THE GAZETTE. TUPMDAY, JffSR 0, UW, B USINESS LOCALS. A JrercSmsum IntMtort In thta couuan at '<) conra a Lino ror Om Lawrttoo and a omul a auu torcoebloacrUoD Iburoansr. 4—BOOM House for reut. C. M. Nolen. OUSK AND l.OT Tor sale." Lot attthriMl feet. 11. T. Hail van. ENVELOPES—Large Hurt email at the Gazette Office. Printed from $1.00 per thousand up. BIG BLOTTER SHEETS fur your desk. No priotlng, but two clean sides. Gazette Ofvioz. T ETTKB & NOTEHLAJtS printed et the OAiurrra OlHco. Aik for pilose on any or all office etallunery. DOOBsT ’dooU PBAMES. win dows, window frames, and abut ter* second-band, but almost new in appearance— for ssle at seooud-tuuid prloee. Apply at Gazette Or non. D" U8. GLENN 4 COi’FEY oome to tba front Again and offer you bet ter deotal work Ilian ever before. Prices stray duwo to suit the hard lima*. Don't forgat we meka crown uid bridge work a specialty. HOTO OF ROr.DlER llOYS-A picture of the Gastonia Company may be aee» at the Gazette Office. Send 50 cents to U. H. Bsasloy, photo grapher. Goldsboro N. C., and get a copy (Ax8 photo on 10x12 uard) suit alls for framing. SHOEMAKER'S TOOl.8 for" talp. The tools belooglng the late U. O. Perkins will be fur private male for 30 day* from dale at Bradley A Hep perfleld’s marble yard. At the end of that time the remainder will be sold at auction. Uxrgaiua for those who want them. Mb*. M. C. rsmeuit. Jons V, 1808. LOCAL AFF A TRS. — From all quarter* oome report* that crop* are needing rain. —The Catawbu River 1* raid Ur Ire lower than at any lime aloce last fall. —Colton bloom* are oomlug In lire near future. Mr. d. A. Lowls report* square*. —Thera are six cases of small pox among the negroes of dlatearUla, Pul ll mma to be of a very mild type and T*ry littlo uneasiness Is felt concerning It. —Services at the Associate Re formed Preabyterlan church next Sunday morning will be conducted by Key. J. M. Garrison, the pastor being absent at Duo West. —If UtO thresher men will report tbs number of bushel* of small grain they tin ash In Uaatou, w* will gladly pub lish It as Indicating the amount of grain grown In the county. —Bethel’* wheat crop Is floe, so Mr. O. T- Riddle tolls tire Yorkvllle Kn qttirrr. Me it satisfied there wUI bo an Increase of yield over Uat year. Muob of the crop has been harvested —The boys who distill their dew hv the light of the moon are still kept off tbe road by Deputy-Collector Loft In. lie hat within the past few days de molished two utber blockade eatab lishmeuta. —The JYcsts says Mr. Tom Alexan der, uf Charlotte was iu Gastonia fist urday for tbs purpose of enlisting re cruits for the Mecklenburg Rifles. Wo haven’t beard whether be met with auy auooeaa. —Another marriage across tbe line at Mr. V. E. Clinton’*. Last Sunday this hustling notary jolntd together Mr. Gus Jaty sod Miss Lld.i Merrill, both of Gastonia. They have lire good wishes of their ^needa. — In a fall from his wheel one day laat week Mr. J. (X Culp, a section master on the donthern at Belmont, broke hi* leg. Dr. R. K. Jenkins set tbs limb, which at laat aooounts waa getting along all right. —Boom folks have more faith than aver in what tho Gazkttjc say*. They peeped over tbe garden fence and aaw tbe corn-silks with their owu eyes. W* enjoyed a mare of new corn last Thursday at dinner. How's that ? —Ia the death of Mr. L. M. Bum mlt, which ooeurred laat Friday night, King’s Mountain la deprived of an old landmark. He had been etek only about two weeks. Mr. Bam colt kept store up to tbe tlm* be was taken alek sad was quit* sprightly though he claimed to be well up In the nineties In age. —A new trial bu bean granted by the Supreme Oourt to Simon Gragg, the white man. who waa eonvleted of blowing up tbe yonog men, Moore aod llowman, with dynamite io theli aaw mill ahanly near Globe In Caldwell county. The higher court aald tbe