The Gastonia I>«roU> cents. Window Shades from 10 cento np. Lace Curtains and Curtalunets In all the latest designs at lowest prices. Carpets, flattings and Rugs. A good heavy Ingrain Carpet, 27 1*2 cents. Wool mixed Ingrain Carpet, 35 cents. A better one lor 50 cents, flattings from 14 to 22 1-2 cents. Rugs from a 20c flat to a fine floquet. REGARDLESS OF HARD TIMES AND LOW PRICED COTTON we are determined to do more business than ever. Examine our prices and values before buying, and decide for yourselves. MR. R H. CARROLL, who served the public so faithfully at the Post-offloe, is with us and will be glad to serve you at •►THE NEW YORK