The Gastonia ____ l>«*voU»a to til* rrntxrCWin u1 Homo tnd th* IntnisMt* ol tb County. Vol. XLX.. {tiuikir Gastonia. C„ October 20, 1808. MAJOR JONES TRAVELS FIFTY YEARS AGO. By Major Joseph Jones of Georgia. I.KTTEU XltL Nrw Youk, June 2. To Mr. Thnmpaoti: Dear Hlr- -I ur riv In thle city, all eafe and sound, yesterday afternoon about three o'clock, but to UtU you the truth. If I had cum up minus uir coat tail, or even • lag or arm, after alch a rvrrUstin racket at I hare been In ever loose 1 left Kill* deify. I wouldn’t been much surprised. As for colloctlu my sop tea ami gllln my miud composed to us to know «jy. self or anythin < .-lu« oo tain, I don't never erpret to do It, at lou j at l*m In this great wlilrlpn.d <d livlu belns. 1 A little circnmttnneo happened to me last night, before t had been here only a few bnura, ihut tot me hick a tittle tbe worst. I never was to an* i Utcloutly tuo’i In in nil icy boro diye. I and If you bad lieird me cut shout It. you’d thought t »u» turned » real Hottentot sure ennlT. But lo begin whar I left off In my last letter. Tbe porter at the Hulled Htalcs Hotel waked me op early in the mor.ih, and I got to the steamboat jrtt In time. It wne a buliful co-num mid the storekeeper* wo* openln thnr store*, while the torvar l gall was ecrubbbi the duretlept of lbs bouses nud watblu off tbe pavemruU in front nf Vtu 1 looked at ’eun a* I rode alorrg in the back, and I couldn't help freliu toriy to see tuob butlful. rosy-chnekrU wli'tg ! galls doaru In the dirt and slop In the rtreeta, dulu work that it only ih f ,r nigeert. They say here that they aiul notliing but slewris—but I terd ruin that I wonld luck for respectable white galls If 1 hod seed Vui in Geor gia. Slswert or whatever they la, they la my color, and a f»w dolUrs would make ’em as good aa iht-r mistresses In the estimation of them that luru* up their notes at 'em nnar. Tlie Delaware la a noble river, *i.d Kllladelfy It a city worthy to stand nu Ita banka From the dt-tik of the steamboat we bad n splendid pano ramic ytsw nf it, aa we |ia»wd block after block, the streets ruonin up from the water's edge. strait as n l*-« line, and sffordln us glimpse* oC the due houses and ologaut public blldlns that makes FiUadelfy one of llie haudsuiu cat cilier in tht world. But, long as 1 it Is. we was soon past 1t, au-1 lu a few mInits Its numerous steeples and low ers aud masts faded nway in the dii tsnee, and we turned our eyre on the butlful country on both ehlrs of the river. l'uluul (arm houses ami bright look Id little towua was moat all ibe time lo alts, till we ant to iljc place what Utey oall Bristol. whar wa luck the cart on to New York. The mil road runs along on the bauk of a Canal part of the way. crouea Ibe river on u splendid bridge, and luamr through Trenton, Princeton, Newark, and a lieap of other town*, lu New Jeraey, t<l It gila to Jeraey City, what aland* on tbe Hudson Itiver, opp-ielte to the city of New York. Well, wln-u we got to Jertny City, m-a all got out and aerambled through tbe crowd aa wall aa we could to the boat what w.»s Miar to take us across the river to New York. When we got up to tbe gale wh*i encloses the wharf we could ee« the liacktuea and purlers people at us through the pollna, like eo many wild varmit* In a big cage, retidy and eager to devour us aud our baggage, too. 1 look tuv cine tight In my hnnd aud Hep a'harp eye no ’em, determined to dvfi-od myeelt to the last. Aaaoon aa the gulae w»a open we rushed for tho boat and they roshed at ua. Sicli another liellabsloo 1 never d Id eee before, and I expected every mluit to «ee somebody git spilled ovar board Into tlie river. I louDd It wasn’t no use to try to keep ’em off withont nockiu *sutn of ’em In the tied, sod then I would only be like the fox lu the spellln book, raady to be worried to delb by a fresh yang. Ho when they cum round to me with, ‘‘Have a back, sir ?” "I'm public porter, sir," "Shall