The Gastonia u*Totod to th« Protootion at rion* and U»a Intowti Vol. XIX. Oantonia, N. C„ April 14, 1898. SPAIN AND HER PEOPLE. THE GROWTH AND DECAY OF THE GREATEST NATION HI TKj HIS TORY OF THE V/OILD. rounded no tbo rar^a of nc'-unt Home mid pooplod by the fC;:,cdLSS tacos cf the middle urvw. bfial'j easily "ouqnerod tho old world uud disrrivered and overran the net* world Umlev the rule at Charles I of Spain, batter koowo in history as Charles V uf tier many, tba Spanish smpire included tbo wbola Iberian pcuiusala. tbo Balearic Island*, Bon—ilJou turd Crrdaguo north of Iba Pyrenees, tbs island of don.iuin. Sicily, Naples and Milan. Knrtcbe Comte, Holland and Belgium au I prao tically Austria, Bohemia, Hungary aud Transylvania. In Africa It held roc vast domain which roriugumc adventurer* bad mixed, and its Asia tbo Pbilippiua archipelago In North America Spanish tsrrUory lucloded everything tenth of Savannah on tbu cast aod Ban Freuoisco on tba west, together with Mexloo, On tral Ann-rlee and tbe West Indira 6pain dominated alt South America, in oludLng Brasil, which wua a Jt'ortugooao CJIAULRt V. pro* I DO* at tbe time Hpaln ruled Portu gal. Tbe total dominion of Cbarln* at It* mu!th woe about 17,000,000 equate milea, doable that of tha caar of Kumia and infinitely greater than that at say other monarch In hlatory. Nor trae Spain great In rtae and strength alone. 'Sbe war rich beyond computation. Bo aldee tbe bouadlear reaouroe* of the gpeoieh peoincala, which tbe Rotb ■tbilil* cnnrlder rupertor recority for tour rocor 1-ana, thow ulthof Ciertnauy, Aufiriu nnrt (be Ketherlr.ud* war at tha dlfiKKat of . j-fitn. All tbl«, buweecr. wua a* nothing to the j!clil etui *l)v»r that injured lu froto America. Tbo Halite tnouatcb* of Met loo, Central Amrrlin oral Peru yielded op tlirlr tnjjtoree nt tbe oommaud of gpaiiiah adventurer*, uml tbe utlDtt, worked by l:nliau alert» produced the preciou* memli lo iinuntttiue tbec dae alod tlxt world and Intoxicated tbe Spaniard* It I* r it i mated tbut during the century which followed tbo dlacoe ary of the saw world >.000 toot of gold and 0.000 tnuv of silver crnjen] dm ouaau to be aqaaodttrod In 8palu. deunl i«M noblemen borrowed money to pay their penuv.o to Aturrira end returned millkmairta Common eoldine ceroe bock to tbo mother country with prooee aiout uf elavea. A oertuiu dpanlah eol dler waa married in Baroeloua to tha daughter of a unbluman and colubroled tbe oooaeion by giving away in alma $000,000 In gold and aLIvnr. Another returned Spaniard atoud at a window ill bit boaae at Madrid and threw into the etreel. a handful at a limn, two bar rela of Kilter colna fur tbe fnn uf areiiig tbu rabblu earamble for the money. Na tional extravagance kept pace with in diviiloal profligacy, and legitimate Imiu ness waa loat eight of in apMrululioo. Hpxlu ruled tha maKt of Hie world and anubbed the raet of it. Cpoo heratrength waa founded the national prido which proved her national neaknexa. Maw Mala Cadm, At ber zenith Spain aocnied to pcnaa* Invincible power. Only one nation dnnxl to cballnugo it. Tbat nation wai ling land Spain's argetio* were miroeietully attacked in tbe math esat. Then ohm tbn rteitrootioo of tbo greet armada. Tbn abarm >ai broken. Spain started on the downward petb and never stop pad. Foe* developed without and with in. Under Ferdinand and Ieabcll* be gan tbe ruin of the country wbicb their meow torn have oomplatvd. They drove tbo Jews and tba Moore out of Spain. It ie that fact in Spanish history which account* for tbo natiou’e decadence. The Jew and the Moor ware traders and artisan*. They eocrtltutaO tba middle class, and they were the people which tbo fanaticism at Isabella and tba dark naal at Torqnemada beuiahed from Spec lab soil. 