minus IN WAKUISKTDK. HI* Arrival Wm Ihrliaul •( rrlrtuy Bmlinl WUH ■ Ms ilaarwr--Card ialljr <<ua|>llwratMl kjr Um Hmliltul nix llMltu Wm* la Tall Aktal Tree |hH mf Raulwi aiwaM an I ex, Waiuinotiin, July 22—'Thn laat and moat agmahle event of the day wu the arrival at the Navy depart ment ot l.loutanaul Jlobann, tha hero of the Marrlmac. The officials were pot Informed of hie apvnatohlng vlelt except through the newspapers, Con sequently when be reaobed the railway ■lotion here, at 2:30 o'clock, thta after noon, there wu no official there to meet him. and hie reception waa (roly deraocratio. He snocoeded 1 o escaping observation aa lie passed through Um train shed, coot awl umbrella In hand and followed by a porter, urnodiy car rying hie bag, but before he emerged from tlie station some our spied him, a "hooray” want up from ona throat close by, and In a moment thn Mat Ion resounded with vociferous shouting. Tho cry of "Hobann 1” "Hobson 1" rang out and tha crowd olosed about blin, shaking his hand and pushing him about until he was resoued by the police and escorted to Ilia carriage. He stopped loot enough to announce that all ot the men who formed the crew of Um Merrtmao were Bate and in the beat of health, and that after bis report to the Navy Department, he expected Co return Immediately to Naw York. The officer was driven at once to tba Army end Navy Club, and after brush ing himself up, lie drove over to the Navy Department. Tide time lie car ried with him under his nrm a large official eovelnpe, which bore on tho comer the intcr1|itlori "North Atlantic xiufiamn. u« approocueu uie oluoo of tbe Secretary of tbe Havy, there ensued auotber demonstration. A largo crowd had gathered about the doorway tad lha hearty weloome It gave tbe young officer brought blushes to bis cbeeka. Secretary Long oame out of bis private ofUca sod grasping Hobeoo with both hand*, said with •Incurllj, “ Lieutenant. ( am glad, very glad, to see you.” Then he drew him into hie office. He spent half sn hoar In conference with tbe Secretary and then returned to the club to real. Secretary Loug stated that Hobeoo did not being the long-expected report front Admiral Nunpaon and Ida broth er officers, on the destruction of the Cervera fleet. The exact purpose of his visit was explained by an order Issued by Ad miral Sampeon Instructing him 10 pro ceed to Washing and Inform the Secre tary of tbe work done upon the Cris tobal Colon, l.leoteosnt Hobson was instructed to be as expeditious us pos sible in order ibst, if it is practicable to do eo, tilts One ship may bn saved to the United Mutes navy. About 5:3(1 o’clock Lieutenant Hob son, accompanied by Secretary Long, went to the While House to pay his respects to the President. Tbe Presi dent received them in the cabinet room. He gave Lleiiteunot llubaoo a cordial greeting and paid him a high tribute for what he regarded as une of the moat oonepiououa acta of gallantry In the blatory of uaval warfare. The lieutenant modestly acknowl edged the compliments of Presidont McKinley and quietly turned tbe conversation to the object of bis mis sion to tbe United States at this time the effort that Is being made to save to the navy ut this country tome of tbe veeeels of Admiral Oervera'i squadron. Lieutenant Hobeon did not bring with him the report of Admiral Sampson on tbe destruction of tbe fleet of Admiral Cervera, but be be was tbs bearer or a verbal msaaage to Secretary l<ong that the report on the battle waa in course of preparation and would be forwarded In a tew days. (Conoarnlog the efforts that are being mode to Save some of the Spanish sliipe, be Informed Secretary Long that (»o of the vessels, tbe Rains Mercedes and the Infants Maria Teresa, wonld be saved certainly, and be exproeeed the utmoet oooAdencc that tbe Cristo bal Colon could be saved also. With respect to tie Colon, Lieutenant Hob son differs from Ibe wrecking experts who were sent from the United SUU* to float tbe veeeals If poaslble. Tbey ore of tbe opinion that the Oolcu can not be saved. Lieutenant Hobeon is enthusiastic In bis efforts to save Die ships and har ried back to Hew York to take np the •object of Ms uiastou with tbe wrvek tug company, Secretary Long said to-night that if tbe Colon could be avert she would be. A 1*1 am . Qiarkttlo OtJABTVGf, The plan adopted by Damoentllc Chairmen Simmons for a aarlea of po litlcal soolal aawmolaeoa, partaking of the picnic nature, to be held at various points througliont Um Mats, appears to be s good uoe. There never was a time when there was more need that the people abonlil be brought clone to