f take your boygsgu up. (ir »" •« Will you glya me your cheeks, sir y>» "Take you up for two shlltios, air, to any part of Lite city,” all of ’em hand In tber oard to m* at once—I J«st hacked up agtu the aide of tho boat and took every card tlioy banded to roe without sayiu a word, and when Uiey »xrd we for tuy checks 1 was deaf and dum, aod couldn't uoderslaud a wotd they ted. That sot ’em to pnaliiu and cruwdin ooe another, and liollerln In my ear. and makln signs to ro» til they fouud they oouldo'L make nothing out of roe, and llieu they started after mid new victim. Among the p.nwnyara tber was a old aun-burnt lookiu feller, with green spectacles on, wbnt put me tu tniotl of a Georgia steam doctor, and wbo uemtd to tbiok bo kuow’d mois than anybody else, ’bout everything. He was gabldu and talkin to everybody all the way ou the steamboat, nod In the cars, and tryla his beat to git up a argymml ’bout rrllglon wltti tumbody. would supposed lie owned half the baggage aboard to bear him talk about is, and when we gut on the ferry lawt bn was tbs Mas lest map in the crowd, reurln and pitchlr. aosunu the hackmvn and porters Ilka a blind doy In a meat bouae, and tryln to git Into the crowd what was gathered all roond like flies ynued a fat y»urd. nimeby a honest, lookiu IrMiuiau cum np to me, and, see he, lasndln hie card "Shull 1 take your beygsyr, elrf” Ther wsi sum thluy Ilka honeet Independence In the feller’s face, and t gin him my checks, and In b* want for toy trnuka. In a oilnfl he cum out safe and somvl with one of ’em. * Wand by it, air.” aea be, ••til I gl» the other.” J tuck my stand, and It was Joat aa much aa 1 could do to keep the devils from rant |n It off with me on top of It Titer was slob a over last In rumpus I couldn’t past myself tbtelu Tbn elerke was caltln out I he nambara—ovrybody caa ruuniu about aud lookln after liter baggages; children was cryln. wlmmln was calliug for lUcr husbands to look out for tlirr band-boxes—back men und porters Wat IndlerlO and ahoulln at tlie people and atone .1 not her — was stickin In ynnr eyes every way you turned-ami trunk! and car] et bags, and boxra was lutsbllu and lolUn In ovcry direction, i-akiu your eblus und in a dil n your toes tn spite of nil \ou could do. In the middle of the fuss lhar was old Tapper pud, with lil« uhl cotton umbreller In hi* band, ellonm bis way inlu Hie crowd and whoopln and bnllmit uver every body else til lie disappeared 111 tlxt middln of Vui. In about a here be cum ngin, cuatn end cavnrlln enuff 1.1 sink lliu boat, with a pair of old saddle lug* in uns hand, sum pieces of wualrbiue and part or tbs baodleof bis uiobtelfer In the other. Ids list gone, and III* coat tail spilt clear np to the collar, lie was toad as a liornlt, and srnre be would prosecute the company for tlve thousand dollar* damage* for salt aud liallery nod manslaughter lu the sec ond degree, lie cut a terrible dgor. but evrybody was too btssy to laugh at him. I thought t> myself that Ids I'er-everuuot was po.ely rewarded that line. Is Hlbira-id waiteil til nearly ov body was gone from tUelinat. and til my Irishman h<d picked up all tlie other Ciivtnm-.-r* h« could git, before Uo come- back. Altar cummin lu a aoc of gcttlu run nvei thrwc or four time*. I got to tlw hack, what waa standing in the middle of 'bout .100 more hack* ami drays, and mixed up willi the laiwspriia aial yard* of ahip* that wa* sllc'dn out over the edge of the wharves aud poklu Iher eeuds almost into the winders of the stunt*. The luck id,in axsd me what bold 1 wauled logo in. I told him to take m» wliur the Sou'.bem tiavel stopped. ••That'* the Auiurican,” *es lie, and after wait ing 111 the way opened ao we could git out, we ilruv to the American Hotel on Uroadway, rile opposite tn the pack. It was about three o’clock when t got to Ilia hotel, und after brushlu mid scrubbiu u littlo of tbo dost off, and gilliu toy dimer, l tuck u turn out into