- — — = —I ■ ■■■ __ The Gastonia _ • OgTotod to Uto Protection Ol Homo «ad tba IntnrMta *1 tU Cowaty. Vol. XIX._{^TuT^yyr^r.}_Gastonia, N. C„ May 12, 1898, AFTER THE_WAR IS OVER. •rrMivimn rwa lauttAd U CUBA. V»li*»M« Iw* Will kt CkMM»< ri~>— Malw rww fintorn. Be pur rueNlli— «l u« Hj«rB «»M tk»«m kr haul limiw Fannie Dl WarO la rhlMelpkla Bnonl. I bar* nronlred • good bio; letter* of lets, asking about builneae oppor. tun I ties la Cutis, sad tbs prospect* la Cabs, sad the prospect* there will tie for profitable Inveetmeut of Ameri can capital when the war I* over. Speculators bare already turned their eye* that way, with direr* schemes la rlew. I bare been particularly looking ■p the cbaooes for the average Ameri can who la not over burned with cash and does not expect to mi idly by and get rich la a season, bat I* willing to do a reasonable amount of work for fair retains. When lha wer ends— as of course It must end—in the indepeud eoce of Cuba, the oaw republic will bare to begin at the bottom, rcouoml call* aa well aa politically. The is land Is so largely agricultural that It* futon prosperity, at least fur some generation* to aoma, depend* a pun the rural districts. Beyond a few tobacco factories there hare oarer been any manufactories of eeoouet In Calm, and tba wasted tiaeoae of Industrial life can only draw now blood from the soil. TDoee woo were acquainted with the Queen of Amulet la her fuldea days of prodigal prosperity would hardly re cognise her in those "eebitl dies. A trip through the ooautry reveal* un exampled desolation, burned Bald* and orchards, ruined bouses sod sugar mills and often hungry people. Loot month 1 mad* a railway Journey from Havana SCO mile* toward the Interior. Ia *11 that dlatanoe I taw only two ooraBalds and not a single garden or occupied farmhouse, hold my travel tag companion, " W bat this tolaad moat needs is tombstones," and It truly looked eo. Thar* was plenty of corn •tending, thoagh smoke aud Homes could be seen in every direction. The eager eat*lea ora so vary large -ofteu 9U miles In exteat—that Brea may rags In lham Cor a long lima sod yet leave a considerable portion unharmed. This year Use coo* woe choked with weed* for lank of laborers and yielded much lose than the customsry amount of Julee; and that waa far below the usual value, being darkened by a large admixture of scorched cane. Yet U wee wall worth cutting sad grinding, whenever permission could be obtained from Maxima Gurnet, the Insurgent chief. Tim Spanish authorities readi ly gave the planters permission to grind, end guaranteed tbsm protection while doing so. This unwonted goner eroelty on the part of the mother coun try was not entirely for lb* weirs re of Cuba. HI see you, no 1 But because it helped to pay the army and provided a good place for oodtsI racing soldiers. A yery large proportion of Spain’* boy troops miccambcd to yellow fever, ty phoid, voasitlvo. etc., daring tbeir Bret, season In ths West Indies, and those who survived the acclimating process must be oared for until straogtb re turn*. Boon as released from the hos pital, they have been oeot to the plan tations. where at least they were sure of getttng something to eat. Guard duty doe* not tax them heavily, aud whea folly recuperated they can be etUited again In titedltld. Mnauwhii* the mao some tbemaelras, according to their natural bant, which la usually more pleasing to iitammlrea than to lhair unwilling entartaioers. Every page of this paper might be filled with laics of their cruel prinks, whlah have been told to me on tb* various estates X have visited nod amply verified; bat apeee forbid* the recital of hot two or three. cftcraTiai or stabuh soldi khi. On Ute Santa OerLrudls plAutatioo, about 40 ml lea beyond Cardenas, where a company of eoldleti were ‘'protect ing” Uie poop** e lad of 14 yean, ona of tbe poor reeonoentradoe quartered on tbe pUoe, waa going Joyfully to hie parents’ hut one morning, carrying a obunk of beef in a sack, which tho planters' steward had given him, Tbe eoldlara overhauled him