s I . i i g Sil I *•. i i Our troape strived at Mxaila Jua« »• There waa only one death ee Um «3T The Creeps wet* vested with gftadaheotshy Dewey’* men sad the •aWm boy* ta tan eLaand Dewey. Dew*y was planning to celebrate the foOTth by aweulUiig Itaatia. A reiga at terror la oa in Spain. The feeling U Uioa tomajed up: “God ■ton* knows what will happen.” It la repot} id tkat Um AJphoaao XIH s Scaolrh warship waa sunk wkUa trying to ran the Cuban block ^V%SCd||£ , * A Mora la rnglag off SaaUago aad Um co-operation of Satnpeoo aad Shatter U delayed by IL WM1——Mb ttcwra seme hot Schley saw aad Uadcr pretext of eecenity for war porpoeco the UspabUcsa adoiaiatra ttan at Washington baa added nearly 00 per oral to Um pnbUe daU as It existed oa Um .1st ot January, l»«. The injunction is watch and pcay. Snapaeo may have gooa off last Sua day Momtag to pray, or to asa Shatter. » "»H» to Sab, but Schley be watched. Aad there was DO getting by bun. as Cereem’a daaparat* dash out of Sea tiaga'a knhor aad IU fatal denoue Mact only famished farther proof that th* Spaniards are not afraid to nght nad not afraid to die. They amain, tfy not skMtal at either. Tba fall name ofU* Spaa lab Admir al who WM captured by 8ampans’* flaat last Sanday aad 1* mow a prla ooat of was la “Pare oak da Carrara y Tarpata Condo d* Jem, Margate da Santa Am.” Ko wondsr ha bad to borat out or tUo bottle. Bat l>U name now io and or Dcoai* or any aid thlaa of that aocL Cblcaao wltboat new* Saturday, SooSay, aad Monday on aoeaoi.t of a atrtba of tba aatraotypera «*n*t In it with tba Imdrotw laiaada. On their way to lfaaila, our Seat find t weirs taota at tba Santa Cras tact bat got no tayfy. That afternoon two oAoen aama to the Chadeatoo, thankad the Captain for Ma aalote, aad mid tba Ooranoc rafHttaf ha had no powder toiatam tboooartmy. When notified that they warn Pdaanaxa of war. they wamoatDoadcd aad said they hadn’t baard thorn wm aay war goto* on. Tba Itdroaa* at* along way* bock from tbo Mg rood. FICBTIK AT SARTUCO. On la* Priday^DOfoiug, the Btit day •f JulT. Sboftar'a forces on the hills oratooklag Saatiago were la a poei tl«a to mo«* against Uie otty'o out >mU. The A roar lea oj approached tnm Urn aoath-aaat and their line nx teaded from nearly to El Cancy on Uie cocthMUt almost to Aguedorai on t!ie aooti), a distance of about (Ira miles. Oen. Laatoa waa on thn light o«:u El Caoay, Geo. DeRtU mi the left near Agaadotta. and Q«t>. Sumner during Wheeler's lUnoaa In ' hi forenoon com manded the center hr.ore Urn itrooaly tortlOed Heights of San JaaaTTlie Idaa of battle was to taka all three of the enemy’s opposing positions. Tlie •***•■•*! comma need shortly after midnight Friday morning. All our fotoaa except 3.000 to guard camp and aappUos warn In battle Una, there Mxra Jott to the roar of the ad ranee forces. . Um ted but tittle m done. in fact but UU1# wm Intended to be fin ished until U>« right end center bad pona toair tasks. Tbr fleet and Do Said's forces were to oo-<ver*te In makings feint mod this they did. Hen It As that the Melting flag-staff loeldmt occurred, of which lb* deUUa are given elsewhere, how that It was eat dowo by Um Uet of three shots At Ben o'clock General Lawton moved against £1 Cttney. Captain Gnpron, whose son was killed at La QuMbts. bed the am shot into the f£g«b**r<m»hold. defended by about Spaniards witboat artlllary. Two batteries played upon El (Jaoey tmUIber rorccawar*compelled tore lift. It was not taportaat to oeeapy GM town. It being surrounded with wire tenors and earthworks anyhow, and so Lawtou opened both tmtUrrios on tbs enter fortifications of Santiago, tt wm telly » minntes before the Spaniards replied, bat when tbeir Ore did eons It wm appaUIngly furtoua neeurnte. A sbeU Uok* over kaUory. killing two men and vonMInf otbin. A npr w&rehooM Mr by was struck acd dmoiisbcd and several Cubase warn kitted or wonaded. The amok* of oar batteries