The Gastonia V< 1. XIX. Gastonia, N . C.. March IQ. 1898. LETTER FROM TRINIDAD. MR. GILES WIL80K WITH GUI AID ROD. Pt*ii(iMr «1(h S«pc Mid ra»kto-HMln blffM Ywrt'lftrMd m W—t Lm« -LAfltlf mi« Ad««ot«r« *UI« » ■aa.BmMm* Nurt-Jiifaiir Mid FhimnUImm Tr«pliIrw — An At* IMmlart (mi L»n« AdlKd t» tilt Ual IuUrMlif Ulrdn mid ixtowr Ant* Mi»I» of M*a owl Uart> Bmauriil 0»r> dniatud Fntlfii-Bul B* Mlane Uhf Howt. To th« Kdllor ol the (JoaeUe; Port op Spain, Tbiniuad. W. I., Fab. 16lb. IBM. —I bate beau warning to writ* to you ever alnoe my rat urn. but up to oow bavu never had the op portunity. For a mouth or more 1 waa very busy brushing work that had accumulated during rny absent*, ana, an tbu aoparmleudeut has bren away tan days and tbe manager more then six weeks, I had to perforin ihelr du ties iu addition to my own; so It kspt me "bustling” all the time, even nights, holiday* aud Sundays. All this la happily ended now, how ever, and I have plenty of time at my disposal. Some ot It f devote to read ing and study; *ouie to trying my skill with rod and guu; and a Ork-I history of my success with ttie two latter will form the pcluolpal portion of this let ter. Not that I am particularly fond of cither sport, hut 1 know It 1* not Wls* to spend all my time indoors, so go hunting and llahiug occasionally for the sake of ex iroise. i waa Here lu itiuiumj aume week* ago a parly of four uf n* went flshii.g in tbe Gulf of Parts, which lit erally teems with fish — great aud small —ij'ire so than auy ilmilar body <d ssater Id tbe world I am told. We wanted nothing but log Bad aud pre pared accordingly. For bait we car ried a number ot Use cat-fish, each a pound or more In weight, ao entire fish being used aa oue bail. Xhe hook* were aa large hi osy finger In thickness and more thau a foul lung. They were fastened to a piece of clialo two feet in length and the chalu at tached to oue and one half iucb rope, which constituted the remainder of tbe line. Our Unit Caleb was quickly m:ide and prosed to be a grouper—a highly prised table Bali— which meas ured live feet ten incite* loug. and j lipped the scales St one hundred eigb- 1 ly-lwo pounds. He was s beauty and I afforded some rare sport before we I ■ncreedad in lauding him in tbe boat. I The next bile was at my book, and it waa so vicious as to nearly oapsiie ns When we bad hauled iu enough line we discovered we hod a man-sat tug shark at Uis other end, aud llie excite merit rose to fever heat. Wbilothreo of us hauled bis head to the surfaoa ol the water tho fourth man shot the shark with a 45 calibre Martini-Henry rifle. After tb<s operation had been repeated five lime* we believed we had a dead fish, but were not sure eoough of It to try to taka him aboard a* a fifth paaseoger, as it might have proved another case of "catching a tartar.” So an threw a slip-nnoee over bis bead and dorsal Hu and towed him to tbe nearest boat-house, wlwr* we hoisted him ashore with block and tackle. When we badthim safely landed we found bis exact length to be seven feet six iiicbes, and his weight tiro hun dred utuelv-srven pouuda His mouth was Just fifteen incite* from corner to corner sod was filled with double rows of very wicked looking teeth. His Invr aloue weighed Qfty-four pouuda. Inside him »e round one pocket-knife, ooe pleue ot cloth and several pounds of sheep wool. One of my companions Insist* there was also a gold watch and Obain, and that tlio watch was still running; in proof ot which be shows tbe watch ! 1 don’t vouch for Ibis last addition, however, and, as 1 waa pres ent during tbe entire operation, I think bis story sounds u little "Ushy.” Ov»r In Venrsoals I have beeu equ-lly successful with rod and gun. A. few weeks since I weot out for two hours and had to call assistance to eairy my game home. I had killed on* tiger or jaguar alwot six feet long, threw snakes, six, eight nnd ten fret Jong, respectively, two ducks, a tur key und some smaller birds. Shortly after, 1 was out fur nearly half a day and Drought home ooly two toucans. One or two days later, just at day break, there was a great hubhub and cnui'notion raised at one of our labor er’s "ranches" a hundred yards dis tant. 17pa. bearing It ( annntwd the eau-e (it has happened before) and, grabbing a 44 oulibr* nvutlng WliHUsalar, which I* always wIMilu easy