- • i . — ■—5—.- — : —— • • - —— a.■« 1 ■ The Gastonia Dorolod to fho Protection ot noma and ll»© In tore it ■ n I til County. Vol. XIX._Gant on lit, N. C.. October 13t 1808. MAJOR JONES TRAVELS FIFTY YEARS AGO. By Major Joseph Jones of Georgia. LETTIiR XU. Fti.uAi»i:i.PV, May. To Mr. Tlmmpton : Dear Sir—I told you In cay last latter Unit I was swine to the opery. and Hint I’d tall you what I thought of Vm Well, to toll yon the truth, I like the upery well enuE, all but the eiuglu The scenery Is very huudsutu, the iictln Is good, and the fit dim is fuit rate; liul so much ilngm spiles every tl'.InR. The opery wbst 1 went to see <U the (.‘luul nut btrosl Tlmuter, wus the Rohomiau (tall, and the aclcre wits the celebrated Hcgwln Troo*, ns they oaII ’em, and I 'spose they dono It up as well sa any body die could do it; but acunrdin to j my notion, there’s monstrous little sense In any such curry In on. Ifopn rvs didn't euin from I'arls, whnr ell the fashionable bonnets and ever thing else comes Irom, and It wasn't con sidered unfashionable nut to ndmire 'em, I don’t blieru tbcv’e msuy perpls In this country what would be wllllu to pay a half a dollar a ulghl to bear slcb a everlatlin eatcrwaullu as they do malct. A» eoou as I gut «uy las, I went to tlM theater, what ain't a grata ways from my bjtel, *ud after huylna tlok< t of a man In a hula hole outside ot the green dotes, I went Iu and tuck a seat on one of the cusblourd benches wbnt they call bores Tlier was a food many peeple In Ihe theater, am! ever an many wlcats In, nil dtrard ont as One as Ui«y could Uu. and snm of ’em jookin monstrous handeum. Uimeby one of the Uddlrrs d <wn In tbe place they call tho orclwalry, tuck up bla Addle-stick and rappjd un his desk, at which every mmiuinuer grabbed bla instrument. Then the man with the Addle-stick, after wavlu It UP and down three or four limes, gin bis Addle a scrape or two what aoesned to set the whole eC ’em ngwiiw; and sioh anothvr hurra’s neat 1 never did bear before, Surnames all of Vm stopped but one or two; liven limy all struck up agiu us bard ns they could rip It. Surnames tbe muelck w.is low mid soft ua the voice of a sick kitten, and then It was loud and terrible, aa If vll Hid lloos, bulls. Jackasses, and jitenuys In cremshun had got together and was tiyln to eee which could make the biggest racist They aeemed to bava evry thing in the world that would make a noise, from a huso drum to a Jewtbarp; and every feller tried to do Ida best. One old feller had u grate big fiddle nf about one hundred horse power, and tbe way ha did rear sod pilch and pull and J«rk at it was really dlstressln. The old fuller ae<*med to have the bigbsterlcke fur fear bn couldn’t make as much noise a* the rest uf ’em, and he rolled Ills rye* and twisted his month about enuff to frlgbUn all tbe ladys out of liter senses. Biueby they all blown! out, nud at tbe rlug ot the bell up went the curtain. Then the opery commenced, but for tbe eool of me I couldn't hardly mike uut hed nor toll to it, though I list eued at 'em with all u>y ears, eyes, „ month and uoae. * The fust thing waa a grand singio match by a whole l«»p nf Bohemian sogers sod wtmmln, ’bout nobody could tall wtmt. Then thar was a big fat feller Darned Thadeus, what the Mil sed was a Polish exile, what had ron away from hLa country, com on and sung a song 'bout hit troubles, but be pat eo many dlmmy siuimy qalyers la It that nobody couldn't: understand wlist hurt him. 'liout this time ther was a gnng of Xforrelito looklo pcri-le, what they call (ilpoeys, made ti er appearance. The hed ui»n among them »ns a old feller named Devil-hoof, what had Iho whitest teeth I ever seed In a white man’s hed. This old cut sot to roMilu the fat Polander the fust thing, hut his wife, who seemed to wnar the trowtera, wouldn't let him, And after a little tingln tho Olpteya agreed to take tbe fat exile Into ther gang, and hide him from his pursuers. Then tba Olpteyi went to wnar the Governor of Bohemia and lila peepte waa. and while tliry was all singin and carryln on, ■umbody com lu acd told them that a wild bog or tun other varmint was ■bout to eat up Ibe Governor's babv. Then ther wm* rumpus—Ills Exed leney and all his sogers run about tho stage and looked at one another aa much n» to ssv. •'Grain Ilurmnil whst'a to be dons,” till lira fat Foun der luck up a gun what waa lvaidu Hglu Urn hoaao, and run uut and shot ll,« varmint, whatever It wae, and brung lu tho Insby safe nnd sound lu It* mammy. Tbeu Urey hed anolbtr ■login match. The Governor wsa very much obleeged to tho fat man fortavlo his baby, and sung to