The Gastonia . _Oo^otod to tUa PrutoulluD ot Horn* and U* Inttimtt *« th County. Vol. XIX._Gastonia, N. C.. April 21* 1898. __ ' 1,11 ^™^—————————— --- MAKING A BLUEJACKET. How Uncle Sam Turn* Land, lubbers Into Able Seamen. OMLT THE BEST MSB PICKED OUT. WhM Await, lb. Who Oo.a «• a Kaaraltlmg Oatiw to OCbr HI. MrriMa Qu.llArallan. Which the H.u Wlia Man far War—hip. Hwl nam Within tbo next law month* about 3,000 man M ill dun the nary blue and »igo irtlolee tu give their whole atten tion for the next three yean to the manning uf Uncle Ham'a lighting (hip* Powibly the uambor may be iucreaaed to 8,500. Ordinarily the annual appro priation* allow Uio adding of only 1,600 nre doom to thx xavt—rxtuaxck to MATY TAIlli. (□an and boy* to our naval farcy aacb yrar, bat tba $80,000,000 emergency appropriation raakas tb* extra an II at rarnt possible. Heretofore recruiting for tbe United But** navy ba* been dono oxoloaivoly <« tb* raoalring ship*. Them are ata tinned at tba nary yard* In Brooklyn, Ob trie* town. Norfolk. Washington. Philadelphia and Ban Frencisno Now, however, the fresb water aailara arn to be given a chance By a recent order from the navy daportmeut nnvul racrult Ing atotlona ara to b* established at va rton* river and lake porta In tbs west and south. Although Unci* Bam la badly la need at n>*n for tbe navy, ovao In tbaaa tlmea when the ware of patriotism baa awoll ed tbe number of appllcatlont to more than ten time* the oanal rite, be la not will lag to aooept anybody that oomes along. Tbe nu wbo la under ft feet 4 may he a gnat deal braver and ranch more patriotic than the balking big fal low wbo atanda ft feet In hi* stocking feat, bnt tb* llttl* man will ha rejected and Uncle Sum will wall until the big fallow make* up hla mind to aerv* bla country at $10 a mouth. No matter where be sign* articles, tba naval recrnlt find* that tbe real door to tba nary ia th* 1 in poring Bands atraa* entrance to the Brooklyn navy yard, for it la to that point that all uewly enlist ed men are shipped. Bolero bo gate a me** nom her on ooo of the Dew war *hlp* be must Bnt taka a oourao of training on (Job’s island, which I* a part of th* Brooklyn navy yard. While there be make* hit Lomu in tbe pictnr aaqo* bulk of tis* old Vermont, which for nearly a acme of year* bar dome duty aa a training ship. Tba man wbo aspire* to wear a bln* shirt and draw govsrnniant pay aoon discover* that Undo Bain la a critical employer. Th* flrit representative of tb* government whom all applicant meet* after be has pasted tbe vigilant marine doing wintry doty I* tba recruit ing officer. This individual la apt to bar* a keen eyo and a abnrp tongue, and if tba patriot bus acquired tba lriaa that be ia about to cooler » favor on bla oountry ba aoon forgets it Ha ia flrrt aalced to state hla age and nationality. No nan who dooi uot to dantaod and apeak tbe Bog Hah lan guage can be enlisted, and preference la given to I bom who can read nnd write Thom wbo aro American uittmna by birth or nntnral last loo or have deularwt their Intentions of becoming dtixana 1 ara always dcairad rather than foreign era Becently this bus been more strong ly Instated a pun, and the man wbo have I . «&WA£D (QUAD nUIUAKl 01 Til* OOlt Hove. pan nallrtMl la tbo Utl two or thraa oreolta barr* been almoat without mrcap tion Amarlaan ol tiara*. Tboau aiaoef tbaa who ara of farina birth ara rand jy "north NWbjmt"—Korweylaiu, HaalwnMlDuw. Aft«r tba world ba raamlt baa aatla gori tba offlear apoa tha a bora point • bo la axomlaed aa to hli kaowlodpo of tba oant if mao trada raqnlrad at oblp ononl Thla la to datarmbao wbal bla tnatan rhall In. If bo la oraa II yaora old and «■*»» I* »«•> h»« »«tn^n lodfa of aaalife, be may be cnllttod ai a lands man, Uie lowart rating, at the pay of §10 