nwch, l, cl ad only In pejsrnae and slippers, ruslied t» the kmim and ar rived In time toaee tlm crouching lorm of a huge brownish-red banal In the busli nearby. Two SboU were luffl olent to pero It u nl«at*r lusueclioa aud It wm then found 1 Imrl killed a mouo taln Hon ur nuvia, alma* length was seven fret, ft la ueedlms to add that I have both hla and Ilia tiger*’ aklo to bring borne aa trophies,—and 1 hope ro make the Collection larger before [ fit. Other bpntiug expeditions have brought me never*! turkeys, duoka, macaws, rlamlbgoa and cu moron ■ brlght-huad bird*, togatlier with a few tapes, agutia. mantooot Ac, While I have kept no count of tlm grant ijnanlliy uf tnothnome flab I bam eanaht, anch aa eiorooota, salmon, grouper, pika Ac. that am only too ready to swullow a well baited hook. The latest addition to my trophies wna nnie's 'ant wish la tha shape of a nine font alligator, that 1 found la a small eall isoum seventy-flm yards frdm the bo Me-. 1 got very oloew to him arid one alrot was sulllcleut to kill Us I* Urn largest one I have seam In Ihla lo cality, though up the Oil noon they grow to a greater all*. Small owes— two to Art fast my plenty fal liera. Trinidad I* not nearly no plentifully supplied With game,' particularly tlm larger sen, as Veneximla. m,d I bays had lltUg or no expermuo* hunting them, bet We waters, both sir asms and wuxt. or fairly alive with rtsh, turtle*, etc. It It nothing uncoomon to see a shark disporting himself lu shallow water or s gigantic turtle solemnly creeping along, this Is more spplloabl* to tlie sulern ahore, where • greenback recently caught weighed over one hundred pounds. In the or taka sod rivals a«h may be seen Jumping about, not puny little things aoclt as we are accustomed to have on our dinner tables at home, bnt glaut grouper* and »tlu<r» seven to eight fmt loog. An ernnruioua female aaw-ltah, aevsotaen fret long, waa caught hero a few weeks »*>>. An Idas uf lu aim will be gained whan you ars told that four strung meu could not manago to carry ooe ball uf Urn fur. without frequent bait ings tu rest Among the thousands of eggs were picked out fort) eight vf the largest,—each about two third! the llxa of an >aitrloh «gg. Oa the banks you may sometimes ms hullltaa ur water-boas (nanoundoe) from leu tu thirty fa«t lu length. A butllia will aUte upon a pig or lamb with avidity, reduce It to wash or |>«lp with Ins powerful contracting muscle* and gulp it down forthwith, this plan dues • way with the work uf unutloetion. If onn ahunld coma in your way, sod you have not a good guu, you Iwd batter, •a our local American phrase has It, "kkadaddlr.” But tu ora marvellous, because tauro rare, la tha M'naU or »au-c«w I have had the luck to soe one u( these singular creature* which, unlartuoately, are fast becoming ex tinct beta as in other parts of Ute world. Tliey arc huge and clumsy, but otharwiaa timid and baroilsss enough. One fallow that was bar pjoued out long sluen was too feet In length aud over aaven feat In girth. 1 have travelled over the Islaud to a Condderabteeglant recently aud among the numerous beautiful things saw a fruit garden or grove that is well worth h nrecripu-ir.. it OuutalucU a remark aide variety of tree*, inolndlug some Ibiifiy exotics. Among ottiers was tt>« mango, with tU peach like foliage, bending u> the ground with tlie wsigbl •>l ripening fruit, tlie alligator or atnnitli), pear was marvellously ueau tiful iu iu rull Idostoni, suggnatlog lo lorui of color tlw paaaiou (lower; tlie soft, delicate foliage of the tamarind was like our Seuwlive plaul; lbs ban ana lives were in full itearing, tlw deep green fruit (It is ripened and turns yellow off the tree) being in clusters of a hundred, more or Ism, lipped si Lite sanio time liy a tiogls pend rut bud, nearly as large ss a pluo appla; tlie date palm, so suggestive of the tar east, was represvuted by a cholae specimen, imported In Itayouth; there was alto tlie star-apple tree, re markable for Us uulform and graceful shape, full of the green fruit, with Here and there n ripening speolmeu; to also was the favorite xapota, its roity ooaled fruit hanging In tempting abuuduuc*. From low, broad-spread itig trere dependod thu grape-frstt or shuddock. as large as an Infant's head slid yellow as gold, while the orange, lime and lemon