Everybody te glad that Captain Uaik o! the Oregon has base Informed that boaUUtiaa an oo and that Urn T—atrario la after it. Ha win now ba «Oho lookout for that waspish eraft aad will kaow what to do with her aw Ant sight. Hlbaa war waa declared, there ware wuajraaakoadrtd and twentv-Ove American warn (a at law, aeons of than twice to deafer of captor* by tba Sgeatanit. There are many in the lot which would proro enormously rich ymn for tbo enemy, bpuic hue about fifty ow which oar fellows may swoop down at tba proper time. Tbo President will bare uo trouble aboht getting all the volunteers bo sells fsc. The oouutry la full of poo pit who an tired of a dull time, to sey nothing of Unsocial polities, nsurrsi lag politicians, aad foaloo gabble. Shoald there be wotteed at way Use a loll la tba voluatcerlug busioosa, |nat taka a stick wad stir op tbo orators and newspaper organa on tbeee topics sad the ranks will bo crowded agaiu. Democrats dioutd not become so absorbed lo the acute conditions st tcoding tbo war as to forget their duty aa sovereign cltisaaa. Oar Stats aa wail as Cob* must be redeemed from ■ tlur political oppressor. Attend yoer county convention Saturday and kt joar devotion aad your wisdom bo felt lo Us doUbtrattou*. If tbo smr soon finds anted, we shall uili need good gowtraaocot in North Carolina; bat if it ahoold bo Iknse *pd long, bow moeti greater will bo tire need uf wlso gov ernment at boom Tblok upon these thing*. WAR NEWS OF A WEEK «• «TW TUI UtarUy. Tl» Caban reeoiattai ta maw m law of A* Mad and too uhiasahm to Bpain •“ mxompUahod face The president on Wodmwday signed the joint roe otoHou to congress requiring Spain to ■rereule to* island ot Cabs. Th* ulti *•*» *“ l«P**®d si the stot* da ps rt meat by to* aaUstant secretary, ytod by the preside*! sad esht to the [ totohMBsamt Tbs oiilmatom announces that if • ■tistoeteey response U not received fn*n Spain by Saturday th* pTaditeit will proceed at one* Co ca../ out the sot afooogsees. i Iauucdiatoly after the OcHrery at the 1 ■Wtaatwu to th* C:\utith minister, i Seuor Palo d* Bcrnnln, the latter ashed I tor his passports, which vnv given him, and he withdrew from Washing to*, going to (tensile Spanish Cortes la Steele*. “P» Spanish arte* was opened an Wednesday and to* queen regent read the speech from the throoc Theqoceo reviewed the situation and referred to toa efforts of the pope tor pntoe. She a* *om iced that she lmil remmnnsO (t— cartes to defend Spain’s rights. ■tejeety appealed to tha Spanish people to gather behind her son's thnoneT^ AU BeltUns Broke* Of. Diplomatic relations between the TAteed ftotte* sad Bpain are at an end. Jndgeltey.aaUatant secretary of stats, **«y Thursday morning received a co Magtam toon Minister Woodford, at y*drtd. staling that bo b*d been handed hie pompons and had keen notified that ■toeial relation* between the Ualtod •totoa aad bpain were ended. Hie ca blegram mid that he had been given the •“•ports before he bad an opportunity to l»«n ut the ultima tom tnuumtt*Dd to Um for submteiioo to the Spanish gov ernment, the dehvary of too niH-ynn. to Minister Polo having he** aooepted by the Spanish government as a formal ■**0*Bremen! on onr pat. Flat Sana. A MakOcU note laud at Madrid Tharadajr any* the Spanish |«nniwi| ""“l*** tho ultimatum of the Units* Statae oanstitatoe a <rf wu ami adds thus the Bpanesb loot t. already ca its way to meet the fleet of the United State*. War Is Wartleall y On. war between this country end Spain is now on. though aol yet afflctaBy ilsBlnred by ocngraM. Into Thursday •fta* tec iaaod for the North Atlan tic squadron to blockade Havana and midnight tho float steamed away from Key West. Woodford’s Train Attacked. General Stewart I* Woodford, the United States minister to Spain. ■rvyyn puitd by hi* staff and others, naehod the French frontier at g o'clock Friday morning in safety after some exalting expcriitce*. The Bpnnltai poiioo at tempted to oaptars a member of the lo gntioo ami at Valladolid tho train wae .attacked. First Shot Is Fired. The firtl