__ _T 4L Gasto> ___ ___ _ Doirotwl co tlio PratMtlOD at tloa Vol. XIX. {«MtiI.5JSSIwIilif.( Gastonia, N. Cw DEMOCRATS DECLINE TO FUSE. STATE CONVENTION CUTS FUSION CABLE AND POLLS BOTH ENDS ON BOARD THE SHIP. The Executive Committee Not Allowed to Consider Any Fusion Proposition Hereafter--Harmonious and Enthusiatic Convention-Platform Advocates White Supremacy—A New Executive Committee. we deem u useful to give our read ers Uie full account of the State Dem ocratic Cooreotlon, which met in Hal dfh last Thursday, as It appeuved next dey In the Charlotte Otarvner, Coder date of May ‘Jfltli, that dally’* excellent Ualelgh correspondent sent tbe following report: Tbe prediction mede lest night tbet tbe Democratic convention woold be a great one waa fully verified. At noon the Aoademy of Muale bogan to All with delegate*. The weather was pleasant, mid the change waa an agree able one as compared with tbe cnnveu lion of 180G, which ■weltered In the tame hall, to s privet# box were Cy rus Thompson, Spier Whitaker and Railroad Commissioner Abbott. Rev. Dr. Hallelujah Ayer was among the reporters. It was 18:10 when Chair man Clement Manly called the convnn lion to order aud was applauded. Chairmen Manly announced that rtev. Dr. Eugene Daniel would offer tbe opening prayer. Chairman Manly made the formal apeeoh of opening. He said: ' A* chairman of the State executive com mittee, 1 call this cooreotlon to order. I ooogratulate tho Democracy of North Carolina that at this time at Immi nence to perty fate. Mich a splendid as semblage of lie oiliroos are gathered together for the weal of the State. I congratulate you tbet you have been chosen fer this past of honor; sent here by your people from every part of the Commonwealth. 1 congratulate the people Of the State, the InUdllgent and virtuous of the land, that you nave met in tbe eaose. “Ic thus speaking I mean no ful some oompUmeut. It la maul feat to ail that tbe Democratic party aloue can save tbe ttlate from the misrule and ding race we are now enduring, and restore good government to the people. “we have Id North Carolina to-day three political organizations claiming the privilege of rullog tbla fair land: the Republican party of 116,000 ne groes and 3,200 white men; the Popu list party having for Its cooetltueooy about .12,000 white men; tbe Demo cratic party oompoaed of 147.0H0 white men, Whleb of tbeee parties la en titled to rule; which ihall rule V le tbe question. To the Democratic party tbe Male looks Tor succor and aid whatever may be the calamity which demand* tha patriotism of her aont. “When tbe blast of war rloxs to our ears and tbe government calls cm her citizens to go to battle against the en caitee of the republic—to demand sat isfaction for the dark aaaualnatlou of our sailors, and to prevont tbe oruel and lnhnmao treatment of a poor peo ple struggling for freedom at our doom, who answer* this call to duty and to honor* Ninety per oeut of those brave boya, the 2.000 of North Carolina's sons who are now in the ranks, axe yoor brethren and Demo •cate. “Now, whan io peace our State de mands that her sons rescue her from a worse enemy tban the Hpautsta—politi cal disgrace and shame- tbe call Is to you, s solemn and mighty responsibil ity. “1 should here nominate your tern Horary presiding otfloer, and leave you to your deliberations, but since the party last held Its convention in this ball, your committee baa taken such action sa demands a statement to tbla body—tb® supreme council of the par “lb tbe campaign of 1800, the ootn ■alttas, left to exercise its judgment In the direction of tha party policy, when oot In ooofliot with principles whloh you hod promulgated, made every hon orable effort to hrtng together tbe peo ple of North Carolina, that thoee hold - jog tha MU great principles then In Issue might sea tbeee pr loo I pise triam point. “The Populist party has Bom lasted our»for Pwatdam. Tha great Nebraskan, armed In hi* holy mom—that silver be reatoied to lie position aa a money of float redemp tion, and thus ebeek the evcr-lacraas iog power of tnouey sad the equally decreasing value of property—waa be fore Uie people. Oar plain duty waa to giro him eHectlvo, Intelligent and therefore united support Yoor oom mittee thought