s r, tba mm «*,tohot ttwwr C?vJm£OSa irf*h7m~<& -Ila cum (rcai What LlacoJo called toe*pUto»a«pte.» II* Old eat po to yg* ***Km i» » •elf-aaed* arfeier. Wtbweeanbe snob a thing. It wa hatter tn aay that ha waa barn a aeMiar *»4 Utot even had ha Wed taattarhia •^fPtofjto.gWto Mi toaptiU at laaat, bare>hc*a ntbar than aeaten.” Sswasvti'ffi,«a gaasgiflaag to»—. Tint btaatenanl telSC. Re wimSm ftggaai gassed coouiMBtoa aa Coicutl at tba JtfhMrr «— vacated May 4, ~ ‘ r k i ; .****>—*«> •* to* ooatiauitr haa M» and the Atlantic f*—* *!“x—Wyvar*. and la thaee vaara General Shatter bn aat bean ^G—rwJOp^^rawaabad.-^ -Ha haa to to*> ladtonaaaapaten* ot Tana, flrv Mexico and xkne tn uu Grande, aa Ltoutenaot Oblonl ot tea ttoft tenth latentry.” fthm illtd why Sbiflir ted bMQ /|MMfel.tehto( Ibe Caban cam g^Ogg* Cofbio ‘Oo have bran ate* to do whet ebay war* JJ**1** *• to, aat a man to Hod oot *“*• toton cant be dona.” GnaraljteafUr waa a far tear boy, toagh and keen aa a hickory, and ha foOowed. barefooted, after toaacyth* to .tea harvaat fclda. HU wn tea *—«o*Wtog toe wliaat In to the bun dto which waa to help make the touch, ue one changed atom tboaeday*. Ha ss. iffifcaBftjSir toSttorbraaSi^wSdlgaiaio^for wtucb ao aaaay nan ot endurance and —eompIMUaant have bran not—. Ha to* hi— eye*. under bearer, aiwggy teowa--teeblae eye* which era kind ud ehrawd. bat which have a bard light to then aotnatitoca. He haa the •Igblin* hooked no**.” Ill* chin » the Pttehoghl^e ehle. arm end lolly. He ween a heavy gray mnweeba. aud bia white hair to farted In tba middle. CaaanlMMvMmM). A Chicago Jfetn comapoodeut writ** bla paper from Tampa: That tba Tim Ullaoia regiment Iwmhm to obey order* to to* tot tor. deegfta the fact that they at* manly voleatecra, l* a fact which la hagtaiteg to ha appreciated by tba Mtt tnaad (breveage* la thla taction of Urn country. Vtaterdey rtirau. T. W- Banding, of Com patsy O wae whichtboMg wacatiooaaoetaod, doing Miyoftltto toch of hUcomnate* \n Among other* thing* prohibited 1* ■Mtlag, and eigne both to Xogtiah and ttgnmfc warn tha beholden that Indulgence 1“ meh favorite vice en tha hoilding. The eoUiere •Uy vary prompUr, hot Mr. ficatvad a ebock when be a refund man in MB uniform [ aad ooavemng to on abeorbod with a gray mouateebed, anld let-look lag gvnttomau plainly in btoek and warning „ JBetb were *mohlog «,>d anatfaUMlto do an to enttra forgetful iffiffiMni '*** Vmi ** * -dZaTyin erin have to quit emoh tof.” ordered lb* Cbl*ago*n, a tremor eftottodattea creeping into hi* voice ae he anted to n daaad way that the am la aothen had on blaabnaUet* the two-etar laeigala of tha rank of . ' ; flutow 1L fityaa la Atlanta CMWUitttoa. fWMmm meet la Atlanta next mouth there win be tears <* to slu'd orer the rlotoriee Uwt Southern blood la aablcring lo Uw Kcam*ce«act between this ooaatrr end Mn. Kkt perdoneblepcita jhnltaaeaa the blood jaSouthern $5tw tejmpjmtm ttenw when the wlme *wto be* trow the Said of battle the 2J27_£L*£? ****** danag exploit °* **• SoutU‘ We of *• *"*b take alwaya known the ralor r®^'***^1** their loyalty to tta American angle; but w* Iwrn taeUrhg aa lent beneath the mla nwmeutaUoa of Northern aod eastern P*«lianj moaiUstanta that the world, wpoelaKy Spain, baa come to look opon aa aa a band of retail wtm were waiting only foe an opportune