trees, bearing blos soms, green and rips fruit eltogethwr, met tlie eve at every turn and filled the garden with fragrance. The cocosout palm, with its tall, straight stem and cluttering fruit, dominated all the rest but guava, fig. custard-and golden apple and bread-fruit trees were num eious, many of them bearing. And onr hospitable host plneknd freely of the choicest for the bens fit of UU ohanoe visitors. Never before hive I seen such a fruit garden. It told of fertility of soil ami delicioatneee of cli mate, of care. Jud gment a nd I Iber *1 expenditure, all of which combined had turned this spot Into a veritable Udeo. Tho picture of this tropical garden will linger In my memory like the balm of a breete from tho sea of ltie Carlbs, or the IHvoi of fruit, surely the same grown In Eden, fur tho original I’aradlte must have been far In tbe Southland. For the narivallad loveliness of this Paradise Of tlie Went Indies, its magic scenery, its for eats. Its mountains, iu clear streams. IU green meadows, Iu fruit-bearing Holds and groves, its gay gardens, iu unnumbered beauties, lie who desires tn know them aright must consult, not written description but actna! reality,—not reports bot pres ence. And yet, will) all these beautiful surroundings, I would stm-wt give my right hand to again be iu the dear old Carolina!, even If but for a day. They are good enough for me. and It teems three years instead of as many months sluoe I was last there ou my vacation. May the day arrive speedily when I may again be with you, this time, 1st us hone, to remain In America Vary slneersty, Gilxs U Wiuog. Cfcamfcartala'e (Mirk Rmalr. Thli remedy la Intended aapeeially for cougba, cold*, croup, whooping aougli and influatix. It han baoome fainoua for Ha curra of than* dlaeaaee, near a largo part of tli« clvtllxad •orId. Tim moat flattering taattmo nlala have been reoelved, giving ac Ounnta of ite good workv; of lira ag gravating and la-raleteut uonulia It has BUrad; of teveen oolde that have yielded promptly to lta toothing effaola. and of the dang*roue attack* of croup It ha* cared, often tavlog U>e Ilf* of tha child. The external aaa of It for whooping e»ugh hat abowu that It rob* tliat dla*a*M of all dangerrmi con. nrquaucoa. Sold by J . R. Curry ft Oa Tb* Llnoolnto.i Journal is Informed that, with one exception, every daino cratlc alovefcaapqr nod gauger In that county baa lawn Indicted upon trumped up charge* preferred bv Collector Har bin*. —W" Hey. S Edward*, pastor of the Bng Ihdr DapOat Church at Mlneravlll*. Pa . whoa *uflaring with rheawatlaa. wee advleed to try CbambarMn "a I‘a>n Halm. Ila.ayr “A few appHeaUOoe of tbla I ml moor peeved of grant tfr vica to me. It tnbdoed Uie laflam laailo*and relieved the pale. Should any anlferer profit hy giving Pain Hal at a trial It will plana* ton." Tar ante by 1 I. Carry ft Co ■ I MWM IACXWAIM. Arp T«ll. ef lb* DM K**n ■ •UUa* rwl)T b Wbbt k* MM|D4-Ht »m ■Ul Arp In MalWgk Mam aod Otnervar. Experience U • fool ■eboolmaitar. 1 wras runtn*tlnf scout the aobemaa end tilcke of the politicians who han ker after oflloe end ray memory went back to the nkl know-nothing party during tlie fiO’a, and how the politic ian* pulled the woo) o*«r ray eyes and Inveigled cue In. I was young th*u and easily fooled. Hut l was dread fully tn earueat, for I really feared that foreigners were about to take tbe country and that Homan Catholics woukl soon gel lu pc war through the IrUlt vote and tbe Spanish inquisition would be revived eud the devil be turned loose for 1,000 jeer a. And so 1 jolued, and they made me an otildar and gave me a loog sword and 1 guard ed Ilia dour and ray Insignia was a white regalia with the motto: '‘rot none but Americans ou guard to night." I tell yun 1 felt proud and 1 responsible for Hie preservation ol political and religious liberty. 