him If he wouldn't take tiimtlnng to drink Mr. Thadetit Mowed he didn’t cere If be did, sod tho llckor was sot out; but Hi* Oovamor didn't have no better •ante tban to propose sum political •eolimtol wlutt didn’t Set well on the stuetmlck of Dm fat Polander, who tbrowd down hie glaaa aud spilled tbe Ikker alt over the floor. Then tlier WM * tertlble rumpus agio. Tba Governor made his sugars grab tbe man wbst splllsd tbe lloker—with that, old Dwvll’s-hoof foil to stnglu and rearln and abinln, train to git his friend out nf the bands of the sogers— but they song as loud aa he did. and tuck biro, Uni, and put him lu Jail with Mr. Tlmdeue. Itut while lhe Governor and hie rrendt was elngln about >li "W Devil’*-hoof got Out of I!* Jill aad stole Uie baby wbst the fat Polander bed saved, nnd rue off with It. They eaw him v lth Ibe baby In hlaartna, but Has Sogets wua afraid to aiiootsf elm for fear of killin’ It ; and -ban the old rases! got sores* lit* bridge no took out hi* laok-knlf* or • utsthing »«»d «"ljt down, so they ' Vln’t foil nr him. Then sll fell tu 5*g|g sgln SO bail) aa they oould. Ilka a barnyard full i.f dilckciie whrn • hawk baa Jeet carried off one of ihcr llu.lv one*. >Vbon they wti about out of bi-etli they let the curtain down for ’em to rear. Well, thinks I, If ihav'a what you call a 0|M*ry, I'd a mjnetiou* sight rather see a genuine old Ueorgls corn ■Jiuckin frnlliok, what Iher’a sum eenoe lo. line emta imidea lue was a teller wlUi three or (our galls, whul kcp all the time U> •khi’ round the house at the p-eplo, with a kind of dnuhle barroled spyglass and gabblein and elialtnrlivltkaa p«rtel ->f gMM. They waa all dr*a*rd within a Inch nf iliei liVi'*, and Ike chap had a red and blue morocco cap on. wliat eot rite (lie down In hit lied like a hall-cover, lie hud a umnetrnua atn.ili heJ, und wlwu he bail the spyglasses up tu hla rye* he looked Jett like a duiibla-birrcU-d per ounsioo pialol, und I had half a mind jeat to lap him ou the bed with toy cane to tee If be wouldn't go off. "Now, Isdn-a,” hi l», ‘•we’ve gut to watt till that baby grow* to be a woman before we sue any lours of the opery.” "Du.r me,” »es onu of Uie galla, “I hope they won't keep us waUtn SO long ’tween the acta as they always do; for I’m *o much delighted with the opery.” "And me. loo,” tei another onu. "It’ll so rvfraehm In In-ar stub delight ful melody; I shall he very Impatient ” •'ll'* exceedingly foln,” set the ful lur with the percussion Cap. lo.ihl:i' round ilia llieater with hi* spy glass**. "1 neviw heard Scgwln In tv-ttcr tune. Kwnztu ls pwefrclly delightful. Hut I muat hrg tlui lad Ira to bo pnlieui.” Thinks I, I’ll bu luouslrnn* apt to bo iu old Georgia agin huforo that baby grows to bn a gull: but I can set up aa lung uaaijy of you, and. au I've puld my mouey, 1’ui 'tenuiued to ere H wit. But 1 Uadu’t b-guu lu gll uleepy before up w*ut tbe curtain Hgln, aud i be racket commenced, rihure nnnff tliar wua (lie b iby grow’d to bn u grate big gull, aud Mr. Thsdeus, as fut as ever, was tbar slugtu leva tu her. They've both been with tho glpseys ever sense, and she's fell In lnv» with the fat Poland er. Tbe queen of tlie glpseys agree* to the mutch, und the roggymnftiu* has a grand frollick nod dance on Lhe uccaalun. 'I(out this time a Mia* Nancy sort of a feller, what's sum relation to the Governor, cornea prnjeclln about among the glp seya, falls In love with the Bohemian gall, mid waul* her tu have hits. The glpsey queen, who tecum to have sum ■pile ugm the pore roll, steals a medal from tbe bouby lover, and pats It nu her neck; when the feller, Qndln he can’t git h cr to have nothin to say to him. lias tier luck up for stealing und carried before the Governor. The Governor, alo/t bad tba blues like the mischief ever sense he lost his baby. 1* ’bout gwhiR to puuisli bur, wIihd he finds out by some mark that site U his owu daughter. Then ho sing* to Iwr a heap, and she alnga to him, and he take* her home to hla palace, mid wants her to munry Ills booby reh.llou. But she’s gut butter servee; besides, she’s hard und fast in love with Ur. Thsdeos, und won’t have nobody else. Her father won’t consent (or her to marry a wanderin glpsey, und thars the mischief to pay, with slngln snuff for a dozen camp meetings, all mixed up so nobody can’t tell lied nor tall to It. ’Bout this time Mr. Thsdeos shows the Governor bis hast tailor’s bill, or *uioltiing else, that prove* to lil* Kxeellency that be was a gentle man once, and lie gives hla consent to tlie match. Mr. Thsdeu* und tho Bohemian gall is monstrous happy, and old Devil’s--hoof and tlie Governor and