time to atrlka a death Uoe at lb. .tare end "wSm thoae hnge w»- cables which linked Calm to Uw <*n »tda world ware to ba cat It waa a S ..Aero boy who led Uw eebooetr up to and bauaath the Ore of Uwguoa ot Cienfuegoe-and it 23? ‘St** <* Carolina who lelL Whoa Cerrera with his fleet bad na^ton* in the tarter of Santiago end Admiral Sampaon wanted the cork pqt lam the neah of the bottle, U waa a Southern bey who planned tba work *•£ 11 tawntb ttw moat dead ly On that baa yet tmuad from Speotah IttW* Ab4 u a result Hobson of AUbosso to bold In a fifftotoh dunffron. Whan U became nTernary for ua to wtth the Irwurgent gen eral-ln-chief, Hoars, whose army waa •oUta mainland of Cuba, it waa a Soothan boy whe, with U picked man, }ta the expedition aod ran the gaunt letof Spanish gunboats and Spanish •ohUera. And when Admiral Sampeoa daabed Information concerning the number and poaMoo of Carrara? Seel, which was hidden behind the hill* lo tba harbor of Santiago, be dlapatcbad ***■ Somhrrn boy to tba perfloos task ofpoeiag theSpantsh rank* and obtaining a position eloaa eooogb to «"■ hl» »>* information draired. Ha curared 70 mtlee on mole tart la aemmpltahlag this feat. That boy waa Mautenaot Vtcter Ulna of Sooth Carolina, exeeutlvo otHoar of tha 2? wanes with Seatpeon’a fleet of Cuba. &2*.01® hoocr of haring planted to# drat American flag 00 Caban noli. *•*"» bw* Uhllk nmvtue tuM. .-^■r*.»*.r>od drink now U booled Oerrom, a la Santiago. ♦K?I!ILbT* 0O,oo*i, “1 Tertian in jjjjjjkkb* for government-made regt W« know jost where we aland on land, tat wa re all at sea about Samp ■on. r Those dpatiuh warships are sly dogs, batyna can't locate ><01 by their hart! Wo are getting up a cavalry com and Will ride male*, saddled with mortgages. .J^*jrn5jpan1'h Mips sigh tod. An 2H"»" , •*"P- I W a re maktu’ mosey ! The war Is osly eight weeks old. Our sixty-day now made when tbe dm gun ni flrsdfell doe yeaUrday. We would all aalist (or war. but wa understand tbe islny season is oe to Caba, and times am hard, and umbiel In OOOM higti. u}}9 war would last ten yean, that wwixld man ten “•Xtraa” a day, and editors eould then go to inaais as reg ularly as millionaires. These war liars should have their (*tt« when the thermometer reach if. ^ •f**d*- ■** where tbe ■bad** ts twenty miles apart. Our warships throw shells that cost flvo hundred dollars a shell. Oh,»( w*®**14 J”» Bad one In the eaad, and eeu It to tbe government at halr-prloe ! dome of our meu have nut received tbelr untfonoe, and It now looks like they will have to march on Cuba at tired only in aa army ride and a pal metto fan. Wo have little fatlli la some of those Cuban insurgents. Wo saw tarn la Cuba, and all they bad on waa a broad ££?*■ Wt •“**■* W# did not report tbe army sermon last BUthiay, for es soon aa the text waa aapounned the building waa blown “f by dynamite, the preacher taking tho sermon with hies. We are taking up war subscript loos for our noble boys, do far wa hays ra eotred two tons of tracts and a train load of by mas. Wobepo they'll hare time to look over them. n. oouta luvobuc. Inaugural uMmi President MoKlalav said j “F1 w*?t “0 »M* Of oooqueet: *« nentnvoldtbe tewptotton of territo rial aggression.” The Ohio RepobUenii State Cocreo Um adapted s isolation declaring Uat-tbe cotta try oaa safely treats