The Gastonia _ _XJ__ DOr°t*d to Ul* fiottQtlon of lion* and tit* lntnraata *1 th C'oanty. v°l- Gastonia, N. C.. September 22, 1808. ' " _""T- -1'1 -1"1"'11 "" 1 JI'L TL~" ^ T I ' ■ "*IIM "L I . ■■ MAJOR JONES TRAVELS FIFTY YEARS AdO. By Major Joseph Jones of Georgia. f.KTTER IX. RaltiMOHK, May H, — 'To Mr. Tbompeon: Dear iUr-l’vs always ioood that It was tbs best way to make "good digestion wait on appetite and lielth on both,” aa Mr. UcUsib ses, to ■Ur about a Uttlo after eatln’m harty bate. So after eattu’ the excellent dinner at tha Exchange what I told you about la my tost letter. I tuck aaotbec turn round through the city. nr this time 1 begun to git lb:- turn of the place a little batter, and wasn’t so fraul of gettln tost. I turned up Sonth street as they call It, whnrther's inoro tailors than would make a dcxru men—even If the old lusrolm Is true which I oarer did bllovo—and went up llsltlmore street agin, whar the floe stores la kep, and whur the galls all go s-sboppln’ and permlnadln' In tbs sf tetnnoas ta Show tltrr new dresses. Well, nr, i cm lull yuu wbat’* a posltlv fact, It would take n French dancin' mailer Vo git along In lUlil toore street without runnin’ agin sum body, and even he couldn’t shsssay his way round through the troops of g.ills without roooin' a-fowl of oue now and then, or rakin' hts ablna all to pieces on the pine boxes wbat is piled all aloug Ute sldawslk after you git above Charles street. 1 dour the very best dogin’ I could, and then while I wka Lowin' and toraplo' a apology to 'em, ten to one if I didn’t knock sum baby oyer la tbe gutter wliet was cumin' nloag with Its ms behind me. or git my cola-tall fast In among the crate* iu)d box** so tile that I ruu a mon strous risk of loaln' It Itowdacionely. But 1 wasn't the only one wbat gut bung—two nr three galls got ther ‘dresses hit abed ap, on the nails and hoop*, so they blushed as rnd as Bre, and a old geotleooan with n broad brimmed bat, and Ilia atockiugs over hts trousers, tumblod over a wlioel harrow rite into a pile of boxes and tore his ololbea drtdful. It tuck the old man torn lime to gather hlmnelf up. and git out of tbe Jaw be was In. W'hor ho got eut Its never coined a word, but be fetched a groan that sounded hka It cum from war down below Ills waistbands, sad went ou. 1 thought, at lust, that tlie store keeper* must be doln a terrible eight of bisness. to be shore, to be aeudiu uff and recelvln so much goods, bat I knocked on sum or the boxes with my cane, and they sounded as boiler as a old empty bee-gum. I epoee tbe city gtts a fust rate rent for the pavement, but If tbe merchants was to kerp tber empty boxes lo liter sellers. It would lie a great deal mate convenient for the people to pam aloug. and I should think It wouldn't hurt ther cootenls a bit. The fact Is a body can’t get luto Ute stores to buy nothing for tbe piles of lx sea round the doors. I wanted a piece of tobacker my**|f. bat I couldn't see do store wbat 1 could git Into with oot running tbe riak of breaktn my ucek or tcsiin my troweer*. You may auppoeo I teed a heap of liatlful wlatmln In Baltimore street. Well, »o I did, but to tell you Ute truth, I seed cpme bumlnsUo ugly ones, too. The fact is, Mr. Thompson, wimmln s wlcomlu, all over the world; nod Ute old sayhi, that "floe feathers makes fine birds.” la jest as true here ul It Is In Georgia. I'm a married man, you know, and exit speak my sentiments about the galls ’thout glvln offence to nobody; or, at least, 'thout beta speoted of selfiah motives. Well, then, I ear Baltimore needn’t be ashamed of her wimmln, so far a* holy’s concerned, "Ilaodium 1s ss hsndsuin doee,” is a old end irue snyln; and if the Baltimore galls is only a* amiabbi and good as they |t Dutiful, they’ll d> fuit rate, take 'ooi on a avorage. But, llkn every other place, tbor’s some here that ncods a monstrous sight of guodurav to make no for ther ugliness. I know i» used to ije a comtnun opiu* ion, tint the HiOiiinoro wirruniu was tlte prettyest In the world; and I'ye heard people what had bean here be fore, adrlee the young merchant* wbat wae gwlira to New York to boy goods, that If they didn’t want to loee thcr liarta, they’d better go round this city. But that waa a good many year* ago, and you know times altera ouenm stenser ae well ai alroumatenoas alters name, and thla Is the way I account for the change. Then the Baltimore galls waa moat all natives, and cone from tbe same stoek, and they was so universally band sues that nobody could help but notice It. But lira city le growed a monel