The Gastonia ^ ' u*votod to tlic Ptolvvllun ot Homo and tl»« Intnrvtt* of tha Cuvnrr. Vol. XIX. Gastonia, X. (]., Mai*ch 17, 180$, THE ADVANTAGE WITH US BPAIM'3 JT.EET AND OTTRS COM PARED. U c Ju%»c AU*ul ;« f fMK'NH' Mtl UlM'h* Crnlwris, mmI (inub«nK-Wli9r»4n N|wi)n [#nih IUk}<llnff7«ri»nlu limit*. Waltor W«J|iu*u'ft SpcMul. Spate's ua.y without it uliadow of ilouhl It uiucli Infurlor to licit of the United V.itrv, unit Id the event of war tills fact, iu the opinion of tho olllcers, would b- quickly demon »U» bid. There 1* one particular, however. In which tlie SuunUh o ivy excels Hist of tho United state*. Il is in l.lm pns seitlon of ii number of sliipn which xr* kuown as armored ctuUen, but which are really sccond-cl ax* biuth-shipx unci ' of great spned. Spain lull seven of these fast flghtl’it; ships. but it Is bo livveil that only tire or perhaps six of llmuj are ready for eei vice. They nro all of about TUX) tons, or ulxiut tbnslfo of the ill fated Altuue, though «mt> of them Is much larger, or of 0000 tom displacement. The V'XCxye, whose visit to New York harbor will l* long remembered. It one of thieo ships. War vessels possess three main puiuls of efficiency. Ono of tltese Is tln> pow er of their guns, the second It tliclr ar mor or their power of imixUtncs to attack nnri the third is spred. Of the three the last imiued Is much worn iro liortant than most peaplr think, Ifn siup has speed superior to tiuit of Its imtHffonlst, It esu light or tun. accord ing to circumstance*. She inty refuse battle with a shin of superior situs oient sod show her he'Is. Conversely she can ooru]K;I soy inferior aud alciver craft to stand battle. lll'N ItltDlIKRS Agalnvl these fir,* or tlx nrmoind cruisers or fast battleships of tipsln Wi have ouly two vesxvlv exactly nf thrjr class These ape the arnt irial cruisers New Toilt ami Brooklyu, whien arc fully us powerful at tire tipsnlth snips of about thn sumo speed Iu the up iiiloa of naval experts tut New York snd Brooklyn arc a match foi unv three of the yipsnish «lii|M of the sunn c. ass Notwithstanding the advantage which Spain has tu thr jio* v-xiun of these fast cruiser* so well ntmnrcl us really to bo avcond-rlnss bnitlmlilpv <>ur liRVal authorities hsvo :•>■ h o nf tho result nf u war lictwoeil Jtw tl.-ntx. AHcc all. It uiusl t» remcrubei.d tliat ihlps caunut light till tiny get to gether, aud eveu it the bpuiiLah have f.nter ships o( the first-clsxx when Uie collision comes uumbers and wilght n( metal thrown by the guns or" laelorx that count. In the old dayn ships cruised about singly nr in pairs, lock* It-lt for tho enemy Now Mpnuironv 'Jo together, sod ;i duel Iwtwevn one or two spbips on a side is a very rare thing. In modern times we have naval engagements, with (lett pitied iicomst fleet. A.'l KCIOACJ SUPERIORITY. It is her* that the superiority of the American navy over tlie .Spanish ia meat clearly manifest. Wo cgoel Spain in l umber of ships uml In offensive And defensive i*>wer We have four lirst-clnsa battleships to Spain’s imo. We have (since (lie love of the Mulne) oi-o second-class baitlealilp to Spniu’i two, both of which were built flo years ago. and, though recently rt lilted aud seunred are no iiiniw thsu a mntrli for the Texas. Wo hitvti alx seagoing coast defense ironclads of Urn Terror and Puritan type against Spam’s nunc. We have a dorm uimmagnlna coast defenso Ironclads, such ha Uhi Ajax (liinenleus. Mshopuc, eta., against .Spain’s two vary small gunboats, which, of course, could uol couio to theso sboiej, though nil of our ships of this class could he used In defense of our coast elite*. We luive onn armored mm, IlieKs Uthdio, to Sjwiti’s none. Wo buve 27 protected cruiser* of steel to Spain's five of steel and eight of Iron. Of tho 27 ships nt this class, which Includes tin, Minneapolis, Co lumbia, Olympia, Philadelphia, etc., we could put lc operation against Spain at least 15 ships, with a tonnage averaging about .'SOOU each mid arma ment according to site, against not more than right by Spain, with an av erage toniingn of about 2800 wiiBRlt ntB vronTnro wxr.r. r.B. If war comes, tho navsl operations will be In Caban waters. ofT our own Atlantic caret, and near our principal ports. The Hpnniah fleet will consist of about nix or seven ship* that may la: called tlrst-cluas fighting craft, but against them wn shall lm able to send nut »t least 15 vessel* of equal class, When It comes to a oollistnu between tire rvaarva fleet*, or ships <>f tbe sec ond-class we shall again have tbs su periority In Ute