Bepabileaa ednhitat ration to vital* and patriotically” dispoaa of ”oo* qaered territory.” General Oraeveeer, the adnlalstra Uoa’a gtoatbpicoe, told the convention that **we shell not see the day wbeo by the enter of a Uepebllcan admiaUUm tloa, and sorely awt by the order of MsMlBlay’e adnloMratioe, theetarry hayy Woar coaatry’s glory wUl be Mined down trow gay flagstaff where the oooqeeet of arwe baa pteead 1L” Um «f the enbamaalag mistake* has Keened. Ruber Mr. McKinley Will hastily la bU Ittaugami add ran* sad without proper uaderaUadlag of the eoatrol be ooold esareise over bis party, or he baa aioea rvraated the eland he held wbea ba was iadooted Into fiwMiny. Hie adaeiekstratieo ie bow wag leg a •K «f senate* sad bis party has aided to “The tewUtUoa of torrltor wurMdoa” in tiw ease of Hawaii, the Pbllllpplaee end Porto Bioo. Arp veto ooactude that Inaugural •dMahea we ao nor# to be trrmodtha* party phufame or resign ptadgw y nuuiwxniBmu “* »>»H In dm hlO>«»bal>«<t Dr. lau« «®d Major lUrtlU bay* towed Um origin ot amallpox to this weUom. Who* the negro Port Los, Who had bean sxpooad to the disease ip South Os rot to a, waa la ten lit with '* ** “•*!* 0“ tee Mocks villa Moorosrllle Railroad, it will be re called that ho beeans helpless to the wooda near Charlotte, waa taken to the peat house In that city and dtod. White on hla way from the railroad Jfmpto Rowan county to Charlotte Perkins oama in contact with a num ber ot person*, among others Nathan Steam oolored, who lived In lbs vicini ty of Troutman's and worked on the railroad section between Troutman's and Granite llllL About two weeks after he was la coouot with Parkins Sloan took amallpox io a mild form sod It warn supposed that ba had chick an pox. After bs got welt hla wife aad tan children liad the disease. Prom tha family the diets* waa coo TOTsd to a Colored family named Good man, at Mooresrllls. the Goodmans being related to the Sloan■ and visit log them while they wwv 111. In the Goodman family the Hot. 3moot was Infected with the disease and brought It to StatesviII. Torn Bloknt was al to exposed to the dlmase Io Sloan's femUy and eooveyed It io the family of Lawaow Reinhardt, in the viololty of Moabo. Catawba oounty. Prom ttasra bo carried tbs Infection to the family of Monroe Clark, near Yaoder bunr church. In south IrsdslL sad from there be oame to Caroline McJCl two miles from HtateeviUe, aad it was from him that disease originated at Belmont. This la tbs story of tbs origin sod spread of smallpox in ibis section. ss.aoe.eoa rn day. Tkat h warn im war U I'Mlu !)• Dftiiioaor« thin. Ttw wax it DOW ousting tome $2,000, 000 a day or at a rate of #7:10,000,000 a T*ar. TCha deficiency bill appropriates <234,060,000. nearly all of which is for tbe present war. I’rerloui bills ap propriated over $190,000,000, It comes to this that about S373.CXX3.u00 her been pro elded so far for war expenses op u> tbe sod of next December. It will all be spent, no doubt, sad ea much more. Tbe treasury is authorized to borrow $400.000.