team an easy target, wblla U>* imntiMi powdsr of tbs Spaniard! made It hard to find them. Kent’s ill vtalon of Infantry breaking out of the noderbrunb in sight of the Spanish temohM was met by a mnrdcrons hall of rifle bullet*. American* fell right and left. It looked aa If they would have to fail back. But they didn’t. They went down on their breast* and fireif volley after volley, until Grimes got hie artUlory in position and tbeu a aaoond artillery duel sOsnced the enemy. Bat the enemy must be driven from the trench** on top of Ihs slope guarded by wire fooeaL General Haw kin’s brigade and a division of dis mounted cavalry started forward with a shout, lflet by a withering (Irateal ■earned too macs lor homsn andnr anee, they commenced a doable quick. **«» knocked right and left. TtwptesUo. staggered, threw itself to tea greood and commenced firing. Up again the line sprang and want forward to the vary tranches. Thera en*®*<* • flsros band to hand «ncounter The Spaniards could ttantl It do loo ser. but broke sod ran toward Santia *o- The draorloan Infantry end dls f*°*C5^.e?TaIrT.?ow*1 “ “» tbeta fio« behind, mod Bate's battery, which had la tbe meantime Rotten on tbe Sank, seat a murderous enfilading fire down the entrenchments. TbeAmer letM held Urn crest of the hills, Friday la the e-itreochments they rorad hundreds of Spanish deed. A no leas heroic ebarge was made at the eeatar oo the height* at 8ao Juao. Oerwtel Young waa tick, aad Colonel **«ade 18 bu •Seed. The height* were held by troope. The taking of the height* was one of tbe principal ob **8«f They maamoded theelty of Santiago sod tbe harbor. waa well fortified with artillery from Carrera's ships, lodud wg machine guns. To take them meant an aphllT ebarge of S00 yards jam eon.pent!rely open ground nod through wire fences. There were also latte way several block homes, de taaded^r artillery. The work of car gsraegasrest gaagygirffi^irizt I*loth eevalry. Hot It so happened t*f* tb8.*”*. orkeohrstlaci*; ^ gtaher with the Bonohltidan. bad to mt the brsrat of It. Btmy taaoaaw mu tbathta or t*Mga bait «m fall, and tba fenoa ellp Kwara atattooad in proper poaUlorT adraoea waa oowmaocad uadar Mawy Are. Tba mao waat forward •booties and ehoorlag. Tba artUlory “• «■■■»■»[gua On ooaaiog down an tbaat ftaaa tba hilt waa tarrlAo. Aa ttjtoa approaobodtbo wire faaea. tba oBpyK moo raohod forward. Ona mao woatdollptha wlraa la Um aUddta; two at ban would wrap tod twlat Um !*••• aboal tbf po«U. Beten) nor*, oat tba Atoartoana auOarod no lita boat at»d Art, tba aeMtara fought tbalr way aa g.jy.MUr.M Mm my top TLo y»!y* Mat a booty ratraot toward * Although tlrad aad axhana aalSa^yy^.1"^1^ ’rM’ gsa^T4~ •&*■££&£ Sfe3T!l!CTg.y~:. tbowooadad toob n. aad auo* tba nl &1mXRmff?g ££ ** m*nm * rtmtuta or aartniPAv. . ■**» tba ssrJJssssSi |^»£AS Mull fore* of i . ► 4«fcr and did not pretend Utntom a rant. By tb« light of can dins they mwlMd with tba wounded, doing nil Umi Mold, ul afro- the ntfiM* men through with them assisted io la;lag them In blankets ou the gmaa •mmml Picket Icing oouliuosd with more or ten* spirit nil daring Friday night. Md nt I o’clock $4tarda; morning the Spaniards rs spa and lbs Ight with a fierce assault oa San Jaaa bill. The Amarlrans had foetifled the hill with Hotchkiss and other taachioe guru. Twice th* Spaniards tried to recapture tho heights; bat bath times they wen driven back. The slaughter W4* fear ful. Between Santiago and £i Caoey the Spaniard* wans also In considerable force. General Tjawton adyanead on them there. They rsaisUd stubbornly; but inch by Inch he drove them back. On Saturday. Geuetal Shafter de mooded tba sumader of Santiago, oa palu of bombardment within 94 hoars. General Torsi, commander refused co surrender, but said be would notify foreign consuls to remove the non combatants of their respective coun tries. The oonsals then represented te Goo oral Shatter