memi« of th* *’ V' lb attendance «tUa ibdaw a— Oam |nM«MKitchtn. Ba teamen tba susr^srasss BatliIn* Menprn bin attaotM'B, ml tba malt ta he I* ap to data. Whan uttd what ba tbaagfct at tba wtata tba TWtefrewtettcoan Monday. ba taM : I t fS | zzrszvrtjsxrt sr«^?«.’5sauKs: af atWer coinage lo tba Honan Only ana fepahtlcaa rated on thaailrer tide. Mr. Ids nay. white 180 toted again* “^•^rlbcladian Mr. ramo. ad tba Sloth Morth Catoila* DiaUlot «*>“• **• »« ba * dtapputatowat to ■May t’opnlbu* In Mann Caret to*. Ton know tba loading Hupalisis haw •*•«**» him, «ad In tan Ian campaign their State Commute* agreed to help •U«i him. Ha w«i ona at tha 'nrlglaa tet* of tba coalition.’ Tba whole rote SHjow* that Item la oot an thaetid fttendMlp for silver la tba HapohUcna organisation. Xo nan who iwarda is ol great Importance ena ba for ailaer n*u> ration, and at tba aaaw tlmagtw bMUaw, tateat and teg-mne* to the ■0 bonding of tba Itepoblicao party, fbntenty for allrer wtU pravect giving aM, cancel aadgnwcgaadtt the gater •f co-oparatloa or otbanrtettoihaper ••tnmt aflrat win tt bare on cooper . o*ian hi jforth Caroliaor” . to *ajr. Tbe Po pallet* aid Bepabltcan* t„ tba Urt macaro ni*®? oo-ornatad there. not wittMtaadlBgthaprlMtplMof tbe two pirtiesara exactly contrary on iba greatest lattice Wrote the people -the fit> social ami monopotr que»Uoa*-aod J notice Senator Pritchard l« quoted as ia* tiara * U1 ba aech cooperation Ut:« year. Wtmt people ooabt t j dn ta a taatltr at patriotism and km. bat erhaitWy wllldoooeneoenull" “But will the Popoliat toUh ooo ant ta ha traded to the bepabUcan eandldataa T'* -a win* nr*. iBUelwt campaign dtxttagulabcd mad bancet osndtdeto for «W»£E£SS*”K3fS aleeUna. and I tUnk lb* people are ao touch In aarneat to (ha teaue* that all vat an this year will to large amber* repadtata any cooperation with tha MeVnUkatu. if aach aboald ba aUamp ted. IVcpW who dealt* and expect Mr. Bryan's election to lOoOt will not strengthen, recourse* aaC arm tba on Ii orgaalatd party to Worth Carolina, which will deny tbe free coinage or ailver, and will cuaUant lb* existing gold standard under prevent eandi tlooa. I bop* tba Populist leaden will not attempt to oo-operale with BoMbUnana again, because It will have a tmd iBm opow tba aanaa which gen ulna a leer men an advocating. In toy oplalon an sore *• fan thabonaat and tree Hirer nan, and the honest ar.dtraa acU-tnwt mao all orer tba united Mates will protect a solid front uatosltb* Republican party in HXXX ttiacMinntentkto yearte Prtllmtoary Wo patriot will tritta with tha groat notation* to ba decided. Psrional prejudice and pride mutt be Wd aside. Thu Cause of tli* country lh«u any individual’* tetvr crt. Tba mm who Inland toOgbttbe traat*. arooop^Wa, and tbo aingta gold standard are Democrat*, whether tboy Uka It or not, and cannot a«.-rd Vo cast thete tndaanca In favor of Dsaocraey’a gnat enemy. Cntoo, not dtnsion, £ Uw otojrot of all allm fore#* l’ntriotlaa. and prtnclpte demand uo S^dwSS^ laigaftsaa/r iwreo Damocnsts, Popalttfs «nu«*a in January made a remarkable •bowing. I mag much larger than la any previous aaoelb, SOS per oral, tor **r, L1"?