THE GAZETTE. THUMDAV, niBDitl 10. uee. B USINESS LOCALS. AdwnMnunta Iwmi la iui wiau at lOonita • Dm for ItraaiwarUya u.1 tuna a Una lor each l.iM-ltua UunalUr. BBOWN l'HOPEBTY - Partlee wUltlOf to buy or look at lUla property will pleaae aaa me la Giu toota neat Monday and Tueaday 16th and lOtb. U. U. Jooei. VACCINE rOINTS aad Veoeioo tion Shield! at J. H. Kennedy ACa'a. SAW MILL, ptaoloR machine, and HO h p engine and boiler for tale. W. M. Rumfeft, Grover, N. O. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Next Monday la Ike Wth—get your Valentina ready. —The beautiful weather of vaster day and to-day augguals gardening time. — Big crowd In town to-day for tbe horn sales. Capt. Hand lay* a holes enle ox a hanging alwaye bring* ’em. —Tbe elagnnt marble monument for the grave of llm lata Mr. Lawaon Armstrong hm j oat been finished by Mrura, Bradley A Hspperfield. —Tbe small-pox aeare la about over everywhere. Many believe that Char lotte baan’t had any a mall-pox. A government expert baa been aent to look Into tbe situation. —Oor York neighbors era beginning to rklae sand about tha Narrow Qauga schedules, which, tkry *ay, dlecrtmi ata "galnet 8outb Carolina town* In favor of North Carolina point*. —Tbe Oliver Khodee lot oppoalle Mr. Milee Hoffman's In Delias. baa beeo aecured for a parsonage l>y tbe Lutheran congregation. Funds are now being ratted for the building. — •‘Who wa* that Tex«a fellow shooting at may” Inquired Mr. Mon Whitesides of tbe editor. “Toll blm I’ll gut a return ticket when I Mart to Texas; 1 can’t wall for tbe Texas pony style of getting baek.” —The week lias not been wanting In arouatmente. Bam Jones Monday night, tba Qaiettx and tbe horse ■ales to-day, tbo great tlemasiio with bis wonderful violin to-nlgbt, aud tbe pro)eatoeeope aud the petrified man next Saturday and Monday. —Tbe projectoeoope and the petri fied man are expected to be on lap at Uie Opera Route next Saturday aud Monday. Tba vie* men say their pic ture* are fra* from the dancing or quivering effect* on tbe screen which are produced by some machines —Pulpits will be exebeogad next Sunday morning by Bev. W. M. Rug by and Bev. C. if. Campbell, of Char .lulls. At nlgbt Mr. Campbell will preaoh at Ike union aervtee in tba Presbyterian church. Uls many friend* here will be bappy to great Mr. Camp bell again. —The bicycle business U opening up early. Mr. J. 3. Torreoee got Id 25 Crsaoaots thU week and Is expecting another Mg lot before next week. Be will alto handle the Cleveland wheel, and aayi tbe Clevelsud-Creecent-Com blnmtlon will make three C’t that are hard to beat. —We note with pleasure tbe good stand Gastonia college boys are taking among their fellow students. Messrs. Robert Love eud Fred Stnyre were on Tuesday eieatad Marshals at David son college, tbe former being named as chief-marshal. This presages well for the future of these bright yooug men. -A distinct earlbquaka shock was felt to GastooU last Saturday after noon about 3:15 o'clock. It was not so viol cut as some bat lasted long eoongh to be distinctly felt. Shooks about the tame line In Asia Minor dretroved thousands of booses and caused the death or Injury of upwards of 130 persona —To our advertising columns ibis week we welcome the new firm of J. A. Hues Jt Bon, who baodla a lloe of building materials like liras, oemeot, ami lumber, and of feed stnffa, such aa bran, hey, oala, peas, and