t i ||pW^liPW jhV;i h hi Haw I whleh'ho dmcrttod" *ttflk* ■**•*» • When TJeuteoar.t Hofceoo »roe»»f tu tto tatioduMtoa by Uie temporary etoirma* itor* «m • Stint maUeoo bla face. The aattram row with him : s-iMC ehatrul Mat again and again, urban to mM MakehtauaU toad ■m voNa that Ml Iron him were imuat iu clear. n« aaid: -Won’t too mom gtoo so ‘Yankee noodk T*» The toad ud luet flaUhed -Dtrta” la the lieutenant** honor. Tho hand itruek up, hut 1U Scat ootoo on* drowned hr Um y*l l» of delight that came from the andieooe. Whoa tho toad had fobbed tto air to deck has been turned over to me, bpt I take objection to llkeaUng this situa tion to the deck of a man-of-war. Aa |M all koow, • sailor abhors worts. If ym follow his rsatiue from tbs time he tans oof Is the moralag until tape at sight, you will know that be bean aaiwmohnftasmnn number of words He hears but s staple pipe or whistle ftumoetothla orders, or eta be bean tat the Mast at s bogle. “Hw fee these wEseo—nd there are stapiy Ugasie. Ami new that the «Wb Is tamed over to on, aad I am catlrt epoo to «n worts—words la abundance—X am on aa unknown at*. [Lsagbter.J 1 moat oonfeee, how ever, that I knew that I abonld be anon the unknown am when I rnnemil ad to appear here to-aigbi, tat arltora before hare gone Into unknown anas whan causes adequate hare called [lond cheers, 1 sod If any mum >1 to me mace than ail kit i* Which works to the 1 of the Bailor aad awMIcr, fori bare bass associated with the eallor, though lot a brief somber of yean, ye* long enough to know him.” Tta lieutenant then dascribed the great eooiage of the American eallor, ar “Jackie,” ae be called him. The io oSdenta with which ha Hlostrated this part of Us address wars largely drawn fwm bla experience an prattles cralsss sen naval cadet on tta old ship Com atellatkm. Uentinsiag, be said: ‘•Heoently, friends, 1 have had oe assioD to aae ‘Jackie’ when ha was sorely taxed. I feci that certain fen tone of the Incident, in wtiiek Jackie stayed Ms part sn well, she eld be re ferred to. ft la known that whan the I call was made for volunteers to go on the Merrlmae”— (Urn name evoked a atone ef epolsuee)—“literally the men Ml ovar cam other to volunteer. [Ap ldnwee.1 On the Hew York there were 1W, on the Iowa 140, before the order woo passed that no men voiunuers were needed. [ Applause. [ ‘‘When tba few out at this somber had been assigned to stations oo ths Merrlmae ths direeUooa were for thorn who had certain duties to lie flat on their laces, for others to stead by tba anchor gear and others by the tor pedoes. end there were two In the en gine room. “The directions were that no man should pay aay attention to the Ora of tta foamy. It waa iinmil and under stood by *11 that no ooe should look over his shoulder to sea whore the pro ject Use same from—that no attention was to be paid to them. It eras under stood that if wounded oo attention P*Mt* U; that the men •tank! ptaue himself in a sitting, kneel tag—»a any posture, eo that when the MgMt Mase be would be able to per form his medal doty. -mam, amw, uiey imj umn, each man at bl* post, noli) tt* duty of each mu performed. Out of ntm torpe dou mi bad. In with u*tr eonoee ttona bad tnn Mot a any. When the MMftog gear «u Mot away the pio JutOu nan eomtag ta one eosUauou — hat tha men quietly lay then, S2urt^l‘“,b“ "Thu again, wtwn the duty was • — the group had ueembM at the waMwou^oa the qoarWr deck, dee the atarbeard quarter mod no be gan to dak end Uw aaehor bad been Md we wore acttllag or mom the gcooi lay on Untr faun, aad MtaaDy tt* dm ef tt* uemy mail the dock tamable, and tha gteam teg an from tha buttertw w maklag tfel abella explode ia front of them; urban ttiMi a Mitten whether the CregaMnt ef s dbml weald end the lieu s|S3» the nrUM^tea?