood graaa toe mi bo have entirely dropped his church relations. Can ' you tell why It is ha no longer attends clam meetings?" “Well, Parture." replied Brother Dusenberry. drawing a -long hrealli, "yon ads. Brother Hoodgraas has got to he a leetie quarrelsome when lo liquor, and be thinks he hed belter keep out of a crowd." One of the beat Morin wu told by a New York Uoograaaman. It waa con oerulng Got. Tom OohlKrne. For a yr»r or more the ooloocl lias been an Invalid. Ha baa pleasant room* at the 'Viitdsor. In Maw York. Tba New York Oongreaeman, having some bad ness with him, found him, propped up Id bed. A negro servant osbered the Congrrortaaa Into tlte room. Tlte col onel was delighted to see him. and a lively conversation ensued. It was interrupted by a pronounced snore. "Here. Jim," lbs colonel shouted "whet’s the matter with you. Don’t go to sleep here.” "No, Malta Ochiltree, no. Indeed, Jim ain’t gwioe to eleep.” The Congressman began to state hie bnatuese, and had used up three min alee of bn time, wbea we eonoroua snore wea again in vibration, A wood aawyar ooald not have made more boIm. "Jim, yon black rascal," roared llie oolooel. "what In the tbooder do you mean Interrupting oe In this way? Slop your Infernal sooret" " ’Deed. Uaaaa OohIHree, aad ’deed I Isn’t snoring. Jim's wideawake man. He yeshe what you sey, Colonel, ’deed lie doee." *• Well. keep awake," tba Cotontl re sponded, "or leave tha room." A third time the eon variation pro needed, end 1 third time tbe mimic of a nasal bugle waa evident "Jim. yon Interval black aooandrel," the colonel cried, "get ent of tha room —gat out thla Instant. Tills Is tha third time you’ve gone to sleep.” "Taint me at all. maae*. ’deed taint me." Jim replied. "Don't you know what It am. Uaaaa Ochiltree? It am die rare dry Stan* register a. drawlu’. dak’s wlmt It am 'Tulal no en-re at all—del It ain’t." No much fne the ohmk r-»>m of ih* II.mas The clonk room of tba Nanais are grander and far more royally far alehed. They might not inaptly be •erased parlors oe even bondeifo. La>«* eeade and mineral waleri frrqaantly flow bare ad the eapaeea of tbe guverw ment, and pipes are oakeowa. Mena tmlal wit Is retailed from cans rook era, aurronuded by otto cun*, wad tbe outy atmuaphar* of the House oioak room te lacking. The SeuU cvpra eeot* tbe aovoralguly of tbe State*; tbe Houee tbe aoveralgaly of the peo ple. One aavora of tbe patilclao; the other of the plebeian. LlMiila * r«. Krone lha Jooraal. Kno Hoover, wlio edits tbe Sataulo department of this album ot I song, lat a log of wood fall on bla arm Sunday. He hasn’t been able to make an tbU weak. ertoe odeera made n raid Teas day. but the grape Tine telegraph had convey ad to lbs mooutblnera nawa of their ouiotng aud they toads “water haul." William Huffatetler, eon of Jeff llaffeleUer, Ui« wall known distiller, was ibiowu fiom Ida borao white on bla way from Long Shoal* Saturday night and waj pretty badly hurt. Hit cMlnr bone waa broken aad be was badly bruised op. Mias Nannie TurbyOll and Mr. Or* ▼al Addettooldt were married at the residence of tbe bride's parents, Mr. aoa Mra. Prank TnrbyOII, naar towu, Sunday, ttev. W. P. Worn bla odkiat lug. [ Mias TurbyOll U a slater of Mra. Juo. C. Moore of Gaatoula. Editor Uauiti 1 Tbe annual meeting of U>e stock bolder* of tbe Elm Grove Cotton MUla waa held Wednesday. Wa have beard nothing bayond the feet that they were pleased with tbe reports submitted by the offloara. all ol whom they re-elaoted. Toe drat quarterly conference of the Lincoln loo eirmilt waa held la the Melnndlat church here Monday by Presiding Bluer Ware, ot Sbalby. Communion aaryicae werebekl Sunday night. The eoterprlalug eltitvoa