(XXI by means of bonds artd *1003300,000 by means of abort tlms nut as. U will, eo doubt, be bor rowed end Spent, Logetlier with tbe proceeds or tbe new taxes, aggregating $190,000,000 s year. The war will thus easily cost. It seams, in tbe first year shout $10 for each mao, woman sad child io the United States, to say nothing of the distressing losses of life. XYhat is worse, the new sad high taxes will oonllnue after the war and will probably be ioorcased. if thd war spirit cootloaaa. to build a big nary and maintain IL Borland's present fleet coal her some $000,000,000 and we shall weal one as big, at ao annual coat for cnaintenauoa of some $200. 000.0W a year. smih raisliui x»w Orvcnvilkj. X. 0- Xewv About this now regimout: will it nor bo well to give It soma attention to getting privates for It before we ooucontrste all our energies, faculties and talents on tbe oificeis and staff? We are long on abo alder streps and abort on riftea. We have olTkaera to bum, bat not enough men to keep up a decent fire. Our First Regiment yet has wide gaps in it. So far as present Indications go this splendid old State, with its heroic re cord and 83,000 whit* voters, will uol fttrolsb wklte men enough to All tbe Find Regiment. Can’t some ecbms be arranged to bold tbe staff appoint ments In abeyance until we see what, we arr going to do about privates, bow many there are likely to be and where they will come from? Can't all the applicants be required to do a little re cruiting and stirring about balore' their claims are considered'( la oar Judgement the campaign par ty now in ooorac of Its progress through Uut (Rate cannot do aoy bet ter than devote Ita energies to making some patriotic speeches and arousing tbe people to their doty and to the denser the (Rate Is la of being dis graced by having her name answered to In tbe rollcall of the States, «Ab sent without excuse.’’ However, the members of the party may think about that. It is certain that official atten tion should be given to tbe chances tor Bn lag tbe ranks before It la con centrated no the distribution of the staff places. Sge Mad SB* fata A North Georgia weekly recently reoeived the following letter: Mule (Skin, ga-Mr. adltor: Yon say In yon paplr that George Wash ington never tole . Ila. How, be bes toid a whole Lot, ana so bev yea. I f™" klm two yew over on Ground Hog Xreak aen be lied me plum outer my fodder and yam latere. He Imtut got ao cherry trees on hie piaee aether, an yoa tee bolb of yoons his lyed putty koosidurbll. After that rent biases 1 kalat la that I wood beloeve georpn Washing ton on oath. Yours, StbCoog. T«* <M • n«d Nm4, •outWn laOuetrial p^3T’l,Trlh* d4“*1“*r °f • Xorth Carolina far Mr ran away with a I°»«l own and «ot married, uot M •nnaual oeourreooa la lualf, bat the caoae of the elopoeot waa aouoirbai uatyite. ft to taut that her (ather'a oolf reaao* for relating bto content to bar marriage waa that abe waa the beat Held band be bad. ft to not •uppoomi however. that her larmlna aUUltoe win ba waatad, at the* will doubttoaa bo nUilaad I7 bar huabaod. ■ a. • ■M HlMkOMi (food look* ala raally mora Uraa Ala *mp, dapoitdina aoUraljr on Nlraakhy •widtlloa of all U« vital oryuaa. if **• ilfr *• taaatita, you hava a MU ooatook; if y<Hif Hoanat) U rflaordamt, ?!? iPg: »f T««r atoaa la rttttizsrxiz# ^jr?A****** ■. •»*» «E3 ***** J- R. Carry A Co’s, fmif Heoro. •X aoMt |*r UKtta. XATVWAS. MU rMMTMM. AmMmm Ftafcl Far (1m Mna law of U, FaaUaay Rljralsw Hays. PauUoev Big low writes to the Lon don Tiuu* from tb« American army: "What la tbb war about?" If 1 heard It oooe I beanl It a down