a uiontb. If be ie an buambly die ubarged er-»fpwitloe or If ho oao prove that bo ku been it tea two year* ho may be taken as an ordinary eeemaVi. Tba ago for (hit rating la from 18 to 30 year* To torero tbo nulhti.ient of noon bat oonzjwteiit men In tbio broach tbo ap ’ plioant ii turned over tu (bo boatswain tor examination ut to hit a MM tit*. Ho mint uLow hltnmlf prodoloit in rooflag, • toering, knotting and epllelng and la variont other detaili ol the tillor'a craft. Thlt, It will ho oheerved, u In tbo uim of a rocrclt for the "ordinary teaman" clam. If lie uipiru tu be a "teaman," which Un higher rank, ha moot bo between the ages of SI and 8B, tuurt hevo bran at letta foor yearn at •ea before the matt and mutt a still more rigurou* examination lu teaman •bip Ordinary arararn tro paid 910 a month and acumen $34 un uis modern war venals tbe pon tloo of tbe machinist ia a highly Impor tant one, and la lunch better paid than that of teaman Oundidatca lor thla de partment moat undent tan <1 the luachln lat'a trade thoroughly ua that la praotio ad on land and moat know the nainat and nsea of tbe vorloua porta of marine engine* If a man baa had noaxperiance In tbe engine rouros nt aea. lie la dilut ed aa a muchlaiat at tbe ae>»o<l due* pay (10 a month, and If he baa bad a ycar'a training with inarlua angina* ba la allgtbla to tbe brat clot* j*»y (dii Whwi tiia recroitiug olhcer ie satisfied •hat au applicant la lit tod fur a curtain rating. Uo aeudabini uaincdbstaly to tb* doctor, to he examined aa to ba pbycical oondition. Many are rejected at tbit rtage, for the naval surgeons ore strict. In the long list of physical delicti, any ona of which will disqualify a reorult, I ara, boaidos variona chronic disaaasa, deafness, poor tight, a marked impedi ment of speech and unsound teeth. Many recent applloaola have falls*! to oome up to tbe standard iu tbit last par- I tleolar. Tbo general development and aouailtotlun aro alao taken Into consid eration, only lntrlligeut men of robust from a being desired for tbn servico. If poised by tbs doctor, tbo recruit than sign* an agreement So serve fur three yoar* At toon as tbay aro finally enrolled, tb* recroits are supplied \ritb outfit* of clothes, for wbicb they llirmsolvsB must pay. Tbeir food la served out to tbesn iu roguior rations, in tbe am* way a* if i nic smr /jmu. uicy were at m. ilia pay, bia rood and bia lodging are Uiu eiuolmnente wbloU Jack rewires from tbe government. He also bas irco medical attendance if he it sink, bnt clothe* aud extras be must boy oat of bit pay. i He Is next soul to tbo Brooklyn nary yard, where be may remain few weeks or months. Tbe laugth of his stay there depends upon the demand for man. In tbe meantime 1m U trained. He spend* several boors eneb day in various Mer cian* which develop bia rnaaole* and quicken his obderttaading. Ha laama •o obey ordtrs aud appreciate beau* as a staple article of <])»*. Bnt even utter weeks of this sort of thing be U still a laodmiuu. Hedoean’t rat lire this, bowevat, odd a new ship goes iuto commisrion and ba is told off as on* of her crew. Than ba begins to learn the iotrieetdee ut tbe trasiisM*. It takes blue a week or more to laarn to sleep comfortably is a batntoaok and longer than that to com bio onl, trice up bis hammock neatly and dress him self within tbo limit of ten minates al lowed from tbe time tbo brat Dotes of reveille errand at day tweak. niira no mi ing" ■*»a vM •It ot making trooaer* that m around tha 111 pa. aa doci of than Immd by tbo navy department ever do. in the contra of three year* be la a thorough ntaii-o* trar'a man and la ready to Inn tha act vice, wblob bo geuarally do** Wiry? Wall, mainly baeoarn there la nothing to look forward to. Thera la In our navy akaolntaly un ohanoa at nil of