gether end talk over matters lo a social way- This will give occasion for a batter understanding about many mut ter* over which there art now es trangements. and this better under standing among fellnw-rltlaens will be worth more than political speeches. There have hesu many alleneti na In ylorth Carolina within the past few Mar* for which there have been no good res soon, and there le no better way of clearing them op than by tbc meeting together or the parties to (been on • nodal beats. The object of toeb asesmbhigae can of oonne be ad vanced by a few temperate speechae. Is whloh the people ere told tho troth. Is a cooeeeratlve way, aboot tlie con dost Slid ooodltlon at public affairs. The idea ef Chairman Klmmoni la a practical on a all arouud and promising of haneOdsI rrselU. grbl AnmtvM. n»w»eh •“d i,Wwtw’ With Hawaii we have added 54,000, 000 to our national debt, we most iLod millions of money to fortify the iltaod and improve fear) harbor, and TTjMve added probisms whleh may tag oer paeterlty lo eolv*. HPAXISRItB 1UDKK MIIWVU. Cnpuaa Inn KIun MU Mm l)m the Um-IM RimhpmI mii* m»«rMl>l* NfMaiU PrlMIfn Wept— Hit Mmllr (HU •(Urtm'i Men. Fojraajkocrn, X. II., Julv II.—TIm HpenUh prisoners who were brought to Ihl* port In the auxiliary cruisor tit. J»ui*. from gsnllago. numbering C92 of lbe men who formed pert of the crew of Admiral Cervera** Hoot, are to-night sleeping peacefully and In comparative comfort in the new bar racks erected for them on deevey'* I (laud. Among them Is a guard of 123 marluee, the pick of the marine barracks on the Atlantic coast. It was a pathetic sight from beginning tu end, I iiud inch aa would bring teen to many eye*. The poor, wretched creatures struggled up the hillside, clad for the most part in rage, some of tho men being covered only with the fragments of a table cloth, or a blanket, while others had on portlous of wbat was once a uniform. When the mou laud ed, some of them were so wesk that they could nut stand and lay ou the ground until stretchers were brought, and by the aid nf their comrades wem carried tu the main rood, wham they were placed on the graaa. Many of the prisoners had wouuds that were still unhealed and their beads and arms showed the effect* of the terrible battle In which thry fought, this crew of the Cristobal Colon were landed In a body. Tfaey were better clad and evidently better fed than the other men. for they bore a resemblance of the Spanish sailor In make-up. Thirty member* of the Col on's crew, howtivrr. were aeverely wounded, and had In bo carried on stretchers. The unloading of tlx motley crowd was witnessed by thniiaaods of people on shore and In boats, sod it may be •aid with all alccerlty that daring the two hours occupied with tho task not a sneer or a Jeer was beard. The most interesting part of tbe landing of tbs men was tbe duty per formed by Captaiu E. Dies Moron, of tlx Cristobal Colon, lbs once hearty and Jovial officer, the favorite captain of tlx Spanish navy, standing oo tbe heights near where tbe men came •shore, clad In a tattered uniform of white duck trousers and blue coal, book In baud, tlx mustering oitioer of tbs Spanish prisoners. Ills heavy voice called out the uamra of tlx prisoners aud credited each to the vessel to wlrlcb tbe Individual was ooce a mem ber. Wbeu tho master out. ns It seemed to bn, was Ontsbed, the men were formad in Hue and marched Into the temporary barracks which will serve ss » prison for them. Of tho number leaded 40 have been taken to the hos pital, suffering for the must part from wounds, while not a few are victims of minor ills. One of the most touclilug Incidents of the dsy was tbe farewell Captain Moron took of bis crew before he went beck to the fit. Louts. Few who saw the tcodarness with which tbe former big bearted and jovial commander walked down the line and affection ately embraced each seaman as It he was his ODljr son, oould not refrain from tears. Captaiu Moron turned to tbo Ameri can officer and asked permission U> say a few parting words to his raeu. The request was readily granted, but Capt. Morou, Instead of making a formal and eloquent sddrtes to tbe line, walked up to tbe man at tbe head of It and taking him warmly by tbe hand, tenderly kissed tlx grim sailor on tbs cheek. When the men saw th« action of Uxir commander, they wept as if their Hearts would break, sod as the captain walked dawn tbe line, (baking each by the band and kissed each son-burned clxek, each man threw bis arms around tbe commandor’e neck and gave him a hearty embrace. Wboc finally the captain reached Die end of the long