ratio of snmelhiug like two to one. If the eoelny breaks nuf two Hue* of defense out at sea and approaches our harbors, w* shall Imve to resist them. In addition to the laud fortifications, 20 gnnhnst* and iron man* uh nave not bean to era «t alb Thera la one gun particular In which lb* SlAoUli have a llttln tha ad vantage of ua, and iIda la in tbe tor pedo boat* ftfmln m> preterit haa a larger number of then* boat* lltau tbo United State*, but ir war aliould bo long delayed hor auperiortty in thi* re*poet will disappear. The United State* I* now building flr*t ulaaa torpedo boata and a lumber of thrwe will aonn be ready for cumtziUaion. having over the whola Held onr na val aatboriliea agree that n war Inn tween Spain a id the United Mlct-a would not be a niivkltleil affair by nuy meaoa. Wo could not Imp* to eacape without drexlful luaaea. We have twice na many abipw «* Spain, with fully twice the elfeetlvane>«. but *le lia« it few turrihle vaaaela of Inch ap. nl, ned la her toriveilo Itntllla *Sw> p-w»«**i. au anxtlUiy force not to be <I.*pl». it On the wind*, ilia advanuge l* with tide country amt tbl* advantage ta In Cieaaed if tba dlatanca from lat»c at which tlw Mpnnlah llaet* will liavn to nperaU had It.* difficulty which th.-y will encounter In getting new Miiuillna of ouaL IUI.L AUI* O* U'tlTIIK. >>• Maya Laan SSesua tka Xaaa. an.) Host I»suf>li< Art l.anallfa lllnck Otur. Hit Cl rent JarM, Itnlam a • •■italic to be Una Wbi> |« Immuha Tlnara. Uni list Lund luimalt Dur Inx CVrlnlu I kruicn. Ulll Arp Ha Atlanta cmnsututlon. It Is a beautiful new moon—uot ex actly new, but. since Tutwdsy night, wlieu we first saw it. I ttovcr isw u larger uue nor a brighter one nor one tbst balanced IUell i-o proudly In the western hraeuos. Not it tliop of wait* would It spill and some say llml means wn will hare n dry month iue.1 sumo sky we will have * wet one. To my unlearned mlml the uio in u ihc roost CoLuplicatid and wonderful piece of mticliltiery in the resluts of space. It makes my hnd swim to study III elliptic .itbit. Its lunar lituc and able real limn, its Hbrations of latitude i-.nd longitude sod dlurusl ItUnttiou; il% nKeudliig unrt Utsueotliog uouei ami Lltelr retrograde motion which takes eighteen years mid gift dsyi to com plete; Its K|io«ee „r.d jM-rlnee. Uie two poluls cl which lire movable and move kiting the clrctuufereuUH of the ollipso from west Ui east iui.1 complcto the circuit In eight years attl 900 day#. •Sometimes it comes along a circle in the heavens that is near the zenith anu kouietluicfi its course 1s low down in the s'lulhorn sky. Ii» ipeed is not uni form as it moves arouud Uio earth, for Sometime* It gets ahead aub some times it lugs behind. Il» axis It In einieii in us or tut ui»u teems to nod back waid* and forwards for llnee de grees. Then there a.e me ccli|>tex, which .uiil t» ll.e win detfill complinn lious. and yet every phase and ever* mottou oliey a law and are lu'.oHiglhl'n tu meu <•( science. H i* the regularity ot h reg.ilarlllee Hut men til ncIoiicp. like Oil* Ashmore, understand It all unit can make un ulmanac and foretell eclipse* for u thousand years. I have iMilsiundrd respect for these meu —lot (Jrter and Aahaiorr noil Ur. Means all of our #*;i State, and for the Moieoted i'rolessor Mitchell, who was the great est u> modern ustrouuoiprs. Ilot this beautiful nnw muon pro voked iiiiOibrr line nf thought.. I saw It over my right shoulder and in u clear s.-.y nnd was falislled, and yet f am not an|a>ratitl»uil about It. I h»4 Just a Utils rather *ee fr. that way and so Inul the majority of uivilixsd people. I<iiua means the moon and moat pimple m» lunatics. Even lilaukslouo. the great jurist, defines a lunatic 10 be one who ia tnnn o at times but hu* lucid intervals daring certuln change* nf tin mooli. And although the medical world lias long since exploded the *u iicrsiitP u* theory of tbu moon’s in fluence on lIn- nijiul, tu* naran of iuua tic still obtains. After Sooth floruit u« had seoedwl a osau asked Mr. l'ett. grrw which Was tba road to the luna tic asylum. “Any i>nd—all lb« mads’’he said, “the whole stale ia one vast lunatic asylum ." Almost everybody lias *->iqh superstition about the moon'* loflucuce- on vegetation. My good neighbor. Mia Fields, told mu Mat week that she had been busy all day planting her potatoes, •‘for" Jiud Mie. “you Know it is the dark of the imam Mir.’’ blie is llie best gar dimer in the town and always nucctani* tiut she does herself injustice when aim gives the moon any credit lor her sue ce**. Many