roue sight aleoe them data—a great many people from all parts of tbe world have oome Into II and what waa the bntr of Baltimore, baa bean mixed up with and distrib uted aboat among slcbnkeapof ugli ness, that a great deal of It le eptlt altogether; end wbat does remain pure and onedallerated, ain’t usora’n half •0 esoapfmioue now aa It uaed to be. Bat notwttbeUhdln, (tier's some mon strous baud tuns wtmmln In Baltimore, •erne butlfel meters with dark bezel eyes, bright auburn rlngleta. Grecian now*, ooral lips, and plump, greovfal forma, that la encogh to melt tbe ice from roond the heart of u old imchellor who bad been cold ae ,» Hazard for twenty year*, and IU my posture opin ion, that a mau what couldn’t And a gall handium enalT In ibta city, would stead a meietroua poor obaeee at glt tlo suited abort of gwlne to Qcorgis, where the guilt, you know, Lake (her moiperments from tlte warm Heulhern •kite, tber baty from the wild flowere tfcal grows la our fields, and that ••leas from the Mrds that sing In oar rrovee. Aftor gwioa up u rer at Youtaw •treat, ( oroaawl o»*r and cam down M tMbtf *M* of U)« ktreet I on kin •joo*»*ona thing and another til I rot moat down to Charlo alrort By tMo tlaM I begun to he moartruua dry, (ld m I'd hoard toll a good deal about the »ody watsr what ttioy hav« In the l»lg cltii-a, 1 thought I'd try a little at the fust place xUsr they sold It. Well, the fust doctor's ih. p i com to bad a s-xly water sign op. and lu 1 went to git sum. Se* I, “f w».,l a drink of jer sody water.” ‘•Wbat Hoi' of syrup will you have!*” sea he, puttix his hacd on a bottle of molasses. "I don’t want no ayrup,” set I, "I wautaoJv water." ‘‘Ab.’’ sot lie, "yon wai.t eatra anily." Acd wlili that hn luck a glass and Pht sum wbit sluS In it and (hen held it under the spout til it was full aud handed it to roe. 1 put it to my hed und fulled away »t it, but I never got slcii a overlastin dose bntore In all mv life. I got three or four swallera dawn before I begun to taste IIia urailed stuff, aud you tnty depend it lilted to kllhd me right ded iu my tracks. It tuck tho bretii clean Out of tor, and when I cum to toysell roy tongue felt like It was fall of needles, and my stummlck liko l*d swullered a pint of fiozeu soapsuds, and the tears was roonlu out of my eyes In a stream. I aruppM the git91 and (purled the iret out of my mouth quicker 'n light nln, but before I could gll brelh to epnak to the olitp what to etendio behind tha counter staralu at tua with »U hie might, he ax'd me If I waiir'l well. “Well I thunder and llghtnlu,'' see I. “do you went to plaan me to deth end then ex me if I’m well *'» “Piaen !•’ «u be. “Vee," eei I. “pleeo I tax’d you for sum sody wuter. tod you cln me a dose bad miuCf to kill a hoas.” “I gin you nothlu hut pU<n end*," aei tie. “Woll," sex I. "if that*» whet you call eody water, I’ll be dadfetcb’d If I'll try auy aioru of It. Why. It’s worse nor Ingin turnip juice stew'd down six gallon* Into a pint, cooled off iu a snowhaak and mixed with a liar rycaee.” Jeat then some Miln hot steam come up into my tbrote, that liked to blow’d my uoee rite oot by tbe roots. “See he, “Maybe you ain’t used to drlnkm It without syrup," “Xo." ee I, “and wbat’a more. I never will be." “It's much better with eaasypuriUer, or gooseberry syrup," in he. “Will you try some with syrup V" “Xo, I thank you,” see I. and I paid him a tlivlp for the dose I bad, and put out. I wanted some lobacker monstrous bad, ao 1 stepped Into a store nnd ax’d for Slim. The man said be didn’t sell nothin bnt staples, but he reckoned I'd And some a little further down, at Smith’s. Well, I went along lookin at tbe eigne till I cum to Shew, Smith A Co. Thinks I. this must be the place. So in I went nod ax’d a very good-looking man with wblikers. what was etandln near the door, If he had any good cbewln tobecker. "So, elr,” sea he, "we lisln*t got toy more of that article on bond than we keep for our own uae; but wo would like to aell you some carpets to-dav." “Corpete f" ees I; and shore enufl, oom to look, tbar wasn’t another thing but earpete and oil clothe eed mettlu end ruse and sueli things la thn store; and I ao Uleve ther wee snuff of 'em of all sorts and Agere tn furnish all Uie houses in Georgia. After a little explanation he told me tbe Smith I wanted was J. C. Smith, down opposite to the museum. He ■Aid I’d (ind lota of to backer und su gars ttisr, and I’d know the place by n big login standin out borore the door. Shore enulT. when I went that I got soma fnet-rute eegers and to beeVor. and m box