to11 it» ***** SSL do catch to ■«. Ooa* expect Uw mystery «f the •tolas* tatmUM to bo oteased a# taoaooo. There’S always be divers’ snmifarioao absai It. •fi*SBSHHH5Se~52=to» \'y of Dm Piiocntte f in Bafttlft Tnnkj I to bold Um Stott • tod to oiaftt to tha primaries "all wfaite ilntnn who latent to rate with oo ia tha was wmmmm »n* mi*. Oa oar iratpago la m Inisrsai lag diagram of tea Milas, which iaaow lying a waaak ia Havaoa harbor. Tha forward part la to tha right. U was s»tor Ihlo part of tha venal that tha Thotewatd ballot tha vstesltoa total wreck aod It aabrarged. white tho after dsokacmaia above water. Jert alive tbs spate occupied bp the bsflwi ste piled greet Wes of trao thrown there by the ferae efthen pteelow. Bat the dtegsaa of the vse* asl to aot Iwteedsd to shew this. bet tha pteh of Mm ship before tbo ri| te bone spectators ny that the Aral of the ssplsritu tore the middle of the Ship sad threw It epwarda. This would leokaa If the boftere exploded. vneftodkoa above the boilers would then have to be explained by supposing that a aebeequeet expteetoa took pteoe I* the ■sgsriars aad rolled tbo Iroa took above the holier noma. This te •tot Ming «o scetdeotal cause. The unite of ooersa might have boon predaood by theeapteetew ate sobtsarlae mice Jest eader the middle Of the drip wbteb trihsagaintly sstot tho fotwsod leagrrtem. RAILROAD WAS AT HICKORY. -- m •ounzsi ass a * s. f . Hickobt, PtU aai_A* s oidook ^rss:«rs,js: SVS^AfSSWS'K »boOir.toajVS5rthSS5n» > "t^ 9»«3aa A SMMKMMfm^^At^AST u<bi, Moad«y wii.i«i, both tn» !*"•* ** *— »«* without tbo **• CbraUM AKotthmUnL Tbs oOctaH i«« doUIM of Use action taken bw tbm »o«bm. Ouarrirlao km itaoyor Aind two out to bu plan'd oa aaa aC Um oruotiaca, aod aa aoglaa oa tfaa otbm. Tbtcacaaad thoaoftooitood oo tbo oroaaiaga all day, void ocw ▼rotad farther work oo tbo ocaainpt bat tbry coatlaaed w lay Um iraoka •uoaok aide of tbo Caroliaa A North wi'"' la order to nock too Hteh Sr*KS.°!3rei*S*i‘ Ud ia tbo aoatia of ooo of lha moot public aaraata of Hickory. Tfeia was •ojwwjtbaakoraaMMMltia, Uretty u ton'beUTrimii ~The VocthwveUrn rnaprltad to Tbe hand, of botb__ beak to tbe dudM. All m «.Lt tonidMOthoeroMioM. Tbo GMntl* u 4b w——■■Here T—■!■«■ tbo ef theeaewy, directed tbeirhaado ao« P“»* ■ A*ke to bo Moan, Tba •ttewpt to rop lac i tba man «aa 5S.*fSS5K;aSSt teeriag Uup. Aftererrenl BghU the atty oathorl Uj^wataf that it woald had Into a ■tMral riot, dat«f iuad to atop botb tuada boa doing eaj work, into way or ordered the SfwfSic n NBaoa enough wan to aid Ua to dlltberiot Fifty _ •Maadaad after aoaae dtOcaUy took ihe eroaMnga to poamtoo. . Botb nada began to '-iraii tbair fmea, eattl there ware fully aba baa* d/ad aad fifty oo oaab Mde, Tbe police toy "Mjnawaaad aod tor a walk it farther trouble betwan**!the* fceadbof the two toada. Tba aok waa after awbila divided, Tbe goal bare aw — "»da, tba Carolian A Forth mate rn on tba other, while w^aatHlra ac a hundred offioan Mood After the work bad been the Southern placed an aogloeoaooo of tba mart ago and refundto M tba Car»llaaAKarthw«atan>puA Vhtto at the other eroaalag, tba rSta wan too ap. Aa the rewill ef tbbttbo pmk SSSSt*w1, bw**’ **•, tod to ba Tbe Southero fnrapleinad to thooitv jjMborttin ttwt uSrSbnoedm 2 tboir right of way had tha* they re fund to ant tbair engiaa or let ibo fttolea A Forth weMerp lay the hr Irooe beak. Tba Sou there aa* held tbe fort aatil $ o'clock ihle evening, when they neaind orton fro* Oeaarmi Bead MaMar