-Zob malT « hm •"*—«. rnaa JeeOded, k mMU^hU aoewl But net a mu adleneeeooU net ooetain 11 adU—B nn andeheexed wildly agate of a BHte,) but our too moo &«.bssrj3s,,s« ts&sssisjsr -i'S.Xi’SKSs.My g to. ■rtjo know. the object of hto tgurlor officer.’ fTmaeodon* op. “Kow. Monde. if yon wiU draw IV> deduction* and tefard tb«*o *»«*• ‘nee of UMWDOtuflMt; f,,J^ »<« WWrty look upon u>**e JltUo incideuta aa the eoodttJoo lo the where the penonnd wa* reedy, •rad In ready, to do anjthlo*. then 1 »! tptktci iii Yidn nn<1 yo® will hare a ooianfcte Mm of tl* aall or.» [Grout asuKauaa. ■uusLcrs TUBrrt A MoImi WMMhTh* I. rum, to »uIt« Bum «Yr, WAkOrKOTON, An.-. 1A—The Rrrei **“* T 'towta* letter to M*J«w General lUockinridga. com. mending at Chtekemeoge le response to *■ torllAUonlrem the letter ‘totlheYrmidrat visit the command while It la atlll Intact: “toniri Umior. "Replyleg to joor Invitation I beg to toy that It wookl giro me groat Measure to show by a personal visit to rark my high regard for Its 40,000 troops of your command who *> patriotically raepouded to Um call for volenteere and who have been for upwards of two months Dinning ready ™ aay aerrice rad sacrifice the coun try might reqatra. My duties bowaver' will aot admit of abaencc from Wash lagton at thta time. "Tho highest tribute that oau be paid to tha soldier is to my that bo per formed hie full duty. The field of duty le determined br bis government and wbaravot that ebasces to be la the puce of honor. All bare betoed la the Kreat causa, whether lathe camp or battle and when peace comes all wiU be alike entitled to the action's grail tade. Wx. MvKintT." i •to WehBBwinsim Wi«rr*e. OavoUod Scar. Theapaaob of Lem. Wetmore. tha Republican candidate for solicitor, de livered iu the court boose Monday, was enough to make any wbiu man poke Wetmore made a clear-cut negro toeaoh and completely disgusted the white 1'opulUta. Wetmore boasted aboat bow many negroes Ibis admin U tratloo had put iu ofiloa and J. V. Ifamrick.tn bla speech, esld tliare were no more negroes In ollce than under a Democratic administration, but everybody knew that this itateaaeat was aotrus, If be meant it to auply to any Democratic appointees. Wetmore was brutally candid and told the truth ataoot the negroes holding offleo, but Hamrick waa too shrewd a politi cise to tell tha truth about a thing like that and then he knows that Cleveland county Populist* dislike the negro any way. Wetmore ran for mayor of I.ln colnlon lust year and only received one rate sad it is said be voted In that election. If the people all over the district laarn to know him as well sa toe people of Llneoiaton do, It la doubtful whether bo will receive nmoy ■«« ratte for soUoitor than ha did for mayor. __ An IsnsiHsslls (SsrssIsritUr. Ptnrta llmkl, Tb« Bflnlth objoction to tht Antri esu soldier is that ho does not know *• whipped, but keeps right on fighting when, by all tha rules of war, ho should be glvlog up. In the end coming out conqueror. This is not the first time this very grave ebnrge baa been made ngaiost the American eoldler. Sunt* Anna, daring the Mexican war, made tiie same com ptaiat. line we do not aee bow our •oldler is to be broken of the habit. It seems to ba grounded Iu blm. ■nrm T.k« mhI ruwi. Outturn Becord. The Bfcerd is reliably iaformsd that • eolortd school committeemen took census ortho pubUv school ehUdrta in onm of tbe towosbipa of taiecoaety. This la tbs arstUme that a colored Man has UJIoUUy riel ted the hoflM* and houses of the white people of thte oouuty, end