TUB GAZETTE. Tiip«M>Ar.>crrp>Bgttom~' ~ ;;''Ll Vv'"‘ __ tth Dtotrtat Theo. F. KluMt, ol Bowan. to* reran* oom First District — Hoc. Georfe IX. Wmad Dmriot-Hoe. Harr B. Bry _ „ u, o< Craw. Fifth DWtrist—lloa. Thonaa J.Shaw, ■TUolllM. ; Sixth XHatitet—II o*. Otrtr H. AUn, _ oCLanoir. ^Thoawn A. ftNwatl Hon, W. Alena ... „ j TCXbnte. to* oauvrrok—liu Diitnct. Jm. L. Webb, of Ckvtlaed. TO* nun-IM Statite* M. II. JaaUea, of Ratherfoni. O. F. Knoll, of Omton. coukttTtickbt. FarHaaaa ot UnnuutiUm-L. B.I.lM* JjjifOhrt at Superior Court—C. C. For Bhetiff-W. T. tom. Bmetw of Deeds—M. A. Car For'ZhNrem-W. T. Heodenoo. For Oara***—J. T. Uotoa. Ft»ftimyr~lulhar Xian. Jor OoraMoMft-Jaflk C. PmU. a Aa WUH, J. D, Moott, ThoPopeUato ot this Senatorial dU triet Ml tMc convention la fldin Aag.J7.md nominated A. H. Ptetar far tha taata Ba la a tamer aad wag Pag a oiate ot fan a cosaala alonar in demised coeaty. Tba ooorrntloa nominated but oaa candidate. A oomalttee war appoint ed to mat a like committee bom tha BapaMIeaaa 'la regard to tba other >*■0^— tho ticket”—which aeeaa Tbe eaeridnatleu win be kaoekrd oat by Mason aad Jamies. Tber in aaw watching Urn month of the fusion barbae and If their game rear show* a maa ia the open tbeae gallant Demo cratic espUine will rink or beach the laet craft they bare. The editor of tbe Wilmington 36o> amprrtaftaUghtod to Bad ooapaey In We Inability to read «Doa (jolxote” apprsctaUvofy. At threw differ sot times aad at threw different periods of We life be has made determined but rain attempts to rssd the book throogb. One who bee bed a eialtar experience ae« only with Csenates but with ■eott sad Dickens will took for a sym pathetic charily of feeling laths Jb* •mper. Fifteen yean age we mode a desperate effort U get lot wests I le 8oott- did mesago ri rt ami* to ■H through with on* of his novels. We barn aster seea tbe (aside of oae Mao*. Two or throe reliant-ilM ■tao *** made upon David Cupper *sW. bat wa bam never had tbe nerve to pas tab ourselves Uroagfa it. We eaeaot kelp having as opinion, there fore, (to which, perhaps, ere ere not entitled] about people who rave over itaott aad Dickons. Tta day of tbs papm-baeb oovel is is still ia its glory. We were surprised to read the other day ia wbat Is ooo rfdetadffood authority that last fans *T food* store in Hew York I** ■« mdsr for e million p^*. •°™** bomln, aad doyfleated it ba faw tba season eioasd. What a stupendous ooosamptioo of cheap madiag mattm this oae itsm saggeato: H Is a amttsr of note also that tbe ntaO book-stores era feeling the‘in roads made into tbsir trade by the big booh handling department atom. Tha taory printed riswwhers shoot tb* BstdevlUo-Oasconla short-cut is ■dbtoff a latter along Urn 11m that w®jm longer be on the “Ug roed" Uw propemd Hake era bwilt. This aaam story was printed sheet a Jdar gffo la Tim Gaxbttb aad other papma m romlng from OeL I*. A. Old, taM ttdid not tbm roerivo tbe etteo wbOo ear Char lotto neighbors are ooMaltf invited to morn op to Oes tsola and pet ooiof the woods. I uaanuTi muuv awn. *t gtvoe m mo sort of pleasure to nod io Uto paper* that Mr. L. B, Wat OMIO. tho foeloo candidate Cor solicitor io Ole district, wot pubUely draak whew Io tbo town of Monroo. Draak - ****** to dniokeaneee, aod In itself It atajr not be aay worse, to be poblloly draok than privately druak, aod per ao Itmay not beaay more Immoral fora nodtdoto to kooomo draokon than faro eltima of Icoaer dofno. Bat there are ctrcumaUncre malar which tbo eflkete ot dtookooom an more deplorable than to ethers. The caaa of Mr. Wet won, a candidate far honor at tbo band* of bio fsUow-ctUaoua, a candi date for o position io which bo la to ***0^100 tbe virtue of tbo tftato Io UO poatoheaeot of thou who offend acataat law aod order, ia a caaa Io point- It la truly to w deplored ♦*»«* it io poarible (a