'When tbey war* gone, tba Area of tba inqnlsltioo were lighted for tbn thinker*, and free thought was al lowed no foothold under tbe croas of Oastile. Wben tbo philosopher, tba aeieutitt, tba inventor, had gtuia, there remained only tbo auldivr and tba peas ant. From the days of Ferdinand to tba days of Waylar it has been the policy of Spain to terraria* bar subject* into sub minion by tortuio and bntobery. From first to last tbit policy has been a (ail are. i&uly Id the aixteenth century the Netbeiandi r art oiled and formed the United Province* The xtordy Dutch man daetroyed what remnanta remained oI the Spnulah nary, end la 1043, at Rocroy, the Spenlah infantry, hitherto Invincible, waa beaten and forever broken. Portugal and hen raft poasaa •Iona in three oontinenba ware loat in 1040. N a plea revolted in 1040 under MaaanleUo. Ha waa nmarinated by bravoa in the hire of Spain, and after a tong etrnggle tbo rebellion waa aop prened. Dot Spain'a bold on tba two Sicilia* onoo lumeited, waa never ao r ‘MCA AND WW SHOW EMPIRE OR CHARLES V INCLUCHNC ClftftANfANO PORTUGAL- BLACK INOICATES PRES ENT SPANISH TERRITORY ■train agate. Franco atuard tbe pror inaae uortli of Ibe Pyreneoi aud Franoba CuiaU. AU authority iu tbe (IftrrnaW •fata* had loaf beau lout In Spain, aud tba Ua Span lib klug of the Austrian dyuaaty, at tbo uluaa of tba aevonkeutli oenrary, an bia realm tbe prey of tbo great power* Equally illvattrona were tbuea timea iu tba colonlci. Tbe Hatch. French and EliClltii wired foot bold in Ibelioiaaan Bad thro helped iboweelvoe tarn after auother to the amaller lalauila in the Caribbean aeo. By tbealmeof tbo Dutch war of 1086 tbe prrtrtiriona of Spout to Ufi iTtrial nwiiorabfp lu tbn«o rvgicna were wholly Ignored. Tbo ltuglUh aelacd Jamaica. Tba I'reucb flret cook Tortuga nod tbeuoa eaat out fltfbnecen. wbu preeantly drove the Speulali nut of Haiti—HUpunioln, Clttiii flpulu —aud made It a French province. Bv«n Ha vana wni attacked more thou ouch. Drake bad a frnltleaa ventnra at IL Feun aud Venabtn* who took Jamaica, tried lu take It. but failed. England did tlonu tbe forta lu 1 *00 and bald tbo city a fow year* th< i gavo it beck to Spaiu. By tbe cud of that century Trin idad. ton, waa analclud away, aad Bpeiu'i ootuuiaroe wltb tba Anierioau oolimiee anbatantlally destroyed. Eng land cjoie to her aid at home in the Napoleonic war* and thru Frmnoc in turn helped Ferdinand VII to hold hit throws. ■vatu In a CnUmU, Early In the nineteenth century re bellion* begun ia South America Se cret (Odettes ware formed which had far their object the thruwlng otf of the Bponleb yoke. The chief founder aud promoter of them wae s Spaulth creole af Venmcelo, Fraudeoo Miranda by Mine. Hr bad seared uudrr Washington in the Amoriceu Rorolutlou and bud be oraue thoroughly Imbue I with (bo apfrit ot liberty and with tbe priuolple* of re pablisauUui. What bad been dene in North America oauld, be thought, ho done io South America. Ha therefore formed in London, eliioo it coaid not | lowed In the aatnr yrar, and the Arm tine ootitedmitlou.after n ten ;wi' wur, • fu IHSd. Braid! had bcrti Inat (" t -*la lu tb» aocwrsloii c.f Portugal. uhd ’l.wida VhMCMlod tn tin- TJnltcd t urm iu iblU. Nothing wa« n-nv left to K|«lu In tbe •woateru bemlaplieto except Oniii itad Puerto Bluo. Mwlltnna Henwtl of ea Umpire. Beyond tlio rror cud of the ApunirU pruinsoU. a /**» Irlaudt adjoining bt-r i abotv* un i • penal colony in Africa In i which political prlmuiri era Kturvnd nnd tortured bpaiu has nothing loft hut Cuba and tlto Philippines. uuii both oro iu revolt. C-oluuikuj il.vlnrrl C t'*l n be tbn "rerun ln.-*ui ilol land ntTli iiclil by bu-uuo eye*.