this Is one of the •reforms’' fleeo as by Populist fusion with the Bcpoblicaas ! PiwSO* Priwlpli to NtMtU. WnSwOneu Chs—SMi. .The Populist convention In Aleirsn dor dsclarad against "fusion by a vote °f 17 *° •#, MUioogh Brer Linney's •gsoU thought they bad eearytbteg solid far HepukUeen fasten. TbeToau IlsU an dieooTuring that all the He P'lbUasne waat with them la to aea U>om forgetting offleoaand potting negro rale and oorrupt white officers upoe tbe people. Setteml SeOsul Uwe. OOTMMa tbepemO. There Is a provision la Uie school taw of Xorth Carolina, wbteb says that aeoMMttteMBaa whs caaaot alga hta MM to n teooher’s Toucher ssay make hie mart. That law oeght bo rootled. Xo school officer who saaoot write his name has snr place la oar school sys t*M- Tbs buna oauoot load II* blind, ■o* trow lo the Old Xorth Bute. Mm ». ». B. la Ml* RIm, ? T^lJk*m i^»jfjS?jibj5i1i i t* ii *dI MVU^rlilM ^r,Tr* WC*n"tn4 sroSsar. raagg Srl-.^v^sS!?rr?c ^ *toWn»4» tut to fra*M(Mr MUhnfiNmitomtoqrtofi ■**f aMrUtow mm. It tMiWr asms^S u« Mt• trialtotlto iPMManavtor itoto OMtotol fU». Omm< uM to «m* «r »Hm mCmM. I *»▼** sank ncxic. ininn««f in ua4ut TMIam-Ir. MnaMhy.lk* Mai ■MlSatalaUiVv. Charlotte Aw J. Karl* yesterday morn lug poople Iron CttarioU* and the lurroandiog couotry bogan the journey to ltlrar Bond in aU kind! of refcIdea. Thera were bicycles, bursts*. surreys wagons and bor»« baobara. AU weot well Ull tbo Cataw ba rlfor waa reached at Bosale’t firry. There boggla* Wood In lino 9U to 40 deop. It took Mventl hour* for tho ferryman to transport the crowd aerom the river. Whononoe ucroaa tho muddy Ca tawba, the Journey wav soon over, fur Urn famous picnic ground hi bat a mile and a ItaK from the river Jioiif bafore Urn crowd reached Ool. Abernathy’s oiJUme bat charming, couotry resi dence, Korea of buggies nod bone* oould be Kan hitched In tho barnyard and Aloof tho fences. for the comfort of the tired horse*. Col. Abcraatfay hud pooled a itgn at bla lot gale, which read: "Iftire io •ad have your bona fed and cared for for S3 oasts." The hone* neigbvd ut the eight of this .-wwmi uunarea yarai beyond tills le the grove la which so mnnv speaker* h»ve made the welkin ring. It is there, toe, that the most productive red-bags of Gsstoo have seen dt to congregate and do well. Just before •elating the picnic gronoda a greased Pole. blgh In lltc air, wllli a biaech loadlug Mot-gun hanging from tbe top catches the #y». There is a standing offer of the gun and 3A) to tbe one wbo will climb to (be gun and bring It down. A* yet, Uie gun swiun uadis terbed. In the neighborhood of this pole are three or lour pie oouaten, when* (be hungry can bs fed on bam sandwich sc, boiogua isasags. peanuts, red-lemooade, Hear by Ur. Jake Katnaeht, of Cbnriolto, ran a candy stand. As tbe pot- boilad and bubled over the eoala, tbe hoc stuff was served to tbe boy and gitl who bad tb* price. Flaokteg theas stomach g rati beta w»s Or. XIIis, of Charlotte, wttb hi* comic cooes, bis tooth tonga and hla cure-all medicine*. In frost of Or. SUII' ros trum was a stand of "knock 'em downs,'* where the man with tbe strong arm, accurate eye sod 3 cants to pay for three throws oould enjoy himself. And to add to lit* pleasure of lb* occasion, a mounted phono graph sang war songs sod recited tbe ntory of tbe Caban battles In tbe •agsrearaof many. Kresli from nil this the boys oould go to Uie shootisg gallery. l»L. U. U AH HUM AT IIY. Still higher lo Uie woods was tbe ■peokera' stand, with Col. Abernathy In command. He was in clover. Sur rounded by all klads of admirers, be acted as tbe Impartial man. He •bowed the no«n of atsllocllan no more favors than lie