aay r rvy for a person baying ao taoeh of al^adoa In bis mor al mnko opto become■ eanditalo for so responsible a poritfon. The word can didst a U of Daltn orlgio, Io tho days of Boman virtue bo who offered himself for honors at tbo bands of bis people appeared clothed Io a white toga, symbolising apotleaanaaa of character, aad was called candidal no—clothed to white. If. Dotwithataodieg such declamioa «ad challenge, epote ware round to bto chosoctmr. hto white gmnaents were publicly besmirched aad be was retired » disgrace. Io tbe case of Wetmorr, he baa be smirched his own toga. Det bin bo ntlred. Evao bli earn party dtd not waat I dm for judge, reasoning that be ■eight do for a solicitor. For If the ■oUettor became draak another ono ecold bo substituted, bat If tho Judge become draak, court bad to stop. But the Republicans have greet hardihood If they bow claim that he U Ql ereu for solicitor. Yea, let bin bs retired. w Muutincrm. Wtatthe War Will Mare Cam Uw Cal. W Mat—. AaMTiwa Umwr U«ebfr and Ostobar. This will nun the direct cos* of tbo war—lasting for leas than four mask!*. but lorolring beary expenditures, for more than six months—9101,000.000. It is a reasonable estimate that 25, —«* <* too torm leading colonies— porhane a few leas In tho peaceful island of Forto Rtoo and a few W, in Cuba or the Pblltpinee. A part of tba •errloo will be performed by toe ,«£ lar army because of tba increase lo its membership from 25.000 to 01.000 man, bpl tin oat iocranae o€ Coreft abova tba Mdj«co establishment will probably ba <5,000 seen aad may bo greater. Tbe nary will also be considerably in •teased over a year ago aad will call for larger expenditures lor officers, men, coal aad Incidental equipment. It is hardly probable that torn* ex peti te*. including thorn for tbo elrll gov ernment of tbo coloaieo.oan be kept moeb within $15,000,000 per month. £o* etebt mouths this would add $190, 000,000 to tbe amount already charged to Uw direct coat of tbe war, aad yoold mak# Its Incidental coat up to Jum 90.1809. $99,000,000. U may be cot a little below ibis, bat In any ease will hardly (all below ^250,000,030. IwOep—Crwea. Tbo Wllmlagtoa Mimtnuer't Ha], elgb correspondents learns that at ■yhllMa State headquarters the mw election law is said lo ba a crusher so far as bolters or Independ nt candidates are coMoroed. aad UtenOr abate tbom oot. It requires a Mate chairmen to file a certified oopy of a ticket, aad no tickets like this u *°b« Mtd, nor eao “stickers” bo placed •o k. Any ebaogee mom ho made by | out of writ (off. loqali y vm •“A m to what effect this law had Dr. Nor went, repuldlcea eaodl ttemoauiTtbio'^r«T tewMkdoM pcrJor** * >t>tl ct>aJr>aaa ARP SEES SOIE SKIS. ■imuurum mvim uiun MAI LAST TKia. tfc* tallau to Cmnl-Ttoi m* to Iaw«tuA to «uaa Wat-Xaim •'* Arp, to Atlanta GMwUsaUon. The butterflies are moving. It to two weeks earlier thao they moved >»»t jw, aud that would betoken aa early Iron If ttie Insects know any thing. Provideroe may acquaint than with tbe times and seasons for their own piwmllM, for not a sparrow falls to Aka groaad without Mi notion. Every day Umm canary colored battsrUien akip along through the trove not Id docks tmr In pairs, bat singly nod at their leisure, perhaps one In a minute oo an avenge, and wo aid never attract any notice If attention was not called to it. They are an aliks—ths same “stare else, with wings or stout oae sad oca-hell inches of triangular shape, aad they move southward in graceful leisure (tight and nsvar stop to rest or to suck a dower. A frltml wrote me from MUJedgevUle last year that ho supposed they wintered In south Geor gia or Florida, but my opinion to that they not only winter but die, for they never come back. Probably they lay their eggs before tbe leave home, aud so we have a successive flight every year. Tbe instinct