to pot it In. That’s tbe way they do blends here. They dont keep dry goods and grocer Ira, calicoes, homespuns, rum, salt, trace ebaloa and t-booker oil togethor like they do in Mnevtlle. hot every klcd of goods has a store to itself. If yon ever come to Baltimore and want some lobacker or Mgars, you must go to lh« store* what'a got little painted logins or niggers standin out by the doors, for you mought jest as well go to a meet In hcuM to borrow a bond saw as go U> any of the stores here lor anything out of ther line. I apoee, like the eody water, It’s well muff to them that’s need to It, but It’s mon ■troosoggrarokln tnlhem what ain’t. A* 1 hadn’t bten down la the lower part of the city, I thought I’d git Into 5??.°.’ i!*® °*nlbheee and ride over to and see how it looked. Well. It a a good long »tret oh from ooe eewd of Baltimore to the other I can tell you. and after yen cross over Jenri Ml' what rno. through to the liver and divides the old towa from £?»•» mooauoeaap* to think your gettln lato another city, 1/ not In another nation. I lik'd to pot my lew* out of jlot tryln to read turn of the eigne. Hum of 'em was painted It Dutch, so t couldn't make out the fust letter, and sum of the people looked so Dutch that yon nought *i moot feel It on Vm with a stick. I noticed when anybody wnulM tu f II out they jeat pulled a leather Krup and tha oinmlnylma oum to a halt. So •lien wa fnl down to Poll atr*«t, i luck hold of tha strap and fin It a J*rb. bot tha houaa want on faat aa avtr. an I Uhl mj wall on tha •trap to atop 'am “Hallow t" aa* Uw> drlaar outaida. "do you want to pall mo In two f" Coot to Dud out tha ttrmp waa hitch'd to the roan Iwoted of the nooaaa, aod f llkad to drnw'4 him Uirough lha »>ola wt^r ha tuck hla mnoay. Ho waa mad aa a Imrn It, bat wl«n ho looked In and aaod who It *»•. ba had nothin mora to I arpaot aorno porta of Palla* Plat waold salt Mr. IMekaoa foot rale u*a 1 m -t- ——rnmmmwm old a* lh» hill*, and crooked aa a ram’* bom. and a body can bear Jest aa moeli bad English tin aj be could among the cockney* vt 1/indon tod can Sod aria fancy c i.solcr*. male and faro sic. Cbat would do honor Vo J*t. Qllaaea or any other romautlo quarter of tSa Hritlah metropolis. After lookiu thout a little While at the sallori tbnt waa drink In tout* and •ingle aonga in the tavern*, I went dowu on nnv nt tit* wharve* wliur ther wa* a »bl|> jeM cum from Liverpool. Themilnn were ilngln ••All togellicr. oh, have nli 1" and pulllu her in to the wharf. Poor feller*, they had brao out JO day*, worltin Irani, to all kind* of weather, and now they waa omnia labor* to glr thar money to the sharp an that waa look In out for ’em lit y I •bark* for a dad body, r couldn’t kelp but feel entry tor ’em, wlieu I thought how in a few day* tb»y would ho with out money and without friends. a id would glad'y go buck to the peril* of tho ocean, to aecapo ilia trenchary that beact >m un there. I went *nd tuck a wait on «oao luge what waa luv.n on Uin wharf, aud smoked a cigar aud looked at the ve* **t* aaillu about In the barbonr. While l wn actUu tb»r tblukrn of ablp* and sulloni, and on* thing and another, a little faller come along with a liaiklc on hi* arm. and ax'd me if I wauled to bur loose matches. I told bins no I didn’t want none. “You l>ott*r buy some, air," *•« he, ••[ aall ’em very cheap." The littlo falter looked »o poor and pitiful that I couldn't help fovlln a lit tle sorry for blur. “How much do you ax for 'em y" K1 I. "Kight boxes fur s levy." ses In-. They »u JeM tbs asms kind of boxes Uiat we git two for s Ihrip in (Jenrgla. and though I didn’t want none, 1 thought I’d l>u* some of him Jest to patronise him. ‘‘Wall,’' sex 1. "gif* me two box**.” The lltU# feller handed me two box es and J gin Mm a terse pence. Yon may keep ;be chant* for pro fit,” ses L "Tbrnk. joj s' ,” nee lie, and Ills *»«• br'gbUuiHl •> > as bo put the mousy In his pocket. •‘I ):ke to rococugs hv.e't enter prise" seal. "Be hooeat, and never lie or cheat, aud you'll always Hud friends,” am I. •’Yes, sir.” ses lie. ”1 never atevle uor cheat* no body.” "That’s light," are I. ••Tint’s a good boy.” I went on sarokio aud lu a few m’o IU. when 1 Drought be was gone. I lieurd the little feller behind me agio. ••What," sea I. "My slater died last woak,' irt he. "aud we’re very poor, aud my mam my’a sick, and I can’t make money enough to buy modiolus for the ba by-” “Well,” *e* I, "L d-m't want no more mulches, but lien:’* a quarter to add to your profits to-day." "Thank you. air.” ses he. and he went off agio ihaokln ms