_The Gastonia G ______ D*Tot®d to the Protection at Home end the laeoreem ol tk County. Vol. XIX. {cdTiOT'.!ldp"rI5.*rK;r.( i U oh toil la, N. C„ September 15, 1898. MAJOR JONES TRAVELS FIFTY YEARS AQO. By Major Joseph Jones of Georgia. LETTER VXIL li.M. ri.uonB, May 21. To Mr. Thompson—Dsar Sir : I waked up this* morula bright uud early, but felt to monatroue tired that 1 didn't git rite out of bed. Well, white I was laying thur, lookln round the room at the flue furniture—at the splendid mahogany buro.v an 1 ward robe, the marblo top’d withstand end the caat-lron fire-place. end a heap of other curious Qzlns—I teed a green oord with a toeael on tho ootid ot It, hangtn down by the bed of my Iwd. Thinks I, that must be to pull tbe winder blinds, to let tlie light to, and as it was toy they dark, t tuck bold ot it and pulled it oasy two or three timet, but tho thing scorned to be bitched lime liar, end the blinde didn’t nsotrs e bit, I wusu’t rnore’n done pullin it, before a imebody nocked nt my dore. and as I didn’t know who it mougfat be, 1 coveted -ip good, aud. see 1, ’Com in.” A nigger feller opened ihu dore and stood tbar for 'bout a mloll, lookiu nt me like he wanted eumChltig. 'thoul lajrln a woid. "Well, buek,” see I, “what’s iba matter,” beglnuin to tbiuk Uv had a monstrous sight of iiopcrence. ”1 oam to see what the gemmen wante.” so t.e. "Wall,” aes L, "1 don’t want nolb ing.” lie looked sort o’ aulewnys at tun aud pat out. After atndyin a tiit tn try to make out what upon yealh could brong him to toy room, I put my hand out and tried the curtain* agin, and the fust thing I know’d here cum the some chap back agin. This time I looted at hi or pretty sharp, and ses 1—"What upon yealh do you mean Y" With that he hagnn bowin and nerapln and seralclitn his hail, and are he—"Didn’t you nng sir ?*’ •'Ring what Y” tos 1. "Your boll," sea he. I waa bcglnnin to git pretty coaild rrable riled, and see I—"I don’t narry 110 bell, bat I cun jest tell you what It is. my buck, if you go to cumin noy of ytr free nigger uonseuae over me. I’ll ring yer cussed neck oil quicker’n ligbtnln.” And with that i started to git out of bed, but ihcr was no nigger lhar when my feet latched tbo door. It waa too dark to dress, so I tuck another pull ur two at the blinds; and while t was pulltn and Jerkin at 'em hers corns another big nlgirer to know •hat I wanted. By this time I begun to spiclou lhar was sutnlhtog rong; sod shore ennff, cum to llnd out, I’d been pulllu a brllrope all Ilia time what kep up a tc.rrlblo riugiti downstair*, though I ooaMo’t hear tlio letalalgu of it myself. I’d seed them things haogia morel In the rooms at the Charleston Hotel, and at Oadsby’e. but l never know’d what they waa before. Well, tblnka I, live and lorn—I’ll know a bellrnpe wheo 1 tee it again. After Ondln my way down etaire I went in the barber’s room and got shaved, aud > do believe If It hadn't beep to early In tbo mornio, I should went spang to steep while Hilly was laktn my beard off. That feller’s a real magneUaer; and bu goes through the btsness to easy, that you csu’l tell whether he’s usin tlie brash or the razor; and by the time he’s done, your face la ao smooth that it Uket a pretty good memory to remember whether you ever bad any beard or not. After hruabio and oomblu a little, I weal out Into the resdlo-room and looked over the papers till breakfast. I wss settln on the sofa reading the National Intelligencer, when the fust thing I know’d I thought the whole roof of Uie bildiu was cnmln down on lop of my lied—who* : row ! wliow wow I wont sumlhlog like the very heavens ami yealh waa oumlD togellier. I oonldn’t beer myself think, and I wss mektn for one of the winders as fast ms I could, wbeu the everlsstin rumpus stopped. I ax'd »nnobody what in tlie name of thunder it was. "Oh, yon needn’t bo lattned." ses las, "It’s nothin but the breckfast gong,” I wss jest about as wise then as f waa before, but I knowd It had somtbiug to do with break feet, and my supetlto soon cum back to me agin. You know I always used tu drink coffee, and I'm monstrous fond of It; bat beln as I didn’t feel very well this mornio, when the waiter ax'd me which I'd have, l aed "tea." "Black or green Y" am he. I looked nt tlio feller, anti am I— "What Y» ■‘Wilt you lutre blaok or green tear* mm It*. I don't know wlmthet ho waa pro Jwtln with mo or not. so sea t. "I wont a cap of tes, jest plain lea, with out no fancy colonn about It,” That settled (be blsoeos. and In a mioit he briing me n f rat* big uup of tea that looked almost os strong sa coffee; bat It was monstrous good sad l made out a fust rata breckfast. After breckfast I took a walk