Dodooa, who had eoaia to view tbe tKoetioo, to let tba Carolina A North we* urn proceed. Tbo people ban an la aywpetby with UwCarollaa A North weeterii. The anfe — - ‘ Owe-* Merle*. Tba dreedfal diaaator to tbe tieie. macb aa It baa «fcen all hearts. bn aot amah affected buatoan. OnlyTa lha stock DtrtM, whan there waa •Wo* Wadaaaday by epaealatonoe tbm wargfae, but lu ua utter wisouh Hr* market, waa aa affeot fait, oor la £***» baelueae. Nothing lua oo Wrrad to eteek tha laoraaae la pm dnotioa ar lo working ter an. Tbo proposal of a *aaaral strike la aottae wiUeto aupporttba Vow Bed tod mrthere^ daaa ^aol Urns fer seam An odvaneaot 10 pareaaL'la nan by aaiM OogaMo aUaaa la •xeeouTto ba geaafai ibnagboM tba Laia nariaa •rnprlog tba MaaaM district, and prtowaf on fraar tba othar raagn tblo year haw been at Termed U par ntd., with oa allot went af •,000,5*0 Migy c—b atlaea, wblob aeaeMaawa.0* * "*** togeat Oa Tnodey avralaa owe o/Ueeant hufil law raged um Ihw — tt&'ttXSS'JZls ttealMpnent t(Uttrna(a IlnMi. Tba aord wood bent bar toagJ to OtortnMttw aaUCbarila ■UL Cbarito^Uea Mh^toranil tMd jaaeh traabto lo aan Ida Availing, ttaImbarlagbant aadar thabaoM Durta* tba wktar Obartaa PMar aad *■« mi'MMBbaiwt and bml, -orahta naatadaiilNa Dr. IlordMdthadartortaa totaka >ar tta load oat at ooahalf tta *Md aad tta bh tt aalt tta attar half to Unoa, bat tba daptot waa oat to t» raaoootetta for tta wood >a eaaa adOra. Tfcto laavaaoovball melon on tta bays aadthaottar ootbaBa tonxtoa enmi. Btowen ttte 400 «wda aad Mlan ttat Dr. Bocd bad out oa tta balanoa of tta mm tract raa a road aad tbte road wttt wba work tta baada rated da aand tta doctor* wood. Obaa Oataa bad baraadabruah pttooa Moadav night aad Taaadaj wban tta wind aroot waat aad wteand oat tta An left, aa ha thought, but while tt kto dlaaar U broke oat aad there waa aa •»rr*Ta Tklo Ion oartaluty fteto heavily oa toon noa aa they ban gat la the via tor* wort ttave. White aoderno ob ligation to do ao, the doetarlafkma n that ha will captain part of tta loaa. AMWbtm-m weH-derekmed youth, n Nlutto Mk Mrwliw, b lw MraM eatoaghiedo what by bto Mg atm be might be expected to do? He hoa rapidly grown; be It Umnrfors pw eeety made. Fell to outline, ti« la stutowaUUbMamn teSmOm'ltoul Wodly to bud work; be to graecora ami affectionate. UM ansk helpful youth of fourteen or Moon yews of ago grew ao rapidly that hid proportion imitated tbepeo o* a maa of tweaty-ikSl Vet after aB In regard to bto aodar aaoa, wak a tod ought not to ba urged Jaa mweraly toat ha fall adder tba kwh. Fall Id girth of I hah aod cheat, be (joeae a.vortb.lme frail la Uaeua. Ctoar la hto noavtoUoas aqd aa regarda imps torn aad motlvea taOre maa than bay; yet with ability to to correspond tog to the limited ability 'of boye of hto own age, bo ought not to be with a mao's burdeoe or epmoMd With a man's duttea. Ctoorly. dwpiu bto wtBlagaaee. hto react ability to do ajeaeto work, and bto frailty mart TortnUe ---T - Tharo to a aortaln farmer near York rllto who to aot troubled byhoantoot toa, acreage radeettou aad ao4ortb He oaUa bunaalf a poor man. Lest year ha boapfet ao acme of toad on Pinkney read, about two ‘teltoa south wuet of York villa, Ha ratoed raves belu of eottoo aad bto wife sold it* pounds of batter tort year aad baaldm ba ■oodapiaatv of torn and moot to do bto family and atoek thto year, an without hiring aay labor. Ho to haSd working and frugal aod thefrultohf hto toil matter hla - --— F*^*UoS^Ia. Ha baa paid far hla bra aod there to no debt on it of aoy kind. He to a modoet man and would try to keep ua bum printing this if ba knew our la tentioo, bat hto example to such a worthy ana that we teal joatlOed ia gtrlng bia noma-Mr. E. F. Lae. n • mm Urn Bangtaa Sal la ei». UUdii JaaraaL ..