Off H | U4* from Bultioor* to WtthiDftoa. I pi I ,'*■2 ___ ___ g&£ss^%£ss£ ■ff. *.n“^£r Sj^SSt,*lSrtQUII.eot2*,^t,o? “Ha wield pi^Mm a crowd of b o w Wal laea b ad to tad to ire WJ, 000 Propoaaf1 to JjraaamU7 na^a by ScB H : , **Taai m m* better*.’ Brown waa •wfwttoa ipart^oC^eawBM^aaoa* waojd rota away u»a poblte foods tor tta farttaraaea ofaoeb a chimerical Jfcaym, tat the mIImhii la tarn bo ***W Ait lib it l tarn told the t-rothor not,sod 1st Urn exolaii bla “WaUnea, of coarse, admitted that ta tad ratal away the mooay.aadbe triad to axpiaic what Moraa orepoead to da; bat It waa all In rain. Hlaooa ^■^tajaada ep ttaii minds ttaa be ttawdaao anowad^maSISt ta?UJUt?m*tta tSto^b**.^ Btaad as an lmpoctant factor iadri ptatotbrtdliwirtwboUSu Uuak^a woe a foot and that be dmamd dadaat. 1 • //(J —i bom Gaston tells ns of the war talk la having la . . —--J’ B baa ash It lmpoari* Ma Cor feraaete to get any fentlimr wlsa they have the money to pay down* Festttav dealers will not ran then*echoing able to ooUoot their aotenUtbe FaU. Another sOeot is jhajngsMedaeted^Mttvtty inautrl get oat that Govesoar uSaeell had said 'that be weald leave at least one mao at boats to eaeh family. Consequently nd lmMtidaaUy. sxpecTui njTcnS •nto snrty Tte*o»jr. .J&swgJt'ttSg st&«ssissrM“"“k At swab Un» they an th* oisemt damn t* tha llae. Md Uaah aad Jeer other* who meTettoSpi w «W« a»y paltttoal qomtloe with A few aeaatha aga tbet* was star rUfe author** against - .-ported speech o( Senator Badary wbMhha made at Ttfi^T Mount Thamacb has brea *o much dts •aaaed that it la porfeetly feailtor to OM* 8aaa»ar Bettor's eooetaat ehaae of ] the Democrats at Utla State except Mm^eteetlea time, to very wall. Tat a Democrat la Utla State re Seatvaa a Vetter ftom W. J. Bryan say ut effect, that Marios Bettortoil * Ibel Ito—crate should not At oaea the Democrats for office ell •ey: “Bettor Is for eo-oooraUoa; bo wUI tend bla force* la to tbe Demo craUe leaks, aad wo will tboa beat that bad man. Unseal], sod bla eelorod teBowma. nad white supremacy wUI prevail v9 Horn to tha aaao oMetery, eoaffUag a»lp Merton Bettor, beoauae ha any help ue Mt aa offioo. Aro roapei teble Democrats goiog to *• .•••**“»* *» folio- Batter’s toed agaiar Ie Butler to he allowed to dl wot Democratic oouoeoto la North Oaioltna, la order to assist aad farther ble owe private political sebomoa • Aad witt tbo Demoentie party bo again deceived Into thinHag that Marioa Bettor to aay otbar Batter than Uie o«a who baa fooled Democrats for the past tear years T Tha would-be office-getters may eaaggto up to Merino Batter, bat the peopfe, the voters, ars not going to far (at that Butter Is the eodarmr aad ehempion of BuasaUem la North Caro lias. *o boaast el titan can or will forget Ui Li, baa'* Review. War la do longer to ba avoided, and temloea* la aamawhat contracted by haakara’ appretmnaloaa. It la hardly *• baaagpoaad that aeventy-three mll lloaa of American* will waal Mm food, mm ahoM or Mm elothlag bocauw of war. With gold arriving, 10.571,000 dor tag Uw part wank, and *5,338450 or darad, making ffl5.708.35O ordered to data from Europe aod Auatralla alone the moatoMot aeemi clear that the eocraaona oommerclaJ balance agalaat other eonatrlaa liee bean hat