' — ---— ___ The GAsr ___ D»t»U<1 to tho FroUotlon ot noqw utd th> IntMMM Vol. XIX. Gastonia, X, C„ April 28, 1898, BILL ARP WRITES ON WAR. ■ATM TU PWPLR WO MOT APPBAI to ni! am «M«ina •» ■nlUmd-ltaiMi Am I»«Uo«« aimw TOM TV; fl«kUH TkltTIM. Ml Arp In Atlanta CoaitatuUou. War la a big thing—so awful thing —bat oar people do not Beam to be very much concerned. They have more curiosity iLian apprehension. The great exet tenant la at Waahiogton, aad even theca It la baaed not upou fear or blood or suffering, but upoc the straggle bstweon tba two crest political parties—arhlch one shall get ahead and what more Is the beat ooe to get ahead end stay there. What ever McKinley does or proposes to do tba Democrats must Bght It aad vioe versa. The success of the party la a bigger thing then war. We have never eeen Congress so bewildered, dome are far Intervention, some lor recog nition, some for aaaeutlou aud all for revenge. Well street sees nothing but the mooey that U la It. dome preach ers are for peace at aay prior aad some are bowling for war. Of oonrse tbe army and navy want a Oghi, for that la their professional business, and given a obanoe for promotion. Then there are tbe ad I loci and publishers who most appear to be at fever heat whether they feel so or not, for It le a harvest tlaae for news and tba people want tbe news and will buy tbe pa per*. The farmer*, too, are affected and ace atadylng wbal to plant Tor proQt, and tba speculators In grain and meat are building and bearing, ao oordlng to tbalr faith. But IU treat masse* or the Amen can people, the toller* end consumer*, who here nothing to (*ln and nothing to loa* by • war, an look«r*-oa with unconcern. They hare no ax to grind, nor even a hatchet, bat still here a feeble hope of more work end better wages. Down her* at the South there la do great latoreet exoept In lb* elUe*. for our people never get any cun tract* or government Jobe, end don't expect any gain from a war with Spain. If the materiel must coma trom over the line, notwithstanding the marble end the granite are at our doors. North ern ooctractor* clean out oar rivers and oar harbor* and all the profit goo* away from home. Oar miaohlevout people tell the ne groes they have gut to go and do all the lighting, for It la McKinley** war and they all voted tor bit*. The boye read to theta paragraph* from the Northern paper* which aay that North ern toldiers would die of fever 1a Cuba lu a wreak, and that only Southern ne groes can stand lb* climate. Lota of them around her* are fixing to hide out and have dons picked out their oaoabmke. Clareooe, the drayman, is a leader, a healer In election*, and be say*: "I never vote for any war. I ain’t gwlna to fight. 1 aiu’t done nothin’ to nobody and oubody ain’t done nothin ’ to me. I ain’t mad wld nobody and bow can a man fight wld ont be'* mad. Mr. Aker is an and Mr. Crawford got me Into die scrape aud dej nsna* git me ont. I wonder If day Is gwlne to d* war?” Imat Sunday I saw a gang uf negroes standing around a preacher ana be wan reading the big headlines of the fxmjttlutlon to them. Tbtre Is a large pictorial recruiting poster lo the poet ofiVoe and they a thud off and look at It with serious alarm. But they are not going from these parts, ueither are lb* white people going right now. Old atan Ingram was a good fighter In the last war and seemed to like the busi ness and be aaya be wouldn’t mind go ing If they will let him fight under General Lea and wear gray clothe*. My friend, CepUIn Dobbs, aaya be will go along with Dr. Calboun and will aklrmteb around awhile aud get ■lok and get the doctor to give him a discharge et the eod of three mouths and then be will come borne and draw • E?