all of ’em I* takln another alng, when Hi* quuen of the glpeeys puts up ona of her vagabone* to shoot Mr*. Tba deus that Is to be; but the feller, be In a monstrons bud shot, misses tier and kills tho qoeeu, which puts a atop to li*r slngln, though tbe rest of Vra slug away til the curtain draps. "And mars me eeoa or me upery ot the •‘Boliwmiau Gull.” I beln’l got the aqueelin and bowlln and acitechln of them boinlooblo gipaeys out of my lied yet, and I blteve if 1 <u to llvn to be a hundred yean old I wouldn’t go to auotber apery union* It was ana Hist didn’t have no Itoglog Id It. 1 like » good song, aa well n aar for mntlek as tbe tint miu, but I haln’t got no no tion of hearln JO or W men and wlui Hln all single* together, in n perfect lierryenoa of noisy discord, ao a body can’t tell whether they're aingin “Hail Columbia" or “Old Hundred." Ther la atoh a thing aa oyerdolo anything; and If you wuut to ag>llu the beat thin? In I he world that's me surest way to do it. Well, for people what ain’t ■nod for much elm but innate. Ille tbe Froneb, German and Italians, a opery full of solos and duetts and quartern and ebor usees, aa I hey sail ’em, would do very well, If they would ooly talk a little aow and then, so a body could know what they was eluglu aboot But to sing aery thing, ao (bat a obar aeUr can’t say, "Come to supper, ydur Kxcellrncy,’’ without bawling out, "Co-ho-ho-nia to-oo-oo sup-up-e a-sr, your-r-r Kx-cellan-cy,’’ with about Ova liuudrrd dlracny almmy quivers, ao nobody can't tell whether ba waa culled to supper or whether ha waa told that hta daddy waa drd, I: all non sonae. I .at ’em ting wl.ar ther la nuy aewliment—anything to ting alxmt— but wlteu lber la naly a word or two that la necessary to the uadsnlandlu of what oomes after or goes before; and whar ther ain’t words euaff to make a stare of muatek, what’s the naa nf dlsg tilalu N in so that liter ain’t iiCltfoT senes nor mualok In ’em. A bod? What never send a opoty be fi e would awar they waa eery uoa Itlwr drunk or Craxy as krona, if they was In sea 'em In una of U>«r grnad long leailn. car bust In lilowoats. Feat one bcglua singing and mskln sll sorts of motions at another, then the other one nets In am) tries to drown the noise of Ibn fusl, then two or three more lakes sides with the tusl one, and then sum more jliies In with mus tier two, til Ulnseby the whole crowd gits at It, naoli uue tryin to nut-squall the other, and U> make more motluus than the net. That sets the Bdtllrn a-Ru)n harder slid harder—tbn ringers straiten out thcr nicks and open thcr mouths llko si many corpet-lMgs—the tiddlers scape away as If the? was gwlne to MW their fiddles tn two. wak ln up tho ghoala of ali lbs eats that ever was made into flddlostringt, and makin tho awfulnt fa cos, ns if it was then own eulrela liiay was sau in on — Urn olariuetsrs and liam|ieters swell aud blow like bsllowses, til their eyes stick out of liter Iwdt liko lirnss but tons on n let tier trunk, and tho drum mer nocks away aa If his salvation depended on noekln In the bed of Ids drum. By Ibis lime the rosnu temp est of wlim ni.d sound surges and sweaps through tho house likes equlo oelial Imriycniie. rlsio higher sod lilah «r and gHtln louder ami atrougsr. Ill It almost blows the roof off the blldln. and you fert like dodaln the fallln raf ters. For my i»rt I shall hare to go to alngln-achool a Im.g lime, and lorn the keys from too plsiilaalmu of the luusketnt'a trumpet, up to Mm crash to fortissimo of n clap of tbundor, before I shall have any laals fur a grand upery. I've always had a groat curiosity to ne« bow tlto free Diggers git along In tbe Northern Bute*. So alter brrek futt Uili mornlu, I ax'd lbs man what keeps thn honks at tba hotel wbar was tbe best place to see 'em; for I’d heard gi-ntlrinen what bad Uwen lu Fillodslfy Mr that liter was whole squares In till* city wbar nobody but nigger* lived. Tlte bookkeeper tol l tun II 1 wanted to sec tree niggers In all U.er gloiy. 1 must go down Sixth street til I coma to ’em. Well, 1 stinted, tttid sura Snuff, 1 Uudu’l gone tuniy square* before 1 bo gun to suiell ’em, and never will 1 torgit tbe eight 1 Saw down iu Small street, and sum other Street* iu that neighborhood. Gracious knows, If f-nybody wool* logit liter sympathies dotted for the pore trigger, nil they have gut to do Is to go to tills part ut l-'lll idelfy. I'VS been Ou the big rka plaotasliuns lu Georgia, and I’v* arad large Range of niggers that had the Meanest kind of masters, but I m-ver seed any rure creator* tit such a state of retched w-as in all my life. I couldn’t help out (eel sorry for ’em, and ir I was able, I’J boon willi-i to |Mtid the pursngu of tbo whole generation of 'em lu Georgia, altar they could git good masters that would make tint young or.es work uud would tukft oare of Uia old ours. Thar they wss, covered with r*g» uud dhl, livm ill bouses oud csllaiv. without hardly nuy furniture; and sum of 'em without dares or wludvrs. 