of Crows* have just Oalabed having lit* town ear veyod and alreaU laid off. Tbe prop erty owners have had tbutr properly laid off Into lota aud Uteee will be offered for awla cheap. Crouse 1* beau tifully located cud i* going to grow. Wednesday was ground l>og day. He came out on time, but beard of the row in Kingdom and scooted back into bl* bole without making any weather observation*. Tb* Inference la that we may look fer aia waeka more of h*U and bariea—In Kingdom at least. Mr*. Mary Mower* Hoffman la* Ul«d a petition for a divorce from her hus band, C. P. L. Huffman, E«|, Mr. O. A. Junto* represent* Ula plaintiff and baa applied to Judge Graeu, who la holdlug court In Charlotte, for alimo ny wlnle the suit la pending. The plaintiff, wo are informed, allege* in her petition cruel treatment and fail ure to properly provide. Satu Hr* w ley, Ore man on the Nar row Gauge passenger train, was bad ly hurt at the pump near Gastonia Tuesday. The engine stopped at the tank to get water. Draw ley started to pull down tbs Iron pipe, which convey* Die water to the tank of Uie engine, when It broke and fell upon bla head, knocking him senseless. He waa badly bruised and ahakan up, but waa able to come on with ble train, which waa delayed about an hour by the aocl deal. KrXlab Good eon, ootorod, wife nt Bob Guodson, who Uvea in I roc ton township, waa arc**ted in Gaston eonuty and brought to Jail bore Mon day upon a warrant of insanity. A oomcaiaaioc ds lunatics Inqu trend o ex amined tier Tuesday and dsclded that she waa of uneuuad mind, but not In sane to a degree Justifying her being eonfluid in an asylum. Some weak* ago tha woman attempted to murder her husband wllb a club, and later gave him a drubbing with the poker. The oompany that purchased the Old Paper Mill alts a few year* ago and built a Cotton Factory at Long Shoals have made in my Improvement* there. It is oo the South Fork of tbs Catawba Rlvrr, which has been bridged bringing Qaeton oonnty into oouyenlent and relations with Lincoln county, five miles south of Linoointon. The Oompany last year built a Chapel and furulsbed it and on lbs first Sun day In January the first service was eondticied la it by tbs Linoolutoa pas tor at the request of the people, and a Union Sen day School organised and books and I'teralure furnished by the Company. Tbe service was Well at tended and arrangements are matur ing by which there may ba preaching In the Chapel every Sunday by neigh boring minister*. The Chape) also I* open for a day aohool during tha week. I.inooirton church be* bad a mission In Uie Interest of the Paper Mill peo ple for many rears, and feel* grateful to the X-oag Shoals Company for pro viding a Chapel iu which tlio pastor may do good aervloe for the (JoUnn MUI people and families ovrr the river who corns to worship with them nit Sundays. Tbe owner* of thli plant are Lutheran* and their building and furulablng tbit Chapel Is the moat sub stantial contribution u> Homs Mis sion* w* bar* bed la Lfnooln County. rifalTlan lalka Cam Itoaaa. Wdkatboro CtronMa. 4. P. SooU, Jr., who Ilya* uur CKotisn, tu la town loot Hatarday aud want Into lb* ooart hooM to Mb it* hi* lau> H* la 341 yaara old aad thla la tbo drat tlata li« waa rrar in iha ooart boa at. lia la a qnlat honaat. nard-Working ell loan, who atlandi to nobody’* ba«lo*<« bat M« owa. a aw t a In a la Kaaw. It may ba worth roinatl.liig hi know that Hi* vrry l»-at innllelno for ro »tor mg Iha tlnal not in rniu* ayntna to a Iteallliy rigor I* Klarttrlo lllllru. Tbtn inrdkjiiia w imrtly ragotaMr, all by airing lour u> u-ie*** In ilw alntvaeli, faulty altoiiiUle# Iha 1,'Trr and Kidney*, aad aria tliear organa In throwing Imnarltlra la