The Gastonia ' ■r— ==^ ' -'-J- I 1 ■■■■■—, _ . O.’rotod to tHo 1'rotvvUun ot Mom o and ttxm lntamta mt 1 Vol. XIX. I Gastonia, N, C., April 10, 1898. —i ... - ■» i M'KINIEY SENDS IN . HIS CUBAN MESSAGE President Asks Permission of Congress to Use Force In Restoring Pesoo. 8A78 TIME 18 AT HAND TO END TEE STRUGGLE Ur Waule lllacretlonnry Power* Verted In Him—Itcviccv«Trouble nud Argue* Agulmt llmijulUuD-Cataatropbo to Maine Cited »• Proof That SpuJuCan’t Gnard later**!* ol Thlr Country. MESSAGE IX BRIKK. Wihuvotok, April 13.—Tbe prnM dent't mceaage wai tent to taw* greia at norm along with occaolar n> (<urta. The iufuimaUou that tipoui liaa proclaimed a teuutlou of boelilitiea oa tho irtaud «Ud nc4 bavo Ibo rfloct o( materially changing tba prerideut'a meaiage as originally prepntvd. except lbat it (umUbed important evidence in rupport of bia contrntiin Ikal diacre tiunary power in aome ineuaoro ibould bo given to th* prtaideuc m tbe nae of fort* to compel pence. la his message tho president strongly nppoaoa recognition of belligerency a im-*ptxliont. Ho also npi'ccue the recog nition at lire independence of Cuba at t)tl» time, but la Tor* rhe granting of authority foe larh use of armed lorco* of the United Btatv* us ho mny diem ui ceiuary to put on end to hirui dries and to vec-ure a stnUe govcruineut in Catn. He aim ask* for »n nppropdn ticii to be used for Ihe relief of such of the people as im. still in need. The message shows that Spniu her self first suggested 10 this rcvcto incut the drsiraUlity of an minietu-e anil signified in sdvruico her n-xwl and ashed tlist the United Slide* nso its good offices to socuro a hits ament from the insurgents. TbUrvqnesI was domed. The Maine ifiriik-iit figures Quite pr-utneutly in the message und llw president argues that the wreck of onr tuttlesliip in Ilavitni. harbor show* conclusively that Spam is not sblo to guarantee to the United State* und the other nation* that security to tlioir vessels which they have u right to demand. The inesenge shows, how evur, thut Bpain, m> far a* can bo done, without specific action by rhe crates, La* disavowed any connection with tin wrecking of the Maine und hue ex pressed her deep regret nml enmiw that the appalling disaster should Love oc ohrrod in a part within hor jurisdiction. The only feature of the messuge which it is thought -will encounter any scnoua opposition in congress, is that giving the president a measure of iliocrri tea* ry authority In the une of force. It is Lo itered, however, s majority of tire com mittaoe of the two bouses, to which the message was ret cried, will support the iffosidotit's viti^v. autl the opinion is gniuing gruuutl in administration cir cles that a more conservative sentiment ha* been developed, than retimed proba ble a week ago, and tho is that when put to tho tost of a vole, tho president's rooninxindatiuns will re curve tho support of a majority of both houses of congress. MESSAfiF IN FITf-U. Wahhtkgtoh, April ll.-Thc presi dent today sent the following message to the Unitad Stare* congree* Obedient to that preceptor Uid consti tution which commands the president to give from time to time to the con gress inlarmatlon of the state of anion and to recommend ro thetr amnum-ns tion such measure* a* ho shall judge uecoesnry and oxporik-ut, It tmroinc* my doty now to add rum your body with re gard to the grave crisis that has ortnesi in lire relation* of the United Statu to Spain br reason of the Wuriare that far more than three years has rugml in tho noighfccrlng island of Cuba. Ido so because of Hue Intimate cabnectinn nf tho Uoban question with tho stale of our own union and the grave relation to the course which it is now Incumbent upon tho notion to adopt mutt needs boar to the traditional potter of onr mot eminent If it U to accord with the pre cepts laid down by ihe founders of tho republic and religiously observed by succeed in g administrations to tbs pres ent day. Tho present revolution it hut the sue ecssor of other similar lnmrwtious which have ooeurrrd in Cnlti sguinat the dominion of Spain, attending over a period of nearly half a century, ouch of which, during its progress, ha* sub jected tire United State* to grout effort and czjwnse la according 1 Is neatrullty laws, oaased enormous losses to- Ameri can trade and com mure*, caused dre-e lation. annoyance and disturbance among oar ettioeu* and by the exercise of cruel, barhoron* ami uncivilised prac tices of warfare shooked the aenutbUiltes and offended the humans sympathies of oar people. •WTIPW OI UK ItfVMI. Si me tho uroeont nreolutfon ho null in y«brwT, IBM, this ooauhry bate mm the fertile domain at our thresh.,Id rar affrd by fee and sword in the curse of a tiramjle unequalled hi tho hlalory of the island and rarely fnvmllalod u to tho n non her of onahMteuU and the hUteruom of the content liy any mrolu tfon of modern