years ago I made a fair leal of Uia moon theory, fnr 1 planted four rows in my gardou in the dark of the moon ami theu four more right be blde llumi two weeks later uud gave nil Ui* same culture, amt I found no dif ference in the yield. The brat time to plant potatoes is when tlm gronnd is ready, uud it may be very unready if we wait for the dark of tho moon, lint 1 have found that good farmers differ Hb’jitt Imw many days are in eluded in tlm dark of the moon. Some nay one, sumo May two or three, and Ollier* say all Uin day* of tbu mono’s wane, which would l.e about thirteen. Hut, if there 1* anything lu the moon llieoiy, why confine it tu Irish potatoes peas and beaus? Why nut apply it to sweet potatoes and ground i*ns and corn and wheat ? nut mem arc other superstitions that even lh« most sensible nnd edu cated people cannot shake oft. The roasted chicken on nur tabic to-day was garnished with parsley and we have none in our garden. I naked tuy wife wlicre it catite from. •'Frum Mrs Foalell'a. she said. "I will get some from her." said 1 "and plant It. 1 flowed the seed Inal spring, hut it did not comu up.” "ilo,” »sld my wife, ••yon won't get It frotn Mrs. I’ostell. miles* you go In the umbt and steal it. 4b« la-lievr* thAt It la a gilt thut car ries death with the giving, uud she woo Idem give yon a plant for the world. \Vhy,.s|ja declares tint It al ways causes « death In the family, and only three years ugu a neighbor pulled up some by I lie roots against hur pro test and look it Imuie nnd planted It. and the wontsn died wltliln a week.” Well, now Mis. Postal) is a very smart, cultured And well-balanced aru uiau, but sbo Is it lunatic on thut sub ject, nnd I Tear that my wife It Allow ing symptoms of the same malady. Certain it Is she will not hear to my galling puraley plants from anybody at m gift uud certain It la that Ism not golug out nt night to steal any. Welt, maybe Uml if n ts-raon has faith in such tiilops wliat they belleyn will happen, for faith will remove moun tains, and If there la a faith euro there mny tM s faith that kills. These super sllMnna are deep-root rd, for they come down to ns through the ogua Thera la n pi int called tits and another cnlled reaeumry, nnd With wt-tii uee.1 In III . days of wltelicrufi t.« drive awny evil ] p.ilta Tber wt-re ml ltd "liarln of I Rtace,” and vrerc tnabuwl with raving j<iu«lltlea, while pirsley is of nv|l aim! nuugvion*. uelets It la stolen by night. Hut tny wifa ItislaIa that a little r» Aonabb- a n|s-rail lion is a good thin* In I ImVe. fiVr It jifovre that we am not I over oonlidgtil in our own metlta aud i feel the need ol fortifying our welfare Stu- saya that It linllcatae a belief In Ilia supernal oral aud ihst If wa were all Ilka Ingeraol ami dlda’l hullsva In anything w# would bar* no anparktl linin'. Hut liow about these clmrms— tliew aiuuleti and oi>als and these rab bit foal ? Tlia say that Colonel Can dler carries a rabbit Toot end bas faith In II. Maybe ha lias too much faith III it. I bare known mau who carried them to have wry bail limit, anil men who didn’t cornu out nhnnd. And sup pose that Alklu son and Jlernsr mid Saui -Touch should ear i y them. wouldn't they neutralise UamiUr’s and have thing* ubout even Y I tell you, my brethren, from tl» w»y this campaign Inis started out one rabbit toot won’t win the rsoe unless It comes from a Texas mule-eared rabbit, lor the) fold mn that those inhibits alwaj: run on throe feet from a cummou doc. but when n greyhound got after ooe the rubblt bad io pot down thn other foot, and then it was a goodhy hound. When Goreinor Hogg was running for governor of Texas la* secretly carried the left blud fool of a mule-eared rab bit and said ••Goodby Clark’’—you eee It Is tlie left hind foot that le held in rovcrciice, and ILul is tlie one to carry. I’ve an idea of sending out there for oue for Colonel Candler as soon as the greyhounds got after him. lie doesn’t need It yet. This Is a four mile beat, and no Jockey wilt urgo his borsa to do tils host until the last quarter. And no good jockey will handicap his boree with excessive weight. My opinion Is that wuoe of tlie candidates are over loaded with platform and will hryak down before tliey reach the last quar ter. liut tbo prospect is good fur a fair rsoe and lots of fuu, aud my hope is that tbe spectators will keep calm and serene. mi.a vbi:ui;ii rm: iirnrtiu. | .1 H»rl|ml«t|r KriUUflM lanv. Urml t»« «-r UMlKhtll. btnculn Journal, On*. J. B, Vaughn, claiming the title "Uev.,” and alleging himself u> tw an ••euvangellat.’