The Gastonia _ _ _ ___ _ D*Tot,d to th* Pntuoaoo ot Horn* tbo IntoMMa «t tho County. Vol. XIX. i Gaatonla, X', C., March 3, 1898. e"J‘“‘-,L 1 * — - - ■ - -i „ ABP €»UWTR MtOKK. Nitjr* NUUmuuU AMut M$vi> Tm4« In TAp Malli Ar* Mol Trua-Tfeal Ike l aw Warn •tojrrdL kill Arp In AiiaitU UaittltuUon. Mr. Folaoia gave au lutereetiug »k«lcU of Mr. xcliue, tbe old slave trader of tbe Wanderer, who, he says, celebrated hU seventieth birthday re cently In Oolumbai, Ga., where he lleea. Aa ooa nf the Invited goa*t*. be could hardly do lets lhau In write pleaaaul thing* about lb* old man. aud as a graplilu writer of light literature, he felt eouetraluad In make tit* old man a hern It possible. The pressure of U|e press for sunbathing new aud atertliug Is very great, aud aomeltmea these bubaoilau galley slaves have lo Ignore facta and daal In fancies. Mr. Folioui says tlial this old veteran baa boon an lr« before Congress abolished It. and from than until tbe lata war no reapoctable oltlteu over thought of trying to evade the law Oeorgla waa and still Is proud of her record on this sui jrct, aud would be proudnr still If tlie "Waodertr” hud never lauded a cargo on our crasr. Mr. McGee seem* quite boastful of Ills success In reaping a harvest of blood luon.y nut of this horrible ho*men 8evrn hundred human creatures thrust In the hold of the vrisel, packed in like bogs and dy'ng hy scorns of heat, suff ering from suffocation, tilth and home sickness oa the long voyage aud their carcasses thrown overboard lo tbe tula's. All this Mr. McGee trlU—and that they made a second eoyags with similar horror* and similar result*, and bow be pocketed $10,000 from each cargo. Conscience doe* not seem concerned as yet. John Newtnu, the composer of tbe sweetest hymn ever sung, waa once a slave trader, but re pented under John Wealev’a pro- clung aiid never ceased to repent, and express his gratitude when be wrote.* “ \'ruling graoe—How iwwt ibc ounJ — That save! m arruiei Uk»- mo Ami when old and Intlrni hit Irlwdi Lea god him to quit pouching and rent. Ha said, “No, no ! Shall Umi old slave trader it op preaching aa long aa he can walk or talk ? Nu t" Evan in Sa vannah, where Charley Lamar lived, who who the trader and part owner o< the Wanderer, Geuetnl Henry K. Jack eon, aa United States attorney, pur sued the caplnlu and crew and owners with unrelenting diligence fur two yewra, but tbe free use of Uiie blo-i! money In come war defeated bit pur poees. Aak him if title slave trade was ever favored or winkad at by the good people of Georgia. So tar from It, there .wern »t that time and pm vlono many good men who with Chief Justice Lumpkin at tbelr head, were trying to formulate a scheme of grad ual emancipation on Henry Clay's plan. Another fact remains that all lb* anl*-citir*ns know to be true. The dealing In slaves aa a trade or Cofeaaion to Georgia Wat aodsr the n of public oplriiua. They wmr* not altogether socially oitraolsed, but they, lost Ihwlr place, if they over bad any. “Who Is that man that is strutting around town ? “Why, he Is a nigger trader. ” and that answer settled his status. His society was nut wanted by good people. No doubt some of Umm were olever men and hnnesl. but the presumption was that they were hard hearted and of as easy onnaelenoe General Forrest was a negro trader, It Is said, and no doiiU whs respectable and reputalile, but nobody ever ac cused him of having high moral senti ments or emotions. HU war record It splendid and there was nu