did Lite eoauooe every day fellow. That is the seorct of hie popularity. Ui It s geuiuv There never has been a man that could draw crowds like him. Thiok of a man ruaning in the sama woods pie-eouot era, lemonade stand*, greasy pole ono teats, "knock ’em down," Mooting gallwhw, pUonugrapli* sod political speaking, all at tbe uuu tiers*: The colooel was In unique attire yesterday. He la never gaudy, but always neat. Yesterday bis feat were eucased in a pair of brand new patent leather pumps. He wore a bualneaa-Uk* gray •ui*- His long, flowing locks were held in place by a soft olotb hat. Ha was ever on tb* alert to add aU that be could to the pleasure of tbe pio nickera. After Uie speaking was over, he fed at his table In his own dlolng room over 76 people. They got the best be bad. The food w.is whole some sad plentiful. Col. Abernathy la a good farmer. Around hla home are evidences of bis thrift. He bas a lot of doe bog*, oows. Chicken# and Scotch oollir dogs. Hla cotton and oorn are good. Hit barns mud cribs are rull of hnras feed. And bis granaries are Oiled wttli mnall grain. I learned yesterday on good authority that Hr. Abernathy will be a eaodidate for Congress from his district four years from now. Ho Is a popular mtn and If he enter* tlto race somebody Will here to aweat. Tbs I'nlM SIMM -*M," Alinnla Journal A London newspaper speaking of oar victories in tbs present war and the teams of pears nyt: "Tbs United . States now denotes a colonial or Imperial power. Like Hng Und and I’raoos, she U now Uiu pos sessor of colonies. ” Oar Britlsti trleml Hss fallen Into adooMesrror. Tl>e United States are plsral; the United States are note “she," The Declaration of ladepsodaaco, with which all fSngllahtnen should be famller, says: "These nnlted coloeles are sod of fight ought to be, free and Independent stalaa.” Tbo old article of coofodsr •Won provided that the states son rally entered Into tlw onion "binding thorn oolvoo" to lbe terms which were adopt ed. Tbo present constitution of tbo United States speaks of lews of Lbs Untied States or treatise "mads under tfadlr asthorKv.” In other provisions tbs plural number Is used. The thirteenth emend 01 set Says: "Halt her sis vary dot InrolanUry smltsdo. except as a punish meat for MlflM. whereof IM party shall have bnea dole conrlctrd, shall exist in tbo United States or in any ptsss subject to U»!r jar lad Milan." . The so prams court when It speaks af Um United SUtos Invar. Wy uses lbe t«m as plural U wlU thus be seen that lha highest MtkorHwn agree that tbo United States "am." Hie a common thing for l he Individ 'S1* and newspaper to any "tbs United Stales bat we have never before beard of our country being called a ••aha.’* Odod looks am really reore Uiao skin 4«p. dspsnriina entirely on a healthy recrfltlsa of afi tbs *Ul orgasa. ft »*• .“T" > taaotifs, you bare a MU ooaUsk; if ysf aSoareob ta«laoTd»re4, yMtare abtttooa look; if rear store! ipsfess H*bi Mf jroti win sorely hare good CSrj-Kiretrts_»Ws»t* Isa go»i AlUrnatlre sod Toolo. Acts SirreUy — .»*• sl WMBk. Hoar sad bldagys. ADM (WAX. DBWire UVU. A rut •< It Wmm ImwtmI Br n« HaMaa ln|m, Nov Vorx Tribune. There ware a few officer* of Ike uavy who c*o recall whan Hear Admiral Georg* Dawey one* before faced death, and aa oceaaton when that officer didn’t have talf a chaooe; bnt it er.ea aa oocaaion that be did net wlab to bare made public at tbe time, cor for aoae time afterward. IVrhape tome will be prompted. when they meet him after hta retern home frttm the Philip piece, to *ay to .Mm, "Wall, you had a liver!" But that la juit wbat Admiral George Dewey liaau't. nor baa he had one for eeverwl