lh« Mood. Klaetrlw BlUrrt laapruyeo tba affwtlU-. aid* dlgratlou. aad la pro non near) by ihaar who h»ra triad It aa Uva rary boat blood pai l liar aad nrry* tool* Try It. Bold for BOO <w $(.do par bottM at J. R. Uarry * Oa** Dtwg atom ■ Toaorueiu. *nmu Sira a mtiwral «r »IUI« ctwki cm. 0»m nun0*101 to Conte* Untcni. At your rtquaet I Mad you a abort ■tatmoent of llieoaae of hydrophobia I bad under ray oaca but >wL On the *i.h.ulL 1 *•»» ctll0d l« Ml little child, Willie A. Clark, ho of Mr. Ooorge UUok, who wa bitten by e ntbld dog a little hm than three aeon tbe aco. uur Datoa Rouge, Dr. & M. D-tVegn being In tbe Immediate neighborhood at (tie Use aaw the ebikl aod dntaeed tbe wound. Ha waa thaooe taken lo Charlotte and received tbe application of tbe f-unooe mad ■tone, dloee tbet time tbe family re moved Into the Hew Hope neighbor hood, where I Brat eew iheeblMon Jan. Mill, aod learned thotoo tbe 94th he eompulned of pain ie tbe oral of the wound, which bad healed up. Bedneee and ewelllogof tbe parteooo appeared, with high narvoua exelte mrat. aed twitching aad Jerking of the who la muaoular ayattm. Thla Waa i bla ooodltton wban I Brat aaw blm;! there waa no fa be it* excitement, pulaa faabla aod very frequent, talked lo oreaaetly but qulta rational, except when parux yarae of nonfolalooe aaraa on ha would rare and talk laoobet mitly. When quiet be would freqaeal ly oell for water, but when brought be woatd flgtit It off and tereem violent ly. Wbtti a tAMpoonfal of water, milk, or anything waa forced Into him b* would gulp It down with a vmleut Jarfc nod go into con vulalon. He ebowed a dlapoellloa to ran away and bite, made aareral attempt* to bite bla fath er and mother, aod asld ba wanted to Wte aomething. Oo oaa ocoaalou be •prang from bla bad aod ran to the door, bat wee caught by bia parent*, who buog around blm from tba Brat lo tba end without Intanslmton. lie could take neither food nor drink with • onl bringing oo ptroxvami of eonvitl ■loo*. Ae be draw ntar bla eod, be bad a rattling In lila throat. with a oopioue Dow nf ▼ lac Id talira from the oornara «f hla mouth. Hi* breathing became hurried and lotermittent, and be Qaelly died wltliont a etraggte, after Bra dare of luteoaa auSarlug. A. V. Axdxieon, M. D. ***** *• • ■-*» par MML WUmlajftoa Ucvivw. W* cun remember wbso oottoa sold ut 51.90 per pound, right litre la Wll mlngtou. This wu Id 1505. directly after the close of Uib war. It had been hidden In various places, mom at litem very eooret and out of the way. The late Jama* Dawson h«d 05 bales bricked up la a vault iu a building ou Bomb Water it rest, building In the rear of Mhwi Junes 0 Slav so son A Taylor's wnolssals grocery house and □ow nwued by Nr. Htsvensou. We ■aw this ciiDm brought to light and helped to weigh It. Ws were told that Hr. Dawsoo got 51.95 per pound for it, but in this we may liave been mis informed as from a table bsfwa as we dad the highest pi loo quoted in New York ws* 5120 and therefore we adopt Diets figurs*. Hot in ons year, 1504. did It go beyond 11.90. (o that year It got up a* high a* 51 HO per pound, against 93 oentaln 1803. The table we allode to It sent oat by Price, McCormick A On., of New York. There ws* a big drop, how ever, towards tbe latter part of 1555. when It ranged duwi ea low at 85 oent*. From that tine the deeeeut was gradual, but ttre. At late as 1881, asv-e yasrs age, It told for 134 oeoi*. In 1800 the saxlmuo was 81 and tbe minimum 71-10 Those Qg ure* be it understood, were for mid dling. To-day this (rad* U worth In New York 5 15-10-_ WUmi IW W—kwkw IT. Y. Cor. UHarkXte Obimr. Tbe prosperity o< * bosinses hoate may be pretty aoewslely gauged by Uw amount of advettlsing It