The Gastonia — 1 —. ===»BCT=nfc=awss=..— 1 ■ ^rrrmmmmrr — ■ ~—- ' ■ ~ ~~ ' —iu^g—r-ai_. ■■ ——samnB=^aBMs=;::aKgs==a3;pac,C3aB!M, Vol. XIX. Ug^'-S/gSta^,}_Gwntoola, N. C- April 7, 1898. . BATTLESHIP IH ACTION. bxact iooatntr wiut tui> rLACI IT A Pin NT. ■ilrrtng»w as MriiM atm V«M TU Tw* ef cw■»■»■■* la (be Toledo Nad a. Frw people octald« the naval aervlea know Jo*l bow a warveaeel goes Into a light. To put a battlmbip Ilka tba Iowa or Indiana In thorough raadlcraa for action ordinarily requires about hour* Utougt, of oouraa, it oau be dooe Id much laaa Una In oaaa of TLd a O|btlog veaaal every man baa a oertalo aatlgned post and a ear tain talk laid out for him, with wblob bo la perfectly familiar. When tba eignal la aouoned It bring* every man to hi* piece, and long familiarity makee the wort, ao lorolred and com pi leaked to the eyea of an outaidar, a mere matter of routine. Ifeabtp engages ao eaaeay uoex peotedly. ao that tbarr la not the ueunl time far preparation, the cell to q ear ten to aoanded Immediately and the man take their placet in dlvlalona. In thto oaaa each division attend* to a pert of Um work of Clearing tba ghtp, bat ordinarily the drat signal la, " Clear for aotioo.” At the boatswain's whis tle and tba verbal oomaanod tba man move tothalr positions, thoea whose pleoea an oo deck forming in squads under tba dtraetlon of tba different oOoera. The Captain takes his plaoe on the bridge. Later, when tba battle begins, be will go Into the protected conning tower, through tba narrow ■lit of which be can watch everything that takes plaoe an dick end the wove meat of Um toscoy as wall. But for the present, while the preparations are being made, ha must decide the gener al plan of action, bow Um gone are to he used, and Um elasa and nature of projectile on which be will depend. Hear tha Oaptaln stand the naviga tor. who will have charge of the band line of the ship doting the engagement the signal cffiom and Um various skies. First of all, tba deoka and working spaces ara cleared. The spars, rig ging and boats are secured Every thing movable that will oot bn needed daring the engagement ia firmly lashed Into mane, where It will not Interfere with the work. The logmen, who are io charge of the little pisiform high up on the mainmast, heal up or me and ammunition and make everything reedy In their lofty quarters, even to BlUof the fire buckets with which to pst out a bJase should ooe be started up aloft Tbs car pea tar, under tba direction of tha navigator, sees to the removal of awning staocblous, hatch rails and every light object that it not essential to tba management of the thin. The ohroaomatora and other delicate kmmmeci are care rally gath ered ap and laid away below, to sera them from destruction by ooncuaaioc. Tha torpedo division gets out Ita ap paratus for sanding torpedoes and mxvada the intercepting aeta over tha ship’s aides, where they can be qalnkly towered If need be. Below the activity la equally great. The engine fires are stirred up nod steam la made as fast as possible, foe a modern battleship la Intended to go Into action under a fall bead of steam. The steam sod bilge pumps are rigged and tbe msgaxioee are not locked until the signal for action. Tbe keys, how ever, are delivered to the officers of the powder division by the Captain at tha Bcftl MfQil. When tbe ship cleared tbe call to quartan ia (Iran sod Ute men taka uteir plaoaa la dlrlslona. Tba goo ■quads aland to thsir guns and n*U tba® randy for nee. Tba batches, eg oept tbaaa