discount on his ability or hie pstrlntlem. jow wiib iransrar or negro savages from the Jungles of Africa to a clvl Uved countrr w •« tin doubt a Mossing to tliero. but it war against lb* lasra of Georgia and (lie United Slates and the agreement of all tho great powers acrtws tba sees. an.I the mods and method* of It wer» horrible. My. Mo Gee says that many of them died from grief at bring boro from tlwir li»mr and country. I well ran.ember teslas scum of them at work In Criooal Mott's gaydaa In Odurobut. and my heart bled for them then, for they looked forlorn and miserable. They could not apeak nor understand out language and had to work hy slgM Of couraa they te-ramo wanned In tiros and took wives nod reared children, and occasionally we find tome of tlieen and Ihalr children here and there In Pur State— and tiny rejoice that lliey were brought fr in Africa. Now tha historians and newspaper men of this generation aaonot write Intelligently nr oorrer.tly of live events of ante britum days, and it keeps tha old usen bosy In defending the Slate and her people fmm misrepresentation Eyen our own ahlldivo haw to be mid over sad nwr again Imw wv used to live aod what waa the true letalloo of Southern masters U> Ibelr slaves I remember wlwn It Was the Mr .a veal loceatlw to good Wiseloe for a mas ter to toll hit Shies “If you don't ho have belter nod da better ( will tarn yn over to • nigger trader and he will take you off and sell you." Mr. McGee told Mr. Fnlaom that Ibe tiegroea ooat them a dollar or two •plena In Congo—paid for In trinket*— and they eokl Uiem for 6000 or 1700 apiece wben they got them here. That wae a good profit If there l* do blood money to be ooonted In beeves -no dlaoooot for murdnr by alow sod horrible degrees. There were some features ef our slavery syetem that were bad enough and gave deep can cel u to all good citizens, but there WNt nothing to tar compared to iliitimpor UtIon fn-m Cocao and our pride hit* hero that New Knglaod barbarian* en gaged In it. The emlnoat Judge Story •■■ice clcrged tbe grand jury io Buetmj (hat It wae noPirtooe that Bn ton peo ple were deeply engaged in thW slave trade end were amaeehig fortune* out of till* blood mooey and ttwnaadls gnioa to their civilisation and meat be stopped. Nett morning the newtpit pera of Boston lampooned him for Uiat charge and Intimated that it was nnoa •>f hi* business. Boston a d New Bed ford ooutloued It until 1848 and wben th»y oould erll no more to the Sooth they sold Ihoio to Brasil and other countries. The*# are Ui« facta that have been ke|g liehlud Ilia scene* while Harriet Beecher Mtxwe cud Weodell Phillip* were engaged lu denouncing the South for defending slavery a* a system. General Grout owned sieve* up lu the very date of tbeir freedom and tiiay built a million dollar mono nirnl to him end ring hi* praises but continue to al*u*e the Sooth, Whtl « curious p*opte they are. All of Lincoln's wife's people w*re slave ownor* aiid Jier brouter* were id Urn Omfederale army and Lincoln aald: "If t can Save tire Union With out freeing the negroes I will do It." and yet liman n.m. fanatic* Imllt n UKinumeut to him for proclaiming thru) free, though be aald that be did It mily ** a war measure. The feet re main* and will remain, that neither Giant uor Lincoln oared anything for the negio and the fact remain* that the manner of llieir freedom lia* hero their greatest uuree. Of coorae we Cannot expect the North to do M jus t're. but we cannot let'tbe utterance* of Mr McGee or any other Southern uiau pae* Without a pro tell. ■ <*ca from <»«tcUb4. Cleveland b'*r. 