for the quar ter. Poor little feller, thinks I, how modi belter to give him that quarter of a dollar than to smoke It out In se gars. He’ll go home to bis poor moth er, happy, sod if he bat felt any temp tation to be a rogue, the recollection of my kiodnesa will give trim courage to he honest. I hadn’t got done thTokln about blm before bere lie was baok agio, "Daddy died last week,” see lie, "and elster Betsy got her foot skaMed. sod we haiot had oo bred to eat not for a week—ever sense daddy died — and "Look bere,” aea I, "you better go before you kill off all of your relations; I begin to think you’re a little Impos ter.” • Oil. no sir. daddy is ded,” ses he, "aud mammy and sister lire all alone, and ruamipy told uio ui ax you It you would como and sue tier and give her some money.” I begun to a mull u rat, and sot f, "I'll »eo your mammy to the mischief fnst, and If I’d had the same opinion of you that I have now, I’d never gin you the fust red cent ” With that t)M little ragged cos Set up a big laugh aud put hia thum on bl* note and wiggled hit Ungers at me. "Do you nee »oy tiling grese," tea he, ”eb, bo* T Whet do you think of me now, ah ? Would you like to buy another levy’s worth of matches? You tee,” aea he "1’as one of tbs b’hoyal—a out aud out Fell’s Plutar, by J aud then be ripped out a orth that made the hair stand on my bend, and away be went. 1 felt like ( was oompletaly Ink in, sod f ntvtr ted another word. But 1 made op my mind whan l gtn another quarter away to enoonrage hooastj, It would be to a diffararent tort of oandl dale; end, throwing the stump of mv cigar Into the sealer, 1 left the place tad tuck tbs Brat otamloybaa for Ibe Kxobaeg*. I'm dorse with Baltimore, sod shall start to-morrow for lit* City of Brotherly Lore. Ha as more at present from your friend til doth, Jo*, donga. (To Iw ooatltiaad next week.) fin HII.Kt I* A RM.UINJ. n Trip Takm fcjr E>(lkk Awnuap Til* anil— »• ar««lfc» f«m(M ;mi< a>f|M aai MnfferM MUa( Ml WMllHr. I.hicmo.-i. Sept. 13 — Next to Uj« Unheal hallo.mi aaeemlmi on record wai aiade her* tliia uftoraoon from the Create! Peleeo Sydenham, by Stanley Sfwoner, a well-known aeronaut, and Dr. IWreon. The balloon waa Inflated with pore hydrogen and hat a eap««Hy of SO fiOO coble feet. It attained an eltltodt of >7,300 feet, or (Ire and one Afth mi lea At a bet flit of kS.OOO fart the air wee *o rarlfled that the oocaponte of Iba ear were compelled to breathe ooeapraaaed oiypea by tebee. The tewperatnre was 01 degrees Mow freer in* point. The atmosphere wasolaareod the coast diet lastly ylsIUe. The balleoe deecaa ded near Romford, In Xmm. ARP OH TOMATO WORMS. ’ i • - uin luvouAvtn •rxitrui m» ««»v (iimcui*. OltU-Uarawl tmmm TMiwhlM la TMk IkrM IlMwk. 01 awiirr aXa >t« Wtna II In «"» K»Mk« »iain«w ITmih. rill .Irk III Allinu ClkaUaiM. Thli popular writer mart uut bs criticised for mil being up on every thing relating to natural history. He Is inure entertaining and does more good than any ten of tbe learned pro feasors itut wlren are see mistakes tint lead to mischief or to tbe damsgo of tboen Interested In fighting worms rod bug* ws fool compelled to tnlnr ponj t word of remonstrance. B'.r 4rn loeakt of the tomato worm us a oer dlsoovery to l.l®. He knva: "Tb ■ s.’aton has developed a ’big, lung bnll-huaded g-enn worm, with a atlng In the tail. They are covered with whir* pustule* about oue-elgbtb of an Inch long sod stand up thick and aliil uod seem to be eggs or embryo or germ* of nomething that is devilish.'1 Concluding, la says: “It Is sot 00 like a tobacco worm.*' Libs a “tobacco” worm; sod well It might be, for it !• tbe earn* Though there ere several species of them they are all larva of the large sphinx moths that nay be seen just st dnsk flylug around JlnoDton flowers and tobacoo blosaomi, and tbev a” fsed upon the dlffareiil specie* of lo onsoeasr. Tbe‘‘atlng in tbe ami!." None of Uiem atlng or bile, and their looking horrible depends entirely upon duo’s Igonraooe and prejudices. Goutetn pla»wi m works of Uod. adjolted to certain ends, tbev are all busutlfut. And beta we might as well at neoa object to bla theology ebont tho devil being tbe atstbor of noxious insects sad wild boasts la It not a mistake to re fer all tbiog* to man's use or pleasure? Surely God Is tha father of all bla creatures and inlands them all to live and enjoy life. The "white pustules” observed oa bis solits'- tomato worm were not eggs of nay klud. but the little silken cocoons spun by ill* larvae of some species of tcheoemon (1y, which bavin 1 *--tou out all