THE GAZETTE. thpmdat. mattCAut u, tm. D USINESS LOCALS. ' TVOST-Mj barf-market aeoouot book. Satan to W. E. MoAr Ujut, Gaatonla. HAND-CUFFti lAMT—Pair abrt b nod-cuds loat between Begonia and Dallaa. Bet ora to C lyde Craig, Begonia. A RL A WlitWN'A aaeUooal grata-bar now on tha market. * A few aalaaoeo wanted on cotmsla •ion. For pantenlnra addrree Bari. & Wilcox, QaatocU, X. C. locaiTaffa IRS. —Now ia tha time to aubeorlbv. —The public wall which waa recent ly deepened and waited np with terra cotta piping oamaoted at tha Jolnta baa caved into tteelf and pulled tha hole in after it. - Serif I one at tha McAdcnyilla Math odiat church Uat Saturday and Sunday wart ooedacted by Rev. W. B. Ware. U»a new pceaMlng aider, greatly to the edification and delight of the congre gation. —Tli« local 'phone exchange Is still ■rowing. Mr. A. C. Wlillameon'e store wee added last week—No. 88—• great convenient* to II* store and to ■ any local sad out-uf Town easterners, —Tuesday was a busy day with Sec retary E, L. Wllaon of the Farmer’* Mutual Fire Insurance Association. The members were unloading their aa eettmenta for lb* Groves and Baker Area The 979G oo the Qruvrs bouse at Lowell he* been paid, and the amount do* Mr. Henry Baker soon will be. —A great Improvement Ij going on at Messrs. J. E. Curry ft Company's store. The floor lisa beeo raised to a level with tha side-walk. Ever since the street was raised there had been * step down into the store. The work we# "done by halve*.’’ Tbe goods and counters and business were moved to oue side while lb* floor was bailt on the other. —T ho fellow who confessed to steal ing Mr. A. C. Williamson's bolt of plaids and other goude an* out oon vletad therefor, for tbe readon that tho polloettan had obtained the eon feealon ay tailing the prisoner it would be beat lor him just to tell the whole truth about It. But llw earn* darky, Raymond LltUrJohn, was oon vlcted for stealing a pair of shoe* from another darky sod waa sect to tb* Union obaln-gaag for 9 month*. Frews acuslvjr ta rswtsr. The Gastonia Telephone Company now has ooonnctlous ooverlog sixty miles. Through the energy and enter prise of Mr. J. Bobt. Craig, Manager, aa ootod last week, Urn local exohaoge haa made connection with York oourv ty system by way of Clover. Tht* gives wire eonneeUon from Stanley lo Chester and beyond, ooverlog a die tanoe of BO miles. The maximum ebarg* will be 80 cents. All of tbas* new connections will be In working Order the last of Uile week or tbe Bret of next. n> ta*r ar uu wkits mesne. Readers of iho Ladles’ Basse Journal will remember the spleodld march by Sousa recently published id that maga aloo and dedicated to Mrs. McKinley. A fact wbloh will invest It with more than ordinary local Interest is, UuU Mr. J. M. Wilson, director of the Mo AdmviUe band, has arrwaged It in 90 parte for his mnatcUna and at some •arly dale this enterprising band will render It. Tbe iflerob as it origin ally appeared wee arranged for the piano only, and Mr. Wllaoo's la perhaps the first band arrange moot mad* of this splendid oomposition. Fwv Vwelet CeesWHkll. Time waa a little flurry at Lowell aad MoAdenvlIt* Monday over the passing of some counterfeit by Mr. Robert Moss at Faquir* Cornwell’s store Saturday. The young men Moss waa gnlug to get married and did get married Sunday. Saturday be bought his