- delivered a tem prranee lecture at the Academy bait Monday night. Mko the re»t of tlxi erunki of hla geuus, Un tried to ape Sam Jones ami In the course «f Ms ro m.rrka declared that “the town ofUrrrs amre not fit to c trry alu|i to a hog.” After tlx) lecture lire cep told him Id choice language wiuil hu thought of hill] uud bis villainous slanders against the town oflicerB. The nrxt morniug the evangelist called on the Mayor and asked for protection, ns he wit afraid time'puns going to lick him. Thu tuajur talked pretty airaiglit at him aud about tliai time AlOermau Blair Jeuklua quoted acme Sbakeapere and other clsipncs to him and Uapt. B. P. fitlgk till] Mm ha need not !*> atratd aoy 01 a mould attack him os thorn wus not in all the town "i man Inn-down enough to stoop to strike aucti a fool and emu I:.” If« left on 'he Ural train. fortunate* 1>. or the mayor might have had to llr.e some of lhe Indig.iuuf town officers for giving him what he evhirotly thought lie needed. If the fellow is uot a finud and hypocrite Ills countnimtice Ilea on him. The Indignation of nur city coveru 'tieril is Justified l>y the faor. thiit this is thn driest town i.i the country, nod the illicit traffic In liquor la closely looked utter. Xlib town oificera do ttieir duly and it is enough to make them lighting mud to have a peripatetic »a* indulge In slundarona abuse with out a ahndo* of JustiliCMtloii. l»nhm 1’lljr'n HttJiiir.u.iurtT«' Uoconl. In a Utter to the iTum/urf*’ UccqiU Moasra. T, U. Field A Son merchants of Wellabmo, Pa.. write; ’ “Will you not give usuu editorial on lire recent occurrences nt Lake City, S. C. 't la is probable that people who live In lawabldliig communities will care to go to a place wtiore anch things are possible * Tlie Nnw York Dally Ti-ibunc often quotes yon. We suggest you chp from that paper of the 24th and -Jotli inst. and accompany same with your own romnnuiU. whloh are always f carlo a and to the point. We merely offer the almve ua a suggestion, ar.d trust yon may see your way clear to uue It In some measure that will ultimately havo a tendency to oorreci these tendencies.” we I in vo reed the New York 7r< editorials, and dud In them no stronger coodemDstlnn of the Lake City outrage thnn hat appeared in the newspaper* of Worth Carolina, South Carolina and other Southern Stales generally. The Cake City ontrog* was a ctlme uf savage Iwi rarity. It was absolutely unjustifiable, tluiegli it was the legitimate frolt of a malign inda ance In American politic* th*t would, for partisan aake, nndo tbs good effect* of brond-mtuded statesmanship. Hut no wioug ever Justified onollier wrong. The question or our correspondent is hardly Hermann in the sobject. Hut wn will answer It. There Is no more chsncn of people citing tn go to Eakn City, S ti, then to Urbans, Ohio, f/Sltluier, P*,, or uoy other place whort lawlesaiiyes may break lortK flint spirit Is omitliied to no Slate or ai of bin. ft will not lai overcome Uy sectional lliugs, which iuo natural to tlw Wcw York Tribune, It Is u gruw im problem that rei|ulre* llio sober thought oud patriotism of moo and women of every part of the country. •In«l» Ham Melting SuSy. r-nrtn*i»i<i> Hrptrhm*tn. Your Undo Haiaiiei !■•* now guno to the training table. tfn drink* u barrel or b.ood for breakfast, dines on dyna mite, and for supper aats a keg of 10 iHiuny nails P..r rxerdea lie swings ltk) ton guns, in,<| t,> lit hli tmiVeshe slue on submarine niloes ami sruuke* gun cotton torpedoes. „ ,C Edwards, psstor of the Eng. Ilkh llapilal Chureh at Vfliteravllle l*a. wlam tafferlng wivli rheumsUam was advised to try Chamberlain’* l'ain U**ayr -A f»w applications | ill IItln ltnlo»«*m |»rovK«| of fr«fait it*?* | vine to me. It subdued the Intlom Illation anil relieved U,e naiii. Should I “n.*fl'rn04 '’l' «lvin« **slu Balm 1 Hi** ** "•*• F***" nw,.M For sain by J. K. Carry A Co ■'■iMriirni or war. A*nr* ainiuM tkr y»W|1|WP< r*r tl>* fimii llaAnr i.xIwmmI. UoMtimrn Jtaadllglit. TUa cluods soetu to be gathering. The low, mntterlug thunder of War ecome to ba heard hi llio distance. The people or tlxa United State* are ditturocd front ocean to ocean. There la » foKliug o' nnrcat, disquiet. But X darosny there will be no wur. Tire old Adage giwa "the Hate to prepare for war is In time uC peace.” 