*}00 *11 tk* reat of bis Ilf*. Wall, If it baa to be « wmr Mr. Mo Klnley bad better turn it over to Oea eral Leo lo light it Big things ere piling in on oa Just now. Tbe Stats canvas for State of fielala la nuw going ol sod getting red hot and it takes overly all oar time to kj*P up with that sod the wai too. Maybe we will need another war gov ernor and if we do Colonel Candler baa had more experience in that line than some other folks. Colon* Renfro oocild taka ear* of **• »*€to eoovicta aad march them to thafrodtJoMllka old Joa Brown did **• 900 eoartata In the penitentiary whan Hhermaa oama along. Governor Brown want down Unit wttb • wimq Wmd of gray okrthas and mod# Urn taka off thalretrlpea nod ba gave tlmm *1 guna aad bad then* to elect their oBoara and then make theta a speech aod aald: ••Ocotlamw. Fallow Citiaaoa. Hol <Um: It docao’t follow that bceaoac yon arc eoovlota you art not patriot*. Kow la tba mat opportunity of your )Ivm_U> rad mm yotuo*TM and wipe off tba d la grace from youre*vea and your kindred. Tba aoamy la at your doors aad you moat light bias—yaa I THgU* MU tao law ana* foa uprw ▲ad they ballad thalr freedom with a tout and tboy marched forth likt now men, and that did Sgtit. Jo* ae. OoL Benfroe ooold march tba 9.000 aagro eoovlota forth and under hla tad tbejr, too, will dght. Then ban 1* Urn aold wintry btat ‘b** «*« ®®r oouotry and tiiWd oar rratt aad vaguUbta aud pwalyaad our bopaa. Our mo* for word paatoa an oot killed, but our poUton an utterly proatratad. They bin ooaaa out again aod f think will make na a good mop. Two yuan ago mlna wan killed down to the ground, but thar eame op again and I never had a better crop. Thla tads ma to tMak that maybe eat down early and aud thou they would make am fra it ■»* Uj *** ***** all aorta of old otoMwa over bar Marvaehal Kao) run vine that waa full or bade. My aalgbban aooarad ap their baana and beats, aud some of them spread newspapers over tfcatr potatoes end •area them. I was away do wo la in Greensboro the coldest sight and It was not cold eoongb there to kill any thing. A few degrew of latitude makes a great difference. Mr. Mar bury, tbs weather man. foretold ue of tide coming freese and 1 have great faith In him. When the weather bo re* *u Orel established we thought It was a humbug, hut long obevivation bee convinced the world that the winds and the waves aud the weather ate sot the mystery they aeed to be. Science bee revealed their coareee end their ohiuigrt end the telegraph tells It tiu* many hoore beforehand. Tbs scripture eaye: "The wind bloweth where it lloteth end ye beer the sound thereof, but ye oannot tell whenoe It oometh or wbllher H goeth.” Hat we oen tell oaw sod can fortify against disasters on laud and perils on the deep. Verily, there Is something new under the sun. I was ruminating about the classic town of Greensboro, one of the oldest towns In Uw Stete. What a beautiful country surrounds Itl What pretty roads end streets. Whet sttreotlv* homes sod pretty mentions. What wealth of lovely flowers t saw wis terias there growing wild and bower Ing upon old dead trees. Many of these stalely antebellum mausioos still have the tall fluted columns and tbs parapet roofs that were so oommoo In the olden time. I saw the old Cone mansion sad the home where William C. Dawson lived I went to oollege with the Dswsuo boys, but they era deed and left no sign. I heard their tether make a speech lu IMA He was lbs Ural Whig who ever represented that district In Congress. He was United B tales Scot tor lu 1*47. He wee onivereally popular—kind, ooor teoua end geo lie. big worked hie own way from humble life np to many •mi neat positions and never lost a friend. Dawson oonoty was nutaad for him, hot none was named for Toombs or Stephen*. They were greeter states men, bat they made enemies while Dawson, hy hie exceeding courtesy aud gentle manners, mud# frieuda. Young mea, If you aspire to political honors, you had better remember this: When Stephen Girard was asked the secret of hie euooaae, he regdlad: “Civility.” The Luwl nil drralw. J. i. Hall la AUaiiaa JonrnaL There art certain symptoms by which uatare dread disease anybody—even though you may not know enough to plat ud a quarter wheb you Bad It in the street—can easily recognise and thereby diagnose your own malady. It you ban that tired foaling juat attar carry lug the cooking atom up stair* and trying for four boors to 01 on the pip*, it abowa beyond all shad nw of a doubt that you are already a hopeless ooosc motive, dyspeptic, and liable at any mo meet to become a du plax maolao. If, after walking nine mile*, yon feel languid and want to sit down. It shows that tbs roof of your month needs a Daw ooat of metallic