gun of tho war betweeo the Uni tod State* and Spain baa bean fired. Mdey tho American crasser Nashville captured, just off Key West, tho BpenUh ship Buena Ventura, of 1,000 tons, har ing an hoard a cargo of lumber. The Nashville at flrot fixed n blank •hot. which the Spaniard ignored. Thi» waa followed by a «hot from a A pro rider. The Been* Ventura than surrendered with her crew of *) A Call For Volunteers. The president Satvrday issaed e proo mmaiiou calling for UU.000 troops lo oerto two years unless sooner discharged. Another Brinish l*rlsr. A Unitod Steles warship rapUtrod an other Spanish nssl Satarday. Tho croteer Now York, while about is miles off narana, sighted a steamer which prorod to be the Pedro, bound for Pen sacola. Oar ship fired on the insmj and the latter earraadered with tbs QNW. She waa taken to Key Weak hpmnen Measaan Setae*. Two more Spanish prims bavo been landed by Amnrican warship* The Onteer Dr trait captured a nn of *.t»l tons and the gunboat Helena took • vessel of 8,000 tone, which, with her eaxgo. is valued at >100,00* ■War Formally Declared. Monday the prasldeal sent to rocprtaa a moenpe rotpiefUac that a formal dec laration of war ba mads and that body mymdad promptly by adopt la* the fbOowfa* wfthoot division: A bill dedaria* that war arista be twaan (ha United States of America and the kingdom of Spate. Ba It raaotad. eta., tott. That war ba aad the IT mi la hereby deofcred to exist sad that war has sxisted ainoa the twenty-tost day of April. A. D-, 18PS. laolodio* raid tky. hatwsan the United Intnaf Amettee aad the kUndom of gpola. *Mond. That the preaideat of the patted dtatan ha auAho harsby ladl. tacled sad empowered team the OBlbs ato aaTal lcreaa of the Unitad 5*5* to4o***» •"*■»! nwvioe •f the'United thetas, the militia of the until Mates, to inch an oatatM aa may he aeeeamry to carry thi. art into tttesif. The artioa of the president in tllnia man dins % formal declaration af war wm wslootiw^ by ^tanrlala la trrmy rlk MlaaaaprHr Is mill Pflmlo*. ■onron,'April PA—The crelsar Mia ■d^aMn^Wbdoh^lytbo <gri»fe«sadroa and pa said In by Mpkltrl M*ht n Ml tat. yesterday was now her* to ba mao I » REYBNOE BILL REPORTED. Chairman Ding ley Submits a War Measure to Lower Braaoh of Congress. DEBATB FOR THREE DATS VlMl Vote Will Be Take*. Friday. Telegraph te Meaaagee ftatyeet to Taxation- W»)i a ad Mmw to Oarry oe War. Wis.fiTOToy, April M. — Chairman IXagVy »aported tba war reretrae MU to tha booao at UM p. m. Mr. Diagiey gara notice that tba rev aaoa MU would be called op tomorrow at aoaa, general debate to ooatinoe to morrow and Thareday and Friday, tba Mil to bo onoaidarad (or amendment an. d«r tba b-miante rule antU 4 o’clock. When a vote ahocld be taken. The mi nority bad agreed to tkia arrangement. The war revenue bill aa reported to the hooee today coutaioa three change a ben the MU aa originally drafted aa (ollowa: A diaooBDtof S per cent ou beer stamp* ia allowed after the pouageor the act. Telephone ineaaagvi are sobject to a tax of 1 cant on menage* transmitted 90 ml las or morn, tba of which doer not earned M oaota; botwocn W cents and II.AO, t cants; between |1.(0 and I*. * cents; la excess of 15, 10 cents. OOteal telegraphic messages of tbs gov ernment arc exempt from taxation The diOnrantlal of one-hair s cent on mineral waters sad beverages, domestic cr imported, not otherwise subject to in toraaf taxation, ia half pint bottle*, is eliminated an that the dividing line ia pints. Bottlaa containing on* pint or !««»<> pay 1 cant, mors than one pint, I The senate haa agreed to th* confer ence report an tbe army reorganisation bill. Tbs bona* agreed to tha conference re^>ort^ot^ ^tbe^mraty morganintlicn bill No doabc ia axpressad among tba Re public** nsambaca of the annate finance nommiftwe as to passing tbe war inaa* era with tbe bond proposition In It Nearly all Bapoblicon members of the senate are said to flavor it and from six to ten an tha Democratic aid* sxpoot to vote with thorn. TRANSPORT COMES SOUTH. Puttier Lwm Biaptu Roads with Right Hdoored Sea. Tottv Monot, Va, April M.