vital part of tbv poor wurru, had coins to the sarface and gone >ntu the pupa state preparatory to coming out new ichneumons to go •id lav their eggs on arore eatei pillars, I t'’ ear. them also. Tbe ugtr worm was therefore lo u dying erudition wheu discovered by our humorist. l'or this reasou worms smu wiUi Lho white cocoous on them ebould never le destroyed. They eaa do uo more barm raid will never become Oise lu propa gate their specie*. It is to oar interest to save sll thsoe ltbarnmoj aouonnt. Tiiey produce file* that are among our belt fnands. Lawbkxce 0. JuttiCHiM Pachwta, Miss. I like that. I like *11 aucli gentle criticisms Man in never too old to Irani «od if 1 had my life to live over again I would try to learu more of natural history and the mysteries of nature. I would like to be «u Vgassit or Audubon or Cuvier or Munacut, or even e Huber, tbe blind muo wbo taught ue ell we know about bee*. Out Lord Bacon said. “He that hath wife and children hath (Iven hostage to fortune for they are Impediments to great enterprises." A man who rnir rios early and has a numerous and lovely wife end offspring don’t have much lime to lnveeUgat# thing* out side of home, end eo it was never In tended that e family men should de vote mueb of bis time to bugs r nd birds end Bailee. That l* alright If be ia a professor in e oollege end makes bis living by it, but even then he oan nol comfort Ills wife or play horse or booger-bear with Ms children to any | alarming extent. And so a kind provldenoe lias wisely ordained that only a few should be set apart for in veutioo. discovery and scientific re search, while the great majority should be engaged In multiplying and replen ishing. I had fondly hoped that in the retirement of m> old age l would dud abuodaut lime to read and ponder and philosophise upon tkses things, bat there t* no retirement at my house. The grandohlldrea are more nnmer oos than the children end quite as lively and mlaobterous and it takes half my time to sratob them. Only yetteiday two little girls borrowed some scissor* from their grandma and while I was gone to the pxt-ofiise tboy got my stamped envelopes from my table and cut them lets Imaginary cow* and doge end boras*. But they love me devotedly end follow me around and pull lb* flows** and are so happy that It makes me happy, too, rod I wouldn't swap tiralr little company for all lh* seteooa and learn ing In the lend. My faith in that If w* lie* right In this world end lay tbe foundation of knowledge we will have plenty of time to advenes in wisdom l» the life that U to some. Heaven I* not stagnant with beatitudes. The worship of Uod will be mingled with study and maybe with work and the mysteries of oruatlon will be opened to us l>y degree* eod an ug with wonder and Might. But I •lldent Intend to write about this. My friend. Mr. Jolineoo, or Professor Johnson, I reokor, I* surely no lets ken ebom the lehneutoon fly having «at*n out all the vital purte of the worm *od com« to the surface sod spaa the HtUe white oooooos. I found soorea of these worm* rind In their whit* ooooon robes «nd they were of various *!***, from an I neb to three tnolies long, and were prwtiy lively oornae*. The smaller one* war* •till hnogry trowing, i round non* In * dying ooodltlon. Th« •harp born or lha tail looks Ilk# It wai n ntingnr, and son* to bo a weapon of dnfonaa. flat wby abobM am not do strop them? l)o tl>ey »ot pray apon llvn Pinas? And what do wa want with tba tohnouwoa HIM, o' any other «lm? Am not all oath lb lag* aa It In* and Coaa and bod bMl and MOeqattnoa •ad bolt %imi and ealerpMlara and pack aaddlaa tba pnU •>? nntnr*. and U nut tba world oound la trying to dantroy Kill ■ mallar ihlag* much aa Uvr germ i nt obolam and yeWnw fapart Ant three JSra*1.Jior2!m 5 S»'m, An 1 w pr jBou*~nd WSajlum. Wh»t would bar* baooaae of my po taiote If I bad uot deatroyad Um boa** No. 1 do not bailer* that I'rerldano* made nil bis orenluree to eojoy life, but eoua were created tike Utoroe aad tlilatiae, to laeraaaeoar toll and dia tutb our tranquility. They are part of Ui« cure*, or eta* Satan who walk* up aod dawn the earth Hke on Inspector genital. had toot* hand in tbs boat oeea. Vrvfresor Jobueoo nr* that ‘ ‘Cod I* the father or all Hie omnium, uad Intend* them all U lire aod enjoy Mfe.” That dcotriae won't eran do for a vegetarian. for both fralta aod rtuaUbta* hare lb* germ* of animal cule life in them. Our Maker did oso Bue mankind to Iruit* aod herb* until aflar U.i flood, and than. forth* Bret .late, saro Noah and hi* daaeetldanU permiaatnn to