that win be used, era cov ered with gratings sod Urpealiaa, tbe narpaotar collects hi* new aod with tba arwianr atanda raady to repair any damage that may be done by toe ene my’s Are or tho reootl of tba ship's cannon. ▲ mao with a lead line la planed at lha wall and during the Debt will make frequent aonndloga to dtooover If tba vessel la Injured below tbe water line, Tba hone squad b planed In charge of the Are apperates, ready for Instant eervioe. Chemical Ore extinguishers art rased on all tba tTaltad Statse warships now, and hand grenadea are placed In every quarter of tba ahip. Every precaution to taken to soon re the lostant stamping out of Ore should It start ia or near the mag es! nee, Down lo tba tick bay the I wad sur geon, or ''hull doctor.” hsa baeo di recting the laying out of eotn, Instru ments SDd bandage*. Out hatchway, •a near amidships as possible, to al ways leto open for the passing dawn of wounded men. Tbe swrgsoo may bars do call opoo bis services, but tba rule in every quarter of a battleship is, ••Be prepared fur tba wont, and hope for the fiat.” Wbaa everything N ready theoffloer* more to their aiattooi. If tha ehip la a ■oaltor tha haltia batobaa era atoaad. aad tha nan at teat hear tha Boat com ■aad for wbleh they have been Im patiently walttog—••Action I” At that com Baud tba doora of tha magaalaaa are opened, aad tba nan who Com tba tUnreat cbalaa of Mat' Ua« begin to paM tba oartrtdga oaeee up to the deck. Tha delivery of aa ■ualtfom to in charge of tba gun oar. la modem naval out Ota tha gnaatr la ■at. a* maav Landlubber* auppoaa, tha aaaa who Braa tha oaotaon. Ha to a wwrraat oflaar. ead bio poatiloatoa ■ait rmpoualMi oat la Uiaa of eat toe, for ha mart tee to tha prompt aad ataady dtelvary of oortridgva, ahalls aad profaetltea to all tha gana. Tba afetef gaaaar take* hta poatlton on the berth, where be nan ante tha program ef tha werft; Me abtof aaatoUoe to ba tow la tha mala magatlea, aapartataod lag tha heading oat of powder, aad • aaartor gaahar to la ahaqw of aaab of tU other nugaatnea amt of tha delivery "the ohargaa era paaaad ap from tha giftehM la woadia oaaaa, wblah era pMaUdbUck, with tha ataaofaallhra aad oborga patotadla terga white let imaoa^kaftete ^Tbayera jimmaoet them up to Uw lower deok. Than ttwy ore passed through a silt io the roaga s4m sereaa—a heavy eaaves eartaio which to Intended lo prevent Uw poert blliiy of walks reaching to tbs powder atonai From this sereaa carriers taka the bone to Uw nearest powder soaUio, where they are pawed np to the gen deok aod thenoe to tlw esnooa tbra> aalree. For moving ammunition vmrl oas awohanieal appliance*, looJoding oleotrtouy, have some Into nee, though the work is rtU! done by hand on some of the veewla A crew of 16 meo la required to man each of the big gone, each es the 18 inoh nad 16-lnob eanooo of Uw Iowa and Indiana. They are divided lets loaders, spongers, •bellmen, haodsplke nwo, eidetaeklemen, Intaoklemen. aod porttaokleaee, and ara under the di rection of n firat and second gun oep talu. There ara also a pawderman, wtvo delivers Uw charge to the gun, a fireman and a wreck clearer. The firing of s pivot or torrat gun requires 10 asperate commands. Meet of tbene explain themselves. Ttwy are as follows: 1. SUenee! Cast loose sod provide ! 8. Baa In I 3. Shift pivot I 4. Herrs, veut sod sponge I 6. Load ! 