—The ■tterlug Incident* of this morning In Hampton Bonds mads men’s blood leap la their veins and anthaslaam boil up to fever heat. Shortly before 8 o'clock, one of the little guard boats that the government will use hereafter to eon does friendly steamen through the lines of mines and torpedoes, shot off to the north and the signal man on the after bridge of the flagship almost -- oaaly called “Oraltor Montgomery ap proaching, Sr.” Sweeping along at n rapid tale, her beautiful lines showing up well in tha Quakor gray taunt, use cruiser game down the Roads preceded by the little picket boat, guiding her between the dangerous line* of Miptoeivo*. When tha Brooklyn a salute was feed to Cfcmmodore Schley and returned by the flagship. Than the transport Panther, with its 800 men, raised anchor, and with the formidable cruiser as eaoort, itiitid for ml It was then that the enthusiasm broke out. The marines on the transport crowded the decks in long Uses, —d waving their hats gave vent to mighty cheers, while sal Ion, marine*. even fireman on the big warship*, crowded to the forocastlos and returned them with n will. The men on the Montgomery joined in the chorus and the cheers re sounded from ship to ship, continuing until transport aad convoy wore out o? Uaeh skip of rbo mjoadron returned the cheer with a will and men went bank to their ships with au aching de sire to follow the ship* out. Tbs Pan ther bum aot with eplendid protection on her tourney to Ker West, the convoy being largo and able to car* for any thing, while nil along her rout* aiw strewn active aad fmnutahla member* of the mosquito fleet. The order* for the closing up of tbs harbor here after sunset and until sun rise goo* into effect fully tonight. CHANGE nr THE CABINET AsaUlaet Secretary Is Also Appelated. Foreign Relations rv>wimltt*e Reports ea the Selection Favorably. WAtntXrtTOn, April *J —The presi dent today aotnlhated Willie os R. Day of Ohio to be secretary of etat*. vie* John Sherman resign sd. and John B THSOB W. |L SAT. Moon of Hew Toefc to he aaaiataat ee*> rate*/ of itat*, vice WUUata A Day. The aaaaito nrwmtttaa aa faratfB ra laiiona ayraad ■aaaUnoaai/ to a faeor afato report oa the a nail ration of la are tor/ Da/. The report will ho Male later ioAmy, when it la proha Ulo be trill he mtati The cabinet haa itecMni not totalaaaa the ltaene Van torn or ethar early fetaaa, • t* FEVER HAT PROVE FATAL Ofllloe Kxjx-eseed by Otooers at Chick UUM> That X* Occupation I* •• Ha Ordered CaUl Malay ftraeaa la Over. CalcxAMACot Hatkmial Pack, Go., April 2A—The entire Boorad regiment af Infantry, four cent panic* from Pori Keogh, iloa., two ccaapaaJas Crons Fori Barriaou, Mem., and two oompapier from Part Tatra, H. IX, want into ramp hara today after having rtmaiood la tha Chattanooga yards all sight. Thcre~i uant nnmbare 5i7 man and la In com mand of Ooloael J. O. Bates, aho. it is probahia, will bn given the command o( tho Second briads of infantry, of which his regiment in to ba nado a port. The First roginant of Infantry from the Proddio and Bsnhda barracks, Cat., aad Batteries 0 and F. Third artillery, from tbo Presidio, Os!., aad Battery K of the First artillery from Fort Bam Houston, Tax., are sebadnlsd to arrive within the next M boon. Msjnr Sharp*, chief comrasudor of General Brooke's staff, has asked au thority from Washington, to establish a provision depot in Chattanooga. such as tha government has at Be lonls and other largo clttoe. The provisioning of sack a large totem of troops as U now gathered at Chtoksmsnga park render* tt abac lately accessary to hsvo the baa* of rnppba* at n nearer point than St. Louie, and it is expected that tha an ther! ty for tha eetaboahment of tho de partment will bo matad at once. If slur Bharpe has mad* hi* headquarters at tbe nark and a local porehisiinB agent will ba placed In charge of the Chattanooga depot, who will bay tha aappliaa occea i mrr Handled* of applications for onllst zoect in the regular service have been made einoe the encampment