that there were 90,000 people who desired to leave, and said they could nut be gotten out of the city before 10 o'clock Toesdny. General Shatter ountacled to allow until 14 o'clock Tuesday on ooodition that no move was msdu against hla troops in the meantime. Harlv Saturday morning tbs fleet en gaged In a lend Ho bombardment of tbs fortifications at the channel entrance. The big ships went ckue Into the mouth of the clmuuei and smaahed the fort locations to pieces. Macro was crumbled and the flag knocked down. Big sheila fOU oo Punta Gordo in a per feet bail. Ail of the butteries were silenced daring the l1 ring but as the ships withdrew, a few shots were Died at them from one of Lhe batteries at the west of the harbor entranoc. None of the ships were bit. The Spantsli prisoners Id the hands of the Americana at the close of Satur day numbered as well as could be esti mated about 3,000. It was estimated that 3,000 Spaniard* bad been killed and wounded and tba American lam in killed and wounded was about 1,800. aUW JJAT’fc EVJOfTS. TUe biggest of tbe day's events ni Scbtey’s splendid achievement In de stroying Ceveras’s fleet as told else wbeca. Oo Saturday ntgbt the Span iards made desperate efforts to recap ture General Kent's position. Eom foroed by beery fire fro® their guus and batteries, they drove aoeis ot nor men from Urn treoohaa. But the Am mean's galling lire in return sent Uie Spaniards reeling backwards with heavy lots, while oar Gatlins on the left did terrible execution. At 6 o’clock Sunday morning Shatter or dered battle re-opened along Ibe whole time, and it waa opened wilt a von geenoe. Unrtug the ilay General Snafter wired the department at Washington that be bsd Santiago well InvasUtl on the south and east but with a very thin line. Its defences were found to be ao strong that “it will lie lmpcwsl Me,” wired General Shalt*r, “to carry it by storm with my present force.” ttetnforcemeiiU were ordered at once, and have been sailing from Port Tampa this week to the number of 4,000 or 5,000 la all. wArrisa ox aiomoat. Gooersl dhafler at doom Monday re peated tils demand for l tin surrender of Ibe city, tie notified General Linares that unless Santiago surrendered hos tilities would be resumed at noon <m Tuesday. The fortign coeauli said liters were 31,000 men women end children, for eign subjects in the oily sad they re quested cessation in order to enable them to be removed outside Santiago and to he placed under tin protection of tbo United State*. This tvas defi nitely refused by the American com mander, who declined to accept any such responsibility. The ooaaula weie te*d that It rested with then to insist upon General Linen's surrender. Wheats* III bat AaU re. General Joseph Wbenler greatly dis tinguished himeeif last Trid ay. He was to litre commanded the American centre. He was too unwell, however, te assume hie poet at tbs opening of tbo fight, and General Sumner com manded In Ills stead. Unable te rec oncile himself te the idea of remaining in his tent while serious work was go ing on, at 11 o’clock tbs old general got into an sen bo lance and started to the front. After a abort distance tbe aabolaoos met some wounded soldiers, baiog borne to the rear on I liters Immediately Gtnarsl Wheeler got oat of tbo a tabula noo, and against the pro tean of the surgeon In attend so on, ** aiatad tbo wounded mao Into the ratal cla. Then be mounted bm horse sod started again for the frost. Tbo men who w!teemed tbe InoMeot buret late fno tic cheer*, others took It up. sod all aloag tbo line there were hurrahs for tea old Confederate By noon, al though still very 111, General Wheeler had established bis headquarters at the extreme front and eoatre of 11» lias, aad he held Ms pnsitloo during tbo balance of Urn day. •we M*n«*e» rn* Haw Mag a. Ceptlra balloon* win put to good •eeoaot dorlog lb* bottle of Hentiago Tbo ballooae orore attaebed