clothe* at Mr. Cornwell’s and banded over to ilia clerk a 910 Confed erate bill—like tho#* used aa advertis ing band-bills. The clerk took It and delivered the olothes. When tbe N. G. bill was discovered, Morn was ar rested for •'paMtog counterfeit,” sod was released oo bond. He baa made good the bill and the matter may not be carried farther. Ml*. WMMaiUa. Uoorge Washington's birthday laU TiMMlij wus not la boom obbob ob ■trrad oo tba wlloeaa (land with that d«gr«e ol* wtksb tradition suggaat*. bat it will ba ramambarad by court visitors as ooa lo which a dtatlu g Dished Mmato of tba KaUiar of Hla Country waa a prominent Agon.. The negro's os air is Miles Washington and he notecases an empbatie Individu ality. lie baa Agnred id many aa af fray and though lie Is now veuerabi* In years, being «0 or 70 year* old, the na ture of bla basin**# at oourt lodleatea that hla oU time proclivities ellng to bios still. He la a giant In frame, and a typical African la complexion, form, fam. sad feature. Were he beck la the lend of his fatten Mites would oo doubt be a great tribal king or chief, and would be giving ityllsb feasts at which (be Juicier of hi* email** would b* screed up smoking bet as eboie* viands for the gustatory daleetathia of his guests, lint that which glvoa to Mite* peculiar distinction Is the his toric fact Urnt be ta aa ex State Hsrator of Month Carolina, fu the recunetfsstlon days, he reprsesetsd Cbestsffleld ooOoty lo tbe lesiala tur* of that Huts. Its was sleeted as a BepaliUcno, wrat as such, and remained ns tuck, but stood Ms Walts friends oa the civil rlgbu question. He said "A white mas le white, a nigger la Mack, dare's dat differeaaeaad dare’ll alius be, sad I busg ap wtd ds Democrau In ds leg sod steed wtd •*• against teriag da cme cyan, da ism betels . and d* aaate vtdliag #» one ase'har'a daughters, asd on dat I’m wtd 'aa* yri, out I'm a BepabHeea in prtnelyla and can't vote wtd Vm ” He la si tegaUmr aa tateeasUeg personage, wkriksr regards I aa a natqoa study la ebaraatarer aaa bow rapMly used lag bistorts Agsr*. rviuun at a rviMAU -*Un«r BUap h< TIm com or tbe 8UU agalnet MUaa Waablsgton and Freak Cathay at Dallaa court tbla weak looked alia id a enough ou tha docket, bat there are more thlgga often la a court ooaa than the dooket aver dreamt of—uotti they are brought ouL Tha oaaa abort men tioeed resulted from so affray gad ■booting scrapata oolorad ebuntb near Balmont not Juog ago. A colored brother, who waa a Method let, died and waa burled. A largo oonoourea of ) friaudj aod retailrea from tar and near attended the ooarquiee to pay tbalr Uat tribute of km pact to thb dead. The team and wagoaa ware on band a« at tha regular ehurob eervloao. Tha mQop of qqmI f uMirnl orator wap poI By • Beptlit neighbor, Mllee Waehlr gton, who kaa already re ceived atoawbare dtillogulebed men tion in theea oohuaoa. Tba grave had been hUad aod Uie oeouod oeade, aad the ead hour for lira departure of tba living had arrived. By way of cooeolatioa to tba baravrd family Washington gave It aa bU de liberate end eatlefaetory opinion that tbe eool of tbe deaeaeed had "ibore Kao to hebln.” Aod bare tba trou i began. Freak Cetbay. a itarnn In Waefaiagtoo'a church, in Wboee *«» mw uye was a mils mors firmly •at then It wee In Uw orator’s, openly remonstrated against such rank heresy tlaye be, “Hoi' on Brer