sod demao dad to knew what was is the sack. The boy took hie heels In affright, but area speedily captured sod brought into camp. Meet waa scarce, and the sot disc* almost as hungry as the reooncen trudoa, ao they decided that the boy had stolen it. In vale be pretested and begged that the steward be seal for; be eras tied to a convenient palm tree, sod while the soldiers cooked and ate the meal, waa flosged at intervale daring the day—to make him oonfeoe, they said. Being released at nightfall, the bay tried to crawl borne, but died oa the way. Oo another plantation, whenever a new lot of reooneeatradoe were brought In the captain of the guard detained all the girls and good-looking women u> bis teat, end afterward sold them to hts soldiers, making a Jocular auction of It—tor Jack-knives, rood rations, ate., as the mao bad no money -the highest binder Using allowed 9ret oho lea. On tbe Santo Tomas plantation, lo Plear dal Rio provtoee, lived an lioo sot old colored man, a veritable"Uoole Tom,” whose only son was aapposad to bate Joined the lnsnrgsnta. Oca day whan amusements rea low. It waa do aided to ”kiu time” erHh the eld men. Hawns brought to oamp sad ordered to dlootoee tbe wbsreeboots of hie eon. This be eoald aot do, bad be eedesired, bating wo Idee where the constantly moving rebet army waa dtasted. The •oldlets Had him to a tree sad flagged him awhile, wttboai avail; ha oould got or would not talL Thee they oom oaUed him to dig hie owo grave and gnatl beside it, and Into It he fen piareed by a asere of bullets. tub raoorsur orrauiwa The piasters my that In say event .hare moat aaea be acute famine la Co r*U,nr— nobody within tbeeoneo o* products for two you* past, but every* body bei > devoted himself to rataing cro|W wbluh would bring In moat mouey, In order to burry bia family out of tbe country. Moat of them took to tobeooo planting, aa promising quicker reaulta then auger. Tbe Insurgent! cannot atop tba production of tooaoeo aa easily as they can prevent uaoe grinding, sod maybe they era leas dis posed to Interfere with It. as any Cu ban would rather forego Lie bread, and oartalnly bis anger, then cigarettes 1 aaw oo* particularly ana-looking to bacco farm, and was Informed that It belonged to the caotela of tbs Iocs! guerrillas. His plana was duly guarded by Span 1st troops, which lit got de tailed at government expanse, and he alto paid the tuiurgent* not to moloat bl* crop by jiving them one-third tbs value of it. Last winter several Ameri cans took advantage of tbe times sad mada large purchases of tobeooo lands. At present the lobaooo Industry la good for nothing principally owtag to Way lav's decree of two years ago, far bidding the rxporlstlon of Havana leaf lobaooo. Tba Insurgents rets Hated by burning faotortee and all the stored tobacco they oould lay bands oo. But the Marqnls of Teaeriffe appear* to have bean a thrifty fallow as well as • “batcher.•' Already a millionaire, be made an otbar fortune oat of bis celebrated or der, for many so-called American to bacco Arm* exported thousand* of hales ic spile of tba prohibitory decree, pre tending that it was a diplomatic trans action between Washington and Madrid Hi* real secret was that Weyler grm clous!y permitted shipments to b* mada by thus* who gave him liberal com missions. Tbe very best tobacco ralalag region in the world la Cabs’* '• Vuslta Aba Jo;" bet to-day evary plantation In It la abandoned and iu rules. After Way tar's little gams became known, the rebel* attacked It with sproisl fary and destroyed upward of four million pound* of tobacco in a few month*. It will take twenty years for this famous region tu beoome as ilonristalog as It was In Janusrv. 