of birds snd insects Is e science to bo studied. Neither tins birds aor the butterflies have any set days for their migration. Some In stinct tells them wbea to start and guides them la their flight. Eveo the ••Ule spider weaves his web iu tbe night, kaoanag there will be no rain in the morning. The Lord answered Job out of tlie whirlwind snd made him ashamed of bis laek of knowledge. "AVbo causes it to rain upon the earth and the bod of the tender iwrb to spring forth ? Who can stay lbs bot tles of heaven when ths dust groweth into hardness and the clods cleave fast together T Wbo providetb tbe raven bis food whee his young once cry unto Ood ? Doth the bawk fly by thy wis dom sod tbe eagle mount up at thy command ?’’ hfe»«tng or insects, I tell you, my brethren, there are tome hideous kind* in this sublunary world. I have long been friendly with the tomato plant be cause it was in sect proof, but Ibis rainy season has developed some horri ble worms upon the items. Big, long, boll beaded, green worm* with a sting in tbs tail caa be seen all about among the vine*. These green worms in ooversd with while puitule* that an about one-eight of an loeb long and stand op thick and stiff and seem to be rigs or embryo or germs or something that is devilish. Three white robe* are so visible that they warn you wbent Lb* worms are. The worm it eelf is not unto a tobacco worm, but bat a diamond back and division cord* to match. I have aero pack saddle* on green com stalks that were horrible but beautiful, and this pro rotes me to remark that moat all (be devil’• con trivance* are beantitul. Jun wbat soob insects are mads for parsslb com prehension. sSo many harmless and lovely things abound in oatars that we ars aurs our Creator loves ns or nn would not liars mads lbs birds to sing, the flowers to bloom, the stars to ahtos and tbe air to be Oiled with music. W# 1 have use for the horse and the cow, the dog and tbe cat, sad for sheep and fowls, and even for boooy bees, but what possible benefit can these hideous I assets be to ao/body. it looks us though tbe good God made ell tbs good and beautiful things and then tbe devil gota privilege and pot la his handi work in the shape of venomous **r mnts. Wild beasts, tarantulas and finished op with sbowersof mosquitoes. Gob* says that alt these pisen and •tingin’ things were made to keep poor rolke humble und make ’em enjoy their religion. That rich folk* don’t know nothin’ about bull nettles and plaan oak and pack aaddlo in fodder pullin’ time and these devils rldln’ horses that chew tobacco Uke a gentleman and if they suit in your eyes It will pot ’em oat. He *sy* that some folks lave riches so good that tbe I,ord had to make poor folks to keep the rich one* In money, bat In the losg run tbe rich ones will come out at the little end of tbe born. WebeUr says that Instinct Is a natu ral impulse Implanted by lb* Creator for the preservation of life whether it be natural or vegetable life. I was ruminating about this because it is laid these butterflies lay their eggs somewhere before they leave home and never are them or their offspring after wards. lusttnet tells them when to lay them. Then then is a higher order of Instlost which animates a higher order of animal* and eaascs tbe parent to stay by lbs ofTiprhi* and nourish sod protset It. Birds sod beasts will dp this and will lay down tbslr lives for I heir you tig. men liter* M the maternal Instinct that when applied to tit* bureau race beaomae maternal lor# »□ a imiitu. n it »pl»i mr >• c«Mt m WMU «IIH Wrens Isanti a»U Maws MikclluS>«( »UU|I I««n* a 11*11 tm lr(n> Demi w llaak *«■!» (ipiMlniilm —rt rest ms Editob Fusii Puli; -It is doubt less best for s mi q liter of the gueprl to be ss nou-peru*so to bis politics si possible. This policy 1 have heretofore and will continue to pursue, but it lisa