line, be turned and In a voice shaking with (motion, aald a few words of rare well to tbe .crew as a whole. At he (lnlshed the half-clad men surrounded him, grasping bis arms aed legs, all trying for one lest embrace. Wire rtaowSMa Sew tuIbr. Ksyuu-ovlllc OUwrT*. The following extract from General Lane’e history of Lane’s brigade not only mentions a lose of 20 per cent, of that heroic body In tbo short (pace of twenty minutes In their eaten It on Kcama’* Station, hot alio abowa that wire fences were In tits even In those days aa one of tbe means of delaying tbe mar. of an Attacking column: “At lteama’a Station,-led the brigade in that memorable charge In which It lost one-fifth of Its number In twenty mlontee, ormwllng through the abattle, and cutting through tlie fences of telegraph wlr* which protected tbe redoubt In front of the brigade sod In which the enemy bed mussed artillery. Here tbe men under-performed the novel feet of fllegtog dust, aa they sprang over tbe work, lu tbo eyes of the defenders.” So there ten't so much new under the planst Mars »■ one might think, though tbe wire with which the Span iards were credited with having an olreled tlielr blockhouses and ride pita wee of tbe barbed variety, and Inven tion of later date that tha civil war. Curiously, by the way, we haven’t aeer any account of those dreaded barbed wlrs fsnots being .lotnally encountered In tha battle before Santiago, ft will be remembered that shortly before Shorter'* attack on the 1st and Sod, Urn country was enabled to Urea 11 is freer by the ofBslal assurance from Washington that eaeh company of our soldiers had been provided with eight pa*i* of win Clipper*, sod we were on lb* hoi ylv* for nerve of their sneoe** ful nan. At Reams'* Station axes war* aeed. Mo far tbs daat flinging feet ha* net bean imitated In this war —possibly because at Santiago the dust I* all mud. -WVW--W 'wwi.-r Mnh Snort, of farajm**. Iwt_ saya tin* for arnwtswtlon By twv foam* DrWll'l Lilli* OBrly Miaow to ho t-wTret. They waver yrt** Try ttwm for Wo*.an*, and M, or treiihlo*. Mnnsv Ti sumacs A Co. A MW IWlOXIUTlnS nCKKMK. AI ralrbraUwn' Hu (tor a PqnlMb €»to«jr—T.T»rrMil«m Pros anil an nr Moo tar Cii-vflmljr, t'row Ukj caartous OLm-rror Wishing toslvB the wide*l publicity possible to • pluuslbln schema end plan Which I lieye furaiulaUnl, I naturally addreea this communication to 7As Oli ttrrtr. Now lli.it the United Htntea bai annexed 111* Sandwich Islands. I prnpoee to sscure a laud grant emhrac lo(? one of tbe eloreo, and establish a Pupnliatlc colony—composed entirely of North Carolina ropoUsls—tbe lot tlatinn fee being $10. which should ba remitted at once to ms. I are Id tbe acbems peace, pie and prosperity. I cannot dismiss Ilia subject without emphasising the fset tliat tbe $10 are neceeaary to bring thte about. It U my Intention upon receipt of the $10. lb establishing this colony, to disre gard all the lawn wbiob hare nmb ■laves of Populist* in Uils country, •ud to give them all that their plat form* have vainly demanded. As 1 be fore stated my hands era practically tied uutil I receive the remittance, of which mention will be made lator on. Wa will bava all kinds at mouey sad plenty of It. The issue of greenback* will be limited only by tbe demands of the ooloolsta. We will have a public printer who will do nothing bat prlot paper money and the speeches of patri ot*. In sending the $10 1 would call attention to the fact lb«t an adhaalre sump I* iieosssary on clunks and eg. change. Wa will use all the eoiu wa get from other countries, but ooiu and our paper mosey will always ba at par. We will own our own railroads, uud every one can ride free. Thera will be oo tickets sold. The trains will carry mall, and freight and passengers with* t'ui Huy regaro in anutnre nr frequen cy: Ttie now rule will prevail con cerning telegraph service and facilities. Those sending the InltiMll-iri fen of $11) wilt make them payable to my order. There will be no tax on whiakay sod mounsiilnert will not b« annoyed. I expect tbit happy clause to bring many recruits. Tbe fee of $10 should be re mitted as early as possible In order to secure proper registration. Every mao oo 'he Island who bus promptly remit ted the Initial ion fee will hold some office. Tbe law* on this subject will call for oompuleory offlce-boldins. At Orst gianoe UDs may seem a hardship, bat 1 sis nut* that my people will finally become accustomed to It. In order to prevent Ill-feelings oo the part of lbs colonials, tbe offices will be giv en by lot. Every mau. Instead of vot ing. will draw a ticket, and on that ticket