1 would have fought panthers and wildcats und gorillas. In tael, 1 wanted to Debt something, for the kuow-nothiof press aod know-uothiog orators and know noiblug preaohers had got us aroused to dripcration and I cuald hardly kr«p my rntnils oft an Irishman wlieu I uiel him In the strait. Every preechvr in town Joined aod Brother Caldwell and Brother Sullweil were made chaplains, and they prayed loog and aarueatly tor our country aod Its hallowed laetitu tloue. Ob It waa aolaan and serious. But one night It waa proposed to cnoosH delegatee to go to a convention to noiDlaaU a cam! id ate for CoagrcM sad it leaked out that a man was to bn nominated who had no moral eland mg in me community, out urns rich and used bta money freely and w# began lo smell a mice. About that time Alrx Strpnene took tbe deld against oar order sod 1 never beard suob a speech la my 111*. Uecvor Ibsitugty lambasted our leaders for try ing to fool the people and he made ua democrat* feel a* mean as a dug for ever having (alien loto tb* trap. >ie for* that 1 really thought I was doing God's service In lislping good patriots to save tb* oounlry. U-m dark night I told my wife a lln about Jiarlng ur gent bualneaa at iny offlc# and wouMu’t bo back uotit late, vary late, auil I want out six miles In lla country to an old millliuuss on Silver creak. Half a donee otfjoei* went along with ase and we insulated a branch lodge up in tb* gai r*t or the old mill and got oovered all over with cobwebs and dour, and next morning my wtfs got up Brat and looked at my ololbes. dbe ruminated for a minute and then remarked: "Had to go to mill last night 1 see. I didn’t know tbat tb* flour was out.” For some time 1 bad bean a suspect with her about tills oflte* business at night, for every lime s know-nothing meeting was called I title three-eonicr ed red papers wore seen on the aid* walks eb ml town and It was noruled around tbat tb* know-nothings war* to meet that night. The next day our wives compared note* and found out that Dearly alt tb* man had bualnret down town that night. Cau’t foul these women. They don’t like secret societies no how. A good faithful wire doesa’l Ilk* anything that gets lu between her and twr husband. Hh« baa no acorels from him aod be ought not to have any from lier. Mot long after we were married I joined a se cret society, and when ebe got to look lug over my nnder garments to tea if tb* button* were all right, she discov ered that the buckles war* gone, and I Couldn’t explain it to ber estisfactioo. Hot she found out from tome other woman, and whenever l got a new pair of dmwera she asked ate If I didn’t wa«t tlm buckle* out off. Well, the know-nothing party died early lu three parts, for the people found oat that It was e political aolrem* to get Into otflee. Just no the politician* got Into tbe Farmer*’ Al liance and took charge of it, and thay got up an Ooala platform aod a big sub-tinaaery scheme whereby great warehouses ware to b* built by Uie government In every congressional dis trict where tbe farmers coaid store their cotton and onru and imLs and potatoes and pumpkin*, and draw money on teem ana noM tiwm la the warehouses aoUl the prloe went up. One of the leaders declared la a public speech at Maoon. that they were gulog to hold the cotton until U want to IS oents, sad ba mad* the people bellwe It. and they rolled him lato ooogrrsa by a tidal wave. The alliance looked upon lawyers ns auspeeU and not At to hold offloa nor fltlen to get Ultra, eod so one lawyer eold his lawbooks and | burned the bridge behind him and Joined Gideon’s band and swallowed the Ocala platform, sob-treaanry and all. and the confiding people rolled him Into ooogress. Bat ha suffered a re Utpse In due time nod bought more lew books, and now the last condition of that man la worse then the Am Another lawyer swallowed the plat form bone* and skin and ran for en trees no It eod got awfully beaten and h»a never been elected tinea to any nltloe tiy the people, and to my opinion never will be. it Is Just s« old Abe Llnodn raid: •* You may fool all the pwple some of the tins*, and you may fool toms of the people all the time, but yon can't fool all the people nl] Uie time." Mow the common people, tho f.r mrrs sod mechanics and tailors, are generally nnsoapactlbg and credulous, and when a assart. shrewd politician talks aweat and nice w them they are Inclined to believe kirn, but what law yer of any preteealonc or respectability ever believed In the Ooala platform nr Uie sob treasury aabeme or “aomw Uilag hotter f" Of cearse, aay steles* «« »“ fil 'O held otto* knew that It was utterly Impraatteable rad build warebowsss sad advaaca money on crops, but It was a hobby on which to ride law office and foaling the pm. pie was of no ooasrqoewce No. 1 wouldn’t trust aay who would do it