the like. Their warehouse U in the Fulb build ing on Main Street, and the senior member of tbe Bra. Capt. J. A. Rims, la fn charge. ■ arvtawsa. Mr. Moeie Petty and Mias Candace Ht ire wait were married In Dallas last Thursday by Esquire Drawn. On Monday, the 7tb, Require A. P. H. Rhyne at Dallas officiated at tbe marriage of Mr. G. Sana Ilowell and Mias Minnie Bell higtaoe. f.loess* was Issued yesterday for tbe marriage of Mr. RuTes Carpenter, who was a student at tbe aoademy hare about seven years ago, and Miss Net tle Black, near Cberryvllle. Ws did not leers tbs dale of the marriage, but the writer wishes his old pupil ran ah happiness. In Danes this morning, Mr. E. R. Look man, of the weaving foroe et Dallas Cotton Mill*, wedded Miss P. T. Jenkins et tbe residence of bar mother, Mrs. R. 8. Jenkins The cer emony was performed by Rev. W. A. Destoo. The happy couple left for Hpartanbnry, the groom's former home, on the noon train. Mr. W, 1,. McCoy, of Meekleoburg end Wise Allen Cannon, of Gaston, wers married raaUrdey at tbe brtde*e home. Rev. Mr. St I m son, of Hopewell, performing tbe orremooy. At 7 30 o'clock last night Mies Zee lferran of Befryblll township In Meok leobnrg, wee married to Mr. Arthur Bynum at Ute rmldenoe of the brldn’s father. Ray. A. A. Little, of Steel* C'rrvk, officiated. Miitara «>ut mirnncon Will Mww la n»»ra M»«— —-m f ij •mrn Mmmrnmr. r«*. It ut 14. ^outh Carolina *a (rant oatUwlljr ta* fttHaiM Mm will alao ba thown la coarmcilon. Am hindbOla fur ittleaa. Tlckatt on tala tlTwwaar. aim. Don’t tall to a*n Iba (raalaat abow at tha klad aatr known. W. T. HnmtAit. v* enmiM ■a ■n«r>. The Associate Reformed Pinabyte ri»i)» of Heeeemer City will orgsnUt a church at that place next Sunday «f leruoon at 3 o'clock. These will tia prmahlug the asms afternoon by Rev. J. H. ChtXTieon. luiUHT Xwrluw, Kur the month of January the num ber of marriage lloeoere didn’t guile average oar a day. Register Ormand will have to bustle around and drum up Ilia buaineaa. The books show the number issued in January to be 33 iu all—ull white except two ooupic*. Fur February, aa mauy as sight bad bean Issued up to Boon yesterday, nearly One a day so far—business Improving a little, you sea. kaaldaass Warns. ▲bout two o'clook Sunday moroiog Ur. and Mrs. W. M. Carpeotrr, near Charryrltle, discovered that their borne was on Ore. They had Just time •00 ugh to save their beet bedding sod wearing clothes. Everything else wts destroyed. They carried no Iiisurmueu. It ie Dot known bow the Gre origi nated. The supposition 1* that a slick of wood left in one of the fireplaces by Mr*. Carpenter berried iu two sod rolled down on the floor. Tills ecu pie Is an agad one, and will perhaps not rebuild, but will lire wllii their chil dren. Tha Thll«T»-W(kL It used to be said by tho late Is rnented Dr. T. H. Frilchard that no earthly music was fuller of appealing sweetness than tbe wall of tbe violin. What thla Inurnment la capable of under a mailer'* touch, tboae who bear Ibe great German vloliiilal, Carl llerrinacio, at tlie opera house to-rilght may perbapa Warn. Formerly oourt lenalclau to hia emperoi be comes wall recommended by the critics of bolb Europe and this country. The Spar tanburg J/rroW, referring to bit eon ceil at Wofford College, nay* In part: ‘•The audience last evening was de lightfully emrrtnltml with violin and mandoliu saleotiona by