yearn. Now a good, wbolo liver li regarded aa Indlapeuaable to keep n man going, but Dewey La* •bo wit to tbe world wtiat he can do with only a pert of a liver. It waa when Da wry waa a captain only that he underwaot a terrible op eration under an Italian rur/con'i knlfa and hazarded a poialble chance of life, and for a long time afterward be soffered intern*ly from the effect* of the marvelouz exeUloo. H* waa commanding officer of the aioop of-war Ponaaoola In the Kuropean rquadrou at the time, and lie bad become d«a peralaly III from wbat marluea are frequently troubled with, a "tropic liver.’’ in other word*, what D more commonly ipokuo of aa "baked liver.” or tropical liver ailment, which I* aa much more levere than yellow Jaundice az all tropic*.I dlaeaaeaa more virulent than the corresponding type* lu tem perate zone*. On two oocaaion* Med leal Director Heehllug expttaMd alarm a* to tbe rviult uuteea aome relict «u brought to band » Rally, at Malta, a oootulUtlun «t> bald between hurgeno Uoeblog and bla assistant, an Italian specialist of south am Italy, who belougod to llw cluaa that make themselves famllar with those Uoublee. because In tho climate of the Mediterranean they are an Indigenous product. The trouble was soon dtaguassd, mad It was sug. ijvatrd that part of lha liver that bad become burdened. It was alia rvoog uisud that tbe operation would be a bssardoua oue. Wli# spofceo to about It Captain Dewey asked «hst was tho chance of making tbe operatiou suc cessful. The Italian expert napouded: “There’# only one chance In ten of your living through it/’ I'd this the oflloer replied that be would take that chauee, and tor lb* surgeons to go to work as soon aa Uisy wished. The patient was put under the iudusnoe of aesthetics, bis stomach was cut Into and Uia diseased end of tho liver drawn ; out and inspect'd and then cut off. Tbe remaining part was treated to pro bttnorrahago. and tbeu pot back Into place, and tbe Ups made br tho sur geon’* knife were sawed up. The is covery was a alow process, but waa a successful operation, and ha Is sa able to do doty to-day as If no operation had aver been nrcemary. Dot bit most Intlmato acqosinCauces say that the operation worked a change In his temperament. PapnIMs Mia It Ml OvwtoanL Mows muJ OOwrvw In Halifax county In ISM and In lrt OC, tbe Republican* used tho Populists to “pot life into the dtsitl hulk of the Republican party." In IdVS, having enough negro voters to win ov-r a sol id white oppoaltloD, the Repubitcana have kicked their Populist friends overboard and decided to take all the offices for themselves and leave the Populists out in tbe oohl. That will make those white office-holders, who were wining to betray llmlr race for so office, very aiek. They ought to quit filling their bellies with the husks fed to swine and help put eu end to negro, domination la tbsSraln. Tm Unk See r^iallo-. Coaoort) gtanclarrl. From Duplin, Sampson and Wayne counties, ** well as the east generally, comes the news that the penitentiary dose, tho negro rule, sod tbo general cussed ness of our Boseell- Muller frsion government Is two much for the Pop ulists. They know bow to have a bat ter state of things and are going to get them through tbe only cbaunel tbe Democratic party, nnd therefore will vote the Democratic ticket In the next •lection. I rwii-Anl Married leafy. Wiim.nftoa suar. A Mississippi p»oer tell* of a "mar ried lady" Rt Mollaury, who w.u pro nounced by ilia doctor* to havo yellow fever, who ale two quart* of plum*, for which *he liad been longing, put the doctor'* prescription «*ids, and got well. Very llhsly who could eat two quarts of plum* with