'Valter Lomg mod Miss Motile tjlroap of Chetryvlllu were married duuday at 10 a. in., Hev.U- M. Webb officiating. Mlaa luri MeKarlaud returned Bat iirdity from Gastonia, where she spent arearal irrki Very pleasantly. Mr. J. M. Goforth and Mist M. E. Hihlges erne recently uoiled m main mnuy by Uev. A. M. Ross, of Kiog'a Muuulam. Claude, the 13 yrar-old son of Mr. L. 1. Kendrick, died Tuesday mom lug of rhea roan*m. He had been ilea only about oue week. Kev. Jr'. W. Bradley cl used an inter est mg meeting Ml l’ulkvill* last Satur day. Thecuurcli waa revited and the commuimy beueOttsd. Tim Cl.erryvillu school opened lost week, but mil of tbe teacher* will not be on duty uoUl Monday. Bsv. J. J. George, tbe cClolBUt and courteous principal, sill be sasUted by Mitt Ma mie Ware aod J. W. Dellinger. The enrollment *111 doubtless be large. Dr. J. 11. McBrayer took charge uf the Shelby p-wlodliae last Sstuiday morulug He Is assisted by bis son. Koasie. and young Mr. Brown, of Kina's Mountain. Postmaster Bar nett's sdiolulstratlon was line. He g-ve Uin pairoti* of the Shelby office four years of thoroughly efflcieut ser v-. If the present administration will come say where user approaching it la point of oflinieooy the pat rone will not oomplalu. We trust It will. Our readers remember that on tbe 20tli of last November Austin Lam oeit murdered Enulneer Bumgarduer, of the Asheville fc Spartanburg. and made his escape and a big rewai d waa offeied for bl* capture. Out officer* made several fruitless sea robes f»r him. A telegram from Asheville Statue lhat he Was captured near that place Saturday aud U now In Ashe ville Jail. He will lw tried for bis life at loo next term of Buncombe oourt. AwMeaU/ stilled Mlawir. (Ifwtw RiHorprk'. Logan RudUlll who lives lo Lincoln county near tbe Catawba hoe accident ly killed himself last Friday. Ha live# uear lirepsvllla, N. C., mod runs a small cnoutry store. Hie wife hat •wen slot f»r soils lime and site wanted a sqniirel for her dinner. Hsv husband uioa down hie gun, which waa kept In Ins store, and started out Flooding to go the woudt ou a mission of lova for hi* wife. As lie psaeed out of tha door of lila alorw he i unted to lock It, holding Die nun with bis club of an arm, at the •uma time. Tim gun slipped, the ham mer Striking l Its door step which caused it to Or*. The Had went ihiough the thick pirl of the thigh mangling It In a horrible manner. II# lived Miami twelve hours after the ac cident and eucrumlmd to the shock, after medical skill bad been euc ha listed to relieve him He leave* a wife and asrural child ren to mourn bl* loaa. Haws eats StNf T» SspiaS Aw. Mr Junes Jones, of tha drug firm of June* * Ron, Cowdro. 111., In apasklng of Dr. King's New Dtsomrery, nays I lust law winter his wlf* was attacked with La Grippe. and her rase grew an serious I he t ptiyslclai s at (Inwden and Pun* nnuM do anthtng for her It e> emed to develop into Hasty Con sumption. Having Dr. King’s New Ihsc-veey in store, and aetltng lots «*f It, he tmtk a lad lie tp Ml»f aa« Me PHnm, Wk* Was KIMS Him, KmqH. (kerlotio Otmrrvr. ATIlWHS, PW>. Au UOSUMCCaful attempt was mads tn day lo asaaaeln ate King Geurae of Grrwcs. Tbo Kmr wat teluroing from Plialerum. at u o'clock to tlu evening. In a landau, * oco cn pan ted Gy the Prince** Marla, wtjeo two nieu, who war* biddeo In a ditoh alongalde Ilia road, opened Hr* with guns upon the occupants