189#. But the laoom parable toll, climate and natural con dition* remain unimpaired by "war's wild alarm*." and thoaa who com* In wltb a little money when iwaov Is re stored may boy the beet tobacco lands vary cbsaply sod beoome Croesuses in due oourse. VAXtNO MOB BY ritov CUBA'S BUINi. Among tbe refuge* at Key West 1 mat an ax-sugar planter, who was anx ious to sell bla estate, and for a Cuban be seemed to have devolped remarkable adaption to th* ways of tbe "trading Yankee*." Hu method was to edge up to every group of meu be saw talking together aud join Id the conversation. Presently be would be beard to eay : ‘‘The toll of Cabs Is too rich: (bat's what’s the mailer with the island " Tbeo be would go ou relating wbat ruinouslv large crops ho had himself been raising, an remarkably large that they bad Invited destruction by snvlons rebels sod Spaniards. and Invariably ended by Inquiring who wanted to buy 80.000 scree of the Quest sugar lend In Cuba, worth tlO ao acre, for 30 cents the acre. To be sure bis plantation, bouse sad mills are Id rains, hot he pointed wbat profit oould be mads on the easne In the Hoe of scrap Iron sad old bricks. Up to date he has not found a purchaser. I beard one mao tell blm that be would "rather liars three messier acres of corn and pota toes In Ohio, Pennsylvania or Illinois, than the whole 30,000 of ‘Cuba's best’ under present conditions ” Homebody will do doubt be making money out of Cuba's ruined homes and mills with the next few moatha. The boilers aod machinery sod other junk of thoiumada of destroyed planta tions can ba had for almost nothing, but the market for acrap Iron must be outside of the Island. Thu brick and mortar would hardly be worth buying, but might be used on the spot In re building. Now, greenre and wild vines growing over the melancholy heaps bar* softened their harsh outlines and made them a picturesque feature of the landscape, but t hoy are not to be considered an element toward building op tbs resources of rural Cuba. In spite of the war as rural syndicates with ao eye to the future have lately pur chased Urge tracts of land. I-ast win ter a company uf New Esglandars bought 8000 sorts In the beautiful Trinidad Valley, near Santiago. They art not doing anything with It new, but any they can afford to wait far years and then real Ins heavy Interest on the money Invested. ron SMALL IirYMSTOMS. As to bueloem enterprises on a small er seal*, they as* Innumerable for men with a little moosy, and more energy. A row acre* la market gardening, with their continuous crops from an* year’s end to another, would perhaps yield tbs quietest end tartest returns for the smallest amount of capital. Clllefcen-raising, too, has always beeo a strangely neglected Industry I* Cuba. Fowl* and eggs figure ootaplooouslr every day la lb* Spanish-American menu, but nobody ou the Weed ha* aver gone Into the buelnem of supply ing the demand on a Urge 'scale, with Ineubeton sad brooders, as la lb* Un ited States. All wtatar, before tbs present setae began, egg* sold In Hav ana tt a dollar a doma. Sad poultry fifty seats a popnd and what It la now, goodnem knows, with beef at the last advice ft a pound. A man with eyes In bis bead nod the business In stinct of the average Americas will *ae even see for profitable In vast moots of money sod labor le every direction, soon as peace la restored le the Island. It eaeme a pity to tabs advantage of other peO'-le’s mlaforUsove, but maoy are Urn An* eld ease* la Havana aad other title# which will be bought for a soag- These stately peleses of Im poverished grandeur with their mat Me Boors and pillared oorrtdon, aad Inner ooorV-yard*. their fountains nod palm trees, are felrty haggles for purchas ers, owing to the Oaeaotal distress of tbeir owners. (t goes enrUetilnrly hard with the proud hidalgo** to have to mil tbeir property to tbe hated Yankee*, who are looked upon aa a horde of greedy shop-keeper*. Aa If any nation under the eon oontd be more greedy for gain than 8pain baa shown hereolf alone tbe earliest days of tbe Oocuiutet ! Every where In Spanish-A merles yon hears deal about the Invincible valor of aod the sordid character or the sea. Their literature tails as that Spanish patriotism Is unconquer able, white North Americana love dol lars more thau oouutry. and that when the latter task to ~u>addie" la tbs ef fairs of (Juba. Illustrious Spain will teach them a lesson