to wagcm* on the ground and allowed to aaaead tea bright of aboat a.COO feat. They eartiad rix wan each. Tbaaa mm carefully aeon rad the entire geld of oyerattaa* aod reported to twadgoar tear* below Uirough telephone*. Tha com at aod teg WMnb wet* tbo* , la do** taoeb with tha etoraroaou at tbe aoaaay aad war* aaabiad to quietly ar rlra at the right thlag to do at tha right tlwa. Tha Spaniard* fired at thaaa halloo*** continually la tbe bop* af intoeluriog Ummo aad bringing thaw dowa; but without aamaa. In ardor to eoafuaa the Ora af the Hpaalerda, however. It wa* Neatury to abaaga tb* y m.loo of the ballaoaa often. Phaldnl McKinley *i war taap I* OMWPtad no a waodaa baab. It la IS fee* laag aad 10 feat wide, and (how* lb# AHanHl naritb. with 1U laiaada aad both aaaata, from Xawfaoadlaad l® tbe maatb nf tha Aaaaaa rtaar. Tbe paaHlan ad war vaaaat* h» tmrhai by Iwtla paper ahlpa atuek te iha «top with ptw*. The nu laae pleoaa wtwafcaSpecial* fleet* hae* baa* p». Ptotad ate aa fax af ala beta* tbat the •Wff toaaat be made to atay where Hafwpg._ The Sputa Ida la Stallage aaB tha VaativiiM Uw “Rarthgeabe throw**." CERTBRA’S FLEET IS DBSTKOYEDI BMrAPoi rtai Baum *(» I* »l'«K IV TMB NKA. CrUtskAl UlM, UMnal) !■>««» Muta Trrua >• ,| VUeajiv. Md m Tw»tS« T«nu n |n» Urnmui lees Hw an rtlnin ■ ill—tliS Macaw M SrXe---j Marat—, tak wm NgWtw utMa u I«aa«a tfca Merrtaaae'* Main Aaodtwl to Cbarloa* OOaomr. Orr Santiago, July a_Admiral Corvera'e fltet, consisting of tba ar morsJ eruiaan Cristobal Colon, A1 mlrante Oqneudo, Infanta Karla Teresa and Yilttja, and two lorpefto boat destroyer*, the Foror sod tbe Pinion, which bad been Iwld In Uio harbor ■■( SnotUgo de Cuba for llm past six weeks post by Ute combined squadrons of Bear Admiral Sampson aud Commodore Schley, list tedtjr at tbe bottom of tbe Cairlbbean Sea, off the southern coast of Cube. Tne Tba Spanish admiral U * prisoner of war on the auxiliary gunboat Gloucra tti (formerly J. 1’ierpout Moreau'« yacht Corsalrl, and 1,000 to 1,500 oiti or Spanish offloers and sailors, all who escaped the frightful earns**caused by tbe shells from tbe American warmhlpe, ere also held ee prisoners of war by the United State* nary. Tbe Spaniards, when they found they would lie per mitted to live, adapted themselTea comfortably to the situation, rolled their cigarette* and began playing cards among themselves. Min wash ron LinvitTY. Admiral Carver* wad* as galUut a dash for liberty and for the preserva tion of lit* ship* this morning as tma ever occurred iu tbe history of naval warfare. In the face of overwhelming odds, with uotblng before bitn but In evitable destruction, or surrender If ba remained any longer in the trap lu which the American Uaet held him. be made a bold dash from the harbor at tbe time tbe America us hast, txpectod him to do so, end lighting ewry Inoh of bW way, even when hU sblp wot ablasa and sinking, he tried to recap*) the doom which wav written oc toux lie of overy American gun trained up on his vessels The American# eaw him the moment he left the harbor, and commenced their work of deetrucl.on immediately. For an hour or two they followed the tbe flying Spaniards to tbe westward along the shore line sending shot after shot into their blazing hulls, tearing great holes in their eteel sides and civ oring their decks with the blond of the killed and wounded. At no time did the Spaniard* aoow any indication that they Intended to do otiierwise than tight to the last. They showed no signals to surrender even when their ships commenced to sink and tho great clouds of smoke pouring from their aldts showed they were ou lire. But they turned their vessels toward the shore, less than a mile away, aud ran them ou tb«* beach and rooks, where their destruction was soon com pleted. The officerf and men on hoard then escaped to tbe shore as wall as they eoold, with the assistance ol' boats sent from tbe American