* - - _ / THE MAINE DISASTER. •I * # ___ The Most Horrible in The History of Onr Nayy—Oyer 260 Men Killed or Drowned Before the Arrival of Assistance—Many Opinions. Sectional View of the Maine Traced From a Drawing at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Showing the Position of the Powder Magazine When the Explosion Occurred. Tha biowhig up of the United States battleship Maine In Havana barlx* oo Feb. 15 was the most frightful diaaatar that has ever befallen our nary. About tSB men and two officer*, Lieu tenant Jenkins and Engineer Merritt, were either instantly killod or ilruuni.nl ccuiv asKisiamu could reach them. 1 ..nr Alubamians, Lieoteoau'* Hood au.1 Blandin, and Naval Cadets Boyd and Crenshaw were on Isnrd the Maine when tho explosion occurred, bat all •mitwded in ervuptng. The exploslcm occurred at t o’clock at night, striking tho ship forward render the quarters of tbe men, uxat uf whom bad turned In, wbiok account* for tho large loss of Ufa. An inrvwtigutinn of tho terrible disso. ter is now under way, THE EXPLOSION"DESCRIBED. A special from Haruuu ooocemh.g the diaaatar says: Jamas Rowe, the Ship's oook, era* (he least Injured of any that wean brought in while 1 waa there I asked him bow it happened. ‘‘X don't know,” ho replied, speakiag with dlfltnolur. “1 lamed in my ham mock at 6 o'clock and heard three hells strike. 1 don't remember Myfbing more till I felt mwmlf turning oVW anil over, and falling heavily re pm the deck through a maaa of smoke. I gut un my rent and worked my vray on deck. When 1 gut them the superstructure dock was dipping render water, and I jumped over board to kasp from being drawn into tha •petmn- I waa picked up by a boat from lha Spanish warship. Four nun were nicicad up by tha mm* boat. They ware Ifeniel Cronin, a lindimsn; dnarlan Berryman .hoatewsiu; Albert John, ■» man. and Bloomer, a landsman.” One pour fallow, whose taor waa ia Jomd past all reoagnitkni, waa lying ia a cot m tha boaplIaL 1 asked lum his uamo and ha mumbled back through | htmnUy swollen Ena: “My folks would foe) uneaav if I told yun. So fisras I cau learn now the explrv >Kai took plane ftn the Mnaffamtne naod for the norm of Run oulton for the torpo Tile vowel lire with her buws whtJjy en hwwjp. d and only a part of Tha expioaksi, which shook the city man cue end to the other, ervatetl the wildest excitement. All the electric lights were pat out by the shock. Jiro mehed madly from rue dirrtv t*On to another, and no one knew fer certain fboau which direction the exnlo* •hai came. HOLE IN THE »HIF»8 HULL? The ecwiaapnodent at Key Went of tha Associated Press has returned on board the Olivette from tha seeue uf the wre k of the United State* bnttlaahlp Maine In Havana barber. The divers who have been working about her bottom have dis covered an t-ioch pernawlini hole in Bi pkU. Admiral Mentarnla has smniaoocd Chptain Mgatwa to appear before M1U *"T Jndga Pural to aukr the-rnrT dopowttooa. AH proof of the torprd.-, werk will he removed. Om of the regular staff oormspcaid snta cf tha Associated Press hem soya the report of the finding of the hole In the hail of tha Maine, evidently censed by a torpedo, wassmt from Havana just before the OHvette tailed and from e •ernree regarded sa reliable, bat carmen be verified, awing to the strict cenear ■hipat TUiant verified by the<41 rora of the Maine, who have arrived at Krt West from Havana. The navy department ehaolettly die rredlm thefory eosotag from Key West that divan have found an Atocfa perena rien hole In the bottom