doe*. It Is therufure prubeblstbat *x-Po*ima* tsr General Waoamiksr Is making * great deal of moo-y here. Whoever writ** his advertlmosnu, by tbe way, la* geelut in lliat In*. A visit to tb* Wenamaker store l> proof of the value of advertising. Tie plaoe Is pock *4 with people. Whet E. J. Dectilng A On. bad the store md after Uwm llll lea, Hughes A On,It was pleasant to shop there because /ini did iioi have to >ght your way to Ut counters or wait ioUrmtoably fur your change. Bui the business did ntt P*y. People said II Was because the location was bad. Out It was merely bseans* there eras a lack In the gnsotlg and tbe style of advertising. Tii* 'bargains" were not pet before the labile in attraotiv* rnoauh form. Led they been, the public would be* rushed after them Just as it dow rishea after Wanama maker's “bargsli*." rial WmMM SnaukaMt. CMmgo Dally Rev*. Health—I waa reading In tha papar Utla norulng abort a Taiaa a«n arha waa ttrnek by Ibbtolag while he waa ■wearing. HeaarttaWe oenurraaoa, waan’t ft f Drown—O. ( 'on't know. If light* ulng waa to atrlki a Ttxaa man whan be wunh aweerng It would bn manh Bore remark a Mr ii_^«*wa^a» Tk> OwtSaat ■ amagj. Mr. H. D. Orenre, ruarcliant, of Chtlhowlr, V*. rerun** u>ai ha had m»auaption, waa alenu up to dla, sought all lodleal treatment that I money ooultl whom re. irM all cough r>m*dlra tva ould bear «>f, bat got no relief i a pant leaf alglila alii Ingap a chair; waa ln«>C«d to try l»r, King’n Me# Dlaoovvr. umI waa cured by uae of two la a ilea Kor i**al lliraa jeara ha« U uu atlodiaa »" trainees, aud •aya Di. Ilia's Mu* Otaeovary •• tha graudrut rtaedy am made, u It haa dune ao «>ub for him hod al»> foe other* la his caiainnlty. Dr. Xing's Haw Dlaouvey la guaranteed for Coughs, OoMa tad Contempt lea. It dao^foU. Trll boukn frua at J. H Carry fkl w'a Hu* Store. Imraafiatiu »—t pasts^fir- ■~u* Data which bare bceo gathered Uroagb long period* of Use la parlous oounlrim abow that the ratio of bora U girls ia tha birthrate la lower la cltlra and large towaa than among the overworked, amatlly-M aod badly * haltered peasants of Europe; that It la Jw* owoag tha well-to-do m the alttaa tbaa to is amoag tha poor; that It in oraasM after long wan aad In tlma of agrlcvUnral desreasioa aad low wages, and attar long famine, aad that, while Umi normal birth-rate U about 100 boye to 100 girts. It may rtae aa much aa one or two par oeoL under eondltioea of great hardship. Yoaag husbands an seldom eblo to affeat any great Improvement in good •l**®*. bJlt ■** axperimeat lo haM r1 jgt it m if bie buses and ooentry ware la a state af ataga bynietaoUem enemy, be may do au to the aaeurecoe w«H war rested by aotanoa that if be oaay boas lor aboet a dos-a man aooa aaroog them tbaa bis acigbbon eoold expect. The birth.rata u4 each epee lea, Ilka tu bataoU tana of Ilia. U soaeetblog vhloh it ahirutarlatle of tba specks, or natural, and u baa bam And for the advaatage of tka speak* AU know that, while am die at eidagee eod formany cnee* there la a natural term of life, and that, while a eat le «** JfJ? ^ • omw' *<*• not differ much In alia or weight, or la general activity from a cat, may live for centuries. do It la with the birth rate. Bach species bare characteristic birth-rate, and that birth-rate la that which on the average la moat adrao tegeuaa to tba specks. Animals which lira loog or art UtU* rxpoaad to acel d*nt, aod thorn able to protact and care for tbair yean* tiara a low birth rate, white those which are much ex auaed to daagsr, or abort-lived or au it for giving their young parental Cars uud protection, hare a high birth-rate. The has, which is short-Uvsd and • uoh exposed to snamtae, may lay iWO egga