6. Buu out I 7. Prime t 8. Point: 8. Beady, 8ra I 10. Shift end secure I Ir tba Mi Ip la under way th* mao with tba range-finder la kepi busy calling off tba distance of tba enemy's skip or whatever tbe target may be. As aaab oaw dlatanoe la an non need tbe gun ta adjusted to that range. At tba order to “Point.” No 1 of tba gua crew ad juata tba sights to Ilia satisfaction, wbtla all the olhsn aland back from tbe gnn. Then at Um order “Heady]” ba takas a final look, draws hla lanyard mod qalckly rapaeu “Plrel” In firing at a ablp tba target la al ways tba water Um. Tboogb the oo ib puting Inatrumants now used are of great value, the oaly way to g«t tba •met range now, aa formerly, la to aae wbather the Drat shot (alia abort or over, and to move her np a notch or lot her down, aa Um oaaa may ■ squire. Tba firing of tbit first shot releases tbe peat-up tension of tba prepara tions, wblot Is aoooeadad by a fever at work. Tba lines of powder oarrlara and runner boya nova steadily back and forward, tba mao In tba turrets are aooo blackened by powder and smoke nnUl they look more Ilka devils than human befog*, but tbay work oo aa coolly as tba engineer*, far below, unmindful of abota that crash about about thorn. All the splendid dlaoli* Una asd training of years makes Itself fait In Ibeee few momenta of fighting aa the sailor boya drive their ship man fully oo, eager to kuow tbe Maoe of tba coafilet. Tfca Lmh UIUUM *wl»n« ML Balelrt Special. Man* a, to UkaHMta Ob Tha directors of the North Caroli na Railroad mat bar* at tba Tartwro House to-night, with only two absent —Lusk end Batter. Dr. Narmeot presided. A resolution was Intro duced bp John Graham declaring that it the Southern Ball way agreed to pay ell expense* in the litigation to annul the teeee to the Southern, that the ■olt against tha Southern be termina ted bp submitting the ease without ar gument and without appeal la the Federal Court before Judge Simon ton. Tbls was unanimously adopted, it ends tba tense flgbt. The amount to be paid counsel by tba Southern ander the terms of this arraagameot aggre gates gSjdOO, end Special Muter Kerr Craig’s fees and court costa. ■Hilary ■eadgwaaaar* at JUMah Oar. WUeUactea Manor*. lttaaridact at military bead quar tan beta that a call for troop* ia ex paMad at any oootnaot, which of oonra* will ha followed by an ordar mobilis ing lbe Mate guard and putting it Is camp at Raleigh- It U oalcnlatea that in two week*’ time the ranks would be fall and tb* drill np to Urn mark, ow ing to tb* tact that to many man who bar* aeryed at load oaa (arm of «nlUt OMnt would Join tb* actlr* guard. Tb* qnartarmaater trowel vmday looked around for a ait* for a camp ••A word to tbo wioe la audio loci” and a word from the wUn should be suBiokol, but you isk, who an the wtaf ThoM who know. The oft npeetad experfeoo* of trustworthy persona may ba taken far knowledge. Mr. w. M. Tarry says Cfaambertalh's Contb Remedy fires batter satisfac tion I has any other Is tba market. Ha haw been Id tba drag basisaaa at Klktow, Ky., for twain yean; has •old hundreds of bottles of tbla remedy and saarly all other oouab madtolaco manufactured, which shows concln ■Inly Uwt Chamberlain’« Is tba moat ■attar actory to tba people, and la tba boat. Far aala by 1. K. Curry * Oo. OUuavUta liriuH. It look* very Bach u If Jedge Bwart !