promo tion. Wo train oor naval officer* op aa If they warn raperlor beluga to tlio inaa they aro to oomuaaml. W■ fotter au offi cial nilrtoeracy wblob pnearvaa lit llnoe of oattaaa jnoloualv aa do tha Itrabmana. A cockney boa driver baa nxtro obanoa of baouming a peer of tbo realm than baa au Amartrau aallor of attaining a cotnmlnioo la tba navy. There la uothiug uaw about tbla, for tha *yatem upou wblob our navy It uiauagcd boa crfUu bean orittetacd, bat the men wbo*tgn article* do not al way* tbnnngbly amlcrvtaad what aa I mpaae alda gulf tbara la between tha anaumon aallor ami graduate of the Naval acadr aty who lira* In tha wardroom aft. lie kuowa all about It whro be haaaerved for thru* yaarv, aod If ha haa left a (park of ambltkai U« geo* lulu tba merchant me time earvlee. where there la alway* • chance to rim, or char qnlm Uw aan mad n«riwo»> a lavlwe" one* am Vonv I HOW CANNONS ARE MADE Building Peace Compellera an Intricate Procesa. UIOLB RAM'S BIO OUH PAOTOBIE8. n» n>v nisei •( gadm wwim xn Oe< la Os* TUoa. bo* Mad* L> a< Uu; ■ ilUiu-loaM IitaniUsi raaiarae ad th* Work. Whenever the distant growlingi of th* dug a of war mutter through tba madioua cf big headlines you aro aura to reed that “tbs work on big gum for hkUloahipt and ooart defenses la being puthad along." Don't you bellora it No ana aver undertook to rash work on a big gun and made a race am uf it Tho oourtiuoliun of a fort or a bat tlaahip can be hurried by potting big ! •HlUf fc|*0 OH A JACK XT. torces or men to work, bet name of tbe ■tael monitor* which guard odr ootit line was bora lo a burry, nor will any of tbeir futuT* comrade* be rallied into existence. Ounmaking, when tbe gain weigh tbouaaudaof toua, ia a deliberate art. Wltb pondoroca dignity tbn bug* rlflaa come into being, and all tbeir later movements aro oorrcapoodlngly alow until the tint* cornea far them to act In real earnest tba supremo moment when with a mighty roar, a treweudon* belching of flame aud smoke, they burl their gigantic mlasilea across uilles of sm tu seek oat awl siok the audacious invader. Uncle Sam has two big ahopa where be turns oot peace compeilars. One of tboro la near Washington. where tbe big goal for the nary are made. The other ia at Waterrliet, N. Y., where ere made tbo mammoth rifles, sings gun*. roortaiH end other pieces of heavy ordnance. It Is at Iho latter that the biegest gon in the world, destined far the defects* of New York harbor, la now in course at couseructirm. There la another arsenal at Watertown, Us«, near Cambridge, aud there the new dis appearing gnu onrringoa aud henry pro jectiles aro made. Tbe post at Waterrliet wat estab lished iu 1807, and tbo irrorruUnn am bra or* a tract of 47 acres. Jt was than called Gibl'oo trillc. This unpoetio name was changed to Waterrliet In 1817, It la only wllblu reoeui yean Uiit the government baa baou making any of tba moat modern of tbo largo gun* a board of officers, acting for tbo ordusnos department at Wstbiugtou, was direct ed by act of congress March 3, JK83, to Inrostigst* and report on tbn needs of this country for const defenses. Ia ac cordance witb this act a report was sab ui 11tod Job. 38, 1880, roaammending that about 1,000 gnus be mounted for irotectlcu at 87 points along tbs At lantic and Pacific const* Tbe u*w build ing la 1,000 fust long, wltb on average width at nbrrat ISO fact. Tlve anneal output is twenty 13 inch, fourtsaa 10 inch and twclva 8 inch gno* Tba guns undo lu tba Wstarvlict fac tory arc tba tmne in tboir emaotUI ooa xrruno a run ocx. —-—■ —VW in »«• ropoaa finurln. Tb* forging! in tauafffct to Ox ftrtorjr ikIj tor m, •amIn* ckM; fro*., tlx Rotbletintn ml MiitviU wartu In HcmjrylruU. Am lOkD ataxl U awl mtdralr. TH roM»x pr>» Al^rr* fox tlx *M jcflMrwr* • lo tbla—the old ono »ai