evidence only created a maple ton that Oragg committed the crime aod that a new trial might develop other evidence. —A dozen free eopiee of Tan Ua zkttb b week have been going to u>e eoldler boye of Capl. Durham's Com pany at Raleigh. We ilmald be glad to know whether the pepera ever “got there” aod to have a line now and Uwo from the l<ova concerning oamp life. A nnmbqr of the hamefelkr would be glad to eee a complete Hat et officer* and men and tha county of aacb. —The Company latter of tbe OBa ton i a boye ie 11. Tha company baa It* quarter* In “Clamp Dun Huaaall." <;omp»nle* A, 0. K, and I). belog re apaetivaly the Fayetteville, Gaetoeia, Wllmlegton, aod Qraaeaboro oompa nlea, form tbe drat battalion of tha aeuoiad regiment. Their Major I* W. T. Wilder, * boyhood *e bool mat* aod playmate of lb* editor. Ho li a Weat Fainter. —Tub G A&Bmt baa a photograph of the Gaatoola soldier hoy*. The officer* were not preaent, but nearly all tha man may he eaally recognized. Sam Hhnford, !.*# Jenklua, Forter El more, Doe Falla, and many other* may be picked out with eaa*. They wear uni forma, bat not a gua It vlelbla. At the rat* 8a on peon, Schley, aud Dewey are now going, oar boyi will eoon be veteran* of tha Span uu-American war wltljoet ever needing aoy geo*. Coplea of the photograph Moe ■ card IlMlit may be bad by mall of R. U. Ueoeley, Photographer, Ooldaboro, N, C.. for llfty eon to wcwwei »«*UIB WWW WAT nnitiai rerrm* ta* To U«~‘ atMwtllk Un Party. A lawn party will be given at Mo Adeuvtlte Saturday night, Jonolltb. Tbt band will discourse tweet music, refreshments will be terrod. matt will be provided aod the beat possible u rsngementa made lor tbo eooventenea and pleasure or the people. A merry tluo stay bo expected by all who attend. ___________ • al.wi IkrvtMit. In tbe ubseuoe of Taster Galloway nt Due West commencement. the inorniug services at tills church will be conducted next Sunday by Tl»v. J. M. Garrison. The Union lervloee wlitoh were to have been bald litre at nlgbt will be held at tbe Mtlbodltl church, and bo conducted by McG. Shield*. ■Slew. TImi death ol Mitt Liuds Kaiser at Dallas last Saturday morning ot ty phoid fever was a sad oov. Indeed. She would have graduated el Gaston Cnlltge this commeucecDfnl. Her body woe taken to Lexington. S. C„ for burial, leaviug here on the rooming train. Tde broken hearted parents and l*rof. li. A. Wolff composed tbe funeral rnrty. Hurry llji iuiA Uat T»m. The time for listing taxes In Gasto ula township Is ten days vhortrr than was supposed. Next Friday aud Sat urday are the lister's last appoint ments In Css touts. At Spencer Moun tain Mill be will take lists on the 13tl>, •tt Plagah the 14lh, and st Crowder’s the IStb. The time had to be ebort eued leu days to enable the Helen to do tbeir after work In tbe Utne assigned them. _ te* Taker at lk« VIIk. To-day will be devoted by Mr. Frank Whitesides to taking tax lists at the local cotton mills. From 7:30 to 0 In the morning lie will be at the superin tendents’ ntttce of the Trenton; from 0 Vo 11 at the old mill; from 1 to 4 in the afternoon st the Avon; snd from 4 to U at lha Modcua. Mr. Whitesides Is exsrttng himsnlf to xoooramodale the people and will leave no excuse fur those who get double-taxed for not "diving lu" their mums. jmm NrmlMiy CseMeeesewrsg A large crowd attended the closing exorcises ot Jones (Seminary Tuesday. There were leu graduates. Music, essays, and * debate by four young ladies ou the annexation nt Hawaii made up the exercise*. As usual at thig school, all the exercises were of e blgu order of merit. Tuesday after noon tho young ladies left for borne, and at tlie depot there was a perfect Jam of trunks and school girls "happy on the way" to tbeir homes. SaaUI Pea al I lever. llumora of amall-pux at Clover hove been rife over the country for several days. To the YorkvlUe Kmijuirtr'* telephone inquiry a* to whether it was really a case of eiaall-pox. Dr. Jim Campbell, replied: ".'jo far as 1 am able to aey,” “It la I have uever eeeu a case of smallpox before. Tbe symptoms aud developments lu this cate have all along answered the de scription of the disease, according to Osier aud other authorities, and If It Is not smallpox, I do not kuow wbet Ills. I think it must be smallpox.’’ Tbo paliriit, a uegro named John Klug, who chum (rum somewhere else. Is Isolated la a cotton houso and is now recovering. Death* al HtAdMtlllt. It is with sincere sorrow that we chronicle the death of Mrs. Nannie Sbuford, wife of Mr. T. E. dliuford, of McAdeuviUe, which occurred last Sunday. She bad been In falling health for sometime, but her drpartore Vs none the less distressing ou that ao oount to bet devoted husband aud motherless children. She was burled Monday, tbe funeral oerrlces being conducted by Her. D. M. Austin. The tenderest sympathies of many friends ore extended the bereaved husband sod children. We learn also ibat Mr. Frank Simmons a well-known sod highly esteemed citizen of Me AdeuviUe aud a prominent Mason, died there last Monday night. One or two other deaths are reported to have occurred there recently, but we were aueble to learn names. Mi. W. K. Italians Bme. All of our reader* wbo knew him — ami they are many both at home and In distant elate*—will learn wltb *lr> oere sorrow of tbe death of Unde Hilly Holland. Hli familiar figure will be tnleeed. for everybody knew him. For some month* he bad beou afflicted with a nervous affection akin to epilepsy. Haven waaka ago be tied three attacks in one day. sod after that his heart began to fall and life’s force* ebbed gradually away. He passed away about dark last Friday night without a struggle, having remained rational up to about 24 lionrs before 111* decease. II* died at tite home of bia son-in-law Mr. 1*. J. Llneberger, within tight of hi* birth-place. The banal took plao* Saturday afternoon at Olney Presby terian church ot whtob body lie wae an elder for 40 yawn. Pastor Sparrow being slok, tbs funeral services were conducted by ktev. M. MoU Shields. Mr. Hollaed would bava beeo TO years of age lo September, and waa on* of the landmarks of this section. Its was an alder brother of Mrs. J. J. Kennedy and an uncle of Capt. J. Q, Holland, of oar town. From tbe writer’s first oouoeclton with the Gauettb, Mr. Holland waa a warm, and steadfast friend and leg alar reader or tbs paper, and go* fur whom we always suterlained teal Inga of great kindness. With peculiarities all his own, be was oevsrtlif lest s man of kindly Impulses and a neighborly heart, and there are maev indeed who with the bereaved ones will sorrow that we ehall “see bis face no more” Mr. William MoGIII, a prominent end wall known clllaan of York coun ty, died at hi* boma, near Hath any, hat Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, agad K7 year* <1 month* and 4 day* Tba R't'pri tr any* that ha waa tha •eelor *u>ar in Oetlmoy cliurch, and took an Important part in tb* good work that baa baaa dooa by that or ganisation for more Ulan naif a cen tury. WrIC’S SliUlAttftdtH / olu rrixAci mm. Cwialrt Klaur LhUu« lUn-Ii. J. J. WMM«atk« ■»«-* I.M-Wk«U Mar. <*•* *• •*» Ik •'till niu.l-Ftnoanl M»tl OUMr llwu. Con >.;iomltnc< o( the Goaotte. Oi.d FortsAca, June 7.