Ur. Herrmann. Tbe crowd attested their appreciation by long and cnnliuuetie applause aud encore*.” ■ ■ 1L" _J__ th* awsw iu*M lettsre, No Similar event ever drew so large a crowd In Gaatoniaaa tbo lecture on last Monday night by the original sad only Sam Jones. There were about (WO people proeent and tbe audlenca would have numbered a hundred more but lot ibe bad break lu tbe Narrow Gauga aebadute from tbe North. Thia train broke down oo its moralug trip and did not rwaoh Gastonia, returning, until 10 o’clock or past. Many of tbe excursionists turned back at Hickory, and of the 150 who catne through scarcely 2.1 bought tickets. We all ra gret thla unfortunate break. Hut apart from this, tbe Wet are was a nnaucial success for tbe local mao *IOT- Aa to Uw lecture, everybody baa board of Sam Jones and read after hta **ylog*. n« aaid few new tiling*, and owing to*a much vaccinated arm araa uot at bia beat; but that didn't prevent him from "keeping ibe (lies off” of bia audience from start to Ou lih — be spoke about an hour and three quarters—as only Ssm Jones uao. lie is a rare genius as aUeriy reckless aa lie la distinctly original. fruUMI CbMmIsi. Mr. C. R. Armstrong, of the Arm strung Knrnlturc Co., hat a right to fml gra tided at his beglooiags In tha ait of embalming. Some mouths ago we noted lu these ootumns his prepa ration for work of tbls sort and his purohasa of a fine eat of instruments. That be Is able to do embalming equal tu tbe work of experienced profession sis ought to be suOdenUy attested by a letter relative to the body of young Mr. Kellogg, wbo died In Gastonia on the or January, it Is dated from Brooklyn, it. on the 27th. ( days latei. eud addressed to Mr. Armstruug by Mr. Joseph I\ ifsrOug, an experi enced embaimer uf tlial city. He says: "My father Joseph Marling of Patton be., sent me yoor letter this morning and In reply would lay the remains of Rdw. N. Kellogg arrived here In good condition, and remained so when I shipped them to New Haven yesterday morning, and I must compliment you uq tbs way body looked 1 am an ex perienced rmbalmer, and do profes sional embalming for some of tbe best undertakers here and therefore con sider myself a Judge. Thanking you for the very able service rendered my friends, I remain Ac.” C«|M. I. M. BllMlMU Killed. L'apt. J., K. Marshall, conductor ■any year* ago on Urn Narrow Gauge, wai abot to death by a negro In Olm*. ter Monday afternoon. Ho wai police man in that town and also captain or tin local military company, tbe Lei Light Infantry. The negro, Jim An denon by name, bad presented a check at tha bank to be cashed. The cashier waa auapiotoua of tbe paper and told the bearer he moil be idealised. Capt. Marshall wai informed, and went along with the negro toward Mr*. Mobliy’e—tba lady whose evi dently forged name appeared ondoraed npoo tbe cheek. Near tbi raitdanca the kindly hearted policeman a poke to a little girl going bom* from aeiiool. Jaae anna t«iinl, the negro whipped out hi* piatol nod pnaantlng It lost under the potloemaa’i blind eye Qrad a ball that Cot tha Jugular vain. Cap tain Maiah ail sank to the ground clutching bln piatol to that It Ored. B. II, Caldwell, Kaq., saw Ilia caafter and ran to tire aaalaunae of tha dying man who mada sign* toward the negro. Taking tha falleo man’s piatol, he fired every ball lu It at tha dosing negro, who flred back twlee in return. The negro, wounded