will be printed the name of the offloe which he i* to hold. The ticket will Us his certIUoatH of election. In tills way a mau can trade or “swap” his offloe. In order to get the thing In working order, every 1‘opclim is North Carolina who expects to go Is request ed to seod ms Slu us a matter or good faith, and I will mark him paid, i scud no reoelpte, as the expense would bo considerable In postage and station ary, but I will publish a list or mem ben After securing ten thousand. Tbe money will be safe with ms. No one can grt it away from me. Those who fall to beoome charter members oaouot bold offloe for three years. This role Is adopted in order tn have all charter members. This, I think, will cause s great deal of mall to corns my way with tbe necessary enclosure. VTe ex pect to endorse the Ocala platform for the most part. As the Island I expect to secure al ready has many Japanese and Chinese, and. In fact, all the nationalities upon It, fusion will ba easy and come nat ural. As I have Intimated, the 910 fas Is esaeuUal, and Is In foot tbe main point which I bave tried to bring out, and I hope to have so early response. Thanking you for the space con sumed in publishing this first appeal, X am, Faithfully, At. FAntunoniKn. Danville, Vo.. July 10. lHOfi. P. S. As the colony Increases, new ollloes will be crested. Tfc« rrwb»r Nlwpi. JUaifmvHiii Land ranr». A h« Sunday* ago a min later who lire* la town, but whose pastoral charge* are In the country, was ac companied to hit appointments by a brother minister who U not Irt the reg ular pastorate. Aa is usnal In eoeh cases, tbs pastor asked ths visiting brother to preach at tbe morning ser vice. but the latter declined, laying that he was not feeling avail. He, however, went Into tbe pulpit with tbe pastor. Tbe pulpit Chain are com fortable and the visiting brother rw ooneed himself in one o( them and leaned back at his sase. Tbe pastor went on with bis servloe. Soon after Ite had begun bis sermon he noticed that some aaembenof tbe congregation ware much amused and could hardly restrain themselves from laughing out In tbs meeting. The psecor cut his eye to the rear to nod hie flailing brother fast asleep. Ills bead was thrown back. Jaws (111tended to their utmost, and he was "sawing gourds" »s If lie was drawing a salary for tbe work. Tbs pastor was in a dilemma but be was equal to ths occasion, lie suspended his remarks long enough to give ths sleeper a vigorous kick which brought him back from the realm of dreamland In a trios. Than be Bntsbed bis sermon. At the afternoon service tbe vtalUng brother preached. Tbe pastor didn’t give him a ohuuos to go to sleep on nlm again. - JV m ' ■ W"S»S iJwewr.* Swrln. XV itirstwro CXronHo. An old colored men. 77 years ok), came to town last week fur marriage license. The Register of Deeds issued them and asked for the pay. The old darkey didn’t liavn Uis money, hot said that as soon ss he got married his wife would pick bleckh*rrles and pay the bill. But U>e Register decided to be on the safe side sod trdd the old men that the Msekbevrlee must tie brought In before the license one Id go. The poor old fellow was greatly die appointed, hut want borne and went to picking harries. BLEW vr THE PtWDII BILE. Tka rturful BpH ar a OIMa«»-ll> UK Klllak a PaMaw*Oa«atr;M«M niwl Hut TaUai BeAqr* ta Ik* Mag* ar tka Bill, Wkm Bp OcIImI Arrml TV tarn I h, Mkim HoKmI mr Ika Iko Dwn- Ha Wrwd M»» rawkap. Oaklaxo, 0*1., July 1ft.—'Tlx* work* of Uw We>a0ni Xuae muI Kk ploAlve Company war* blown «i> by a munlaroua Utitnaiaati at 5:30 o’clock till* morning, fliva deputy aberlffi end constables who were trying to urraet the murderor were killed. The dead are: Deputy Sheriff* Chari** While, •on of Sheriff White, George Wood* eum. D. C. Cameron. Constable* Cm Koch and J. J. Lerri; Mi*. Hill, Goon Kg Chong. Tit* Chinaman had fortl. fled lilmialf In the magazine tod blew It up whou the attempt to urrsat him w*« mad*. The oelutlal, who *<u employed in tha work* and who caused tire awful explosion, had killed afelltiw countryman yesterday afternoon. In a quarrel ur*r a China** lottery ticket. Hr than defied tin- officer* who went tn arrwtuim. The murdtrer fled Into th>- magazine, which contained On torn of giant powder, barricaded him. •elf. and threatened yo blow up the magazine if any ouo oama to arroat Mm. Deputy Sheriff Chartei White, lit charge of a poaar, oonalatlng of Coo atabia Gui Koch, Deputy Sheriff George Woodsum, Deputy Sheriff D. C. Oamaroo, Deputy Cooatable J. J. Larrl, and Deputy Constable Harry Cramer, were un tha aoene of tha afioollng ahortly after