Citnt aad ooal Ur. Uolaaa these warn ft of nature are heeded aud the proper repair* to the human machine attended to the bottom la liable to drop out of your prospect* and your Ilf# become one prolonged melancholy fake. If your heart basts with a regular sledge hammer stroke you should im mediately be scared out of your nocks, for your rth* are in danger of being broken. If the beats are slow and weak, yon should ha scared still more, because there la do earthly telling what la the matter with you. If your eyelids become heavy about midnight and yon fast a burning desire not to do anything hut tumble In the bad, only to bfoom* Instantly uoooo aotous, you are truly treading upon quicksand. That la, If you do any treading at all. Well people should stay op all night and make no oomplaint. If you occa sionally feel a certain goneness In the pit of the stomach-a feeling which canwM you to look upon an elaborate aud juicy beefsteak as one of the moat beautiful aad entrancing sight* in the world (which It a horrible Illusion of the optlo nerve) yon should instantly ooosult an undertaker and let lb* making of your will to tba lowest bid ■M But all of these horrible conditions sen bo easily and Ins lastly avoided by a one-cent package of oar known-all oeer-th* erostowad - never-tailed-* - tin gle time liver pills. The reason we do sot charge any more for the pills it that we know yon will have to pay a doctor’s bUl of aboat |19 every time you take one, aad we don’t want to be the least bit hard oa you. Pm CImh at «u Matty. (Marietta Km Hr. HOixt. K. C.. April IS.—The ottlMoa bent bad a Ural; tax ohaaa yea tarday. A fox waa imported to ba eeeo In tba alty llmlta yaateiday about 10:80 o'clock. In a abort time tba I porta men from liOAdenrille brought Uialr hounds to tba spot and a llraly ehaaa fiad Aboat 90 hound* were In the ohaaa. In a abort tl«a tba fox wal oaptorod. It haa not baao long aloca a deer was caught near tba aama piece. Hr. A. P. Lenta ha* joat raoalrad maobloery for a nrw roller mill. It will ba la operation la lorn than thirty days. "A ward W> the wlaa la iuiboieot" and a word from the wlaa ahonld be aufftclant. bat you tak. who art tha wlaa 7 Those who know. Tba uft repeated axparlaeca of I matt worthy pnoona may bo taken for knowledge. Hr. W. II. Tarry aaya Ohamhaiialb'a Ooogh Remedy gtrsa batter aetlefao Uon than a ay other la tba market. Ha haa beau la tba drug business at Ktkton. Ky., for twaive rears; haa sold baud rod* of bottles of thin remedy ••d nearly all other cough medleloea monofaatarad, which cbowc ooncto alvalr that Cbamberielo'a la the moot aalwaotary to tha people, and la tba beat. For aula by J. 1. (lurry A Oo. trim hciobo. Tkvea ef *• The Coatini *f IruiOi Tlu Bob. JutraUnonf Osrai ■•■UWaM* Ton •ron>Moi*mcaM‘* Lot riiito* .rniim, «t Louis llxpubUc. Spain ouca gsr* tba law lo tba world—to-day mix standi b second-rate power, witb a history of butohei lot and oruelUes belli ad ber. HlaUiriana have cUatol ber with tba eeml-yarW le countries of Africa and ber page In the book of the world ie blotted with tbe record of bloody deeds seoli as no Kuropaan country shows io (hams to her fellows. Boldly Uie Hit stands oat, vainly tba Spaniards bars triad to bide it. All Ute world know* the cruellies of Span ish warfare and the barbarities prac ticed to day In Uuba are but repeti tions of tba conquest of Granada, of Teru. of Mexico, and tba dual strag gle of to-day for Cuba's freedom. AU these are but tba landmarks on tba bloody rued Spate baa traveled aloes abe started on ber career of degrada tion. There Is net io bar IM of war* oaa to which aba nan point, saying It baa baen moeompllabad without tbe greatest enmity aud inhumanity. Tba war In Cuba U terrible eaaugb sod yet ocfupared with tba oooquast of Mexi co and 1’aru It appear* puny In com parison. The butcheries of Caban reeooceotradoa aud the methods by wbicb they are starred to death were the methods that prey ailed when Plsar ro made hi* Moody forage through the laud of tba Incas In Para, only tbay ■com but small injuries bee Ida tba mur der and cruelty of Plsar re'a campaign and thestrugsl* tot Mexico’s freedom. Tbe Cubans are armed aud helped by many friendly bands—there