or hew done It. Another way to fool tlut people it to form little secret rioge la every ooenty and divide out the onuoty offioes nod *noh ling moo must get hit beach men to b« at Um courthouse on oooveotloo day aod help elect delegates who be* long to tlw ring. TUo good. easy. un suspecting people don’t know any thing about It and before they know It Uie wlmle county la oommltted to a man the people didn’t want. The mwn who control are smart aud they are politically unscrupulous and all to gether they make a powerful oombluc. and it was tbe knowledge tod memory of three methods that provoked Oulu nol Candler's leLter. He wrote Just what we lievo ull been feeling ever glnce General Brant's defeat. He ex pressed toy sentiments, aod Illkult better and better at each reading. Now lay on McDuff—noMdy Is hurt, except soma “bonl eolt qol m*l y nanw.” which means "It Is the bit dog who yelps," or word* to that effect It la uo insult to there who ■oeepted »(Dce under Atkinson, fur be doesn’t own hot uue office. Tlte Olliers are public trusts In his keeping and lie baa moral tight to pay rival* political debts with llism. ft his duty to select the best aeu for tbe places rowdies* ut who they voted fur. Ttie oilier* belong to Um people god It la a prostitution of power to Ull them for personal advantage. But profrtiloiial politicises all do It from the president down and tbit I* political oorruptlon. One day la mr ladlgas Uou I remarked In a crowd; ‘ Wo are a nation of political tricksters,” and an office seeker dote by whispered. “Call no names. Dill: call no name*.” But tbe people are really for bouest method* and tney have a standard bearer on whose name and faaia there Is no bloc. L*t hug write again If hs want* to aud let hi* banner have uo it. "Iteform lu political methods and economy lu ndminlaterlng tbe gov srnmoot.” Already there are rlog* forming to defeat him. rings by the men who cor.irul and they are desper ately In reronat for th« soapier of their office Is dnparting. Tbs Iwue la plain. It Is tbe poiitlctsn* against Hi* people. Ws went (Hearer method* both in state and county uod inunlclpsl elections. Augusts ami Marietta and Chilera Vllle, have recently degraded tbeir towushlpe i»y corruption at ilie pull* aod like smallpox Um pestileuos Is spreading. But w« shall what are nail see. Ths eomtial deepens. On, ye brsve ! The une-eyed plowhoy bsa nothing to Was back or qualify and lha people will stand by him from Tybe# to Poa •um Trot and from Poesnm Trot tu T again. TV Cfeamea ArrImI Swart. ASfcCrllle Citium. Tit* chargus against Judge Ewart are known to ha of Ilia gravest kind, affecting nut ouly bli legal q sal Idea tion?, bat hit professl'inal and moral character at well. A Washington •P«l»l to Hie Be Irish Po*j aayt the cliargee which ft-oat or Butler has lied agfainst Judge Ewart are as follows : "1. That lie sold hi* public docu metits when a member of Congress. *“A That lie accepted monev from his constituent* to procure dice for them when a member of Congress. "3. That as a lawyer he collected money (or bla clients and failed to aooounl for and pay over tlie tame. "4. That hs made hotel hilla and gave worthless checks to nettle the same. *• A number of wiine*tta have been subpoenaed to be here Saturday urit to substantiate these charges. "Governor Russell lias promised Senator Duller that be will be here and MU tbs committee what he knows •bout tbesm charges.’’ George K Pritchard, as special mos sed ger from tbe sergaaut-atariut ut Um Stoat*, arrived at J:2o p. a. to day to aummon witnesses to attend tbs Investigation Mr. I'ritcbard ha* subpoenas for Judge James u. Msrri mon. Judge Tbomas A. Jones, T. II. Oohb. E. II. Panning, J. I». Kerr, Alf. 8. Barnard. Ool. V. 6 lmsk, W. H. Dearer, Walter A Hildebrand. J. H. Tucker, T.ewit Maddux, J. (J. Grant, Julius C. Martin, Frank Carter, Hen ry It. Stevens, J- SI. Gudgev, Jr., Fred. Moore. J. 8- AdnoM, Circuit Court Clerk W. H. Wilson, Uapt. T. W. Patton. W. M. Davies, and Con ductors Joseph Brunson, T, a. Fra sier and Thomaj Marphy of the bouth em rsllwav Me. Kina'* »•* »!