• going to be thrown. Tbo ob Ir objrotlon to Ule le that out of lb# Mid of MleeUoo the aerobe ere la ao brp » anjorlty that rree e woree one will be Oboaen. Jo Turner wee wont to *ey le refrreooe to tbo rotative Merita of UeyobUeea politician* that thar# la no ehofeo aaaoog spoilt lah. Ruffavtag banwalty aboold be *»p pliad with every BMana powibU for 1U relief. It la with pjaaeuio we pebliah the following: -Tbie u to orrtlfy that I wea a terrible ao Oarer f mm Tel* low Jeoodlea for over da moothe, aorf wm treated by mom ef the Mae phyd etano In our oltv aod all to oe avail. Dr. Bail, onr dmggiat. rooommeodrd Bteearto Brtterai and oner lading two battles, l wao entirely oared. I sow toko greet piemen In mowondlm them to aay pomoo aolMlog from U>l* torrIMo malady. 1 an grotofoHy K-' jl % sr'bjyra wwn wwMMitm*Am UK - - New Yort HmU. Hmiminm feeto that tba en rol] enact of volMtoere by Uoole *am to tbe mat of war wKb a fonlgu powtr, many of which will ba sewn to • vary lama proper ttoa of allgtbto oiU mm. llama poaiwd to an extremity, tba oM fallow waata uoee to wear bla uniform uuwtUtxgly. auaoea demand It, t pu*^ 10,000,000 Attain* mm “▲■I eligible for military aarrloa agaiaat Saata aba old war bedeelaied la a qnaatloa that naturally nigpiii te ararrnala attiaaa tbmaCc Tin War Dapertaaet la mtlwaUaf tba aaabar of aaa who la aaaa of a •mat war, might ba drafted into ear ▼lee la tbe laaet aaierpaway. Tbe roogli aatiaete of the adjutant gee araTa office as announced, a that we ee*. If aeada be. mlae as army of tee mllllos aalaa of dghtlm ace. Brary aaa anatared Into aarytee la OMof war wttb Spain maatoubalt to examination by aa army aorcaoo. Uncle Sea baa baeoae very axel naira ae to tbe obotoe of Me aoldiera and mtlora alace tbe teat war. Tba Brat anay to be aeet Into tbe Bald weald be oompoeed of a very obotoe aet of aaa. Aa greeter naaben were aaatorad la, tba reel rictiona would grow laaa aaa leaa aerera Tbe grantor part of tba popular alad baa tba alatoben Idea that men la tbe National Guard, tbe or (Mixed State alllUe, would ba praaaod Into aarrlea next after tbe recelar army, bet exeb to not tbe oaee. At tbe Brat bach call every member of tbe mil Ida wU] have * ebaeee to yolaaiear, but Mill a draft to ordered, no atlltUaaa will be required to taka the Bald agalaet bla drain. Mao who go eawllllagly era not wanted. They mehe tba poo net eoldiwra. xrLrria mot ssuoojrrab. Thera will b* do eueb arm of ibe •ervloe aa the militia In the event of the next greet war with a foreign power. It would ba illegal for Presi dent Metieley, commander in ohtef of the army aod navy, to order the mlUtia oalelda of our bouudarlae for the purpose of Invading Span lab terri tory or any other foreign doraelo. No Governor would be required by lew to bouor lb*> Presided'a sell for mtlllla. To avoid pomible oompHoatioo, there fore, the President would act on the aaaompUon that there la no mlitlle In noy of the Staten. The regular army proving Insufflated. be would Drat onU upon Governors of State* for a oertaia number of volunteer*.' Organised bod ies of mltlUn might volunteer In bedy end offer theaeetvee already organised every men ountenting. Offloare from end 1 Deluding the rank of ootooel down, would be appointed by Govern ors of the States to oommaod bodies of volunteers, bat fot the President Is reserved the privilege or appointing ell general oAetrs, BIUrtlAKD MOUMTIBt. The War Department be* pcaoered 2. dividing each State Into dlatrlota, and baa calculated tbe quote of troop* which could h* drafted late aarvtM from each should volunteer* prove I nao flic lent. Before a draft would be ordered la a district alow to volunteer Ua full quota, bourn Ira would be Offered by tbe Federal gov* era***!, sod perhaps by tbe State. During tbe lata war some towoablu* offered bounties to men an willing to to volants**. Mac in those day* wars known to