In International manners. A pamphlet, widely distributed In Havana not long ago, famished riab reading to tbs taw Ameriaani who re mained in tbs city. It says that In the event of the aforesaid '‘meddling" all Europe would rush to tbe rescue of Spam, --whose ever-glorlous history constitutes the grandest page In tin ■cnals of the world." It reminds tbe money-graspiug Yankees that, when 11 comrs to war. valor Is a necessary element, and that they must not think they can light Spam’s heroic soldiers with dollars alone. Thao tea little book goes ou to give tbs daoouaaanl. It describee tba In r as Ion of Cuba by Assmkaa troops: reooante battle after battle In which tba immense superior ity of American numbers is always overcome by the "iuvlnolMa valor of oar Illustrious army.” Aod Anally, af ter an unbroken chain of military triumphs—for Spelo—extending over a aeries of months, and culminating In a stunning defeat for tbe United States, the Yankees humbly sue for peace, pay Spain n heavy Indemnity and withdraw froen tba Island, with many apologias, having learned that Spate U uucou quentble by reason or tea superb valor of bar sons. Tbe Cam* ml War. Cltvlaue Observer. The ooat of modern warfare li ap palling to contemplate. A law eat I mate on the ooet of oonair notion ot a Rretelaaa modern war vassals la *4,000,. 000. Ttte equipment plies op the ex P*°*e. A 14-lnoli guu, mounted on tbe deck and read/ for action, repre •enla a ooat of 100,000. The maxi, mum u umber of Uua as oh a gun mar be Sied la HO; tbe minimum 90. After It has epoken Ite terrible-r- of death for eay tbe maximum number of tlmea. It heoomee ot use only aa old eteel. The etralu and wear and tear render It virtually oaeieea after •ervioe. Tbe ooat in wear and tear lu Bring auch a run La *1,000 for every discharge. Tbe powder and eteel pointed irojeetlle, for each discharge, represents a further east of $1,900, so that every time tbe gnn la Brad It rep ream vs a coat to the oetlou'a tax-pay* eta of oearly 92.900. Evict war vaaaal is (quipped with torpedo tubes and torpedoes. One tor pedo, exploded by ooocuaslon, will blow op the greatest battleship in any navy. A single torpedo costa 69,900. The boilers on our Brat-dess 'war ships. such aa the Baashtp New York, of the Worth Atleotlo sqeedron, or the Iowa or the Indiana, furniab 90,000 horse-power. The horse-power of all 1® Charlotte is only about 4,300. The 20,000 bane-power ef tbe New j ork or tbe Iowa would run every manufacturing esUbitahmeot ot all tha oltlaa and tosrae on the line of the Southern Kali war between Char lotte and Danville, Including these two oltlee. Spain, having poor credit or nope, the war will ooat her three tlmea what it does the United States, sad Unde Sam will oonslder that he does well If lie cornea out on 91,000.000,000 a year. Edward F. Oami In Borneo Qlotw. “rs.’b^aXr' And the Main* kaa bran rain bared _ln the goad, o«Mor and tea mat, Bu'O**' Mt the clutcbaa or the Ikpt ar the #M t'n bow pewoy meehil the Bpaolanl _ 'fertaontar wine the liar I ^S^etTriSES1^ Ae he termed we ahipa ror battle a£? Tba depot, freight warabouM and (airgraph offloo of the Seaboard Air I Jo* at Frank Union arm burned laat Thursday. The toee la completa. Many old aoldlere now feel tba tfeeu of the bard tatrioa thay en dured darloc the war. Mr. Oeo. 8. Aadaruoo, of Bourrllle, Vork county. Paua.. who aaw the liardaut kind of aarrloa at Urn front, la now freqxnt ly troubled with rtoeuaatlnm ''J bad a eevecn attack lately, ha aaya, "and prooured a bottle of Cliaoiberlalu’a Pain Balno. It did bo moth good that I woald Ilka lo know what you would obaraa ax for oaa dotea hottW" Mr. Andoreoa warned It both for hb owa aoa and to auppfy It to bU frloads ! OOd neighbors, a* every family thouM bore • battle of It lo ttalr homo. not oaly for rtaramallagi. bat lama book, eprslaa, • wall logs, note, hralare tad boras, for wblob it Is aasqaaHad. For tala by J. X. Carry A Co. Bar Mma imam to am Be plea lea, toWiUd Pram to Charlotte Olaat n Homo Kobo. May 8-Among naval men, military non and