lbs great Uroadway, what I've heard to much about, ever sente I waa big enuff to read Uienewspapers, to see If It was wbat it's crooked up tube. Well, when l got to Ibe door of live lie tel 1 thought tlirr must be a funeral or something clsu gwloo by, and I waited some timr, thuikin they would alt git paal; but only seemed to git ihtcker and faster and mote of 'em 1 mgvr I wailed, till biuieby l begun lo discover that they was gwlm: bnth ways, aud that It was no procession ul all, but jest one everlaslin tUeum of people paeslu up mid down the strei-t, cumin trom all parts of creation, anil twine I, >rd only knows wbar. I mixed la with ’em, but. I le.l you | what, I found it raouslvoua tough Unv- t elin. The faot lx a chicken cup (nought as well expect lo float down Ilia Savannah Itiyer iu u ftvuhel and not all nocked lo pieces by the drift wont], as for a person what ttlul used to It to expect to gll along In Rioud way without geltin jostled from one aide to tnlhcr nt every step, and pushed Into the at reft about three tiroes a rntiill. A body rouxt wutuli Ibe cur rents nod eddies, aod fuller ’em and keep up witb 'em, It they don’t want lo git run over by the crowd or nocked off the sidewalk, lo be ground lulu mince-moat by the rverjantin btusM'S. Iu til* fual place, I uudertuuk U> go up Broadway on the left-hand slilo of the pavement, but 1 nought jest at well tried to paddle a canoe up lire falls of TalluU. Iu spile of all the iluugln l couiu ao, in moony we* nil tbe time butnptn np agin me. »■> that with the bumps I got from the men and gvim hack for tbo wlmmin, I found I waa loostn ground, instead of gwine abed. Tbeu I kop "to iho right a* the law direct*,” but here I. like to got run over by the crowd of men and wlmmiu and children and nigger*, what waa all gwine a* fast us If thrr houses was slln>, or they was ruotifn for tbe doctor. And If l happened to slop to look at anything, the ftttl thing I knowed 1 was jammed oat among tbo ommliiybiistea, what waa dashtu ami whlrllu along over the stones like one eternal train of railroad car*, mskln a noise like beavinj and yaath waa cumin together. Tbeu llusr waa the carriages and hacka and markt-l wagons aod milk carta, rlpplo auJ tearln along In tvary direction—tbo drivers hollo Iu and iioppln tber whips — the people talk In to ana another na if tber luoga waa made out uf tola leather—soldieie marchiu with bauds of muaUt, brat In l bar diuuta. and blow lo and alldin tber tromboon* and trumpets with all tber might—all to gether makin notae enud todrlvw the very old Nick himself oat of his senses. It was room than I caahl stand—asv dander begun lo git up,and 1 rusbed out Into the fust street I cum to, to try lo git out or the racket be lore It sot tne crar.y sum enuft, when what should I meet but a dratted big nigger with a hell In his baud, rluglu It rile in my fees* as hard as Ite could and bollarin somthlng loud enuR to eplll the bed of a lamp post. That waa too much, and l made a lick at the feller with my oane that would lowered hit key It It bad hit hits, at the tamo time that I grabbed him by tbe collar, and aa’d him wlutl In tlm name of thunder tw> meant by s'eh Im pereuce. Tha feller drapped bia ball und abut MsoalttsU mouth, and rollln up the whiles otbls eye* 'Uioat say In a word, in» broke awuv from me as hard as b* could tear, and t hastened on to And Soma place leas Ilka bedlam Ilian Rrnariway. Ily Ihla lime It wst moot dark, and niter walk 111 down on* street III 1 eum lo a grata Wg gardln with wliarlt was so still tlmt noise* begau t» sound natural to mn ugln, l sot down mi this ratlins and rested myself for Hwlille, and then **>t out for mt hoUil. i walked and walked for some time, but somehow or other 1 o-mltli'i. Uad the way. 1 Inquired for llm Aioerlean Hotel two or three lime* and qot the direction, liut the streets twisted about so that It out of the 'question fur to* i<> hitler ’em when tbcj laid