little reduced by Uw aoM ot American aeeorlttea on foreign aeoount, about 46,000 ahaiea net having barn told dor Dm ««ik. ^The Faria Exabaaga. baring to faoe a tall from 60 to iloentaou Spanish boada largely bald then, baa baao In a auto of eaml-ponte and Inollaed to realiae on all American eecaritiea, bot a eorprinUg power of abaorptloo baa bee* developed bare and atocka bar# fallen d Bring thla weak af extrema da lamaioo only about U.17 par abara for rallroada aad 11.08 par abara for Traata. MUW Weileeaew'i aillnaUw. laluWvige CourWr-Jouraal. Tint, Cuba meat ba free. Second, bpaln meat aaawar, aod aaawar to oa, for bar treachery aad Inhumanity. Third, tba world mutt ba Uoglit to know that the United SUtea of A mar ina Ua natkm, with tbo biggeat kind offt capital S. It theae three por poom be realised the war will ba worth all It oa, no matter what U ooou. _ UaMah Xawta Itarm. An American aallor wblpiwd two dpaslarda in Xaw York tba othar day far Hying tba* tbeMatne’a doatruotloo ame dua to oareliaeneaa. “Coming «ut their abadow before." [ThoaaOor did aaangMll aeoig what the army aod oaey wtU do by whole aala. Journal. Xnta bow tea lady bull flghtoro. saa&srn.rpi: Bps: aar Batwaii. It Ula thing keopo up woohall ultioaulr kayo lady tvary tMag aaaapi My woaaaa. Tbarataaaaaa »u goringfrom thta dcaadfa) malady, it you will oaly gat tba right rornJy. Yaw ata haring Mia all through your body, your Wear ■ out Ct ordar. hart ao aypatlta. a* lifts or atDbiUaa, ham abadotM. ia iaa* an oomptouir oaadup. K tact no bitten la tba oaiy ro>oudy that wilt (lea you prompt and aaro rvliar. Thay aat dlraatly oa your Liror, MtoaMab aad Bdatyi, taaa up tba wbola oyatan aab aata you tool Itkaaaew baiag. Thay an gaaraalaod to aaro or prtaa rofuadad. toradr atJ. K. Curry* Co ^ Drug dtom. oaly W eauta par Thu HlOtharu boot lot Coarmtlati la to moot la VarfatkMay 4th- 19th. tumm from Virginia aad North Oero Una to la Washington to mint Wotato the proponed laomeee of too tax on tobaooo from 6 oaato to 1ft owta P«r poood my Thnrtday** Charlotte Jfcna. They had a loog Interview with the oommhctooer of launal roeeana. ThtooOdal. after haariag toe arga manta of tha mnafidonra nU ha woo la Ibroc aC an Ineroam from ft to ft oanto par ponad, Inataadof tbatpco poard by Cbairmaa Diagtoy to IS Mato S jwood. D was developed at tha into* that than to a proponed pro ton to apply tha loaiaaaa to all a a Wokoa paatagot. Tha maaufkctur an iuatot that the loonaaad tax ahaold only ha Impoaad on tobaooo open which too tax (no not bom paid prior to too nacmgc of too MU. Tbo Bidimond Ptapatah eorraapoad oot eaye too Virginia aad North (too ima maafaotocon an ongomd to any laeraaaa of tha tax. It to wttaaM that too la imam of ft oanto por poood on tobaooo, with too proposed looroaao °° algara aad eigerattea. wiU yield about gift. 000.000 of reecooa par ta na. Mr. Swmioq amuM Uj# oiaiitao* tutor* that bo would look opeetoUy after tobaooo when tbo prop lord bin cornea up. aad loatat that toe treed •ball bo property treated, aad not die orimlaatcd against. Colonel Juan ft. Carr, of Durban*, N. U. who In ana of tha moat promt aant manutaetarore In ton aooto tan *rrtr*d end appeared with tea Pelage tha from Virginia and North Caroli na before