cut and the modern one la bails Tbe old gun was o dngle piece at mmol. The mod ora gun l( a mechanism. It may betakao apart. Tba old ono waa staple and tba now eo* 1* complex. A naal cub*, forged, 410 inches long, with walla B Inches tUok at on* and. weighing IB tool, ia the bsai of a II Inch modem gnn. With tbla aa a core there are pataroeod it 17 ether cylinders of a teal. Tha sdjuat taenta era perfect, within a thousandth af an lneb. Whan tbla to be raauhee tba factory, tba oar wblati bring* it ia m within tb* building. and the first of the htg maeblne* whtab ore to h«~»« It daring it* difTorarit etagaa Ufl* it off and drops it baatdo other to bee on the fleer of the balldlog. This operation ia ptrformed na easily and gently by tbs trend lug cranot a* a uau might handle a throe foot section of one Inch loud pipe. Tbae are three of theoo oranes at Wa terrllet—two of to tone each aod one of 110 bona. They are (imply great bridges which span the building'! width and ran 111 length on trucks not nnllh* oar tracks on elevated trestles, ooesaoh aide nf the factory. Tbo larger an* works by claatriclty. Ono of tha chlof objects fat building «p n gun rather than mating it U that it may hae* a greater strength than an aqua! amount of cant or forged etael of the aamo proportions. Another adran tage Is that by making a gon in thin layers the quality of the natal may be known all tba way through—a thing Impossible la thick casting*. When tbs tuba ha* beau measured, It It lifted by ono of tb* big rtaa** to a latb* of muoater proportions *»d It la "roogb bored," as it U oalted. This prooeta requires aeraral day*, and whan completed the crau* again come* and lift* it to another lathe, where the shrinkage surface for tha jacket la tam ed. It Is then a height, smooth shining cylinder. Ike jaakel is simply n steal cylinder largo enough wbeu expanded by beut to go over the tuba It Covers tbo tub* far a little more thou ono-lblrd it* length from sbe breech. When the tube and tha jacket are ready, tb* mast interest lug. the moat doUeats and tba most significant of all the processes comes naxt. This la tb* oparatloo of “shrinking.” Tb* coat Is to be bsated nutll It is large enough to go on ov» the tube, sod then, cooling, the tough bead of steel it to oontraut with such Irresistible force that the mighty steel cylinder will bsootupremed 023til iU bora khrioJci mxlor tba auur xnooa preuuixi. amm *.uw earner oi itJtXOTJ 11 101 ■hriokaga pit It ia an exoavation 60 faat deep, with an exterior opening 40 fact long and 10 faat wide When they began to oxcesata It at the WatarrUet faotory, It wai found that eolld rock lay nndernoalb the building tn more than that depth. Tho pit 1* therefore nothing tint an exoovatlon into solid rook. Mo n-t«lntng walls were needed. A fnrueoe oocapiraa portion of this pit. in which the jackets sud hoops are beatod. These is at the bottom mid trellt uptrsrd some distance apparatus by wbiuh mi of the ox® uer guns may be balanoed ouni clamped immovable iu a vertical position. When the jacket i« pot on end has cnoleil, the gnu is lift til from the pit and carried clown tbo room to the lathe The by which the tube was prepared for the jacket aro repeated with the different sets of boo pa. Flee times the la Inch gnn makes tho jour ney to the pit. Eoob time it oosnas oat heavier by many tons than when it went In, and each timo it assumes more aud more tho appearance of n oamum. losing its barnilcsa apptareuce as a cyl inder of ttnol and looming np form Ida hie. maseivo anil threatening. AOACVAt. AT WATBUVUAT. win iiti nanft «■» wru pn an It goes to the boring lathe, after which the breech thread is oat and tbe broeoh screwed on. There la bat one Wop of es sential ioipertanea ye* oioeeeuy—|c nest be mode a rifled gnu. In incide