war* nous to suooor tba Inca* of Peru or tba Mexicans. Cubaos hare money and food, tba great United States mauds ready to aid them, all those tba ethers lucked. The bloodiest blot no Spain’* record la that of tJia loqualttoo. Soott and many other greet writer* have told of Lbs reign of religion* terror that bald Spain from the Thirteenth Century. Established to drive heresy from tba empire. It was, In reality, ouly a da volupmeot of a acbeme to Ox liis b»l auoe of power mora Urmly In tbe hands of certain rulers. The accuser and the Judge were one man in this far-raeeb iog society. Men from all walks of Ufa were dragged up and tried, oft limn btiof comlecaned ud toriuml to view of the populace; at other times secretly assassinated or i in prisoned and never heard from again. In Uia reign of Ferdinand and Isa bella, the Inquisition waa mors s polit ics! machine than during its former Ilf*. The histories of that day abound with tales of the cruellies practiced. Whale citira turned out in feaUaal at tire to aee men cruel dad, to watoh them walk ou bare of red-hot iron, sod to aee women racked and gar ruled. Tbe thumb-screw, the wheel and the Iron maiden ware all to vatiled to tor ture men and women. He who could invent a new torture waa assured wealth sod honor. And for 300 years tba Empire of Castile and Aragon rev elled in tbe Inquisition and lo the cruelties prsotleed ou Its victims. Other things came sod passed, but this held on for thrse centuries, end tbe levs of torture luhvrant Lu the Spanish rabble to-day wan fostered by the horrors of that period. The oouquest of Ureneda coded In January. 1493, at lbs time when Col umbus waa starting on bln voyage to discover tbe naw world. The struggle agaloat tbe Moon marked the begin ning of 8pain’s teoord of terrorization lu other lauds except her own. Tim Moors, with their rsflrved civilization, bsd been for years harassed aod mur dered, only their superior strength sod equipment making It possible for them to bold out as king aa they did. Whits the oouquest was being waged 8pm lab citizens laugbad at tbe prowess their soldier srere making when they saw the heads of ths slain Moon orna menting spears oo the lows walls or hebeh) Moorish women dragged naked through tbe streets. Spain eooqoared the unbelievers, but U ouet her dear, both In soldiers sad moony. Then cams tbe discovery of Ameri ca by Columbus In tbe same year aod a wider Bald wan opened for Spanish bar barity. Unsuspecting natives were either out down or Ukaa Into slavery, children were slain and the Indian In habitants of tha Cuban lalea were dragged to a life of servitude in Eu rope. AeUmewfut on the Spanish General* extended their conquests. io umium span ienu*a oral ncim began Um Invasion of Fhru. Tbe rich aod higblT-COltnrnd Iodlaul, with lheir gold and ailvar Dlota, and bind mim el lira, offend worthy marks for Spaolih cupidity. Pisano bad all the attribute* of a aoeoaetul butcher, be ing the Illegitimate bob of e rich and debouched nobleman and of e eoarn peasant girl, rated la lb* llama of TruxtUo and naming bla boyhood as a •wlueherd. Io 1895 he sailed at the heed of a squadron of orlmlnuls, ad venturer* end tb* dreg* of the Huaa leh eltlae to conquer Um Hew World. The bMory ot that undertaking la known to tb* world. Tb* expedition landed *0 tbe shore* at Pare, profess ing friendship tor the monarch nf tbe oouetry, proootly captured bin and his entire court Ot a banquet to which they were Invltwd. At an eeuriuou* prlo* tbe monarch bought Ida freedom than, at Pliarro'e orders, be wae strangled nod burnt and without mer cy all who bed attended him wnr* ■tale, aa well aa hundred* of tonocent nallvea Plasm foanded an empire in Teru, but wee himself murdered by hie own brother In 1537. and Um records of that Woody time are but ao eodler* tale of mardm, pillage and amen. Tbe reign of Hpata la Poru daring tb* three following oenturle* grow more •ever* *nn unbearable until tbe dr ■oeudaeu of tkue* wb* bad oooqeered Um local Ihoaaaelvee east off Um Hpao Wiyefeaned la 1M1 a odor Ueoerml Am Martin began Um war which re wiled la their Independence. Vo men «T woe akowa the rebel* la tht» war f°r freedom end there who Ml Into apenliti bands were