* th* month last year, Si Hfff 0*“l- Ur**r than la 18k*. TbafaUon* lu Janaaiy wtrssmalkr fwiw year of which tberjj U record, und w«rc probably SSsmul” 111 “y oU*r J**“^ The statement Uy branehea of bual E«ao Riven tins week abowe a rerprla lug gain 1a moat depart man la of m.n u&ctare and trade. No UUarea ap pear iu tha woolen manufacture sod m tewtral branehea oaly an laatniO 0,1 Mgregau cam pared with Um fall ape* of rnhwiyreftt - IS5?7b'ta u* "°°*7 market to aa O'Obdj'ut aa ever , Bold dam hot coma iron Europe it, large amount oaly ho c-use banker* Bod It Woctli while to lend American money abroad, and Um commercial bularroes are heavily lo luyor of tba United aa hereto fore. Perhaps tbe moat striking feature of tha week kaa been tbo decline la wheat. With ex porta of 8.0*4,517 bievheto against 1.770.545 laat year, flour included, from AUaotio porta! and 770.MO f 'om Pacific ports agaloat 844J4J bushel* tost year, tba tax per •f the market lias bean weaker. The n-i*»t of tbe Agricultural Depart ment baa bad some Influaooe, although neflgurm are aol generally credited aa reliable. Daring tha past Weak prices have declio-d 8 eta., although there has been do corroopoadtng da cream In foreign or domestic demand. U«rn boa fallen only 4 of a east, for ■put. aad there ha* been no Impor tant change In options. Veitow Jeareeltaa A nearly --T y. r. Gur.Chartuu* iKieeirer. Tl rough a priT ite source comes tbe Infoi motion Urat she proprietor of tba fOKrW did not go into tba basinet, of publishing that “dirty rag.” as tba Lugllvb would eay, for moneg alone buj for «*>uaea»eoU Young and rleii, be thought U woold be more D^r***,“* *° owu * newspaper than a racing stable and a yeebt. Ha pra (ernd mtlii editorials to playing »»»• *• would bo exciting to try to heat tbe clreulatioa of tbe biggest New York newspaper*, Bat he sooa dteeuvered that be bod choeeu a mighty »®uaaceaot, ooathat threatened to m*ka aliort work of bto furtntie, large aa It was. Ho teat nouey terribly. Maybe that la why be changed the character of hie paper which was clean at first—he bad to g”1*11*** fr* >1»r like tbe World at be cr ushed. F-rb*pa bo woold have buoght the WarUit ho oootd. He deald not do that bat be ooald and did buy the WnrU't uioet lopular welters l"*.}* ***"' “*• *r°r*'t moat taking’* feature*. Tbay say lx to now making money though ha has hot JUSt begun to do So. . wr* mi—am* VhMtlewla Perth Slave I lea. Osrtonr Okvrrrr. Tim woman’s board of foreign mis Mo«i* Of the Methodist Eptoeopol Church, death, holds lie annual aqr big the tom of May or eik ET j£. S* ,TL.‘b* ?,eUM Will be betd la trreeuaboro and win Sa firm ihoe tba beard Ins mat In North Carol ioa U to rompoood of tlm execotka ogftoere af the society and Um o«r responding secralarle* af the 45 eoeferenoe eocte ' M Buagmaa to o£ret "CTHwy or the Wasters ^"r^^nssTunsi aa&ajy* •*■- »«* Aomrdta* to a fwMaa o( Altornap Pynl Walaar, teaching » (atua tohoui without altoooaeoc oartUeat* toaotaa ladtotabto i— i .aadtbara ton anybody ou touch wbo eau gat —ploywaat. maidlaaa of qoaUAoa Herald, rtulUa ' lik k dtad of pneumonia aad waa boriadat High Shoal ohurch. Bara. Irvto, HMaoa aad Herr lug madam tog u» fuoara) aenricua. Tbo (AarietU Otaamr bw a two jaar-oid child of Mr. Jaha ParmU, of Lowar Stmt Oaok, Maaklaabarg. gut tu Sugar mashad in a aaoaags oU. Tha doctor waa asat for aad boo ad up tha eat artarp ao.wsil aa possible. A tow days talar tba artary burnt tba bands and