Impunity might easily defy the yellow fever, whether •he was married or single. palrKUe UU««i« U'ixaaboro Krooni. Oreenaboro people are aa patriotic and law-abtdlDg *• any. They ate nil going to skirt in paying their share of the war tax. Yeatsrday * man sent •n order to tbo market for a hunk of beef, placing on tbo order a two-cant stamp of tbo lotor national revenue variety. Thl* l» bovlssss. Io cave of doobt, be potrlotlo. OMklMi imlM gal re. Tug boot Salvb In tha world t.n Onto, Bru'eea, Sore;. Ulcers. Halt Rheum, Favor Horm, Tetter, Obapywl Heads Chilblains, Coras, and atl tfklti Eruptions, ood poritlvaly on re* I’Uwt or ao pay ruqulrud. It IS guaranteed to girt parfaet rnttofaetlon, or money r*funae«nw Otar. "Du iron Ida ’bout advloa." aekl Un ele Ebua *'Ud»t doaisa whohoa made • *hO-auff *ooomu Is Ufa[to glu'rally too busy tor stop an’ giva Inmone." n*w» TWI-I We infer One Mua.lred Uniter* MmrtM fi» ri> (.wm fJ.OHAKft^ P/»|it fnteh.ll. Wa (be ungwWrnM. Herr kmtwa P. J Olwam htdaaau ymn *a.l faster.’ Mat perfmwr am »»*' hi aflbuelam* Ifeaanettea* able hi tarry eel ear ubllaa IwtrPrwi. WOebaale Dniecewi. IWeh. * Manila, WauWOMn I •M*UUTK coirrt camjTivx 1 wm tea n»M ITUv. *«*. 10. A County OunvenUoo of Die Democ racy of Heaton county U beroby called to meet at tlw Court House in Dallas, i X. 0., at Of.a o'elock P. VL on Kuiuay, AtTorre 10. 1HD8, for tbe purpose of Dominating a camli- | dale tor representative In tlw neat 1 Gciwral Assembly of Xortll Carolina. ; candldatre for tbe rarinne couutv . office., Mid to elect delegatee to Uio , Senatorial Convention, and for aocli Otlwr bust nee* »e uiay properly come before (aid Cnuwnlion. Uy order of the County Democratic Executive Committee. Jon's K. Ldcrtn, Chairman. A stubborn onusti or tlnkltii* (n cbo tbevot Woklb io On# U1»M« t uiu lUaiuilNi til rtTKS. t'iuohw tb« rutu spot, reliable am) Jun wImi ia uramoO. li mu «( once. _VkOAT ToA*W*XB A CO. One of the hoepluli In Moicow, Rueeia, la large enough to accommo date 7,000 patients. Wi*r«« >ou call lot DsVFltts ftiiok Ha»U Aftlru ii*t» *mti pili* cute. Ararpt tiiiui ciM. Don't b« uUfld Into r subAtHvlv, for burns, for sores, fur _ Puiprr *t\nt» BriUUn o«ro» idT rtrc.t of 3.f»7!),UOO miles, slatofc Iho arru of of tbe United -italcj.' lYtiO woirs »fU. lWiploUsvti imnwMtiAut iioWui'a l.titjr tarty Uimta arm roUitbk- l»nl« plil* b»r nHiiUUOf ifio bosch, csrinf onnstt P*Uu«i imkI tick hmiuobe. Tfkry don't print. KucrT‘l\*Mirtc« A On. The hugest train ever hauled Into Durham, M. C., camo over iho South ern Railway itwnlly. Jt euiuiatcd of ilxty eara Kach car v>aa dacerated wltb flag*. Tbe tram was drawn by two large rnglutc, and centalDed 900 hogshead* r>( tobacco, weighing 1,000, 000 pouada. Von lavIko (UUMioinbnoai wlwn ron ex pratvaom. rieWiu * Utile Karir kCa-’i* an. lituraut. con), iixrouxh illtlo puts. They card eouauptttnn ami ■tec aoudactH* JiaiaMuniji you tax<< tUcia. i auar CiMtuaacv M Co. The Charlotte OOsinm’a ltalelgb eorreepniideol cays that I.Inoeyattend ed llouuc court where by appointment 1 hi wav to speak on Mouday. ile loued the Ueputillcaiis ao lioaula that he left wltiiout speaking, aod was aald to bn Tery modi Uemcwtllr-il. It looks like lie will be beaten. More (tan lvm»» million frve umplia of l ho Wiu'. VYlinh Hanoi Hall re hovo Occn *!U ITilHiioi by Uki uanQfiuitiivri. Whul Hot lor pmo| of their t-onniinct to It's merit* th> you wnintr ll curat pllv*, burn*. ©cold*. eurr*. la ihf blmn til i|mou of tiui«. Ymvcr Ton***C*j A On. MS» The L*rtraiiJfot on Ioat Tburoduy *I> pointed Judge J. M. Ilobaon, fattier of Lieutenant HoUaoo, of Merrimac fAOQit, postmaster at Greensboro. AJa. Mr. ilobauu