th* ways and nmna mom ■Utah _ Kawton hlima,. Tha aong of the whippoorwill la aow board at eight aod tea dogwood iron am la bloom. Tbaao am pratty turn' algna that do more cold weather need be expected._ A r»lrt or Vow. Askar lls nun. The Supreme court has dec Mud that a sheriff'e tax deed without a aaal is ▼old. This mt result la saving some body’s property. The King’s Mountain Reformer of last wash saw: Kpbrala Holland, as Industrious bteekaottb, who hvad he tvMQ BtiMocr and GaitooU, d)0d suddenly last Thuradty sight from heart trouble, Ha laavm a busily to mourn hla death. Senator Xdwmrd U. Walthall, of Mississippi, died at hla apart sum U in Washington Thursday. Hla death was not unexpected, the sad having been foreseen for ueveral days. Hash tor Walthall’s lHossa dated from Jan uary last, whan ba ooatracted a cold. Id February ha suffered horn an at tack of bUMas fever, sod from Lb l* he oarer recovered. The Salisbury Watchman, which baa been suspended for soese weeks, has agala started up under new manage ment with Mr. F. J. Bead as editor. nTarar sszrSh Ks?in5vss ssssar _Vaoer Toesasoe A Oo. The Raleigh Pott aptly remarks that “if Butler thinks the Democrats will anchor their ship ovar hla fusloo mine, after they bare assn him plaea It ha will find himself mistaken.” Thoumed* of md reatontiiilMallhl it gallfly iwm When Unola Samuel Invades Cuba, with bread in one band sod tbs sword la the other, the gap lug world will be afforded a spectacle never before pre sented—St. Louis Republic. North Carolina Mtu) said in Haw York last week at R.00 to td.00 par barrel. Peas at $1.50 to $1.75 par bas ket. Starwberries 10 to 18 cants per quart, so says tks WOmtagtoo Star. Tbs f» sad Me Morels Mtjn euwsoJ rrufaas. ftoWKfs i ihs ear lUnsto SsseouS—.sodneweM knows cere Cor ^ Rev. W. B. Owaltnsy, who for nr •rat years baa been pastor of Wake Forest church baa been called to the pant orate of the Baptist church at Hiokety, and win begin work than the Brut of May._ The colored people at Kiefs Moun tain, so the Btformtr ears, era poab inf their new Method Ut ohurah to earn pieties la Ibis plaee. They will leer awty their oM bouse nod pot tho bow ooo on Um tome spat. The Park ■snk'of Hew fork has soot word to the President that It wet seats, and the OoeoraaOdt erode •oney nod iesoea beads. It will under take to pat those beads smooc the people, wtthoot eey cbsrgn for toes l -Ira “Rust/’ the dread of the cotton grower, can be prevented Trials at Experiment Stations and the experience of leading growers prove positively that Kainit is the only remedy. WlwObl |M to Mod, Aw at chatft, latarwthac and w«AI pamphlet! which treat at tba mat ter In detail. G KB MAX KALI WOBIU. aHaaahJtw hd. Professional Cards. ROB’T. L DURHAM, -LAWTXK GASTONIA, - y. p. Dr. D. E. McConnell, —VMltTtST— O0N Upstairs to Y.M.O.A. Bottdloc GASTONIA. • . - N. C. W. H. HOFFMAN, —j •JunOKtA. ft WOBM otar Fin* National Book. A « JU^CRV, —^rrosjrjr-jir.uir— *. c. Will praettea in tba ooorU of Oaatoo and adioinlaf oouatiaa aad latka Fadaral Ooarta. J. A.HUSS&SON. \ LIMB, t CEMENT, [ SHINGLES, \ LATHES, [ FRAMING LUMBER. [hay. CORN, [bran, [seed oats. < ! FEED OATS. 1 Field Reas bought and 1 ► ! : *ow. | Call on ns, | jj. A. HUSS 4 SON.: ► i