reoelva bounties agjrreaallor •1,000 from tbe national. State and local govern men ta. Hlgb bounties, sometime* aa grant aa »4S0, war* off end by the Federal govern meet tor veterans who had aeon their three yean' service and had been honorably discharged toward the end of tbe war. dtiould tbe bounty system fall to bring out the required number of men the draft would then be resorted to. ■unisu TOLuaruu. Should you rolootanr jnmr servlets at tbs first call Cor aa addition to Ihs army, you may stand a efcaooa to an tar Uk raofcs If you ara between t wao ty ooa aod thirty yrara of age, of good ebaraoter and habits. abir-bodW fraa from dtosase. not leaa than Bra fait, four ioebsa tall, aod batwaan 1» aod 190 pounds Is weight. If you —aanrs about Asa feat, too loctiaa, is height, of weight abora 166 pounds, you era rater toslofrwtry or>rtinary, bat sot th« aarairy. Tbeaa ara tba rvqolra menta for sstrmnoa to tba regular arms. They would remain In fores dorlog tba muttering of volaotsan, until man should bo passed lo with inauficls/.t apaad. Then tbe restrictions te regard to ege would be made Use erecting, la great emergency tbe BghUag ege eroald doubtless be Aretobod to from eighteen to forty flve. The teetrlo Uooa In regard to weight would be changed, bat very beery mea would not be nccected. ret mao do not mate ee good eo>dlara aa thin men. The War Department baa prepared a table, showing what It considers to ha ttaa correct proportion* aa to baigbt. weight and cheat maaaaremeak li yon oumoond very nearly to tbeaa yon may oooeidar yourself of military pby Agjm. A man Bra few. four Inc bee tall should weigh lie pounds, should here a obeet measuring 8»J loebee w‘^°“»^«t^efd • obeet expansion ?! ■? a* Similarly, If be ba tlx rfeat, ana Inch tall, be should ***»• 178 pounds. ehooU asmnMl laahm around bis show, after breath ing out and Would bare a cheat ex MMtoe oflet West 8* leches. Weights bwwaaa tbeaa ate girea pro port loutte meeehiemeeta tor the ether detalk. J* tbe Tent •* war, maay reqelre manta pnaarlbad tor eollatmeat in the nmatoranhy dartag paaM mwet be eKmlaeted. Tar Instance, It wuald ba tmpaaelhla tor yea to eater the army “•’V" •wrted. If yea an net * «w United States, or a MadMete tor ciuaeoeblp. or If yoa •MOW epealt, read aad write Urn Meg Meh language Married men aad tor. •Upon would noddy to oMoptod a* wwliwf la eaaeof war, aad It would «oa»t far lluia wtotter a privaU •ooM nad aad write or not. ttaMartj la the aery eerttla restrlc Uom woojd bar* to to elfUnatort la «» •* war. Mala* may rotor tea ■ary If they an totweaaloaitoaa aad thirty-dr* yaan old. la Um* of war tha maalmam age limit would daubt IM ha ralaad tea yean, Awarding to the printed regulation*, iwreoaaea tartog tha nary mist to “of rotoMt ftaaa. SnlalMgant, of pertMtly round **»d healthy oouatluiUon, Into from aay pfcyaloal detect# ur sailor mat ion. aod mot tub]cot to Ata.” PL ACM TOE TUB BOTE. Many pieces for putrlotle bon will occur la tba ovant of nr. Boya be Iwsso rixleaa aad eighteen may outer Ibe army bat only as musmiaaa. To bo a drtimmar buy la Iba war would ba vary ptateiaagoa. To anlfatfie* math mrvloa, however. Ibo boy mam bava "tba writ tea oo carol of bis fatbar. oaly aarvlvlag paraot or lagally ap printed gaerdtaa." WKb atmlUar •svaataoo may voter tba navy to aarva appvaatlaaa bat they meat be "of ro bust fat am, of latmUgaoco, of porftot ly ooaod sod boaltby ooamltaUoa." sad froo from a loag Um af physical driseta. ▲ boy fMrtaaa mam mass ure aot faas tbaa four foot, nloo inobm •»!