tha mnrdar. and kept guard over the Chinaman within hlk stronghold. Ail officer* ware armed with rifk*a. After repeated demands to aurrendar laid been made, to all of which the tame reply came: “If you coma iu bare, I will blow up tiw mag sr.ine,- me ornotrs mired lor tbe ulgbl within tbe prl ,at» office of tbe company, abonl 20 yards away. This morning at 5 o'clock Deputy Sheriff Charles White, after a oonanltatloa with the others, determined to break down the barricade, not believing tbe Chtuaman would keep hit promise. Accordingly, tbe entire posse headed for tbe door. True to his word, the Chinaman fired tho giaot powder, kill lug flvo officer* and blowing himself to atoms to small that but oct piece has been found. White's body was tear fully mangled. It was round nearly 800 yards nwny. lira BUI wsa vielliug a Mrs. Fridn, wbo lived across tbs way. She was killed by the falling debris of lbs boildlng. All the build lags caught fire. Engines were soon Bgoting the Hemes, but to no avail. Tbe works were completely wracked. Kour bousan were also blown dosvo and about 40 partially wrecked. Denuty 8herlff I’red Sherrlt and Deputy Ed White es caped, but urv painfully wounded. Deputy Slioilff aovrrltt's story is U> the effect that at 5 o'clock this morn ing the Chinaman called to Deputy Sheriff White that bn would surrender. White, Wood Sum and Kocb imme diately proceeded to tbe door, while the others followed. Just as the boor was reached the sound as of a falling plank was heard, and then the explosion oc curred. Tile uamo of the Cbluamsu was tioou Kg Chung. The mau be murdered was Ham HI Hing. Coroner Wadenl sod a corps at deputies are searching through tho surrounding fields for the remains. In some instances they bad to be picked up with shovels. Four teen cars were blown to splinters and several were burned. Windows wore brokon In Oakland, Alamada and m far at Berkley. Shacrltt sod Ewards White are ner vous wrecks. They were cnrrleb over 4U feet by tbe force of tbe explosion and thrown violently to tbe ground. T*u MUlitiH of mom MmW niliMn. Otarlou.- Obsurvtr. Hi* Baltlmara Sun present* wltb great force a new ptiaae of tbe argu ment against tbe policy of Imperialism. It points out tbat tbe laat eeosns gave tbe TJnltcd State* a popelntlon of IM, 022,230. of whom nearly B,000,000 were nsgroea, over 9JOOO.OOO foreign, born whites, and 21.000,000, or ovar one tblrd of our entire population, were of foreign peroentaga. Tbeae last It Ktavea out of the caleulaUou, bet enu merating the negrora—IMOO.uoo—tho foraignborn white*—0,000,000 — and the 10,000.000 Obromoewe would gat by the annexation of Hawaii, the l»bil IppluM, ( uba and I’orto Elea, It moer taios tbat “the old American brand of mas, ‘native sad to the manner bora,* will be la a minority In the (lret na tional aUctlou tbat I* held after the new States, for whoas birth it la now proposed to prepsr* by conquest and annexation, coma lotoour Union.” The Itrst lmpul*a will he to question that the new poeoeosiies will come Into the Union with the rights of the rset of ne. ThU proposition the Sun dis cusses very Interestingly, iti part av follows: It is Idle to oontend that, If we ac quire tbeae large areas of pew terri tory. sad their large population! of mixed and inferior raeee wo can lu d# do Italy hold thsm a* colonic* or de pendencies. We oaimot possibly do that. The Supreme Court has distinct ly declared that It cannot be done without distinctly violating the eon atltntlon. Daniel Wsbeter, who knew the oouatltntlon If *■* <* our states men ever did, speaking again* the prnpoeed annexation of New Mtxtoo Bfty years ago. declared tbe rntaa thl.ig, “ArbUrary goverrunenU.” said Mr. Webstar, “may hav# terrltoriea and distant poaiaailoii*, bfeautt arbi trary goveriisecat* may rule them by different last* awl different rya tema. . . . We ean do no snob thlag. They must be of ua, put of us. or else stranger*." Tlie Him further support. Itself by I quotations from THde» and Uargetd, each of wtvosn argued again* the an nexation of territory «(*fl the ground that the new eltleoneblp emu not he ad mitted wltb anything short of tbs en Joyment of all our eoesutuiena) right*. Tbe point m*d* la u very ma larial cee and la calculated to glvs I*amo tn the wilds* of imperialism. •amcia wima m aiunn. The liitaa Warrior KxpliU*. Why m* llao utm •r4wt tm Ml* Mm ta Withdraw c* IpnwUM With th* «*url»* r*r»n Wt irtlrn M Ik* liatikr. Kr.w Touk, July 38—A dlipalcii from Santiago give* the following a* bring alatter taut by (leuernl Garcia to Geuentl Shatter “Sir: On May 13. tlie government of tbe republic of Cuba, (X dared we aa commander of the Caban army In the waat. to co-operate with the American army, following the plan* and obeying tbe order* of It* commander. 