of the TTaitod Btatos troop* at Uhlchamauga and it is the in toe tic* to alert a recruit tog station at Chattanooga Immediately. Opinion among the ermv offleere ee rie* ae to the length of time the troop* will be nattooed at the National part ten le Irmly *ijr****4 that newer** man* la the direction of Oabewillhe ento tor tore maatha a* Uaat end pew tohly aethafbre ton. The army organisation bill will neces sitate whipping into army discipline an extraordinary number of raw men, at baa* a tadtoa* job. bat on* ueceemry be fore the forward movement begins As by that tins* the weather In Oobe Woo Id be fatal to the landing of troops, it is believed by many that should the onoopattoa of Cote by United States armed force* be tnally decided on it will not be ordered before autumn. TWO FORTS MAY BE TAKEN. American* Likely to Establish a June tare With Cuban Army. WaaauKrro*. April M—Tba strata glo board* of the army and nary an be ing urged to supplement tba pari fin blockade by tba taking of one per* an tb* north coert of Caha and one on tba eocth ooaat, for tbe purpose of oetahHsb lag a juncture with General Gamas’* Insurgent troops at Sancti Spintus and With General Garcia’« Insurgent troop* Ik Santiago do Cuba. It is talt that smell ports oould b* taken praotlcallT wltkoot opposition, and that Otenfucgns, an tbs south coast, and Segue la Orands, ou tbs north coast, are probably bast fitted in paint of location and lack of ooaat dafttitsa, aaUma* base* of supplies. With two each banes of operation secured the Cu ban sulboritiet her* feel that the Cuban larcas in tha Said and thorn ready to taka tba field, oould be speedily and af fldantly equipped with arms, ammuni tion and soppUae. It is mid that Gomes and Garcia bara tba enthusiasm capable of striking an affeobT* blow once they hare anas in band, end that tb* only reason for their present tnaettoo la their failure to bar* adequate -""'Un*!'"" for a strong for ward movement cn tb* Hpenleh forces. Becent oonfsrenoes between tba Cuban military ofleen here and General Kile* leave little doubt that tba war depart ment will equip the Caban forces. A decision on the mnva has sot yet beau made, but it la likely to follow a* soon as tha war department feel* that It is resdyto place adequate snnphe* of arms and smmamincc in tb* hands of tb* Cuban*. To Imt Georgia Troop*. iTunx, April M.—Geptaiu Oicar X Brown, anting adjutant general of the state, and Colonel A. R Inwtoo. otn mendar of tfaa That regiment of infan* try at Savannah 0*~, will own rand tha Georgia volantoan In the invasion at Gets. Thi* was decided apon at a masting of tfaa goveracw and regimental com tanadars In war eonnetl yesterday can aim cmirre asm. Loaoo*, April M-—The dbmiaml at tfaa United States squadron from Hong Kong and tfaa apparent eeverity at tfae British Sorerninent in regard to the United States torpedo boat Soman, at Falmouth, tfaa Associated Pram hears, wars incidents meaning*1* by Amati ena and Brilteh diplomacy, their real object being to force the Portngmss foe eminent to order the Opaalsh fleet to leave tha Chpe Vordc Island* and to prevent other imtfams at a critical mo> maul from ottering MrnUer hospitality. npaalU. riaet May Bett. Mi term, April *9—Tha PWta today aanoonoad that tha Spneleb admiral la command at tha fleet at »*• Tlaoeot, Gape Tarda ■-‘milr bee cabled to tha ■aeeramaat that when the United Btetas fleet U before Havana fale place i» not at tfae Oape Tarda island*, addbteg that he ' wtmld mil against the American squad tea in the —rnfaia order or ne order. The-r - is Tted Up. Tustng, April Ml—Tfae United States torpedo boat Bam ere has bean notified, to vtow of neutmhty meatmen that aha meat not team Ode hjgNMA tnrpsda hm WIlUaamTt HnagJthag. Ho*a-Kona, April td -Th* Manama *■■1**1. with tfaa United States den ial Si Mm.ni. Hr o r. Wlllteaaa, am iS««»»m4 hem teoat the capital at the PfaOtppta. island.. ■tease Vary CeitM"' Havana. April PA—Captain General Maneo ha* aahted Madrid that fa* can drips* H*v%a* wit boat Spanteh war Great Mvi< a i ■ It eatsal. Lcnom, April M.