*' U-t pancr-jbl i native* the Hpuuifdi isteruiiuut'-i with rutf bfirtnr of toi torn Sliiuo iIwtj •*#« uu gAil in the inland Cebi wot netloctad anil igucred for mao? yrari lint the tilMjiirb coluuixeri it "and nltlniausJy fooud that its sngxr plautati. Jr nnd to banco flcliis were more joodtble than gnlil intuea. Por two oontnrici it liat proved tbe tarmt rain .bio of all Spuin'* powcanoua. Colu ftuullv grow tirnl of | being plundered by ttpaiu, eud rntrilioa I afttir rebellion Broun, only lo ba rotb leeely eoppmtend. Tlieo uact* the fa looaa ten jun' urur end dually lUo premiit fcnunlublo Inaorrrotluu. The ■Bwllrr lelBiid uf Puerto Bloo. which, with Oabu. makou up the rrnmaut of | Spain'* eta pita to America, command* I bat Might attention lie hiatory ha* been cidnrlcaa, u« ItidirhlmJIty not elg nlflcaot. It bmp* upoo ibe fate i;f Cuba. Tbe Philippine* term an Important llob In the great volcanic nionntaiu ratuo ].t lug off tl:n A«lt:. cca*t—ir-mi chatba t'jo’ a. 1 iriarii, tho Philippine).. U'.rurn. Java *.' itra r.n two larto lalandt f.u-.n.i and Min d.'.nabo. term other j ol c r:.-:Mvr iblit aim. and Itn-iilrr '>■ 1f rtnalier onoa, down to the maro t d :*nt rrrtltir oua lock on the *e->. They err all made of rclcaulc rn.'V and oorul uh t maud In v.-.lnaLlt uilmrela. The I'li.alu I* troplntil, brttisu beigjt of the iloqo THli AJ>CAZA« OP ttvii.u •afoly he doon at Oarucna, the “Orun Baanlou Americana." Into tbie Bolivar and 8aa Martin were initiated. For aoano year* Mlracdn mado oouaaianal but fntlla attain pta at revolution. In ona of which be engaged tbo Intereat of the groat Bundonnld. Nothing of impor tance waa achieved, however,until April 19. 1810. wben Caraoaa openly rota agaluxt itr Spanlali governor, Miranda and Bolivar beading the rovola Two yean of uunOlct followed, not proanlalng for the lurargaaU. Then cam* an aarth qnaka It drafcroyed Claranea, killing a no tuber of people. The enperatltloua troop* of tit* lororgcnta thought it war an Oman, threw down tb«ir arm a, de rarted or aorremlrred, and the raballion waa at an and. Miranda waa captured, taken to 8 pa In and died In prieon—mar dated, it may b* aorta laod Bolivar •aoapad Into tha naighbortng province at New Granada In Onto Ur, 1*11. Bolivar re-rntorod I VoarxoeJe with |00 mm, daoburlog war to thv knife agalnet Hpaiu. Victory fol lowed victory. In Angaet, 1*11, bo tu rn tend Ckreoae lo triampb. Then came revenue, end ha had to flea to Jamaica. Par aome yean more die utrogglo waul aa, until 1811, when New Granada and Vouoannla wan united aa an tedepoud ast repo bile nntlor the name of Colon ! /ia, the la*t of tba Spaalah troop* being , trtveu oat to 1814. Kooador waa added to Ibc republic la IMA Peru formed another (fate la tail an dor Um aamo of Bolivia, Porn Itaclf - end Cbilo aim. tbenbt la the roeIaa of Dandonald—bn ocadag lodepeudcnt la 1814. Mexico •brew off I ho yoke of Spain la 18*1, aad Guatemala—than looladiag all Central America—lo i*|«. Mar did tba urev laoaa aa the Plata river lag Ubind. Paraguay, Indeed, waa Arm ad all to win bar Uhfufni, la MIA Urmrenyfol talua nud plateau* make* It endorabla to European*. Tho total area of laod la 64,000 arjoaro mllea, and tba popolatton tome 8,000,000. Th* flora la wonderful ly profoae, oompriting teak, nodal and oampbor tree*. palm*, tn. a vaa4 rarle ty of aplrea aud perfume bearing flow* era, rice and tho tamooa mantlla hemp. The fanne abuw* no dangerou* bnata of pray tarn the erooodlle. There ere buf falo**, pig*, autaloye*. woukey* and lamas* galore. A* for the people, they ttro u» much mixed t* tbon of 8pete Itnlt Negrito* wore probably aotoeb thunon*. Tben Polyeeiiast catue In, aud then Malay*. Chino** alto cam* la great number*, ami of lata yean Use Japiuen beta been flocking, with la ton. It any well be, to po«*on the 1*. load when tba Span lab an ex palled. The Speoleh popolatloa 