1 do uot know whet the court of Inquiry may decide as to the explosion and staking of IIM! battleship Maine In the harbor ut Havana, but X do know tkut this is a groat tuition of ours. Xf my memory la correct, Spam geo gruphlcslly is about as Urge u* Mis soori io her area. Spain Is on herlset legs. Mite If n bankrupted nulion to day. If alio ciutuoe lick Cuba ahe line demonstrated her weakness and paraly ala, and U would be no credit to this nation or oors to lick Spain and we might have savontl other nation* to lick befi>r* lit* thing is oscr. It wonld bo like a strong, vigorous mao hitting a frail, pony, sickly, weak liUle wo man. Xo mailer what the provoca tion might be. If X were to eee a man do that X would ba tempted to take a hand myself. J>m. we cau muster nnd bellow eud pew the dill. There to not much harm lii Hint. The whnle thing reminds uie nf a scent th« buy described wbnse butluosa It was every morning to drive the cslvm to the pasture At the same hour each morning s neighbor boy carriod lilt calves to the pasture. They always met at about the aamo place In the road, the calves and Uie liny*. There *»* * little bull yearling with eaoh drove of calve*, sud long before tlvey carue to the meeting point they would begin to bellow and |va«v the dirt. Tlve comer they approached each Oliver the more belligerent they become, aud finally when they came up to meet each other face to face they stood and 1 talked daggers at oaob other and then walked out <nto tlie same comer of the fcuoe and went tu anting grass together U tmnM soccn that if the nowspsper* run tlve country tln-jr would soon run via Into a fight with (Spain. Bui the poarrrv tint, be el Washington s.itjuv to he caieiul, prudent, conservative, cm tinus. Tliai la well enuugli. I waa a good big kid whan the war brtwev-n lh« (ttaleecanvn mi. There were many biood'UtjU-liuindor anil spread-eagle speeclieu made and the newspapers were buay thundering forth Uteir views; but both the North and the South of this Union bit off mure than they cuuld chew when fnr. Sumter vr.ia Itrcd on. lor it was a long, bloody , fcrrftil struggle to Appomnltox. I heard one fellow siy bv-ilay ini was sure If we did get in a w»r with Spain tliere were a lot of Idle men who could get a job. Their is m toy a fellow In this country Uchlug for a war witn another country. But that class nf tu'->i are nut running I’uo country, I am glail to ary. But f siu candid when t say that this big onantry of our* has dickered ainl dallied with the tinban question too lung. Twelve month* ago If Oon grms or Uhi President of the United ntatea hud said to Spalu, * \'ou must couquer Cuba by humane warfare In three [dunlin nr move your army off of that island" them would have been no war under those circumstances; but we havr wailed and dickered and dal lied nntil there la a probability of war with Sonin. It would be a calamity ahonld it come to pass. Somn Itibln scholars have pointed to Uu> olivse of this oentury ns the period of the Arm ageddon war. War now means much more tban It did thirty years ago. ft Is possible for Bpsin to move her usvy along the coasts of the United Stales and destroy billion* of property In a few days. Tbe combined world couldn’t whip us If wo could move off twenty miles from the sea ult around, but uur greatest wealth and centers of wealth are exposed to tlm guns of the battleships of tbr enemy. And ready tlve moneyed and business Interests of tlve country will hardly permit a war. Everything goes down under tlve dol lar uow, and humanity hat almost cessed to ask whether a thing |* right <>r wrong, but bow roucn will I muko by tkti or lot* by thstf I would rejoice to aoe Cuba, a freo nnil Independent republic. 1 nut not in favor of tbe annexation of Culia and Hawaii. We have got uinre territory now than we ruin well or govern well. We do not waul» state or any annexed territory nut at aes. We do not want anything that will oo»t (nor* than It comes to. Tilts 1» Hi* Krente*t repub lic on the face of the cartb. Title gov erumcul as a republic is a constant menace to every monarchy In the world. A mmmroby hales a republic like a l>»mncrat hate* a Pop, They will combine with anything to Hog him lint this talk of war nnd this uneasy feeling nusetlle* btimlmws ret* tioos and bueinvaa prospects The great cotton drat or PhiUdcl pltln is ordering tbeir buyers to atop llirniieboui the doutli because of pro*, pret of war All stock* and lionda are going down bee*use of llie Hutntti scare. 