treated aa are the Cubana to-day. Puru. Mex loo wre captured rrom the oetlvre, aod anfcMctad to a century of domination which retailed la revolution after revolution until it**loo had growu to powerful that faat falling Spain found ter tend* full In trying to handle bar anruly captive. The eoluay waa not allowed to man “factore any article that oould be aup plled liy the mother ooualry. book* were prohibited erred* dtotaled and the paople wore little betUr than alavaa. Like the rule la Cub*. Hag-1 loo waa dominated by a Oort**, or In sular parliament. In which Span lab offloer* aataod admlulatored th* law* to th* aallrc*. Governor Oeoaral Dob Joa* Iturrigaroy proposed a junta, similar to the present Cuban Autowo mlat Cabinet, but Ilka Wovtar, be waa deported In ISOS. Then other captains ganaral took command, re oh man crutl Ilian bit predecessor. for It was area that ICasloo waa faat slipping away from Spalo and tho latur'a Leg favored pulley of extermination of all opponent* waa triad. Insurgent chiefs ware captured aod atrangled; other* took their place. Morelos, the Mexi can Waahlagtoa, was abol In IBM, and Jftera of lighting followed. In 1831 the treaty of Cordova was mode, nod tfa* Spanish troop* were ordered 10 evacuate Mexico. Years of trouble between petty Mexican ralare followed and In lflCfl the 8 pan Lb seat aa expo dttioa from Havana to again subdue the country. Several years more of BffbUng fal lowed. Thee Spain, with Franc* and England, regained tbe dictatorship of tbo province, but was forced out la 1861, and* few yeara later Max loo be OMBI 4 IicpuWJc. Uuattllan reigo In Cuba lie* teeu well ventilated l»v our eentroversy wltb tbe Dona. The slave trade, by which tbe 8 pan Lb annually mad* mil lions on tbe children sod grown aa tlvea captured and cold by ter armed force* waa forced oat of tbs Empire1* grasp by tbe action of England In or dering the Spanish rulers to prohibit •lare traffic by proeLmaUou. Sinoe It* early colonisation the Island baa wagad a eontiusl fight for freedom, a battle which bide fair to soon be ended by tbe aid of tbe United State*. 3ueb la the history of Spain’s bar barities. Such L tbe list of h*r cruel ties. each an epoch which saw thous and* of human Ilyas ended by the * word, by fire aod by tbe horrors at the !o<jui*UW>a. A ter»« LM. One of the must perplexing pruble cat tbu confront the nulhortUae In ollle* eud towns, m well m tbe Judges of our eoerte, says tbe Oxford Ltdgtr, U t&at of Uie youthful criminal—what punishment (hall be meted out to tbe buy of U or 13 yean who baa violated tbe laws of tbe land. Io New York and other States, tbe solution has been found In the establishment of Reform atories for tbe youtbfnl criminal, but oar legislator)), in Ita wisdom, has not seen Qt to provide a similar loatlts llon. The alternative is presented of turn ing him loose free, upon the communi ty, or eiee sending him to tbe com non Jail of the county, or to tbe State prison, where fay eewolatlou with tbe hardened criminal of mature years, be becomes steeped in crime, ana hie pan uhment, wblob was Intended to deter him from tbe commtutou of like of fense* in tbs tutors, has had tbe effect of hxrdeolug his eeualhilHIea and In cresalng bis pioosneee for the perps trxtloo of otbar crimes. What we need is e solution that will go to tbe root of the matter, by* pre venting, If possible, tbe commlaaloo of the crime. This can bo aocomplUbed lo a large maaeora by tbo enactoeect of laws, requiring ail children under a stated age lo be in their homes by a stated hour, unless in company with parents. The Olumkautn, of New York, says in this ooanectton: "It was received ae hardly more than a Joke, when a boat two years ago, the eorfew was adopted by Lmooln. Neb. But tbo mors meat bis spread, until about three hundred cities, many of them prominent ooee, are Mid to have la trod need It. There is much agita tion la favor of tbo federal adoption of an otdlnuoee requiring all children under fifteen to be In their botaee by 0 o'clock in enamor and by 8 o’clock lu winter, unless thvy are accompanied by their parents or have leave of ab senoe. Tbe advocate* of the p|«n call It tba moat important etap for mnniel pel reform aims the