Waahlogioo, you’re say In too moeh; dot mao waa nerer pal uadrr d» water.” It re quired bat ■ few more words to array tbe friends of the deceased Methodise brotlwr sod tha partisans of tbe Bap tist orator on one side aod tbe follow era of Cathey aod drfendere of the failb upon tbe other. They soon mixed up end pistols aod rocks wars brought quickly Into requisition. In tbe full lads tbe orator wee of course, disposed to make pesos If preside, for It was no proper ooeaeloo for a deadly eon uiol. But Washington may id! bis own storr *'I tele 'em It waa no proper occasion for such a rase, and I didn’t want nothin to do wld It; bat I didn’t kyaer nothin aboat dare stiooUn a Util* ootwrfl day got to abootlo todcs my male: Deo I hoops oat my pistol. In dey waa ahoutln rtpdt lodes my male I Dai as whm dry come on me and killed me twice daad-twice—dead— dldo’t know nothin 1 Fust time I was ever knocked down In my life. Den when 1 come to I wax ’awaited four limes—(our Urns*, dm dot, sod n°fl tot | showing knots on hi* j'oed and fsesl; and look er bare (turn ing bis upper lip Ilka a bologna saus age against his nose] and day fpress lug his bands dejectedly against his tommy I hit me lurtbls here ’ ’ Mean while the full lade kept vigor ously on. At bullets aed other missiles went flying Ml Use and thlthar. lb* spectators aod oombatacts did like wise. Soma dodged bshlod tress, or teams, or wagons, and others found safe shelter behind tombstones; while no denial bus yet come to hand that •ooie of the dusky warriors lay behind tbe more reoeotty made grave monad* and thus protectsd. delivered battle to ihelr opponents across these strange breast works. The tumult aod tbe shouting dies. Tbe nolee of balds Is .bushed, the warriors are now departed, and while winged peace hovera oyer the lately disturbed city of the deed. Washing ton and Cathey have been baled Into court and have received their raspeo tive scute ooes; bat where the soa/ot tbe deceased le—that is sklU a disputed point On Saturday afternoon, March Sth, at 8 o’clock, Rev, 4. u. Galloway will teetnr* before the Ladles’Society or Plagsb church, Tbe subject of tbe leolure wlU be "Mae and Things In Washington and Ksw Tork.” A assail entrance fee will be charged, which wiU be given to tbe treasury of tbe Ladies' Society. The public are oordtally invited. Carnival eT Os—saves. Much Interest Is (bit ia tbs brilliant Oarnlval of Commeros to b* bald at tbe Opera House to-morrow night. Tlie yoaog people ere Interested In tbstr ports and bent on making It an aoiertainoMat of rare merit. Tbe grand military march elan* is said by three who know to be worth tt» pries of admission, to say nothing of Hogan aid lyogao In tbsir eomloal role*. Tbe child ran will be dsiigbted to sen tbe (aI rice and the ammasntk morning glory and to beer the bird chorus. Ia fact the oarnlval wlU be fall of rich, racy, end up to date specialties worth seeing and bearing. Taka a night ofl and see It aod bring tbe ebildren with you. ■sUwtUU SssS Ossssrt A choice program of music, varied enough to please all, will ha rendered by the IfoAdraylllo band next Tues day night in tbsir town ball. Prof. R. 4. Hero don, tbs noted oornatlst will render bis famous ’’Pbaoomaasl Polka” with baud accompaniment. Hs wlU also play another solo with plaao eeeemnaaimeat. For the Bret time la public the new overture, MFairy