civilise*. Ua ropmai and oatlvaa bote, to-day. there ia only on* subject of dleeoealoo. tbe brilliant, daablng, annihilating victory •f the American fleet, under Comma don Dewey, over tbe Span Mb fleet, eommaaded by AdmirslMontrjo, in Manila Bay, ou Sunday Met. Owlog to tbe fact that tbe cable betweeo tbit pott and tbe Philippine Xaland* wee not la working order, having beau eat It M raid, some dietetics from tbe eept tel of tbe Islands, there bee bean delay in obtain lug a detailed aoooant of tbe battle, and facte in tbe com were only available when tbe Dotted States fm boat Hugh MoCullocb arrived yester day, end area then tbe uemsodoat pressure ef buelneee tuddeoly thrown upon the cable company airneeirilj mads tbe earlier eooouoU of tbe en gagement aomewbet brief. Commodore Dewey's orders ware to capture or destroy tho Hpeulah fleet, and never were instructions executed lo eo complete a fashion. At tbe and of aaveo ho on there was absolutely nothing left ef tbe BpaaMb fleet bat a few relies. Tbe A car risen commander bed moat •kllfolly arranged every detail of tbe aotioo. and even tbe appeieotly moat loeifolfloant features were carried out with perfect punctuality, wad in rail road time-table order. At tbe end of the action Commodore Dawny no shored his fleet lo tbe bey, before Ma nila, sod cent s message to Governor General Aegunl. announcing tbe In au go ration of tbe blockade, and add ing Uut if a shot was tired against hM ablpa. be would destroy every battery about Manila. XBaposiuou occupied by UM dpan tsrda, tlm support which tbelrsblps rr aslvsd from tbs land batteries, sod tlx big guns lbay bad ashore gars them so enormous advantage. Therefor*, wbeo It is considered Unit the (Spaniards lost over 600 men le killed, and wounded; that all Uietr ships, amountiog to •bout fourteen, were destroyed sad thet their naval urseosl St Cavils was also destroyed, with IU defences. It will beoome appervnt that the victory of the American commodore Is une of the most complete sod wonderful scbUrvetneuU In the history of uses] warfare. Nut a mao on board the American fleet was killed, not s ship was dam aged to any trtrnt, and only six men were slightly Injured, on board Ute Hal Hours. This grand achievement U quite as much due to the generalship of Com modore Dewey as to the fact that the American gunners, ships and guus ore superior to anything la the same line afloat anywhere. Credit must also be given to the fullest extent to tbs offi cers under Commodore Dewey, for, to e men, they seoonded their gallant oommandsr In every way possible and thus helped him earn the la*rets which ore so justly his. wnen me squad roc len tmre It toootaed flrst at a polot la tte Pump. Pin* islands near aollnao. aa Cotamo *>re Deway wished tb* Insurgent rlti to disembark there, ascertain strength and disposition of U>* in surgent forces, arrange to prevaill needle*] bloodshed andlnform the m •orpssts of bis Intention to ohaoge tba gorernmsnt of tte PUUpplae Is lands, tte eommodore strongly ob)ect to giving tb* rebels a ebanoa to eoa salt axoassa*. Tba Insurgent leader*, bo wares, refused to disembark uoder any consideration, ate tte American ■hips coasted In search of Um Spanish ships, but failed to Bad item. Commodore Dewey arrived at BoMg Bay *0 miles north of Manila Bay, on Mhtardsy. Apnl Stlth, ate sent tte Baltimore ate Uooeord to reconnoitre Um enemy. They foetid no Spsolah shlpe at tte eotraooe to tte buy. sad •o Um oommaodor decided to risk Um ml sea and prooeod that same night after dark Into tte Bay of Manila, which he did. The order of baltl* takan by Um Spaa lards was with all Um small craft toetds tb* stooe and Umber breakwa ters of Carlta barter. Tte larger ■hips of Spaia eraised ofl Civil* aod Manila. Tte American fleet entered Manila Bay aa Saturday sight with tba great •si of ease. Tte Spanlarda had not re tabUsted a patrol aod there ware no ooarehlifhU at the entrance to the buy. ia foot, tte Amurlcan Wiips would probably hare pamad In*id* Um bay without any otelloog* bad it not boon that soma