^•wo"" received bare ’ tost week that Bill Smith, of Ht. Airy, a former wrll-known ehaneter ia these “dig glne,” was dead. He is the same aim **•* ■°*ndmk during Urn war. waa pot aodar the toduenca of Khar l.y the phy rieton in chart* “ that they coaid perform an operatioo. He awoke be *”• r**,<vw»*100 .wra oomptotad and raw bm Hum haagtog out on a fenra SJf**** *5 Men told thto blaeeif aad aflhmed It wra tba truth. Jmbeiw we bare evidence of a mem Hying without a liver. Frank Sherwood wee down town to day.the km time alaeo be bad hie tomato with ebotora morbda. Re mje be drove thirty miles altar be waa taken, aad never came ao arar dying In hto Ufa. After thto whan ha gem ant to the enaotoy ba wIM taka a bottle of Chamber tola's Colte, Cholera aad UraTteae Eratodir with blm.-Jfte raoel Valley (fowa) Times. For sale by J. H. Carry A Oo. MMlatntTwnaM. lOar. »HI» WMararar lax rat. *>*• )W5P* “* wh” "°*od at the puling aiill got aa a 'tan1' last later *»f mgbt aod painted the town rod eg around the Dfaloghllt Bat It io a leaf Mae that baa no tan aod ao la Ihla oaaa. The law b^pui lie aide of UM glag Moodoy oad SST »r tha bon woroMogbtoad paid about (13 ooob “U two others toed# good their eaaego •j**1-*1Umo Mag. They era abaigad adtti Oirawlag neks at hoaan, tearing oC Dletato and eerslog paotHa Tin *"• —1«»«M» fSpainuiotS uoaun qmpwi nrnnm . A aagn fW aaariy grow* > m bwood lodoatoon Me. Dnal plgto, ErSS&si?' 8#(near RMMn, of Alba ootiaty baa baae agpdatad aadetaat DMriu attoraay, bat Mr. Oavtagtaa nfaaaa to to reeixe, oWtalag lo fee yroUoUi by ainl aarrloe. It will to Aoataatadla tba court*. Married, la dorar on February 19th, at tto boast of tk* oMdatlag oOaar, ■»«»ia»«|to B W. ilaraafsr. lfr. Joerph OtaaMaar aad Mlaa Ltota Mo n. c. —York Tils* raatw. It la not aanalalaa that Oct. Baa aail of North OaiulToa, atould Indig aaaily raaaat being nin aaialad a* la taadla* to defy lb* Catted fttatae 8a preca* Quart. No na like* to to aaade to poaa aa a Coot.—Pawtockat (R. (.) Qa**tU <t Cbroasris. Tba Columbia ttaU of laaf 8*turd*y aaya tbare an aaarly 100 etoaa of email ri lo the HlU* BiUt town of Felha**. C. aeeoog the oporaU***. Tba rnlll autboritie* bald to tb* chlatoa-paa theory u*.tli to* dlaaaaa baa aaauaad aueh largo proportion* that lb eaaaot po^alblyTi# mbtokan. It waa oomad to Folium by tha mm* negro who oar fted It to Groan Till* from AtbmU. A nmtalJToh. lath, from royatto ▼lUoaaya: Thla aftaraooa, «ro aowa la vary dial reeling. All toe ho nan to* a been deetroyod at Lakewood except tto dab bona*. Alas MeArtboft reel dee oe waa dwtrajaiL Arab Mo IMartald loat trtrytblag. Airttoawm amr ootiage* at Bottoa-a eprtog* were burned. Pin la raging aorth of bare TteGa»l« Lantarn say*: ■ Rev. J. 8. Moffett will mo4 a w7* or two in *■» Vlrgtale about u»# flm of Maioh. under the dlnetieu of the board of bom* mlaotow of hte ebureb. Hie pulpit will bo applied by Bet. R. G. ■filter, of Sard I*. H. C., and Bor. J. C. Geltoway. of Gaatenie. Mr. Mof fett will probably run over Into Ohio, white be la four to rtelt the home of bit boyhood. ft wilt ba * groat smart**, oo dost*, to the poopkiwha heard Sam Jo*** la Gastonia a (hort white ago aad Ms denoaetetteu and ridicule of