Palls Building, * ' Gastonia. N. C. | —Karl St Wilson’s— IMPROVED ORATE BAR. Mods In sections, which us Intsr ohaageabls on supporting bar. Won section can ha lifted oat and a now sos pot la without drawing poor flroa. Ttate sad moony saead. Good results galaad. Pries, 4 scats pro pound. Commission mlmm" wonted, orders hors prompt attention. Address, EakL St WlLSOJT, Oastokia, m. tt ill StMl VHKL VIM TIRES. LOIS SERVICE. A*jr vWtk ot Uf* MJ Mfti tf vbMi. Cm MU 7M • •MM *r Mfl)M WfcMh 10 at th* •MM j*q b*v«. __Jai U Bamka, MMt. SWAN’S DOWN. The name of a flour that gives perfect satisfaction. Give It a trial and you trill never • use aay other. Have you seen our gold-decorated queens-ware Come and get your choice set before it is gone. I shall be pleased to serve you. JOHN C. MOORE. MEAT MARKET. By Mutual umaut. tba busi mm of the Bra of Davis aad Buffalos averts to os. aad I will conduct asses at tbs aeoe stand. While Mr. Buffalos will still work with as. I solicit your petrosa** and proa lac you tbs rnwbsst paste aod tba bast satisfaction. Call oo aaa for anything la ay line. Good beet cattle wanted. _W. y, davib. GASTONIA “BAORT A. K. Loftin, Prop. Always ready to lilt orders for bread, pies, sad cakes, for local or neighbor log trade. KBTAIL DEPARTMENT at tba Glenn Building opposite public well. Mlaa Mattie Glenn is la charge, aod will be phased to serve ber friends aod the public. CALL oo tbs Gastooia Bakery for anything yon want la its lias. Phone 88. groceries; Complete line of heavy aad tansy Groceries at Beard's. Fresh sad aloe aod at lowest prices. Dome articles oa which i era overstocked go at the following prloae : Gold Duct, 4 oeste per package Good Bsklog Powder at 4 and 8c. Bottled Pleklse. 8.14, aad S eaots. Halos’* barrel Sour Pickles at B c*nu per dosso. Sweat Pickles @ 7| east* par quart Good Brooms from 8 to 83 oaata. Lot of Quinine at IS cants; you pay *5 osnta at drug atom. Kstrsot Lemon, Clnosmos. aad other drags at prices chat will sur ShiTaad an at stand of IJ. B. BEARD. Market and Restaurant. Speetal day for fraab meat* at Thompson's market la every day Id Lb* weak. Let ua serve you oooe and we ballare you will order again and again. First-Class Restaurant neatly and attractively OUad up oo mood Soar. Qood aqoare meek titoely aaryed, M oaote. Quiet root**, good order, eocufortabl* aurround ings. Ladles are among ourboat M. A. THOMPSON. NATURALLY SO. If you want a l*1aao at all, you want 11he BIST, aod at a right price. Tb* laeUntBaata, thaw, are tb* STBFg PIANOS ConOaded to by Utotmaada who bay# aaad I ham tha world otot. irtmtu aMiM. itini ana airMiiia nwwhr*Mt. TwaMItall. arttbe an, t >, Liberty Otrrer. Wtibirntee, Ml nth at. H. w. Bertel*. Ti,ta Mae atreet. CbartHe. W. Q.M, a. Tyree BT GASTON INSTITUTE. Qarrotna, V. C. J. P. ud l I. KBQ>, PrlaodpilA. G redid dayartmala from Primary ay. yaapatlag far aoittf* or yraaUaal Ufa. Oemmaraial Department oondoeird by Prof. J. A. Bioar. Mwatoal Department aadar Prof. A A. WaM. for yarthmlar taformatloa, addrma tha yriaoipaH Granite Monuments.