neit be aroored with a ipiral groove, which will aet tbe ibot whirling whan the time ocnum for it to speed on its da •tractive errand. Again tbe gun la pot Into a la tha Three day* are needed to rifle it. Tbcmamlcend I* finished end its ■harp mige* are mnoothed and polished. The brooch plate is Unbilled and tights are pot on. Tbngnit la eretghed and marked. IU logbook la packed away lor reference, and auine On* day tha gnu will be taken to Handy Hook to ba luwed. It ha* prob ably barn oigbt or tea month* rinoe tbs tnbo wan taken from tbe ear which brought it, a steel forging, from Pann tylvanU. HI* wnaka la prantioally the inlaimam of time for tbe making uf a modem gaii, and to fluleh ooa wltbio that apaoe ovarything wooltl bar* to go marv»l oualy Mail. Tha “treatment” of tba •teal woeld bare to ba a (ocoeaa at tbe very flret attempt—something tba* does uot oftea happen—and the flret testa wonld here to show that the govern meet standard had hren reached. Of. fen*r than otherwise these resolte no ceily bo olitniued throogb me eh trying and the expenditure of tiie*. A batch of gimt may tho* lake rnonU * In tha aaak h>*. while good look may Mag It dowa 9 week* None of the gnn* le neutod. They are all niiiuleweil. end fne* the motaent tba lobs Ik Tils'tv ad nnill tbe gan beoomre aM Irrin for tits gevemmeat lie oaiaber •tick* to it Homo)line* when a moaam foi (hrlnkiug bee mkci pianr or a great gun hue gene not to make it* way la the wcrld I tie man who have done tbe mnM work am II christen It after their own faney, bat oAcial eagalaaasa of names h«* never keen given. Oiers Fv».rT.-wra SOttNffTS OF THE SEA. men who man torpioo math TOAINED TO KILL AMI Ni lag twin ItaUs-la War They An A» aw Cereals t. Measees UmI (Mm Per rateer. sad Clew. N-. mailer hirw mooli ha dirpal^MM hi At nlitdl the tnrpede boat La mod MB naval warfare one thing is agraa* apoii anaalmmuly—In pear, they eat moat naeonfortahla cafe on which M aarra ona’e ooantry. Tli. other day the Winslow was or* hwf from Norfolk navy yard to Join tba flotilla enlMag off Key Wort A beery sea waa breaking mm afa« rnanhed tba oapas, hot abo plaoklly .tuck bar •cat Into it and Wrsed son lb ward with hardly more than tba top of bar moke ttack oat of water. If yoo know haw a loot, narrow boat beharei in a am Way, yoa can Imagine haw little comfort bar crew bad dating tba trip. Ho little la then to malm Ufa bearable an tbeee torpedo boata that in tba Xag liab nary they era obliged to pick man for torpedo boat Berrios and give la witad pay to tba entire craw and aOoon of tbt flctiilft. It it Impossible to .roid thledieeotn fort. The torpedo boat* are oceiatraoted primarily for epaad, and tbalr light, oam. narrow beam and tballow draft, while enabling them to make fair epaad In oalra waatbar, raakaa them almost nnlabahitable in bad wmlbar. In a recent trip of a torpedo boat aetum tba Atlantia It was foand in> poaslhla for days at a tine to light a In la tbt oook'e quarters Tba effleeo Were so cramped la tbalr aabbu that they were forced to aft with Ibair fart propped apagataat tba Mdatof tba boat Kerry one au board daring congb wrath- I TO* TO*TtJ» DO AT WtHSLOW. *r wii nurieu mm cut* to tide or tba narrow steal to be until all wera a naaaa of bruises and con tael on•. To cap tbulr troubles they dept with tbo ooplaaaaat knowledge that beneath then woe atoned exploalvt* sufficient to blow them beyond tbo cloud*. The diaoamforte In dine at peace an ted enough, bob in wartime* the tor pedo boat* may wall be called the tee lora bop* of tba fleet. Enough baa ben aeen at (be dangan to abovr wbat amall ohano* than la of the bOM'l crew living through a torpado doaL Tba moat Mg- ' ioal event of recant naval.baulaa In I which a torpedo beet took part occurred an tbo night following the battle