this amalgamation of the doctoral ticket a duty dictated by every reaeon aod principle, and vh< thanks of the party should bo given to those electors, who, at the /lab of the party, realgned their poai’„oaa. They art unaelliah patriots. “Imter, wlma we saw tba Populist party drifting again Into tba arms ol the Hepubiicans, and knowing that at *“•* 80 par cent, of the voters of that •party were Democrats st heart and •setae before ua the dreadful and die graceful eon sequence which must fol low this fantoo, your oom mittae mado alast effort to get back thoaa poop's who bad so recently before Mood In our ranks bsalde us. Manifold reasons urged this ooarsa— wbieli this la not the tlam nor place to dlecuse—hot did not aoaoasil. “Inm woll aware that our action met the orittclem that the committee bad esmededed Its aethoelty. I do not admit It, yet I want to say ta tbh oonveatloa that tha acciati of yoor commutes was that of uaeeiosa rase bating alone for their guMaaee the welfare and Integrity of tba party. Uial integrity of the great Democracy which mantis an much to the good im pie of the fttata. ••I de not mean by Urn rehear*l of our put conduct to forestall suy no tion of this cuuvootlon. A different situation now presents Itself from that which confronted the committee In fiO, (mt I deem this statement a duty which the committee owe* to this body, soon to bn In deliberal iue aa to party policy. I hope for you all that wisdom and concord may hold away over your counsels. We may bold dif ferent views to-day; to-morrow all must have but one opinion —an united Democracy determined to win, will win. I nventlan aaMoobted In Ral •JS&t N. C„ oc this day. May 20th, lftW, do hereby approve, andorae and ratify tha last Democratic national and Hut* platform aod pledge oar earneat aopport to tha principles there in expressed. We danouno* tha 1U publlcan party forth* passage of the Dtngiey tariff Mil, which has locraaaad the harden* or Uxalioa upon oar eon turner*, aod given the trust* and mo nopolist* greater power to tab the peo ple. Del laving that under ear present method* of Federal legation more than three-quarter* of our national revenue* are paid by people owing lata than one quarter of tha property of the oountry we protest aguiaat aoeh Inequality nod Injustice, and to order to remedy, to tome extent, this greet wrong, we fa vor so Income tax e»d favor ad ooo atltuUanel method* to aceuia It. •• W# denounce the Itepablloaa party for lU defeat of the Teller resolution* declaring our aalloneble bond* payable In Hirer at wall as gold, tad denouuoe It lor Ha determined purpose of more thoroughly fastening the ataxia cold standard upon our people and for lu avowed hostility lu lb* trm and un limited coinage of silver, sa wall a* Kid, at tha ration! 10 to 1, late full r»l tender money. We denounce the Republican l*arty for It* determine tlon to laaua bond* at thla Uaoe and wa dettoanoe tlm Republican war Ux Mil. which lately pamad the Hoot* of Itep raeeotatlves, ae nejoat, naeqaal ln lu burdens, and naaaosaaarlly vexatious, aad w* demand that tea ailver saiga tonga bo o-jtoed; that an Incorue tax be levied end that tha Secretary of tha Treasury l>« author!ml to Itau# the tiee eenry amount of full legal lender greon baoki or United Stale* Treasury note*. 1 n. *° ®««* tbe eg peases of the war with Spain and to supply the revenue dcOelt under tbe Dtugley bill. “While w* deplore the war with 8pein we pledge our unmeet support to the government in all honorable way* to effect a speedy and successful con clusion of boettlltlea. “Wo favor a union of the silver forces uf the ooantry In tbe oongrsse lonal election and cordially Invite all voters, without regard to political affiliations, to unite with us In support ing our oeodldstea for Congress who favor the free coinage of silver, thus giving prsetlea; foioeand effect to their ccinmradstlou of oot ltamooratlo national clisiriaan, Hon. James K. Jones, and to Ilia congressional oom co mm 11 tee. Wa admire and commend without stint tbe great and gallant fight made by Hon. William J. Aryan In the last oaliuoal oampaigu, for tbe tuooeM of oar party and the pried pies of our platform. “Wo deooocue the scandal, extrava gaaee, incompetency and corruption of