eat mast—Bah, Hash aad fowl aa<l every hr log thing. Cbleknaa do oerUInly enjoy life, but w* kill aad eat them. aad ereo eat the embryo life that is hidden iu an egg. Ho, thlf la a attain upon our hamaa Ny, and w* will continue to destroy yellow jacket* aad waep* and hornet* > “** atiag our abltdmn, aad wa will. k.ll every snake tint we mm oar path; aod my wit* will oooUno* 'her forty yea**’ war upoc bedbugs and roacbo* tnd rata. But etfll tbam I* a line • liexa one realty o**a** nod cruelly b*. gms—cruelty to lioma* aad dog* aad bird*, f don't take much ttock la boye who kill bird* for sport, or la meu wbo torture tbelr horaae with tightly drawn check rein*. I Would ratiiar lean to pity'* aide aad a* Oow per said, “I would out eater a poo my hat of friend* Um maa who aeedimaty aato faot upon a worm." Or Ilk* the good, kind Unci* Totw. whom Sterae wrote shunt—Uncle Toby who, when a fly kept alighUug on hi* bus*. Anally caught Mm aad taklag him to Lhe window, ecntly put bim out. “(io By," ba said, ‘'the world is largo enough for you and mo." Rut my human* friend. Frofoaaor Jolineon, baa ay regards aad my thank* for the leeeon ba ba* taaght OK. « mm ruimr. liarlasnM *f rulM Han la *,n in Canary. II. C. C. I brant In CUjioUi UUmtf. Ok TU« Republicans cm eUct anybody to otOea ban | Bertie county] with Uw •“rf* tS. Po^il,Lf Al “*• •‘•ctlon of 1800 Cltreo Urqubart. onlorad, waa dieted constable of Woodvltle town ■blr. Before be bad qualified be was arieeted for larceny of cotton belong* lag to WiUUm Clark, colored, who teetlded on the Hand that he bad voted for “Bro. Cicero.” Ctoero ores bound oyer to court, A true bill waa found against blra at tha May term of court, lb97 and at the November term of that year lie *»» tried. On lbe jury were 11 while tneti and one negro— a preach er, nn ottoe-holdmg politician. He, end he alone. voted for acquittal. Whllo the Jury area deliberating Cic ero Had tha court and forfeited bis bond, which was Moored by a mort gage on bii home. Ha wne afterwards captured in Norfolk, Va, and triad again bane at tba May term of coart of this year. He was promptly convicted and sentenced to one year at tba coun ty work bourn. After tlio grand jury bad adjourned on Hstarday of tbe him term of court It was announced that Cloero bad escaped from tba jail. Tba jailer, a negro, that morning sent Cicero’s breakfast to him by a •stall negro boy. lit looked tbe boy in the cell and look Ml own tleaa about •soaping. lie is etlll at large. Tbla same negro jailer to chairman of Uie Republican party of bla county. Ho U Uio boat dog. Here !• the cate of a thief being elected by the vote of tbe Republican* and PopullsU to bo oon atablo of a country township; a com of a Jury balng bang by the one negro ou It, because s negro wa* on trial; a vase of gross negligence on the part of a negro official—alt In one. In 1890 the Republican* of the county eteotod Champ rags, a negro drayman, coro ner. but be could oat give the bond rv qnlred. Bav. l.uke Flares, oolored, it on tha board of sduoallou of tbla county. He wa* elected by tbe BepubUesn-PopultM board of ooanty cow mission tr*. rsast bunsaiyr n«n,il-crsrere Iword A dispatch from Washing slates that lha Navy Department baa determined that tha three proposed battleships tor which bide were recently opened shall bava a speed of at least eighteen knots an hour, lastoad of sixteen knots as originally proposed. It is understood that tbe shipbuilding none panic* will be request** to emigrate on vassal* shout lwanly fast longer then toots for wbtoh bid* wore originally solicited. In order to give more moot for the en gine*. This decision I* la accordksoe with the yiewtfof Oomieodore George W. Melville, chief nf tbe burean of ■team engineering U* Ire* fur aavsral rents ad root ted the oonstruotlon of battleehlpd of high speed. The correct ness of Commodore MalvIlU’a tbaary wee shown In tbe engsgameut off San tiago, where the Oregon, by her re markable speed, completed tbe deetriM tloa of tbe Spanish Meet. Commodore Melville daalgned tbe mecblavry for tbe Oregon a* well as on other battle ships end larger cruisers which have •bows snob remarkable efficiency. t-r<ee mimhum bfwt Maura* JutuI. For toot time Oy Thoataoo, Soar* Ury of SUlr, baa barn male lag a great hoe and ery a boat tba fraud ba had rtlaeeenred la tba oAoa. Jaat ■■ nuteb aa ba wn«M make bla ebargaa definite enough to ba not load. Kr-Haeratary Cook earns out tn a latter and rxpoeed tba whole lying aobaaaa of thla traaeb eroua Had leal tool. Ba promt by tba raoorda that Thowpano bud llad throughout, lia rraa prod used Uia renelpu that Thompeea bad glean hlw for certain money that Thowpano Inti mated bad bean atataa. TbW la why Thoapaow wwa ao eawed awd beaked at Oononrd Monday by Ayaoek. POPULIST^ PAPERS j WHIT run Ui» or the tram, uri'u «it mar. t%»r (>M l* w firm >«• mm w*»** it WOT V IttH-inil Mm **»»• Ha Mant *mk 4 ««4» kr n«lr votot> Jt> to UiU date Um >,agtat Ultra la a daiuoeblu diagram to tba HUM.”