Priooe” composed aod written by Director J. M. Wilson, will be ren dered at tbla ot.nosrt. II Is said to be a evlendld eompoeltloa and will, we feet aura, lie enthusiasttaaDy received. Altogether the ebolre selmUbos lobe rendered by this bead wit) eonatltntu a genaln* treat for all maale towns—a treat more flalshcd and ifvmnsi thsu •oom of the large Hew Ragland towns can boast of. la lb* teeth of Uoele Bra Raiob fotd, which oocarred last Monday Dljtht. n I and mark of Um town Is m ■Mvad. Ho waa as oM-foeblooad dar kty, kind, polite, ladottrioua praoaa We, and rwywIM by nl who know blaa. Seven «r atabV yaart an. ha waaa porter at the Central Hotel bare, and el one that Mae be bad lowed work about town aed waa moot. trusted. Bor asrsrm] yssra be has baas aaanin at Um Methodlat afcwiwt, awd faUhfally ysrforSMd hie datlaa Is Us last. He was Nl eeowsh to bo lo bod s wosfe bo far*, bet bast sals*. Sunday asrw ln(. bs M| Ms aba rob haU a araa I Mnaday h* waa aalU til awd that alsb* be a eased away. Bar. W. M. Ba«by yrsasbsd the rsaaaal at Ma (altbfal 3!.*ss3sar-*“*,-“ COURT IK SESSION, JUDGE GRUBB lin BOLIOITOl WEBB IB CHARGE -r*"» WlUh«« *U4H Cana Comdimmmi VmUl InlOraH-MnMr •rM, Tha aprtag aaaaioa of Garten Oonnty Hapfrtor ouan bona la DalUa laat Wanda* morning. 111a Honor, Judga K L. Groan of Watauga. prodding. SollelUir J. L.W*U> rooromiUd lb* 8UI*. Tho fallowing alilatoa won tboaao to com poop tho ORARD JURY. H. A dollar*. D. G. Garten, A. H. Hoflomn, W. A llarriaoa, W. A. Jan. W. A. Poanon, John F. Martin, Wilt/ 8. Banna, Jo* W. Holliod, Wm. Adam*. J. F. Haleb ford, 8.8. HarroMon Bnfao A. Hatch ford, U. J. Mannar, W. M. Bolen. E. M. Anbury. O. L. LtDObrfper, J. J. MItIL B. W. Atbory furaoian. B. O. Naatt, oOorr ot Ute grand Jury. fryit jury. _ W. A Ralnhel. II. A. Rankin, f. A. Ooatcof, O. A Blown. E. O. Hanklo. J. H, IIuffrterter, D. P. Hallman. D. P. Huffman, B. A. Parham, Jamoa A Cariwotar, W. H. Crawford, W. H. Aberaathy, A. Rhyne. Hla honor charged tho grand Jury a* lo Ha dnUta and wan mob at work on tha docket*. A rein me of the princi pal cat** dlapoaad of aa follow*: CRUIMAI. DOCKET. Iletban Rhyoa. Bout) Inc, can. tlniiad. canto MoLure. Dutarbloi ralig kHra warship. Submit*. Judgment impended oo payment of ooeU. John Cox end Robert Ley. High way Robbery. Not guilty. A. K. Bridge* nod Sarah Bottle. Fornication and adultery. Nolo coo tebdaim Cooti to be paid by defen dant*. Simoo Donglaa. Ananlt Submits* Oo Union county road* 8 Booth*; Joseph Atwood. Assault. Found guilty .^^JWorfc oo Uotoo oounty road* Raymond Littlejohn. Larceny. Not guilty. Abe Brum Held. Retailing. Habmlta. Three Booth* on Union road* Frank Carboy. Assault lu two eaeea So bolts In both. Judgment impru ded oo payment of coats. Jacob Myn*. Larceny, Gollljr. One year on Unloa road*. Miles Washington. Arnault. Guilty. Penny and ooeta. Will Cathey. Assault. Submits, Judgment suspended on payment of OOitl. T. L. Litton. AsasoJI. Not guilty. Trt* Robinson and Jana MarrllJ. A Bray. Both guilty. Will LitUgjobn. Disturbing relig ious worship. Submits. Judgment suspended on payment of oust*. Frank Smith. Carrying coaeealed weunoiia. fiuomita Judgment aua pandad oo payment of ooete. Robert Briaoo. Larceny. Found • _ One year on Unloa roads. Will Littlejohn. Carrying cooomled weapons. Submit*. Poor mouths oo Union roads. Miles