«««, for IW aaam. Tills U the best mrdlclo* In ths world for all forms of Cough* and Colds and for Consumption, Kerry boula Is guaranteed, it wm cure uni not disappoint. D bas no equal fur Whooping Cuogh, Asthma, Hay Pever PoMumoois. Hroneliltli, La Grippe, Cold lo llie Head and for Consumption. U ll sale for ail ages, plmseut to take, sod, shore all, a sure core. U Is al ways well to take Dr. King's Kew Idfe Pills In oooneetloo With Dr. Klug's Kew Discovery, as they regolate and tone the »t<>m*eh aad l-owtls. We gusraatee perfect Mtlsfaction or re turn uKiney. Prae trial bottio at i. it. Ockmy A Co. Drug Store. Coe grass bas Made great progress with tba appropriations bills and an early adjonrueseut le probable, antes* U>* session to prolonged by war with Mpaln or n oonUMt oeor llte anaexatloo of Hawaii.___ Vksl tl Smss. Wlsau w* ad»erUse that we will guarantee Di. King,* New Diaeneery. Kloctrlc Hitter*, Back Isn’t Arnloa Halee. or Dr. King’s New Lit* Pills, II naans Utat we era t jllKirtxnd by the proprietor* t<> sell tlwse reined we oo a postllee guarantee that It parehater is ant satisfied with results, wt will refend the purchase price. Than med ietnas hero been sold on this pairs*fee fes many years aad ibeta could be us asora eonulasiee aeldaaee of there great aasrit. Ask shunt them aad Jlee them a trial. IMd alj.l Carry i Go’s. Drag Store now viiut Kiu» noru The PnrtM Im tot Vahnln*. km M Week* rpm Ik* Heart Arlerlow let IIMerya Youth-* Campanian. We often liter of imii wbo are entd to have died of overwork, but It le aele to auame that In aloe out of ten of eucft caste there had been no overwork at ail That too much work baa killed some people le not to be doubted, but thle doea not alter the fact that work pore and simple le oue of tbo rarest or all rare cause* of death. Tbe tale* chief la done by tbe worry wkmb often noee with the work, and la mistaken for It. Wu do not yet uoderetand tho pro ocas by which worry undermines tbe ■eocntl health, loduoee disease of the heart, of the arteries, of thekiduwyt, or kill* a wan before hie time; but that it does do euoli things le a fad only too well cMaiiliabed. I It la troe that worry often lead* a persou to practice* which am them, aslvaa injurious, eoeb aa ovenndul xvnee in alcohol or tobacco, or perham lo, the use of opium or ooenlue or ekloral; anJ disease and death are often attributable to tbe nothin* uf the** poison* rather than to tbe effect* ol work or worry. But three will not explain the disease lo all mm It may be objected despairingly that ir worry la stow aoletde. then almost none of u* cau escape. Very few men ceil be found who hit no Unfulfilled desires wlilcb they ere striving to grab Ify, or wbo are to absolutely secure of Uie future that they may give literal heed to the biblical command to taka »o thought for tbe morrow. But this forethought le aot worry— at least It oaed no; be worry—it la merely Inearthed*, prudent cate for tbo fa lure, or even slight anxiety. H amusing anxiety, I at pat lent expec tation. diepToponioaoU! rear uf tbe unknown; thle is worry, nod title Is wliat causes the heart to struggle. Ibu kidneys to ooulntcl. IIw artonei to weaken and tbe uilnd to fall. So oue wbo U not given to worry Cau conceive of tbe power which Uie habit ami us over 1U victim. 8 ueb a one wlU I reel y admit tbe excellence of the advice not to worry, but he will add that It Is Impossible to fol'o# lu This la true only In a measure and in a few coaea. Barring iuvteuoaw uf ex ouptlonai trouble, uf extraordlaay “bard luck," almost everyone can, by resolute drier ml nation, rad as* his worry within living limit*. Thar Will Mr •* IMn MMhuHla. U. iMk KapubUr. A (lotto 8L Louis girls have formed » club which, u yet. is nameless. On ly unmarried women are eligible, and Un» by-laws pretcilbe two things : First— Kacii membnr must try to Cateh a tit. laxiis man for a husband within a year. Second—Each member must learu to cook three dishes better Ilian tliay can be eo.iknl anywhere else In town. What three dishea eha'.l bs la left to liiu selection of each member; i, e., they must be the favorite dlebee of Uie mother of the man whom the girl Is anxious to catch in the matrimonial net. Toe man in ijuettloo Is to bn Invited to little suppers, wblob the girl Is to prepan*. Previously she must Ond out fr>m him wlial is hia mother's favurltc delicacy. On-x a muntil tbs club meets, and thu various disline tlusl have been served ate discussed as to tlmlr HiOeaey In bringing the eaters thereof to terms. Every girl must write out the