of live carriage. Trio Bret abut minted, but the aecoad wounded a footman ]n the arm. The coachman whipped op hi* bones uml the royal party dashed away at a gallnp. lit* miscreants tired seven mure Shota after them, none of whlou io»k effect. and the King and Prints at returned to the palace unhurt. The King stale* that on* ot the a*, wae dreated lu gny olothlug, and Ills Majesty declares thst he could ftally identity him. The news of the attempt upon the King’s life caused a great sensation. Tim aoUou of HI* Majesty In shield lug llw Prlucess at the risk uf hie own life lu>e aroused great enthusiasm. When the carriage arrived near live •|»t where lha assailant* were om cesled, on* of them mwe to 111* feet, «7ing, ’ dtop. Tour Majeety I” The Kitig coolly rose and standing lu fruiit of tils daughter, brandished hit walk ing iitok, crying, ’’Be gone I” The llrat shot was IIred at dlstacoa >a not atiiau late ami oontalue no whlakry nor '.liter liil.'llcaut. I tut acU aa a Ionic and at | teratlv*. It acta mihlly refuse. ••But.” said tbe coo worsted man, "I aia alien of mon«y, uut only here, tml at liooir; I expected you would grant Una favor, and consequently I mm not piv|wtl d lu the expaam— It It eureral dollars, eud" really’ look log a gubernatorial oath, "1 must be home Sunday.” Colonel Andrew* offered to Joaa tbe preacher tbe pile*, but ha rofuaad, say mg, *•« i borrow, I cannot return it. I am uol able,” Tlmu tbe colonel offered to Imagine that lie was In olmroti, aud that a ooo Vlblillou bug was coming, and be would oliIp in. Tula the minister re fused—mylng U was not right. After m fow a omenta thought the paraou mid: “Haro you e band car t” Dolootl Hiller sacerUturd that there was a spare hand Car at the Raleigh •action iioiifff. If jrog would loan m* that. Mid give me tli» tight of way, f think 1 eoald make It by Sundaysaid the (Miami, hi, fumi beaming with de IlftiL Tim right uf way wa. given him, nod }m ttariad, puiupti.g tli« baud ear. As be ti.savd through Durham ha wna stripped stout an hour by parlira want leg him to lalll. off the ear, wkloh bo rat wind to du; el Unwuabofo ho oran blllee by a mad dug and Uia antborl lt*n nt Charlotte overtook him Mid vaccinated Mm. Two Morraoo aldan held him up at Statesville, but be gut bora* Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, •ad delivered .1 powerful aeemOM from the IAU, chapter and Mio 17lb vane of 8k l-oke. Wherein U is recorded that "and it I. easier for heaves nod earth to pass—" than U was for Coiouel Andrews. kkigr kMalWn IrWM. Klos'a Mountain tUTormcr. Mia* Guaaie U-Httla, after a ten days visit U. frle.*J, *„d relative* In and sruoud OaMonia and Clavel, rw turuo.1 home Monday quite retreat!ed. Hra. Dr. Dixon extse lu on Hod day's train from Gsaioola and Ueaso rnrr en route to Iwr home in Shelby, where wo learn the doctor was getting Terj lung faced. Mr. A. W Falls killed a lirgsawn teen mmitlu old last week that netted over HOU pounds aed from which they made thirty Are pound, of sausage and eighty pounds of lard. Died ou last Friday morning, float consumption. Mrs. Nancy llaya wife °f Mr- « M- y«*d about 3d fccrs. Her rewaiias were borled at fiJbelhel cemetery on Saturday. Siie IsuTea a hurtuiid mod Are children to mourn brr early death. Ttie Messrs. Ortaaod and Uofonh who want to Bieoralde. Us]., some weeks ago represent Utemaslvn to tbalr relative, burs a* highly p]tain I with tliwlr new surround lugs. They are now engaged la packing and ship ping orange*. Mr. and