poUtke aad poilttotaaa. to know that h* baa announced blmaolf a for Governor of Georgia. Hte platform te ■Imply that of a •feettemnn". neither a Democrat, Bopubiloan or Pops Rat. Be aaaore* tba pakUc that be “will not ba tha bind dog lo the roca.” | teiea Praocaa 8. Willard, proatdoot 1 of tba Womaak Chrlatian Tempannna Uotoo, died at 18" 18 o'clock Friday morula* at tba Hotel Kmwira la Mow York CUT. Mist Willard bed boon Ul three week*, aad a week ago it waa reported aba waa dying. Sh* rallied, bo wooer, aod tern thaa U hour* before aba expired it waa reported that ber raoovury was oely a question of a few day*. Her death was wholly unex pected. 8om* bar* eriUciead Mia. JeOonoa Darla aad MteaWInnia for living la tba Morth la (bead of tba Soath. Tha reaioa givao far their preference la. that oa aaeouat of frabau, flood*, aad the low prio* of cotton the Bono voir phtatattoo did not aflotd thorn a living aad that it waa oroaaaary, tberuf ora. for them to work for a living Si do* Uterary work te bat aofted to their taeta* they prefer rad to lira where they oouht do thia work to bast ad van toga in Haw York City. Mrs. Darla, test year earned about IBOO with bar pan and Mtea Wlaala earned about SI,200. hwr led beWovedfee*. aellebery Son. Tba mao wh* now misgovern tha State mast, m much aa lisa within tbo proviso* of tba Hovumbar election, bu eradicated tram tba offlee*. To do thia the Democrats most have tbo LtgliUtur*, aad. If w* are allowed a a agnation, |a order to aooeapinh that and there should ba ao eqnlvoea •ton as to principles, there should bo ao overtures mad* to any party or Parties, aod tbara should ba no coat proateaa. A airtight lio* oa State tetaca aboaM ba marked, aad by softy rtetory will ha aMy. inCimOM Waive V Th# Haw Orleans Fteoyuar thinks that orowda prodaoe bad manners. It ■y»: “How few of aa ibow any real •ourteay to moo aoalataoU, who rut have to malatelo a ■wiling faoa ajpd SU ua raffled demeanor, loalted aa they may be half a-dosaa tlaaaa a day!” Bot the orowda do aot aaaaa tha had ■•aaera They merely draw tha bad muaars to the aarfeoa; and they liko wjae draw oat th* innate cjurlrwy. They am tooohatouaa for tbo test of S^Mtor, aod And fraqnoot appliea ttoo to tbam pro-Denton days _ No. 861bo Nortbbouod >■■»« mu. tbi» rooming, Ihoro "•*" qSu • Booibor o# roe roll* M Uair *ti Irmb flouUwro wtloo, lo Un Kit; TorrU «l PurtMMOtb, whoro "HI roomer opon ooUto Mnlot for UonelaSem _ »—x r-m^m 1 Tub Bar mm Hi ttao world tor Cota, So no, CHoero, (to* ^asar&Sfs.'SrsB b> flvo porftot milotooUoa, or bom SfStV®£f£2T 'WooMi** boro oil tbo Joxortoo o* •**- Wo MO oow^«B|ofto« omr Dl»«Uj torIC. osd boro Pl)od op a bgSt OfSi.00O.00a- PblladotpbU Eg: Uuy. tbol.lbO aTlho poUoo<p la wUb that mmf— PMU*I OPERA HOUSE Friday Night, Feb. 25. —THE— CAKHIYAL OF COXIBRCE. —A— Grand Entertainment —KKPKB8KNT1XG— Thirty or forty of the meet prominent Gastonia Arms, institutions, and factories. THE PROGRAMT1E is rendered by 40 of the most popular young people of Qastonia trained by an expe rienced conductor. Ticket* now oo sale at Torrence's Drag Store. ADMISSION: Reserved Seats-35 Cta. Adults-28 Cta. Children_15 Cta. J. A. HUSS&SON. UMK, CEMENT, SHINGLES. LATHES, FRAMING LUMBER. HAY. CORN. BRAN. SEED OATS, FEED OATS. Field Peat bought and sold. Call on na. J. A. HUSS A SON. Falls Bonding. Gastonia, N. C Furniture Bought Away Down, Th» plant of the Loooir For nitere Ooofu; awon toko •oM at rmlrn't aoctioo. 