out to loo the olty, and shore snuff It Is a olty I Gracious knows, I thought C harleston sad bat Haiti more lays ’em all In tbo shade. It ain’t only a long at '*m *» I" ttichmnnd. and Wash log i on wus big *nu(T. pint of slss. I«>t It's a monstrous sight the handsomest. The streets Is wide snuff and then ther ain’t no two of them slits, snd evry oorner you taro givsa yon a sew slew, sa different from the "that aa If you waa In another oily. Monomenta and steeples, and mlaarats sod tow si a, nod domes and oolamns, and ptanas and porticos, and pi llara of all ordara, a'sas, sod heights. Is coo stonily Cliangtn before yon; and Uie ground *Uaa snd (alls la butiful hills and holler*, aa if it triad to do Ha slur* towards glreo yartet/ and buly >o the slaw. Unit I more street It tiw priest pal street, end you may depend It’s go a heap of Qua a loros on It. After lakin a good stretch on Haiti tnarn street, lookin at the ploture abopi and show winders, r struck out Into Calvert street, wliar tho monu ment stands tbst was rais’d to the brave fellers nlmt licked tho British nt the battle of Kortb 1’iot in the last war. It's a good deal bigger llisn the Naval Monument at WeabiugUm. and. to my notion. It's a grate deal hand somer. Its proportions la good, aud the design Is very buliful. After taklu u good look at the mou inant, I walked along duwu by sum Guo large brick bouses with marble porticos to 'em. and wioderglaat-s to clean you mought see yer face In 'em, lookin Laok no* and then nt the wo man on top of the monument, wlten llm fust tbiug f known] 1 got a must all-Ured akeer, that made m* Jump clear of] tUe sidewalk Into the street, bsfurn l know’d what I wse about. “Get out !“ sea I, at a cussed grate big dercc-looklii dog upou oos of the portlcus, that looked like be was ywiuo to take rite hold of me. ‘ yjein him. Tiger!” ses a chap what was gwme bv. laughin. and 1 raised my stick quicker'n lightning, hot the dog usver moved a pug. Cum to find out. It was uothln but a statue of a <lng. made out of stonn or Iron, put up thar to watch tho door and keep nff hontu lira km, 1 sposo. I got over ray akaro and went I along, hot I ooaldn't help Ihlnktn It was a monstrous bad taste to liaro atcb a flerce-looktng tbiug stand in rltn before a b-dy’s dure thataway. If lie was lylu ujwn asleep he'd look last h» natuial. and wouldn’t be apt to fright en anybody out of ther senses fore they kuuw’d wti.it It was. UJ a tiilUJ wvi nu u^icu (lUIW Wlbll a butiful litUo temple sUndin buck In the yard, under the trees, and over the gate wav a sign wbut sed •’’City ctpriogs.” Well, aa felt pretty drr by tliii lime, I though I'd go In aud git *uu> water. When I got to the bouse what waa slsiidln over tbe spring on butiful touod pillars, and wav gwiue down the white atone steps, I aeed u whole heap of galla duwu tltar pbiyln’ and dabhllu lu the water, aud uprlnklln aud aplaahta one itnulher, aud laoghto and carrying on like th* mischief. 1 beard a grntn deni about Haiti more butv, and I thought JM Jo*t lake a peep at ’om while they dido': ace mo, and wben they wasn’t SuspecUo any body was lookln at ’em. Well, tliar they was, five or six of ’em, all 'bout sixteen aud seventeen, with llier bull ful faces flushed up, and tber dark eyes spatkllu with incitement, while lbs gloasy ringlets. In which the erysUl water glittered like diamonds, fell in confusion over llier white necks sud shoulders. They was butiful young cretars aud as X leaned over tho wall, lookln down on ’om aa they Was wrest lln aud Jomping and skipping about av graceful as young fawos, l almost thought they was real water nymphs, and X was frald to breatbo hard for feur they mnnght hear me aud dart in to Uie fountains. Uimcby one of 'em that was scufllin for life to keep two more of ’em from glyin ber a duokio, happened to look up. Tire oext mhiil lb«r was a general sqaeelio and grab blu of sun-bouneta, end away they w»m up tother flight of steps. 1 didn't want ’em to think I'd Ireen waluhlu ’em, ij I went rite down to tbe spring, like l bad Jest cum for a drink of watsr. Ther was Uircs rouutains all In a row, and on each side of the fountain* was two iron ladles hauging chained to the wall. I took up the one on tbe right, and was lioldln It under tho spout on that side, when I beard tbo gall* gig glin and laugblo upon tbo steps whsr, they was rangin tber dresses. I couldn't help but look round, when I taw one of the prettiest pair of sparklin eyes lookb. over the wall at me, that ( have aeen sense I left lioms. ■•Tbo middle fountain's tbe beat, air,” aes mho vi hw iwwvwv yuiwi 111 vno world. I didn’t wait to think, but ]est cant* aba abed ao, I Jerked tbeladla what waa already rutmlu over, toward* tbe mid dle spout, when kertloeli went the wa ter all over my reel, and Ilia ladlo want rattle-lekliuk a«ala tbe wall whar It waa chained. 