tioioa whora a depend ant people, Mrivlnit to bo free, hare been oppneed by the power of tli* wrrer sign state. Our people have bo bo Id ■ anon iS'cepeme* community rodnoed lo uoraperaura want, its lucrative com memo virtually tunalytad, its exeen tlouul nrwWlvcneaa diminished, fa fields laid waste, Its mills In ruins and |M people portshlnitby lens of thou muds From humor nml destitution. W« bare found oureolvte c® strained, la tint obeervsu/e of ihnt atrtet BMMnri Itywblib OUT laws eniotes wliul the law of netioot com wan d« to polios our own water* and watch onr own ar apart* to prevail t any unlnwloi not la aid of I the Cabana. Oor trade* haa auffond, lb* capita) invaatad by oor citiacna in Onbii boa been largely loti, and thu Cam- i per and for bee name of oar people have I ixwn to aoreJy tried an to i>eget u. peril- ' on* on rent among cor own ciriaenm which Uuj Inc viliiMy looud it* oxpr** lion from inie in time m ifco uutnmal lrghUatmt, «a> thul J‘ercw wholly natar* iml lonir n**u !.iry tv Uiio oogios.1 at teiitioii und .n tin1 vuy of That clcvc devciion to Oriwnipo Adrum/iiannC that boccmc* a ►elf cuutatncci osmumm w milt h w beta jmrul iu.v.v:m bo* been the avoidance of r.ll foreign i-uiauglo me nuc All ibi* mtul m*oh awaken, and bu indeed a:ouw-d the nn?u*t i^inrem on tin* part r»! tW% ucne< iimen f, an wail dating my imlocouur'i tm*n aj in my own. In April, ihIKi, the cvila from which um tsmntry *uffcrtd rbtoogh the Cuban tar Ivuiiuf mi nu**inu> (liul uij predev ocwor made an efforr no hnng about a pemcti ibmugb rbo mediation of thla govern mem ui any way tbal might tend to an honoraM* udjOKruient of the non* ten between Bpnin and her revolted colony, mu the hn»i« of eouio cftcctire erheme of mdf iruveimirei:r Tor Oulu oiulir Cla* (lag -ui to*>ieignry nf Spain, it i..i.V«U tlironnh ibr rvloeal of the B|4tiiik1i goveri:iiirnt U rn in |mv,(tr to ccnudci i;ny form of medial Uni, or in deed nt uuv plitu uf vetiltmioiii w hich did not l egm wirli tbn tnrnnJ ►nhiiua wen uf the Uitnrpenn to ih© mealier country. nud then only ou nucb tcmiaaa Bl*»m boxaulf might *iv 01 to ^nu»U The wr»r cvnfmrHil mat lulled To© nv vitraiu*o of the mr.iriionta v.**oa in no wit* dimluiahed. War uf 1-lsrei mliiMtUm. TVh* cfTorl* of $|*ittvrn> iturcnfird by ibe ci1*putebe* uf iivmIi lories ol Culm uud l>y tu«* uddiliou to ilio Inaror* of the srrlfo of a new ami inhuman ph.-utc happily unprecedented in the lii-dory of edvUixed Chrialiuu jvopk*. The policy of rlrraMtutiou ami coo cmitru turn iuuu gurateil by the captain gunsrul Ocf. I, iflflft. in the province of Pinar tied Mlo Wll* til HI ICO OXtVIUMfl »«» Kill In m v all uf tho ivlaixi* to which tin* power of the ft[*oiiKh arms wu* able to irach by oc cupation or by military (ifienitioxi. lbc poamnitT lucindiug the dwell ern in tin* ufirii ngnt-uliural interior, were driven info j;nrrl*ou towns or iso lated yl.*v.T« bold by tho troop*. Tho nnung niiTveniPliC in the iirnviucc* of *11 kinds werv liiaugumct u. Field* wean laid waste, dwellings unroofed aud fired, milk destroyed tuia in short everything that tviuld desolate the land and render it unfit for human linb'txt»o« or auj \ hi uas cxajdcnuiod in order of ouc of tho rmiteuilinn part in* mul uxccuiud by all the power* xt fh?ir diapnnU. By the Time tho present ad mini stva rton took effect, a year ago, a rcconrcn tration—aocnDod^lud Uvn nmdo of. fevtivo over the better part of the four central or western province*. Santa Clara, Matan7am, I In y .mu and l'insr del Hio. The agricultural popuhaiun, to the estimated number of ttOO.DUO i* more, was herded within the towns aud their immediate vicinity, deprived fam lllr« of Hnppnrt. rendered destitute of shelter, left poorly rkvd aiul or^mand to the. moat unsanitary conditions. The scarcity of fowl inrirnund with dnvwtA tiem of the population arena and the do structian and want became misery and starrutum. Month by month tho death rata Increased in an alarming ratio. The Mortality Great. By March. J907. according to conserv ative estimates from official 8|MUifll sources, (he mortality among rlio recoo centra rins fmra starvation and the dis eases thereto incident exceeded 00 per usitutn cf their total number. Practi cal relief was uncorded to tho destitute. The overburdened towns, already suf fering from tlw general dearth, con hi give, no old. Stalled “none* of culti vation,'* Rslab'.ishcil within the Imme diate area Ufertavo military control about the citif* :uid for lifted ramp*, proved illusory as a remedy for tho suf fering. The at) fort nil ote*. Mug for the most purl women and children with aged and helpl-** men. enfeebled hydU comm and buogvr, could not Itavo tilled tho roil, without tool*, ft*?