lira. 1*. U. Uanalsr, one of our moat Intereallug families will re move. to Marlon this week where they ure to make their future home. w. can 1*1 afford to lose these good people but Marion la a geest gainer at our loss Uila time. We learu that oar esteemed young lady friend, Mias Mmole Kudlilll of this city, tint who is soj-mriilng la Gastonia at present, will npraaant L-aig Bro. at the carnival lu that city to-morrow night With Mia* Min (■Is as their representative, thalra, will be an attractive business. The death of Miss Sudle Garrett oauwd a vacancy lu oor High School faculty and the township committee Jiv-t last Satmday to QU the tame. Twu appMoatiuos wore la hi re tbu com mittee for um p .aitlon end after thor uaahly considering the matter Mia* Garth. Maunry area cbcaeii |D All tli« vacancy. Mb., had already been teach ing one week la-lore ala. mi regularly employed. We wish the school and this worthy young lady both much j Mccmi lu itMlr a** rvUtloDD. 7* Paata Oaeta Mr WUnlat HWa. J. W. T<*M. la Baaao Deemerei. Jodce Armflald aald tint vtnj jura ago, when man were pool died by whipping for larceny and tome other eriraat, ■ u>n had been eouvloled for Keeling and puulshad ae the Uw.lben w*» Xlieie being no homeeteed at (bat time ag'l the defendant baring •»mr property. Ilia clerk letnod au exe cktma aguliixt Me property for tlie Ooete end the ehcrlft went tu the da frudxut to collect the time. Theda (rniUul concluded that the bill of ooat art* erroneous, loo big and illegal, and atked lb* ihetif P» «u with bln to nek the opinion of AralWd about It. So they brought the execution to Ara 0«U and naked him to ivud over the itema of ooat and flee Me opinion, lie r»«d out aim) I Ino Itentt: -|»r* ae ul maul flO emiU. Indictment 00 ceiitx, eapiaa dl, whip W. Judgment »l, "Upping of non 75 mil" Than air fallow fay,; -Slop. Ur ArotUld; dot.’: ihat beat lha deaHf AmlMd replied, “I think It does." -if Crn^aww la etrklewol eiue triebau are hatched. “A young ostrich inuu be on* year old butun it cat b* ‘picked.’ Aa o*. trick be* nearealy any raaihet*. on lie orek and breast, aod la. therefore, an ungainly looking bird. Tba long f ratlins, knows in llie trade aa ostrich plumes, an plucksd from lbs wli.m. Three plume* ate shipped to Haw zoitc, usd brlug from $7 to IB per pound. Of course, thass plume* an there cleaned aod steamed, and when ftrlly prepared for tb» millinery mar hot, bring from t-7 to W apiece. Aa oldl ostrich la worth from 176 to IbJO. tod n voting oaa la worth from 840 lo 8G0, aod they are aold at Uioaa prices to uenaeortao and xiok«ical gardes* throughout tbo ctmoiry. Another roe asm coiam to thi* term from Ui* Sal* of ostrich eggs. IVrtooa buy them a* our lust lies, luting |A spies* for them. U has baru found that tba ostrich Uirirra splendidly no tire alfalfa gras* that grows wild la Artamia. Sotae tlmts corn Is fed to Item. It Is null* amuiliig In imi loog-noek#U ostrich ■ wallow a whole aarofooro aaeaalW aa a cbiekeu swallows oue graio of oorn.” Pwmwu' iimImc •oouan* N«ok Conwionoeartu. Tba Common icraUA bdisves that Nurtli Carolina Quad* a straight fight by Ihe I>uiB.icrail« party In tba comma campaign, wUltout any mixing what nvnr. Tba 4 Lata Democratic Cum mi l Cm amt In ft unfortunate in flue no* that Healthily crept loto the Faria era' Alliance, a breach waa made la the rank* of our glorious dnoucracy which ha* ul last wdl nigh ruined tha ' State. And now when wa do tee some hope of redeeming Uia Stale from the (limy 1 eotis