In the h(p, wan oaoght »l» nolle* from Utwn aid brought back. The Company wboaa Captain bad jwat bean murdered In no dastardly a manner waa called on l y lie gover nor to guard lb* Jail against violence. ( apttin Marshall wa* popalar a* a rnodoctor and ban number* of friends la Uastoola who were shocked to haaur o« bln murder and aliioet as mncb shanked to know that bn murderer It ■till ally*. Ha li the negro who MoU • bag at lionk Hill lint walk. Judging from newspaper report* there Isn’t now a single case of a mall poi In the Huts. r«*»»m ■turriwa. —Mr. Harry Phelan, o< CbarloUe waa In town Sunday. —Mlaa Cor* Wlllog of King'* Mouu talu waa la town Tueeday. —Mr. Johnoie Smith, of Clover, waa a vial tor la town again tbla weak. —Mr. Tbeu. 1'egram, of Sboptoo, la vUIUog bla aon, Mr. T. O. Peg ram. —Mlaa Lou Hogg* of Daltaa la the gueat of Mr*. J. T. Sugg* tbla week. - Mr. John Hart oC Yorkvllle waa Mr. J. Robert Cralg’a gueat tbla week. —Mlaa Annie Wllllamaon leavei In the morning for Richmond, to viait her siitar. —Mr. J. 11. IV* ram of Yorkvllle la In town today on buaineaa and to ate hit father. —Mra. G. W. McLaegbau vlilted her daughter, Mra. Felix McLean in Lin oo In too. —Mra W. T. 8ki>ry lift laat Friday for quit* a long vlitt to relatives in Piedmont, S. C. —Mlaa Manila Aryan, of Bpartan burg, la vtaltlug io town, gueat of her alitor, Mra. Juo. P. love. —Mra W. X. Ellin, of Atlanta la vlalllng In Gastonia, gueat of lref friend, Mlaa Mamie Huai. —Mr. F. O. tsipe nod daughter, of Cherryvllle were welcome via)tor* at the Uazmttk office Tueeday. —Ml w Mabel alarm la back from a delightful muDib’a viait to relative* aud friroda lo and near Yorkvllle. —Mlaa Marine Sc bell earn* down from Lsaolr Monday night and apend aomn time with her aliter, Mra. W. H. Wllaoo. —Mra O. F. Maaon, and Mlaa V«r nle Durham of Dallas, were Id town Monday to apend the day with Mrs. Juliu Durham. —Mrs. 8. B. Barnwell returned Monday night from a aliort visit to ber cousin*. Mr. and Mr*. B. J. Summer row, in Newtoo. — Mt. and Mrs. I.. L Jenkins made * abort but very dellghfol (rip to Washington last week, combining pleasure with buaiuaaa. — Mia. Jap. D. Smith returned last week from a short bat pleasant visit to her aon and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J, T. Bynum lo Aahevllla. —Mrs. Hubert Alexander, of York viUe. vluted the home folks lo Gas louia last week and wu a welcome caller at the Gaeettk oflloe. —Mr. 4. I* Stroup, au ex-Gasto nlan, who la now poeimailet at Cher ryvllle. was over on business Monday and paid the Gaxkttb s pleasant call. — Mrs. T. A. Capps and httle daugh Ur, Genlviave, of Toccoa. Ga., arrived last week aud will remain a week or tea days with her daughter, Ur*. J. A. Glenn. —Messrs. Keeeo and l’lnk Stowe aud htUsee Laura, Km am, and Ida Stowe and .Miss Bessie Sloan, all of Belmont, were In town Monday on plea sore bent as well as on shopping and business. —Mrs. I*. A. Aberoethj and Mr*. Juo. Ferguson, of Vorkvllle, were guests Monday of Ml*. Jasper Smith, and returned home Tuesday. Wtvn Mrs. Robert Craig, they all paid the Gauche a pleasant visit Monday af ternoon. —Miss Cynthia Ruddock, of Char lotte. apent Sunday and Monday at the Falla House. Her maay friends were delighted to sea her, and much regret that she wont be In Oast on is next Reason. In a month or so alia will go to Baltimore. —Mr. aud Mrs. J. F. Thomson were