1 hare done my beat, air, to dll the withe* of my government, and 1 have bean notU now one of your noet faithful *ubor dtnate*. honoring mraclf la oerrylng oat your order* a* far a* my power* hove allowed dm to do it. Thu olty of Santiago aurraodertd to th* American army, aud Dew* of tbl* Imponaut wvcu waa given to ma by peteoo* entirely foreign to your ataC. I have not beau honored with a aingte word from yourself Informing iue about tlio negoution* for peao* or th* term* of the capUuluUoa by the Span lard*. The taking rtrmmlnr of the city by youraalf took place later on, aud I only knew of both event* by public report*. I waa neither honored, *lr, with a kind word from you inviting, myself or any ocneer of my *Uff to represent th* Cubitu army on that memorable OCCHlIOIt. finally, I know that you have left in powar at Santiago the same Spaalth authorities that fur three year* 1 have fought a* enemies of the ludepeadeuoe of Cuba. 1 wish to say ebat thee* »u tliorttte* have never toaea eieoted at Saotlago bv tto* raaideou of th* city, but were appointed by royal decrees of tbe queen of Spain. 1 would egret, sir, that lb* army under your command iboutd bavw tak en pnatwiloo of tbe city, tb* girritoo aud fort*. I would give toy warm co-operalloa to any measure you may hare deemed | beet under American military law to ! bold tbe city tor jour array and to pre nerve public order until tbs time oonee to felflil the aolaoeii pledge of the peo ple of the Uailed 8tates to establish In | Cuba a fro* and Independent govern muni. But wbeu tbe queetion arises 1 of appointing authorities In Keatlago ' de Cube under tbe peculiar clroura ate nova of oar thirty rests strife against Span lab rale. 1 oanaut nee but with the deepcsr regret that such au thorities are not elected by the Cabin people, but tli* eaaie ones seloeted by the quwu of Spain, nud lieuce nr* min uter* to d of end against the Cubans and Spanish sovereignty. A rumor, too absurd to be believed. General, ascribes the reason of your mvaanrve and of the order* forbidding toy army to enter Santiago for fear of massacres and revenge against tbe Spautard*. Allow me. air. to protest auaiust even tbe shadow of such an idea. We are not savages, Ignoring the mice of civilized warfare. We are a poor ragged army, aa ragged and as pour as was tbe array of your forefath er* in their noble war for Independent*, hoc, a* did the heroes of Saratoga aad Yorfetowu, we respect oar anus* too much to disgrace It with barbarism aod cowardice. In view ef all lUtee reasons, I sin I oerely regret to bo uosbla to falttU any longer the orders of oey government, and therefor* I have tendered today to the oonuDandar-lo-cbtef of tbe Cuban army, Major General Moxlmo Gamez, my resignation aa commander of this sect km of our army. Awaiting hla resolution, I withdraw my forces to the inter lor. Vary respectfully yours, “Gai-cxto Oaucia." ui_u mr«U mu iUtktio. It is Hid that— Mr. Gladstone'* price for e review waa 81.000. Coosa Doyta received 930,000 for ''Uodaay Stone," Russia’* (14 book* bring him io 930,. 000 a year. 8 win borne, who write* very little, makes 96,000 a year by hia poem*. Browning, In hia Inter year*, drew 910.000 a year from , the sale of Ula works. Iaa Maclarvn toado 936,000 out of "The Bonnie Briar nosh" and "Auld Lang Syne." Anthony Hope charges 9490 for a msgaatne story, reserving tbe copy. Xola’a first 14 books rein rued him 9390.000 sod ia 30 yanii he aaed* at least 9975,000. Teuryaon ie ash] to have received 900.000 e year from tbe Maemllleae daring tbe last years of hia life. Bluer Haggard sake from 975 to 8100 a column of 1,000 words, sod wIM not write an article (or whloh lean than 810.000 la to be paid. Two band rad thousand dollar* wu pekl to Alphoaeo Baudot for bis “Hep plio"—tho highest price ever paid tot a novel. Mr. Moody is believed to have beat en all others, as more than 91.MO.000 haa been paid tu royalties for the Goa poi Hvmea end To an by him In eou jaoctfoc with Mr. Seafcey. Tbe Pell Mall Gantt* paid Halyard Kipling 8760 for each of bla “Bnrraek 1 toots Ballade" and "The davan tfeaa" brought him tl 1,000. He bat received 50 cant* a word for a 10.000 word story. Mr*. Humphrey Ward received >40. 