-. OiuatriftA, February 37th 1867, J00A doao by tba Ugtelatura nould bo printed la o oaaoli an mob lot Tlus bod dooo ood tbo good omitted would dll tororal forgo ▼oiatMa*’— Progrroafio Fkia»*r. "Thar* la ooaao talk of as antra aao alou of tba LagUlatara. Piaaaa don't, CorwDor HuMall. Wo oon eadon fomiof. MottUaoo, dronlb, war. bot don't India* toy pruioogad agony on tbo State luoh m oo aztra mnalcn.”— Pfogrutln Furmtr, March % 18T7. "A* to tba LagUlotaro of 1837, tbo ! oao bow la aatelon, wo baara to any ao o 1 foot that It baa woo tbo ooatompt of 1 tbo people ganrraUy of all partite, tad . wa ban to oaf oa an opinion that wo do oot bailor* It ran ontrootw that eo. tempt ta two yoorn' time red < boroo oio net tot - b* approval of Ibe * ptopl* ''—Carnation. “Tbo LtjtUlataio only boa about tan 1 data now to oomplata tbo work, ud , It h >ant btgau tba work you Let tba 1 aalatrab)* pin hunter* go to work or 1 go hoami"—Pay.ymirt Arm* . Tab iiiary S3,18T7. . i “Swepton la not ba only bora oar , Koidi Carolina LagiaUiuo am bad. ■ “To a man ap a true it appaaa that , ti n Hmw aoteloatad am* nxtnotly , •*>rry Umber for tba J-agUUtnra but r***."—PiO!irt‘il't A. ntr,', January) i SIS, IH07. ‘About tea moie day* remain of I be r Lsgtral!** session. Unless there *bsli be. w'th.'u th'.a time, *a utmost rouacs lone el.aa.pi, tn« rwo.-d of foe I^sgtsU tu e w r H eota1 jc, abso'.o‘«ly nothing ■ All it wi . hat* done when it .mitre ’ w'.U l* the »|.»ndioa of $JO.dO.) of | •70,0JO of toe public food*, (or which ; , not-i'.u^ will bw returned.Oekambn, I ■ February 3d, 189/. “Of course there are aouw good men J heie, whooid not, -g justics. be held , reap.ottlila for the record, but w« era • i speaking of Urn record of Uis r.agliU Luiw as a whnlsi and unless that recc'd i shall be phenomenal)* changed within , a week U will bs Um imperative duly, and we think It will he the pleasure of i tbe peouie to are that such a orewd Is never sect ap to meae lb* laws (gain.” i —OuajrMi-m, Februtr;' 37,18W7. “The various crmailtteot to whom | bills ere referred xrem to bu composed , of aw who are either generally indif ferent or pltlaldy ignorant, ft la al- i most impossible w> get their attention | on any bill that flora notcsxryaea* job with ft,"—C«u.-»i*«(m. Fvb. *7, 1897. “Let llm invratlgatlon of tbs char g«s ef brlbsry by promise* of patronage aod money to influence votes for Pritchard junxed. Pritchard's frtmid* ■ay the clh'gvn are tru*. Investigate or stanl convinced.” — FrogrtnWt Farmer. “Tbns the people’• money is being divided out to pay political reward*. Them 1* no help for it now. But tbs tax-pa yen of North Carolina will apeak to thunder tones at the poH* when Uwie Is another election. No party, no man baa ovar been able to run rough shod ovar the people of the Stats, but ■ abort tlnm.”—Pregreeelrt Farmer, February 33.1897. “When Pritchard was skated United States Senator tbs wlrtiss and trusts of th* pccpls were betrayed; the people had repudiated McKinley lu tote and Pritchard stands for nothlag but Me Klnley.”—Oawtjvintr, January 38,1897. Total, mien t» rut t»*JM IM Tf*IMar« K a apwl* k* min B«ikn »ktmwwr KtJIkl CtallUM ar (ke a^arau rraaiMhtl tITMr «ntk. Cbarlgita ueaswer. Vioo, gpelo. dept. 10—A crowd of about 700 people besieged (bo houao of Oooeral Tore! to-day, demanding that tho troops which arrived here yester day from Santiago do Caba. on hoard tho Spanish eteemer Leoa Xllf, be tm aoodlatalt landed. Ttiet preoeadod to tha quays, cheering the troops and were with dlfflcolty dleporeed by oal dlen of Urn garrison. Afterward a croerd of about 1,M0 poop* re to read to the quays sad when they aw the eoldien laodlog barefooted aad nearly naked, they became Infarlatod aod sur rounded Ueoeral Torsi's bouse, booting aod hissing sod stoning the building. Bveutuelly the Spool* general eoo ooodrd la eaeoplag to.tbe Loon Xftl. On learning (his the mob gathered on tbs dock and »toe ad Uw si earner for half an hour. (morning ibnntMa win down The Leoa XIII eras nbUgnd to leave (be ptaoe wham tbe eraa moored. Five steamers era ready to transport tbn returning Spool* soldiers and