dleoovery of America. Tbe falling off in tba com ber of at rests of the young nodoc able system hat. In some cease, bean es much as 76 per cent. There baa been a great decrease In the number tent to reform schools. Teaebsrs testify to Improvement In punctuality and schol arship. Home life bae been made bet ter." This subjeot it entitled to oar most thoughtful consideration. A. Urge number of the vUletUos of law i0 our midst is oooSaod to tbo young. Home of the gravest offence* known to tbo criminal law, Including burgUrly and arena, bare been committed recently In our town by bow. hardly |D tbelr teeoe, and In one rattaaae tbe culprit was only 0 years ef age. If theta was legislation a* sngfertsd, It wauld ae doubt have a saintary effect. TKI>AUIfMTIIM SATtM." »*»lr Tueerwaitaaul A#MWMa „ "»• otter oaMon." sold 7retorts E. OowUrt to a Her rock Jfereid rear* aaotaUre recently.-tea arbOratadita dlEeraaom with otter nations as aaoh aa tba United States. Wo are tte ar bitrating nation, in tba Inat bnodrad yaara tte Ualtat State# baa aetUad dlopataa with otter rower* by arbttr*. tlou oaora than 40 tlmaa. "As 1 Mht recently la a magaalna artlal*, war. logically epeultlog, la an anarebroolsm. It belong* to olbar •CM and otlwr ferae of oloUlntloa than tboaa under which wo Ufa Its bratnllty. cruelty tad lojimle* Jar against tbe bumanlxlng teadeoci** of tte nlnatooatb century. Wo ore ao oustumod to look eiaowhar* ibac to tte basardaof tte teUlaflald for the solution of international problems, and bar# laaraed that ttero era batter and obaapar method* ot seeding oootrbv onin* than lhone which depend upon hoary artillery aod modi* gooa. ••Thar# la ao qoration bctwmu two naUaaa, la my mind, which caaaot b* settlnd by urtritratioa. If w* are right our olaims will he acknowledged by any lost tribunal; If wo aro wrong w* ■ball fall. ••Thereof# aarlona tba quaotioo tte moro note then la far patient oocrid •ration and onrofol argument. It Is ebaapcr to hire lawyer* thna to build bateioohloa aod bay big gun*. It doM not ooat noarlr ball as moot; It does oot moan Mandated, aorrow aod ml**ry.M CAJSO WOK IIT Tag UN1TBO ITATO*. Horn Is a table wbtch ooven tome of tte rue nils of arbitration. 1794—Great Britain, boundary dla MM. contoodad that tba Hcbrodio Blear wax really tte St Orel*. 1794—Grant Britain. *17 otaim*. awarded to tte Untied State*. 1811 —MonheaeteTO boundary. 1814-Groat Britain, boundary. 1818—Great Britain for ala red car ried away by British soldier* altar the War of lb* ttofoiuttun, SUM.MO. 1839-Mexico claim* 1071.798. Greet Britain olatmi $56,000. 1867— Maw Grenada claim* $345,81/7. lDM-ChlUolakn* $49,000. 1860—Ocata Elea claim* $46,704. 1869— Ecuador claim* $91,799. lStti-Beru claim* 131.960 1804 —Columbia claims $646,807. UM-VcoacaalacUlios $1,953,610. 1868— Maxtoo claims 64.000.000. 1808— Peru claiasi $150,000. 1870— Brasil rial me 8100.740. 1871— 8paio claims $1.368883. 1871 -Great Britain, Ban Juan. laud. 1871-Groat Bn lain, Umova, for depredation* of lb* Alabama aod other cruiser* of the Confederate State* fitted out in Great Britain. $16,600,000. 7874—Columbia olaims $13,401. 1885—Spain claims $46,004. 1809— Veneaul* olaims $141,600. 1803—Kcuado claims $40,000. casks lost dt rn* u*rriu> statba. There bavo been eeveu caaei is Which tlw Halted States was defeated In all her claims, and yet aeoepted tbe rulluga with the' greatest poeslble grace. They are as follows. 1704—Great Britain. Claims for royalist losess during tbe War of tbe Bevotalloo, $3,000,000. 1801—Portugal. Losa of Uia Vsited Statue privateer, general /brmttroog, destroyed in tbe harbor of Feyal. 1871—Great Itritslii. Claims of British inbfsoU for property lost of the Behelllon. $1,920,810. 1871—Oreat Britain. Claim* Hali fax fisheries, $5,500,000 1880—Franc*. Claims for property or Free oh ctuxens d retro red la the war of tlw Hohellloo, $818,000. 1888—Denmark. BotterfleU claims. 