a year, hot the Mother Cteiry chicken a, eh lob an saM to bo tba moat numerous of all Mrda, lay but uus •f> a yaar, bet thaw an laid on tend ban iu tbs oesan, whan than is little danger to the eggs or young. tio it is with the ratio between the aexes. Wheo a preponderance of one ■ex Is greatly advantageous to lie ape etes, that tax predomluataa la the birth-rate. When ooa aex te peculiarly cxpoaad to danger during Infancy and yo jtu, this danger Is met and provided for by nalaie through an exoam la tba birth-rale nf that sax. Among young frogs than an about 140 frcaalea and 60 males In tach 300, but whoa frogs are throe and four yean eld the trXca an eguaL As female frogs an axpaaed to danger In the early port of their Here, »» exosaa of female frogs Is pro duced. Among mankind Infant mor teltly la ouch greater among boy* than among glria, and the birth-rate 1* adjusted lo tills danger by an exoeaa of loy birth. It Is undoubtedly pomlbls for mao f° by bog generations of select Ivs bnsdlog the birth-rata of domesti cated animals or the nulo between tbe ■exes, bet no one who it familiar with tba eobjeet can hop* for any sadden rad teal change through the application of empirical rule*. riNiaMtii Mm. Iwfcnllc Kaqulr»r. Three hou«* wars burned In Bock HIU IM Monday, during tb* high wiod which prevailed throughout the day, sty, the Htrahl oC Wcdncnday. The fire originated In a defretlv* flu* In tb« hon»* oeouplad by Mr. W. f. Uarrleoo, and spread ao rapidly that only a portion at U>* faraitur*. and tbat lt» tba room*, ware saved. Prom Mr. Garrison** the flaaar* aptead to Win rrwdeece of Mr. Q. W. Picket pad nooo deetr-<yed It. Most of the hooM bold good* wrrr saved Next tba bmia. of Mr*. M. A. Fry, was destroy ed; but not until altar the furniture waa removed. Tba house* of Hasan. J. J. Hall and Wade R. Brawn were to sertoo* danger at one daw. aod It looked as IT tba conflagration waa to be quit* can oral. One of tb* bouaas waa lusorrd Ter 6460 sad the other two fur 6000 noh_ A Imw Kwrmyr. Morsanine NnaU. Tba Presbyterian oboroh bad a oar* row escape from destruction by Bra on Sunday ulgbt, Uta 23d ult, Tba aeabin af tba ehuroli, aa la outturn ary. built » Bra In the ' healer to make tba adlBoa comfortable far area lag larvlca, amt returned to bla Irome. A llUla below 7 o'clock, Mr. J. W. IFlIaoo, Jr., being the Brat to antac tha ohurch, diaoorerrd tha auditorium Iliad with •mob* aud ■ email blase oooeumlngtha floor about one of tba regteteie. lie Im mediately ran aoroaa to the raddanna of Mr. Treeuell and caught up two bonk eta of water which fortunately waw oa Ua phiaa and hurriedly ratunad with them and dabbed tba water oo the bunting Boor. minguteb lag the blase Just to time to prayaot Uia daatractloo of tba building. Orar basted ptpaa waa tha eoaaa of tba Bra. p^..——_ -woo* oood: t | L V. Armj, W%_ M Mara-na MtnM, It baa loaf baao a moat wag and ralag qaaauoa n ta what —nlr. If •ay, tba prudent trim haldm bad la met of Sirtimpn made bp tha wlngad fowl* of Ola neighbor aw his gardea asd (lowar*. Tba dUBoaltp bar beau aetvod bp a daolaiaa at lha Mwmm Court, laaa oriole a rsndarud b/jaa «$• £,?• «•• <* *** «• *«1 UO Iff. O.. 818. It U tbaio bald that tba kfUiaf of a toltoap damage fsaaaat li a vialattow •ftbo gg.