**] or shelter, for thoir own support or for the supply of the cities. RccoRcw’tirrntitttt, udopreri avowedly as a war measure hi order to cut of efts irsmw'i of the insurgents, worked it* prodrktined i droll. As 1 said iu my message of bint December, it was not civilised warfare: It was exter mination. Tin* only prana it could he wo* that of the wiklnmoa* ujkI tlw I mm MmirwUtto the military ettoatlon In tbo lain ui 1 bud undorguno a noticeable cbuugn. 'Iho nhwinliiiiuy activity that characterized Hie second year of the war, when tbo insurgent* invaded ovnn the hitherto culm Trued field* of Pluar del Kio nnd curried havoc and do ■traction up to tbo walla of the city of Havana itaclf. bad rvlupeesl Into a dogm-d etrugglo in the ocutrul and east ern province*. The Si*ul*h ana* re. gained a mraaorn of rontrol in Piour do) Rio and part* of Havana, but, under tha exlaclug conditions of tbo rural oouu try. without immediate improvement of their productive dtiulim. Bnn tbni uartmily restricted t1ie rcvotatiooUtl I nebi their’ own end their oomijeeet and I enbmtaalcn, put forward by Spain aa tUa \ eaaonttai and aole baaia of praea, aeemed aa far diatant aa at the onl*cl In tMe Mata of affaire, my adrninit tratiou found iteolf uonfrouU-d with the grave isnobleai of its duty My nicstuge of last December rev lowed the aitaattnu and narrated the rtapa taken with a view to relieving lb* eeutcunaeend open ing tbo way to come form of bduarwblo •ettlerriru l Tbo avexumineti-vn of the prime m Iolater, Otniovue, led to a change of guTcinmetit iu 8ptdu. Tim rormer admlolarmhnu, pledged to anhjngmcinn without ixntcnawion. gave place to that Of a worn liberal party, committed long in advance to a policy of reform involv- I tag the wider principle of borne rule In Cub* and Porto Woo The overtures of , thle government, to bo tbroagb ite new I envoy, Oeuerel Woodford, and looking to au immediate and effective o< noil ora- , tioti of the condition* of tbo ietund, al though not aoorpted to the extent of ad mitted mediation in any ah-vp.. wars I tuet by aarnrancce that h<«nc rule, in an •dvantvxl phase, weald he forthwith of fered to Oula. without waiting far the war to and, and that mom human* mrtboda the*id thenceforth prevail la the conduct at bcetillMe*. Ooincidee tally with them daclara ttoos, the now govaramoat of Spain cuntineed and emplaced the policy already began by IU pavd«ee»nr, of unifying frioadly re gard for title uettoti by releaMng Anar I hmaMUaaaa h*M eoder cm. Aargaor -B*--1 Mil I •o that by tha end of November sot a •iufle person entitled In any way to oar national prnta'tiou romaiuod in a Upan ieli prison. Alilul by Anwirlcwu. While thcac uegotUtnm wore In pro gress, thM luerruaujg iWllutlou of the unfortunate reconcrntTudon and th« alarming mortality among thrm claimed oaxucst attention. Tlio success whioh had attnudiwi tuo limited moaunre of re lief extended to rl>e suffering American rtiUrni among tbcuu liy tho judicious rsprmlitsrr. tnruugh the cooauuir tgri das, of the money appropriated expreaely for their succor by tha joint resolution approved May, 24, t&7, prompted the humane cstension cf a similar scheme of uid In the great body of imf ferers. A suggestion to this end wtui acquiesced lu by rbe H Danish suthorl iloa On Dec. 24. last, 1 csu-ixl to ho issued au appeal to tbs people, inviting contributions in mousy or la hind far the succor of the starving eufforure in Cubs, following this on Jan. 8 by a ■dinilur public aiiiMuuoemeut of the funnetiuu of a central Cuban rrllsf com fuitu-c with headquarters In New Tarli city, composed of three members retire •ratting tlte National Red Cross and ibo religious u_d bnainnss dements of the community. The efforts of that com mittee bnvs been untiring and son wo pushed much good. Arrsugemeulsjor fron tmns|iurtMtiuu to Havana Haro greatly aided the charitable work. The president Of tho Atueriiaa Red Cram and the representatives cf other con tributory organizations have amorously visited Cuba, and cn-ouorsted with the consul general uud the kxul euthorMae to make effective distribution of tbr re lief oollected through the effort* of the ccnlml oonitniliro. Nearly #*00.000 In money and soppUne had already rum had the sufferer* and more la forthcoming. The supplies ora admitted doty tree, and Inuspnrtatiua to the lutrail* lut* been arranged so that tho relief, at flmt necessarily confined to Havana and (be larger cilitis, is now extended through most if not all tha towns where suffering exists. Thou •antis of lives have already bonn saved. Tho necessity for a change'in the condi tion oT 1b<? lecomentradoe is recog nised by tbe Spanish ffovununwit Within a fetv days, lh« order* of Gen eral WeyU-r have been revoked, Use recutKeutrudae ore, it is .cud, to lie |»r tnilicd to iciuru to their homos, and sided bi resnmo their self sapimrting pursuits of peace; puttlio works hare tss'u ordered to giro them employment nn*l n *nm of *000.000 baa been appro prtstid for then rcliuf. Tho war in Cuba is of sooh nature that short of subjugation or extern', 1 