come to a pretty pees la our town wbsn our white daughters can't walk tbe streets, free from the insult that a stripling negro girl, as black os U>e ace of spades, to to heap upon them. In iront of my door today I bad tu go to tbe rescue of a respectable white girl, who was attacked by one of these little coons, with all the dariog aod gravity of the lord over bis slave, and, oven without provocation, as I coold see, struck the white girt, tbe daughter of s respectable but Uelplea widows of our town. I wsut to ssk my fellow citiavus whither this tendency will lend, if white men are to oonttnos to corn mission it v X usual confess that It made toy very soul sick. 17. W. RUANCUABD. Tbe foregoing appeared In tbe Kins ton r.n Prttn Saturday, Aug. 27. Commmenting bn the incident, the editor of Ike Seotland Neck f.Wmcn rr«iUh says that he knows Mr. Blanch aid and baa known him from tbe days of tbelr youth, and continues: We know no truer, manlier man lu North Carolina. He la an educated, Christian gentleman, and being a minister of the gospel he ostnmlly feels • hesitancy In appearing In print relative to such a matter, as may be seen b> reeding bis card carefully; and be would be one of the last to oumrnu nlcato his oonvietion to tbe public through the newspapers without good reason for so Jolog. The whole troth of the matter Is this: Appointment of the colored people to public office bss oome to he so common a thing by the present it* publican rule, national and State, that It has turned the head of the entire negro race; the evidence of which may be seen elsewhere than in Kinston and by others than a Baptist minister. Race clash Is to be deplored, hot when a quiet and presetrt and oonaer rstlve minister of tbe gospel feds called a pen to denounce the bold Im pudence of wvsn colored females In front of Ms gate, and appealed to bis fellow eitlssns to take aoguliaoi* It it* tendency, it to time foe all white people to begl* to make effort* to stop it. A return of the Demooratlo party l» Power will etop It nod nothing rise will. Bear this lu mind, good people, and work accordingly from now until No vein bar. |Mr. Blanchard to known tu Gas tonia aod Oaston county, where as a visiting minister he ha* preached or delivered aduoatlonal lecture* ou two or three ooeaaiooa, and the ratloMte of thorn who know him here coincide* with that of tbe CbmwonvesnllA — Oaswrra. I wkiM OrMnTtll* W«**Jy. In Martin county Unrt U a** > cbang* arooof deOMt whit# folk a *y bn* never banu mm». From «w Motion of the county ooowra ftnanoti •ncouragiof new*, lot tbn pW>yi* nr# donated with nefro *mTbSror# bam 1»m#Jud, ■Ml on our nehool hoard* ft My to •ho® ottr eWVJrco aboald t» lomboot. W* n«r*r tboufbt *• w°nM *>*•Jo M* a omto »»flMraU tn Martia •ouoty. ft wM townablp* that enot : over forty rotra l»M olaolfoo thorn I* not oo* «blt* anH P-y>*r*l|c rot# ■ow. Thor nrn oo««*« to tbalr «m tore, the white a**1* p»ny m RAILROAD COMING ? that mmr vet rats dastiu.! TO U ASTORIA. MX la Al*li Ridml Altml Ik* (*• Uokii for Mwrtmi*| Ik* M**lk**w — nrlOiilll* |* K****** III* an* Ml. '••W’H ka«UinU-Wi*M Mwnn «l»* »*«Mi*e»‘» Through LIm A*sal 49 Mil**. tttl.Va* New* ana ntwMr.tr, 4th. The Southern Hallway baa oomph-tad lla MockRvilk-Mooraavllle branch, and within lh« next two week* regular ached III* trains *111 be ruouiog unit. This makes !h* Southern luUeprnd *ut uf UjsI part of th« North Carolina 11-itir.wd between Greensboro and CiutrUille—llie part that has always hitherto been uiost valuable to lb* State ami absolutely Indispenlible to the Southern. It was lit* Dr tit otsi the lease ques tion in die last Legislature. It has been alleged, that caused the Soulberu to decide to oomplete tbit link of 88 miles Since tlio settlement of the lease uuee | lion, however, the tine is worth little for anytlitug othor than loeal