the presect Republican Slate admlaia tration. We denounce aU enactments of tbe laM two Legislatures by which tbe cities aud towns la tbe (Rate liars been turned ovnr to negro domina tion and we pledge ourselves to enact eneh laws as will give security and protection to the property and people of every towo and community tu the State. We denounce the placing of oegTuea on committees to supervise white schools and we pledge ourselves If restored to power, to enact such leg lafatloo ss will make this Impoesibi*. Wo denounce all legislation eaaoted by the Legislatures of 18US and 1890 for carrying out tha base and partisan de signs of tbe Republican party. “We den ounce the piecing of igno rant, Irreepoueible ana corrupt meo In adloa. We oppose tbe removal by oor pu rations of suits or cases from our btele to federal Courts and fsvor leg lelatloa to prevent it. We favor (air and jnst election laws. Ws favor a government of tbe people, by the people and tor the people, economy in ex penditures, tli« abolition of unneces sary offices, decency In administration, tbe oosetaot improvement of oor edu cational system, charity to tbe anfor lunalea, and rule by tbo white meo of ui«i bum*, we Uwr tbe extension of tbe powers of the railroad oomatteiou aod close (enmity Into their affaire la order to naoertaiu, establish and main tain ouch rates aa ahull be fair and Jutt to tbe people, and to the transporta tion and lianemlaeloii corporation. We favor the election of Uni tod Buies Ben a tors and railroad commissioner* by Lite people. Weoell attention to the wise, economical, liooeat and hon orable administration of tbe affair* of our State for twenty yaera prior llie present Republican administration aud promise tbe people a relot u of wise, troneat, economical and honorable ad ministration onder Democratic sun coaa. We call upon every believer in honor, bouesiy and economy, upon every advocate of white supremacy, apoD every advocate of equal aod just taxation; upon every advocate of an Income tax aod opponent of plundering tariff taxation, upon every advocate of the restoration ol silver aod opponent of tbe sluglo gold standard and the present Isa os of bonds aa threatened by tbe Republican party upon every opponent government by injunction end advocate of tbe Ju risdiction of tbe State court* over eases arising lu tbe State egat..at corpora ttooa doing business therein, upon every lover af decency aod good gov ern mant aod opponent of tbs present prevailing oondlUoaa, to unite with ua In our contest with tbe Republican party, tbe great enemy of ear princi ple*, and eld ua In redeeming the na tion from the dutches of greed and in justice end tbe Bute from the eeandai and laooapeteooe which now afflict It. We favor tire enactment of each legis lation aa will encourage capital to make Investments within oar State and guarantee that tbe aama shall be 1 nelly protected." fusion 1>BV*AT1U>. Governor Jarvis than presented tbe report of tbe oommiUee on tbe Popu list proposition and tbe resolutions re jardlug fusion with the 1'op u I tat*. Tbe report reoommend* that tbe coo vsntlon adopt a resolution respectfully declining tbe proposition. (Great cbeers.) And that the Democratic State committee be Instructed to en tertain no further proposition for fu sion and that the secretary bn Instruc ted to notify the Populist State chair man of thla action. Tbe report was then adopted, no noes being beard. Then three Oliver* for tits committee went proposed sod (Ives with a will. The convention was iu a great, food humor. Jarvis was called on to speak and was given an ovation. Ha ssld to-night’s work meant victory. i\ U. Thomas, of Davidson,* sold b* neoeatod heartily thn Invitation to Jolo the Democrats. ID declared that the Populist preposition waa a trap delib erately set. bat that the Democratic party waa too sharp to fall into It. K. A. Dougbton was given an ovation while making a eauiui speech, ptw dleting victory by the United Demo cracy. e. O- Beddlogfleld said every Democrat In Wat a, and there were nearly 0.000 of them, will endorae what thla oonventloo baa done. Ha de nounced Governor Russell, and thla waa heartily applauded. W. Msaon made a tUrrlug speech In reaponaa to call* and tbeu '’Buck" Kitchen waa