tueu of war, and threw tbemselvoe upon tba mercy of their captors, who not only extended to them the gracious band of American chivalry, but eunt them a guard to "protect them from the murderous hands of Cuban soldlets biding in tbe bush on tbe hillside, aiger to nub down and attack the un armed. defeated, but valorous foe. On* after another the Spanish ships became the victims of the awful rain of shells which Uie A mericao battle ships, cruisers and gunboats poured j upon them, and two hours after thn | first of the fleet had started out of Santiago harbor their cruisers and two torpedo host destroyers were llviDg ou ID* sours Mo to flfMaa mile* oft Mono Castle, pounding to piece*, smoke ami flame pouring from every part of them and oovcrlng the entire coast lino w|th a mist which could he seen for mile*. Heavy explosions of ammunition oc curred every fow mloulea, sending ourls of detuM while smoke a hundred feet In the air and causing a ebower of broken Iron aod steel to fall In the wuUr on every aide. The bluffs on the coast lino echoed with the roar of every exrloelon and lb* Spanish vessels sank deeper and deeper Into the sand or elee tl>e roekt ground their halls to pleoe* as they rolled os pltehed forerun! or sideways, with every wave that washed upon them fro la the open eea. Admiral Carvers escaped to tbn shorn In a boat sent by the Gloaoeeter to the assists nee of tb« Infanta Maria Teresa, and a* soon as lie touched the lissfloh he sarrendered himself and hie command to Llsuteoaot Morton anil aeksd to be taken on board the Glou cester, which was the only American veeeel near him at the time, with sev eral of bisOfliOers, Including the okp tain of lbs flagship. The Spanish admiral, who was wounded In tu« ana, was taken to the OlouoeeMr and eras received at tbs f*ofway byther oommendar, Lieu tenant Commander Blobsrd Wain errlfht, who grasped tbs hand of the gray bearded admiral end eald to him: 1 congratulate you W, open "*» tag ®»da aa gallant a light aa »u ever witaaaaad on tho at/ Lieutenant Command*! Wulnwrlglit tbon placed hla nabla at tbo dlapoael of tha dpaalafa offloer*. At tbo UaM tha rfpanUh flagalilp and four other gpoalah taaMh had been aground and burning for two boor*, Md »h# only one of the eaaoplog fleet art lot ooald not be aaoa at thla point, waa tha CrMobai Colon, but half a doaso nark of aaiofea fhr down on the »**•”> >iortaon ahowrd th* faU tba* waa waltlag her. fh* CrMobai Colon waa tba faotMi or tho Sganlah ahlpa. M MM ohUlood a load orar Ilia othara Jfltar Maaloeth* harbor aad oanpad tha aCeet of■(><*• whloh daftroyad tha uthar 8b* ate*aMd away at apaad with the Otago*. Ha* Vart, Brooklyn and Other ahlpa la puraoit. all of tha® drl«>t "titer constantly aad rtoairlag Ora theto •Mm fraai her aft gu»« MKfoox’a it»r»WT. Admiral Kaupana’a dhpateh to Um »we*\w ftllowa: .**•*•* uadar mf •*« •h* aatfoa aa a roofth ofJnly praeaot tha daatraatlon at tha wbota of Oar Mil float, tt attempted to —aapa at !h*0 a. m., and at J p! «>-, tho laat. the OrMohal CMon hhd ran aahora. Maty •Una wa* of ln“-r a*d hat lot flow* her aotara. The InfMrta Marla Oquendo and VUoaya were forced asliore. burned aod blown op wUliia twenty milts at Santiago; the Furor and Platon were dcAtroyua with* lu tour mile* of the port. Lose one killed nrd two wounded; enemy's lo»s probably sereral hundred from fun Ore. explosions and drowning. About 1.300 prisoners Including Admiral Car W». The man killed was George Vi. Kills, chief yeomuii of Uie Brooklyn. **SamW0S." sum now wot tk rr. Whtui the Spanish ship# cam* oat, Admiral Sampson no the New York ws* ten raili-e away eastward, wbera be had gone to holil a conference with General Shatter. His ship got back lu time to help Oolsh up the torpedo boats and also to be at U*o round up of the Cristobal Colon (%> miles westward. Schley eras on watch at the harbor and did Hie job for the Spaniards. ext > TWO