<Sft*UjTkuIlagsf Ip dona, la or natty to animals. Ttot tha killing la aaadtamly doaa when Ua purpose is to prevent dam •M tapacdaad garden. „ Tto remedy la bp Uapaowdlac Itom tuijlymp paid or by ao aettoa far • ‘Their destruction la wot riniawm to bla right*” ' It would atom to Mow (torn tha Court’s holding that ohletoaa an pro to* tad bp tto slat at* agalaat amity to aaltaala, that to allow aaah fowls to run at largo la a atoak law tenttatr would llatU boa violation of tto law. Tba asms liability to Indlrtmant oador tba aUtuto attoabn to tto lap tag of polaoo, tkougfa oa owo'a ova numtan for aootbar'i “egg-sunk Ing _ Tto Court dialing oitbn this oaao from ttot of Parrott n. Ilaartaflrtd. »,»■ O-uo. “wtotw It woo told low tol to kill a aheap.” “This I* tsfiaw of tto fast ttot •uab animal ooold Dot Iw aaolly oaugbt aad Isrpoaadsd, nor ooald lia ba aoU for anything to pay damage* ” It la bopad ttot tbla wUl baaa “a word to tba wln,M and that tto own er* of oh taken* torkaps. green ar otbn fowls In our burg map taka dua ootloa thereof and goraro Itiamtoim accordingly. SouUMm Industrial Mon. Alemaneo county ranks Orst in looms nod third In spmdloa, baring 17 mlUa nontnlnlng 4.JU looms and 88,064 ■plod lot. Qosion ranks test In aMa dlm andsnoood In Isoms, eontnlng 118.084 spindles and S,4fr laamZ Mecklenburg ranks n sseood in apt* dim, barlug 80,694. Butfaerfusd oomm ntst, bating 80.000 spiadtm and 8,400 Iwms. Wo ooMd so on and giro nil tbo others, but will stop b*n, Tbo State contains 810 mills, os Coltowo : 188 ootton mills (spinel ag or mmrlog) with 94.617 loosusnd Spla dlm; 90 boolsry mills with 1,490 knlt ***_ OolrtUf mills; ooyltal In mated 817.969,970. Thera era mrta or Oimit woolen mills, and than Is ooo •ilk mill oontaiutng 18.009 spied I as wbloh an rsry sucotmfuL Korth Carolina Is to-day tbo loading cotton Stats in Umi Uuion. la 1870 As bad in nil 88 mills; tea years later bid 49, and sis years later had 80 and bao now 188 mills (cotton) sad 98 knitting. Tbo If net la unable tu dtate jasttbsanm bsr of splodlm and looms is thn woolsn mills. At least 48 pmcaoiof tba cotton mills la tho Stela era rannltw ainht sad day. In ail thorn mills shout 44,000 hosm power Is mod. North Carolina bao water power to tba omoast of at loam 8,000,000 bora* power. That, If dafohMI. wnnU drive not Ism than UO.OOO/SoOstdsdlm. A %—r PUm. An uptown innate tan Baud Jobo **h with n peculiar rrpnnain A f*» nlghte ago, ai>4 Ifca memory of It •Utl linger*. A friend of Johneoa* purckaaed anew plaao end Invited the PwliiM to oall nad try K. Then were aeearal other guceU on head, who waated to hear Jfr. John boo’• latoet eootpoaltlooa. The piaaiet arrived la dua lion, hat aoaraaly had ha tooohed thakeynef the plaao ehea be gave ea •s«Uaa«tlea of pala aad nrooe from Me teat with itarOlag elaerlty. He wa* too frigfctaaed to *Mk aad give aa eg fisssu.'iBPSusassa; weat over to the ptaoo to lovnikato. hot each oo* mat with the aent ra Pitlnee — the pmftnic, oath ratal v fag • arm etoeute ahuek. Of team then waa quite a little eaeltonoat aad the oenpeay wee onenwtiot dan foaoded, anUl Mr. King, the owner of the latoraeeeat, toW them that be had e Mlf.pUylog allaahneat eoootroetad oatheioeMeof the plneo which waa raahy e ttoy dynamo. flatten far gotten to torn off the e arrant, aad the wtieo being entangled with the airing* a enrreat wa* famed, end at Beta aa any oat loathed the toga the oicenH «a tenpin*, tone caution aO the treable. ' . . ■ MMNKMM Cfti JU*ort«r. kraed by paMMbanV^to*lou Mt DAMf DM I 111— H tmL bODOnUl mmJt * iXiowMmi, mmUbc the mb of of frtaa«Ml» between ua aaheertber awd tha paper am ae bard U break up t>y aa oaulde Mlrd party wbleb btad oM friends la Hotel life. --—■ - rore la a Mwapaper tboae who bare r through be petaaal for eomeunae tioawa “ on aooMBt at i dipped Into i itiititVtm be ; kS'?' t?C bui^eid'orw cn®e"eo*f|i!*r ^d yTop table We. After th la when be goes aat to the oooatry be wlUtabe abeoia dOhapihartHab Odd, Cholera aod Diarrhoea Eewrdl with kkh-Mlh aoart Valley (lava) Tlaua. Tar Mia hj J. E. Oarry A do. 1 ■/,

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