os* lion n Dual uiilnart victory ft* cither aide r«r:u» iinpr.icin-.ihie. the alterua* tiTe lies ;n the phvciul exlmnstiun of the "t'r ce of the other (xirry or perhaps of n il—<i u.siilition which la effect entk it the leu yen's' war by tha li nen of Hni'jon. Tlie pnigpi-ct of such a protoc tiou ami conc'.nsiou ot tho jimient strife is a contingency hardly to be content plarerl with equanimity by tliu ctrilimd world, rind leust of nil bv tbe United Suiics. nffciiiil uud lujursl a* we arc. deeply and intimately by ita xcry ex* lxteuce. KJTuria (o bind War. Rm Using this. U sp,rated to be my duty in a spin; of truo friendliness no lets to Hpain than to lh« Cubans, who Imre u, ninth to loss by the prolonan tion of the struggle, to bring about an immediate termination of tha war. To this cud 1 submitted, an M -d> *9. as a result of moth pmwntAticn aud car respondents throngh the United States minister at Madrid, proposition* to the Spanish guvi-umeut looking to SD armis tice until Oct. l far the negotiation of outre with the good ofiicrs of tint presi dent. In addition I ashed the immedi ate revocation of the order to rc am cen tra Urn, so as to permit tho people to re turn to their forms aud tbe nwdj to be relieved with provisions and supplies from (bn Uni led States, co-operating with the Spanish authorities, so as to afford full relief. Tlie reply of (he Spanish cabinet was reoeived on the night of March 31. It oitwr*. as the menus to briug shoot pose in Oulst, to confide the preparation ibcrcof (o the itixnlnr parliauicnt inss much ns the ecu . in mice of that body woo’d bo noreasory to resell a final re sult, 11 being, howover, understood that ibe powers rcservod by tho constitution to the cvutinl government are not leas, ened cr diminished. At the Cohan par liament does not meet until May 4, next, tho Spanish govrminout would not ob ject for its port to uceept at cmoo a en* pension af hostilities if netted far by tha insurgent* from tho Krneral-in-chtof, to whom it would pertain In snoh case, to (trb-vnune tho darahou aiul conditions of tbo armistice. Tho propositions submitted by Gen (tuI Woodford and the reply of the fqsmiah government wore liotli in the form of brief memoranda, tho Wr»t* of which ore before me, uud ore so baton tially hi tha languagu above given. The action of the Osbau parHornant in tbu matter of "pnqaring" peaoo and the manner of it* doing an are uot ex plained in the Spanish memorandum; but from (tenoral Woodford's prelimi nary repuru of praiimhuiry disaamiun* ptrteccding. the final .wuferetioe, U ii midi retnnd the Spanish government ttnuds ready to gire the insular govern ment loll power lo negotiate peaoo with t!» litaargnula—whether direct or Indi rectly—it dose not appear. With this lust uvertnre in the dirrrtion of peace end It*disappointingreception by Spain (he rxocnttve woe broaghl to tho end of liii* Plfin t l The Lax Resort. In my ruinnnl mitssage of December lost I said: '•Of the untried measure* thuee ro mistn only: Kecopultloa of the lustir Boats a* beillm cuts; reupoiitieu of tha Independence of Cube: neutral Intar. twfca to aid tho war by Impoatnsr a rational coumronuM- between tho nan teeSauts and intervention in favor of one or tho other pstW. I apeak not of forcible annexation, for (bat cannot be tboturht of. T1w»t, by onr code of ator allty, would be criminal aKyroMion. " Thereupon I reviewed theao alterna dree fa the llplit of JVcxldent Grant * JMaaured words, a Herod In Jdrrn. when. *f*er aeves year's of aarurulnary de ■*•«*!*• U*1 “fl twnal booMlidc* in Caba, he roachod tin oonehulon that tta tnoigaltton of the indaadeaoe of waa Impracticable and Indefaaal. bint and that the raenjmltioa of bolMn. arewoe waa an* warranted by the tact* arecrdlnn tn the tests of public law. I eonaeatad aapechsiiy apoa the tatter ike qnasticn, pntaHn« eat tha s^ssar^haSSw^ wUla addin* to the already anoronj bar d«a« of neutrality within our own Juris dintion, could not in any way extend our iu fiascos of effecttve'irfBcos m ihn tfrn-ory of hoetUiUe*. Nothing biu riarxi occurred to change my viotr ou thw fegxrd. and I reootmiae fully now m then that the Issuance of a psvolwna Uou ‘ t neutrality, by which pruccu the of brlU*«Tiicx) is published, oouM. of itself sad omit tended by other action, nroompUsh noth. In* toward tbo one end for which wo labor, the Insuot paMArattou of Oaba and the ooaeaHca of tbo misery thst afflicts the island. Taming to the question erf reongalsinf at this nmo the independence of the laoaest Insurgent government in Oaba, we find safe precedents in our history from an early day. They am well summed up lu President Jaokane 'e mes aagu to umgrees Deo. II, 1886. on tbo subject of too rooognitioo of tbo indo peodenoe of Texas. He said: »<lu all the contest* that have arisen pot of France, out of the disputes ia re laiiou to the crowns ol Portugal and Spain, out of the separation of tbo American possessions ofboth from the Iwropcaai govern moots and out of the nnsnsnioa and constantly occurring struggles for dominieu In Spanish Arrwr *>,wUr1T oooalstent with our Just prtadplee, has been tbo action of our government that wo have, under the i aeoet critical circumstances, avnidod all I oaneure and enoountered no othnr evil tfaaa that prodnoed l>y a transient os- ■ tcmnKeaeut of good wil l in those against wham we have been l>y force of evl- i danoo compelled to decide. Aa te Kerognltlon. “It has lira* made known Co tlia world that the uniform policy and pructiia of the United State* to avoid all Interior shoe in deputes which merely relate to the Internal government of ocher ns '!