I Til NEE i *»•« i»»ww (mi in* Nfuii.k n«« An Uvrlllna Taalt AmnipIlUinl by LlHlMMinill* UNl Dllkulr Kko B«4 Only Tkrer lkM>. AJkociau-O Itr* lu Ctiartulto uiawm. Okk Santiago. July 1 —Of our troop* ashore la llie brush uulblug oould be sesu. but the ••ping,” “plucr,” of tli* ioiiaII alt ml of tbe army Hooted out to era duriag the oceaakiual loll In (he firing of tbe big guns, which pep pered tho ride pit* uutll clouda of r*d earth roe* above them. An eight-inch abclt from the Newark dropped in llie massive old fort and clouds of whit* dun and hugs atones Oiled Ilia air. Wbeu tbs small (holla bit lla battle ments, al moat hidden by green creep ers. fragment* of masonry came tum bling down. A shot from the Suwa ) are hit the eastern parapet and It crombled away like a mummy ex posed to the air after loog years. Amid tits amoks and debris tbe ilagsuff was seen to tall forwaid ”TTi6 dag baa bean shot down !” »b<iuted tlie ship** CISW. bat wheu tbe smoke cleared away th*i emblem of Spain wo* seen to bo still Hying and hissing brilliantly In the son. though tho Hagslall was bend ing toward the earth. Aptasrsotly tbe flagstaff had been caught Urmly lu tbe wreckage of the fort. A few more shots levelled the battlements until UiO'Oid caall* was a pilifnl sight. When tho llrmg ceased, I-lautenant Deletion ty of tbe Suwanee, was anx ious to Uiiish his work, so lie slgualled to tlie New Fork permission lo knock down the Spanish tlag, ••Fes,” replied Admirul Sampson, •'if you csa do ft iu tbiss shots.” Ths Suwauee then lay about 1,000 yards from tbe old lort. She took her lime. Lh-utrnaot Bine carefully aimed tlie four Inch cun. nud tlie crews of all the ship* Watched the Incident solid Intense excitement. When tbe smoke n( the Suwar.ee’s drat shot cleared sway, only two red streamers of the C (g wen* left. Tbo shell Had gono tbruogh the centre of tbs bunt ing. A delighted >«U broke fr. m the crew of Uie tsawune*. Two or three minutes later the Suwance fired again. A hug* cloud of debris rose from lit* base of the flagstaff. For a few »cr ouds it was impossible to tell what hiul been Die effect ..f the abot. Then It wan aevo the shell had only added to lb* ruin of the fort. The flagstaff aeemed to have a charmed existence and tbs Suwaaee had only one chance left. It seemed hardly possible for her to achieve her object with the big gun. Such a distance nod such a tiny target! There waa breath If s« silence among the watching urswa. They crowded <>n llie abips’decks and all eyes were on tliat Uttered rag, bonding lowatd the earth from tbs top of what once bad been a grand old castle. Bat It waa only Unding, not yet down. Lieutenant Commander Dslhaaly wud Lieutenant Blue took their time. The Sawanse changed ber posltiou allglitly. Then a puff of amok* shot out frum her aide, and up wunt a eponting cloud of debris from the par apet aud down fell the banner of Spain. Such yells from the flagship will probably never be heard again. There was more excitement than is witnessed at tbe finish of a college boat race, or a popular race between first-class thor oughbreds ou some big track. The fiuwwnew’s last shot had atruok right at tbe tww of the 111 gala IT wf.d had biuwti it clear nf the wreckage which had held It. •'Well done f’ signaller) Admiral Bumpton to Lleutenunt Comninniliir Delhunly. xvrEKviMra msminatimx °*«* AnwssM for KualuUon «r riMleMwi Twakan. r»r lakaUe •dalkMiit A. A M. and t'.nUo'ty Xacraal VMiBt* Thore will be regular examinations ol leathers of the Public School* uf Oaston County in the Court House at IhUliU on next Thursday. July 14. Alao at same time and place loch teachers as may apply will be exam ined for life oerti Beale. Also at Boa time a oil place appli cant* for b vacant scholarship lu tbe North Carolina College of Agrlenttore Mechanic Arte, will be examined for Wtnie. Aim at same place on .Inly 2lat aud Mod there will be a competitive