me. mid l la-gun to think I’d h i»* to take up m» l.idgina eomewljara else for that night, I was so tlrwd. Blmeby I cum to a stunt that was very still mid quiet, whst they coiled Olmmhers street, and while I was standln oil the corner, thiokin which wAy I should go, ’long sum a pole wo man with a handle under liar arm. errepiu along us if she wasn't hardly able tu wulk. When she seed mu sho cura up to me and put lier haodketebo.' tu her eves, and, srs she : "Mister. I'm » pme »oa>aa. ar.d my bu»bnu's »i sick lie ain’t able to do an> work. an<1 me and uiy pore little chil dren Is almost aUrv.u for bred. Won’t you bn good muff to give me twn shil lings ?" 1 looked at Iter a bit, and thought of the way the match-liny served me In Kattlmon*, sod, se» I: "llsin’t you got no relations nor nulghbors that can help you?" "Oh, on, sir; I'm too pore to have relations or neigtioora. I was better ■>ff once, and then I bad plenty of frvndt.’’ Thit’s the wuy of the World, tbluks 1; we si ways have fmida till w* need 'em. "Oil. sir. If you only know’d how hard 1 have to work, you’d pity me—I know you woo'd.” What do yon dj fora livin'/” an* I; fur she loVrod too Orticat* l« do much. "I do flur Waatiln und irunin," am ahr; "hut I’m sick eo much Unit I Can’t mtkronufl toxupp >rt.” and then aim coded 4 real graveyard eolf. "Why don’t you gu huiu of ScheiicV* pulmonic sirup?" se* [. •Oli, air,” aca she. *T’® ton pure to huy medic in, when iny pore little chil dren la dyio for lired.” That touched mu —to tlduk slob a drllcili) young creator as her should have to struggle an haid, und I lock oat my purse aud gin her a dollar. "Thar,” sea 1. ’ that will help yon a I little ’’Oh. bines you. air; you rn an kind. ! Mow I'll buy auoi mediciu for my pure 1 husband. Will you Is good ruuff to ' bold this bundle fur ms till I step back i to Dial drug store on the comer? It's so heavy —I'll iss buck in a ajiutt,” iws •he. I felt so sorry for Mm pore worn •» that I couldn't rrtuse her s:cb a little favor, so 1 tuck her bundle l-i bold it j for hoi. Shu Si d >!ie was !fraid the Hnodr-aare inouglil gll rumpled, and then her customer* wouldn’t pay Iter; l luck Vtu In my anas very careful, anti she went to the store after the mudiehi. J Thcr waa a good nt-tuy pcpple passm by. and I walked up from the corner a llltlo ways, so they shouldn’t sue me alandlu thar willi the bundle in iuy arriia I la-guu to thtok It was time for Urn woman to emu baok, and the bundle was beginnin to git pretty lies vy when 1 thought I felt aumllihi ruoviii in it. X atopiau) rite still and held my bretu to hear If it waa nay tiling, when I; begun to squirm about more and more, and 1 heard a noise Jrst like a tom-cat Iti the tmudki I never was so surprised in my life, and I cum In a ace of lettlo It drop tilo on the paveirn ul. Thinks X, in the name of creation, what la it ? 1 walked down to the lamp post to see what it was, mid Mr. Thompson, wonld you lielievo ate, it wae u live baby ! I was so Completely Luck aback that I atac gvred upugin the lamp-pout, and held on to It, while it kicked and squalled like a youug prater aud tho sweat j-st. poured out ot me In a stream. What upou ycalli to do I didn’t kuow. Thar I was In a si ran go city, whar uolsxly didn't know me, out In the street with a little young Uiby in my arm*! I never was so road at a female woman before in all ruy life, aud X never folt so much like a dratteil fool at I did that mlnll. 