tbs ablld bind to death ba ton help ooukl bo gottao. At tba doss of tha ninth aauual oonreotton of tbo Toang Woman* Chrtatlaa Thmpacaeo* Unto*, of Maw Jenoy, IwM hi Joraay Otty Solorday. a naolatton waa adopted to ibe effect thetioTtow of ibe dlaotoaona of tha exteotire eeto of liquor to atodeau of Yale, le Mew Ha von. the members of tbo solos would us* thsir loflusoea to dissuade all young man ef thsir ac quaintance wbo an oautampiaMog a eallega ooerse, to aaleet soma otbar to ■UtaUou. Mr. A. L. Beach, of Steel Crsefc towetelp, see da tba Kmm tha partieu ton ef a aad aocldeot that occurred so Mi farm loot Thursday. • John Ttou ■*. aa agad oolorsd fane-hand, waa killed by tha aeeidaiital discharge of a gan to tba hand* of Mr. Beach's old art aaa, Yopsua Beech. Mr. Beaeh wrilaa that the faeta an aohauntlally a* fol low*: John Thomas Uvss on Mr. Biaah* aod In employed by him. Thomas and bis sou wont to tba wood* with Mr, Beech's two hoy* to chop wood. They took along a gaa belonging lo Xuaeoe Beach, John Thomaa carrying the gun aad tha •hell*. Aa aooc as ttep reached tha woods Thame* hooded tba guo to ha owner, who pat ie a load. H* waa Is the eet of setting tha rod sgaiaat a *ua «*ptoded with to tal eflacA The full laud Umk effect under Thomas’ shoe)dors. H* Ml to the ground, sad died without spooking • wofd- Mr. Bsaoh writes: “Uoolo John (sa w* otUad him) was an ledua Mcas. honest and good aaa. H* leaves a tars* family to aonmkiamd tote.”—Charlotte jfcwa. -SS3LC? -SS5 JTffisXra Anm.'Stov It hi icooaoced lhat President Dt*. urniS?s2k£ p^,p*^1,*,, 10 ,Wl “*• Mi Coash car. sans ntHniaT,^ «rty|» ns su threat soS ten trooblS. ransr wisssosa co. _Lh2! - ihm S™**** **«uy »**• Kooi tat offloss. They are successes In that Una. " " waitemrS than tn Bfs with a faced. Fsost Tosresoa a Co. The Hhalby postodoa maddla has ST". J* <* Dr. J. M. MeBrmyer, aa postmaster. • -■!- __ mm . Wbgoptof oourt to tl»e mpto dtotrestmm ter'SMSSE ZE&T — nosrkMtraitOo. The last soon fall Sost New York City orer MO.OOO. Orsr one thousand ■on wore employed to ratnoro it from the streets. nwn Toan>ca a On. The Salisbury World says the Mor mon Elders who hay* bean at work for seam Urns In and around Salisbury bars not mad* a single eoorert. ^gjsssessecs Bujjr lUssn, lb* last. bctns tka taraoua IMtW p«a iwsamnk sod brer ova Mm. ' e soar Tn ami xcak Uo. Prof. M. 8. C. Mottle, eaperluteod •nt of WKnluftoo city school*, ha* two* sleeted professor of prdawogy et Ibe University to Oil a vaoanoy. There are now Ml atadeote at tba Unlreratty, 40 in rxoeaaofthe largeat □aether am scrolled la the hletory of that Institution. Tba Catawba Flatter says burglars satrred tba pootofRos at Ctoteasoat, Oaiswba ottosly, Monday might of last wank. They took notbtaf, as H asem Uwy wars after noun ahd there wao none loft la tbo oAaa by the post master that night. Cotton, like every other crop, needs nourishment. A fertiliser containing nitro gen, phosphoric acid, and not less than 3% of actual Potash, will increase the crop and im prove the land. Oar book, tail nil »bow the aabjact They art ftw to lay fluwer. USIUtAM KALI WORKS «J Nwwa U . N.. Vat. GASTON INSTITOTL QArroxiA, K. C. I t. &l4 J. V. IBID, Priictpth. -o Oradad 4 apart menu from Primary ap. perpsrtof for collaga or practical Ufa. Commercial Department