1‘ore, miserable, eickly-looklu crecUrnl it was enoff to wuiko a ubollttooisl’s hart uko to see ’em crawllu out of the damp straw of tha cellars to suo them selves on the cellar dorrs til they got able to start out to beg or steal sum thing to eat, while lUetn that was able was cuwtn and righliu about what little they bid. You couldn't hardly tell tlw men from the wlniwln (or the.r rags; and many of Vm was diseased uud bloated up like frogs, and lay spiawliu about hkn so inauy coolers lu n mud-hole, with thor led eyes peepin out of tlier dark rooms nnd cellars like 11* irds In a pile of rottou log*. This, thinks I, Is ulggtr freedom; this Is Uie condition to which thn aiau thrupiMt of the North wants to brlsg the happy black people of the South t Well, one of two things Is eciUiti — either the abolitlonlste Is • grand set of himionltioal acoundrals, or thsy are totally Iguurant of tliu aondltlon of the slaves wlial they wank to glL uway from liter oiatu-rs. Materially eon aidered, tbo uiggi re of Gnnrgla Is us much bettor oil than the lingers of I’l-uiinylvanis a* tlis pore peoplv of Araorios Is better oil than the pore people of Ireland; sod, morally con sidered, tire advantage la equally great In favor of the slavee uf the doulli over the pore free niggers of the North. Fur wbar social equality emnot paasi bly exist, ths black people are misera ble Just lu tbe degree that they so pronen to iquality lu wealth ,\ud tdica tlnu with tiro whites nod in* enabled to uudersund their degraded position. What’s the use U> talk about (quality when 110 such thing exists V There is as much prejudice agio coler lien) as ■ uywiiar else. A body sees that lu (her chinches, and theaters, and courts and averywbar ulaa. Nobody bsra that has sor respect for tbemtolves treats a digger as Uver equal, except a few ranuytlcks. ood they only do It to giT« tbs lit to ther own feeiine, sod to Insult the feelitia of others. At the South the relation between the two ruoce Is understood by both paitlea, and a whits man ain’t at all jealous of ths pretensions of bis ssrvauts; but here liter Is a constant Jealous enmity axIsLm between the whiles whose oc cupations brings 'am lu eontuot with ’em, and lt.o niggers, who is nit tbs time aspirin to a social rquality whet they never can attain til their wool grows strait and ther skins fade while. Tha mcee Is. naturally, social antago nists, and it Is only In ttm relation of master end servant that they can exist peaceably togethsr. Then, uutew Uia -ibollllonlaU can phi ’em Kick Into Africa, what they coma froai. In n Kilter condition than they was whan they round 'em. or ualess tiny Is wlltln to task* ther turn betn servants, (bey Iwtter lit ’em ntonc. For my part, I've sot ns much firllu for the r.ifgeis aa anybaly can ba»e; but ecu** they urn Imre among us, and 1'ea got to lie* with Vnr. I prefer Lein maste r myself ami troatlu Vm noil, to lettin Uiam be musters and lakla Hmi chaiiort of Ukt iieitln me well. Hat on# thing is monstrous oertatn-lf my niggers wrsol better otT and happier ou soy ptsnut ion than three Northern free ulsgsrs Is 1 wiMlidn't uwu Vm a ample day longer. My niggers bss got plenty of I log and Imwilny te eat, and plenty rf good comfortable oktthes to wear, and no debt* to pay, wltb nn more work than what la food f-«r thcr I l.elth; and if that uin't bellai than freedom, with rag*. dirt, atnrvatlon, ; doctor'* bill*, la we ntta and the five thousand other glorious privileges and I responsibilities of fnsi nigger citixen eblp. without the linpn nr over lurila white and iteeomln rguil with liter •uperlore. thru I uin't no flloaufer. After look In into snot streets that 1 wouldn't risk my life In gwlne through, and seeln scutes of destitution uud misery eiin IT to make one'* very hart •iek, 1 went back to my Loir!. 1 spent the rest of the day lonklit about over the city with Mr. More, who wauled me to go to the opery with hiai agin. But I couldn't stand that, and alter lea I paid my hill and got ell reddy to leave Tor New York to morrow morn in. bright and early. In a few hours 1 will be In the great Gotham. No more front your frond til dsth, doe. Joxm. (To be continued next weak.) TI1K toss KUCTlnS, Oflen hn this paper urged the importance to the county