-A mfhl tern ciaardsgiaay “ KONBIS FROMSPAIII’S NAYY Flying Squadron Ia Kssplng Close Watch on tha Capa Varda Fleet. LATTER MUST SOON LEAVE Vtolatiea or Neutrality Uwi tu Ir main Hack Imager at St. Via. mat—Our Warships te At. tari Manilla at Once. Nsw Yoke. April M_Ik iptla at peril .lent rumor*, them haa beau no lnipcnaac uonuMutat Spanish nan! reatel* *uice the beginning of the war. Tho flret squadron lemain* at St. Vla: eent. Gape Verde island; the second squadron to balloted to be (till at Cadis, and the torpedo boat Temerario has not toft the Hi vox Platte. The United State* North Atlantic squadron continue* to blockade Ontn and will probably be reinforced by the dynamite cruiser Vesuvius. which lelt Newport yesterday. Tha flying squad ron remains at Hampton Hoad* watch ing the Spanish float at St Vincent. The cruisers Minneapolis and Colombia of the flying aquadroa reached N„\r England yesterday, lhs Columbia ar rived at Newport and the Ulnuoapoi.t to off tho Massachusetts ooast. These feat erntosm axe supposed to bs waiting to meet the new cruiser Topeka and Urn auxiliary cruiser Parts, how ounmto from England to New Turk. Tbs cruiser New Orison a has finished coaling at the Brooklyn navyyanl end to expected to tall today to join tbs Minnas poll* and Columbia off tha New England ooast. Tbs San Francisco to naarly ready for me and will mil to morrow or Thursday, probably ia tbs path at the New Orleans. Tbs next movement of the flying squadron, now split into two ssnrfrsn will depend a pan tho tret Caps Voids Cnanish fleet which will be compelled to leave Bi. Vincent in auourdanoe with the neutrality law. Tha Baited State* lqe.tr**, driven fe«m Haag-Knag by tha aentralMy pe*l*n*fl«a. to at Eton, China, bo A*I. and is believed *o he abset be at bank bk—r»l Tfce battleship Oregon and the gun boat Marietta, oomlag north along th* Booth Asuriau omit, in in no dmnr whatever. It is reported that Spain has leaned n submarine vassal. which will be Bead as n mine destroyer. Th* vessel. H to said. is of th* typ* invented by Count Pood and built In Piano*. It u also reported that th* vessel will bs eeut to Amarican watsra MORE PRIZES^ARE LANDED. Three Bpanlth Sklpe Captured by the American Fleet. Kxt West. April *8.—Tie Bpanieh ateamahip Panama of the OebnUua line, which left New York on April to tat Havana, with a asm bar of Bpanieh ref ugees on board and n vary valuable cargo, including, it la understood, stores for the Spanish army, was captured last evening about 20 mile* from Havana by the little lighthouse tender Mangrove, now belonging to the muequito fleet The Mangrove mounts two flpoundsn and four rerolveca She la ooaamanded by Lieutenant Oomraander W. H. Eve rett mud has a'crew of It men. The United States gunboat Newport hat brought in two prises, a sloop and n schooner. _ TEAT CALL FOR TROOPS PimmiUtw Ulvrn tlie OovrrBon of the Various Mstn by Iko Ksewl Proclamation Issued by tbs Prrvldsnt. ■WADinoTO*, April M.—Sorno dLffsr enoe of opinion uliti among the war department officials as to the precise ! ■tape which shall be takad to recruit ter I the volunteer army called lato service | by the president. Although the telegrams sent by the depart re snt yesterday to tbs governors of the various states were entirely those of Inquiry, the Inference is drawn that the governors ars given certain preroga tive in the work of raising the votaauer army. This is oonihaltsd by some of the law officers at the war department who hold that the set as pasted does sot admit of such interpretation. Major J. K. Morrison, assistant to the judge ad vocate of tbs army nod a high authority cn military law. in ooovarvatloa with a represents tire of the Associated Press, rapesraed his views on this subject, which, however, be said, wore entirely unofficial and personal. He says there it no provision In ths volantesr army act far any state or the governor or other officer thenxrf to en list any of the men of either the ragohtr or volunteer branch of the army or tar them to have anything to do