apark* flaw from Um MoCalloch'a runnel. Thereupon a few •boa were esc has gad with Um tet tertaa on Carregldor Wand, bat the fleet did not Mo w down, ate aooo took up a position oaar Carlta, awaiting dawn In order to eommoaoa hoatllttlua. Tte early hours of the murnlag re rested Um opposing ship* to each oth •r. aad tb* Spanish flacsblp opaoad Hr*. liar Mil on was fettrered by •om* ef the larger Spanish warship*, ate lima the Davila fort* opened up ate tte smaller Spanish re—iU broaghi ttelr guns Into play. Tte Amarlean squadron. which had haw lad In by tba flagship Olympia, did oot reply, though thoohaMr of tba Spaalardt tegan to rtrlka the water atoute Umm. Tte ■hip* mored maj—uoafly onward. Wteo Marine Baker Bey aateden up haarel of water a Wort distance abate of tb* Olympia tec wad that Um Span, laid* had atpledad a mtaa ar a torpa do. This waa followed hy a second --■ —-41 - «■■■ both utterly naaiioreaefal Tba American fleet waa than draw ing Bearer to the Spaniard*, wboaa cannery waa vary poor, theahotafrem tba Cartte batteries ami from tba Hpaaiafa ablpa being equally hadly aimed, atther falHsg abort or goisg wMe of the mark. •ad similar exploeUn*. They wars When tba A war lose float ontarad tha bay, coning through tha (aathara obaanrl, between Caballo Frits Islet*, tha fallowing waa tbalr ordar Tba flag*)Ip Olympia, Baltimore, Balaigh, Concord. Hoaton, Petrel aod MoCal •oeft, with tha two score ships, tha Hanshana aud Xanfrou, bringing ap tba rear. And In that order they ••apt grandly before tha aity and faoad tha enemy u> column lion. Though tha Spaniard* had opened Am at 9,000 yards, tba Amerioans re served their Are until within 4.000 yards of the eoeaty. whsn the real bat U* began. Tba Bains Christina, Castilla, Dev Antonio da Ulloa, lain da Cuba, lata da Imaon, aad tbs Mindanao wars In lint of battle outside at Cavite at that time. with font g an-bouts and tba tor pedo boats inside tha harbor. Tha American ships than paaaad baohmnrd and forward six Timas scram tha frout of tbe Spaniards, pouring In upon tbs latter a perfect fc*tl of shot aod shall. Every American shot ecumed to tall, whlla almost ovary Spanish ahot mleeed tbe mark. After haring thus aoattarad death aud daroorallxstloo among the Spanish Hast aud iu tha Spanish batteries, tha American flsac retired far breakfast, and. Incidentally, a oouncil of war wan bald on board toe Olympia. By I hi* time tbe Spanish ships ware la u des perate condition. Tbe flagship Brian Christina waa riddled with shot and shall, o»a of bar steam pipaa Imd hunt sad she was balisred to ba on An. Tba OaatlUa was osrtaloly aa Are aad soon afterwards they were burning to tba water's edge. Tba Dju AntonLo da Ulloa made amagoiflcaat show of desperate bravery. When her com mander found aha eras ao torn by tba Amsrieaa ahalla that ha could -sot hasp her afloat, ha nailed bar dolors to tha mast aud sits want dt-wu with all bauds AgbUog to tba last. Mar ball waa oam plainly, riddled aad bar oppsr decks bad usso swept elsan by tbs awful Oca of tb* American guna, bat tea Spaniard*, though tbalr vessel was sicking be nasta them, coutiuuad working tha gnus on her lower deck until aha sauk. During tea aagagwueuta Spanish torpado boat crept along tba shore and •round tbs ofllng In an attempt to st uck the American iTnrashtps, bat ahs was promptly discovered, waa driven aala>ra and abot to piaoas. The Mindanao bad base In tha mean while base ran ashore to save her from slaking, aod tba Spanish small craft bad sought shelter from the atari storm behind tbs breakwater. Tha battle, which was started at about flaw a m„ aud adjourned at 8:80 a. u>.. was reauasad about noou, wbsa Commodore Dewey started iu to put tbs dulshlug touches on bis alonoas work. Thera wee not msob tight left Is tbe Spaniards by teal Ume, and at 9 p.m., tha Petrel and Concord had shot Um Cavite batlerieJ Into alleans, leaving them hasps y la making a good growth lahlaoduoa tloa. At alToroalo Urn boy should bo girva on equal abowlog with lbs pup. wsesinwu WStSw awug It lu crrtAialy gratifying