of good public kcIuxiIi and good public ro.id*. Right at lbl» time \rn wwat U> hit u few to are licks iu the same spot lu be bait of Improved roads. There is (Ida much about It: Uetler roads arc needed. If we ryer get them we oawL go down in our pockets for money end build them; It ia certain that no»«dy Is going tn build them and pay for them and mako us a present of (hem. i With the regular election oeit j mouth there will also he beld in Css ton a road vleotlou, xs will ha learned by reference to the publislied notice of the county commissioners. The qimo lion in a nutshell Is, whether or not Gaston wants the convict sy«teui adopted In the uialnteiiatjcc of lor public roads. The tax-rate designated by the commissioners Is a small ooe In deed— oiily Ore cents ou ItwllOO wuitli of property and Qflcrn cents on the pull. For putting llie cunvlcl system I into effect, then, upon onr public mads j a usu w ho lias uo property sould be expected to pay only 15 cents » year. If h« owned SlfK) worth of pioporly, his tux would be only flve cents inure. The man owoing $500 worth of pio pcity would pay a quartrr on It for the j convict ayitein; on (1,000 the tax j would be 50 ceuis, sits $5,000 $3.30. Surely tln-ie is nnlhtog In - he lax rain to deter a eltiten from voting for bel ter roads. The revenue thus raised is lu form a toad fund. If is lu he used io defray ing expenses of working the convict lores. The law provides nut unly for the employment, uf its own contacts hy any county, but nqubos tbn board of directors of tbs Stats penitentiary to furnish, upon rt-quisltl-u of Its com missioners, from 20 to 60 cunyicta to any county which maintains 11s roads hy the convict system, the county lu pay tritnrpuitatiiMi both ways and iUu the coat of atainlenimce of said con victs while in setvlre. Lust week eight convicts were sent fiom Gaston tn tins mads iu Union oounty, and two more prisoners were sent to the psultcutisry which could have been utilised ou our own roads If we had a system provided for work ing them. This iMrfiirmance Is tw pealed nl every oourt, whits our ckltsna go along working roads Oisoid nu fashion way and paying llielr court costa too. We lrull nil our people will give Claia mailer some thought before election day. If ere get belter roudi we must make them, nobody I* going to build llitrn Si.d giro Lbeui lo ue. Guidon l* one o< llie wsalthloet counties in lire 8tato; Its mamifaelurlf.ii here ornado It so. Its town*, end especially Its mill loan.*,afford excellent market* for the produce of the unrounding country. The farming people near and far need tbs beet roadt they can get to tbelr market*. The farmers Urn and the town* next would be benvBuvd by Improved roadways. The obtervailoo of Mr. tt. M. Asbury In * road meeting at Dallas a gear or eo ago Is strikingly true—good roads more a man half way (O town. _ g ■ —-1. i l.lka Hr Saknc I'aanwlm. lll«h«K«d O'wpatt'H. The contest lo North (Carolina re minds us very conch of that mighty effort Hie Democrat* of Virginia made In ISfCl tu throw off Uie yoae of Mabonc: that campaign when Mr. Harbour «c copied tlia chairmanship Of our party, and which waa followed by FM* !<*«’* heeonsiiig Governor and Daolol's and flaibuur’s going to the Dulled States Sonet*. Th* North Uarollnloo* nre engaged Inanottmr such struggle- They are trj log to ovor throw the ‘ ‘fuslonlats,” arid are liophig to regaio power foe the DeaeooraU. We set so much almost new; ability and detennloathm in thrlr campaign wa cannot but la I leva lira day* of the Koalontete ate number id The North Oarotlae pt»«* Ik doing glorious work. Wo don’t Ullcve i iK I enemy can viand before the halteiiee they have opened apon Uw«, Vo say nothing of the splendid rtussp-euMkltig to which the voters of the Old North . tttsle are Irving treated. OM PathInna In 4raaa (MT >*• ravlvatf, Out no oM-lMhloned m*ltat»a eon ra plin Ohamharlxin’. Cot'a, CM»n •■4 Ulwrium KMMdy. t'or til* Uj J. K, Carry ai»4 Oo»|mfif LOS PRICE OP COTTON. •til rnvui'iTiai man aikihium. itcrijeo Mixt-is im Prlr* Nila In *—Ini Table nr riaam Ompllml by u»» Treaaary.Bureaa »r*laibul*»—cfentp •rCailrn um|>. N*w Turk, Oct. 3-A special to Tht 2Tn»r« Crum Washington biro: Tim phenomenally low price of col Urn rtiorullv reported, laid to be the lowest point leached for many jwn, lauds ap«cUl Inbimat lo a serira of Ublea just compiled by tho treaeurv bureau of stutielics, ahowtoglU# re markable Increase on cotton produc tion and coincidental fall In prices. These tables slmw that tho United Stale*, the chief cotton prudneer of tbs world has duadruplwd her cotton pro duction since 