of the Tain, whan tha Chinan ahtpa had bought ib titer in a con ten lent bay, with only a amall outlet to tbe eoa. Through this opening a Jupauene torpedo boat •tola during tbo Bight to tbe attack. The commander of the Chinan vaaael Ting-yuea and a number at his crew were ou douk expecting aotno attack. Whau signaled by other veaael* that the torpedo boat hod boon righmd, tha Ting-yuan began to An lu tbe dinotion from wbeooe aha name. Tba awoke froth the gnu* made It iuipoaalbio to no tbe attacking boat, and tbe command waa given to own* firing. TU* CUiaese cmuuuudar out ilUoorcrod the taepedo boat a boat half a mile distant, eomlng at fall spaed toward tha *blp. The gan crew immediately opened Are upon her with all their reachioa and rapid An gnus Ilia Japan#*# —waaan. bowavar, la diaabartiag bar torpedo. A dell, mailed report aeeoasoad tbe tipkaiaa under the qacrtera of tbe ablp Thai tea It waa a bolt la bwr bottom that practically wrecked tba chip. A11 bar cocupaurtnaote were filled with water end tbe fire* * tiagaltbed. A. tie weather we bitter oold—80 degree* below aero—tbe ablp bad to be ebaadoaad. Tbe fete of tbe crew of tba torpado boat wac adrapty appalling. Bbe waa dtcconercd tbe following morning float tag In tbe boy. Tbe Brat man who boarded bar found whet are* left of tbe crew from 1/ 'Hath oa her denim. The Mgtaeer. ma AtQlot and firemen bed been acaided to death Ibrougb tbe mt tkig uf tbe eteam (tpar by one of tbe aeaallar abot* from tba machine gaaa They wac* all Uilow deoka. Tbe ehiaf engineer wee found near the beech way of the aagioa room, froeeo miff. It KM arid not. bowaaar. that be bad died froai lb* waMi ead bom*. Oal of the rnCrt otew uf 14 i»*u eat aaa eeeeped. do yoo for that tbeeo bornett at the aaa do not hate tbtaga ell tbeir owe way «*va lu war. l’bat they felly real ise tide la abown by e recant routerk of Liao tones# Oenumudar Klmhnll, who hna oterga of the torpedo beat flotilla. "Row to kill and bow to die.’* my* Irtraeauabt Kimball, "meet be Inara ad la Urn trade of war. A knowledge of the letter la ouaulilvred mere Important | iben tin- farmer. Man are trained to kin oilreal rely; they ore diariplleed to die prnyrrly Tim men of the float Ue know bow to bcooaaplhh the Ini park of their trade, they ess be relied aa be ] da tb 1 iMre." WHEN COLORS GO UP. WHAT OOCURS WHIN A WARSHIP OOU INTO OOMMISSION. (a AN a. mm A wanblp “pi wban UMoOocra pawmlca and nip i. nady far an. nd Infixing 0<w aqJtafeiftSTMdlt laa naw and important addition to tt. naval foaea. June now, who wa annc anirlag a aaw wanlilp way Sag or j •*". *ba uaraaacay ta gaitn a new won It anally aakaa plan at aat aary yard, atom alwaya, la tan. altboagh ta tbo oaaa of tba rauala boagbt fcam fmlga aoaatrUa, anwa an aaat ta tba porta wbat tba boat* an Jytaw aad Sat tba official act ooanim. Oraarally, baworar, a ably wbiob gaaa into am* adaNn^b «lU>«r aaaw ablp which baa lataTp for nonhSS ndwatab^S 1 ~lySy tWwmwy oaaataaa la tbo Nadiag by tba atw affiacr of bta otdtn or aathorlty tar nklag abargaof tba ablp aad tba botattogaf tba aattaaal aalora. Bata*tbaanattaanal* ly not an - aaand aat of fall <* dig. eUaglapta qoamiaa. a Slip, it ta oftaa tin praettaaTranll of a rtcat pnaaotlon ad tbit la adda lataraat to tba aJBalr. Many of bta aobordliiatM^odtoOT^oo. bava xaoaivad lor tba taaTtoaT aMuaOy1 toTwtth tana tataraM oa tba tbip wbiob la ta ba tatta bota* for yaw to oana aad taba a b* thdr maauta Saab nu tantaliba aaaw boy at mhooL iw am mogte M aonu to mn «ba mm, carnally in triple lonaattan, <* the deck ataldaUpe The odoara we ail wearing their drew mttmmand — terplendaat la paid braid and trta bd taaa Tbekigb odbeialtof theaevy who are praaaat wear their rdiHiaaaa with trariag oririeb plane. and walk aboat aaatiff ae ramroda Ata