of the Mahw. COURT Of INQUIRY NAMED. The nary department has received a dispatch tm Admiral (Heard. to <«■ ntand of tha Worth Atlantic sipsedran. giving the detail of the most of inquiry to laveatlgsts the Maine itiaaatsr as MOowa: Osptehe Bam peon. president of Um coerti Qeptoin Chadwick. Idea tenant Ojmwaedwfctovi'dsr. Lise tenant One Oeptnin •seepane, the ptdim sf the oemrt, In ntsewenfw of the baulmhlp Iowa, now Aft the TortugA*. Guptain Chadwick ftp onmrmuicler trf the Vow York at Key Wert. Ll*tireturn Oum «Ancter tichrowlcr Ls oxcxntivc oiftoer of the htllnihtp UMwchowtri miw Aft the Tortspi. Litratenant Cuniuuuider Man* k ex* ecntive uAcer of the Vermont. Be wmi formerly with the Maine an cxocntirp tf&cor liefore Die detail of Iieotenaul Oontmander "Wain wright, who relieved him. WILL RAISE BIO WARSHIP. ▲ resolution offered by Mr. Hale, ap racprialin*} 9300,000 for railing Ibe bat tleship Maine and sawing what property enud oe tewed, waa passed by tbs senate without objection, being amended so at to authorise the anraotary to direct that the remains of officer* and.-sailors U bmugfat to the United States for In terment. The home lias also ]meted e rosohitioo similar to that pasaed by the nenata rela *lwe to the Maine. Mr. Boutelle, In the comm of Me re Starks on the Maine resolution, arid hs had no dime* information official ot otbenrlaa aa to to the caaat of the Maftu disaster, bat that all informs tints at I BATTTJMHXP m*i« Maina toia loohsd upon u a war ^'P^kat woaM give a good aocoont of haraolf ta aiwaitnation. She wo* built How York navy yard and atm* ratoriag Into active wrvtiw, on 8®pt. 17, iJ®®' ki* baan coatintxrady at work. waa also a stool armored battleship and waa equipped with two 10-inrh bar »» waa m toot long Si <£?°* » dieplaoemsn t of M8» tone. Hor draft waa *1 tact A ischee, which allowed bar bo enter Ha Tana harbor without trouble. She wal equipped with twin ecrow vertical tri P“ engtaae, which drove her at the rate of 17.4a knots mi hour, atul fro waa thne able to make the dietahee frtwean Key Woe* anti Havana in four ***“»• *Jfr had a maximum coal capac ity of 8M tone. Hor tides were ten. tatfrd by Ik-Inch, her toast* by k-feTch end her barbette by It and 10-inch ar mor. She waa armed with four Id-inch pne to turret*, six t-tooh breach load ing rifles, seven 0-pounder* and four M*lno onM It.ooo.doiMu Ifrid tended to etseoigthea tha belief that it wee dee to an aoeident. The teefrrtfcm was adopted without a dir •eating voice. PREMIER 8 AG AST A PAINED. The lifrU correspondent of Tho Kew Twh Woeld aetuhi the foUowiiig ee froriaed statement by Prime Minister •^W.wrr. grieved end palntoUy *ur Wieed by the mtastrophe to the deino. We felt 11 doubly hereuae tha end oermr ■mine look place in onr waters "We cannot forget the gym pat by that was shown to ae by America when we teat our craiew Rvina Regents sad the mtoitorrof marina• conveyed to General Woodford the condoincoe eg the Bpanirii nnvy. Oar rspraenutatlvs at Washing ton win ounvay to the American govern enunomt the tympathy of our save lain* nation aud government. "You may have noticed how general and sincere baa been the frVodfjr aid •win of oar preee la commenting apuu this anfnrtonate catastrophe I feel oouddeut that this and the eqmaitv fehodly nnudurt of the eatfcoritiee and fropie of Havana will go * great way M tSSSSE z&s£z aad ofBcere of theefedne. "We haVe heartily approved th* mm H8fefiS§g| of the Marne, it la tin; towu cnunen of Havana that baa uffesuri to ootwt all «x. pmaea at tba funeral and