1HT7J. uad Umt tlie price or eottun In the same peilnd has fallen to about one-fourth that wbleb prerallod In that year. in ini win conun crop ot ine United StaUt is ahowu tv bin beta 1.384,UB4.M9 pound*, with un average price of 33.19 cent* per pound; ia 1808 lb« crop is reported nt 5,007,372,1/51 pounds, with an average pries of 0.31 eeots psr pound. Ttios Ih* production of 1803 la tnoro than four times the •mount of 1872, sad the average price a little orcr one fourth of that year. When u le considered that the othar portions of the world that grow cot ton have not all reduced tliel/produc tion, meantime it Is apparent that the lncre»*od cotton supply or the world in the quarter at a century under con sideration. lias been very great aud far In advance ot Lho increase of popula latlnn of consuming power. Twenty-Aye years ago in# Uullvd Stale* produced 70 per caul of live cotton uf the world; Ueluy she produces 85 per cent of Uw world's cuttmi. Tills liierea^e lu the perceuiage haa boon, nut because of h reducllna of the cotton produced In other purl* of tin world. but simply on account ot the lu ereuss lu oar owi . The average cot ton prodnctlon of other countries from 1873 to 1H78 was 1.518,000 bn lei per an nual and from 1800 to 1807 was 1,6*4. 003 bales NniitD. showlug that User* baa also a slight growth la cotton pro duellun In other parts uf the world, wlilti: our own production has been Incnauluf enormnualy. Xut only lisa the price of cotton fallen at about the unit rule that the production baa In created, but there baa also been n corresponding fall In the brie* of clo'Jies insiiufactured from onttun. The reports of tbe buruan of alaUstlc* show that onttou 'printing cloths” arero (]noted ut 7.88 cent |«r yard iu 1872, while reports just pule Ihslied show un averags rale (if 2 17 cams | c,r yard In llte cotton year 181)8 for the same grade nt cloths, the fail In the pries of the manufaotuiod article thus having, lu thta ease at least, near ly or quite kept P*ee with tlw fall In Ihn pneo uf r»w notion, und llie ln CTSHtr In production of that article. It la proper to add that the title** quoted for tlie earlier year are ba*rd upon the currency values uf that period, and If reduced to a gold basis would be slightly leas. Cotton “printing cloths'* whoso prices arc given In the table are of lbs quality manufactured fur use In piloting calicoes aud socept i d as s standard grade by which mice* are constantly quoted. s •n I * t * 1: I? i ?| : 5 ?3 : fo {I is B 'isu -jm aMi *um» nun w; tx# XM lt*» 410 (IM UK ttf 111 08 2X liw ll.it 4J5N ii# *>«* Eg 15 p sl (M »Ki ftl/4 SiU am t Mi :.?i %m 3 3 S ■ 3 CaMwatl. ilmMis nuimr. The Hepuhl loans would be Justified In taking dowu llialr candidate far Congress In tba seventh district on tba ground that ha is an Ignoramus. Ilia atatnoaat at Statesville. jenterday, that Justice Hhiraa.ofthe Supreme Coart of tba United States, la a Demo crat, appointed by President Cleveland, draioualrates that hr neither knows nor carva any) liing limit Ike faeta of surmnt lilatory. And he la a lawyer, tou ! Nfcti man tn be IMohing sboot going to Congress. thru- DMlfirfl Im f rrftim WwOamHi KituUkL hew roil are tick, wbat you tike brat la to ha olioarn for a aaedloinoln the flrat place; What experience trill yu la trtM, to tie I'horrn in the aeoond l-laer; arliat rnwu (I. ft. Theory) aaya 1* brat to be cboacta In Um ladt plane. But If you cau grt l)r. fai-Ko-tHim, Ur. Krpr.-irncr and Ur. Brute* to hold a onMoliation logeiher, they will give you thi beat ad doe that euo betaken,” When rw here u bad onM Dr. In clination would reoemrarnd CtwMber lain’* (lough Ilnur dr bmmiaa It la j pleasant and tale bn take. Dr. Expert , tin would reooanMond it kaannaa ft uarer (alia to Oltrot a anuady and pet waiieot cure Dr. lloaneii would rrouaaoaaud It bee* mm U la prepared on •denude prniciplee. mo4 aete ou na tare’a plan In rrilevtug lbe lunge open ing the eemeUowa anil cratering tlu •yatrm to a natural and healthy oondl lion. Kor aale by J. K. Curry A Co. f : ■ ■ -i . aJJI ■----LI LL J-L> ntuora virnnmi. TIM M h« (a llw M«ur l««ln>, on. 14. MM. TltMfwl— rma the Kan KrlUurlf. auriby Mar. Tho following U Uio card, word tor word, written by Mr. Peeler In IMS to bln fellow-cllUooa In (Bevaland county •lid throughout Uro State: ••Some work* ago the Peopta’a party or Cleretand cjuoty In ooaeentioo aaarmblad. did toe Uto honor to name »M tliolr candidate for ahoriff. I furl deeply Uta houor that they did mo and am grateful for It. JJat a oarefol itudy of iIm political aUoation leada mo to withdraw from Urn raoa, aad to retaru to thr