Washington. Carrying o>m coaled weapons. Submit*. Judgment suspended on payment of costa J. f. Abernathy. Kmbenlement continued by coaernt under former bond. Will Goforth. Retelling. Submits. Three month* oa Union roads John GemeyaJ. Seduction. Nolo cnotoader*. Gar* bond for coate. Trea Boteoson and Jamea MurrIIL Aftay. Both foond guilty. Fir* dollars and ooata aaob. George Douglaaa Retailing. Not goilty. Zeb Baker. Retailing. Submits. Taro months on Union county road* Rowe Cash. Carrying concealed weapon* Submits. Two months oo Unloa roads. Arnault. Not guilty. Tom MoClee. Arnault. G nllty. Three months oa Unloa road*. Perry WUliems. Murder. Continued. Kd Durham. UurryiDi nnnnwlinl weapopa Found guiltyTToar month* on Union county road*. AsmoU. Submits. Jodgment euapsnded ou payment of ousts. ooumT rant Court waepmtty well attend (don Monday and Tuesday. At the Hoffman House were iota of people and lot* of good things to eat, aa usual. W# noticed tome 8a* this year** cabbage—growing ina box oa the porob. Tbs dictionaries will soon need re vision so aa to Include latest aim* In °f“ » otow* “To*. »»• dews Rom wtd de rook dla way," ta* *52“ eolored taPV‘n« U»a opao palm of oo* hand with tbs clenched ltd* of bis Sat. Tb* nesd for batter ventilation In tbs court room is a pressing out. Ills Ilooor was oorstrained Tuesday to wto4o»» b* opened, white. ft there was any smallpox in tb* eourVboaee Monday sad Tumdey tha crowd of luokar* ou bad jut aa well prepare to have 'em. HU* loasaoms court whsc oaf fel low town*man, Otsrk Ball, imt oa deck agalast snmakody from whom be bought Uqoor. ••DidaHyoush, that “**»•«• tMw mwwrl Elm after tb# liquor t" Inquired the lawysr is arum rxamiaaUon. “No. sir,” an swered with**, “I never pay la ad vance." H* Mated loeidwatetly that be bed paid out 99312.80 In inart bous* feasi A white boy 10 or IB yean old enb mltud fur e*ri7lDf a Pistol. On the witn«m itend hs told about it. |{a Uwted for It when hs na tight and when sofaer ba wanted to "rut book " Ila wert to a noigkbor's boot, with it about midnight aod at another time ■bot It o* la the road. Ha wm aakHd aomethluf atoat Me father--Whet did roar htlwr eay to you about It y» -I don't kaow who my father la." Ha B»naged hie owe earn and asked permleetsa to eay a ward for klmarlf. Btepping forward ba slowly begged tha *•*5 ** **• wart-baM bee* lu Jell ao long -plsaae. be as light as possible. • Too ere mat lag a mighty bto start jaaat maa; l’H bars le Wad yoWte tha Ualeo snooty roads twa moot be." waa Hie Honor's niiim. Yea. a {*< Sw kaaw Who »■*)** > Tim baby bay wasn't reapn alUi tar tha extatsaee thrown Maa Mm; to wasn’t naminikU for **• ***** ** ***** ba was eradbd; ha wna simply a ptodaot. But be*, m ■paaitkle ere-If to aaald only gut a «a°d start. Mayto tot why make ahalaa ? They steak so, and7 hotone SHOT TO DEATH. ROWXABD TATB BLAU BT POUT WILLIAMS. “Ob. dear me I lamabol through the bean I" waa tba total exalammSo •fyoao* Rowland Tata aa. welUriag lu In* own blood, be mat to bw koaaa ■ear tba four ©f u>a weave room at Crowdar'a Mountain Oottoa Mill 8et uday aftornooo. aflar being Ova Uaiam Ho waa tblcaty aad aaBart lor wx'wfi H waa brought. Ha kaaw be waa dying, and naked that aoma one PfV for him. Ue waa told to pray for hlmaaif. Rev. Mr. Surratt aama after warda aod prayed with the dying out. He bad intended to go boating