«*»?* Uum aavooty pounds, aad while facaatblag cola roily mum bava a cheat maaaanmaat tf am lam Uma twauty-olae Inches. la aaaa tba Pramdeot abould oell far vo*imtame, grant trouble would ba earned fay ihoae who are anxious to ea tar Um M mrikaimf am aa aa I fated man. During its late war an ooyaeea we aaaaed by tba mastering by eampaalm. lu tba acn ■raat war tba goveramsat would dsateless have to Uko lbs auota from Um dlSersat ooatEooo of tba various Stelae lu tarn aad aaatga Umo> to bri godm, dlristone corps aad arsaiao, wlUMut particular regard to Um (States from which they might come. Uavlog bean mastered lolo Um eer vlaeef tba Federal goveramsat, Um Governors of Um dopants States would have oo astborlty om them—aot •van over Um lieutenants aepuiac. s» lore aad coloaala which the Governors might have originally oom missioned. Voluatsero from Um District of Col amble would M called out directly by Hie President, but those from tba Ter ritories by Um territorial Governors. A» TO PAY. To with Mb eoUatear would of ooaraa, gat iim aun hi a l< now allowed Ui« Bold Ion of UMetaadlug ar my of eqnel rank. Title pay migtu ba raiaed to aooeerafa new reorolU. but It la Tory unlikely that It aaald eeer ba lowered. To reduce tea pay of troope would maaa the rolaaOoa of Um aaprtt do erapa. fa tko land ear* tlea yon woald aa aa collated atari cam from 913 to $34 a moo Lb, aeoard tng to your grade—whether a private, mualotan, wagowar, artlkaar, trumpe ter. aanraaat ar actpacnt major. U collated la the nary you woald lecaiva from 110 to MO ecootdlag to rank. Than woald ba little cheaee of year bcoomla* a eocamtecteecd afluar la a future war of Importaaaa, oalaaa yon ® l«bt be aa oOtoer of rnlllUa ar a rrad aate of aoata military laaUtMkm. Aa oSeer Ignorant of mUttare taettaaaod appointed for pottUcol leciana waoM do mn damage to bta own army tluui a body of eeemy>qual la Me earn mead. Haodredc of old eataraoa of Um lata war would deatiOam apply for eom ■tlaalooa la the araat of aaoddaa ant* break. A wtaa aoeeraneat, bo weear, U careful to aataat oaly aHa badlad atto far Military aorelow. loot the peo aioa roU ba iwalid to aa anarmaaa extern after Um oaoBlat TbarrfomH *• caowomy for ncrwttlag oflaarau dlaeTlmioata ctoaaly between healthy and unhealthy men. WK HATOt BrrBOOaanBU. “U Dm a|(Mlt of our popula Hon physically as oapahis of military serrkeasltwaaat thaesMwsab of ths dell war ?” Ttila Question has been pot to many high autborUlos duriag tbo part week. The surgooo goaerul of tbo army eaM that though ba bad aa i to Me* that tbo yuutb of to-day hydoaHy superior to that of 1WU wM Na ture to etoto oa his own mdbiltty that tbo fonaar to 1 aa aa oiiaaUty with U» Aaotber wall kaowa army •Thors ■re bo longer tbo _ oxteUug M tboUmaof tbo battle of XawOr Josool Troops drawn frew aatartg. eletaeaU of a eoldh In with. They were la lbs carrying rifles from Id fancy. re eraoi morkaeaoo and In-Mto Ilka tba Bon of today. How. wear, tbo old front Urea aa baa base ohaagud In to tbo American fareaer. Woooa flad no curb marakmoo as than were ta Jeak eon's day amoag too waei people. To organise sa edeeUro iray to-day ws would baN to touch tbo woo bow to shoot as well as how to marsh, aad it takes long praotica to mske a good marksman." nnm or ■araowAa*. Ai to the Uodaocy to «oltot, ooeof 6oat aa>« It wo«U ba moeh atrongar la tbo youth of today thaa It waaia mi. -There to aoaroalr a boy la tba world," aald be, “who boaa't tuned entbuaUam in tba wet expertoaea of •owe retail to,” On* otoeer aald