trufflu, bnt already the Southern officials are contemplating completing the links from ReldsvtUe to Kemeraville and from Mi. Mnorne to Gastonia. Thle would then become tlm through line and the North Carolina Railroad by Greensboro, Sallsbory and Charlotte will only be a local line. Now, mind you, I don't sav tills will b« done, bat I do say the management of the Southern ie contemplating the advisability of It. The only question now Is tba' uf the cuet. To oouipiele tltcae iwo lloka will Uke about 40 miles of now road over • country that must be graded at great eon. On the other hand, to build it will shorten tltc Southern’s through line to Florida some 40 odd mitre. This In the near future will mean an hour’s shorter ride to Cuba and Torto Rleo. And this, la these days of competi tion for through bnsintss among trans portation Hues, means utueb. Then ■ gain it It argued Mis old line will re tain all the local business nod can be used fur slow freight traffic, while the short Hue can be ased fur through pas hanger service, express and perishable freight. Thus gtvlngtbe Southern, be tween Greensboro and Charlotte, where It most needs It. a double track. And It is this, ( am informed, that Is tbo most poweiful reaeou for build iDg the Rridsville-Kemeraville and Ml. llourne-Oastonta links. If U>ey are not built, then the Southern will be compelled. If Ibe Legislature will per mit it, to build a double track at least from Salisbury to Greensboro. So enormous bur become the freight and passenger business uo this section of ilia m iin line that one track will not accomodate ft. Onlv ooe night hut week there were on tills track of forty miles kugtb twenty-two trains. This congestion must be relieved, for it will grow gieater from year to year, as the country develop*. The question with the road—and the only question- is whether it will be better to build tbo two links or 43 miles, thereby shortening its line that much, or psMlle) the forty rnilos of track from Greensboro to Salisbury, and poe sihy to Charlotte. It Is believed Umi It will ehoneu the former born uf the dltemmi. (f it oho Dees the latter this section of road will ha the first double-track rotul In the South. MXIMXU or THK JI RY. The 4lurirfM naitl tlM V«rtl4rl In lltr (lnvk Hllr) (M«. K ikiili Now# and Obwr*fr. In Ibe mutter of I)r. John C Kilgo, ptoeldent of Trinity College : Charge : That ho, John C. Kllgo. la unfit to bn president of Trinity College. Specification*: l*t. Tbat Kiigo's reputation in South Carolina Is that of a wire poller of the ward politician type. We find Ibis specification oot sus tained. 2d. Tbat Dr. Kllgo was in Ten nessee and was known there as a scrub politician. We Hod this specification not sus tained. 31. Sycoptianoy to Mr. Washington Duke, In that he recently led a proces sion to Mr. Dukn'a house mid extolled him as the greatest man this State lias e*er produced. We find title specification not sus tained. 4tb. That Dr. Kllgo has reeelrod personal grataity from Mr. Duks. We find this specification not sus tained. Cth. That Dr. Kllgo Intended to prevent Judge Clark from having an opportunity to produce evidence before a former meeting of the trustees. Wo find this specification not sns talnod. Charge: That Dr. Kllgo Is unfit to be presi de lit of Trinity College. We And the ebarge uot sustained Andrew P. Tysr, B. N. Doke, F. A. Bishop, K. J. ParrUli, W. U. Brautoii, W. U. Odell. tt. W. Flowers, W. .1. Montgomery. John It. Brooks, 8. U. Turrenlltte, IV. 8. Creasy, O. W. Carr, X. M. Juruey. T. N. Ivey, J. B. Ilur Isv, w. C. Wlisawr; Tfrrd rmooci, John 'S.UprflL U. Parker. V. Bs> r« !!