1* e*ry email. Indurtry and ooatmtro* an eonafdara bio. Then ara rtaamablp line*, tail •oaiN, telegraph* and cable*, and a for •Igu trade of gOO, 000,000 a year. Manilla I* a aylendtd ulty, gat on tba margin of no* of the flu eat k arbor* hi tba world. It ha* an anoint furtnn, flue eh arch**, « gay parade. tra*y *tmta and eanala, park* sad palate*, hotel« and theater*. The iubablkiata an an autiahlo and baudaotno race ParUCaO CIUw •* ■***•• fh* fortitert eU(M •* Bpala on te W»tb and oortbtr-nt mart an Boutona, flnntaoilar. Ournu*. Pono! and Vt*o: on tho Allan lie, Mwen lbs Porta farm front tar and tbo au-ill (Mbral f*r, uiara oro Palo*. Son Laoar, near tba month or the <ioad*ht«1n>» rlrar; Oadlaand Turlfa. In U»*Mnlltormonan tro Malaga. Ourtaruv*, Pal amoa, Tarragona, A Iran* I* ami Alloaatn. Barenloaa, Oartagana tad A laterla war* lommrljf looted a pea a* tba moa* fca aatdnhlo lartmna ua tha Modi ten* HAVANA IN i.-SO-TROU AN OU> PAINTINC. mu, but their fortifications ue now in doaay. so little aucntiou haring beta paid to than since tL» ware nf tba French nwnlnfiuu that, with the excep tion of o few uiorient batteries line and thuie, they are nnt worthy of considera tioo. Daring thu wars with Napokoa every port rf Spain was put iu a thor ough state of defense by Rnglisb money, bat since the Spaniard* Uaro b:cu left to tbeir own tlevieoe tho ImiOuattaos here b*en neglanted, end eraa torts and battcrira of modern style am monntor* with old fashioned smooth hot o gum. utterly iacflrnllre iu modern warfare. At the entrance <t the lledltcsraneau ero two points which if properly forti fied could be held against the naval powers of the world—Tarifa ou the Spools'] side and Cento on tho oppoiila coast of Africa. Tarifa 1*. iu tho Judg ment of military critic*, atpabla of be ing mode as invulnerable as Gibraltar. All tba seaports of Spain hava stran ger fortitlcaUoua tin tbidr land tide thou on that toward the tea. This odd cir oumttennn is h ndiouf tbo French Inva sion in the early years nf this omtwry, and also significant of tbu turbulent condition of tbo country ever ulnae, far j tbn cities nf Spain arc, iu tbo Judgment of tbn government, iu moracuiuger from the Spaniards tbamndves than hum B foreign enemy. On tbu bay ol Moray, Coruna and Ftntd are the priutdpul fortresses, while at Vigo there era two small furtu to protect the entrance of thu harbor, and San Sebastian, the myal retideooo during the rammer, is guarded by a meciimval cestlo and two or three water batteries Cornua und Fnrral ore ■Hasted on the same bay, about 20 miles apart, tad the Latter is the sltc'cf tbe largest uary yard and murine arsenal in Spain. •paaXsh CWiMUraua. TIi# story of Spain from great Cberles V to UtU# Alfonso mu bn* no parallel In tbe history of the world. Ill Morions and pbitosophera crpluiu the phenom enon nooording to their iodlririnul Ideaa Proto* rant* attribute tbo fall of Spain to religions bigotry and tba suppression of independent thought by tba inquisition. Ono Catbolio writer, on tba otbar band, maintains that lsnioony in dealing with tansy marked tbo bagtuulng of na tional deoay. Bad Chorles V been duly dlllgoot In ataonplug ont tbe reform*, tloo in Osraisny, eays this writer, Spain Would oarer hare deteriorated. Tba po litical aouoomfst teacbci that the saor mooa wsaltb heoeght from America in stead of onrieblng really impovorlsbnd Spain, since it iadoeed neglect of bom* Industrie* and generated en extras*, ganoe which bacam* the rain of tbo na tion. Bookie find* or think* h* finds, lb* onoae, partly at least, in tba esper •tiiioa* romance for authority which kept ike Spaniard* faithfal to church and stain, even wbllo tliey knew lb* one to beoorTopt end tb* other iocompoteot. Pride of character and eu Arrogance