with a friend CLat afternoon. ••Wa’lf not go .W££5®*l,n* title evetting," eatd 1m. •‘Rird-buiiting la over wUh am." lie jafda a atatamrot about tba AHhowliy l" ha mat hit death, aad lingered ?LU?d*f morning between 10 end ' * “ °*«ck when he Calmly pnmed away. Tba aomiont of tba dletceaelng affair, ae we hate teamed It, iaaa follow* : SlMMtly after two o'clock Saturday ■fternuou Perry William* entered tba weave room at Crowder** Mountain Oottoa Mill aad left the door open. Tbl* would cane* the loom* Dear by to work badly. Rowland Tele, a young man attending a loom, sailed to Wit •*»*•»? *«»at the door. Will lamed* elarad he’d era him la b-1 before he’d do lt, and appeared ready to have a diflVoity. Tata epota to blm pleaaaoU ly. aud during the paeeagc of word* ■I’pwr provoked, out wa* mum U> smile. William* challenged bun to tome out doon. dating ha waa bent <~.hVi>J« * fuan, Tat* went wKh inn* out of door* near Dm platform. Thera the quarrel wm resumed aud tha loud talkiug attracted attention. WlHUa* h*d a plato] am, wu making threat*. Tala bed a knife aod wu de fying him to Presently, with a frieud named McDaniel, Talo taroed to go back loto Ilia milL Aboat tha auau tlm# William* was say Leg -if yon say so aod ao again I'll ahaot the .®?rt °"t <>f you,” and Tut# says At this moment ’Williams shot Tate twice In quick aaeceaeloo. Tate leaped Into the air »nd turned upon hi* antagonist with hie knife. The ineo were lu gripe. Tate euttlog for life, end the oUiei shooting for life. Tills want on until three more shots ww* fired. Then Tate fall oC and Williams got away, bat ha was eur ru-iaded sod detained until arrested. T*w ebot, a* we reoolleet the re port, twioa Id the leg, twfca through the body, aud ouos perhaps In the arm. Ono bullet enured hi* back aod he took it oat of bis bosom. Of oouree there Is eoafllotlng *vl "■S10* 10 wtl° wet the aggressor Jo tht* deadly eueouatee. WUIlam* elalms that TaU was coming at him with a knife Hnd h* shot In self de fence. rh# other aide declare that Tau’a back waa turned when Wll “w eliootlng. Williams wee cut on the back of tbe bead ana on the left arm. He wee a drinking man and two pint bottles ware ou bli p*r*on shortly after the Ogtu ended. He baa a rowdy reputa Uuo end wa* in a shooting scrape in Charlotte a f*w weeks age. Tata bore a peaoeabis reputation, and waa not a drinking character. Williams is io jail at Dallas aod waa an Signed Tuesday by Kolle I tor Webb for the murder of Howland Tat*. O. F. Mason, Eaq., attorney for tbe pcla •ner represented that the physical con dition of hi* ollent wa* now euoh that waa hardly abt* to stand trial, and that the defence bad had no time aod would not have time at Hit* term to f»P*re properly for trial. He there fore prayed for ooatinuaoee which wa* grautad until next term of court. wayam^^mw or* waxes ijsttkm ■ las Uul, wuiaHw kwrlM-War rptaw Yawp iSaasa •»> Tharw •ikw iMmiia llsaa. TO the Editor of the Oaattte: Hluoa my list letter, spring baa opened op In February. The farmer* uw sowing oata aod planting oorn. Mr. W. L. Townaend end Mlsa Llxxw Whitesides ware married last Thursday night at 7A0. Bey. T. W. Hays performing the ceremony. It wee beautiful to listen to a ceremony like that. Lb* Bret 1 bad heard a)see I o*m# to Texas, although I bar* earn a good many join band*. Mr*. Hay*' was sick nnd moob disappointed. Thar* were 