61nb another squall aa they did give I never beard before, and away they all scampered, Uugble Ut to die *t me. The feet waa, the chain wasn't long snuff to reach to the mid dle fountain ao how, even If the waier waa any better, which I Ought to kuow’d was all gemtnou. I fella lit tle *ort o’ Hat, but thinks I, galls. If you only kuow’d the butte* X teed wbeti 1 waa lookiu down oyer your hade, when yon waa rompln, you’d think we waa pretty near even, after all. From the City Hprlnga 1 went to the Washing. >o Monument, what stand* at (he bed of Charles street. ThU la another dutiful structure, which com melon rates the fame of Hie g rtvUe.it m*n on the face of the yrwtb, re (lee U honor on tbe patriotism and liberality of Baltimoreans. At the dore tber was n old gintlemau, who ax’d me U I wanted In go up on the monument, f told him I’d like to very well, If Uier wae no danger. He led th«r wasn’t the least lu the world; ao. after piyln* him n seven-penes and writln my uume In a big book. Its gin toe a btnp and 1 started up the steps, what Jest keprun nln round and round ilkaaecrew-augvr. Up, up I went, and kep a gwlne til I thought my legs would drsp oft me. Evrv now and then I stopped ami tuck a blow, and then pushed on sgin, til blmeby I got to tho top, whar liter is a dnro to go out on the outside. From that place I could sen all over tlxi olty, and for miles touad the coun try; end. to toll you the truth, 1 couldn’t hnrdly blleve my owa eyes whan I saw so many houses. Tha Craned seemed to be covered with risk* fur miles, aud avery here and tbir some toll steeple or lofty dome abut, up froio tha dark dm of houeee below. Street* w*j ruuain in a very direction, and carriage! and linriea and people waa nil movln about In ’em, like ao rainy anti on a aul hllL Away off U> lire eoultkeMt I eoulil ice lire dooii of Ibe Exchange Hofei, and a litUe further was the blue nrmi of the Pa* tipaco, oovarnd with white ullt. gwine in and out of tha harbor, while the uikid m*Va cf tS» Venelj at the wbarvoe and hi tli • Utein looked like a cornfield joit afCnr r alder-pullin tirno. I could een “the Usr-ipmirled banner” on Uie walU of old Fort ilacklieury, ■till wav in "over the land of Ibe free and the homo of the brave,” m proudly ai K did on that glorioui night, when ncbM'i rod iUr«. ami buuu bouiii In air. uav» proof throw** t*u nl#*c uin oor d*jr «tb« •till tbaf. Ana i couldn't u««p from ilnglu *'0 loug may it w.»vel” Ac. By Ui« lime I got down from tbe moonmeiit It was two o'clock, and V begun to ha vs a pretty good appotllh aglu. I ma<i« nut to git back to the Ax cliauge by enqiilrln thn way ’boot bweu ty time*; aod pretty soou aftcr/l got i bar that OTcrlaalm gong rung agin, and wn all went in to dinner. I uqker seed ■ioh a hoodlum table in all now life be fore. It was long enuff for a,fourth of July barbecue, and all drewad out like Il wcddln supper. Kvry llitrig looked In ordcT, like a army formed iu lioa of tattle. Tho platlooo* of Ivory-bandied knirea and silver forks aud cut-glass goblets and wiuegluases waasll ranged in two long columns on each aide, with . a uaiikiu staudln at each place Jlko s' ille-cloaer, crimped up sa baudsum and lonkiu os wbito and fieeb as n water; ltlly. In tbe middle was tlm baggage tram, which was made up of a long row 1 of bright covcra. with elegant silver i Castor* and tureens. Urge glass vase* full of sailary and lota of other dishes. I frit jest I Ik o I was gwine Into battlr; and whether Mr. Doreey. like Lord Nelaou, expected every man to do bis duty or not, I wastermloed t >do mine. Well, the table was anon surrounded, and then the attack commeooed. It wae a terrible carnage. The knives aud forks rattled like small arms, the corks popped like artillery, and the sbampane flew like blood at evry dis charge. (jeueral Jennings msuoovarad lilt troopi fnrt rate— oarryln off the killed aud woundod at fad as possible, aud supplyin tber plaoea with re-en forcemeuIs of fresh dishes. llo hid n regular Wellington army, made up of Knglish, Trend). Arasrlcau. Seruian. Italian and all kinds of dirties, but, like Napoleon at Waterloo, I to was doomed to coins out second best, and In e short time Ills splendid army w.is cut to pieces, routed, disf-eraed and derail Ishod, horse, foot and dragoon, or rattier roust, trailed ami stewed. Vou know I’Te Ht the togius In Tlmida. and nan stand my hood a* well os tho next man to it bush Qglit, but I never was In J oat slch tui engage ment, and I mtde rather a bud job of It In Hits laigtiuiln.’ I lisJa’t more’ll swullerod icy soup, when here earns a ulcger pokeln'a piece of paper at me, which hu ard was a till. Thinks I. they’re In a monstrous hurry ’bout the monoj. so I told him I had o'till cue to look it over tlien. The fellen looked and grinned like hit didn’t mWi no o(Inner, aud ax'd me what \’d oe helped to. Well, I know’d they lUdu’t have no bacon and cillarJi. so Ptol) him to bring me a piece of roast b\f. □y Ilia lima I got fairly gwine on nfi t»«r, Mr. D iraay com In and took s’ scat at tin* tend of the table, not far from run, and nx'd me how I wax pleased with Baltimore. 1 told him vory well, and was passlu' a word or two with him, when tbe fast thing 1 know'd my plaio was gone, and when I turned round to look for It, the nigger poked the bill at me agin, t begun to tbiuk that was oarryln’ the joke a loxlle too fur, and ses I : •'Lawk Imre, buck; I told »ou one# 1 hadn’t uo time to tend to that now, aod 1’J like to know what In the devil’s name you tuck my piste away for ?" “Wliat'U yon be helped lo ?” ms be, like he dldu’t understand me. ••I ax’d f.w sum beef,” mi I, but——” and bnfiire I could get it out be was off and In a mibll be brnng me another plate of roaM beef. . Well, by tho tiain I got It salted in my llkin,’ and while I was taken a drink of wator, away It went agin, I just made up my miod I wouldn’t stand uo such nauseuce any longer, I so I waited till be brang me a clean plain agin and ax’d me what I wanted. •’dam mow bwif,” ses I. I kop my eye* about me this time, aud shore enuff the moment I inruedto uod lo sum gentleman what Mr. Dor %»y introduced me to, ooo of the nig gers made a grab at my plate But I was to quick for bino tbaa time. "duo I” tea I. "i>e« pardon," (n he; “f thought you wanted another plate.” "I'yehad enuff plates for three or four non already,” sea I, • and now 11 want anm dinner. ••Very well, alt,” aea he; "what’ll you hate?” ••What’a your name f" ana r. •Mlauanm, air," aea he. Thiuks 1. you wasn’t named for yor good looks that’s eorlain; but I nerer Inton. ••Wall, llnnanm." set I, ”| wanty.ia to jeet keep a ejre on my put*, and not let anybody grab It off till I'm donu with It, and tlien I’ll tall you what I want next.” Jest then Ur. Dursey called him to him nail *ed auinthlug In his ear, aud herahecum with Mr Dorsey’s onm pitmenta and a bntiln of ahitmtmon. and | ailail one of ray glasses. as I then tuck his stand so lie could watch my plulr grloolo, all the time like he'd found a mare’s urat or amuthlng. Tbs plan worked fuat r«D. and after Uiat I got a fair showin’ at the ha. f. Then 1 ax'd llsnanm wliat else ther waa, and ho Prong tbe bill agla and toM me l*d find It tbar. Hhore enuff, It was a MU af thtoge to eat. Instead of a bill of expenses. Wall. 1 looked It over, Imt I ennUln't tell the rarlde pouMa a M lodlenne. or the pigeons eu oornpeU, OT the angualls a | la Tartars from anything etas till I taste’em, and then I didst hardly I i know tbe eh tokens trees tbs esta they I wan onnkM *o curlooi. TUer w»n plenty that l dl<l know, though, to mako out a funt rate dinner, end lout beforo they brung la tlin cotUrdn mid lellire mid plea ay appetite ni gone. I erne lent gwlnn to leave Uio table wlieu Mr Dormy ax’d me II I liked Charlotte Roane ( told him I hadn’t the pleature ol her aoqonlntiDcn. '•Well. Major,” ee« be. "top brtter try a Utile"; and with that he eent man plate with nutnthlnj on U made out nr poaodcake and Ice creeui ’tbuut bein’ frost, wblnh was a little the bent thing I ever eat in my life. Two nr three more eich dinners an this would lay urn np, ea t couldn't fit away from the exchange la a month. Xo more from your-Irend till deth. " Jon Joann. ( ro.lte'ContliiunJ DeaXWMk.) i' ■ —L- a-ng» s / naavr old conn. \ II* lit. •• lUl.ra V* ClwArt, ,rp,«i. * Kow V urk World. G«i>. Maximo Hoaxi, Uio great; clrieltaiii leader ot tire Cuban revolu tion, has l«eu giving torn* aaoom-I mouly good advios to Ida countrymen. In a letter which the Cuban Tropar gaiida u circulating lie pleads (or law, order, education and peace. First of all he urges lilt eountryiuea to put aside thidr prejudices aud “elect as the directors ol your destloles men or exceptional, tried virtue, without asking what they have dune while Cu ba iu her struggle for Independence li is bsen stained with blood. lo other words, be counsels his eountryaaeu to forget old issurs, to lay ssldo preju dice, to allow for difference of oplotuo, and In ctiooiiog governors to consider only their lltuesi. Again It* auya: Have <i osre to nooks uss lu peace ol your rights that you have gained by urtur, Po not submit to tnsm who give you leas than your rights, because