timn auioog the rogoUrs la and a beet Tam da. “what la tbla war a teat, any way?” The Idea of liberating Cuban* or negro** did not eerie to Urea* to be a very good one. The Idea of addict ■tore exotic ciUxena to the already painfully conglomerate mass of voter* Mxtasd of even lea* value. There was, not to far a* I eould dla cover, any particular enUnulesai Cur the cause for which Uwy were uomi nelly enlisted. But It was fraud spurt «ud they went st it with the earn* gusto that they would have exhibited If ordered to exterminate Apitohe* nr grlaly bean. And here |k-e the **• seotlal difference between the profea atonal and the volunteer Id thl* wur. The regular It Invincibly brave from shier force at habit, u« lx incapable of panto, ae he t* Incapable of vulgar paasioca He kills his Spaniards a* his surgeon amputates a lex. but hs does not hate the man tie kills. Ue Iovm the Spaniard who shoots straight. On the contrary, he deapIsM only the enemy who gire* him an aaiy Job. Ue QghU for Hie shear I iv* >•! lighting. Use. Wheeler I'llUri a Tree la Wei a View. Diapatc*. Iixau Array Hradquaricr-. Near fcia tlavu. Cuba. fiCR. WUrUer, who made a rvoos noitaance for half a mile beyond the skirmish llnss lhl* morning, fading that ba wax unable to urcura the de sired view through tha luxuriant tropi cal foliage, dismounted and climbed a tree. A major general of the United State* army in the forks of a tree, sur veying the Spanish output!* through hit Said glasses, was a spectacle that gave sum* hie* of the wonderful energy of lb* dashing ex-Confederate cavalry leader. Thl* performance was by a man of Ui yuan of age. Moore's Creek Battle Ground, near Wilmington has been purobated by the State, and It will be preserved and beaatlOed. A granite monument Of teeu and a half feat In Ix-ight now stand* on tbe batileOeld to com memo rate tbe decisive engagement between tbe Scotch Highlanders, under oom mand of Donald MacDonald uod llw Continental troop* of America, under command of Colon*la LUHngtou and Cassrell. Tbe battle, which crashed tbe hearts uf the Tories uod gave re newed inspiration to the American patriots, occurred February 37, 1776. The Scotch Highlander* were proceed ing from Cumberland to Wilmington, to join the Writ lab army, and were In tercepted at Moor*’a creek by Colonels lalllngton and Caawmll, commsodlug the American troops. Tbe monu ment. a grey etone shaft, was erected in 1857 by the people of Wilmington. A dispatch from Charleston says near Batesvllle, In Greenville county last week a bend of while men at tacked tbe house of a negro named Parks, charged with the burning of bis employer’s burn. They ordered Parke to come to tbo dear, and when he refused to do so they broke in ami commenced tiring pistole. Park* an swered with s double barrel shot gun, Mowing off tbe lad arm of James M. Jooes and tilling a man named Poster, and another mao wboee name is nu known, with shot. The whiles retired and Parks escaped. Tbe party rs corned later and flted ttuongh lbs door and windows, fatally wounding Parka’ 8-year old sou, who was in bed with hit mother, The woman was not hurt. •adswmawHm Win your batik* os»lnM Ulwaau by uotloir promptly. On Mlno'c Cuoab Cun? proUucm ImnudHtr remits When UKn early It pre vent* umuucopuon. Aod 1* latai MauriM It raraUbm prompt ret lot. Paovr