conducted by Prof. J. A. Drawn. Musical Department under Prof. 8. A. Wolff. For particular information, address tfce prioolpala. New Bakery In Oaatonia. The OaatooU Bakery baa paaaid Into my management and baa been thoroughly reoo vated. A cook reeommrnded a* the beat In CkarloUe baa beeo en gaged. and every care possible will ba observed toward per fret deuollofv* la tbe prepara tion. conking, storing, hand ling and delivery of my guoda. A specialty will be made of See cakes. Dread may be seen to-day and every day at Jndaon Hoas'i wham my product will be stud at ratal 1. Larger orders de livered from bakery One trial, please. A. K. Lor tin . POMONA HILL NOISBRIBS, POMONA. - - N.C.. n—rOraiiliuro. •MI aad I mi Iinoy (Nik. Ora«r«nMncoaritl nmUon. Ml Oman Mad aad aklpdM aaauaby. ■aahkf •laak.Tnttakaw. Kufmilaa cianaal aanl trtnonny hr oar mill IMiimiilinn A r*u Mat of nonary atoet. tnoloduur orrr mjm Appla VrS'a far Paul nr*« aad pamphlet on “Hon to Plant aad Cukinte am Orchard. Addrota. J. van u.fDuir. Panooa.i.C. Tba Ptanoa that atoH la pant at ... . Tone, iSWtt&SteS . v' haaa and lha latarfor, la found la Ita araataaa parfroUon In l •. d PIANOS T\*ir ooat la anro laaamalila than any athor JJNptaa^ baeaoaa aoid hr tba anaafkotvrar SiJUbl* CoutiteDt Term. RAKDARDORGANS —Hia World'» Real. CHAS. M. STIEFF, Tralee's Sato. ggsSSgSSSsKSB D^NWTICB to tM o«aa or tb, HaaMa. at ®"9* fat Oanoa cooi7*jr, W. O, I vlM Mil at gSjS^&teTURISS SrSt^sKSst: . to • Mat! H Mat* MM. _jrsrt3JU?.‘~ -* Tristee’t tale. R. E. LEE. SOLDIER, Clllxtn and CfcrutUn Portal. a snai m m—u rax *w noPK' UVE agents wanted Kmrrtm lo allow w.l> pagm and act up aloha. Extraordinary Liberal Tormi. **«—7 be Mdv tepidly. and a yeet amowet or gomi dcuie la etrtulaUax one ef itm ■Ana aatertpal worm paMlobtd during taa pdoa quarter of a century. Aon re Ar.ara ana me lunra a Exit Hmi’Mi, ®omo ©f oer beet warenre ate aeiUng Odd* <*"• Hand red Hooka a Wab. Me MttlJliA hwA to almost amrj nano ba maM. Dr. 1. J. Ifaane, Mu*ao*ea ooviUr. Ga_ rate™ 5kc: eeanty. Tb*_ a oulBug Dacca at ike tala ol 1M aoplaeawceA. Tt*e Work Contain* Bla|ft»hh«l Ikat«h«* nr au thd Lradiwx Bomak a root amount o( K5WMI lAaHrr. and aUraa cumber of lkmuiirat dwtl-faru Uluatnunma. It k a irrand braid, and ladled and noiicaia who u*o giro ail or aay part or thaw lino to Ua oaavaoa IO nut* iiorueodr auiaa at monoy ae unait pibaricrvi, iboalng Ik* durtrront dried of Niullng. oaaipla PMeaaad oU moiortal a arena ry to work with, wtBbe cent on roonpt ot BO era re. the SjSgg^^rsasrfe *«.• ft Jureiab It al (dr look than actual aeot or taa no. toe*did. Md ere would odrlee >ou to ordtr qpdok^aaO grtjwtrUiaiTa aantrol ot tie beet ROYAL PUBLISHING CO., HI* abd Mala M. Ell'll aOXO. TA. GROVES TASTELESS CHILL TONOC ItJMTAIOOOD FOR ADULT*. WARRANTED. PRICE SO cts. .ttgWBc’Srig towki i*dm fthwtr ihla rear UUiwru grart.^gi3hajr.ia5gsa:s; ■NRos m yc« f\*rt 4 f •• •rtfwWljp A fviM W»i« n»»y • * uity****!.*! »i • rbt nr«a> aa i ib« c«n«M pm U Ii*». :• '»»< •* Iwll Mp4 |#»*4W »•«•« 1 ^ • . i r • f VI k» IU-1|||«4 NwtMr n.m»i*r •* I Mir« - nil u •» laKroolll r«ianHklr — gji Aw trtl Write at •«• Mr* HUlSirn CO.. Rcchester, LI. N*tk'«. KOjrrW CAHOUNi.) g.ipoTtor OmirJ. lloomy Qiintrr. f Sori^rTorm tot. 9.0. Dro«ni n. CtiTt— Hr»m, •*< nupofloc I Mart of Ohim I*. for Ik oorpooo uf MVMurton % gs^p'-rs, i^ursssrjwa ■ lo poor Of I ho non fora or tho Bwiiil2rl>j»l 5£”"*' •• *o h«M on loo HooOf In Boron, loan. M ihOnft Houro of 0>Moowiity to Doltoo, ■. 