1 don’t think we are in a aUtn pidn Itito Texas cattle, but folks ar* Ilk* cattle—they are easily stampeded Hot Uiti cooler heads ar* In charge, 'l'hey manage to hold the thing down. I hopo so. at least. Fighting |. the imotvat huslnaaa mao or men, republics or monarchies eyflr resorted to, Jt btlng* no goo!, hut only evil. Peter tb« Great, Oharietnngne and Napoleon muelerrd their vast armies mid blood flowed over Hi*, continents. Tin y all dud at last vatHpiiahed mid Oonquered. H«l when t'lmat wantril l’i u>un|ne< this world h« walae<| up on CXtvalry aud died lot It, anl today nf itieri would die fur Ihinai. No hlglvr rule w»* ever given to men •>v iiatinna than that wv pray our enenura and do good l*' Hiem that d* spitefully use >>• I.ovc at laa*. it tie*, von and earth'* n»*t |»ihrat wrupou Ham P. Junes. I am'I *."»,)• Mbm hy yimr eniiermw. mnl «•» roue life b> ,ie»ua*k«# » »jM- itu* am. tee tie.a* Own earn c ewrba, »>Ma anmn. »«*!»■ *»4 all IMM aJPl htlif IraitWo* winw OatatmtoaS Ot. TII* lULriTC .* Mlrauae EWIHP Unwk With Hw SuoU'TImm* Maw - T*» «»|H»mf *r tra BM* A<lriiltTM>>nlrwlln Rip *•*» ud Mu IS Boo Hu Wakk. Tbo Hilplur dirigible torpedo, wbioh has jmt been cxaroloed at Boston by expert*, proyrs to bn • rosy Ingenious destructive melnn, says the New York Hmrll. Its shape Is like a cigar, with a proboscis that- suggest* a swonllisb. Tim body Is 30 feet long and 34 incite* In diameter. From tho noen protrudes tha stem, or ••sword," eight feet In length, umied at the tip with a genu ine harpoon. It it more than a torpedo—it Is an eleetrlo laoooh, with motive power supplied from batterrle*. and It ean he dlrroted from Uie shore by means of a walchllke dill, from which wires run to different parte of Ui* torpedo's me chanism. On one aid* of the dial are lb* points for port or starboard, or ••steady;" ootbeoUier ‘'abend." fast or slow. It welgtw 30000 pounds, and it will travel SB miles if nuoeiirary. It carries a torpedo, which may be charged with 2B0 pound* of ganeoitoo, at a maximum speed of 30 knoU an hour. tlie harpoou-ttppoil point ■trike* a »tilp’x torpedo oat It penetrates on* of (lie tnesliea »nd hang* there. From It a chain rum t>»ek to a oom partment which oortaiua tba torpedo. Tbe same impact against a collar ou tbe almfl releases the can. which slides forward, wad at tba same time a spring taars nIT tbs leaden covering at Ota and of a water-tight tuba, wfateb runs tba can and la surrounded by tlie explosive material which make* up the torpedo. This may be eltliar guncotton or nitro glycerine. As tbs cover of tbe tube is torn off water rushes in and Igultue the metallic potassium; ibis dame sets off a big rooket. wlileli shoots forward and cutries tbe can containing tbe ex plosives with U. Tlie tube (rum which tbe torpedo shouts out bss a downward inclination, and so the torpedo shoots downward toward the bottom of the net, pews* under, end than, when It is checked by a chain connecting It with tlie engine, it gun up and strikes the vessel from below. The release of the torpedo cm ■at a clockwork iu operation. This at ones takes charge of lbs boat and pro ceed* to get it nut of danger by ievar I slug the propelling power. If the rm ■cl to lie destroyed I* wooden tin* har poon tip sticks In her aide and hangs there, just as It did In the netting If there Is nu net and the vessel u ar mored the har|mi.ii t;u it removed and a leech-liltu sucker of robber la at tached In Its place. to case h vwssel has a net reaching to the boVeoui Ills position of the de stroyer la the water Is reversed and ebe runs bottom upward. This inclines tlie torpedo chute upward and the tor pedo it hurled over the net iind against tlie ship. Lieutenant Hslpioe lias a kcheius ' for the operator to rids astride this J boat, wearing a cork Jacket, up to with in half a mils at au enemy's snip, aud | then get off and fl ut; with the auial) switch In liUhnuJ, wlileli issuffloieut ' to control tier inurement*. Uu uau make this silicic, call his or»ft back, get abuard and go nsliore. The boat will have a short test tiers before going to WilleU i’oiiit, bat probably only' with the rociet explosion. Whet Ian IVnmI Wat* Worlli • H. L l>md*t' ill Ml. Lour llr-yutlltl'. Dedicated witliout burdensome re spect to those residents of these Dotted State* who inainUlu that the l'reet drnt should accept a iqouny payment for the lives of the seamen who went down with the Maine, and thus “close the incident.'* 1 what I* a dend nun trorrlt > Omr. ur. Vint U m riunO nun) worm i I ^'“iMaiuc llus dwu In > all modluorr.l ho v, ! A muttercn tolUii for luarvavod day; c‘ij,^r.