• MwiUrH W**hio«u>n U, to Cbrftl<*u« (IfcaOTtfr. Order* were l**urd tO-d»> for th* mustering oat of the Ueooml North Carolina ttegtmeut, now et 8t. gliauit’e Island. f»«. Th* paper* of th* regi ment will be examined end I he ooa mnhd sent to IWfelgh In a few it)). On arrival there AO-dsy furlough* will )>e> leeued to the bo*. All ferloutli* will be B*d* to expire the mom day, and**ey one falling to report it Kxl atgh on that day win be considered a deserter. Ho irovellag expanse* will tie allowed the man who go to Ui*lr Imm**, bat they will receive commuta 1 at Win on farlouth rn-'ioo* nl the rets of flhr»nlie>ohday. Hoffldku1. detail* Of ltk-n will le retained In nlwiaaa. sofa an*l a-.rv ircra. C**Ui«ann«H*iar Lx4 A» aaaraiitacO. OMOUP. n*««w4* of Inful* tmd «hU4nu tU v»*i> »f Cioujs ©**»T eiM* of :ho« InnoNtu vooi< (l*NX IWUNCUI k-td r O* loyo Honoy ond Vor toe« |lm thn in tl** CONSUMPTION. Fours Monty old Tor tow m holt m f .to* l orn, la toad «4.w-«s t»nl iIM.tu to r «« rt'.U In tku rory rm« i»*« • •• obH In bm ly tuufods OuMX ASTHMA. ro4er'» Hooey omt I* or linuuivH tn elm. !«•»< rolirt la%U nmm ixTjUiltM. r«itetclb» jtkla c Ilk «*War OtJldr.o 1S.4 krn>» ftl-ll.y |-«M TnKltk, **”•*-* LA GfHPPff. it m Km U4 itM Ori J «»• mo4 • »J »odki^ li^o rod loiTo Honor and Tod >rt nv knff Midi "?«> ii«« rarlrln# tavldmii j Mtlk 4 i*«tJ Fur •»!«• by J. II. KENNKWY & COMPANY. Need a Carpet? If you do, we want you to investigate onr new way of selling them. We have arranged with one of the largest mills in the United States whereby we an* their sole representative in this locality. We carry a full line of the NEWEST FATTER NS in —ALL KINDS OF CARPETS. — You can have as fine variety to select from as is carried by the stores in the largest cities. You can have the carpets CUT AND SEWED AT THE MILLS, and deliverer! to you ready to be laid ou the floor. We represent the manufacturers, thus saving you the middleman or jobber’s profit, aud as we have no stock to carry and no risk to take ou bad patterns, misfits, or remnants we can nflTor d to sell nt very small profit — LOWER EVEN THAN THE STORES OF TIIF GREAT CITIES. Cull and find out how .prickly and cheaply we can carpel a room or a house. -A-- O. "WrIILiXjI^.3^soitT. Dry Goods, Carpets and Millinery. GASTONIA, n. c. — —Shirts for 50 Cents_ We have a window full of them, negligees, showinjj styles and varieties. See them. Some with collars, find culls, some with two collars; <*nne without collars; some detachable and some not All beautiful to look upon, comfortable and stylish to wear. And best of all they arc worth more money than we ilsL- for them. If you don't ljelieve it try it. Be sure to see our Shirt Window. Very respectfully, HOLLAND & ROBINSON. OAKLAND HIGH SCHOOL (MALIC AND FEMALE.! Fall Term Opens, Monday August 20 ISOS Three separata building*. Faculty of fire member*. all anulnnt.1 *, ! college*. Thoroughly equipped with beat modern furniture*™ ate* of ,cw,,p* OFFERS COURSES In EoglUU Language and Literature, lUelory. M*ll«m»rtA. di Sciences, Latin, Greek, French, Mualo, and Art. Elementary TUITION, One to three dollars uer month. Mualo and Art $-2 oar extru charge for l’enmimshlp, CommercIM ArlthmtUe, Comm«-rrioVr'**Ch' ,No Good Board at $« per mouTh For (.'ataloflue or furtlier Information address, Jos. H. Skpakk, Principal, Oa*ton la. N. C. REFRIGERATORS When the ice factory gets here * —you will think of— Refrigerators. Wo had thought of It for you and have them on hand. Wo can pleaso you, too and ask a chance to do so. Come to see „H ’ ARMSTRONG FHRNITDRE COMPPV —McCormick— REAPERS AND MOWERS. cAr load just arrived j Hee them ancl get termR. I _ CHAIG & WILHq^ I* L. JMn N», Pi till ml , -u, . —T _ . " *OOiiB, Ca+if,. First National Bank. / 0?0A9T0KIA, N.C * / Htate and County DepoMtoiv / coMMKNUKt> nuanriHs adgi/mt » C«j»iwi Hoe*, .... *40,00000 . 7,000 00 JflvHloxIt * lid Hii»«« nrffan SOjOOO.OO. • , f UlKRCTons, ** I*. Jaoklna .. J D UnM T> 1' *r,,p» U Moor*’ T. W. Wltatm, V Dmtn#. *M.t wnh mnMmuvt binMni. •v»ry •oco^rrx^.^ oocwK