of corrupt administration, It would atom the lielftu of folly to allow auy of this evil influence to ding to us aa wo extricate ourselves from tba octopo* grasp of lh« Uepublican party. ' It would roe in si reasonable to advise a young man to associate with com panions «f every i.aine and nature in order to pprify and keep pure bin life, as for tbs Damorratlo party to' fuse with Populists or krpublloans In order to redeem tha Stale from the ruin that baa already fastened its clutches upon its. Wa must bare no ftudoo. Noth ing but a straight dgbt on the highest pbsoe of pate dmo.ieraey will bring us back to our proper place. ’-T!1".1 1 1 lliig A ft* It ll Cl IK Jftuorov Journal. A litd accident oocurrtd it son. S. C-. but Friday night at about ulna o’clock . Young James Millar, who rau a store there, went over to tha store of young Mack Cam yell, for Uie purpose of irrenging to order some Hour together, of whloli tlwy had be fore been talking. Millar bad a letter from the a tur Arm, and while reading It to Uambrll, lit* latter waa hi the act of stoop)ug over a hex, whan a pistol Slipped out of bis hip pocket and fell to tba floor. Aa It struck tha floor It waa discharged, and tbs ball wont Into Miller's stomach, pasting through hl« body sad lodging under the skin or his back. Tha wouud wad fatal, arid Uie aufortunaia young mao only £t year* of ago. died at Are o'clock tha next morning. Hi waa oonscl.m* till hit daatb. and told tha eireumstaiiue* of urn acts Went, and ex honor* ted Cambell In avory re*pest. Mr. lines, of Chicago, has struck on a grand idea to rreruH tha army sod uavy In the arenl of war. H* pro Poms to anl'at all the 'ordinal Me Klaloy men.”—Wilmtugtoa Otar. *«* ton ike Maw. WUmlaeW Mmmu. Tb* stale democratic oonctation to Met oa the SfiLb of Mag wtU attend to Me quaaUon of feiioa. Wo do not iw o«U man tl»»n one democrat who ha* tatted with uo la a year who farmed a (aaloa of any kind. Wa law mi aU liTel-heeded democrats ore willing to welcome auy cooprfnMk (tab popu ttka. repuOJioao* and urgro*s way be willing to make Id behalf at Uia state's mdampttuu from tko worn at rule and rota. Bat to Incite cooperation aad to bargain to mean Itare qaltediBai •ot. You oau do Um ou* with salt* racpect. ooiiststeucy of principle and ragrrd for UM UadllMke aad good I ouma at Uw grand old party of the peo p|« auil conatliailonai g.nrimant Bat ir you dicker, U you trade, if you »*, ypo at oaoe bring coar pneci plaa and fair name andar sasUchm. U matters cot wbo dam tele, tba rc* Milt is tin mud*. Why Irairnttna. d«no with oflaaalco expirllvws mid IlcgoioUo mptaeicet tba radfemis and populiau who swap aad tartar aad mlmda aad siaod together, aod then pcufam wlUlagaem ta go into Um trad lug bualiwo* for political gala or oflMal pop. Tko democrat* are not r»0g to engage in that Luduoio la IBM, tad wo bapo tboy may N*nr do •* It ore am tons of thOMOodi at democrats who set nothing tint degra dstion aod error aad ecil In facing aad prwmielng and trading. Make a •qsara, bard dgbt. Threw to (bo bneorn that blow ocor Horib Carolina ttm aiaple fold* of the cM democratIc haouer-a pledge aud prophecy of hew o« nod econo oi leal grrcerumcat— and lucitotba patriot* and fmataok of ail parties aad chmea to mile under It and to do battle far it in UKM. In hoo sfguo. ■•w Ttoy mat lit Air at “»— "nweewitatlTW of Crew Britain aad the United liutM bad *mrtr oouoluded tbolr paoldo Mm at Gbaitl. ia making Gw maty of pan wlilob ended Uw war of 1M*, the bur gher* of