00 who ate auptarr there (at Mr. J. F. Wbitreides’), and 67 ere dinner at Mr. Hub Townaend*a tha *»»xt day. Marrying la very common her*. Two brothers riot* two slsun the other day. t bear that cousin John, of little Book, Ark., slot* s gjr| out of a window tha other night, dome man don’t think it I* seybarwi* Meal ao small a tkieg aa a woman. I reckon It was all right when tha littla A- R. r. preacher came to tha rescue. Mr. Haya presobaa twloe a month and makes a talk avery Sabbath night which is as good as u sermon. His congregation la to creating rapidly. Frayer moating overy Wednesday night and Sabbath eight, Our temperance lodge (1. O. O. T.l m*eu every Saturday night. We will have a prohibition election In Lamar aonoty thla spring end I expect w* will have a hot time. Coma over and halp us. Tha precinct wc live |D la dread/ local option. Wa live | mllea from Bed Hirer, which ia the line be tween us and lbe Indian Territory. W# have bought a bonaa sad M for our pastor, the B K. Tatereon bourn for MOO. Many of your readers will know where It »■ It la 80 yards from tha otiurch. Wa will not get poaaaa tVni until Ootobar. W. W. B. flbicou, Trxas, Feb. 17, imp. <«lM .f Mmm llilHlllW.»t^ Ctrl* Crmlf, Barjol*, adrartlara for pair atari h«ri e«h luat oa lb* mad. W. K MaArthor adrartlaaa for loat aoaoant book *f hi* b**f aatkot. C4U* and Oacaallaa ball aitaatloa t* thotr ap-to-dat* fanay draaa pood* and aouoaa, wbtab ararit InraaUfa uoobjrtb* lad tat. Lola ofakoaaon hajtd, WU wa(« aobtlajL dairta far all aad aaakwaar too. (Mil and aaa. Mom* Hroa. ara Will tatUaf hi aaw •ooda. aad p**pW au« mm taaat •loaiag out harfaia* la via tar aMA ta«aadWMaa. A “aaraloal of ooaw waraa" waa I* !»•«»— all d«p Mat* MM*m uumn. —Mlaa Mary Warns la vUitlag rat. atlvea and friends at Begonia this •tab. -Mm J. w Creawatl return** Monday frost a abort visit la Ohar Utta. —Mr. B. A Pogrom, of Charlotte, gamt Tueedey with tha horns folks la —A. M. Hoka, of Atlanta to vistiiol t* taws, guest of Mr. and Mm B. C. MnTkaa Mm Ate* Waat, and Mias Maoln ^WofDaUa# w«i* vialton ioOaa -Mr. Jaekisj, of Haariatte, spsot a fan days in town wip. tala liras last week. -Mtm Paar) Dixon, of Shaft*. k toeadiac aoovetlm* in town with Mr. •ad Mm B. L. Durham. - Mtaa Essie Andrews, of Sathartaod, ha* aoeaptad a position u Soiltod* as taaobar—Allegheny Star. —Mr* W. T. (Moray returned last •mk from * three w**ha> virU ta ml atlvas at Pladmont, A C. —MmJ. D. Hutted** la spending mvwl w**k* in Mow Vurk, combin' mg busloem with plea aura. . “Mias lom MoFariaad rstaraad t# htr horns last Saturday after spending maaUaM with bar euurlu, Mm lL c! Wanna. . ~Mm J. D. Moor* went over ta BMNOtnr Monday and remained until Turnday aftarnuoo with bar friend. MmKate HrlUou. * —Mm J. T. MeDUl and little Mar are at bom* egaia after a delightful winter’s arloara with bar parents ta the land of dower*. -Bar. tad Mm B. A Galloway, of Da* West, arrived Monday afternoon Sad will re mala until Yriday, (waste of Rsv. and Mm J. C. Oalleway/^ —Bar. J. J. C. Andrew* baa ratsns. ad front Gaatoola-hopa ha mat with sooaaaa wltii bis cm3io10e.