—Her. J. J. Kennedy, of Gastonia, will prvsch at J.oog Creek church next Sunday at 11 a. m. Mr. Joans Oates, of nsar Uock 71111. spent, last holiday and Sunday night at Hon. R. A. White’s. Ho wax oo hia return from visiting his tick sister. Mrs. Adams, of Cleveland oounty. Meoaro. R. C. Coon and W. C. Quickie, two youug sports from Crouse, worshipped at Concord last Sunday. Mr. Joliu M. Rhodes, a brother school committeeman, of Cherryvillo, gave us s pleasant cull yesterday. We ate Just now In Ure midst of wheat harvest: everybody, end the cooks, too, are busy. J. Kiser, liw).. Iistt'd taxes at Hovls’ store lost Saturday afternoon. He is a good ‘‘hand’’ at it sale; be can swear tho one listing and be writing tbe next man’s name and looking to sea who la ooming next, all at the same time. Dr. W. C. Kisei. of Reepavllle, was called to bis UUier’s. Mr. U. Kiser’s, on last Sunday to consult with Dr. C. A. Garrison as to tin condition of Mrs- Joint Kincaid, Dr. Kiser’s atitar. Mr. J. A. Torrence was abte to ride ont to bis wlwol Held, tbe farthest he has been lo seven weeks. Mr. Jobu Dsmeron ran down from UutbrrfordtoD last Friday to spend a day or two with the homefolks. Ho brings the good news that Mr. John Arrowood Is iu pond health now; would be all right If be ooald walk. 8enaation Is returning to bis limbs, though he cannot use them. Tim condition of Mr. John J. White does nut Improve as fast as bis many friends would bs glad to see. Mr. M. K Kiser, of tbe Catawba mine, spent last Saturday night at home. BOX 1IKS EIVED WITH EOT. Bar NrMisr Wars riMIrt m Card of Thnnk.* la Ttaaa Wla* SaM TIlaiM la Mas. To (tie Editor of the Gutttt: Oami- 1)an Uumcj.l. Ualeigh N. C,. June 8th. 1606—Wr, the Uaalonlu boya of do. 2 ltd Regiment N. C. Vol un u-ms, desire u» express our alocorn thank* to times of our friend* at home who ernl us tint splendid box received last week. Our frisuds understood Hie needs of h aoldier aod they ooeld not have se lected a gift which would hare been more welcome. Could they have teen the joy with which wo received the box, they would have felt maoy timee repaid for tlteir thoughtfulness. Trb Castorra Both, of Co. 2ml I teg. •HSVINCI WHKKI. I.BAVKN THE TKACH. ArelSrsI ran I'aaanasrr TraJa nm ISa lAuHivla Newt. Jl. What might have been a very seri ous accident occurred on the /-Until* and Charlotte Air Ltno a few tulles from Bessemer yesterday ufleruoco. No. 12, the north bound local paa acogor train tliat is due to arrlvu In Charlotte at 0 o'clock was running along at a thirty mile clip, when, sud denly without the slightest warning, one of the big driving-wheel* to the engine, jumped from its pi act nod rolled dowo lb* embankment, across u nil. The driving rod to the engine plouglted ap the ground for sume dil ution before tbe train could be brought to a standstill. Cap.. W. T. Mooney, who was in charge of No. 13, soul a flagman back about a mile to a switch where be had Just pawed n north bound rrelght. With the asalsUuoe of a freight en gine. the passenger train eras takau to Gastonia where an oilier engine that bad been sent from Charlotte met them, bringing tbe train Into tola city juei a little more than an hour late. t-iKKCF. riunrriru at Manila. Inaarim* Drlrr In the Npaaian Out. |ntt>-(lrwl Klaniklw Among the Nfmlwh and 1AM or Him Tulin mm PHmmh, Tlie Navy Department at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon polled tha follow ing bulletin tn Washington. “Ad miral Dowey report* that tha insur gent* bars been actively engaged In tbe proviso# of Oavlta daring tha put week. They bava woo several victo ries, taken prisoners about 1,900 meu. and oft officer*, of tbe Hpanlah troop*, not native. The araenal of Cavite has bean prepared for occupation by lb* Halted tilate* troop* upon tbe arrival of the transport*." further detail* aro given by an Aeaoelated Press dispatch dated Ma nila May 91, whlob oame by way of cable from Hung Koo* on June 0; Th* Hpanieh outpoata have been driven In all along tha lloa, eimnltueonaly and with great slaughter. It la *atd that over 1,000 have beau hilled. There bu been Qwoo hand-bo-hand lighting for lewnty hour*, despite tbe typhooo which la raging. Tbe violent winds and torrent* of rala render the rlftu of th# Hpaalah troops unavailing The native* easily win at every step with th*ir slashing knives. Chief Agutualdo, to Uie ooura* of ho latarvlew. ha* Mid that tho Insurgent* are eater to rush upon Manila forth with, bat that Admiral Dawey refuse* to allow “hordes of puelooata aarnl savages to storm a civilised metropo lis.’’ Admiral Deway Intend* to await Um arrival of tbe American Unop*, in tbs aseanttex) Um losurgent* have been forbidden to cross the Malote river, eeven inilea south or Manila; otherwum the l’etrel will lw stationed there to bombard them. -P—**!*■!__ ,, •"O'" Vleawey Ms* saver th. VarNirr, IC«wton Th* twloa uaatl by the Farmer* of this motion In blading wheat Is made of Manila hemp, and ooowa from tha town over welch Admiral Dawey la new high bee*. The twine dealer* of tbM station, favtnnataly have a gaud supply on hand, llut If tha Uookada la maintained the supply will be se ll suatod before the western farmer* I get half through tlmtr harvest. OtHUICI X JJW r ACTLTY. ^ rwll HMp» riMM ntMl rail Tona ■"» t. With their characteristic energy and cuterpriae the Tr.iale*. ot Oakland High School have elected a new prin cipal and teacher# to fill the vacanclaa loci dent to Uia resignation of I’ruf. D. H- Atkina tn accept a position la an other (laid. Xho alectioui were com pleted Monday night. The now principal il VltL J. U. bapark, of Kalelgb, who leaves a ohalr In the Charlotte Military School to ooma to Gastonia. He is a graduate of Trinity College of the class of TW. The Intermediate department will t» la uharge of Ulsa Hadga Utile, of Wudesboro. Slia is a graduate ot tint State Normal and Industrial School at Green* boro. Miss Merle G. Buohanaa. of Mem phis, Tout)., will toacb music. Sbs U a graduate of Snlllua and Martha Washington Colleges la Virginia and la an experienced teacher of music. Mlaa Jg>na Hendrick, of Sbaiby, will again tuivo charge of the primary de parlmnnt. iu which she has already doue suooeaatul anil eatietaotory work. All salaries are guaranteed by the Trustee*, and In csss the eobool'e earn inga exootd expenses, the earptni will be dlvidod among the principal and touchers. Pall term opeue Septem ber 1. tiiat flour atmaxtiauw. ay Mlr)-U( WnaxattfiwiMn r«a ud Law* SMm-H. DM M-tlW HwkM •a WM-twUled aitd la toao «■■■ IkM Ua akMk Tbe Brat repot U of Ute fight nt San tiago urn days ago did nut give, it aeeoa, a correct Impression oC the engagement. The Associated Trese report, sent May .11, from ou board tbe llagsMp Brooklyn off Santiago, ard transmitted by way of Jamaica on Juno 1, gives tbe following account of the buttle, to which Schley’s official report la appended. Commodore Sob ley determined to teat tbe banshee of Santiago do Cube to-day and ascertain UtoIrTocaUon and capacity. At.lO o’clock ha transferred hie flag to the Massachusetts, and went on board that jehip. At 1:15 o’clock the Msaeeehu sella signalled Cbu Iowa aud tbe Mew Or leans to form column nod follow. A bourse due east was steered until the ships were about 7,000 yards Trout tbe ■bore, and then, circling about, they beaded due west, tney passed, star board aide on by the form. Tbe heavy 13-inch guns of the Massachusetts and tbe 12-Inch gnos of the Iowa were or dered to open on the Cristobal Colon, which waa shoot 1,000 to ‘J/XKI yards insido tbe Morvo, while tbe New Or lean's large calibre guns were to open on the forts, so as to draw their fire. Ttio trenownaas of the h or Our an trance and tbe speed of ibo ships which mads too knots, allowed of tbe Cristobal Colon Doing a target fur only a few minutes. In that lime it la believed site was hit twice, but not serloualy damaged. The eullrs set of forts, some six in number, opened fire, and the object of the expedition waa attained. So tea of the mortem gonr, with smoke loss powder were aimed well, hut of all the shots fired ant one did any damage to Commodore Bchley’a ships. The Cristobal Colon replied to tbe lire, but all of ber shots fell short. The