Diiooc ratio party. It la nut J oat to Umt who honored mo with tl>« nomination that 1 i boa Id ttau‘ frankly my raaeoni for Uita netlcn aad I do oo, no briefly aa poialblr. aa fol low*: lat. 1 reraaMbw Um oonditiou of MorUi Carolloo aud her poojdo tu Um dark day* from *08 70; bow Um Hut*’# orodlt waa bealmipted; ber tneuary plandued; Um right* of liar althuo* idimuFleosly sad wantonly trampled under foot; capital driven from her border*; her matchis** rMoorooa kicked up; Um school feud taken to pay UM per diem of igeeraut and vt elooa nan wlio loaded down tbaetatuta book* with eeaodalous laws. I re member how lu Uxaa dark day* no man’* life, Uoarty er peaeperty w**»*f* and Uma wan bo public school* for the edueatteo of ear people. When 1 contrast LUta with the wlee, pur*, economical, apd henefacat rule of Um Democrat! eluce '7B. aad me that Um KepuUio koa an endeavor lag ro taka advantage of tbe People's Party movement and main conirol o! Um Sul* government, I reel that It la my duty as a North Carolinian and a white man to withdraw from tbe movement eud joiu Um Drmrxjrarle party la Uw Ught for the salvation of Um State. Snd. I see clearly that tbe fight it between Uie Democratic and tbe lie piildloao paruva. The People’* party eaiioot hope tu ear<y either the State or the National i-WctUm. It might help the Republic uie win, and la that event; I ami u eo.tiuuaoc* of U>* tiu from whioli the ugricullnral da**** am now *o grievously auSenug; 1 Me Ui« force bill OMuaclog tbe Urngties of people, I sec ibe slindow of orotratiiv nun threatening; l mb among tbe evil* sure to folio*, in llM nation, laws permitting Uh: In ter-marriage of tbo raov*. mixed school*, and lu ibis BUM a repeal of the county government ejsirm Mi>d thirty-two of tba beat couutira lu the State surrendered to uvgro domination end tba liorror* that will follow Inevitably, 3rd. 1 have evidence uf tba unholy iredo iliat ha* been made by Duller and Kx urn to nr 11 die Simla to the Repub lican* for $00,001). 1 have Um bast reason to le-lh-vo that a cutrapt bur sain exikt* h-t wwti tba Waders of the People’* Party aud I’m RupubHcao* whemby tbu rauk and tile of tbe People’* Party la betrayrd into further itia the plan* ot the ItviHibllea’i patty. My Itaart revolt* against such Urvcln-ry iti.d corruption, and l will not allow myself to be made a party to any such movement. 4th. 1 am a while mau, I loy* my iace. 1 believe la while supremacy, aud the interests of mv State aod my people are far dearer to m* than Um offlee of stMTilH, ttMrefors I withdraw from llm J’.-upla * i-arty and am no luBgi-r lo bt oimitdcr.nl a caiidid.il* for the olAse of ahi-rtB. I dcelro before I cl-«ae the appeal to Ilia good meu who hare alloaed them selves co be persuaded Into the People’s Party »utmm>U, to jotu me In this action. A thoughtful ami palastakiog review uf the polltloal altuatlun ha* convinced me of the fact that by Independent political ad inn at present w* cau expect nothing but a cotiUoa- • nnce of Republican rule aud that' character of legislation of which we ao Justly complain. Let ua Uwn. aa true North Carolinians, Join the Democrat* In lighting our com toon enemy the Republican party. As for my self 1 propose to vote Die entire Democratic ticket from Grover Cleveland down, and 1 bop* that my friend* will Join me In It. Retprctfally. A. D. Pjdu.au. October 10. ia». Mr. Peeler waa honest then. 11* la a Republican-Populist candidate for the Slate Senate now and that doea not •peak wall for any mmo’s honesty or •sir-respect. \V# are sorry lie had backslidden again. When be wtm non verted six rears ago and ietaroe«i to the fold of bemunraey. w* thought he would be able to bold oat, bat !ta haa been tempted and has fallen. Oil reference to lb* dark Republican day* is mere true now than It was wtsn written. His tears about negro dom ination hate bean (ally realised—It* •aid ft* counties would be lu control of the negro and there are now H coun ties In that Ok II i* Information about Butler's trade was correot—bebae sold the Populists tor a aeat lu Ik* Uslted Senate. Mr. Peeler's skin la the tame color It waa wbea when be wrote the above latter, eyes If hi* principles era considerably darker and somewhat pfa bald. The appeal be mad* then would be peril neat now. Let hi* followers read hie words kero end eootraat lima with tbe words of tka oflVe seeker Peeler of tn-day. Will Mr. PcMwrl not recant f Doea bo brand hit own statements aa I lee T Will he tern kta bank on the people who hay* blue eyea, straight hair and wbtta skia, for Uw aasoelathm of the kinky headed brother hi Mack T Let him aanrei! Tire .Star will gladly uoUWi hie withdrawal now If he deeMeato enlt tlm rasa for the Heaat* sad repudiate Uo "unholy trade.” dead la your withdrawal, Mr. Peeler? ■ mil I ^WJ'I AlUtitloa to oaBoA to tb* teot that unJ«r Uw 0*w clrcOon taw Tatar* outf R(Uw owly aw hatanUy* hrtwaaw n«a hour* of 9 a. UL wod 4 |v a. Than remain, then fore, 0*1; (oar rrgUtr* tlan d*;i before U* ejection. a* ; . folio or: • •.