recipe of the dishes aba baa prepared, end the one upon which the unsuspecting beau has expressed greatest praise Is filed In the minute book of the dub. The laws of the club prescribe that at the end of the year the unmarried girls shall be given all the recipes of dishes with which the lucky ones have caught husbands, dome day, the girls say, these recipes will ha published In a cook book, with the name of mao at tauhed who at* thsrenf and then sur rendered. There will he sherbets a la wigulos, grouse a la Walker, fritters a la Orawford. duck ala Lewis, and other dainties with familiar names. Mlgkvar ■whbrre A«gnUI*4. Lincoln Journal. Cox and Ley, Indicted lu Gaston county for highway robbery, wars tried Tuesday sod to the setewishiMut of everybody, including tiisoonrt. wet* acquitted. When the Jstirwnf Inquired about it, it wae informed that -Dave Iloblneon put the prosecuting witness on trial and convicted him.” It was a flue victory for Ur. D. W. Kohl aeon wbo appeared fur the defunct (Slave* PMvWratr*. Ifcniua ilsrsM. The rat„blltment of colored suffrage after tlie war was designed for the pro leotlnn of thus* who bad been In slavery, ami to offset the future power of th* si tveliolders sod those wno had been In rshrlllou with them tgtmrt Uie government. It Is doubtful If It has out lwen sn iajalrv rsthnr than ao aid la lb* Irst object; it Is certain that It has failed la the seoond. RUTBirrjf Matwii(*snam«i. *■**-." — -- -1-lwlll 'kr. W<M It (MMMt IW Ms> Th# Demon rat ie State Convention irlU meet la FlaMcti on Mar *8th and our (KlevenUi) Judloial Diatrtot Can vuuUou will liar* lu moot prior to » tlm» ao that our nomination! mar b« r00.?^- “f* »*»• »'<•• Cipt. OWooy la chairman of the Zrso uttro Committee of tha dUtrtot aad tho OM'jm tram tha rarlotw eoua V*' « foUowa: Clara I and, Cape J. W. Old net; G Alton. O. V. Maeoti; Hendorjon. E. A. Pueay; Uneelnton. O. W. BoMaann; Mecklenburg. W. a }<**»«#; Pol*. 4. T. Morrow: tlulbcr> font. K. JL Durham; Stanley, 8. J. PMObanoa; Uulnu, D- A. OuvUigton. Tbu Retoerford nuabw now lira* la Gallon otHialy. Tha convention will probably meat In May. A judge and aolleitor will be nominated. TIM trlbutu from the 6b«ll>y Star to *u eflloitut and popular efficient offloiil: A* **• Democratic 4a dlolal Coavcutluu a judge nod eolieltor will hare to be nominated. Our me eat able and elBoimit nolicltor. Bon. 4au>ea L. Webb, will bo a candidate for ro-electlou, eud of Courm be wilt be Dominated on the flrot ballot. Ail a proeaeutiug attorney he baa been feafloaa, wmrUoae niid Impartial, aad be Itaa ailed Urn office with oliaraeter latie ability and becoming tHue«a, and Uie people are Ula rriauda. There la pot mom daaerredly popalar solicitor •n tba State. The cenveutloo wlU honor itadf and the dtatrtet t»y nomt aatlag him by nooiematlo.i.” w*n»» HIM Will*. “1“ M t*Mhv K|M K« «al !•»*. WUen here before we found 118 loome ktiouklog away on elotb. tbeaa bowevrr. are uaw aUudlng idle, bat tlie 4080 apiudloa In auotber pert of Uie bllidiog are turning out from 8300 U> 10.000 pound! of yarni. Ntw. Mi to 24* weekly. The company worka about elxtv banda and pay every weak, fiouaa nmi are GO cents a room per month and reel" oolLcled at end of each mouth wood 81.23 par cord. Plant run by ttaarn with W. H. Dining ns engineer, who also doea Uie general rvpair work lit the abopt. In la the intention of the oompaey to replace tbo loomi with apiad let Ity the let of March. When thla la dona the door apace la part of the mill will nut look ao lonesome. J M. Daobory JUvoru-r. There la a story told no * certain deputy sheriff not afar off, tbe occurs oy ul which we can't vjuc-.:i for, but we give It any way. He wat grievously ill wild tansies nnd' llw customary time having pass, d for tilt ‘ breaking out" aud tfio disrate Laving failed so to do. the leilow was In great distress. A friend secured a pegging nwl and punched a number of holes into bis tough ItWe, tb« measles were allowed egress, and now tlie deputy is entirely well. •Utker !