Americas ships flrwl not more than four tocod* from i.belr heavy guns, consuming in all fifteen minutes for the lire. Tbe Spaniards Brad more than four hundred rounds, keeping up tbe fire wtiru lire ship* were rally two mile* onl of tbelr range. During tire action Commodore Schley occupied a position near the forward 11-inch turret of tire Massachusetts, and watched Mi* shells go whistling by as tlie sbipi got in the linn of fire of the batteries, ns unconcerned as though In no danger of It. At &80 o’clock tbe Comtnolure was back on tbe Brooklyn. It la evident that tbs Spaniards have fortified Santiago vary carefully and well. There ’.ire a number of modern gone there, evidently of EaglUb and fc'renoh make, and they use amok lets powder, which makes It difficult to lo cate them. It will take a heavy bom bardment to dislodge the batteries and the -Spanish fleet UKTORT KBOW Washington, D. C., Jono SJ.—The Navy Department has bulletined the following report from Commodore Schley: “Secretary Navy, Washington; “Made rooonnofsaaoe this afternoon. May 31. with the Maaaaehnaetta, Iowa and New Orleans to develop fortifica tions, with their character. The firs was returned without delay by the heavy batteries le the eaat, large calibre, lung range. The range was 7,000 yards. Reoonuotaanee developed satisfactorily the presence of the Sueo lab squadron lying behind the Maud near the upper fort, *» they fired over the bill at random, quite satis Iked the Spanish fleet Is here." (Signed.) “30U1.RT.’’ T%« Atlanta Xnaraal, i* Uib newaieat, bflgbUat, aud moat re liable nouthern avenir* <1*11 y that we a**. It Is priuteil between three and four o’clock every aftern oon in Atlanta and eoutaine pretty much all the nawt printed In next mornln* ’* dull lea. The dHTereooe In time between Knrnpe and lbe United flute* give* Th* Journal tbla ad ran tape. The Journal ha* the hsoeOt of two lea and wire* ruunln* Into IU nfAoe. ■Ivin* Ut* A annotated Pr«ea newt from all over tbu world. I* h«* the ease Aawxilutad Free* **rvtoe ae tlm New Vork Herald, World and Journal. lieeidet tbla, Th* Journal haa more ■penial oorrvavocdenVathau any other aoatharn oowtpaper. The mono her* of Its aUff, who are rvpnrllnp the war new* are : Mr. J. 8- Cehan. who |* with Aampaon'* fleet In lb* Gulf of Mexico; Mr. Morton Smith, with the land force* now Invading Ouba; Mr. A. W. Butt, *peel*l Waihloptnn our reapondvet. and Mr. W. A. UaoDou Ifald with the volunteer force* of Oeor *U new In earn* end ready to move. The Weakly edition ronUln* all Uw war itawa. The prtoa of the d*llf t» M.00 a year, dJ.Ou for •:« month* and lot tbr*n oaonUia TWr prtj* »f Uin Week ly la 90 enau a year. Tlwea prtoaa put The Journal In reaob of all. We r» pntum urnoi. — Ilcv. J. C. Uitlloway pi etched la tlio A. It. T, church at Hock Hill last Sunday. —Mr. Thoa II. Adams, o( Clur lotta. meet Sunday bare wllli the hnmefolka. —Mr. Judge MsLaushen of Athena, O*-. »u In town Tuesday evening Visiting relatives. —Mr. T. M. Fayssonx wan bane Iron Cnstouia to day ou losuiauoe buslnees. —Charlotte Anas. Otb. —Mis. W. K. Abell, of Xearrvmile 8. C.. bae bean span ding sons* time with her sister, Mrs. J. I). if. McLean. — Mrs. Fdlx MeLma and children, uf Liu coin ton are visiting liar unrests, Mr. nod Mrs. O. W. Mol.aitgUn. —I'rot Crura, of Hlclrury, la spend ing the week la Qasloaia. llo la ua bis regular iprlag tour of ptauo-tantng —Miss Male Adams la enjoying a pleasant visit of a week or wore to bar friend, Mrs. Pelhim Morrow, lu Fork villa. —Sir. uud Xlis. a. B. Harper, of At lanta, arrived Sunday afternoon to vis it tlisir parents, MaJ. and Mrs. K. T. Harper. —Miss Tolah Adams, who was last session a student of the Charlotte I'rsebyterlau oolloge Is at home fur vacation. —Miss KUe Bradley, who line been attending the Urreoaboro Normal and Industrial school luu returned home for vacation. —Mrs. E. W. Mellon uud children, of Cbatiotta come over (Sunday to spend n short tins with hsr parents, llr. sod Mrs. J. H. Craig. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison King, j •bo spent sometime I tern Id tbn early | miag of Inst year, are at the Valla House again for a few weeka. — Mian Mamie Lor* left Toeaday morning for Davidson to attend com mencement. Her brother, Mr. R. A. Love, I* oue of the graduates. —Mrs. IL I.. Durham and baby, and ber mother, Mr*. Margaret Craton left last Friday morning for Untbertordtoa where they will spend the summer. —Miss Carrie Ruddock left yesterday morning for Charlotte to visit ber brothers. From there she goes to Davidson to spend part of U>* summer. —Mr. Xi. k. Uagood'a many friends In Gastonia are always delighted u> as* him. He came up from GtHuey det orday afternoon and remained until MuskIst. —Mrs Mr. H. Hoffman and daugh ter, Mian Nannie, ore visiting tins fam ily or Mr. David Jenkins at Henrietta. They will probably return llie latter pert of tbs week. —Miasm due Gallant and Mabel Smith aru among tbe happy girls at Davldaou U>ls week. They west do we yesterday to enjoy Mie cloeiog exercises of corniceucemeut. — Bar. J. 0. Calloway will leave to morrow utgbl to attsud the Dae West couiu>etioe<u»ut» Gastonia famishes two graduates till* yean Miss Julia Galloway at the Female College, aud Mr. J. W. Carson at Fraklue. —T>r. E. 31. Coffsy, of Lsoolr, ar rived last weak and baa again associ ated blmaulf with Dr. E. F. Oleuu for tht* practice of deutistry, of wfileli due anuoiioeement 1* mado elsewhere. —Mrs. J. D. Moore, J. D. Jr.. Mias •Tali'1, Chaclia aud Mattie and Mrs. C. H. Durham left Tuesday morning lo spend the summer iu the roountaioa. They will occupy tlieir oozy little sum mar coltags at Globs. —Dr. J. C. Whitesides, of Newton, will arrive next week to begin bis dalles 111 professional partnership with l»r. W. H. Wilson. Dr. Whitesides is n physician of prominence and expe rience, whose good name precedes bin at his new Lome. Hm Hmw ar tka Merer 1 mar. Buy-at-hoaw fault dudes* wilu tbe conduct of tbe war will probably be aba toed Into slleccs by tbe Ur 111 log beioliai displayed by our men at the front says the Philadelphia Hcro.^L Tbs gallant four thousand who vol uolcered their aecrlses wheo Admiral tiamMoa called lor eight men to lead a forlorn tiope ut Santiago showed tbs Stuff of which America'« Ship*’ com panies are made. To oar nr out the deolgn of the ooncnauder of the fleet to dak the col I tar Merrltaac U the Deck of that Csbae barbor, and thus to opting the trap wherein Ue Spanish fleet ie ooofloed. required a degree of courses tueb as baa bean exhibited only lo tbe famous deeds which have become Uie tot'Rsi of song and atory, like tbe charge nf the Light Brigade and aell-oacrmee of /Icouldas ami his Spartan band la,<b* i*ase of Tber irave fellows who manned the Karri mac, ran ever tbe oalaas and through tbe galling Are of tbe ha tunes at Santiago, anchored their shot-rid dled ship, and attar letting her swing into tbe required position Mow up the veacel with an lateral] torpedo, were heroes la tbe true sense of the word. Even Admiral Usrvsra was com pel tad to express bis admireUon of their valor cot withstand log tlie tact ibat by their act bis lass hope of aeuape from hlo prison had been Masted. Praise from a defeated enemy la pralaa lodaed. Te Krn> Lmmm rmk. TIM Dank* eorreepondect of the Cheater, 8. C., lanUm fire* ttve fol lowing: “I will oIom by telling your mini now to keep lrmotie for e long time. Peek then in n bos of ue.l and keep the tend damp by pouring water on I’ oeeMlonally. It onela nothing and In worth trying. I Imto tome thnt I bought Uat January, and they Me O. K. now,” Tried Friends Best For thirty yearsTutt's Pills have proven z blessing to the invalid. Are truly tlte sick man's friend. A Known Fact For bilious headache, dyspepsia *otir stomach, maloria.constipa tion and all kindred diseanes. TUTT’S Liver PILLS AN ABSOLUTE CUBE. wKEEP COOUti Men's Crash Salta from $1.75 to $3.00. Men's Puff Bosom Shirts all prices. Men's Hummer Coats from 30 cents up. ! Low Cut Shoes and Straw Hats to go cheap. _ Yours to serve, THE NEW YORK RACKET. i .. . ... . •> «■"" " -1.. f, —McCormick— REAPERS AND MOWERS. OAR LOAD JUST ARRIVED. See them and get terms. ” CRAIG & WILSON. 