that It la tba genoral belief «boh aaodora autbortttoa that city boyt Mata battar aoMtora than oouotry boya, There fore tba rapid afaaorptlaa of tba Mb arba by oor largo alttoa would toad to ratootbo ataodard of yoiitta atlglbto for military aonrtoa rathar thaa lower It Saboal albtottoa.tha bloyeto, aad. above all, military drill, baea rmieed tba youthful Bebtiog itreagtb. Tan tbonaabd boya are receiving Military InctntcUoo from tbo legator odlBara of tba army, aad many mate ara drilled by militia oMaara aad toe abate with military anowlodgo. ESK»gHSf33 ana im i« '«2SwTnatoaaaaoa. I 8C. Louis Oeom Cars Bggtostoa to the author of » vuTamo of abort Morto vklek In Iim called "Soathorn Soldier Stortoa” (Ate MomMm Company.) doom of tbe sketebao are very short, but oQ of tbom breathe tbe spirit of oenteet aad of eodoraooe. Tbe author dedtoatee bis boob to tba ‘•Joa” oo often “mao Honed la tbaae stortoo. lie woo my loved comrade la arms, aad aehansr lo all my war evpesieaeea Ho to wow Dr. Joaspb W. Kggleatoo of Btob mood, Va.” Is ooo story Joa to the bore. He »m a troublesome boro, it appear* The author says: “Joe wee very maob la earnest at Poooteltfo, g. o., where SttWSSyW “Thai to to aay, Joe was not quite 17 years old, was an eatbuglaatio eel dlsr, aad was e* bot-bsaded a* a boy well eta ba" Joe bad oommapd of a goo. Hts saea fell about him, preaemiy these were bat three left. "The other bat tary woe that of Captain KUiot of Sooth CareUoa; and Captain XUiot bad jart boon designated Obtof of Ar Ultofy. Klhot’s battery waa really not in aethm at alt Joo. ooetog Captain Billot, and being himself foil of tba eotbaatoam wtloi laeirts upon setting things done, appealed lathe Ch ief of Artillery for lie lotus of some can non ••rs wltn whom to work bto fan store •Jeotlrely. Captain Elliot declined. Tbeteupon Joe broke into a volley Of vituperation, osUlng tbe Captain and bto battery cowards, and by other pat names not bars to bo reported. *-1. ae Joe’s Immediate obtof, as well aa bto shier brother, eomaauded bln to eitoeoe and ordered him back to hie Tb* *W#r brotliar worried about Jm. Ila had vMaos ot oonrv martial* •ad otbar dlaagrenabla Using*. Whan Mpralag aaaa bn appeared at Captain Billot>» headquarter* at anuria*. *'I aatarad baadquartara with a d* graa of trepidation which I bad never (ait balow. ‘'Otptato Billot waa parfarniag bis abiattona aa wall as be oould, with a Mg caard far basin. Ha nodded and apoka wttb bia bead la tbs towaL •“Oood Igbt, wasn't it? W* ham a lot o( Utoaa fallow* to bul> tbi* accruing. Pratt; good bag for l lire* hundred aad Oft; oua of u*. aad It waa maliil; ;oor bat ton’* anulatar that did Ik*' *‘l ekaogad fact and aald. ‘Y-a-a.’ "I thought to wyaalf that waa about tba way I ahoald taka l« Mat a mao down ms*' In a bard oaaa. “Tba Captain carefully removed tba Map from ble aara; tbeo torning to me, laid: "That’a a lighter, that brother of your*.’’ "Ti*,’ I rapt lad; but. Captain, ha ik very anthcaJmtle, aad ‘i 1 hopa I hopa -as: that Qghu Ilk* thatf roarad tba gal lant Cantata. “A* I rod* baek tkraagb tba wood*. It mail ta mo about Uw bright** Ootabar morning that I had over aatm. avan to that onporb Obrottan eUaaeta.” In Urn atory "A family That Bad Bo Look" tba Southern ioWlm-aaya: ••Tborn worn two hiHoom of aoprama batniam in tboCWUWar. Ooa waa timm Ibv Oil Ml, Um iUmt upon the *0m was tba ahaiga of nahottb baotoanwra at Gatiyahurg. Tba otfcar waa tba barorta aariaa af ayaaulta wada { by Um Wortham troop* oa Mary**) HMchta, at rradariakabant.