4oo«^ lltn, cT^ CamaMmlaner’i Sale. L. L. J nun, rnmd~a. J. D. Moon*. OwUn. Pirst National Bank, Or GASTONIA. N, C. State and County Depository. oommiazD business august a, ism. OtpiUl (took, .... SfiO.OtXXOO 1 DIEEOTOE*. Su^ht*,.6,70000 **• L'Jiakin*, T. O.P«gr», ! J. D. Moon, T. ▼.ini»en, Piridsadi paid dse* mgmimdm, K£00M I F. DUUi*. loWcIt! toownwof Individual!, Pirma. and Corporation!. Intdraat paid 2? V™*”0**- - OM,rMTt*— to patron, wary accommodation oona. R. K. RR1C, M D. Adams & Ueid, PHYSICIANS and 8UBOKONS, OAATONIA, B. C. OBtc* at J. E. Curry A 00*1 Drugstore. J. M. Sloan, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Day Phone 16. Night Phooa SO. F. G. WILSON, M. D.% Gaatouia, N. C. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. tVOAoe at Turrence’i Drug Store. Phono No. 16. W. H. HOFFMAN, -DRNT181 QAATONIA, - - - - K. C. ff OBIce over First Nathioal Book. hOB’T. L. DURHAM, -LA W I'EM. GasTONIA, • N. C. -DAN. WILMA A UtBAA. W. H. Wilson, M. D., Genorsl ReotaJ and Omeooiogloai Surgery and Chronlo Oleeeeea Spec ialty. Limited General Practice, ree* eeaart Here. Thee grantee ea raOdac tacnSTTm .rrrc? Bay Rwee 44. MUrat rBeea At 1a. N. ulenn, M. 1)., Baptifil ffitlHisig u4 AMloinl Is tf. VIlMQ. °“~ mt1tSK^uS^k Tnutoe’i Male. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. „n J*«Mrr 1 A, IIM. Hor»hl»o««cL Hu. •*; Ri Hu. JJ _P^y uny. m j p^»>. Iit Ar-inr».C.T. t*> • u « B I Mu 11 M p " W«n'»,Mi«or iUa........ . mil j Ifii iSrE: 1§ 5 = |S|-:.:::::::: __ .?Sg,tSS::::::: tS; At- Rk'llAIDAd . 0 00 A I 0* A IS I *-5sa»&. ~~ is: ~ iTsf? - BSTttg^::::::: 8 lihdig ; toolhtoond. u IT ‘ M |I>»iit. t>»Ur. "■‘W •"{jsSS^M: II “ w«Mn*ioi. |u u . II 49 p ."!"! Lt.IttciiiiMBd |tl M mjlt UD1 IBIat * Liv. ttovlllo i « U pi •» ■ IN • " : &2V' i.« p,0 4-4la:;:::::: Z ““S?1* 11 s »u »»; • a«. : . i-pijfpjfc. \ iS!«i I (S’ iSdia digjjgi -A- ft. m. ‘T’ p. * • M~ — 7 Hoc 17 pad A—DftU> W Wftfttorti VnUboWuaii ■1—pruft oftrm batam X taftfift. nr WiMwytom. J •ry^ftod ftiK> brtwwKU ▼iftWftaL£D4toa^Atlftstft iftd 9Mm thorwibnn eoftatoaa tan tad Atiftatft. Dutaf ISffiS®SS p—«H»rri of oil nl|n Pollau 4>ovlu Krass ^a&25-S5? tnrta| Wookloftoa mob VoSmXu m>a *to BawroSKa ti'nlKs ■Wrt..T» to tom Richmond and Ghorlortn. vUDtovtD*, KMtnbout 1 Novll ud *1, uimWmdKitf Tlift Air Um BtJ* Irtla.tftft lfftadML W traB'Atfeat* aw) OormftOft, A*., dfttty ap CS-SSt^or, Third V P * »«. Htt, *■ dm .too, D. ci W. A. Tcnk. CAROLIIA R R01THVRSTER1 R'Y. Maioru Axn cMMcnan la ■VFKCT riHBVART Tlk IW). O. W. F. HARPER, Preaideat. CMMlkuNwIiri. —ymm aottf ■ I Ko-lu. H. g' ISS J ST“ T5*C }S« riJ£3Er.:r.::::i ? S: S iJS: ■ U*»»0lorer.. tMtonttii is?: u»r« LlOeOMtnn .. II am ] la^B Arr1r«Ltxtetr,. .SSSS »8g; oooro aooTn rffoi. j§j ~ !sii gg^....— jj?g; s@Se=W-«P TV* In* Ko*. • und U> tr» dratand run »dSISftBtfiSgWS tkdr adviRiaM to aali at or iViin!ii,n?di li!S U*e OczmmmI txKoa, uS^Kcf* ”4x>n 1 "I1** r. iukp*fi. rjmum*? U T. MOHOL8. Hop.dnlcaa^r*^''- * G ___ntiw»i'B.a AdminUtratar's KoUfp. aal*•*■"<“ •ba »lk 4»r or Java b ? r Mortgage Land Sale. I i T*» r.4w*n UK i£a ,ir*' “«’■•«•*'. Notice.