-8utber lead Cor. AJkghany Btmr. —Ur. Oliver Wlleon, of Philadel phia. end bit niece UIm Margaret B«od, of Brooklyn ere jnauTue Fell* Houaa fer * few week*. --Mi*. P. T. Heeib and Me* tar Tyree are Mpaotad home tbie aftrr aoou from a rlaii of aararal weaka to b*,r ln Aagoeu and other relative* la Georgia. —Hr. Jam Adama of Banc* High Softool, Itook Hill, and hla aiatar Miaa Bdllb, of Uharloua Praabytarlaa Cot tage, earn* home Saturday and re main'd until Tnaaday wUb thafr yaroatv. --Ur 8. W. Meek, of tb* Unlvaralty Preae Company. HaahvlUa, Two "mi >n town a day or two Uita weak, aaaat of Ur, Oarr H. BoUuaon, wbo ha* aotd thouaanda of book* tor tbit pabliabiac boon —Ur, Arab. 1). Jolioanu, editor of tba ThomiurillM Orphan*** aaoar <»ar*» ami (MUrtn, mu In Qaato^ nla Sunday, nod mid* a abort talk In lb" Baptiat Sunday School In tba la IWMt of hi* paper About fifty tub eeiipilon* were aeourad. CRAIG A WILSON, GASTONIA, N. C. Headquarters for Cane Mills, Evaporators, Dee ring and McCormick Mowers, Rakes, Bnggles, Old Hickory, Studebaker and Owensboro Wagons. CRAIG A WILSON. New Bakery In Gaatonia. Tba Gaatoala Bakery baa Vnaeed Into my menegeaeot nod bn* been thoroughly NW veled. A cook recommended an the beet hi Charlotte baa baaa » gated. and every ante poeelble will be c beer red toward per fect aleiiallnaat io the prepara tion, cooking, (taring, hand list and delivery of my gooda A epeolatty will be made af Ilea oakea. Bread mar be man today and every day at Jadaoa Hoaa'i where or product will be tatd at retail. Larger orders de livered from bakery Oee trial, pleaae. A. K. Lorrnt. GASTON INSTITUTE. Outovia, JC. C. I t. Mi J. V. lilt, Madpls. -o Or*d*d departmaaia from Primary «p. beapatlof fnrooUataor practical Ulb. OoatMrcial DrparUcect rood acted bj Prof. J. A. Hrawn. Mudeal Hdporf—t nadar Praf. H. A. Wotff. For parti ualar laforaaUna, rdfrwa the prtaetpak. U.s. flan-of-War rialne. Blown up In Spanish Waters. and ~-~— ” rass.7 ^ _ and Naekwear "4W'" __ Ctamija.Onoanrom. THE TRADE CARNIVAL. K'lT«.i«nmr NlzM luid W*'H lMlii It. Watch Our Ad. Thao/bot Look at this ooa NOW. WEARKHEADQUARTPia JUarJSb*D^"--'“-,-r‘ Min n. ui ito» Hww, m u«*r himi ji rlflrf m Svs.'Sss ALLGIRLS j>» we >—hi^tn.-------1 MINERAL WATERS. m*T*‘ ch?*u^*»^riu^th «*r iiitiTi ->'1 ' fraKrtNSM oapMataMiS mtrUHaSmwiSmmmL^ * "* CRESCENT Bicycles for 1898 HAVE MANY IMPORTANT IMPROVE MENTS-A 0 RACE. STRENGTH, BEAUTY. PERFECTION NEVER BBFORB ATTAINED Crescent Construction U simple; not« device anywhere that a child could not understand. In the Cres cent line there la a bicycle for everyone— large or email, old oryoung, heavy or Ught —$20.00, $25.00, $30.00, $50.00. $75.00. -r_r^___ See new Models at Torrence's Jewelry Blare. A few last year’s patterns to go at a sacrifice. S“”d,^n! Th,n«». jaas&jasg Fk>P|^ V^ngp U%HT! 04 •wxtts®? Tonuitoe^ wsjr-s*8j*asa-wa - EDGAR Lmm s. ^ j “•"“»«• AlUMnm, Goods. Hoiuu*. -—--•Mwwu.j.a ^ /a^Qranite Monuments.— I Manufacture Them and am Ahead of all Competition, Since I turned out my first monument xjt this kind and commenced finishing with my fin* mirtiias. I have put ip in Qastoet*. cemetery every granite mnannmal that hen been erected there. , Am now at node on a family mwiamaat hr Mr. O. A. Oray. Correspondence solicited. Estimate* ^niched on ap plication , W, M, WHITE, Gaetonia, If, C, Moore. White ft Co. -CAJ-L WKIAL ATTOrTlOX TO TBXUl_ Heine's Bauer Kraut* Pickles and Jellies, Chase and Sanborn's Freeh Roasted Oollees, Ueeker*s Prepared Bark wheat, with Maple Syrup to match. Cranberries, rich, red* and delkdoas, Moore* White ft Co*