180*—Qrsat Britain. Bering Bee oootroverey. •w'l Im It That Wax. Mr. Joseph oa Daniel*, editor of Me NfMt uad Ohttmr has bran In Waalv Ingteo aerersl days. Tn bis latter In la* Tuaaday’a paper he aaya that moa* of Waablngto* people at* for war, then add* the following. ■■Whether assay will go from this olty Is eltogsther soother thing Am order bee here Iteoed giving all gor ernmeat dark* a guarantee that If they enlist, thair posiUooi wlU h* hate for (ham aad they can retorn to (hea> when th* wet has ended. Talking with ism very Intelligent dark* who were saying that this was eery gener ous oa Hi* part of the ro remanent, I said to Mem: 'Bat it faitsiboit. Instead of agreeing to bold th* posi tion ope* It yoa go, Ooograai ought to pass a law requiring eesry au who has a position la tha goeerement to aarreader it far th* time aad go to the (mat. Title eerteialy ought to be don* aa to eeery unmarried mas la M* departments at Washington. Aa th* dark* bare been gattiag bigger eateries for lighter work thas outeldera, It la noMlug but right that they should ooto* oat of their bomb-proof positions sod go to Cube aad support by arm* tha gorerumaat that directly girea , them brood and meek.' Strange to aay set a dngte dark la heart a g en dorsed Ml* flew of tbdr duty !" Major Clasaant Dowd, nae of Ihe Htatom moat dtellagwtebed cittern*, died Friday morning!Sell, at Me bom* la Charlotte. Mle teat satire work was doe* oa Me "Ufa of Vance.” For some yean to poor health, be de clined rspbily f r aerrral montha peat, and for the peat few week* It we* knows that hka condition waa Impali He waa M years old. My wife has used Chamberlain's Tain Balm for rheumatism with great relief, aad I can recommend 1% aa a apinodtd llelmant for rheamattem aad other buseskuId us* Tor ahteh «n her* found It ralaable.—W. 4, Carter. Bed Crssk, If. T. Mr. Curler is awe of Ms leading mar ehaate of this riltaga and oaa af the ■ow premlaaat aeam la Ihle Ttotelty. -W. O. Phlpato, JBdUoc Red Creak Rtetld. For eats by J. R. Cun> * Ca. 8*oo» Omro Alas, who to mmM ered In Sputa to to tbs Cot tow* ■Ultarr witter, Published tea fbUow log artiste la £o Jt^oos of Madrid on Xsrob 11 about tbo Malts of a war tetawo kto ooaotoy sad tea Ualtod Hem taw “WM it to a dost in French atria, or antll tbs first Mood to toed. or a fight lotto death? Ia my opinion naltbor oaa nor tea steer. If wa am dteoaud qulokly wo teaU teas Cabs sad tete tew’a" ter£«£ nwok la tea PbUtopians sod mSum Uoablt tt home. •'flat, auppoaa at tea hagteslac of j tbo war wo slab tea whato Vaake* fleet and oven bombard wtte snoaass twoor teeao Tankas porta. WlH it all sod there r Ob. oo. Tbs Amort eons will not stead ft, and Urn nation that from 1*61 to 1M* pat mama sewn than a.000,000 settee, ntood pawerfnt float*, spent •*,«».000.000 and tost nearly tea sum ■ meant, win seek* snob efiorte than teat, la tf4U Of alt M respect for Spanish patri otism, 1 cannot bottom that Spain win bo abts to stead against to. If tears are tbaaa who believe us in terrsnttea by Karopeia powara la fsror of Spain, I do not. “A Agbt to tbo daate ft will not bo. sitter, because tbs timsrlssni oannot oanaaar no witt so many mhos of oaaao batwaon tea two osutotosi Wo stey loot onr eolootea, but Spala wttl Ttatain. Probably tbat tom. tboogb Immediately dtoaeteoas, woald bo a “Mow can any man of osasa teUsv* tbat wo can do to tea Ualtod States a tot tee Americas* osaaot dot* ns 1 fsltaotansnoansloal dream to Iblak of a oonguee* of I si arises territory T lam oot donbting tea ooeragt often 8p«tii»rd*. hot 1 believe all ostiaes of Sereps together an not straw —nrg^ to sarsr afoot of load from tbo Ualtod States. “la brief, tbs United UUtsa will not earns to ooa«aer ns bare, nattbor absll we go to eonqasr team them. Tka wboi« war will to red need to this: The Yankees will provide tee insurgents with arms aad ammuni tion, blockade tea ports of Cuba, aad Starr# to dsatb our army there, tbat subsists now sxdastrvly oo Imported food. “What win to tea ruts of oar nary? To break tea Moeksda ia order to pro ▼itdon our army aad in order to get aosl for liooif; tootses I sappoao tbat our^hlpa will not coma hack to coal “That wlU to *11. At tbs start tbs Ytakes* msy destroy our whole nsry or ws may destroy their*, but lotto long run tea/ will got the advantage. All other ihiutu wiu to msra splscdes of tbo war. The privateers on either aid* will * mount to nothing to decid ing wbara victory shall rust. •»s Um Smhmm unr. t«* Yol* World. The cable yeaterdny snunuoocd the arrival