<*»•. and eventually recognize the an thulty of the prevailing party without refereeoe to our porunulnr interests and viewa, or to tha merit* of the crlgi nal oorttrov-erry. •'Bat on this aa on orory trying ooca ■ion, safety is tu be found in a rigid ad herence to principle. "Iu the con tret between Spain and tha revolted col coles we stood aloof, and waited trot only until tho ability ol tho new Hate* to protect themselves wan fully established, but until tho dsn gar of their being again subjugated hud entirely passed away. Then, and not until tliesi, were they recognized. Such was oar oottrao la regard to Mexico her self. “It is true that with regnrd to Tnxua tha oivll authority of Mexico has been expelled its invading snny defeated, tha chief of the republic himself cap fared, and all present power to control the newly urgsniied government of Tkxsa annihilated within lto ooofiue*. But, cat tho other hand, there is, in ap pearance, at least, an immense disparity of pbvrkml feroe ou the aide of Taxon The Mexican republic, under another exocntivo ia rallying ita forces under a new leader, and menoidng a fresh Inva sion to recover Ita lost dominion “Upon the issue of this threatened invasion the Independents) of Taras may be considered as suspended, «»s were there nothing peculiar in lbs rela tive situation of tho Utiitod Status and Texas eveu seknovrlodgement of its in dependence at such a crisis could eonrcely be regarded ea consistent with that prudeut n-mrve with which we have hitherto held oureelvea bound to treat el) similar questions." Thereupon Andrew Jackson proooedod to cou rid or tli e risk there might lie im puted to the United States motives of nelflsb interest in view of the former claim on trar part to the territory of Texas and of the avowed purpose of the Texans in socking recognition of inis pendenoe os in middeut to tho Incorpo ration of Texas iu the Union, ounthu.' ing thus: Andrew Jackson Qnotod. that w« iliieU aland aloof end maintain ocr pro-writ attitude If not until Mexico Iteolf or one of the greet foreign power* eliell recognize the Independence of tbc ucw goTcmment, nt least until the k»p*8 nf time nod tho conree of svonrs ,h»U have prorod beyond cavil or dispute the ability nf the people of that I'oiiuy to uuiuMlu their >u par ace sovereignty and to.uphold the government nirtimted by them. Kelthor of the contending pax tie* can justly complain of thi* ouaree. By pursuing it we are but carrying oat the long established policy of our gov ernment, a policy which hue secured to ns rexpert tunl iuflueuoe abroad and In spired oonftdcoce at home.” Those are the word* of the reeglato and patriotic Jackson. They are evi dent* that tbo United State*, in add), tion to tbo test Imposed by public law aa to the condition of the recognition of indspeudnure by a neutral state to wit I That the revolted state "shall constitute ia fact a body politic, having a govern ment in suhatauco aa well us in name, posse seed of the alomcnla of stability" ■sail forming de facto, if left to l(aaU,a state among the nation*, rcwaouahly ca pable nf discharging the dabs* of a stats, baa imposed for it* own g-vsnnuwe in dealtnp with oases like these rbo farther condition that recognition of indopan duuo* of that statehood 1* not do* to a revolt'd depsutleney under the dan gar of it* being subjugated by the parent stxuo Is sourely passed away. Th i oztrsm* teat waa in fa* applied In th j caso of Texas. In tho oougrss* to whom Presidsat Jsokeon re Toned th* qonttbm a* one probably leading to war” and therefore a proper subject for a "previous undsrstaading with that body by whom war eaa alone bs declared and by whom all th* provisiorti for sus tainlug Its perils must be furnished," left tho matter of the recognition of Texas in the dimretioa of the exoceUva, providing merely for the sending of a diplomatic xgent wl»*u the president should be satisfied that the republic of Tbvaa "has bsesna* an Imlspredeat state.” It was so recognised by Presi dent Tea Baron, who coxntnladanad a eharye d'affaires March 7, 1(117, after Mex too abandon sd the attaaipt lo rretai quer the Texas Torrltcry and when ihere