that would be servility. Oa the otbsr baud, do not exact more, localise you would then be on the high road to auarchy. An exact observance ol law Is the one gut ran tee (or all. lie look* to Cuban nationality as the one thing moat tn bo desired, and lie would luv* ft accepted alike by those who hare fought (or aud Huso who bate fought agaiost Uie cits, now that the unite Is won. He sayt: A pardon ought to be granted to every oue who asks for It. now that the wnrk has been o-impletcd. This la a lest out of our b ink. It la a lesson learned from that American reoonniUation that net Jos Wheeler— rx-CoufwJnralo—to win bittloi for us lu Cuba. And hern again U a reflection from our experience; It ought novor to be forgotten that while the sword Is most beneficial for governing and directing In time of war it is not very successful in tire office of p-iace, where tbs word “law” Is the oue which onght to be oouaUuitiy re peiterl to the people. The military oc tave la too harah lo interpret gently thn spirit of that law. These are wise and fit words for Un ha’s most eelf-saerlflefug lmro to spade, and he adds to their worth by taking hlmvlf out of the account “Mean while," he siys. “If I do not die as a result of tbe war I will retire i|uletly Into a prlyatn p irt of niy ciilulry.” Dare apsilrs a modern Oiuclunatm. N. OsmuS Uway. / N.a AarichHu^uJUuUrttti. X Speaker uttliS'wHau-sV-'-meatinii of tho NnlUjjiU Bjekeepara’ Association pleaded eloqueutl; for the retention of the basswood and maple when elaariog up land for pasture. The; sflforJ shade for the stock aud the soil, and Ibe grass beneath them will not dr; up as It will If the; are taken awe; nod ibe Geld exposed to the direct rays ot the sua. He also auerted that urn* closer should be grown as n rotation in the farm crops, as well as for Iho benefit of the boekeepers, aod Ij sections where alfalfa would not thrive, which lie de clared to stand in the front rank as a boney-makiag crop, the stake clover might he grown. His experience was that it did not make as much lia; per acre as the red clover, but it was of Goer quality, stands drought aod pas turing list ter, hold* it* own against end will produo* good crops a roar or two longer than red clover, while It produces ns much seed per tore, which tells at hlglier price por bushel. Bee* eertalnl; work on red elover at tinea but seldom succeed In getting enough to Oil eorplns boars from it. Farmer* who are also beekeeper* ms; Qud It to their Interest to heed these sugges tions. nrmsan •" a Mpree. Lincoln Journal, A white woman was jailed Halurday charted with being drunk and dteordrr ly. sue waa iimatl, dark akin amt and uild lie agrd, aakl abe waa from Flori da ,*nd olatmod to be a ‘'Spanish icy." Hln cuae-tl out tbe mayor aod‘'iaMad'’ Ute cop and Mfcnrtff Beal "acaodloui. ” Him waa roltaacd frnm jail Konday up on promUlng to Iravo town. w. ijeani.j - A CKrw trlaV. It oertalnly look* like It, |,nt ttiara U really no trick about It, Anybody can try it who baa Lama Hack and Weak Kidnoya. Malaria or nrreoaa troiitdra. Wa mean be can cum lilm ar-lf right away by taking Electric Bit lere. Ttila medicine tone* „p tlie whole ayateai. acta aa a etimulant to I.lecr and Kldm-ya. la a blood purl Her nud norva tooio- ft ourea Oormlpa patloa. Headaelie, Fainting Spell* Hkwplteautm and Melancholy, it |, purely regulable,u Slid lagalle*. and reatoraa tit* tyafawn to 111 natural *1*. or- Try BUtotrlo BlUrr* and ba eon vlnoed that thay art a miracle worker Bv.wy bolt)* guaranteed. Only ooc a bottle at J. R Carry Jk Co’* Drnw I More jBiSBS Efck’ttS3p I RED CROSS III CUBA. a sriranue ciianiik in taking pi.ai-r i* uirunu. »lrtjr xirnto Mill Clean- raeer Am lllroallan Um lUlkj TOWN b UoeoMlB* Kara nsMNMi-klMMIa. )|K| r*N UUI Umngrx. rsanta Ik Ward In rk lu1ch*Wu lUoorJ. Saxtiabo, August 18_Whtnever malt comes In from “thi fcUaU#,” oar quarters are turned into * regular post ndlae, with huge upjn bags of letters sod pile* of newspapers and Dockages. As many of the uamas uru uoknowo to ua. It la sometimes extremely dlftleult to Dud tlia owner of tbs precious words from liomt; bat la every case Uis strongest effort la made, although U la uot legitimate Bed Cross business, be* eauae we. ounelvoe know how good It la to get oewa from the world which seems ao dieUat. The “Morse” has brought im is Imii tiful cargo of lee—and never wue any thing more weeded In fever stricken Cuba. Rut there Is notau icehouse Is 8*otlago, and nowhere to discliarge It. Mtm Barton offered the whale cargo to Generals Hhafter and Wood, for the uae of the army; but they were equally po wort see to provido a place. Tbsu *na gave It to Um various