with the raising of either branch, aseapt the governors are to appoint oertain desig nated officers of the volnateer branch. The enlisted men are obtained in the name way fat both bmnehoa. that is, by voluntary oca tracts of enlistment di rectly to the United States. The gov ernors bare no more authority, ha says, to rains the volantesr branch than to raise the regular branches, and It is not likely that one of theta has a single dol lar in the slate treasury that can law fully ha aaad for taking tether branch. There in nothing tat the set that can he construed to provide that any rtate ormrrimtinn thmll b» tnaifimd mm • I Main organisation into the Uuited States rat tide '■mataated ta,” as the state volunteer ornaalsatloui of INI to IMS were—and If the military officers ere act appointed ae volunteer officers, or if they am appointed end do not nooepl JjmMgolntaMats, they will remain mb Bag If they art appointed and do aw rapt the appointment they will probe hly have toamign as mUUmtffioara. If they do sot resign they will sinpiy hold two offioae—otae la the state militia and W la the United States voinsteer army. The lot sseomaa that the stem bars of the state nsllkta organisations win eaiist In the volantesr army, hot does not provide fear them to do ee. that la, it does not require tbee> to do no. Any w alto Is as clearly eligible to sa Itat as they are. It might be, mid Major Morrison. Mat anises snassthiug la duns by their seep active governors to prevent K tbs ■lam ea wlfl lad that their ^obllykris tflKMjEKfll Stomesa sec hw 1 Tirmi Trprswes * On. THE FIGHT IS NOW ON —AND— WeareRight In the Swim. White Lawns and Dimitys from tie up. A big lot 1 and 5 cent Calico going at 3 cents. Black and Solid color Calicoes, worth 5 cents, now going at 3 cents. Regular 5 cent Dress Cinghams, we say 3 wilts. 5 cents Dress Cambrics to go for 3 cts. 10 cent Figured Dress Lawns while they last, 7 cents. 8 cents Figured Dress Lawns now 5c. Real nice Embroidered Ladles lland • kerchiefs IO cents. Children’s Handkerchiefs, 1 cent. Boys Waists a nice one for IO cents. Boys Knee Pants a dandy for IO cents We are headquarters for Big Values and Originators of Low Prices in Castonla. Cali for wliat yon want and let us show' you. THE NEW YORK RACKET. WHICH DO YOU WANT? In an ordinary de- 7 partnient store the resi>onslI>llit.y ENDS w hen a bicycle is sold; but In a bicycle store j the responsibility BEGINS at that point. There may be other claims, bnt claims are not facts. Now ours Is a BICYCLE STORE. and no one who ever purchased a wheel of us has had to jfo elsewhere, for satis faction. Nothing is easier to talk about than “Gl AKA NTEE," but it means some th In k here. TORRENCE BROTHERS. P. S. We sell CRESCENTS—and others. There -p. No Let Up In our sales of CLOTHING and SHOES; and we may seem to be “set in our way," which is putting it mildly, very mildly. We are indeed set in our way, and are de termined to still increase our sales, by ap plying the same effectual methods to our Dress Goods, Notions and White Goods that prevails in our Clothing and Shoe depart ments. We rarely ever print our prices, but from this date, and as they arrive, will name prices across our counters, on ail goods in the various lines we carry, that will insure your hearty co-operation. MORRIS BROTHERS. Ti:\ CAR LOADS. 1 of Old Hickory Wajroim. 2 of Bungles and Surreys. 1 of MuIch. I of Horses. 5 of OuanoS, best grades lO—nil for sale For ('asli or on Time with approved paper URAIG AND WILSON’S, Qahtowia, N, c. ...too lateH/00” PAINT yo«r wire screen door* and window* before it i* i~> lm to prevent from rntt. Otir GREEN BNAMEL will make them a* good aa new, and it U easily applied wi. also have enamel painta in delicate tinta for ••Horn Decoration '' STOP— and aee a few sample* erf boa papers and tablets in window. We are leader* in the stationery lfoe Br PRESCRIPTIONS. y Bring na yooT preacriptiona and have them filled if « a^djrWb, **-. ■nr « «d t» ^ I c niptfv n CO. ^ -----—

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