was at th* Mm* no "bon* Me" Mat out going on between th* lomrgcat krnvtno* and lu form** sovereign 1 said in my mreasgs at last Deeetn bar: "It Is to b* snrloaaly roastdsred whether the Oban laserreetlon pro mmra beyond dispot* »ha attributes of statehood, which akae «an demand the recogultioa of balHffssruoy In its favor." can bo applied to the (poorer not than to tb* Ir-weri white on tho other hand tho iDduvuce and cena-qoutva of thnauug Kki upon tho Internal policy ot the reoeg nranj! nfutu. which form Important factor! where the rwoogiiltfca of belli* eroory U concerned, ore Mcoadary, If not rightly el inline hie factor., wham the real queataoa ia whether the oraamaaity claiming nx-ogukion i* or U aut la«l* pentUnt beyond pa* udvaatDie. Sor from the rtand point of ezperiaooe to I think It would be wIm or prndant fur tbia government to raoogaicv, at Ux praamt time, the ind*-p*n<ieuue of tb* kuwiloal CnUui republic. Buch recog nition ie not ixoeeeeiy In order to en able tho United Bhtet to intervene and not ify the inland. To commit thia ooen try now to the recognition of any per ttcub.1 (onmaut in Cuba might aub >*ct ur to rxnbomzeixig condition! of international obligation* towurtla the organ lead on ao recognized. In oae* of iutvrvention oar ooudnet would be Mb J«ct to the approval or dimpure <ral of auch government. W# would ha re quired to anbmit to lu dirootlon and to asmme to It the tote* rr-leteno of a friendly ally. When it ahal) appear hereafter that them ia within the iamnd a government capable of pvfurinin* the dutiea and diecharging the function! of • aaparate uction, and having aa a mat ter of fact the proper forma and nttrl bate* of nationality, anoh government cau be promptly and readily zecugnltod. u>4 the relation! and intereeto at tb* United Bnta with tnoh w»*bwi ad looted. rucro remain* two alternative font* of Interveutiun to end tho war: Either M an Impartial naiiou by lmpueuig a national oomprorel** between Uw con testants, or aa lb* active ally ot am party or tha uthrr. Aa to tha tm. It U not to be forgot ten that daring the la*t few mouth*, the relation of tha United Shun has vir tually beau ano of friendly Intervention is many way*, each note of Itaelf canola* •ive, bat all tending to the exertion of a potential influence toward aa ultimate cuciflu malt just and honorable to all Ultimata concerned. The a pint of all our act* hitherto hoe been au — raw—, onwlflah daelre far peace aad proeperity la Osba, untarnished liy differences be tween the Unltod State* eud Spain nnd auituineil by the blood of American ott ■ona. Thu forcible iutcrvcutUm of the Unttad State* a* a neutral, to stop tba war ao oerding to the large dictate* of human ity awl fuILming many historical prece dent* where neighboring nbitc* hare In terfered to chocs the bopchM* sum floe* of life bv Interuooinn c-nulUM* beyond tfaohr border*. Is justifiable on rational ground*. II lavolvo*. however, hostile constraint span both tho putiu* to the oouteat. as well aa to enfom* a trno* as to guide tho eventual settlement. Ground* ►'or luterreuliou. The grounds for inch intervention may be briefly rammailsed a* follow*: First, In tbs cause of hnnuiniry and to pat aa end to tlia Inxbarltto*. blood tiled, ptarvmtton and bctrible m Iswies now existing these, and urhiob the par tie* to I be conflict are cither uuable or unwilling to stop or mitigate It 1* so answer to aay thl* 1* all in another coun try. belonging to another until** and I* therefore none of our boeium*. It 1* especially oar duly, fnr It le right at our dour*. Seuond, we owe It to our uitinene in Cube to afford thorn that protection end Indefinitely for life and property which no jpivcrainent there ueu or will afford, end to that end to term mate the condi tion* that deprive them of legal protec tion. Third, the right' u Intervouo may bo justified by tbe very wroan injury to commerce, trade eud business of ear people and by the wantou dratruction of property and devastatioa of tin- island. Fourth, and which is of tho utmost importance fur the prevent court!tiau of affair* la Cuba is a constant menace to oar poaee, ami entail* open thl* govern ment enormous expense. With snch a conflict w*god for yean in an I aloud so near us end with which our people have snub trade Olid business relations—wlrna the lives nnd liberty of our citizens are lu constant danger and choir property destroyed ami tbeuuelves rained—where our trading vceeols arc liable to seizure and are waxed at our very door, by war ships of a foreign nation, tbeerpodttlan* of Alllicstsring that wo ore powerless to repress ul title tin* aud the Irritating questions end the entangbimoata tha* arising—all these and others (bat I need not men that, with tbe resulting streined relations, are a renstout menaoo to oaf peace and oosapol as to keep uu aeetni wtr footing with a nation with which we are at peace. tbs