2B Per Cent. Off. I have |st returned from thU* hetory, where 1 bought n big lot of foraltare 96* lower than It wee eyer before aotd. CnntomerH Benefitted. Thla lot eoaataU etalaiy of Bedroom Salta, Urdataada and Batmua. Our euatomera get the becwdl if they oome quick. C. B. Akmhtkono, Mavaoib Armstrong Furniture Co. JUDSON BOSS —HAS— Peanut Brittle. Walnut Brittle, Pecan Brittle. Almond Brittle. —try thru— Always frosh 11m of Fancy Qroccrtss. Raflmd no lassos In quart cans lor I Sc. Noth in* sloor for brsaktast. JUDSON BOSS. STILL THEY COME! Who Conies? The people that know a good thing when they see It. Coming to buy our Clothing and Shoes at CLOSING OUT prices. We also have other attractions, too numer ous to specify, in our daily receipts of New Goods of every description. On last Saturday our store had the appearance of a veritable “Carni val of Commerce." MORRIS BROS. GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. Now is the time to select your GARDEN SEED and it is most important to select THE BEST. We handle 1>. I .an dreth’s, Burst's, and Wood's—there are none liettcr. —Also - YELLOW AND WHITE ONION SETS. GOLDEN DENT AND EARLY ADAMS CORN—Selected —Field Seeds.— KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS, ORCHARD AND HERD GRASS, TIMOTHY, LUCERNE, and RED CLOVER SEEDS. SETTING HENS. Do not fail to use Lambert's "Death to Lice” in your hen nests and thus save your little chicks. Sold only by J. E. CURRY & CO. Don't Vant to Tickle Yuo to Death, Bnt Just to Open Your Pocket Book. With this in view, we have placed on sale 5,000 yards of Embroideries 1 Almost give-away prices. Beauties, too.__ See them.__ This sale noxout any previous efforts. A. C. WILLIAMSON. ~ mwL “Woods Seeds Are Oood Seeds’* • k tea hatoaay cl tea ~*r via tan acorn, and am SI acnaim team f "waodVowKrtptlv* Catalogue k a meat vahahi* kafetotea hawj gae SiSCASa aD Saada, Tima far Ptutlac. Baa* Method* of Cottar*. DtacitfUcu, arSlln inalladfcaa iijim n“ aSi« T.W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, . . RICHMOND,VA. THE UMDT Sira H«UI ■ TIM Mm. Tba Planok that ettoel hi paint of ... . _ tknt IJMIO nkloh rrally makaa Tone, fe^ggaesanssa; 8TKJJ PIANOS Manrantaat narfaaMmi In TValr aaat la inora iiaaanakta tkna any otkar jaoaptano. kit a nan aoM by Ika manularturar wwi. SaiUbk Couuleit Tim. BTANlMgO OMAN -1*o WorMa Dam. CHA8. M. 8T1EFF, ms^sm ---- I Something New in Gastonia. At roy etrlotly flrat-etaaa res taurant, Jn.t opened over my Jiiarket. ladle*. gentlemen, ,nJ children may take thair meal, at a place which cater* axolu ■Ively to the feeling* and wl«ho. , of the boat clam of trade. They may /eel aure that 1 ahall not Knnlt them to ho annoyed l»v ' isteroimor otherwlae offenalT. penuma. I guarantee to all the value of tbcfr money In good tiling* to eat, well prepared, and neatly aorred. ( all, won't you ? J M. A. Thom petty, Btlll Mond((uarter* for yre»h ACc*t*. W. ft. Davis. M. u. Buffalo*. Davis A Biffaloe, Moat Market. ««rwu,». Having UKMMhfd with M, Mr. M. C. Bnffalop, t will conttnno In ibw markn biwlntaa at tba awma stand aa liwrrtoforr. ^ W- K Dikviil W* shall I • |>7aatsd t« rtevlta ordtra ft>f «njllluf In mtr II*-, sod Momlaa O-l tbrj shall bn flllad with oar aaual promptnraa and with lha bast raaala to bo had, diPasad with owr wnlt-knowa wvw * iiiriun POMONA BILL BOffiEEi^ POMONA. - - M. C.. •wrdmwawa •***•< *»< IMPIW «-|,|, - !IWII*> TVwaSw..*, •ui^KSnSKT- y hr -v ... trwitiM ——*** m pG5t «a-»Ww

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