transports lilted witb sick and wounded convales cents going home; and ainoe that Messed day all have been plentifully supplied. The long voyage is terrible Ht tbn best for feeble and dying men, but an abnndsnoe of Ice robe it of half its rateery. Thanks to Mlsu Bar ton, tire Mantiago hospital* now nave loo galore, to tbo untold lvUet of the feverish end delirious (AMliUU nsBlIOM TUB tlTTll The Associated Pi-mi baa told you in a brief 0 It patch how Un lied Cron re lief Kiip Stall of Texas a.ttnd oantlag'i harbor ahead of everything else after the battle, even General Shat lor, Sampson and Schley folio wing In tbo rear, hut you can bare no idea of tbo dramatic features of Ibe scene at related by Unite who participated In H. There wero tbe two armlet, the oo:i querors and 11m conquered;the Wrecked ships, tbo starving people. Tbo alienee of Un grave hung over all, tbe borror of what lied gone before, Untie, mur der. terror and tragedy; and now w,ie cnmlnii the Bret gleam nf hopo to a dy tng penplo. Said Mias Barton |wl>o, by tho way, tenet a member of church,) ••can symnUndy slog the dnxology y>* ••Praise God from whom .til blessings flow” rung out in quavering ulinrut from the little Imnd in tl>e |>row of tbe Texas, taken up and repeated here nod tliurs ou the battleships aod tbe a burr, while strong men wept and tbe wonnded waved their feeble bauds. Then ".Vineries" made the welkin ring — “My ominlry 'Hi oi »ho* Awimt loan nf 1,'Wni Or Mo* I sms.-* And thus amlil ptlrlatla and reli gious enthusiasm was Santiago (list entered after tho buttle. It was Uto on a Sunday afternoon—and In those latitudes, you know, there is no twi light, but dark not* falls after the set ting of the eon. There were thousand* of people In a stirring condition, many literally dying, who had nit eaten for Ways: and there was a alilpl.ia.1 or provision* to h:i distributed. Great Jiniquities were experienced in gsttlog > Usings started. Ships cannot eppr-iucU ! the wbarvui within bills rails or more; there were no lighter*, laborers, no tmms to haul goods, ni warehouses In which to store them. Mr. Blwvll, one nf Mist Barton'a secretaries, who Was ones a lumber;merchant in dantisgo aod tlterefore knew the grsunJ better than any other American, earns ashore Im mediately. secured a storehouse arid drummed upstovedoree among all wbo war* thin In *t*iu1 A lllUii food and lint ooffv* put m* tlreogib into tb<»~. All night they wurked, and Uy A n'olnok next mornffig Ibn first distribution of fond began. The soon* beggared description. Among so many thousands of famished people It was Bret Impossible to main tain anything like order; tbs guns of the whole army onuld not have done It Tbs str mg trampled the weak like ravenous beasts. Aristocratic lad ini strove with the scorn of bsntUgo for the wherewith to sneeor their dying children, lines and bales worn seised and their contents taken possession of —got always by those who needed tlwm most, and as fsr as out could see In nvery direction, more hungry mnlti tndes were filling the mads, irampiog wearily back to Santiago—some railing nud dying by the wayside, almost with in sight of tho fvtod that might bare asyed them. onoxn accrjKKiM chaos. In an Incredibly short lime chaos was reduced to order. Nobody knows how many thousands were fed during choee drai few days. Including otir osm hungry army, the farolsliM ‘ipaaisb force*. Dm destitute olliaeita of Santis gn and starring people from alt tba surrounding region. At pretest 3J.0U0 people are reosiriag rrgslar, dally re tloos, exclusive of Die hospital*, and what la using done for the soldiers. Amertcuo, Sprulsh and Caban. Thanks to the bounty of the United States, the aqpvly la ample—toos of previsions of alt aorta crowding the warehouses fries fi"or to celling, and mors coustanUv coining. Things h«r» now been thor oughly syaiesialls-d. Tire dly is d» ytded Into districts, such In citsrgo of a competent person who Muses a thor ough can res in be made, aod eaob I idivldoal csss looked Into. Kvsry upplhunt fur charity Is nbUgod tohasvs Ills or bsr came and address. Die story of waat Is tbsu verified lie peranaal In sprotlofi. Die number of tlm family taken, and Uia account written on a bit of paper, which tba applicant moat bring every day In ordsjr to receive bis rations. Titus fraud Is prevented and families of ten or a dona or tws or throe receive guanUtiMaccordingly. It It said tb it la tome cases enterprising -pobrne,” as the poor are called In Dm Tsrnaeatar, set us boarding ho seas and street slalteyor Urn Mis of Red ■ ■ I MWMm Cnat food, but If this was mr 4ms (Which I doubt) U l« no longer possible under U» rlgoroui system. It In wld, too. perbspa with a grain of truth, that Um poor of tbosn coun tries will not work aa long a* they aan gat food without. American amr clients who brought down provision« to sail, complain that tbe lied Croat has entirely spoiled the market far them; as why shoatd U» people boy, wImo they can get plenty of food tor sskiugl They My, also, that tbey can not gad laborers, or stsradora* or ser vant*, becsus* those who would do lUet klud of work for email pay If aeoeeeity compelled them, now mt Idly os Um sexeats waiting for tbe neat dis tribution of rations, care-free as Um Um lllUas of tbs Held which “toll not, neither do they apta.