1 started for the drug store with the lMl>y sqaalhii lilcn ritlli. and the more I tried to hush It Uic louder It squalled. Tim man what kep Ui« store ssd he hadn't seen no such woman, und ( austu’t bring uo babys In lliar. By tbit lime a erertaatlo crowd of i*eple—men and wnnmin—was gatb area roood. so 1 couldn’t go no wh»r, nil gabblln and tulklo so I couldn’t hardly brar Dm baby squall. X told 'em how It waa. and told 'em I was a stranger la Now York, aod »*’d Vm what I should do with the oaby. Bat ther was oo getlln any sense out of ’em, and tiooe of 'crt> wouldn’t touch It no more’ii If It had town so much pise. "That won’t do.” ara one feller. "You cau’t cum that gamo over this crowd.” "No, Indued,’’ aee aoother little ruuly-lookiu fuller —• ws’re got snuff to do In take care of our own babyt in there dlgglns f‘ "Take your baby bento In its urn," ess another, "and support It Ilk* a onoat mao.” f tried to git m clianou to rsplain the liianaaa to 'em but drat the word could I git !u edgeways. "Tako 'em both to the Tooms.” its cue, "and make ’em glv a account of llieniaalrea." With that two Or throe of ’em cum toward* me. and I grabbed my sane In one hand, while I hekl on to the bun dle with iba other. "0#iitlem*i>." sea I — Um lathy equei I ln all thu time Ilka forty eats In e big — "Oi ulleroeii. I’m not awlue to b* used lu no slcli way—I'll Wl you know that I'm not gwloo fo la tuck to uo Tooms. I’m u stranger In your city, and I’m not gwlne to support nous of your bahya £|s sac, it Joespb of Plneyille. tteorgii, and aoybvdy what wania lo know wl« 1 eta. can ' dod mo at tbs American-" "Ms)er Junes 1 Majer Junes of Pme eills !" tea a dusun of 'em at tlia tamo I time. | "Mayer Junta," sea a t layer look lo young mm, what pushed Ilia wny Into Iho crowd when be heard my uaina. ••Major, don’t tie disturbed lit the leust." sea he. •*l»ll anon Imy* till* n. li ter Oxial •> Willi that I*: apoke t<i a into with a loth ii' rjVn i on hla hat, who tuck the baby, buudle and all, aud uarrhsJ It oR to lb* place whit lliey’ye got wa la In New York a pmpwc 10 keep tlch puor little orfant lu. JJy this lime my freotl, Mr- Jacob Llltlyblgh, who la a (Jxorgiau, llytn In N«w York, had lutcrdDOeri hlmsilt to ■ne und 'boot 90 other genlleuMK. and 1 begun to fled mym-lf 'laiut as much of a object of attraction after lha baby waa gone aa I **a before, I nover •ced ooc of ’em tn-foie In my life, but Uiay aed they bad red my book, and they didn't koow nobody elae. So much for tain a author. They waa all mnn itroua glad to see me, and wanted to know how limy and the tiaby was at borne; and'fom they let me off, they made n>e eo down In llardolte A bhvlly'a Cafe Torto l and rat one of tha biggest kiud of oya tcr suppers, and drink ium aherry onb Hen whnl would dtvelop tbe Intellect of n barlier*! block, and expacd the lioart of a Florida llye-oak. Tlxy waa the cleretesl act of fellers I aver seed out of Georgia, nod arier spendln a pleasant hour with 'em, Isugbln over tha Incidents of the rveulu. they showed me home to ay hotel, whar 1 •oou went to bad to dteaB of buudiea full of baliya and ocernu of sherry cob blera. Yoa must excuse this long k tier. Under the circumstunsea. No mure from Yonr trend til delh. _ Jus. Jon km. P. S. —Don't for the world let Mary know mi)thing sb-uit the baby, for ahc‘il want to know what upon yeatli I wsi ruunin about the «r«t si night for. h'lldln bondlm f»r porn wimmin. ami f never could vxplaiu It to her sal isf.ioilou. Tlier’e onu tlilug monstrous ccrtsiu—I'll go u hundred yards found the next woman l race'. In tlie atreet with a bundle in her sties. (I’b be onulliiurd next week.) i ci>. k t nrwi iiiiaMratnu]. Attention it called to tlu> fact llial under tlio new akollou taw voter* any n-gtataf only on Saturday* between tli« hour* nf 0 a. m. and 4 p m. There remain, thru fi ye. only four re-gistra tioo day* before liar el-oU-m, u< follows: Saturday. Oct. S, 0 a. in. to 4 |i. in. Saturday, Out. 15, 9 a. oi. W 4. p. ip. Stlnrdaf. O.