called to Pinkney, 8 C.. last week by llie death of Mr. J. T. Gamer. Mr*. Thomson's father. Mr. Thomson re lamed to Gastonia Monday, but hit wife and baby will remain iu South Carolina for some time. —Misses Madge, Val, little Florence nod Master Crayton be Tier left ou the noon train last Thursday for their future ho is* In Spartanburg. Daring tbelr two yaara stay with their onele and auut, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dur ham Urey made many warm friend* In HaatonU who will mlsi than sorely aud wish them ranch happiness in ibelr new borne. Their grandmother. Mra. Crayton accompanied them and will remain a month. to rc we a cau ix an mat Tike lAialwIronw Quinta* TkbMs. At. D™«“* taluoS the money ir It Ml* t* Out* Uvcoli XMw mt lav Vtmtumna F. C. SI pc, Mortgagee, advertises mortgage tale of land. B. B. Jones will Le glad to show pvoapeollvc bursts over Uis Brow* property next Monday aud Tuesday. T. O. Falla, Mortgagee, advertises for public laic under foreclosure val uable land* on Tlig Long Creek. Has 4lh page. Jno. T. Orawford, commlaaloaer, will Mil at pnbllo auction valuable land* In Gaetoola tcwuabip known a* Ur* William Crawford borne place. W. T. 1 lolfmao and Edison's Pro Jectoscupe Co. will show at tba Opera Houan next Saturday and Monday ill* Piojvctoaoop* and tha wurderfal pal rifled man. J. ▲. Hub and Hon advertise artic le* In the line of banding materiel* and feed supplies- head It and aaa bow many oft needed things you can now bay Iters sc boms. Jutlson Hub has peanut, walnut, I pecan, and almnod brittle* candles people eat who never loved outdy be fore. BeAoed molaaae* In quart cans —nothing beats ft tor brash fast At way* fresh line fancy grooarls*. Mortis Brother* eontlno* for 90 day* lougar their ‘closing uni” prices ob sliora and clothing. They have Just received lire peattleet lies of laoaa edgings, white good*, and gant’a fur’ niahInga tbey ever offered. Price, at tractive, tea. Hray A Lava, for oee week oalr, be ■ Inning to morrow, Vrlday, will opva BMLCMt-4B£B *bU‘° drf r»o«« a*d mllliwery. Draw good* bias ha sad all winter clothing except blacks “ standard oalSw paroaU aud embroMsrlm at aobeard-ef lew prices. RcetnasU, odds, and soda a» a Bar* am. that anybody *aa Hog Oa* weak only la wklok to salt . clean a weep before bojri.j n*w *ptlag goeda. Aa apwortenHy. grasp tt I ONE '; i ’ * j A Big Cut-Down Sale Friday, February 1 Lasting one Week. Our buyers are on the eve of leaving for 1 purchase our immense spring stock of Dry Gooi make things lively and close out a lot of BtuiC w Week’s Big Cut Sale. PRICES TUMBLED DOWN. ALL WINTER DRESS OOODS except Black* at half price. ALL WINTER CLOTHING except Blacks at half price. 10,000 YARDS STANDARD CALICOES at 3 cts. per yard. 500 YARDS Black and White percab one yard wide at 5c. Worth 10c. BEST VALUES ever offered In this city. In fact, everything goes this week at a big sacrifice. EMBROIDERIES. 1 to 2 Inches wide for 1 cL per yard. 2 to 3 •* ** “3 eft, « •• 4 to 6 “ *• “5 «« m And so on up to 2Sc per yard. REMNANTS, Odds and Ends, etc., «t a mere song. We have accumulated a lot, and want to make a dean sweep before leaving to buy our spring stock. MILLINERY also is included in this big sale. Don’t fail to inspect. Everybody come. Here is your opportunity. Grasp it! Perhaps you will not have another chance like this in a decade. REMEMBER COMMENCING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, at 8 A. ML AND LASTING ONE WEEK ONLY. Yours for trade, ^p^QRAY & LOVE.. g| PornitDre Bought Away Down. ; i The plant of the Lenoir Pnr nitnre Company w anon to La •old at receiver’* auction. 