to tbs pub lic to know of ono ooacsru la tbo land who are out afraid to ba aaosroua to tboaoadyuad eufferlaf. Tbo proorl store of Dr. Klag's How Dteoorory for Consumption, Uotsgbo aad Ooida. bars glrosi away orrr ton million trial bottles of this groat modiolus; aad bars ilia molafaotlOM of knowing it baa alwoiulsty cured thousands of bopoloM ooaaa. Asthma, Broocbttla. UuaMsooos sod all dloaosoo ot tbo Throat, Chest aad lAiaaa are carols oorod bp It. Con oeXl. Carry i Oo., DruggleU, awd gat a trial batUo free. Bogota sics Me. and it Kv my bottb guaraatood, or prtoo ro fstadoA BILL HP II miBttffi. . »• to* PM. bat It to bat. tar praparad tar war tbaa any South - an State. I ban naantlr travataS •tar tba aoutbara porttoa and was profoundly hapmaad wttb lto as. •oanm. Ttaibt branch railroad raaafua froai Dabard to Wtaabaatar aad (row tbara oorrinf aroaad In a •oaihweitertr ooana to FayatortUto aad tbaaoa to Batanban and Lowls baiyaad Ootaaabta. Oavaraar Tay* tor waa oa tba trala aad toM an thto nadtwar7!babaMtoraMlaa^a* !• tba State at Ttanaaaaa. I OiTff n« MCtl iMMlitfll 0f wbaat to ay lUa aad tba aiain iiili) teaaidtoba twaaty-Hn baaSatatb* am. WaS. at aaacaa, a war wfU ■mat wbaat. Tbaa tbto to a Baa acoofc country aod tba war will want adn aad canto. Thau oattto to at tba torga Durham broad, an torwa that •waa at than bring from SM ta |70 aplaoe and an alwaya to -*—nfl The ffirmer under wtooee hienitiMs root 1 atayta white la PMarabary, bad UO brood i—raa aad ratead aiaa hr tba aeon. Heablnaterya aaabmol Dorhaaa oattto aad baa a aMa abow of Bm boya aad abaap uad turban; darts •htefcraa aad ■aaaai BtaryUjin* ba rttoaa to Brat quality. Haaalddl&for om turhay fobbtar. Ba toabipploy •od aajllaa aawthlay alas sat arary day. Ha talaaa Israa crop* at what. o*w •MOOCH HM yet •ode for bio ebareh and um ago acd Um pabtto eehooi. hahalpa Ma good wife u baby and to took after the_ •ad doaaenrytfctag «oieUy cat |h*» aotly. That to what I Ilk*. UdeM ■ot take oa leag to dtogoam a family aad to Ml who la tbo beaa, hot f did act aae any boaa about those iirsaitooe ooraar badly babaved ohlWrwo. if Mr. Bdmlateu la a fair v mfl* of Um elttosas aroaud Petersburg, ao woo. dor It Is a prosperous town. I was told that Mt long ago those wssom ablpoMot of eight huadred mom of Chteago aod that the annual *lpmaot of fowls bon that point nrnialeil dioo.ooa Jut tblsk of It! Peter* berg is feaowe abroad at the sen teal jwfet of a Am atook country, aad tbatr annual fain an attended by atook man ben far aod our. But It Is a snail town-is not area a coonty anal. It U too character «d the poMle that makes It what It to. Good land and good tanners wUiaaaka a»T pUoa prosper. Tbo aearobaota bars departmmu atona aod pay a lit. Uo higher lor produce and fowls and eggs than U paid etoawtmra. Teece to a luge aad cocoeacfui oraaaaery bare ■cd two large sawmill* aod til* larnst atocklogsfover saw. taanyordwei measuring Are feet in diameter. Than an ofclady poplar aad white oak end !£• hJl1 etoax op te the ridges. The stocks are rolled dowa te tba pike road la the valley, eod from there an aaaUy Itaotod to Uto mills. Ob, Ibom deilghtCal tan. pike*. They are all over this oountry aod tev* doubled aod txabtod um val ee of tb* laod. You ean’t bay tltoes farming lands for las* Uian g&i an aera aod muck of ltbriogs MOO. I saw a large (told la wheat that raceotly sold tor $100 per aera at public a ala. Why should It not P Bessy mm will tarn oat twaaty-Sv* basbrta of wheat, aad that to worth now for Joty dal Ivory ttt. One man sold his crop last week lor 60 ceoto a besfasl. He didn’t tm Itova tba war would last antti harvest or ha wouldn't have dona It. I mvst naltoad the raise of pika roads until this visit, forty bMkais of wheat la a big wagon load la our country and It tana a good team to haul It to town. But they oan heal from sixty to eighty oo a pika and with tom strain oo the team. Satur day night found ma ot Lewlabnrg. and to my surprise I tear aad than waa ao train oa Haoday nor until Monday ova, aod thm I would have to atay at Do bard thna hours aad at 1’haftiimiei four hours aad reach home Tuesday moniog a iihimii, tor i left a Mar littla fraodobtld «l«k aad aa I dand to traM an tha Sabbath day. War tnaawia thirty ntlM array, aod tha HaabvUb trail going aaat maid aaaa than at 11 o’etoakT Tha hnry mma vary tabtly told m that If 1 woaMba ready at half-aaat I otstoek ha wmld put no than by halt-part la Uadltf Lh.