nwn iiMuur. These uloincnt* of danger and disor der nlrondv |nintod obi have beta •trikiiiuly llluetreted by a tragic ovent, which hn* doc ply and Justly moved Iba American people. I have already trena mtttvd tu nou grass tba report of the na val coert of inquiry on the iteatruothai of the battleship Maine In the harbor nf Havana doling the night of Tab. It. Tho destruction of that noble nail baa filled the national heart with loex ureaoibk- horror. Two hundred and nfty-oight brave aailora and marines and two officers of onr navy, reposing In tba fannied security of a friendly harbor, have been hurled to death, grief and want brought to their home* and sorrow to tho nation. The naval court of in quiry, which. It la ueodkgs to aay, oen mauds Use auquatiled confidence of the government. waa enanlmans la ita oou elaaiiai that tbe destruction of the Main* was eaaaed by an exterior explosion, that of a jnhmarine mine. It lid not serum* to place Urn responsibility. That remains to he fixed. In any event the deatraetlon of the Maine bv whatever exterior cause |a a patent end Impressive proof of ae>JUe of thing* tu Cuba tlwt U intukrabia. That nondiiion is thus shown to he such that the Rpnnisb government eunont assure mfoty and security to n teasel of the American navy tn the harbor of Havana on a misaloa of paaoo, aad rightfully there. rartlwr referring in this oonnoeticn to recent diiJomailc forroepriidmsce. a dtspirrb from oar minister to Spain of tho twenty sixth alt., amtaiimri tba stateiurnr that the Spanish mlnlMerfor foreign afTsirt smared him pcwUtvslr that Hpatn will do al) that Urn high** honor and Jnaric* require ia th* umtvar of the Ma:ne. The reply nf cbe thirty first ult also rr«l*mi*l an ti|rmd<a of •ho readlusae of Spain tu submit to ar bitral km all the dtffhrvaocs which can aria, la this matter wjieh u tshee qoee Uy srxp’otmsl by U s m to fit tbs npuh'-sh lain Is ter at WssUagma of the tenth beat, as follows: “As to iba question of toes wbieb dlvcwtty of view* be jwrrn the report of Out bmertma nl Biniilrii beard*, Bantu propame that tha hwt Ui aeoartalued by an impartial ta vaattgatloa by expert* whose debate bpoiu uiwli la advnuoe.** Tu I hi* I have made no reply. tlraat oa latcrve-thm. maM«* Grout, la MTV. after din eaaalngtha phaMia of tha oeoMsIUtt Eh .nu, I duCxth. t*M iirtW uartnaa will be compelled eeae ! *»"*u tha rtapoaulUhty which devolve* apiai than, and to aerionidy corned or tlu* only remaining zuaaeuxaa notable modlabcn end totarembkm. Orring' prrhapa, to tha large expause of water wpanitlug the island tau the poaia •»**■ Wit* appear to have withfa thorn*!raa ao depository of ~~ oomfidenoe. to raggest wisdom when po*eloa »ud iMudtamant hare their away and to ataauM the part of Tm-filta In thU view, la tha earlier day* of tha onufrat. the food oOoae of the United State* a* a mediator were randafi in food faith, without any saltish purpose* in the Intareet of haamaity aad ta «u, core frieudehip for both purtim. but "" the chao deoHned by Spain with the declaration riTirthetoeo that at a ; future thuo they would be "taiiwi blik Ho in dilution Wi boan rMtiv^l that iu the opinio- if IHaETtStbSe haa taeu reached. Aad yet the strife oood oue. With all Ite dread horrors aad all Its Injuries to the iatcroMe ef the Uutted States aad of other nations. Under the dreamneaeas the agency of other*, etcher by media boa or by la tor volition aorta* to l» tho only altiialtn which mast, aocoer or later, be mrobed for the ttrmtaaboa of the aertfa.” hi tbe last anu—al uH-op of my iau luaallute predeceases* during the pending atmgrlo. it was mid: * • Whra tha inability of Spain to deal mweamfally with tha insurraotto— has become manifest and It is demcaatiated that her sovereignty is extinct ia Cuba * fur all purpoee of its rightful irtf'imiii ! :Sj£LhSerhSK£.*a£: ssSsyss-in.'S matter of the oondiot! a’aMaaboav^ be presented la which our obligation* ta ssrwa^vS&^-Ci hardly boriteta to raoofutaa aad die-1 charga." , ■peia Wm Warned. . “V apntml taeasaoe to eongna JaMDwmntor. ipnkiif of this qass tiou. I midi "Tha aeor future will taaiamt whether tha lodlapeailtda Candidas of a righteous pawn, jast alike to tbeCu !