oallcd for and made a rl igtng talk. H# aald he waa back In tbe Democratic party, and that the carpet-bag rata of HMD waa better than the rule of the Populwu sad nagrcee in Eastern North Carol In a. Chair,sen Mealy made aoma lemarka, welcoming K Itolten and other PopulUu A ohiUod waa adopted thank log Chairman Mnalf and the rnenUve oubbIUm. Un motion of ®m». W. 1*. Robert* resolutions were adopted tendering to Mrs. Bagla; epon the death of her gal laot wo, Ktiaiiru Worth H*gley, in Lla country'* iwvire and aim oongmule tlnff Admiral Dowry on hi* glorious 1 victory »t Manila. Tbw won colli for Avery. II* ■eld: ‘*1 renew my alleglenon to Um Democratic party.” A Democratic oeutral oommlttae w*e aot elected today- It will be elec ted June 9&Ui. An amuatn* aftermath of th* con vention la the etitemeat that Cy Tbompeon, artar th* rvjeoUoo of tba (u»lon proportion, aaid: ”Wa ware only fooling.” It la eatd that Coo «re»»m»n Fowler war bare u* Batlar’a repreaentattve; that Butler it at (ireeniboro and tliouabt tome Demo crat* bed enough mflueece to (urea fa sten through tlw convention. Th* T’opcUst leaders are *lck man to-night. Tbair trap felled to cel oh Democrat*. Kvan Republican* are Isu^biug at them. Tba new Democratic State exeectlv* oommlttae met thl* evening. It -did not etaet a new ehaliman, but tequaa ted ClemaatMaaly to continue to »e* until Junu Sfilb, when the oommlttae taaata. At 11:111 the convention adjourned •lee dt*. ■ATTLI *>r BAIILt. *•* rm ut Mr rate*. Mar 4. Ah I brave men. We know b>j* bow tbe Yankee rights. Oq n> neither bis vessels, with sick ri stssl armor, nor his assy cannon ot 10 csoUiuetro calibre, are of my use to him. kfoutojo, lbs heroic Montojo. In ootn msn1 of a few vaasels, some man poo toons, ova tbs rallaet Aatricus Us Sseet drubhleg registered lu naval chronicles. Back to Hooc Koug will go u>e ||. lustrines bags with drooping snouts. Bodes voting to Oil up Uw boles which >ar IniigniOcsot esanoo mads In tbs invulnerable armor of their ships. Aad on land ? Ah t On laad It Is tha etranssei »“d“ost surprising things that our readers oan Imagine. Two armordads. three cruisers, six launches armed with mitrailleuses and cannons, five lighters fall of dirty and greasy Yanksesi all this was directed toward Spenlso soil sod proceeded no'ally to Marls]. Dial at Mar id ware the Urrona rifle men, a gallant baualtou that received tbs bug nt a fair range. Aad. oh ! Cowardice never before •see; those ariaordsds, those cruisers, those launches, aod ibeae militiamen turned tail to tbe land and placed all their hopes in lUghI, thus saving their skins * Cowards 1 When the wonxn of Kentucky or of New York hear of this they will present you with their beet petticoats. And those Yankee wonieu will be no worse looking for so greet a shame, for even In time of peace they are worse than a China woman. it’s all right 1 A banting lu tbe Pelllpplnte. a beat log lu Cnba, a besting everywhere. Aod when arc you coming here, you big thieves : Our cannon are yawning at having to keep their moaths open so long. Come, arrive, robbers of Portugese ladles. We are waiting to out off your snouts Europe and America are laughing wltb open Jaws at tbess male-slaying warriors, who Dm from Uie guns of Havana and Puerto Uieo, and instead burn wltb leta of steam unfortunate and defence lew passengers. What a shame.! If these gentlemen come here we shall have first-olasa harvests In com ing years, ns our fields will be splendid ly manured with tbe grease of bogs unit the bones of mules. Come, cowntda I It Is said that tbe American guns are of great range Bat what 1 There Is compensation for everything lu Ibis world. And In exchange, the tailors who have to handle these gens are persons of very little range. 8o ooe thing makes up for tbs other. Taking this Into account. It Is easy to explain why lo tbe bombardment of Haaonaaa, new Celsius ted lu tbe an nsto of modern history, no projectile fell even by mistake within tha circs It of the city nor within the fortlflaatioas or the const. In so Ignorant n manner Tbe aforesaid fleet fired That, ob heavens, only Ooe bad mala It dew. Cam* linear OMIiallaea Penrla HmM. Thera era few who atop to vlilnt what a terrible condition wa would have been la bad Deway not won that victory at Maalla. Bad be failed the whole Pacific eoait would bare boea at tbeoamy of the Spaniard*, an we would have bean unable to help oar •alien. I-ee anew to Maw Mm Waaeoa* tat Qucxxeaono, N. CL, May S3.