-t, 3J. 0 a. cu. to 4 p. m. Saturday, Oat. 29, not witlilu luooi porated town*. II a. m. to 13 m. Saturday Oot. 20. witlilu incorporated town* 9 a tn. In l>. p, m. Saturday Oct. 29 ia known ua chal ien,'« day. Witlilu iiioorpirated toons Ibo ieg la'.ralhm bonks will be kept open nu tli it day from 9 a. m. to V p. in., but at precinct* no". within incur porated town* tne reglatratiun books will oe eluted at 12 o’clock, non, (j| ,t day. lint whether within or without m 0'irpjratc.J town*, Hie b<wka are oprii to all from U a. to to 4 p. in. fur p-ir poeta of challenging tlw tiAtue of any pereon written therein. Spec.lie crime orotunes III challenge must lie staled upon aOtduvit. Written notice must be served upon Hits parsou elm)lenged, and t>>« judge* aru irqulri-d lo assemble at the polling place nu Saturday. Jfo Yemlxr O-.h, to hoar and decide the ohalleuge*. The officer who serve* the notice of clisllcuge is t milled i0 a (,.« of 25 cents lherefur, which will b« leturund by thu county If thu challenge ia sustained. If a person who voted in Oastou In in 1B90 chaogei hi* residence from one prrclnot to Auutlier, lie must prevent a cert Ideate of erasure lu former precinct before he out register and Vole in the latter. If u ruler lis* resided m the Slut* 12 month* anil In the county of Oastou 09 Jay* hn ha* the neceasjrY residential qualifications entitling him to vou. A* to rreiidriien |D n,e pre. •inct, the law doe* not prescribe any deOeite term, hut does provide that lie ■mint be a tons tide resident uf th* prr. elnot where he propose* lo vote lefurn he la entitled lo regtstor and vole therein. And lastly, let o* note that a new registration nf ALL voter* la required throughout Crowder's Mountain town, ship and m lit. lfolly precinct of River Iteud township. ■ Muklr Wax Llat. Uniat** u»e. OUai lotto Ukaetver. It ta now KMtrltfl that there wae leally a little -<10*!” between Senator Pritchard and J)r. <!y Thoupwi,, whereby Uk- latter w»e to get rt*vu Sh orn aupporc for the aanalotyhlp; that Senator lluller beard or lltla and at osre vhaagcd hi* nolo and bogan lo a>xke epeeotiea which the Republican* annld be pleaead With; that the Re. pnbtloaaa, wlx> to lately reviled aud carted him, have changed frnnl and Pmiae hloj hc a great apeaker. It la farther nsaeriod that the Senator wae all llie time fnrfiieton. bat thoaghi II policy lo ha alow In declaring blmuell, •n aa to be able to control aa many l'lipullet aa poeelble. Haw la r re real «re**. Wo have'two ohlldreB who era cab led to ettaoke of aroup. Whenever an attack U auinlng on my wlf« glee* Vbrto Chamberlain-# Ceugh Remedy ami It alwaee praveata tliaatlaeb. It la a ho'itrhold aeceeali? la Uiie o mnty ■ml no matter whet et«e we rao oat of, It woaM not doto bi without Chamber, lalti'a Oougli Remedy. Uoro ol )t |« ■old hare than of aM rengh m«dlclne« inmbliied, — J. >f Rickie, of Rlekla Broa . merchant*, Xleklevllle, IV Kor •jlo l>y J. K. Curry and Oreapany. BILL ARP IN THE Slim i:i< mntiuur r.uua ix i»m, »k»i Xu VTaaled—Me IU1 m irlraS k( Wan tulmi MQMi Oal rIk* rnHM UUnt-IKl roar. Vear Wm Waa rati or Urnkia. IUII Am In A’Uata CuunltuUno. Only a reminiscence. Tba Vltemnn do not cal orally love to recall tha dark »IU** of tba civil war. Xftey do not "mm their wrath to keep It warm," aa did Tam O'Sbantci '* watch. They arc too busy In making a living W> •pare much time to memories if marc lies and buttle* aud liardlaok and ragged ninth. But they iln Indulge in little war tucidente and accideoUaiwn lli<7 meet a comrade and anmaltilag rvmlnrts thorn of something. .Xbe four-year war was full of liamlaoi and llirllltug t-venti, but I brllaye the ufisriaath. thu iwtsblng np of pence, was more pr,.yoking and discouraging mid of longer oonlinutnce tban me war Itself. ■A* Iron *lt*rpi-n*tli Iran m dnm inun'a law ilwrpna ib« rnns nr hi* tttaad U t» only u reminiscence that I am going to relate. I met tb* old gvutle man ytsivrday, aud a* we grasped ban da oar mind* and memortew want back lo lire troubled day* of 1805 wbeu Arit wa mot .one dark and denary nlgbt. “Who la (bkt t” lie mid cautiously an I knocked at the door. “Talk low,” ■aid 1; “limy ara after your btotlier to taka blm back to Virginia and try liim for kukluxtng those scoundrels. 