examination Tor l’eabody Scholarships at Peabody Normal College. Naahvlllft, Tenn. The uppllcanta for thla last mual not ns lew Until seventeen years of age, nor mote than thirty, of good character and beslUi and must make a pledge to leach at least two yatira after graduation. The use uf tobuooo it a disqualification. Thla scholarship Is good for S1U0 and railroad fare. . . M. UorrxAK, •Inly 1. ISOS. Oounty Supervisor. A Cord er Tkwkt I Uk« Ibte method of rwturntng oy thnnke to the people of Mnatcmla, Mpcelelly injr nelgUiiur*. (or thdfr many klodneoree ahown mo elope I had *h« lolefortime of loalog nearly all nf my liooeehohl (uodi by dr» late Thura dar night t nauaetally (bank t'.ioaa who helped mo ■j faithfully tu aaee a few of ®r thtoga, D. V McSwAUf. The barn aoi atablea of Mr. Jamet Hookoat, wtm lire* about two ml lea aoutkaaat of Drtbrtda rhuron, were dn atn.y-.| by (Ire laat Thurmlay i.lrht, a«ya the Ynrkrtlle Knpntifr Four heed of Irowa and rauhw were hnrneil. Mr. UookMl had attended to lire (red ing of tha erne* hln««|{ and iha dre waa dlaoneered aboal half an hour af terward. Tha origin uf Uw Ora la un known. No! it is not claimed that Foley’s Honey and Tar will cure Consumption or Asthma in ad vanced stages, it holds out no such false hopes, but does truthfully claim to always give comfort and relief in the very worst cases and in the early stages to effect a cure. For mb’ lij J. IT. KRNNFDY A COMPANY. TORRENCE BROTHERS Watchmakers and Jewelers and Dealers in Bicycles and Sundries. Notice the Reduction in prices on Wheels: Crescent's ’08 Models.$35.00. Wavorly's '08 Models, G. &.). Tires $35.00 ivanhoes ’08 Models, G. & J. Tires $30.00. Victors ’OS Models. $30.00 These are regular $40 and $50 Wheels Best and Cheapest Repair Shop In State —Special — CASH CUT-PRICES —At— MORRIS BROTHERS For Ten Days In tho Following Linos : WHITE GOODS. Nainsooks, Dimities, Piques, etc will be sold absolutely at cost and less. CLOTHING. Men's, Boys' and Children's suits will all be cut 25 per cent. And just here let us remark, OUR CLOTHING IS “L'R-TO DATli'' iu every essential feature. Our MRS. JANK HOl’KINS' children's suits with double knee and double scat pants, are the best on the market. Ol'R PANTS COUNTER is loaded with attractive Roods, and a 25 per cent, cut in this de partment certainly puts GOOD RANTS within the reach of all. 'Hie attractive features of our Dry Goods. Shoes ami Cents fur nishing goods arc so well known that they need no furtlier commen dation here. MORRIS BROTHERS. REFRIGERATORS. When the ice factory gets here —you will think of— Refrigerators. We htul thought of It for you and have them on ltaud. We can plense you, too, un<l ask a chance to do so. Come to see us. ARMSTRONG F0RN1T0RE COMPANY. ...TOO LATE... PAINT your wire screen-doors and windows before it is too late to prevent from rust. Onr GREEN ENAMEL will make them os good as new, nnd it is easily applied. We also have enamel paints hi delicate tints lor "Home Decoration." STOP— and see a few samples of box papers and tablets in cmr window. We are leaders in the stationery line. PRESCRIPTIONS. Bring ns yonr prescriptions and have them filled, if we arc not nlready filling them Try m and be convinced. Most respectfully. J. E. CURRY & CO U I* Hrttid*nt. J. D. Moon*, First National Bank, Of OABTONIA, N- C. * State and County Depository COMMF.NUKD KCSltflMS AUGUST 3, 1*00. * CrttOtal atnek, .... SfiO,000.00 8urplua,. 7,000.00 Dtndanda putd ainoo urgHO Ixatiaa, 30,000.00. dirkctous. L. L ikin'. T. C. lV*ram, J. D Moo,*. T. W. Wil*,,,, P. Dill la*. Solicit* aooount* of individual*, Firm*, ana Corporation*. Intarmt on tlnn* dapoolt*. Ouarantao* to patron* *v*ry accommodation * t*nt wltn oonaorvattv* banklna. oon«i. —McCormick— REAPERS AND MOWERS. CAR LOAD JUST ARRIVED. Him t.hmil anil get term*. —For Mia by— CRAIG & WILHON.

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