- Gen eral Lee eaJd to the oruwd at the depot ae hit train Mopped petard ay. on route bomb: "I epeat two yaara la Cuba, and wat run out. Boer I am going back to run eomebody alee oat." Bad management keepa more people In poor oireumetaaoee than any other oo« cauee. Vo bo ranroeefol one ra*M look ahead aod plan ahead an Uat wlwo a favorable opportunity pretea to Ita4f ba la reedy to take advantage Of It. A little forerbought will ateo eave much expeneu and value Me Mar. A prudent and enrafal man will keaa a bottle of Chamberleta’a Colic, Cholera aod Diarrhoea Uemody In Urn houev. the abtfUraa fellow will oralt notll no oraMty oompel* U aod Umn rain HU horra gelag fur a doctor and have a Mg doctor Mil to pay, ueaMaa; one imya oat to oonu, the other la oat a haodrad dollar* ami II wit won dare why lilo neighbor ie getting richer whim ha isriv""'- *■ W-'P ■■ |I ■■■■! U111L. IN *IM M «l ■r. Inwr Man a Whirl al rmrp* "Wail, but what’a aU this f” n oblad Mr. B'-raar. aa ba asms Mm to din oar Ur ur looping and found tk« altUdg-* .1 carpet piled in a oor oar and tb> jrndlsmanthd. "It* U .or honaa aiming, you know," rap. .,J Ur*. Bowser. "Whan you go down In the morning I wiab you’d atop at Um oarpet cleaning place and base tbam coma for that carpet." Ha laid ba would maka a note of it, buc after dinar a aoddaa thought •truck bln. Ba atood looking at tba carpat for a minute aad than anil: "By George, but III do It t IfU not only ba tba beat kind of exercise, bat aaya bottier aad delay. Mrs, llowear. I'll beat Un carpat la Um back yard tbla evening." "Bel I don’t want you to,” aba pro* taated. "That oarpet bat got to go to tba shooing works and bo thoroughly beaten." "That carpet will be thoroughly beatao right Gera, my dear. There's a beak yard, n aton* clothesline, aad with tba aid of a broom-stick I’ll knock errry paek of duet oat of It la 10 min Qitfl.*1 "Bat phase don’t try It, U will taka two aaa to handle It, aad nobody can boat a carpet in 10 mloatea. Yaa couldn’t beat it thoroughly lo a half a day." r’Xaw, then, aaa bate be oootlausd. aa ba began w nmavp blacuffa;"! waat exercise to tba anas aad abovM m. I’m as atUI aa a post. Baatlaga caruct will ae batter than thadamb halls or el aba. Aa boar’s work will maka me sleep Ilka a top to-night.” "Bat aomatbing will happen and you’ll—you 11 raise a raw !" aba fa). unL “Boab I Nothing wilt happen aad thanll ba ao raw. It’s 90 yaeri slaoe I beat a earpaLaad It will bring back tba old days. Your (ether was beat lag a carpet lo tba book yard artwa l asked toor band la marriage.’’ "I’ll pay for having It baatoa out of «ay own money if yea’ll let ltatoaa.” "It Isn’t a question of aepaaaa. Un. Bowser," be answered, ‘though we Uil(ht aa wall save Um IS as to give it to the beatara. Aa 1 aeid, I want tba excrctaa. I also believe that I caa knock out mom micro bee aad germs with a broom-stick than aay steam ear pet beater la Um world. I'll shift Into so old suit, and Utan I’ll give you a few hasana on bow to beat is oarpet all la Un marry spriest ima, helghbo.” Un. Bowser continued to protest, but wiUiout avail. Aa soon aa he got into an old suit of clothes. Its spat on bis bands and made a sudden Jatnp and •died tba monster bundle aad gave a wrench and a pull. He was auceaiafnl lo worrying It along to tba door land log to Um bt-tcmool. bat shea there came a bltcb. Mm Bowser Look ad vantage of It to offer to buy theater tickets for tbe evening if be would go. but ba could not bs wsml fims his purpose. , "Jnst you go down nod buns me op , • broomstick, end then sued by to we 1 fur iy," be neuoedsd, ae.t she passed | down ahead of him. Ae tbs boodle of carpet wee larger tbeo tbs doorway, It did sot Bead mocb ecotaea to see that tbo on* bad either to be so Urged or tbo other compressed. Compress urn teemed to bo tbo quickest way out of It, aod Mr. Bowser spread hioatlf all over tbo bundle and braced aod tagged until it suddenly railed through the doorway. Ho hadn't Planned to go with it, bat SOOMbaw bn did. It was an even start. Mr. Bow ser