25 Pei* Cent. Off. I bay* jiiat relented from U>b» factory, when I bought a big lot of furniture 25* lower than It ww ever before aold. Customers Benefit ted. Tbla lot eonaiata mainly of Bedroom SolU, Iledeimd* and Bmrani. Our coatomera get U*a benefit if they eoma qulek. C. B. ARM8THONG, Masaobk Armstrong Furniture Co. W . N.Datu. M. O. Bcmioi. Davis A Bnffaloe, Meat Market. oaitoxia, it. c. HaTlng aaaociaUd with mo, Mr. M. U. Buffalo#, I will ootitlnne In the market btalnem at tho *an>e aland am lioretoforn. W. H, Dath. Wo aball be pleteed lo receive order* for anything in oer line, and promlan that thay (halt ba flllod with oor ueesl promptnaaa and with the brat meeU to bo had, drtoaed with our well-known am DAVIS It DCPT1L0I Something New j in Gastonia. i At my "trletljr llfut-otaae rtm- ( tan rant. Ju«t opened over my < market, ladle*, ■enUonmn, and ( ehlldren mar take tlielr meale I at a place which eater* exelu* < idvely to ike feeling* and wlnhea < of llie heat cla*« of trade. They . may M *urc that I "hall not ! ponnlt them to l># annoyed by ; DahrtavatHor otlierrlee often mJy« ( pemone. ' I guarantee to ail Ute value of I their money I* good thing* to < oat. treU prrp*r> «l a»d neatly I "erred. 0*11. wwo’tyo*? ‘ j M. A. Tnoaroo.*. . Htlll Headquarter" Toe ' Meat* ( JUDSON HUSS —HAS— Fean at Brittle, Walnut Brittle, Pecan Brittle, Almond Brittle. —TRY THEM— Always fresh line of Fancy Groceries. Refined IToliim In quart cans for 15c. Noth ing nicer for breakfast. JODSON HDSS. CRAIG A WILSON, GASTONIA, X. a Headquarters for Cane Mills, Evaporators, Peering and McCormick Mowers, Hakes, Buggies, Old Hickory, Studebakor and Owensboro Wagons. CRAIG A WILSON. Sundry Items—Good Things* (And We Have Others, Too.)' Sure Kalaluff Buckwheat Flour, loose Buckwheat Flour, Cranberries, Wheatlet Wheateiiu, Mince Meat, Oat Flakes, Jelly, Gelatine etc. Large stocks of canned goods. Tomatoes. Corn, Peaches both Pie and Syr up-almost anything yon want to eat, in met We want to sell YOU what you need. Yours truly, EDGAR LOVE & gjg SEASONABLE GOODS. Don’t Worry For that Tickling aenmtloo In your throat gat a bo* of “Fro* W> Your Thro* T” lfla. Bough Skill Mdobappad bawl* proven tadby ado*“Oiyoartaa Jelly of YMata”—a ma* elegant toil* preparation. “Blusli of Hoses" ** Bloom of Tooth,” ”Poad LUy Wad”—all docent irfiadli ■ n i peretloae for the toO* bath. " 9W~ A Fall and Complete Stock . af Staple Drag*, toll* n! faaoy artfcrfaa. pacfaaacy deUoamv mf algan. Vreaartptlooaaoearataly eompoaadrtatan bom! The Cheapest Article V* bare to OUB PRIGS. Gin oa a cell „ J. H. Ketkbdt & Oou .‘WhUa Front Pharmacy.” FbonnM. Draggtota naf Flmrmiatota. -—-—GO TO— Holland & Robinson ....To Buy Your ... Clothing, Shoes, and Gent’s Furnishing Goods. T»w* a^lo-daU is Umm Hm, u4 quota priew UMiwactql*. Holland S Robinson, _ CUOTOBKA, X. a _ '£te—.Granite Monuments. I Manufacture Them and am Ahead of an Competition. Since 1 toned oot toy I rat n-raiment ofthie Mod eod commenced biiMnf with bit doe nrtiu T«--- __ in Oeetooio ceioetety every yreoie thet haTbeen erected three. Am now et work on e family Q A Orey. plication. W.M. WHITX, Ometonia, 2T. C.