of theSpaolsb ships Vlaeaya aad Oquendo at Cape Verd, teo days after their departure frooe Porto filoo. These are among the fastest eblpe la theSpanish Kavy. Artisans convoy to toe torpedo boat* wtilah they have Joioed, they eusld uot reach Porto ttloo again la lass than twelve or Sf teeodaya. They are 1,700 oeflee trace Havana—9» bDm fsrtbar thaa front Hew York to tguaeaatowo. With a forty-eight boar ultimatum from thla country loepeadlag. done this look as though Spate meana to light V What it the “war scare” which has caused a stagnation of trade aad a suspension of enterprise—the moat extraordinary illustration ever given of the oowardloo of capital I What are lbs facte ? On Um 18 th of Haroh—that is thirty eight days ago-the terrible now Span ish armada left Cadis for OOba. It has not yet arrived at Forto Bloc. It la still at Cape Yard, serose Um At lantic. os the coast of Africa. 4,700 albr frooe Havana. The eU torpedo-boat destroyers have not stirred treat Cedi*. Poor of Spain's battleship* are laid up for re pairs. Tbs rest of her navy te scat tered over the worid. Where Is the great navel Bgbt to be 7 W Kb rorto Kleo seized and Havana captured or Mocbadad. iteaeM be done by oar beetle short order, Spain would have no ooel supply lor tor eblpe co this eld* of the ooeaa. What this Maaaa are hare leurasd frsmaar iscsat eapertaao* with the Hew Or leans. which, coming froaa Liverpool, only 1,400 alto distant, was obliged to put into Halifax for coal, Tto Spanish baltle-ehlpi end era leers cannot carry cool euoagh to fart theta twenty-four home after arriving en thlssUo. Tto torpedo- boots, have to be supplied with, ooel d*Uy. Si no* aoodera naval warfsie is a Matter of COAL, COAL. COAL, tow eao Spain pot(up e Ogbt tfwoeet prunpUy la aMatng Havana nod Sac Juaa 1 WlUi this dona It weald be toeaeity for the Spaeleb Seat to pom* over. Should It do so it would fan a* easy pray to on oomMaad agaadtaaa. with no sod of ooel aad other supplies otoae at toad. warn, m tmu. U tbta tarriW* wuh>| Itdatalurif » A ala* ih» Ko*olar4# oai!*^riih,»La*tratol nroMkMit of oar itaalm data Horn* m«M drift ttatklato tbaaaa la a waak. Whr U.U “aoary Mine*** Why tbatalk wC 400.000 frioatara ? Wbf la bnttniaa of aay art aatyeet to a tmpttf yalay t Thara It no taaatlat tot It; hut lo am wet mi fooilth tmr eaaaot ha want ad away. It hakeem Uaaettra aaat U it* ray lit raottya abort ‘srs In Mimaaaav w*»i —*~--fr—r— ItwoaU require some Nyethaou power otdiyluttoa to tadkwtoaa la ta* f"w tbaea lb mafia* otoad* lato ih* hrt*ht path of poao*. UtUabjr little, with ooaatkto ohoeks sad he£ tam. bat always pr—la* forward to tho msieaeMT goal, wa tan at hat eons fans to Caoa with war. Tbtra way «(U to sowa means of ■a^ffi«* tba drsad ooMsquecce. It h not *b •otataly Impossible that, la tha shv snth bear of the oriole, • way shall ba opaoad for a*. But ao ordiaory mor tal aaa lmtjflos aooh a thlaa at thb moment. Look whsra he wtu. oo are aaa of avaideaa* is dhntMt A large wajarity of oar popohrtioa has* ao iwootloal knowledge or expert anooof war. To woot of ao, it pm •onto ttarit ia allortaf aad rewaaUo ■»*» of toUaMry- Lika aowa too iwagt of sxcttsaset, utokril oat leal to* beamy at adrootan, It appeals to the imagination aad sriwotates ovary borote aadoaabtUooaUwttaot. War* call tho gioriooa color oC tha onwadsa, the I tie* at Aon, tha T'i~1id daade of Agloeowrt aad Tmap. Wa aaa oely tho poatle aid* of a tragedy that has dtaeobad the oarih totEdaa* nued tha oaatortaa with hwaalaUoa, But war haa another aspect Hue orafawlUar with thatnpnCaodtoay Lr«j«a*arB.*ar or etna bar ao*. the wife bar kaakaod. tha wold bar lover, tho ehBd Than are periods at aapai la a prove. the pomp. i _ oaeneo at tbs violate, I_ _ _ ynp oa too Unabetd of toe wyeterioaa «o waia wa are iwadia* natE^pwaai or two the die w oar* wed Awerieaae hate aa altoraallso. Wo stood toaatfc «r aa bratkno. aa pahtoto. ao ktaawaw. The «rat narataa na into a kawejwn moo and ladawttabh aaaaa. Tbam jaiSS^SSriSSSs to wrath, Wm to tha ways ofthrift aadpaaaatbiwoaoawan 1 tram Ha bwImU l|||aya lamk to* tua. . oarve, .nd^’aat frtt to* ftrttl£ Mdami to*worldwitTtorir imT aardfary.

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