la u Doaiocrat, ai«d Uve uonitnaliou was made at the enrnna vtqneat of iiia llepobUcaa fnllu* towns men aa m mark of gixxl feeling. OtK- Minatc Co»»*h l Jure lurpt Ma peupk l»y 114 i]utck( enrol and cUiufivn may lako ir »u Urac quAiitltiut whIhiui ibe ku**t Oinyrr. ll Ivm «n»n for iiaoir tho u>4 rvputaiitui of cui/ prvpemluMi u*rd ir xlajr for oolri*. rcmi**. itcillnr in the Ihrani or otooUnst* cough*. Hujvt Topaaaoa at Cm. Kilr.hugb 1-ec Is still a honey. He ha* been very carefully kept out of n chape* to "iu H°J glory in ibis war, and when Umj department wired him the otbei day at JackaouYill* that the war wad ended and peace had come be 1 wiitd back •'Thank you. 1 will at, once order the 7Ui Corps to ooase flr* ■mr-** _saB_ia8m DeWitt** Witch Hie*H tulrv Ha* lb© ljtrjreat ut* tkf nay Halve in it** %rorl-l. run faoi and ltaififfil lia* led >ll*brmaa iieopl© to micmi* to counterfeit It. Loo* out for tin* tnau whrt AUmiftlUi ilcru-Jroyoei whvu yon call for Do Wiu’* W,»cb Hoju.4 diUvo. the* unrut pU© wru Poost rrmaa xr* * Oo. - Pur lirakuN Mrfvuii, aura*, tnwot bk*». Uurw, Min iiamatea aod ctitecialhr pilw there li one rdkblv rvtacdjr, Dowiu'j wjinl Ha*ai .Hnlnt. Whitt vtm oaM for fkiWiu'a don't m- : OCT* counterfoil* or fraud*. You will not be ilbepfwAnCcvl aiHi OoWliiia Witch Head Salve. » w*i Toaiuncca A co. PKirilCT tffM of.kat * son) X Instrument ihnuil bo im 9 < > Tba tmtttWful llnirtiii nusIMJcS or < t ' > thtss Manna an* rtcaramwJ by srsty wn- < > • * Ml artist, who unanntinalr rrouinmootts < * i i non. i • ] ’Unwntnu piwwm Ttismo. noun. PHtni. Msraiutao. Ihntnlnl Tmu. , I Call ai)*l Kxaaolno Our Mnch ur Writs , , i , fnr Itisatriusd ostnkuru-. , , - i iURi.i;a M. orurr. i; ! » It. Mtatrtr »«., Ml lirb Hr. N. W.. * ’ I; ; UaMItnorw, Jfcl. Waabloptrut. o. C. J ' Cabot’s Sheathing Malcn How an W*»* in WIXTKN *•«**!. in nvMnnm *1* fime* tart ter Ilian ennoun roaln paper. Deaden* aouml In floor* and I an tl* ioii*. d*uit r«ir (ample* and | rlor» SAIOEL C4B0T, Sol* Hfr Botoi, Mm I An Id ander |**n*f**. vanrr touhkhoMaco. Oorrowia. V. a. 8uLaA«nmT». Tutt’s Liver only cure, but if •will p*-»v«nt College, OOUKTY, n. 0. Sept. 5, 1898. U situated amongst the fast above nen lcYrl. lmi>ruv« In body ns wi ll ' SIR • f Largest palrouage and fullwet mrnl lu I'.a history. Faculty, 38^ Students, 5«J; 3 Aondvrolc Course*; 3 Elective Courses, 3 rrofessl, nel School*. In Law, Mediciue and l’har mscy. Advanced Classes op>n to wooieu. Tuition fGO a year; Board t8 a mouth. Ample opportunities for self-help. Scholarship* anil loans (or Iho needy. Sommer School tor Teachers.; 'X In structors, 186 Students. Tola) enroll ment, 070. For catalogue. Address, PRESIDENT Al,DRUM AN. _Chapel Illll, N. C. TBR NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE *’"* MRIHAMI ARTS, Will re-open September 1, lflftft, with iiuproved equipment Id every depart ment. Tweuly-Uiree experienced spe cialist* In Faculty. Full courses In Agriculture, Science. Civil, Mechani cs! and Electrical Engineering. Ex penses very moderate. Fur catalogues address Pres. A. Q. HOInunt( vnimn of (hvliuln Ibr* ough prOlVrtlminl, Mtcmry, el a* toil. wirntMW and tnduuiUl uducaiion. a mum)/ ctytiu** $w m 5ayt. Faculty of 3D mtmDcrt. Xoro kVao go rtvobtr ■Uideni*. lltn tidriMiiiiioil aboatl/A)iturlMiu, *vp r 9ictitln«r m’tr; ci/unlj In lltOFhlo etrrpt two rmctici ufI OlaonsUon Urluvil of tttxHil 39) DU pl U. T% b~nrj ih tfoFaJtarw. all /!••.