rivl! ndoerm, with tbs archives tad maal Morn of war from Cuba, bet It It be Moved It will take four month aad oast 90,000,(XX) pet'stae to brlag tbs troops beck to Spain, tianirt Mmm Hntirr llMjak U endttad by Strata with tfca following Lincoln Mary. Whm Mr. Harala wan * boy. tiytag la 8prla<t0'l<l ItflooU, ha woo nppotetad to aMloat money to bar a now rqntp aaomt for a tiro dopnrtaoant boaniart. I vlalud Mr. LlaoMo,—Aba Lloeoln bo wna eailed than— oad toM him ay ■tory. Ha tab ad aaa many amMlll In n luoat aarloot OMuioar, oad tbaa la oAoolutina aoUmaly nnirtil: -MrMl, Ml co borne to ouppar and •Mi Mra. Lincoln what aba baa to my. After tvppar tba will ba ia mod hu mor, and 1 will aab bar |r wa anal) give Bfti dutlara- Sha will toy, ‘Aba, trbaa will you toun Mm aaaaa T Twoaly dollar* la aooofh.* Umaa around la ton morning mi mt yaw moony.*' Tba plan wartad, and t lotlfid twmly dultara. wm. (ttepteBfcee tij) win their acooa exheeitten. taken, a ere Ju«t aow airfflog i_ It wltt be intermUag te Aamrteitae ta ltaer what tba reeatrteteg totetera u ™ “t,OVJt What laooaaMerad to baa fair rep fMMtetlM OC tlnir |ohh|q|| wJj tsss^AsiS&Zis IUM Hi *11 tba «H*M 11 IMIIIII ft kae fePeara i “JlWly all tee Aa Ben, etrlrlog whlab solan fa ctharett forward. k*Tha aolilata am U three rotor* »'*8h, brews aad white. » that of «bt troop*, dlsUoaitlahwl wly by the atrip* won at tboatmST K8a yjZS£iffiSZ%£2i»« wnssfSfh. in*. iam to the left a tenth hraah *ad p, ha (mat a aaull ablate. oa whlah an imbcaMerefl amend oarbtoae a ad tba umber of the battaHoa. “OMttaHr the aoteier curie > with ilm hbi provlaiaoi end a fltek fall ot rlaegar, the .'alter u preventive igeloet the age*. rat a liM* ooop. "fta iimijlit of the aoldiet te yod. He carrie* a rifle eimflar ta the daoetr. oaiy ehaigad with mrm ear* '"idjc* In place oI flee, ot the aame Mtlbre, and la a on ot white metal i a word bayonet )tt« that or the Id* wf. bat ahortdf. “Tba battaHoa* an very fall, uod the lumber of eompaolo* to eeeh aoparior Mouia. “Thar aaid te agaaklikg u> our idaaoteh) oOteara. that they did nut n'nd haeiug haarr laaaea, n than waa o orarabuo dance of popatelten ta lie' r eo an try. "Their regular aliamaUthm ooaefc ted of eeCte ta the morning, tern other naate aad lead drtoka-la* wbtah they Brought in large earn ta the eeaum— tad a two-jkjuod loaf of bra«A “la their cam pa they have their Banda, which play aatU 4 in the Bora* lag and until 9 at ulgM. The sentinels lo Ue esmpo conduc ed UwmiItm with tba esost ntisai duo sad vigilance. not allowing Uiom him any MniUm ur ran Una, but when, on tba other baud. they warn mi tba in arcii. thay atea bad aod chatted and eat erbfle they placed tbelr guae up egeioet a wen. "Tbe soldiers are cot allowed totm tartheeune place eethaeOoera. Kor nuopie. lu tbe boulevard of thuitlig*. where e bstulten bad bee* pelted, sentinels were placed at the doors or tba oalee. aod tbe sold tan oowtd oely obtain refresh men Ls by Derm iss loo "To avoid aoaodala ttfiwte, tbe American generals had deemed that tbe drinking eetabtiehmeata teonld be dosed so that the aoMiars abated not drink alcohol. “Among the volunteer*, as lekoowa, were warn of the riprneetatlveeof tbe highest families In tbe United Staton end bom millionaires. “There warn some medical volun teers , who, together wUb tbe Bad Croat Society, were at deatlsgo. at tbe dis position of tbe Hpaoieb eoMiare. Them were also some ladles tod^mg ladlm, a£V3SSJ *iq the cum *of oarelDg tbe wooaded and slab, (torn highest to lowest. “Hellgloe, being free, them wen eoilm bettaiiooe of Boama Catholics, ud oa tfoadaya they treat to aaae at ManMagy, “Tbe doctors were wiMlbity well paid, mete via* as meek aa MK per month. Bat Is this there le enggera tloa, “Tbe geeerule oeoswy tbelr order* lu tbe eftepKei pmHili neay^aod they jnfmltadrSSibtete^'mi (Sp«ntardsTfrotTum* boiptuS salted* tbe walls tba Aterrlaawa pave all titter ambulance eeaebaa. which am yery wall vq nipped sad draws by ala males, with aatomatle brake, sad drive* by one aw. “Tba regular aray always fights la tbe vaegeerd. In marching they go whistling or sieging. "From tbe teoaaat they reeehod Santiago they never mimed a moneel le practicing with ante eed drilling. "Tbelr Infantry la very well iaetruo Ud, end one of tbelr Imtlabeae dlatie gulabed Itself by the i straws rapidity with which is dog and farmed Tnnrtm "Their aetlyliy U as greet that they ham not a ptaoe mam Him half aa boor before they have It forti fied. Of cavalry Ibera le IHUa. Tl# n«u»n art poor."

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