TOHntJo* a Co. LwKr -rmrtMM. Wllmluiton ftur. Thir^en runs lu the (<ehl»y family but u hasn’t knocked any uf Ibsen one Ttm Admiral Is oue uf a family of thirteen childreo. and too of bis father’s brothers had thlrteeo children each la their families. But this mu or thirteen icny be bad for the sJpao Urds. W.l — 1 - •*ck iCBtUtK# t>i]tkx»*nc-w. oor*«tJp*Ucm eiul *11 Uv#r «a4 sttMtokiroaOlia «mn bo quickly eared by imIq« umt ataiou* Unhi *Uki know a •a IMWHti UitW K«rly Uiaere. '/hey ora plaiMM lo coie iufV«r frtp*. J- Jtoor lUMAOICI * Co. fair moohlyn Uf«, Possible Boarder—Jf°w. “7 frlsod, I enjoyed my dinner very much, ami If It was a (Mr sample of your mot'll 1 would like to oome to terms. Farmer—First of all, stranger, was that a fair sample of yoer appetite ? "JmjrMdmnssca k On. «r»4 IMHau'*wsra*«a«». t»Ka«t, Ow*,,*. "I Uilak I know oow,” eald We aol dlerwko was making a determined effort to masticate bte Qret ratluu uf •ney bae(, -what people mean when they talk about the sinews of war.’1 *fc***4***fc*» TifVM. Nunn, It dUIn**•w,k* *wla* ta it* mum luut-olilrff lw **w rt**OB MMt tlMMot ITMn’t tt»^_ **51f©SssS§ sgg^ateggg ®»».'8a«ar-,as ),COOL ._M| i^ps 8KS&3&jB3Sr Save Your Money. One box of Tutt’s Pill* will save many dollars in doctors’ bills They will surely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion I'or sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness. a million peoplecndorse TUTT’S Liver PILLS MEAT MARKET. I have recently put la u rvrrljfare tor and servt meat* froth aod cool ■a If Jurt off ilia ico ICaelf. Our cuttoaxra gat tlx beuefit. I >011011 your patron aw aod promlaa you tlx frcthesl moats aod tti* beat aallafacllou. Call on ox for anything lu my line, tlnnd beef cattle wanted. W. N. Davis. On the Square. If you waul a tquare roeal at borne, I cud furntth you from my market lb* beat of freah meats for that purpose. If you want a tquare meat array froui home, come to my well-kept restaurant lo get It once, and you will come again. Highest iBHiket price paid for fins beet rattle. M. A. THOMPSON. Snowflake Laundry. Clean liuen nicely I au mlried appeal* alike to uuw-e .'l tin well-divswd man and tire dain ty woniMu. That’* tlw> kind ttie tirmwdake laundry turn* nut. a»jr»- NUNn.lt ruxl TUDIItAT. m-IWWj, railiAT Nti* aiTi'ioAT. Our Mr. J. H. Uallant will be happy U> serve yoo. Call on him SNOWFLAKE LaUNOKY. Chickens and Eggs! Highest, price paid la c*«li ur trade for egjtsaod chickens. Bring Uiem along. Will toll Anything In Ihegrorery lino u cheap as any in town. Call and cot your oold drlak* alto. J. B. BEARD. JitNKrsa Block. ICE! Wholesale and Retail. Frost Torrence & Co., DRUGGISTS. OmImIi, - jj. : - ; . i. c. Cabot’s Sheath in or ■ -btocn Unittm laan WARM II WurTFM I* Mil KM KR tiioni l«U#r tUait eomno'i rnaln W1-. Dnilfru sound in doors und paitltlons. Sond for aalupins him) prions. SIIUELCIBOT, Sole Ifr Boston, lui notiukT Action for Divorce. MONTH UAHOUMA,I la Out dUwsOK .Tr. 7 Sua.OurCu.Mi Laa Hnitadeklrr. .a. mu do ML L l0«Oii, nut lllrtMk*iar. |rn. ) ArtVsa mcdlroroo, *fka HHMaM alwtru rnuoa* tUlm HuMsoot lar, will tattoruMtoa Aa* an aatton, rntlttol aa atari*, taw kaoa aoiaaicnoad in Ua> kuawrlur ^SSJ^Sm'. £“.wfw&LT JRrtdt^r ipmj 'iTtOnnRDi, lUf (IliOfOT. .kaMiMri and tka asst doiandaia win tarOmr taka mum that Aa