banal at tb* 1M men and two ofllinn. • "Indnad, I do not »ppr> Send any toon tile m oar relation! with Amorim, lam dimly persuaded that tbli purely aecidciital oatmetoopbe will tw them doaer, If pnadhlo and earnest them with sympathy. , ••Ieaono* give yon any freab details of the theory or origin of the accident, hot 1 am able to stale that all the toaurea of Information. Spanish and for Mgn, are anaaimona In attributing it to an explosion in the interior vessel hmilar to thoaa that have occonad in the American waimhip Cincinnati and aaeetal raatola of the European powers la the lost four yean.’-’ ATLANTA PRESS ON AFFAIR. Coni,mooting on the loss of the Maine. ™° A*'l*htss Journal mys editorially . "If the facta show treachery, an In* daennity ooreriog the loaf of tba tattle ■blp and the terrible kW of Ufa, which la hardly capabla of iv imputation, shoo Id ta rtetoanded, andatonoc. -Thnrr should ba-tto haggling o>e«r tbo matter, no beri tantr up Spain's part or once. Tbo de nmnd ehoald be made inatastcr, and if DO* promptly mat tba Vmitartlmant of Havana should aasaa and war declared. " -laalangthradltorial on (b subject the Atlanta Ccoacjuaetea*. hna this totay: ••Tharp to every raaaon to MUem that tbo snnfliflatton of the battleship Maine and the deplorable loss of life resulting therefrom, are the direct oat-come cif opuilelt tmadhery. But the Republican admlnieararlrm, with its tetnperiaing, halfh«Mrtodnnd wholly tnunprened tatlre Spanish policy, la Indirectly inapenatblo. "If the tarns of the American people luul been carried oat—If even the pledges of Mr. McKinley's party had been nil fillrd, the Malue would not have been daetroyad by accident or treachery and tbo cavUiaod world woe Id ham been ■pared tba boms-of hearing of the re mite of Spanish brutality in Cuba. Par the Mniggle would ham been ended months ago, and there would have boon no nocoaalty of exposing the M i loo sod the men who manned her to the results of Spanish treachery ••Why wit the Maine sent to Ha-run a? No* to aid the Cabana, no* to menace tbs Spaniards, hot to aid the 8paivi*li anthurltlea lu their work of patting down Spanish revolt against Sagarin's bogus autonomy." VIEWS OF ADJUTANT KELL. Adjutant General J. McIntosh Kail of Georgia, has very decided vWws abon* th* din (ter and dues not ho*tat* to li. preee than. General Kell's opinion amounts to n Mat deal, for In ia thor onghlr familiar with mania Hawns Monad in oowmnmd ou the Ala barn and wan tine of tbs hut to Jump from tha •hip u It wna linking. When ulttd what ho thought reused the aocident to tha Maioo, if aoddant It wna, he aid; •1 think than waa trcsobsrr and Unit mm» Saanianl waa at tho bottom of It. There & ao Hnrflar oaaa on raoord. I never heard of a battleship blowing up tad do not baliara It pnaalhie for tha uiagahps in one to sxuloda. Tha aUpa •re so couatrnotad that It weald ha next to an hnpoatoWMty. Tha Idas of patting dynamite in the coal is also itond end 1 do not behave any mk thing. 1 kata theBjnnlardsimthat my optoion any not be an impartial eas, bat they era ti aauli emus people and ay belief la that that* WM trvsobery in the oaaa In some way I hope that Mara will be a thorough in' rrotlgutinn and that the mal caoM will be dl MOTS red When that la doue wo can tell bataar what to do.” INVENTOR ZALIN8KI TALKS. B. L. Zalina lit. inventor uf the drn*. nitv gua and an expert m exptoatroa, doohura thak the Mains was sot bkrwa apfn*n within. "Arcidr-ata, rare Wet U* eombustlon/' *• mjksjftj 5Sic.ts • hn whan the awitoutal dropping of a ihetl might hare blown a nil Into atmn* and has daws so Bat ilal h-qs h past. "We m left. dam. with only one agency .afalh of the — gDtrf I*.