*' Doubt)*m this is true la some oasts, hot It It hr no mean* fttaeral. The several houses maintained here by American rnoeey for the distribution of food and medi cines; Um abodes of the narats sad other workers, are literally besieged by people begging for work, aa teamatas, cooks, lavenders*, ssamtrasses, or la soy other capacity; and Major Barber, the geotlemsu who ha* undertaken to cltao sad aweeieu Oils dirty old town, tails me that he has no diffleelty hi re cruiting his scoTsogaca sad atraat • weeping brigades, tbouali several thousand men an required. la this connection I may mention that a sur prising change ksa already taken pises In the appearan o* of HocUago, thanks to Mainr jUrbrr nod hi* msthode TIm fvatsrlog plies of garbage has* been re moved. Um gutter* acraped sod the odors seitilbly diminished. Tbe dlsln feclauta bare not yet arrived; bat they »re somewhere oo tbe bounding billows, hastening Cubs ward as feet a* sails and steam can carry tbeoo.sud there is hop* that by tbetr as* yellow fever sad other disease* that bar* hitherto scourged this island may sons be CCBAXS WHO Alta HOT Ult. That all Cubans are not embodied laziness. I know from personal obaerva vetioa. 1 have many Uom moo aa working about the Bad Cross ware houses. whenHnc tracks nod staggering under hoary load*. wlu> appeared aoarely able to stand from weakness, owing to past starvation. To ana a nuu faint at kls work from sxkaustion or from oo-oomlng tcysr la a matter of daily occurrence, and (be lUd Croat physician* are always pre pared Tor rich emergencies. They UU us that many oil liana of artatoeiatle class remain shut up lo their dismantled Loose*. bangry almost unto danth, but too proud to make tlieir necessities known <« t-t corn* wltk tba rabbis for ration*. Tins l!oc* of caste are more sharply drawn bore than even in our own country, not oul? between black nod white, but between descendants of the grandma ami tat) polo). Tills is In deed oofortunaio, on all aides of tba qusotloa. Wo understand and appre ciate their proper pride, but whoa the elder sister republic hat sent them aid out of hsr abundance, lo be personally bestowed by latle* and goatiomim ad der tba direction of I be Premdsut of tho Hotted Staten, one would tblnk that most seuslliyo feelings need not stand lo Ike way of accepting the proffered kindness. I** me tell you ona case, wbicli la but a sample of hundreds. The gentle mao whoa we rented one of the homes -a doe-looking elderly Cuban, of «->nrtly moaners and evident education —fainted one day lo tba midst of a >u lines* conversation. He was sent to his I to me iu » carriage, and then It was discovered that b* hut sates nothin* for two day* a id bis family was abe> lntely with nut food. They own <>u» of tire gust bouses in Santiago, but they cannot eat skat. Owtag to the war. tksir moony 1* all gone. Thorn la no work In Santiago ml thla time for snob people to do; and too proud to uoenpt obarity, they sim ply sat down In tbelr decs red splendor and waited. Mieawbsr wise, for *'something to tarn op" or for death, the kindly beater of all worn. This wife—a typical sen ora of Hpaofsb-Am erloa and her slender young daughter were both In their beds, too wank to risn wlieo help came It to needles* to odd that a generous supply of provis ion* was at once sent to tba family, and that they are not too proud to an* what tlwy could not ask for Is «vt deooed by the feet that tba old gentle mao Is seen again uu tba streets, ns digoiOod and courtly a* ever. vbw w ura am grnoi ana lnierest ln« of the Red Croat loetltutiona Hi Santiago la tba dispensary end “Ooo aultarto" for the poor. A big house haa bees taken for the purpoen, and • cor pa of ’'medlooe,'’ moatlr Caban, un der Doctor Solloaoo, of Havana, ace there maintained by ration a mat from the Red Oreee atom. Tbo physAUnd giro their time and aertloasgratiUtoit* Fy, but mum of eoerea be fad. They bare e euppty of medioaae, Halted la rnttety, bet eot A qatotivy, furaiebel by the Red Croaa, and largo stem of oondenaad