Ural excltod tb* hatred of all foreigners and the aatagonlem cf all foreign state*, the wnrlllce habit* of tbe SpaaUii peopJe, ooofirmed by eight oeutourlc* nf ooaatnnl conflict with tbo Moors, drainlug tb* oonntryof It* bsstraon euil > oar lug only tbe weakly ami lufittu—each and erery QUO at too** causes, together with lit nemsrsbl* utbure, baa beau uphold by rim auuiimu. able advocates. Be tba cacao wbat H may, tbs fact is apparent tbnt the graut s*t nation of the Kfreootb uautnry ti among tba least of tba u tuc tccutb. Tba twentieth cent ary n»y flud bar aotbiug bat a iitoMf. Spain baa bad ranch architecture, aonio nrt and little liters lure Tne Al hambra, the Esoarlal and tba Alcazar are marvel* of boaaty and grand oar. la • book cuueplonout for friendliness tn Simla Mr. Obatfleld-Teylar mtys that Spaniards or* probably leta nsderetood iu America tJrnn any people In Europe, lu fact, tbt popular ccoorptiau of tbs Simulat'd It of u sinister eououdrel, wrapped iu a cloak, who smokes ciga rettes and commit* dark daeda a earl of ornuic opera Tlllalu, wbomt past lot; U cruelty. Tbie absurdity It fully equal ed by tba Apnalsli fmprwiiocs of Amer icana—or ‘‘lot Yankee*," us they call aa. They look upon tie o» a specie* of platocmtia barbarian*, whose u:le merit lire in onr tlnllore, wbaaa tuouoere are bnnrUb and wbues government la the moei corrupt aud men orcr boaring in tba world. It It not always pleasant to auoxso xui. m ouradroa as other* ire oa, and when ono read* In Spanish paper* that the United State* I* • country without prtucipie at rclig loo, without nisnll— oa bravery, whrvo uagroar are nanil •live and Italian* lyaehad In the pahUe streets, where Obiiiamen are poraanated and atrikes are prevalent, where an arohista are ncTsraen of states and per sonal liberty la unknown, one nesnta the Urade and feels the lingo spirit Mating in oos's heart. As a matt or at fact, the Spanish eonoopttoa of the Amcrioun la merely an esaggeratiem at the national Halts. Jon aa our idoa at lb* Spaniard la a mlsooaeaptiun of bit character, framed by magnifying hi* rtosa at ths expeuea of his virtues Ho man nature la vrry Minch the earn# the world over, and the Spaniard U very Ilk* utbor man, sar* that ha in down on hit luck. LUra must people who hero known prosperity, ha finds I»difficult to appreciate his otrtmmeurlbod position and is wont to eorrey himself front the mognlfiorut standpoint of hia achieve Much Of tlw addlttoesl Rtmm that la raised win how to Bitwa from I star nal taxation, a* tlw MsgtryMlbdpt ■' pot Uw tariff taxoaon moat article* up to Uw lhatt. Tlw Inwtilfli n tlmules, however. show that conddcr abla tprynot-* ran la mod* In Uw (l» tmria remlpt* by loiMatMgfm uf detP. Au> rrooDMawudothtw that will Ga made to CVugrrM for artdll least m venue will i acted# a fwaomamodatlao of n tax of 4 orals a poood oo eoBae. which, on Uw basis of tmportottooo. It javauioatad win pirid dbUW#».0M.-.V, OOOo pear addltianrj renrutw, aad a p-cninuwudouoo of a UI of to coot* o poo ltd oo tM, wbiclt will yield a IttUo won titan 811,000,000. It It MWvadL and * anther million tody bo ntlMW from a tax on spiaaa. Tb la wU awfco a total of t41.OW.OW for UwaatUrW irtSdct. thataxoTbaoreraau'fl'a tarnhaS! *ud iLa tvauitta* increase In tha ro wans. It la estimated, will tw about sug UOO.OOO a poar. and tola will »• tlw largest lamraard revan u« from aoy a ah source, IVhitkey la Mo* taxed fully up l tie I be high rat ravaapa prod am Bg l<«ibi, mat lui add It ion-* J rrtwMMa ba raised fioot tins war or. Tobacco and cigala will stand a substantial in creear, however, and map be made to plaid el* lit or ton million additional. Other odds sod aods of taxation exit be found which will Osaka tha total lu cre**! iu Uw rwranura of Uw