reapeottal dte tone tba invited gated, ear. baring Md ibaaa the wieaa and wwrinejg I Knmv« TM COL/OMk VU w Mooiimioq, wuil nui 0+ rood mod kept lack by a Uueof haogfaly mariuee an tba aolf inwllsri spectators, ready to an bottle tbeir patriotism wbeo tba tiraa arrive*. Tba new oosnsaandlng edBeer opens the proceedings by reading tba tnders by which be is eoiboriwt to taka charge ti the ship. This den., tba offlelal who *■ eppnioled by the anay department ta toataUy hand wa tba rvwel steps for ward mad makes a little speech. He as I pceew* tba hope tba* tba ship aad tba mea who an abeat ta net bar may bate all amts at goad fortune, perhaps be adds a taw words at adatom, aad be winds Bp by mi ling tbo oaptala that be la new in efassga at tba Alp. At theme words a waiting bwgter blows a spirited call, the band. If than U one, iCarts ig oa aatoa appropriate air. and tba (tare and stripes an ran ap la tba miwnsi peak. At tba wee time tba ouloa Jack la broken oat at tba fan brnok, and the captain’s pennant knial ad from tba fan panic Than tba captain la really in eean maad. from that monaanl until be Id nliaetd be la a mom ally napontlbla tar blstblp. If na ran* agrownd. ooOldaa with a mad eeow or la blown np Ip an enemy, be la liable la be oaart ate Malad. witkla to lad tew wrrfc. tklataro ««*“ toaagfc at to to«a Iataod awry yard as laaa toa tear lias, to taaaala to ro iatooaai ■lninu kaUf to cralawa Mluuaapnlbi aa4 Colombia, to ma KatoMte tut to moalMR Miaatnaaomk. Ot ton »«w wipa to KaTokto la to awai Latamtla*. for to la to Inak to* of to nary, tto la a kaarlly ay. •ward Wlmlrtolr fatu, »Uk o —Irtii Mrol prow cm Um yttudyal waapeo of Ifm Xa modrra raaaal at tkla n-a to aver ton uaaal la anlaat wutm, aad. la tect. to KMaMIr U ibott to uaty croft of kvrktadia to world. Tfco Xatakdla aw to tdaaaf Admiral Du. M AanoNM. bow ndnd, aad to kite ( Mi - Mm W* mm vat •ooro WTO ACTKty—LlOtlT ABTlLUOT. win ana lean anvaity in laimlnp tfaia Inoob of tba arnica tbnn tbaotbar. bat aaea la ft ba will probably wUb hJaiaalt well oat at it. It b ootMDuoly known-g aUU tazy aaa that by tba Uaaa aa Aanertana artillery man la tba baary braaab baa pat la a tbrra yaar ealktawt babat pioked npoulym mattering at tbanaay dntiae awl drllb lliat an inpoead apoa bln aa tba baary aRilbey arrrion b aa pnaeai argaataad. If — ‘‘1 ijnn w«m> pnt ia eaa aaHatweae la tba baary kmtflb fro old tato <■ i|i|g |g that tanafe. tba baary artillery beta at tba Oaitad Stain army wooid ba aa a an with any ia tba world. Bat naa la tba baary artllary barb a# hbjMilnt getting eacwgb at H b am eabetneat, •ad wbaa thoy eallat ■gab a gnat anay at tbeau Join tba “dm^bbcgtr’la tba iafmtry regiutrab te tba nbaet tba aonpaiatiraly my “aaa oaa gnu” doty tbareia. Ia tba Am ybaa. tba Tiiltil baary ■nllloryman baa gat to aagoadaa latartryman aa tba tba Infantry inlnnli lb ■H ■ at mat at infantry MU awl ft la a too* that tba baary atallbry aoldbaa be tba ngalar anuy baadb tt megl n gahunawaU la inbintry T naailia aa tba rigabr infantrynoa. n mmm QH Biuaiai anui u »> oh at Ik M| dv JW Md to* on ■** drilled «)• MWIIMlfcl. toTtokSto ■*n'« crew. Wat *• ■>*■ ttod*rte*et wwy—to* et Ik* sbd’i crew, end for tol* | 1* tolltfd i (tltolto W ™J »»tow*M Cinf * jxwiuto, to* *M*t| at tote «M drill. etM i* ik, *|| titot plewert iiela ■■■ |*weM*d tm to* pec pern to ik* United guim ttmp ie k* ■tow matte, to* a tow alt I Cwlee* tk* Imty wlHtoy nato t* fe* *nu tu * |M ttodladtw tCMtod a* a eatotim etoMaa, to dm •MM* tk.u* itettolMNtoMIn W 4* ttmrn hi Ik* MOM *t * toM* S' CM* tetUetotowt kotii* drill* to to* bto CM* rear nikltr. If k* fca* to «C*r tow kind mast * totnHe* we*e. k* •M CM told *| (to lath** omoMI *t Me cm drill, of H «M*oWfc wttkt* * com w cs to -

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