</. . Si h .v' ■ Milurdsy, Oot. 8, V a. ra.to4p.ra. Matarday, Oct. 10. 9 a. a. to L v.m. S-d unlay. Od, SB, 9a. ra. to4 pa. Mutardap. Oak ft, not within Leoar poratad towns, 9 a. a. to Id m. Saturday Oct. SO, within Incorporated towns u a. m. to 0. p. at. M.uurdsy Oot. 39 la known a* oh«l Ikojc day. Wttbfn Incorporated lowna lba rectalraUrai book* win he kept open on that day from 0 a. ra. to ‘.I p. bat at inaetooU not wttbJn Irwxvr po rated towns ‘ tbe ragtatiwUua 1 looks wtU be (M at 19 o'clock, wran, Uiat ■ & <»*y. But wIk Liter within or wtlboat In* corporate*! town*, tba books an oprw ' to nil frora V n. ra. to 4 p. ra. for pur poars of challenging tbe earn# of nay Person written tbwvlo. KpeoUto cant* or eansva at ebaUwga must he stated upon iMarts. Written notice roust U set red a poo tba parson rhsflmged. and tba Jadf«« are required toaararatda at Uw trading plana oa Batarday. Mo vember M>, to boar mod decide Ura challenges. Tl» oOoer who rarrea Use notice of clralltoye Is swlUMd to a fra of SUT esats tbrrefar, wbtob will be > raturaad by Uw eo Italy if Ura fiatlima la sastslnad. If a person wbe voted fa Gaston In in 1600 cbangs* hi* raoldaoM frora atw pwnlnat to ssstbar, he woat present a certificate of erasure iafnrraar precinct before ba c m register and Vote to tba latter. If a voter bra laaMad m the Stela 16 manU»a aad la Uw eooNty of Gaston 90 days be baa tba resrrasry rssldeatlal qaallgcstteoa eaUUtag ntai i« vote. Aa to naterau in tbs pre cinct, tba Uw docs not prescribe any definite lam, bet doss provide Out ba re list be a bout dde resident of tba pse duet w lisie be prop lire to vote 1 afore ha la eutlUad to register aad vote therein. And lastly, tet us nols that a new regislrelliM <4 AM, voter* is required throughout Crowder's Mountain town ship aad 111 Ml Holly precinct of Klvar Urnd tuwaahtpt IM'I.IS Miw; ARMS. Wii*u iipplm ate worth in tba market tu>t oyer SO cent* a dozen, there I* anmet king wrong In thn govern mental machinery Unit make* a oounly piy •10.00; apiece for them. But that’s Um figure the county paid for half a doaau apples a Bigger boy stole la Gas too la bat spring. Dove that * It was this way. Two boys wrra ' arrcaled for larceny of U* apples. Tba eaaa bring without tbe magistrals'* Jurlad letfoti, lw bound tliem am on the evidence. They went to Jail and were boarded atUra county’# expense null! court— about five meatha. Wall, court came. The boys warn brought la. Ooa plead guilty-Um other was acquitted. The guilty one, atooe ha 1 bad tala la Jail five montha already, waa liberated by Um jadge an having been uribdenlly punished; altheagh bo hadn’t suffered a Jot oe tittle ef pun ishment n»ore than lb* lucoosut hoy bad suffered Now. ounut up. Tim Jalh r 1* allowed •» a month for feeding a prisoner. Two prMourn would com* to glH a month, and flee • months.would make It (MO. The other costs In tba eaaa would ran tba total to $100 or beyond, hat any IUU. Mg apples far tlM gives a rate of MOO a dozen, or •10.001 apiece. Thera were ether petty esses at court la Um same class with LbM; note My a watermelon eaaa, aad a ahlobess eaaa which hung tba lery aad kept tba Jadge ap until away altar arid-eight, la aeJUwr, perhaps. did tba valaa at tba stole* property exceed a qaartat of a dollar. Thesa things lend to She of a stare proOutd* or a bn teal method «f dealing criminate. Two peaatbtalm are suggested: (1) ealargwaeat magistrate's jurisdiction, (J) eouvlet system of working the pahite route. U both time* reforms were te “* : i ___ Um cent term of cant.' best gW a dcosa far a of sight, wooMat Ik T Jlut even U magistrate’s Jertedletiu* ■ ware aot eulargml, the convict aystam ef werktag tbe reads might foraltha i partial cent too ef tbe twaUsm. Par i fr Qaafaa bad a convict ferae real > bandy, the Jadge mightier ”30 «« darsoo yowr county roads” ta many . asm wtwrn, without scab tyetaw.be would farina gverateatosandbrn aw •Bender ton distant eooaty laruaiy* abort term. Ixmm’i H mi Rm U» NHMMI i ifMt m4 Um nMMnofi ■itto i U«ttt jMklkUiN wowM kt mm , tMtoniaMlvlactto ofmW I lUkte or at taM» mmwM Sam* > wWkyxiywfl—lit IWlM, «UiS> ■ M, u4 mumMM m — •MUM high MtkMNMI Mtt M.

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