tbe quaint old Dutch elty da umiintd to give an wiirUliWal ia honor of Uw mlulsters. They deter mined. mo a port of their programme, to perform tha aatiuual aha or Uw two power*. Tlia musical dhoetoc wit Mat to call upon Uw Amor loan mlniitora aad ob uio iba oiuslo of Uw national air. A cwosuiUUun ensued. at which Bayard aad Gallatin favored‘‘Hail Columbia” whtl* CUy Kuerell aad wanted Yankee IXmmIIp ** Tlia muetcal director aeked U any uf tba gentleman bad the music. Mona of thaw bad It. Then ha suggest'd tbst perhaps na of thaw would slug or wulatio tba air. “I can’t,” eaid Ur. Clay. “1 never whittled or auag a tuna In my life; parkape Ur. B.yaid oea.” “Neiibor cau I,” answered Ur. B»T»rd- ••Perhaps Mr. Russell can.” . Ur. Roaeell, Mr. GatlsUn, aad Mr. I Ad* ate la turn con reread their ieok of mualoal abllitv. •*1 bare it.” exclaimed Mr. Clay, sod ringing Uw bell be sum monad ble body eervaot. ••.lobe,” mid be. “wbjatl* ‘Yankee Doodle’ for thU geotlamau.” Joba did sj, Uia chief musician not'd down tha elr. end at the enter talnuwnt tba Ghent Burgbere’ bank riayed the national air of the United Stain* with variation*. »"Wr baeawlied la ww Own Yard. now Hill Herald. Monday afternoon ilampioa Mobley, e negm living In Uw Sooihvrn part of Uuek HUI, rode to Leesll* on tie mule, dtemoueud and coolly began cursing Mr. Joe J. Whit*, a merchant of Leee lle, about pay menu on a machine. After violently earring end threatening bia blow* were pm i*d and in Uw enrap Mr. Wblta ww painfully hurt by bras* knucks. Mr*. White ran out bagging thonwu to stop flghUog. whereupon Uw brutal uegro itruoh her with some Ibieg above tb* eye, knooklog her Mueslem. Mr. Whhs ran to tbutwoa* for his gun. bnt Uw negro esoaptd lw rm lw returned, kmviug hie mnle be hind. He we* leet man on Uw Patt.m Maoe beading fw Lunoneter. Every effort 1* being made t» catch him. Hampton Uobhw lived for a uumber of year* In the Waglisw*, where he is known far and wide at a bully mad dmperado. It will be rvmembervd by maav that this same man wa* oa* of tba Madera of the Moody Lancaster riot, la which ha wee ehos ia the leg. It U anDoneed that Uw Atlantic ! Hotel, at Morthnad CKy, ha* bean lereed for a term ef year* to Mr. B. A. IMaipbrvy, of Usldabor*. Tub km beuva la Uw world fm Cut*, Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, BaM Rbeum. Fever Bore*. Tetter, rhappad Hand*, Chilblains, Corn*, and eoSkla Eruptions, aad pe*Ulv*(y oores rUaa. Sf ■? P*T . It.M guaranteed to give perfect MtlefeeUeo, ev menu] refunded. Price Meant* per boa. Few eala by J. B. Hurry BOc. nnBWnB * "Woods Seeds An Good Sosds" • nnma noo. ^ , Two tern of stock lo the North Carolina Railroad, worth COO tmta jarcjksss’sijiars: note ter 917 eaab. «ka kZm »aw —In that laofc worth iw Uma aa 5TOO0,0O(>.^TNMJommor Mhl1 ha—," mjra aar Oomraor. TwtHM «UI to tea mm mha b JSffJta KlraiM atoohhoktara go, whoa Um lama la brobaa. mZS&ISS ' g»“* aoo. «*-tewl*- UwMalnt framtba taca ot Uw mm wa’H barata wtea Spain teaaa tbafaoaoftba land.—ST 1-ouM Republic. ffiS»'atnaTTt'Baif l_ kOa WUHa« Roam, of Hamate mania, wrttaa Um North Carolina n-rfirt. }?*i,h,d »* r.yturtu., thTEn gssaiag&a1 —» ««■£*«—- 3 moor To—am non. •aji Kinatoo baa teatlnTuTmtep UM within a law)won. ThTfat*. aafa that --—-larrnltei Uwn ara tobacco, tmania#, and lorn A tkrlU of terror It ““ - - isfei y ^■yaSSs-js MlfUS '*« roooi, and an coin# In team ba found an nponanti itMlr Mated an teoubte aaUa# Um inf tManatent «Md baaa laAthata Ymm aMMr!— CbatbaM Award. .