«?» NtbI-N. mA was tbs Wort bo Wl 1 en toafert mm <4 ( i * *• a i. a ihrm man-TRsei? ;jtt. LK inquiry mart nusvre:'. "A tcrpodo fr>.si below the water Hoc might eerily hare turned In the cleias awl ret Are to a insgudne, or— tar I am not thenrbdng oa that. The •irerlnr and the interior of th» bull wUl •nil Ilia »tury. But 1 tapaet, and I am firm LB my ecmvicllnu, tha Meins did trot blow op Horn within. The blow ease frotxi lire outride of lror maculae.” THAT TREACHERY THEORY. A« the Achilla of tha hue of Urn Heine are pnliliched, there arc renamed mark* or •ympithy in Londoo. They are not only iu the nrwspnuesa, tat ere to be beard m nil abler. Many of tho diplo mats, intituling the Spanish ambaaaa dor, here allied ut lLim United State* cm burry. The Pall Mall Usaett*. allodia* to the bravery of the Amerusui officers, Miya: '7 hat long been snxpidoa* of aume atrocious foul idoy, anil is repeated to tavo craifldaiifbil reports in hir rnrr-r tiou which, if publUhvrt, wueid cause hnmedists war. , Thu hi. James Oneetto says the mu. doot of Prrwideut McKinley In the de Lome Incident shows he la not seeking a panel and is "unwining to allow hit Send bo bs feroed by tha firs brands uf tho senate. Yet a president of tha United Bunas, though very powerful, may be driven sgainsl his will.” Other newspaper* comment on tho disaster on the mms lino*. 8IG8BEE LAYS IT ON 8PAIN. A dUjntcb to The New York Journal from Washington wyti Captain Stgsbce he* tolegmntad the navy dcpuimcut, aaiug the Lnnllrh cipher, that in hla opinion tho destruction of the Maine was to* aot of na enemy This dispatch be* taco suppreaaed by 1 the department, but it i* known to have , been received. He requested an inline 1 diate iaVeadmition sod intimated ' the raeaoa m sent *H th» survivurs to Key Went was that ha feared more ' trouble, | The Washington comrpondout of Tha Herald any* that ha itowf un tha bridge of the Maine with Captain Higatee. a week ago yaoterday, 'and the captain i ■aid Vi him: “I don’t want to bo ahtlged to taka any noal aboard from Fla Tina It would ho « riaky oaparimoat. Mot that I ras pact any one In aathoriW, bat them la tha defenan of ha right* again** >1 Hut fur today it (tala only aim rxu and Inyal -vaapvetna far the hmmn*- mi*.'-nonHappy Indeed went the t»;««kml< wrlai, bv **v tog the live* -4 ibe crew id ih.- Mata*at toe rink of their own. warn rha* wutikiil hi nrvwe Ih*- -•nt.mcut* nf nil drwelamfa and >b > trelitkm* >4 Mpain "Wrdenie tmnw wkat uuy toppan tomorrow We are prepired fer un exeat- But today lev aapam the iwnrd, which wt- bain Ixeu timed to keep draws. h> tha led head, and Wt aa •rmoh nut dm right band, not hi then who In-ah a*, hat tn Ihum who weep." The IaagarahU an: "In d thcaon^i attain Hon te the matter and that It will make eoob report ao it neay deem neeoemry. tt.Uwa, * ft doalhur with*tha^mutter Thu*1* no l^^Aat tfce ayenleh ax* * “7 way mponsObte lor Ibis serious caljunltT and we aboaid be Am to nuSToSxpee without proof toenhetandaro them." SELPRIDQE WAS SHOCKED. STRANGERS ON THE SHIP. Th« Vnr York ftnakf WaM ku raeatxd from Board. » ww^ilrt at Hiwi, tka fd g&ssrsjs.fisarc ssK.tuss.tiirffs^ja aftVA^ol tksijMyi. TV book Wijjlil thmx bsvs bus dipovitediMjrtV aszaSlBgBPtt *atok kaan data %i tofey. WALES GIVES CONDOLENCE. . Tka Priaoa aad Tlkaa «f WalM ^aaiasar"-^^ [i'ts« WMMiri PAm rfWafca SV3 Kts55s22S« konw at tka taHhk MdteivkUkka i i ; ■