waa also on top hair tbo time going downstairs, bat ow reoobleg tbo ball below tie waa underneath, and It took Use united exertions of Mra. Bowser and tbe cook sod tbs groosr’s boy to ■et him st liberty. '•Someone pushed that carpet, and l know It t" be shouted, ae be got tbs dost out of bis tbront and struggled OP ••But we were all down boro,” pro tested Mrs. Bowser. -1 told yoo some thing would happen, nod so It has. It’s a wonder yon didst break poor back or seek. Wont you lot It slawo now Pm “Hs»sr, ldrt. Bowser—row will 1 be beflUd by am oid carpet. I bare set out to beet It, end best M 1 will or break my neck twins In two. It rath er got sway from mo on tba stain, but It’s all Is tba axoretsa you know. How, them, out tbs ooown am dushh'I nova noTflU Hie DU Dole • foot bat fertile help of tbe boy end the ooofc. After * tag which tired everybody out, It was leaded a thr beck door. Tbea tha ooofc end the bay withdraw sad Mr. Bowser aet atoot getting the carpet ever the slothes line. There ere mae wbo have dona each things end lived to boast of It. but the tnataaoee era rare. There la uo aflalty between a boodle of Axmlo •bir otrpet sad s erlra olotbee-Hoe, sad Mr. Bowser soon dteoovered It. By bares’---* - - itx'failoree be let tha eon lamped so the roll with both_ pvt otteraaoee to Mr feelings. Mrs. Itowier wee oa baud U aey : "1 told you aot to try m. U weaM take tbe ettmgtb of three area to mi the earpat over tha Uae.” “Woesas, no f loosing Ute eerpet or era roe f” be denondil, as be Uraed eo her. "Bat you can’t lift a ep.M “'Ttda I’M dla try I eg ! When t\ Wtoladeaa*. pet rn sek for a 1” ghe weak task lata the boaee, sod he dgured a little, Ill decided that If the carpet were spread aot oo the groeod it could be beataa last at wall m If buag up. aad ha draw a long breath eadbrgaa aaroUlag U. He had ••railed sheet three ysrds, when hie hat stepped ea each other and he fail do wo sn-Mho comber of toeta wsltlag to receive him was Jest 17. Re fflt every m of them at wnaa. snf wwt tarprlaed lain a yell, which broagfct a deeeo heedt to m many windows u nawta wee being —rdawd. Whan him by tba lege sad palled Mm doers ■—» —.mi lima i I 3SSsb»2$I ■XWUMd thing tifadoltMM- : . % £Jt?23£ * tSS% thatrtaathlaUmoakaMn.*™ “/• Mlbttabav^^adtoMbST £$ at your lunda f And mrmI and oaramaUoadri Itoidyoa latbaba finning that_” assassrarsrip* aolgfebora warn looking and 1 but b* frees Ur with a |hn log uptiM brooaaaUakj ■otU it waaooly a an_ Than ba draw blaaaall ryaod m Into tba kltofcan nod utwtain. Altar a calaata aba foOowad him. Mka know wUat was oobIo*. bnl could not avoid lb He waa waiting for ba* l$Efr promptly uid : “woman you bare anoeaataC la yoarjdaaa t« ■ “My t>iana—bow »« . “XWdta.maatarnat wfaan four mao drara aplat wagoa totakatfaaoarptt awar ba pn tandad aaltbar to aaa nm bo boar. _M. mu« to aay a word for Ms former slave. The general took the stand and his sen m ”Wbst It your name 5"* < “I am Gen. Biroam; air V” , “Where do you reridn?” “fa Abbeville, air ?•* a !«*« taw you known Urn da Itcdant ¥'• “Sixty-lve years, air.” “What la bit reputation ?•’ “Aa good at any men's In title court room, air.” “WooId you trust bioo ?*' •Trust Peter f Why I'd trust Urn with my Ufa, my honor 1” Tim Jury didn’t leave their trots. “The leeae “sonar louche* mo up." I amt young Borouw and aafcad if ha raetdvad anythin* for Ma aarylosa. ‘•Accept a fan from Peter y» be as Id, la amaaemeals - Why sir, I’d tatoon think of charging ay father.” •‘Ton and your father came MO miles to clear this old negro ?” “Tee, aad wa wo«M have coma a thousand, or tan thousand miles. OM Prist was second father te me Ha raised ma. Waan 1 waa wen be alayod with •a. Whoa Ini a boy I*d rather sleep In Pater's cabin than in my own had at homo. I'd rather Uha a smack with Pater la thorn days than dine with tha prmlliat.” I'm alraid wv yaofcme don't under .XmtoVtm, Xo. L Grand Ariay «tf^tbebaserraagnd to aigk, K. a, whwetrttfc to daril tha tdhoce honor* the Grand Army as It honoro tha tmmartel daedi i manifeatatlou at tMa tlroo hi a [ that the lesson of Deooratleu i belag all tha mere deeply lmi I npoa thoughtful natnna fcy U» < i 1 of the present war. I was « for ww mm* mm I »>«♦• a — - OTMacmdw tatel Gw vta. knw vmUto iWfJCw svs?;