^-L****'^ “ non dall«htfil rlda. Tbaaood boraa novar braka hit taof, aaaadnc trot, axoapt at tba toll »%• IN* tea Mate, aad than wan «n at than oa Un note. Tbo atoning air waa braohtg. tha hany apriaga an aaay tba ouahlaaa aoftaod alaatie aad tba drlvar eom panluoabb. --- — f-r i trinit at, wbiob la proof that I talkad good Sunday talk. At nbaibyvina wa abangad barm, aad tha laat oiaa nilaa wan drlvuo la exactly ooa boor. That laat baraa Wat a wild oat, aod lor a o»Ua or two mt teaagollity wa dbturhod. Ha didn’t waat to ban tha aUbte Ha naiad tawShircSi ndlathl. ton rouSm* ga tha ^w^war. PlaaWy ha jptva a aaort dwaaroaad*anaanaad^ntUM right road again. Ha teapad tba rail nad witb proad dbdafa, aad Um drlvar bt b(a» hava Ma am way, ■pvaMaggautlyantha Um (invar rate anar a bona Uka that am Aa m aaarad than* onto tha dnvar triad Mt, “Ha bo tha poteTntea tha pab 1" Ha waa atnM ba’d Jaag It, or try n, # wa aiappgaa ta gag tha tall. I thought of Juba UUgtub non. “Away waat UUpM, aad away.’’ WaU, I telt alanaad, N aaona, hot gNw I Mt aaaad aad bar ate. Bvarythlug taraod oat for aa. ter omaoflha paagte warn going ta lhair aaaatry ibatabM. Md I looted la rate far iiadtoy operator wot cUekLn* him aiibSlat room aad hit light rtrnat dim It tofoatoaboia la to* wall. lava for^a botaJL^ ‘jOtejjl platform and you aoa waa dork aod bod hoao__ at ts&JSfUtt&sisa ■Ot to It Anybody noted ham kaoekaaLaM ta the bead or haw nah bod aw without raaieUaoa. Whan I got to tt* plana I iniaaad cowriting lb« nuBbor of etepa aad Ml opoa aba floor. I had rather fall up asy Mat Ihaa to fall down, aapooUHy la too tetet I triad tha daoraad fouad it locked. Wall, 1 triad for toa aalaatoe to arouao aaowbady. hut I tried ta Mia. aad aatoy nturnad to too llUle dopot With m aheaa wore wuttoc and ■aw m add tar. The nainrad pntli ■aa waa MUI tom. Bald I: -Mr frtaad. 1 couldn’t wake up KylSy over thorn.” “1 waa afeaced you ooaldo’t,"aaid hr, “UoelaBUI legit tot* Powarful eU (That’a at, tonugbt I) aad ha ain’t vary liable to da night time.” That’* aw. too, IbotiStL 0oI tank a bnekawtlo ton eoU, obaarlaaa waiting rnoas nod walaid them uatU nuarlaa.whnTa train mm up and took wn to Wio c beater, whtob la only tone Mian away and la tan county teat. Bk a pcoUy town aad quite aa educational Meter. Braakfitat mm reedy aad waa inviting, aad la a little while I fait like eaototr «• Bluett, •’AA’eweU thataadawelt” Bet, oh, tboeetwo laug, dreary houra at Decbert. aad It tootelltea^pleaeant littU heaaiet.but Utt wayfaring end aged tnmlerv. There wore enaw dying uanbanlotoe atora, bat there were ao chalrv aod I couldn’t warn ay foot froB theaawU that wan fetaead to Um watt l(y toga were net long enough. Bataa General let aaid at Gettyaburg, “Ifa all my fault”—all mj fault for taking a train that put aw then in the eight. But Teeaeeeee la a great State. Her people know how to farm, aad with feed roade aad a aearaMy of ootton ore wrglog >he*d and toady foe war. **•» ImIU toB.w Took hr Wire. I owob from Manilla, oo too other fade of the earth, to Mew York weald travel more than 14,00u mllaa over three or more overland wlrwaed Fwb Manila ft would travel lOOralhw overland to Cape Bolleao, iheawby •able Oto.ll bSm to Kong Keo* thaooe to Uatgou le Ooehtn Chian 400 Bllaa, thenoe 0)0 aUlaa to IHegapore, thaaea S8d artla te the talaed Penang 00 the weatera ooaat of Lower Siam, thenoe oeroB too Bay of Bengal te Modraa la ladle, o aahWt trip ef i.4f« Ml lea. llew It raathw the drat lead Uaaehue leaving the Philippine V Mada. Aaroaladle It ruuaioOBOa ss-sil jcs aleog another noble l,40g alia to Dora, thenoe reaatagaoo bUb over lead the ---^ ^ noble It oa toe bland at Main. a dlataaee