*1 TWa m a (tar anfa of apt aaf atlRtaf fMiiiaUiu of too aanalt la too taat aaaii batUa. aaf toon too wrltorproaaad* to bla atory of to* aa-. I oaky telly. Ia too latoraat botwaaa 1 too iharpai "aa olf waa aama to boar lag aa MaiaM riAo ao* a anting aa oM yol hat otto* fata of 1M7 or toara •boat*. Wttb agate oaartaaytoat waa aaaaual la war, ha ayatoglatf to tea atotob 1 aaa toaoL> aa^UUM^toMta^Moof too yraat | Magaa ItooMiaiyOT^ Ml wUm Orrf only whan ho know bb/ aiatoba afbiaUv*. Yatba braf raytfll^f. That away: ‘TanaaS hawTabaPbMa'aa tba wtag la yaar Um*.’ "TbaaM Haaaaawaaaf: 'IdM ay to VO yaara agr. bat than I aart ’a Mat ?iar “Wall, you*** apt te bath bank1 again,'aalMi oat Billy Ooofwla fra* down tbolla*. SooaKti wS/rs y sJwiiTy •lly Mow kl« oat of 1C Bo Ml -ssrsAt&jSLarjs ooBtMtwltk tta Bandy pSt kt tmtkibawto'nMt' imTSm! Brod tko Blau, tad that H hao goat Off,* " *‘Tbo Omni tooohod hla mo oad replied: ‘I had akurrait Mat toots and Itkaoktoo rary Boeh. 1 tagto aay that I will maka as odtolal ianat of tho clreuaasUoaa.’ "Two day* later wa all touched oor capa to a frcably-mad* Urigadia Oao oral of tha eagineera. Tha Oapteta, who had btalutod, raoaiaM a Uap ttil.** Tb# authortoUaltaa story of "My Friend PhlL’’ PhU woo a sag ro alayo a*ho belonged to a f rlaad of tko writer. "Hawma atiawg man, ntfotalagta kw strength always; tat tterawea one thing ba would not da—ta would not work tor blBeaW. “His coaatar was one af ttaaa who bopad tor gradual aaiaBdlpa, as BaayVliglateaadM. sad thought It hla doty to proper* bis prgruoa tor fraodoia, ao tor aa It wa* possible tor bias to do ao. Aarowg otter taaaua to tkwaud, ba oooouragtd aaeb to waka hod aavs mosey oa hla owa aaoowat. Haoh was expected to catties to a •patch’ of bis own. Tholr leaatar guts Uicb the niasBary timeaad tta Mate Um mala wtaooear Iteirjaapa aaadid attention. “In tbla way ba thought to tnla them la bablta of voleuUry ladoUf and WMna of tba«, baelagu j urnuiuy fxpaosH to baa, socu mutated toy prtuy little boards «r esab fruw tta «Ja of Uwtr crop* ovary year. But Pbll would not raise a orup fur bla aaif. “ What I waat to rales a crop tor I ha would oak. *1 don’t want uo mon ey; on'y a quarter aooettaa to buy u banjo tiring or a flab lias, an’ I gat Ptonty •’ quarters pitched at cue when IhoPdegrnttoawi’* busses. I don't wmatuo aouay, aa’ X wouldn’t kuow wtat to do wld to If 1 bed it. My BMtab take good mu o’ aa, aa’a long a Jar’s a piece o’ maut la 4a aaokefaouae Ptll knowa lie’s gwiaa to ban plenty to aaL I ain’t gwtoato am no Money, as’ ha cans’ feaettoas •a ay ueaetah. My aaatab gives aa bo* elota an X kin war out; mi* wtat do deril 1 wait to bo muklu’ uom tor. I duouo.' *• PhMdid out wuot to te toon Ho wbatoidtoat^ia*1was*free^by’ law! wbattar or no, Um tom utraamad dowu hla toga. -Ba was u strong mas physically, bat tha uwraat child to character, aod tbo tellng that ba no Icngar tad anyone bat himself to ton 122**.*5 **®r* ““ •*• *ooM hour. ™ light of ckaorflilasB mud good hutoor want out of Ua teas. Tbejoy onanaa of his nature disappeared; aad baton tta ana Bar bad rtpawad Into autoBb poor Pbtl lay dowa nod dMd af ataataa baart. _ I Q a a . •- rrt ... .._ i»fy - ' ■aaaawHa The town of Hat* U Uolaaiboo oooafyail—■fatlMUUW—faifrt (itji infnlnf Mtiitoii o( bn of Its* Ur tNtfr UtwH._ Tbo other toy'bo took o biUoU Semi mUHtfliW. Tbo UHBbar of i_ Vtoo to (bo Quttof ftoho MlUolnw ood olaoof Mbaa, prodoein* SJl^l* geUeoe of nolo H>lnu ood MOl fnitnni of laoMeoe •pinto dolly. * jv-v > & [. v '£: /■ ’ §f I r i -