* -hrttian OjrpiJrfitUtit wmW fc* nab b/n * 4 «•*•••* Cornagwkrrf Invited from fliot o Jc«irln« competent trad Me-J tnachar*. For catalogue pad other In formation, luldrvst, rBKHf »K3rr ■«ItCB,«rrMMtoraV.G. “SALEM Academy aiul College IJXJII naaHy ¥» yaarji ttit« IntfKjtUon for the blffhcr • tuoatlon of yeung Women baa OceojHiff! tba rvry front ntnh, mmI woa norer more* numcnmaljf attended i-han now. ft H not only iirortdcd with o blidi-ttouto CV4lcgo Cwurw, but hat uxpert* m rut of apeotai aebool* of Jtabr. Art. Etoonikon. CbmmrroiaJ an*l InduatrWtl Mmlka. W« will be plraerd to aood cataluaun on application. Term begint t*eptr»nW 3-1 JOHN II. ( f.BVn.L.Prl»tl|MU, Baton, North Caroline. 1793 tii.i&i:am School ■ 8HEVILLS, ■BHB WIn «7W. M«J ft KI NfitXAM. SSS^SkSS^M n. c. MEAT MARKET. 1 h«»» recently pul In a refrigera tor ami wry* freah jno»t* and cool aa If Just oft the Ion llaelf. Our customers got the beoeAt. I solicit your patronage and | promise yod Him fresh eat meals and tlie best satisfaction. Call oh me for anything In my line. Cloud beef cattle wauled. W. N. Davih. MBLUI HUD AMD MH FOWL i ^g55a^aagg Snowflake Laondry. Clean linen tiloely I mi mi rod •ntxMle all bn to u*wo well drtw* d anon and U*o | ly wnnin. That’* Uie kind ll*n Hnowfake laundry luma nut. «•»! Mm, KukktT mhi rrm»%T, Bnlltrry. Mlnu nvrt'ww*T. Our Mr. J. II. OalUnt will bn b.vpytn«rmyoa. Unit on him SNOWFIrAKR LAUHDRYJ Dr. D. E. JMcCoxkell, -vMJiTittr OUloo (FiuUlraln Y.M. C. A. n-alltllafK GASTONIA. • • • - N. C. *v. ]iTuoffman7 —DBifTIST — O ASTON LA,. - - - • N. C. KT UOlcc ortr Kirot Nation*! Bank. Jf. G- JU&XGM/Ji7 -ATIORSXY-AT-LA w oarruKLA, u. c, wai I'raclic* In tb« court, ol Gwrlo.i .nil adjoining eonntlc. un»i _ ‘oGm PtUerul Court*. CAR0L1BA a iorthwksterb R7!. »' luiiiXR a*i> (nucn0kN i» crricaTT luuni «. ia*r. G. V.. K. IIABPKR, Pn'.irlont. »uiv.lHy KS^aTaaPm day W*° run '**”•* Mocp.Seb iKacTi. CS’JEWTVi•»V**—^min mote win. th; A * a S “• u" n~^s^EMl,sarV2^arj,,rt",“ tkir tdvtnuirt' to <-« i. m o^' - ^ *t*nl It lo tlM* (IcikoSl S&o JStilT ? S*K^M|I wi,h K. V. KBuT'vU^ J. M. MOUUB. V* U. P. H.U.HtU.10,,'rAX a IrtNICHOU,^21^ . __ _ l l«.»n».H. t>. NOTICE. Action for Divorce Nopil CAIlOulNA.l i„;JfCr* . OA»n>» Cnn . tt, f d Jno V. ilord. | laitu'n ’. b,‘IayVm Ohio. \». * I No.ico UUlo lh.d, rrn. / A*lon ford’norce. ,c;^:uiik; ivr°' nlMjrc. bu been 75L!5„33fe\\4’nJJtk«.l IU» Hjt.oiiB usnimi the defend*!^ iS”. 04 ll'" MtanloU ; *j*l the iSd defJl.JTi; r0r..‘t?Vnrcu' LmWc notice that wca "lM 1 u»lber Bird M.-d-y I-A.p,or.Wr, *« -.w lur Ike relief daunmdMl in TkUklkd.y ul A.,«^;Mi^Uy,,‘- U- «• Notice. NoICTM IUm)LINA~l ,„„„ OA-™, U.rv. } h.ipJtei^H.r,. Hr*. A04 lliticr, | WII’LiJ Mortcr. f No,U'r ft*iWumiUm kliove namul will ink.. troA fV., » A1** l^urDO*Ot obLainiDir 4 UIVOTCC 5SJJT wTrt'L'Xcr -i.V&2 2SKE * no“« «*«. bo .. wnrlnr ■“* u"’m •>» «*.ESd M.nJul aftw’ihS?^'“b" “«■**> «n U>‘ t>e«Mr. m j tire Jfd Bundly In B.V i n DaUiTh. “.Md^Mwerl" 5! mlA CnaipUutit in Mill iu.2!,',ct m dcicur In ttir .ppiyTr, ibl'VSit S?& wUI mud cumptatoL c fff'ei •irmaiplrd In •f.d.U,i.faiynf Aurae’U1; «*»!«. V.Ml. Notlct1!, N’OUTll CAkULINM . (lAkti)N OuUfcTV » U • IMD.r.C. du|irr«w .Jirml, (•ollaHbync. | Nulon. Uwt iuila<^oiTmili?£IriJ“li'!!,*lJ nicnewl in ihc kuuonor lik^'oT,' l"'rn «■** ly. H. 0.. tor .“e ventw freoi tho bOrii. *oT ““?.'J.1* mid darmduu win ^ funhS .rt."wn»: ?"? nIm U rvijulrcd to Vo fv^u 1,04100 lbe6ap*ikjrOoar?KA111* tmu01 on ikrhio of mhl in ibc^ evmpIMat in wuj 2ijI2*wrr 5r ,u™',r UB will USSSri lb« .SSS^1 r" ■IdO.ixlOe LVinlj cii.plS^, ,,,r '*•« 'n.Li Mno Jay of ,uly ,»^t.DAvi«,C.».C. POMONA HILL NURSERIES, ft Ko.th. or*„ «ii£i ™ZZ?£?L'SZMl"n' *** »r«. l^*u-T?niSn,,iS5Sjn®1 •"'‘••"“•Hr 'T °ur A Full I.Iim. .u AtWr«*», J- VAN LI.VDl.8Y, __ I’OOOIM. X. U GROVES TASTELESS CHILL TONIC wl mol J25 AOVLTt. wAinuHTio. pmosoooM*