-l^!ve':u1' ***«» •*•“'» hum I»r. *»—Wlau-i« udead lunn worthy . Wui ? Wbal: war for h few men deed * i War fora atintm craft t i War lor o>ea wiiui.oc u»o light baa Mud T War for ikwb dial iha vuluiros fid y War for lame* o*i a barlair boa r War; la fbo r.arion dill / A Marne thrown bif a hi ike MorluHi night; A aotmd aa nf naming nartli, wyM? MfSet* weu hr un aartol fright t rhojlirlag Ilf aoula la a aiiddun flight— Murdur I Uot money will make n right. What u a dentd man tvurrh y Oh ! lor the apirlt In men of afmtn Thai hrr,ihli*tl hVavdoat'a I Orth: Before wo f«U I rout oar high natalr, Ptooi imUtotUir. that made u* groat, rodollow andrmiln. aml Intend rato Yo—-What la a dear] ibu worn r\ tilt atm bar) altal Haaik Mintalr. This remedy ie Intended especially for oouglia, cold*, croup, whooping nongb and Influenxi. It has became famous for Its cure* of time* disease*, oeor n large part of tb« civilised »o»ld. Tbs most flattering testimo nlals have been received, giving ac counts of ltd good works; of the ag gregating and persistent cnogha II hna cured; of saver* colds that hnv* yielded promptly to Its soothing effect*, and of tbs dangurou* attacks of croup it ha* ournl, often sarlog the life of the child. Tho pxteuslvr u*a of it for wbouplng ooujh has ohowii that It roba that (Ha's** or alt daogvrous on sequences. Sold by J. E. Curry * Ue. * aivsitrs m.i'rr. **•» S»» m a Mw t* a Bwawa Uw Ink kg aw XawHad (YnU. Deacon Mifrakl. “Did yea ever realise that tkm to •kill to be exercised la tlw making of tu effective UUfT f Newly every men la a pi neb )■ anxious to frighten the opposition, but everything depends spoil tbs way In wliiob it is done." This «>< the philosophy of the retired banker, sad a story went with it. "hi out of ths Colorado towoe tbat has sines bscotns a oily T was routing u private bank ami than was anotbar Institution of Uia same kind to tbe ptooe. We loaned heavily on rent sa le to la thorn day* and a sudden ool lspea of tbo boom left our eeoarttlas greatly depreciated. Under suob cir cumstances rumors that we could not pay soon gained circulation, and we had to make the best preparation we could for a run. “It cease Its true western fashion, with a rash, with tbreals and a flour ish of guna among tbs more oaeJtod. Jdy rival took the old ptoo at paying at but noe window, making such trans actions as long as possible sad thus starving oft the Inevitable while hoping against hope. He aoDoaooed to tbo crowd every few minutes that be could pay dollar for dollar, bat bis anxiety was so apparent that ft mads tbe de positors more Inatoteut. “I took the ether taek in making my bluC I had raked together enough tu stood a good stiff bluff, so I told all hands to stop everything alas, and or dered each one to beoome e paying tel ler. 1 alto posted onuses tbat tbe doors of Urn bank would remain opto till every one was paid, even If It took all night. This ant Urn crowd to game lag and they eased up n good deni. My next move was to place money In the bends of friends, have Cham min gle with the mvb beeeigiug tbe other bank sod then rush over sod deposit with me. This ruse terned tbe tide and by 0 o’clock 1 had mom on deposit than whan the ran began.’’ now WurM* l'Ml« kt C«kMr«. Harass ilbpatab. As the conviction becomes settled ihut vlte court of inquiry will decide that than* «m a ml mi esplonon uadsr the Mains, dissnsiion among Amert oan naval o(boors and civilians hers Is PHivsisut as to tbs measures which tbs united States government would like ly adopt if war should unfortunately begin. A majority believe tlmt American troops would b> landed at sums point east of Havana aud the Insurgents communicated with U»o Spanish isol •liery would be defeated ur captured in detail, and tbut w the meantime a deet of Uuited Slates vessels would block ads, if not bombard llaraua. Xo one seem* to doubt tlmt the re duction of tide city would be compara tively easy. Four twelve Inch de feuoogutis—two west and two vast of the city—are the only ones that ate considered dangerous. These are hot likely to bj well nival, and their ein pluaimeoU arc out moderu. That tome Spaniard* are of lire opin ion that ao attack ou Havanas will be made is believed to be shown by lbs abuurmsl activity dttulayed on hoard Ibe Vlrcsya. The Aasociatad Press correspondent has tire best navel au thority for lira statement that the VUcayu is In a constant state of readl-1 ness for emergencies aad that picket hosts are on the start day and night Intide tlie harbor. ic i» point#"*! one tuit tun xDcuKn-w*r Vlrcay* aud Oquendo might be caught in a blockade m»I fall an eaay prey to a united States fleet. The Drainer Alphouio XII la without boilers and would bo of no account. All this dii cusoJon of the probability ol war among lb# Americans