——^ I Manufacture Them and am Ahead of all Competition. Since I turned out tny first monument of this kind and commenced finishing with my fine machine. I have put up in Gaston is cemetery every granite monument that has been erected there. ! Am now at work on a family mouument for Mr. G. A. Gray. i Correspondence solicited. Estimates furnished on ap plication. W. M. WHITE, Gastonia, 2V. C. -^—COFFEE The King of the Breakfast Table, like an egg 1b acceptable only when fresh and good. Our Coffee Department re ceives special attention and wo can please yon. EDGAR LOVE & Co. L- I* iV^dut. J. D. Moo ax, Oo*fcr. First National Bank, OF GASTONIA, N. C. State and County Depository. COMMENCED BUSINESS AUGUST 9. 1SOO. Capital iloca, .... $60,000.00 Surpiui, ...... 8,760.00 Dividend* paid elttea organ I cation, J8.000.00 DIRBCTOBS. I*. L. Jrakliia, T. C. Pagram, J. D. Moora. T. W. Wtbon. P. Dllllng. •oMotto aooountaof Individual*. Firm*, and Corporation*. Intaroat pal' on ttma dapoatt*. Quarantaa* to patron* ovary aooommodatlon cooalf tont with oonaarvattva banlclna. Order •fPnbltaulti. RDBTH CAMOURA.1 In tbebwparlcr Uwt. ' Huron Oocktt ) Man the Clark. Jaaob Knar. Adrclotatrwtor ram) (Mr lortuMOto AflDUO. of Ua ^ V of tmf of IMflUlM^ Dop'd.) KuhOfiPUon. Moaaa tiT^loai at al. It appaarlnp fretn Ur* tMark of Jacob Kiaaria tMB aatton that Myaaa *. Hlnea, Jobo >. Nioca ao< J. If. A-tarbaUt. dafaadaata. ata an to bo foaaa la Haakon ooonty and oaaoot by dao diltpanca ba toond wttbla tba mate; and It appaaklnp that they ara prooar and tiaaaa. •ary parti— to talk ac&oo whtob la a rpaoMJ procaadtan lor ao aaaouwtlan for adranaa teoate taada by Dental R. Hi ora. tnld dafand aata wba ara Me obtldrao and arm of kbi and tor dtatrlbutloa of a fund la Dtaloiwri band at kdMlaidrami tf aald Daniel a. Blare. It la ibaawfere ordkiad that node* or thta eouon ba poMMed orroa a weak tor at wraka loth* OeetoaM Omnia atwapaf tr pu blub ad In aald eoualp arulop force tba lltla of tba aatioo and tba par pear of tba earn# and raqo Irina •aid defendants to appear at tba odn of tba Oaek of the M parlor Coart to Dallaa lo add ooontr 00 tbr tod day of May. IM, and *0 awar tba p ran on tbaaabt Mad or tlr rwMar tbaratn daiaandid will bw prantad. o. u. Hint Tbra mb day of Man*. IMa. Iprtyage Rale. By rlrto* of a mortpapa dead rzacuiad to m* by Mu tank HtnUh and duly recorded In (loot ll pur Its to I ba oMa* or 0>a Pasteur of Dead! la nano a cooaty. N. C.. I will, on laiaiday. tba l«Cb day *r May. uaa, at 1 o'clock r. 00. aail nt pabile auartoo al tba emri im* door m Dallaa. Ji. 0, to tb« Mnk* tor caab on* houdo. and leade ■t jan itmoca S M poMa Lu a itfoMi diataT I* poiaato tho baptoaiap, aontelaiap our acre PMmXo ^ Ik Hi|k SkMh Lud (or Print* Site. Oror nr* Tkaaaaai Apron of tba Ripb sea "gmi Tbaaa land* ara weSlcaalad and Ana ooccott and baa aapa of Carta and will abow tb*B and Atfalitslrator's Soke. Ictutl cMt leu IkM ||.I| * (tltM, HROftT TORRRMOE * CO. Qiwomt, K. 0„ »>!.■ ffli mam iook or m mi ^•cU b* bi iMf 1mm ud linif. \ TASTELESS CHILL TONIC IS JUST AS OOOD POM ADULTS. WARRAMTCD. MMCISOots. ».a.aa. ▲11 drucftaU luuutM Grovw Tul«lm Chill Toole to oor» eblU* »od frrora ud nil formi of niUrla. C1B0LI1A ft I0ITB1 ESTERMFt. wmvu Ain Minorim is WMot nnvm n» i» li. w. r. HARPSR, PrwWont. Oemtrml Tima MaiMlar*. M ortfiragre LandflSaTe. AftmUHsirsioriUbUer.

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