000 for " Hubert Klemore," $HO.OOO ouch for “Bevtd Orteee" and "Mar oella," 975,000 for "Rlr George Treaaa dny" end $15,000 fur "BeMln Cott rell." as1 " ■ ■■■!. i Our baby baa beau oootln sally troubled with ootte and cholera ln fastern Mom bla birth, and all that we coatd do for him did not aaeea to gtva more then temporary relief, snUl we tried Oba a berimin'* Col ie. Cholera tad 1 Harr bora tteoaedy. SI no* giving that remeJy he haa nn* beoe troubled. Wo want to give you Ula tnetlaaaolal a* an w ideas* of our gruUtude, set that yen need It to adveatto* yoar mertterlewe iKSttfj.tiftl'S'"— mmoouiw •PMBTvnrf. «w«m n» ih iron <»■>!■■ WW Bi— —t«tUu War. Mubmond HapaMS. Not since the blitb of tba republic hu there bum aooh a cengreaelenii campaign of raoro mow anted lwpor Uam mid in tarot to tfia “i mar I ran people than the out jut ahead of as. No truthful man can fall to rteognlu that it will be a campaign <4 trcroeo dom responsibility of statesmen with the la «M». of tremendous poMlbUlliea ee effect Ing the destiny of the nation, and of greed opportunity foe the Dem ocratic leaden. It will he run taw nor - eoeoas with the rapid drift toward a grant oriale in oar history, nod upon it ■nay depend whether the eadlog of that criri* ahull be for weal or woe. Wd bops sod believe that era tba congressional campaign Is om pease between this oooutry and Spain will hare been concluded sod the work of emancipating Cube from Spanish ly ntny will bare been aacompIMtad. Bat thas will maaa the settlement of only one of the Imuee couaeolsd With the war. In a sense, It will be bat the settlement of t minor lean*. Chit of the war liars arieeo problems whlob, by reason of their bearing upon oar future sad ear Institution*, over shadow tits original Cuban )n*sOm Prom our position of ohampioa of Republicanism for other*, we here drifted into, or rather beau dragged loto. the shadow of imperialism our eal rt*. While seek leg to tweak Spain's iroti grip oo tba tfoeen of Urn AntlU aa. we ere becoming enamoured of a policy that holds la it the danger at patting the iron grip of militarism on our own country. While we ere pour lug out blood end mooey for the pur pose of eecnring to Cobs s free, inde pendent, end leprematatire govern ment—* government of the people we are wnaeed at home by eaadttioas pregnant with the rlnt* of eentraiiia tion. Ia tfala situation on embodied tbe paramount Ihow growing oat of the war. To aunotsa and crystal!m, Um question Is whether wa shall ooatlaae to bold Cast to the anchor of tba doc trine of Uie fathers, which has proved M*e safety of our Itepohlieei ship of State Id do entity storms, or east loos* end take Uie chanoas of that ship’s be Inf wrecked and battered oat of all semblance ef fled ft . Yea, the Democratic leaden wil have a grand opportunity lu tbe com ing oo ogress tonal campaign. They will have opportunity of golog back to brat principles, and of bringing Into striking contrast with UUerday Re publicanism Uie cardinal principles of trno Republicanism. They will have eo opportunity to conduct their cam paign on u plane of aiatesmatuhip I such os lias not beuu vouatieafeJ them •toes the civil war. And their doty will be eomiDenaurslu with their op portunity. It will bj uot only to en : ligbtcu the tuasses as to danger* and | tbe revolutionary tendeeoiea of the new policy, but to oxposu its partisan iusplration. If they eball avail them aelve* of their opportooliy, and do their duty, we aet ue reason why Uie oaovaa* should not only result In the Democrats gaining control of tbn next House, bat in mmrkiog tbs beginning of tbe end of the BepabUeea party. At no time In Its history has that par ty been more vulnerable to the assaults nt Democracy, or have tbe Democracy bean la poslttoa to use more powerful weapon* in aaaalUog it IswlkliMi At ataun n»s»w*i. UxmnlUiM. M. H. H. Caldwell, Eeq., the Pena lise nomine* tor Coogrma in this dis trict, la » citizen at Concord. Ila la aa Ideal reformer and calamity bowler and. Ilka the other leader* of the party la very fond of pie—baa been at the pie counter ever aloe* tbafatloo crowd canto Into power. Ho baa been the attorney of tba county commissioners nod tba sheriff. He to also an ap pointee of dov. It resell, a director of tbe penitentiary; was vary anxious for fusion with tba DamooraU) made aa earnest apaaob in Uie Populist Stela convention tor tualoo with tba Demo crat*. When they declined be waa apparently ready to (me vtthUaB* publicans. Ha baa been thought to bs a Butler man, but h* was aeodeated through tba induedoe of Pritchard and 1*1* frtooda. who swore they would oat vote for hliuford If be was namtaated Jnat Ilka tba other leaders of tba party toconi latencies dost troaMa Mr. Caldwell. Ha can aata (roe silver and gold, and abase the Democrat*. He Is, u General heacb used to