and Spaniard! proves nothing and ucly allows llie state of feeling hsra. ***• Jtalaa's Uos. Mozlea Two ttrp'sbbe*. uoiil of lbs bbtaU BbrSl's deep, aisi utmruo ror ■ baruoaiipr« woo. But saveraMMOI IS*Mltor clax iMikad un IsoDoaUnua'! rids. ijw Hampshire boy. Aort Ibe toy from TVninm—, Whs nuvtr s low Ibm Ousts vru ootr, <*»«"* lm* eternity. “SSiS#WilSSIr m*m' : Mnnb Wl Tbs national chairmen of Ute Dsmo cratlo. Populist aad silver Ro public* n parties may Uses a» mscy fuohm mant imuom aa they please, bet there era dead loads of good Democrats who Will not be driven into this fusion basinets. Tboy are bonnily tmk of Urn little hut* they had In 1H08, whoa Un crowd >tfceyfuMd with I ml pod to pat Xorth Corolla* la the aaoilsbio shape she en joys (t) at prvoent. “Woods Seeds Are Good Seeds” jB KaMbriw Win— Uni <• r«ri (■» Tmaday a tap tapoeaot of eta-out 28Sr&3555 ^vts UMOrt tm Urn J~T~- WUwloftoo. TbMo “qihwi" am tile nul 4ud era a twill ot itm, eaafa looted wtth 500 potto* of dy^owlM. They tstfaSS^Kaaf-stf la Uw cliaaael of the tar Uaeaoeof IWJoorootiaii*7Thar wUI^^boS oootod with Win* to u oloetrie bat tery to tbo fort eta the toogOinpof a tattoo win Comm thorn to •xpum. with a twriilo eflect. Any ooo of then »®«ld pl«r haw with a Ui« tap. In the oreot of war with ear other power * *£of Uwoe miooa will bo ptaed la the channel. The ebleneot ot inoalUooa to Fort 3r"<sSOT«jKi3: of ether nelu—. powder aod urojoetllea aa3&v»:JSSS SysursJMSra* or ymn **o. . Kfhrard Grimes, gmtfcaaoe at ~—« woo at ooo tlmo a cUima of P»U KfesKsirsyttaas Maaa respecting Um tight! of pnmerty ond a oonaegaeot iutarriow with a I—y» h* jme, partgroa, aab lemed to storm of tnaimat at tho dtota peoitaotiarr. Life tharahacam lug burdensome ha eras traaafamd to tfceponraad open air of tho gtata fara, in Halifax. The wife at His bosom baa lately received a latter tram S? fcTMWBS asrdsssa*2* 22 Amoag other idea reenuUoea ho Bays ha bat recently bean on a deer bant and had Uis satiifaction at mu** a ?»d«hlu« 100 pouuda. Alto pibwliala bar la* a fin* Um. Hr. Qrtmts' latter ntber conflict* with ■mao tdaaa wa have aaurtaiaod that the Mate prlaoo aad farm* ware plaooa for tlw puniabawat aad ronflaamaat of malefactor*. Ferhap* wo won mi* takas, or la than too mash truth in tho many report* or laxity and looee aaea In tiw mauaiKcatut of tbaaa lastt tutloaa. Hut we eanuot keep up with Um prraent adcalolatratiou mad an no longer euiprimd at anything that hap. Pea*- wa aiuiaid uot bo nr1 vnlrtnl at a proclamation, from tho Governor. of graoral amooaty for all oouviota. rnatfetnauii Uu Amu. SMI* syuaiuene ami*. ,„w» iwru wMb rwgnl that Mr. Clatro Harris, arbo for Uie bwt «l* >MIS baa 1«MU oversew la card room for tbe Him Ut'g. cm., at tbtt place, law accepted a position with Ilia Avon mill at Uastoole, sad will imve for thst pise* uaxt week. Tbs Avon Is a handsome o«w mill of 10.00U spiodioa, aud Mr. Harris wbo is 10 have charg* of lbs ami at u(*ht will hasp every splndlo humoring. Everybody bates ts tas CTovro Ira4. £*••1“ f** tdU>w and tbe beads wbo work under bla will fiud him to be congenial and kind hwrtSS them, as b* was here with (boas whom I* easts In oontaet and will be mlsaad by both employer aod fnlnteas as wuU a* aU otlSTsbo ba”C£to<*. In* on bis beaming countenance for tba pest years. W«> undantsad b* loam hm of hto own desire, owing to a promotion aad ha oarriee with fahn tba reenact aad estjem or bis lata employers. Tbe him Hr*. Oot Isom of tbe bast wills, noted for tba amount of It* predsot aad tbe standard yams which It turns oat. We all wish Clear a well, sad bops to boar from him through tbs eotaara* of yoar most exoollent mill paper. US» Herat!*. .. *lJu'r MMUraera. a ato* UtUa girl, lived so far from tbs tubnirllSMS tost sbs rod* s Utils Uoe-eyed, oonddlng mala to tbe ban oUmnSTrtL uaober thought it a a wise to show tbs animal to gram about aabarmad, ao i attampsad to club It away, thm 'watoftba story Wtsld hi them n. pi estiva Uoea: gajsaar&as.'afas sa«»ffl£!Sl«rS aw?sgrs-^ will ImuittoUte^ MmShu SSS»CS&3uSs RMlv* tat aMUMdM tro* Ms tartr. m mi barman u inrt«m»i«ai auX. •lata. Ha win paratntellr aaaa«a kta aamiolfu. ..1 ***•*••* ■i*‘aUd «ttk rhaoata tl«ai far foartraa ram aad uoUlaa am** u gtva my I was aids tetanuaawl aU U» Urn, kata#a aunilr nflhttag. I bad tried taw?, thlaa I eottM tear ad aad at tat M MdjatnUMMMWM l*alalUlca. wblak Idid, ata waa I— adtatay »* liarad aad la a ahan ttaa aarad. 1 aaa ba*ay u m y mm U kaa aol Maaa =s3^s Jf»

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