'Jf ' - ■S=SgHBgBgJ. W>» WHAT DOES IT I1EAN ? Closing Out at and Below dost. It Means that we are telling goods at the **m« price we paid for thee*. It Means that toons goods are going at from 10 to U per Matleoe than they coal. It Means that we will soon leave Geatoola end that every peeving day ieedaveut . off from yonr opportunity to neeine oar bargains. Come end etc for yourself. Our goodTsad prices will convince you that wn advertise no fake. Tills aala will not last lung. Come right bow. CLINE AND CORNELIUS. C O F F E E—Wk The King of the Breakfast Table, like an cot is acceptable only when fresh ancl good. Oar (loffee Department re* celves special attention aud we can please you. _ EDGAB LOVE & Oft »■»>—■ M I» AStlKilMMH. Big blotter sheets for yoor desk at tba Oakkttk Office. B. H. Beasley, phologrspbar. Golds boro, N. U., will mall photo of Gas tools company for flO ceots. See bosi sees locals. Dr*. Olerm A Coffey offer better den tal work thao eyes before. Prices to suit herd times. Grown and bridge work e specially. Snowflake Laundry will taka plane are lu otUlng far end delivering year laundry. Nicely laundered le tbe way ttiey bring it baok. W. IL Wilton, lid., aanouaevs (bet he ha* associated with ltimeelf profee *1 on ally Dr. 3. C. Whlteafclse. of Newton, X. C. Sea nolle*. Ksw York Baekat ssMasyou to. keep cool. Crash salts, peff bosom sblrta, summsr eoata. straw bate, aad lew eat shorn will bslp yoa keep that ad rice. Mrs U. C. Parkin* advertises fat private sale the shoemakers’ tool! be longing to her late both sad. They «ue at Bradley A Happerfisld's. At at* of HO days remainder Will go St aae tloa. ______________ a wee,see,see fin. Boxmat. Joes A conflagration at PeWtauwar, which was sot maatsrsd for twsnty four hoare, baa daatreyad 4,00b house* doing damage to tbs amount uf a boat gttl.OOO.OOU. Tbla Is I supposed to bn Ute reeard Ore at Indie. The dates far holding the State fair , at Raleigh this year have bean flzsd for Oats bar *4 to 90. Snowflaie Laandry.' _ 1 i Cleeo llae« e testy lmt>dried appeal* alike to tsetse ad tbs well-drvamd neb and ttie data- - ly w#tuan. That's tbe kind I be 9ouw flake laandry turn* set. tail *>>>. aaantr *ae vraaaAT, mumr. VtUbAY amd RATraSAV. Oar Mr. J. B. OsUaat wtOba happy to aarye yoa. Call ea him HnoirmKi Laotvdk Y. I ' Professional Notice. To my patron* and frfcada I do «* peotally acknowledge my appnoinUon ot and my gratitude aad thank* fag Ihrir peat. patronage, aad taka this method of iBMunetof that I bare m wriated with me In the preotlee at medieloe Dr. J. O. Wh1U*lde», at Sew tau.. A graduate la the Uoirermlty of Maryland, Ur. Wktteeldea haa aka takea a fan ooane ta tha Nrw Teak poatgrmdaata, k a member of tha M. C. Rial* Madteal goetaty, aad baa ao aovlaU. reputation far tnoaaaa in aa eateaalr* profbeeloaal iry team at 11 T**m *Ia left a Rood praetlea to ally hlmtair with am, being imgraecd with the IKe, rigor, growth aad ditalig mrnitot oar young oily, and bam do. elded to bMOM om of a*. I eepeolally iwmawf him to my friend* aad the eernmoalty at lata* » aa axparleooad, oarafml. aad akUtfal phyatela*. Hm will b* mmnalatl mkh ■a* hi Mr praetiaa aad me will glee prompt rmapoom* to all ealle. _ W. II. Wtaaow, M. P. ICE! Wholesale and Retail. Frost Torrence ft Co., DRUQQIST5. Catoafc, I t

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