■ Utr rwaiviUer. Ns* Yort UmamrreM. Give me three nee* said a sporting man at the dsioii window of tlie poiu uiObb Just before noon a eou|4« of days »»" The stamp clerk |>it*rd out three I cent stamps. Mow deal me a pair uf duces. The clerk paused out two s omit i tamp*. I see you understand the fame Mid the man. Yep said tlie clerk. Auto-op. TJw muu placed 7 cents <h< tlie shelf. , UT pot said tbo clerk as lie scooped It la. Tee men r> allied as they torted. TM OeaS *r War Sew Yon. HcrmM. It would cost tha United Sutce ■ S900JOOO.OOU to go to war with 8pain, nod d-tOO ,000.000 to maintain the war - six Month*. I It would cost 8 pal a a thousand mil I lion peteus-a pnssta equal* about 20 | ounUi— to go to war with the United rtWtea, and tfleeu hundred million pc* setae to matutaiu tlw war six months. ii . .. I Thu «a»l U a !•*«■ <4 arts* strength m4 rnduraavo. IHWW ions It uotU thr pro vwWsi "list sirs*, to «*4.U m Its tainTi-a. Tbs httnmndixintivs reieamltvvrs htoirti nkea mmd. ft to really sscemrsina hue stool, NbumawtHWsatl. SomttmKa Uoi-ttr.iva... itaine verso lUe ttsusl wtU bontus. «...■ toll ■roibrsush the suautoi into Hr- bo*«4t, •>.* ttterpls will ska—that's ostHtiMUlua. Klne noiit* of all Suntan Cvt-new toaario taauri mrtoe. Sows uf itn> ■Wssptosr verioMt an* CssSvi laaswi sad I,ml lmtU.tb*itat,inti. bnm. IMillmsv. satUiwussr. >lt«.t«a attwret los. saetssSss atxl HsiMaSi'. A torn- thing afcwr vrtrxz roSSra! ovrtam eur.* far uMtatpsoon, i'aey arc tone, •uvarorsuail sraotiira. auto \>A aatunM M thrlroaUoo. Tuur* to i..W«v I fortuui aintit ttiooi. MUl>r^rs«tt*to. AdtrvM With Xrwm ttt an *w.-iw mate*. to oynasEtonforasai l™**-** ■« '"V “Kmfk'e Oamum Mar " Woods Seeds Are Good Seeds" mm*, tmi mi >sa artrfaf te . j Cn.'l*cw latfi* hey n raif, far Nttt QaftrltHrma, u la afcll enet tt wfC pay _ '*• Omrim aW aHBlai It*bm apaa ^TtaSa T. W. WOOD & SONS, SBBOSMRN, . . HtCM.V'.’<0, V.\. m umr »r» isn w r» ten. IC«ftr Vuffe TriTjunr. Hu eh i og» « la favor again aad an to ba aaaa to Uta gnauat eaiMf. A co bi Mention of aottaw aad aUbed natal thnada fora a hand* a>nn early »rin* •baud, if tlmik. •naaadl ebaiinai Mai. Ptuab epot and .__ an Meg produomt tier forty m wear to butt Worsted and oattoo 4 gooda The spots aia apart, and iba fabric to «iA pile prtoc^da l lain Trlvwtg up Mraaeta ttiat gira wre PaObd niseis to rad and green tou i aad checked and plaid ratvau are pop* Xba WaMarf glaid to a «0k fabric showing 9; luck rpuM to dano* eoi ora aad eoaaUasUoaa, baiga aad Uoa. ^^ssSsMsaa •latoitac la tin aaaaa of a fccMoMbto ■bade of yellow that to 'jE^SES. urlntt aa J regent id Pbd* aad Balia. Tben la searealy a bait ttoMUaB ance In the Uuca. Aa especially deep orangeuceUed Uaadika. ttac^laa gold was cm ao nd. Among um new ibada* an alztoaaa' Ofgmdaraa blue, from the deep, dall P***1* W>* Mbto sw-ssSssrs ssrs qaUilM turquoise ttou an Strongly tea* boal with a atoar men town. bomnof tl«a most expauetn 1 and ablrt waiets far oar — be wade of while baUete oolond aoiUnldcry. B__ I Will be finished with Aim Swiss riubroidery. Dell I at throat and toll will bt 1 Uil 11 mists. -—‘tTimi.m ana ~f- la SMbv i*piuii)»T ar*l u-.m. VTo found the Bill alto la a clectu mmc ooadltivu. oporatlTce fnab aod cheerful and eo far ai we oould sse Um girto tied young ladies did not show “*»«•* *t*u» of stiuC dipping aa «• notlerd at other places berstorera-we hope to are all bice young glrU quit the ahocstaabls practice. Why ..let AahwlOo Clttaen. There to tala of tmpeaebiog Got. (tuasrlt. Tim bast way to lain each hla to to urn out U« party ho repro asnu, asd the way to chat to to oot eolo tbe foal on lata. That wtU hi wbuioMto iapeaehiBwit ut (ho Boar af fective klud. 'The Republican crowd generally ]■ tlm State ■■ au bettor Umo BnenU. Why disci InOonto? wucmhiIa^ cout'i to dm mnt iWiflM , KJjiJudj; bat ltd durtiWif) «mi be Ml gfintM SSitSerSSkaSKl raogr ‘ru Kansas M On. Tiu) tab-coiBBUtoit of the Ho use eonimiUee ou ouueaey a ad backing will subalt o. complete currency WIL What Ploaniri- u ihiee hi Uto with a W. aMm. atm lnu.»i»M»m> farm *JuvyktRv lumm wen cumJ Inoosm Nf l,Z"r.h^ '•» “,u>w DaVriu'* unto Surty l®a-ra the i ,mmi utr... vow. _iWogffiHunanca g Co. ^DMaWWMMHH^W The acRomphoe of KardUto, who ht. totnpted to aaWMduato KlagGewtrr <* Greece uo Saturday last, baa been n rested. towi'4 anmtr ««bwa tor year ftox naif Min by HIMS — on.' Onuaft* lto» tut Oto» aa4 Ml lllrml The Columbia __ __ _j cuaa to too oscolnaloa that the onto Uve disease which roeeoUy evented an Bueh exelteaoot la tool ally, to noth ing but ebickeopeo.

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