>■» and to Spain, aa well aa equitable to all our )otarosts so laUwarelr to eolrod la the warfare of Calm, is Kkalr to be attained. If not, the exigency of farthor aad other action by the United Stuns will remain to be taken. Whan that Hat court that action will ha de termined in tho lino of itidiest!table right and duty. It will be faced, with out mimrielng or hesitancy, la tba light Of the obligation litis government uwrs to the people who bare routJdod to It tha protection of their iaxrct.a and bee nr, nail to humanity. •Sarrol tha right, keeping fceo frma . all nffrnwi onraclvrc. net ox tod only by upright aod patriot c mnuiderstauia, moved nclcbor by paarion not selfish uses, ilia government will rxntinnc its wntchfnl rare over tho righto and prop erty of American cUtaans aad will abate mm* of Ha efforts to bring about hr prsccfnl agencies a peace which *«n be honorable and mntnriag. If ft «h.n ksreafear appear to ha a dnty lmaosad by our obligation to oureolrei to 5rUi. ■alien and humanity to iutorrana with fores, it. shall ha wit boor fault on ow port and only baranar tha-nit] for such action will be so dear aa to ooca *"4 °*u Tli* long trial has moved that tha oh jact for which Spain has waged the war cannot 1m attained The Are of insur rection may flame or stay with varying toaamm bat It haa not lawn and it fat plain that It ba oxtiugulthod by present method* The only hnpn of relief and repoas from a condiMon which can no longer ho ao darod la the eaforoad p-Vsa—M— at Cuba. IN THE NAME OK HUMANITY. IN THE NAME OP CIVILIZATION IN HKKALK OK ENDANGERED AMERICAN INTERESTS. WHICH GIVE US TITB RIGHT AND THN DUTY TO SPEAKAN DTP ACT. TM WAR IN CUBA MUST STOP. Asks Power to Aet. wnawoc tbeaa facta U< af tbeaa coBaldmtlMM I aak nopnaa to author lM and empower tba pmaidaat to taka ■maaaraa to aaemra a fall aod teal ter mination of boatUtUoa between tba rvr ernmen* of Spain ud tba people oI Oalia and to aactira bi tba find tba establishment of a atahla toiitonaiaal capable of maintain Ins order and ob tarrlac it* International -'■'IratVan. anaorinf peace and tranquility aod tin aaoortty cf lta at titans a* wsC as one own, and to use the military and ural forraaof tba United State* a* may ha nocotaary far tht« r-rnmaa And in tba Interest ofhnmaalty and to idd in pr* tarring tba Meet of tb* sawneausyirs ■nppUaa ha continued and that an te pru print km be Bade ont of tbs pubSe supytotnoo* tba chnrityof Sa&TOr^sgjgBa ssmh PRKPARKT) TO tlUDUTK BVBtf OBUOATTOM IMPOSKD UPOX MB BcnrafflnML"1 •*»"» **» jpnpawilcn af tba trrvtmiag mreaarc. oAidal lafcn I marine wa< rooatred W ute ttot tba I decree of tlw anoaa regent of Hpala ditarts Ooocral Blanco, in order sps^Uftsustaic ration and details af which hay* ant Jrt Ue-n rocnninatmtnd to me. T. ntrt with srery cahar r*« tlnttot eaand •rnrton wlU, I an rare, bare mar * t and lawful ersmtkai In tba MMs dm “berartm,* upon which yon am t enter. If <Uis ■mum - tmefnl tnrah7 then oar | n Okrtatian nance Mh i WjtfcUa jt | 9 THE HOLLAND BOAT. pacts about tmssubmaiumscmapt WHICH WASCHlUSTENSO M BUXXX hiiiiiiwiA BBctmakliytl MBi • f. ^' V* ^ Tax ■ouAKDcuntuttn boat. jMatotUxiaMiiMlk* heat by tefaTBxier aad tbonaMto te kin to Irrartar TTidlBOiT to bcao^trtttrc hlix«w boot|x thawataaa ibwXn *«k harbor caocMly, aad. aMboagb ha haa rot auk to tha bottom of tha aaaar. ha haa aocaiai la atbnwalaa Ua aaaftfar caracal fact. XhiT^Sdha •roayb to protect her ten tbo beat leal Cm la eaaa a hoatUa warabip ebooM tty toafakbre. Oath*ttotSta thaaa* narlna boat canted two ataal flafetafta by which bar matte aad thadaplbta wbteb aha waa aatnecrad coo Id ba plainly earn, la actual warfara tha world aaeiy no arch talhalaa aad world ha aa perfectly bidder at tha dapihcC half a doaeu feat acre BO. »b«» » uhu aoQiit m mat tola raft waaM proton formidable addition toons navy, for dm U Sited with a nr ptdo tobe, and at aa boar't aotleo eoald bo mat oat anood to dtatroy tba moat powtrfal battlnbjp afloat. Tba wpada I an It located to tba atm af a bra aad it la Mr. Holland'* plea If aaatea Mb a miatirm to dir* aadar tba mm ■Mp aad dlmharg. tba dtodlp mitotre Jrat aa hi* raft rim* on the other tide af -T —rbiart tbmia. aa It won which wo aid be a total ora tor at *oob oioa* range there world ba ao P°adbiUtT of aiming tba mark. Tba Holland boat wee boilt la toe todppaad af Mr. Lawia If icon, formerly a Itoatraat to tba Colled Stem aery. Whan it waa --ibrff. mmittilim km itoadwbtob ratal eMaara. who bra Labi bad nidi of t be n> pared Uoowhiak tba ormyday aallor baa, regard aa ato attaaa*. They »ay toot tba BoUaadwra idirirtraad la blood and that iba la baaad to ba a deed active waft. Tba "chrlttaBtag to blood" "in ml la tblawtaa: Mra Lawia Mira, tba *b* abipbnflder, waa totltad to ehttom tba Bolltad. Mn. Mira bra woman, married or tingle. SbetoaSTa groatlatarettla tba HoUaatoftratha data its frame waj begra. As Mra Mlaaa Mood on the nlUfLrm. olatehtog Iba plat botOo af traditional fhaanpagat. tba lateator af tba Hallrad *“ bwrytog aarroariy aboat wabblag toama prapattag to ebop away toe fPPtrtn. Amid the dla of tba not and ba Miami Holland naked aa to Mn Mira and taldt "Do ba aarc that bottla toaaba " The magical thrill ef lift gatraai radabot tbreagb tfce baal ap to Mn Mira'a hand. With a tmrifla math too •brack tba bottla agatari tho Maeh bow. XU rUm flftw Into ft 1fiTr—till pimi • WJU tU rHDftifit of lb# tick mH **«»tobadia bar apUftod hand Mn Mia an wttebad rim Boliand dip aad eanr togy tabaraatt * tba water. "Look at year aaUadanaof tbo ' i

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