u nriwlrad u.tppmw at tlar aval Inna Of ika Honor!,., (tontt *1 kfckl «>»»>»,. *» l»Jda al tirn i£urt Hauaa In Ikdlaa, Own on Cauntr. Monk Ctowllaa. an ta* • Mint Maadar la StoRlaMkaa. IMS. MdannwsrHau to A-oanttAalst la aald atwien, .w ik, ataw.iHT will appir ta tku Court Ito Uw ralM' astrainArd In add P»N»piada». THl Mil daf nl Jmr, 1A. ^ ^ N4JLHY AM MMU FUft« A.OA. SWAN’S DOWN. The name of a flonr that gives perfect satisfaction Civc it a trial and yon will iR-vcr nse any otlR*r. Have yon seen otir gold-decorated qtirens-wax Come and get yoar choice set liefore it is gone. 1 shall be pleased to serve yon. JOHN C. MOORE. GASTON INSTITUTE. (lAttToaiA. N. C. 1. P. ui l. W. BEID, Principals. Omdetl depurtrocnlD from Primary up. pteparln * for collette nr practical life. Cnmtaerci.il Department cninliicli d by Prof. J. A. Drown. Uutlcul Deportment under Prof. S A. tVoiff. Knr purlitnUi inform it inn, ndilreei I lie principal*. THE UNIVERSITY. IarfMt patronage Amt fullest equlp mnnt In Its history PacuHy, 3ct; KtuilsuU, GOB; 3 Academic Courses; 3 Elective Courses. 3 l*rofeiwkual Schools, in Tarer, Medicine and I'lux oikcy. Advanced ClasAr* oj*»n to eromeu. TulUoo *50 a year; Hoard ftb a month. Ample opportunities for self-help. Scholarship., and loans lor Ike needy. SuuauHu School for Teaelier*.; 24 In structors, IBS Slodents. Total enroll meol, U70. For catalogue. Address, I’ltESIDENT ALDEKMAN, __ Ch*i>el mil, K. C. THE \OITH CAROLINA COLLEGE Of AGRICULTURE A,B MECHANIC ARTS, Will re-open -September 1, 18U8, with Improved equipment In eyery depart meut. Twenty-three experienced spe. ohiliats In Faculty, full courses lo Agriculture, Science. Civil, Mechani cal and Electrical Engineering. Ex penses very moderate. For natuiogues address Pres. A. Q. HOU,ADAYf Rrxlelgh, N. t’. THE STATE IORMAL . . . ... AID INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. U*cr» (tin yoomr women «.f rtinittato tlww iHJ*! ^T,’rS?. 5*' lltC'nnr. am. ml Bn, and luduurlnl rdoration, o“"5*' amgm*. too t« 5«n, Faculty of * mnnlwt. Moru than 400 ranilnr mu.let*. HMmaiirtculatail lUnt lAoandmu, mp raaunmiK orrrj .aunty In l he an.tr rjtiwpl taro Fraction and OOari vntloo *.*.ool ol nitont 30 Poplin, JV anr. turd pi all app[iaWfenr ».«at U o.aJ. brfuaa Atfaat /. intrapmilMito lantod trow, umn a dcHrlna coaipricnt Irniotd tenehrr*. For mitiopiaand othnr Information, addrma fW *r 3T XrlTXR, CirnrnntMim H. F. M4 mmdtr tuacaatpa. I Actual cat km than $i.if a gallon, FROST TORBKNCK* CO. OAbTORia, W. O.. 8ciui Aonm. Admlnixtralnr’ii RbIIi*. Ilnvln* (July nmllAnl h odmlnMni'or of tk» t*r»la oiw. B. Hiilkaint. ill ami, fku uo P*nlitiii-0 krr«P>y nitpm til perton* Ik Jilin* •ktltae Amino a»4 Mate, to Kuknt tksanm* Only ve*lpml. on irbkra lb* bl Any af laly, INI, of tin a notice will k* pbo Jad In k»r of rector tny ib«**aiti. AH pinaota* MnMPod I* anil aauot* *UI pkana* lanik* innadwn aoiHeitn ot. r. j. umtmtkiMra Pelilnloimto* 01 the lint* W . H. Mnthuut. PW4. Inn* ank, iasa. AttBmtralors Rotlee. TV* iituAawSrncI loilnn in’*"""1 •* —arm I*, trocyrot Jota/l. H—glomn. larmoail. Wi ot 0— low Itwntir. a.«C Iko • notify ah p**. ana* kaniw *iaioa a—mac the nauie ot natt) Paeanni-1 tuutlnklt IkAaaa imk* .inAm^aad tan on* Mimha la* Pay mt Italy, turn. or I lib noon a*W to vVm Mt lor ot Iket* ie o*v*ry. AU penrso Inpate*.I to aaH ratal* atUI allot 1— 0 Hi—bi* nynai. W, f, Uivk, A tir. Thb Ittfc ibf if Jim*. I—a. PIANOS E„ T*d wumkrtul •Iojcidu Mumiiki. u< tlir»u PUDo* rooo«nl»<u ).