aay, “a •peekat of great vocal toroe end pow er.” Paraoually, wa wlab Mr. Cald well well, but politic all wa hope and liallav* be will be badly dafaatadT v»mU«m remap ire lew*. WHalaghm Mar. A prominent and Influential Pope Hat, who resides In a township la tba sixth ooogcoasiooal district that paued acre than 100 Populist votes la ISM, soya In a privet# letter reoMvad here: "Jay neighborhood to solid tar Ball easy. Tbos* who war* formerly l’opn Hate are now Damoerata—all fra* silver men together.” Theta’ll ha leu of this tort of aeara coming la aa the oam palgn prograaam. Pot sou# troobiod with dlarrboao will ba lntai sated In Us* airaor lease of Mr, W. M. Bush, clerk af dotal, Prov Maoea, K. 1. Ha myw “Par asvatal years 1 have beam almost a eoeauat sufferer from diarrhoea, Uw frequent attaafe* complaUy prosuatlng as and rend mag aw uadt tor my dittos at tbU hotel. About two yaam mo a traveling aaleamaa kindly gave gw a imsll UHAle af OUoUartaln.a Colic, Cholera and IHarrbeaa Bawedy. Mu eh to my turprla* and deffgM Its affects wet* Immediate. Whenever I fed symptom# at the dtaeaea I weald fortify wyaair agaiaat Uw a Its ah with a tow deem ot thto vataabi* ramady, Tba malt be* bear very oatlofeaeory •ad almost aomptot* relief from Uw aMlottow”. For ealr by J. X. Carry to Oh Uotaell entered Um hall mMpK •lleoo«, end Um mmUhi , without reaped!ng • requaat tfaeareoc m a cbacoe ta Xian mu a fight *a to oudoreonent or Uuaedl. That pm otUie reeotu UaM finally waatta. wilboat at)Ipa* '.: eoyBa<aao, la Um (ubewtag afeapc ysssarsjsaaraS.:'# tba Uwa bm ban oUy, tairfy ami laaaartiaUy adulterated, aod righto « Pfograai sad iiaafnpaiiiM -IPS BMUKtai Baa dittoes ad tbaMKaL'dM* kskSmSs* (5sr,‘’ •“ BWS5 ear taenbtma declare that •itba<; tan taewo tba* B#oHhdi aloaa •an otxaesteat ta gorer/i North Oar Ha laid tba ftwiitiicapa wuMudatn notag ta Ian tta oomraUoo ad war XbnaJIat in North Carolina (gnat cbaan) aa owtaarlf thaw wan awaa teaitoaa. XJapey dwlarod that npld IBS.iASSa&JUSE£ vu&sn&sr ss as£ He oied the Mead “we" freqoeoUy and •Md: -l mean bjr that wordReulUU HopaUieaoa aod aooaof n«a,»> Ha ooaUaaed: -tat*» aieet wrwytbleg from con ruble ta bishop.” Qmmbw Kastatl -Htartid tba coo natloa ball aa boar. Xian waa a deed silence aa be walked dowa the aMa. He eat with tbe New Hanunr delegation. Ha ant a najaaatto the coo vent! on to-night to faw allowed to ■Mean «*. •«» It adjourned at fcM ut »m Mae no opportunity. "UM KMCMMMH M«lt OoMima adjourned last Friday, aud BOW that jte long aeaaioa hail oloeed it la not Improper Vp ufc what good haa it done and what relief hoe It atTor.ted to the American people t Can anybody tell V Tula U the Congmes that woe elect ed to 1*0, when McKinley wae MM rresident, and great promises ware mftdnM to what great Ulage it weald do for the people. Hat ■»>*■ thean pramiaee bam not been fulOUed any mom than were prom Isos mada lie oar “fueioa" lediUbom! V Win any mao—cae any nmo—tatl what relist this Congrats las gieea the peopieoC the UoltSd dutse? It ban attempted to gtye relief to thebeathan aud leproui lnbabitaatt of Hawaii and to the cruel and half civilised "patrt OU” In Cuba, but what relief haa it ST" P«>Vl» f Haw Uucea been reduced ? Haa It given peace •*vw*Pt«fty» Who will dera to say 1C lifts ; "_r -1 •* 'hi" to Uwyi (toihwn HasHd. tonator Butler la uning tbedeam «•**••» ®M appeal to excite prej ad Ice ugalnatthc Democratic party by call log it tto "Lawyercrailc” party. Ho out but a contemptible demagogue ever attempts to erooae itopnfedtom of the people agaloet ttelavyem, erto aaa clam torn alweyi proved these aitvaa to to a* patnada u4 trua m aay other dtiaaoe. A ad it la autre to mj that tto lawyers control tba Demoeratto party, Bot even if tt wat true, tto Ptoa I Uac party cannot eonilatently crltietaa iubrntolteWiSSreMamm*17 Sm Had yon thought at totef •ho baa sot atttor tom pi tea m odiee erdoeanet ooeapy a high piaoa la Me Partyr BaWalehwe. eelyaUu. linnoifi Joamt J. B. Morphy *ho claimed la ham tom wounded at Kao tin n sad to tom tod a fmlongti, proem to to a aliek to*. It traaajdtm ttot to bat never S* ** Uub®i * not a Motor ot tto nflh Cavalry; araa not wounded at all. b*,*» •‘tody » daawter (row tto JTItth -« « fB fto tala be told about 14. Seaaoto •M Alnaley Yoder barlag toeu killed sa^tfvrs&'ti Pay Waiwno Over In tto nartontb district, the Pope turned 4owa laninaan Sbuford. •to la a farmer, and nominated M. H QaMtoil, a lawyer. mvmwmpawmaammwa to'-mtowa.*** T<l*,,L" tolya auteMUea. Oaly a ana* enabi Oev a wwn tnaanme •two* er toe adto ed.

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