mteeru wil amooat tofullp SX0U.000.0UO a pear, Slid Still leave other tourer* of revanaa ohicli can ba availed of if Uw war tbould holosg drawn oat. U t* probable that tlw Imowdiata In emus to renutua which will bo oakad will out exceed thin, though, should tho warlw prolonged, ottwr taxaa wHl be Imposed which will graatlp loareaaa the reeetpia Strong *rrumoots will b» mods for ■n immediate Usui of boods, bat Sec retary Gage liao nut yet decided jaot •bat ho will rrcummsod on Hilo wai ter. fin la tlitnktag of contenting blm Mlf fur lhv|MW«eul with a riwiMWiidie lititi ( autb-irlly br ■ rallied by Con gress for like ignusnce Treasury err* tlUcatee if i' debtedaeaa to Ibo amount of moo.uuo.ogo. Tli»■*« orrUilcstra would banf small deuomio'illous, but bnar * lute rest at a low rate, and to redeemable at th« pleasure of tbe government. Itlaba iweed that, SlOO.OOO.UOO of tbvaacrrtl flcaten would be absort ad aa fast at liter might be oflered In the Treasury. Witli 8lu0.000.00u from tla> lrauance ■ 4 CrrliOcWs Of ludcbtedbear and SdOs 000,000 fn>w tbs cash balance la Urn Treasury, Secretary G*h« would ham si tbs start dltO.UUG.000 in the war chest. Tha proposed inereaaa of taxation which the secretary lias la oo so letup lu ll' B would begin to Icreaae the rvecn uta as soon aa enacted by Congrats, at they would require little additional machinery fur tbetr collection. Tide would mein a constant addition of about a quarter of a million dollar* a day to the fund available for extra ordinary war rxpvosev In addition to the ordinary revenues of tbe govern ment. Hit iuKiw *r u*m. l*ti11a4lut|4iVaKovtU imlcu. If tkrtv coold to sack a Iking M too gm*t a (apply of good, that would bn niiarr nf <>ur do social eeniliiat to day. Tim tioiuirig of tba yellow metal are rxetedlug all exprotatloas and records. Competent judges eatlnoted taat Um tup figure «f the Import at loos would to I30.00u.00a Already tbt» list Umn exceeded to $lu.0u0,00t> sad i to end la not yet. Up to Tuesday tbu total receipts of goto by the eouUsru o'Uee slum February 33 ware about 634 000.000. which, with tbu "mount drawn from Australia by baa Francks oo, mods a grand total uf about H0. 000,000. do toug aa this oondttla* at affairs couUauea—and them la nothing to iadluato that It will seed la tbu near fat are—tbu lattos will ba aMo to moat without dWemKy aay oo"t Ingency tbu* ■ay arise, eean to a prolonged war, and wiiboat aay fear wbatmr of to lug forced to suspend tU spselo pay ments for a si agio day. ■newmwtbim fossa. - | fly wife has uawl Ctwml erl«li>’a Fsln flalos fur tbrnsontiMU wttbpnai relief, and I can rreoiameuo It as a •plena.d liiiin.eut tor fki-amatlcm and oilier ie.useliold tier far which wo have fiMimf It ealualde_W. J. CoyVr. lied Creek, X. Y. Mr. Curler is noe of Um IssUng mot rhahts «>f Ibis village uud ana of tba most proa.treat atsa la tbla eternity. —W. (*. rilpuia. Editor Red Greek Herald. For sate by J. I. Carp 4k IX Tba Ciatoey ledger learn* ana af tbu original stockholders la tba Clofsr, S. a. Ctotoa Mitt* asyc baton resetead W mu oa tba dollar la I rlduda since tbs Mill was srgaolmd 7 man ago, sod fm July 1st would receive 10 per eel*, morc.maklsg X» la all. Tba Mack of Um < Tovar min la now Ilian Us market. 'A «.*4 t« Oia <Im la aaSatarV alH a wnrd frnm lla «la> atinuM ba ►• Mil >an aab. «rta a a Ua »t* ? Tbnaa «rho know. Tla ufl r»l*atr& man-laoa nt tro«i-*art*v bmaua may ba tali** tar kantMar. Hr. H'. m. TVrrjr a>r* Oaabrrtatb** <>a*h Rr«rt» *IT»a t*IW IwUlrfwr taa titan an* wia I* lla aurbat. HrhabHIn tla 4ra* bkHtiraa k> Btalnrt, Kl.. far t«4w |wt«| kaa al I I.u»dw4> wf laUUa af Hi la w—4y nul marly alt nltar **<HkHMM aiMta mat CkkMim1alk*a la tba *«kt srwiusriTjyasr

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