« rvur>. vu «ni*t. wl» ueMl<iiiii(i> r\vuiimK«iiLi them. I *Tam>auu Nmiw nrnir,. [ OMQA3M*. r«f Nrvii. KtfAduitrK L t oMv*uir«4 Tvnwk L 0411 «ud KkaoiIoo Our move «»r Wrko » fvr ]Uo«cmtc<l O»i*)o*ii~. I I IIAUI KN M. ATIU r. t # H yn^Tt, Hi Ml Uth Si. X. w„ ! lUlltmurv, U<i, Wobblamuu, u. k. I)ic. D. E. McUokxkll, -UXMTISr onice T.'nutalre la Y. M. C. A. UalMm* GASTONIA. --N. C. /r. If. ]lOFJ''JlAX~ — J)EXriS7~ O A STUNT A, • ■ - - N. C. WrOtHc o»er K lr«T National Hank. j/. cTmi&xgvjm, " —a rroitjrxr-A t-la w— • ASTON! A, n. c. Will (iraclioo In th* courts o( Gastn.t aid adjoinln* conn Ur* ami Intbr Federal Courts EROVES ^^dreiJ • IS Pat TASTELESS CHILL TONIC is just ascood for adults. WARRANTED. PRICE 60 ct*. Galatia. III*., Nqt.k, i«q. i‘OTXry?tf»n,>nr.. ft Looted M.w tMtHlectccii — Wp <*>w) Ibav fivur, CO bottl*« of I UliOVLN i’.WTHMft.j CHILI, TUNIC >rxl N>\setu »bf o etjw •imiwt? iNu *••**•. In nil -mr purtarauu < ( 14 iu tl»r <1mv ‘-sin., ha.-a dcvcc »iH3 *n urtK*H> l»taHf»vo *>cb univorMi Uuu* m jvux Tccit. VuutMttr, AMbnr.Cm A CXX All drumtitifl guarant?* Grows T*AU*l«*5f Chill Tonic to cun* chilli xml feveni *ud nil forma of mnlnriA. CAROLINA 4~H0RTHWESTERS R’Y. MiUEOiini aki> «*miiMin!«s i* r.rria ntmu ». iw. it. V/. 7. HA 111'XR, PrMidMit. IVNtral Ttm. Maiidanl. _OOIJKI SOUTH. | Nu. »- | Ko.«0. Laave Oceter.".... ~ivie ui «l it. a iu Leave I/iwryavtlle. '(Main )ihn Leave McOomaHaville. 7*1 era DUam Leave Out hriravllle. 7 9 e in MMJU e m 1-eava Yortvilks—. 7 ill a mil AO am L«uvu ijnvev . . K He mil Hew Laura Oaatonla . f Ham 1 s» p ia leaveDallas.. aa&ur»:i»pm Leave WnoHmou .. 119am imam LeaveHavuni.mania intern Leave Hwvo.y. 11 SO p mi i IS p ... Arrive Lenoir. lHUvw auOeai QflTnO POtnru «V. | Kn. >'. {x“vokm1'.1an pm !**• Htoiorr. I *>» IS < IS p III Leant) Newton..'atCao, tiOnw »«•*• Utinolnloo—.lOW a in IWto pi* iawTO UoUm. ........U It a ia i«(II LnnllulMik. lwpm A <1 p m Leave Clovor. IttSpm lagi. Leave VorVviUi-. S JO p lo atlpp, Leave gulbnaarUta- 340pm |»L Lave 60( 011 ucuevlUe. 3 Art p m H St p ,a Loan lownttnuo.lASipm »«pni AirtwCAwfei- .I A 10 Pa. Jnjia Train* Ko«. laodlorr* Bra!-clam oua nm duly nxe.pt thindiiy. Train* No«. «o »ml el S?rry Bm9aITnmaV* *‘“"10 da.ly MOtpc Mu n day. Thor.fi pood uoaooctlon rtOialri wui> S2£W&4** ■l “* *5^ IVrilr. aaalrlB. thn»u««iiiek.,u for *11 point* 'iiz J. ». MOOUK.0U^" a U I-. HAHPKH.'irfV C I.. T. RICHOUt.fe’*- *’• LbuM«T. ft. C. Sale of Land! Ilr ylruio uf a power uf**inc<mt*lno<i h . asw-ii'HarsTSo'^SsSi'^S d.K>T (at 13 o'cmok Mo In Mil? «?? JJj •m*»*hI.*im«m.m, Nwttwtt of In ml domrtbod mr, and widohy i-ium.im ■«rJfSlm???1 *.!unYi|r1on «»• noaUi «We of ffn?I5frn, ■ ,* fJ%o uM )!**« mm 1MI nod ^^*au»SiS?S£i»»s S£S ^rSftSK? XiEEL'S'" ^ sar .sassrs^s, S®5SS» --- OkUwiw.n.a POIONA HILL NURSERIES, TOMS2S^i.'*c "“tl4 w*- Inn,,, »7|rr.xcr^‘‘o,'' -'n:,,n MwMby *t~U, Tr«« ,« nnu„ ««•'CSUTOr’ l.r ...r A rnit mh* r» ri'mt "" """*• A. VAK UJlhur, _ -■ _ Ifomnru. K t, Tk* Hi|k 5k*tl»jaii [»r frintt Salt. t£s wis^£rtr.,irs •» *• n>m! ^^^tejnSSsS iTT£.£r^ "V,J •'*• *«•■»• BSS^5Eg*^«asa I

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