milk, tbe mad eiee aaoea Beaded A tbe majority of oases Day after day Uielr eoeaeltiag room A crowded by tbe sick, tbe belt, Ute hun gry, mad an arerage of 1500 persona in erory twenty-tour hours leeolre medl olno oc milk, or both, an eneb earn roqnlfwa, Tbe army, too, two drawn upon tbe Bad Cross far many thtoga neaded A UieU camp hospital*, with out which there woatd here beau A5n tely more suffering and death, and henrm knows liters be* b*ee ssougb already, l-onklnc *rer VIA* Barlou’s long lima of u«Am eupplAd la am wo* to tin army T aea seek lieu* as <500 pounds of own-meat; a ton pounds riee; 1T0J pounds of beau*; 55 oaas* of randeossd milk; 85 ***** stalled ml*; 3900 pound* lee; 58 earn hoof; 450 ponndl Sugar;B0U poundf crush** out*, and aeon ad inftaltam, to any noth lag Of surgical goods aneb an bandagos. ether, oblortem, eta. m tbe Sosa w Men Aejaturinsp’rr SsswIM, TmiiVwsMa pnaritatM., AMMIMwrSw) UrsO. MMittGMEj ‘ ,W' H .wsufar.aws ssc B«t our Uoobla* mb to DtnlMtkt ssjsl'sss sn’ssa ^•ssas iSsaEiAJ5 and go Lot#* ? Ho<m eey tL mm an Buhaeltby, aad**M B-^i! Point has bnu ooadtmoad by Dr.Soon, who eay* it wtliaaoa baa May af borrora. Oblckiantn was coiuUmM and now it isaatd Hjquvlh* u no bet tar. Tamp* had to ba tbaadanad. aud tba death-mta at Part® Bioala in U amfeNoasaiek to road tho chapter* (if minrj U tba daily papa**. Soma lay ail tba Man* oa AJcar and aaan - - unterUag doctor*, home mokoaaa that mortality and _ the rcautt of alimata don Uaneitlou _ , _ Taupe and Gab* and Fb Whatever it any ba, tba pn drtai ia awfaL Tba soldier g brought hook with thorn Ua malarial dteeaen is ttonund*. ftijBfiv good moan, good nursing sad th* M pareuU or eietara or; to tar* any of these. ___ about It at eor bower, for my wifb and I nutted oat of aar boys to Florida tor thna long, aaglauamoutba and baavty saved bin." It took him two Tear* to recover ancr we gganim INK'"' u« wu itroni ud htottby. aad went to Florid* I* Jim to work aa a railroad, •ever took bold at him aod warned all blifimh away. Of ooutee.lw would have died but for oar ooDalaot care aod t aider nursing. What tkao, oao ha sapectsd of tbaao bqya taken from atom aod o(8oaa and abady hi)tow to I ha atokly beat of a tropical no? Major Macon, oor aaaator. rlaltid Wash to (too aod bagged Mr. MeK later not to sead UN boy* to Tampa or Cube until tin fall of the MaTSS Urn ad minletratloa waa kia burry and paid • haad to bira. Us tea ttalumaa. U wo bare got any, and foraaaw ink what has happened. Three or four thousand killed la battle, or died from tliter wounds, sod 1,500 already dead from favors. If Dr. Bom aod other snrgoooa are to be believed tbe number will I* doubled or trlbOled before tbe roar close*. Somebody boo blundered, and tbs malediction of tboaaanda of I snared parents era upon tbs btoa derate. JCvaoa Florida torn mar ana to carefully avoided tar Floridians aad tbs army tsute at Tampa an a poor protection. . Duriug tits four yean of nor civil war t bared lad of d least* In tba fader*] araay 200,000 icon oat of as aggregate of 2.700,000, belug about 7 percent., aod ynt within foot months out of lorn than 100,000 soot to Florida aod Cuba and Potto JUeo. 1000 have already died, end they an now averaging oyor 100 a day—can’t get doctor* rnnsgtl. nor r.arses t(tough, they tay. Our navy baa prayed a wonderful attcoem, for It araa already odoored, hut the matugsmeet of oar army baa bv*u a arris* of Uuadera, and but tor Ute experleooo of Gsaral Wbstesr and a few ottara, would bay* haw a oats crabta failure. As It to tba poor sol di or b>y» an aufTertug aod dying liko teroop. and thsra awnu to ho no rsmady. Verily, It la aa waa said by tba daks of Wtlliogtuo: ‘-Nothing except a bat tle teal Is half an meteneboly aa a bat tle won. Ana now (be tnrsatigeUon Is going on. nod It to onarafatng. Tba ropwbtt ean pnpora era more olamortng for It tbau the democrat ie, asd they do act spare the president. Ula Meador la in oot Ignoring the pressure of poUtloal nfflni —tfcrn. Tbi nutbliaui otMi •asto* d I Tided an to Algor,* Gtneaa, but waiter ao a eat and a dog bnolnaani ail around. Tba general verdict la that partisan pollUoa and aoHUoal favorit ism u at tbe bottom of all this kaaa fol neglect of tba poor private* to tba rank*. Of course Urs sooth oomaa la fo* a largs abar* af abuse la having sack a aiekly ollmaia sad such mtesr nbl* camping grounds. Moma of as nave ant forgottau haw oor buys fbrod daring tba oivg war— im luaarim, gad I — jatlbv dHW;j L‘ only 5 par rant., aa S?ap4rtTl,,,,,*t tbora waa na j fo from Maw Yorker ■ Tampa or Cuba ta j I body but aa Mbot that, aod nobody but dler aaUaoaralf

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