1 bare O' ought bits over here aod bid bitu In your ptuhouse loft, under the ■Irnw, Don’t let anybody but your wife know wlicro lie i».” It arm about d*j break, and lire old geotk>to*n waa III I'U nlglil clothe*. “1/OrJ lidp u«.” ■aid bn. “Am you telling m* the trutli ¥ Who »rn 3 ou ¥ la-t me light a oundh-.” IV ben lie brought It lie un locked ll»o U-i'-r and opim-d it J.i*i enough for him to tec rny fane, and for m> to mw liim aud hi* douMt-brm-li-il guo that waa iinar III* hand- “Who am you t" lie repe »tgtl. Wlion ( will*, pered my uauie U* grasped tny baud utterly. for be kuew Uiav 1 waa Uli brother's couuarllor aud friend. llur rieilly Ini put ou III* Clutbey, aud wa went a blind path to Um gin Uuiimi, wbleli was nearly a quarter of a mile awity. Kota aoul w*a stliricg; not a dog bareud. *'0<iod Liril," mid ha. “tin* it o-uu* to this. Tuj,* villiaaa wliotn my brother helped lo whip and Bomle tbem leave tliecuuulry up In Vir ginia were w-jiva than the tolfv* of tiro old revolution. They rubbed eud plun dered our t« oi>le. arid liad regret* to help tbem, and we uptaHtlad In vain 10 tbt Yankee of&oera for pmt-ctioti. Our wives a id our daughters were iu conliiiua! danger, and we had lo ku klux ibtm ucoumlrels or leave tlm country ourtelve*." It wa* In June, 1805, while I wa*liv ing 111 Urns-*, that I war aroused from hlaeo a.ami midnight ami Irarue I from my Virginia friend that lui waa in gri-irl peril, and waatei as«liUne* an-l advice. A warrant had ItlUii tinea D surd for him ill Virginia and sent t»> the federal prov *»i marshal at Borne, mid he wa* to be arreeied In lbs morn UK and sent luck for trial. He Utlrjy related tlm eircumsUnet*. and told use lie had h brother living hi Uaruiw county, about idghleeii miles UI*taut; but tmlKKiy about llouie knew him, nir a'.u lil* brotlier implicated in tlm ku klux bnalneiM. uud he might be eon center! In hit brotlierSi farm imm where until tlie federal soldier* left hero. “Alt right,” eahl l ; “g« back at once and get you a change of clothing and mt*t me at Norton’s corner.” H did not lake me long to lilleh tny Imran to Hie little rockaway and drive down to liroad street und take him lo. We look ou th« uMirt’s quar ters am! wen* soon out of enwn aud on the roed U> tint Castvllle. The night ■hi unrx hu'I misty, not we naa ;i good horse, ond in .stunt three hour* wnotouini the farm. Wkn oppo all* the giiilnmm We atuyped bo ra co.umlter. \Y«* liud uol piaad a man on Ilia toad, nor ai On a Hgllt in uny UiJy'a 'mow. do wr rail that we went safe so far. Driving out to a seoludul place we hllcliod the hurac, and then utsrte haste for Mtegiobouse. The way waa rlrar and the place com fort able. I.Waving the brother* to arrange their ptana. I drove mi to CkaaviHa and thence back U> Kmse in liioe fur break faal. There waa quite a stir In tbe town that day. for It waa anon nolard around that one of our eltlxuua waa wauled and could not bo fuund. A liralenant in bias had a squad of Dutchmen moving stealthily around aa If In search id aomtbody At night t hey watched the licoae from lla back ultey. but aaw no sign Tor a monUi or noor* tin* Inqulaiilou waa kept up. Ilia wife and sou and daughter and uytilf and wife agehangad ■IgalOeanl glance* when w* met, but there waa uo converaatlou on that subject, fn course nf time these vj Idler* wore withdrawn. Oirll law was restored and oeo morniag abnnt suurbie my fiivud surprised iiia family by walking in to breakfast. Advleea from Vir ginia told how the prosecutor bad got into troublo and left Um country fur 1.1* country's good. Strange to sty. I ha man who Informed my friend was a negro—a negro of mixed blood— a middle man. who In lima* perilous aud exciting time* did Ills almost to kerp peace nod good will between tiie raw*. 11* was raised by the Bwrloo*. of 9..vannali, and was hi ih-tnned and soil *d wealed and of good priaeiplea. Tli* provost m srehvI made a noaWant of him. supposing that be waa on tliair ! side and frequently took his advice : where llwre waa a cnnDiet lietwren Ilia wblteeaud ilia Mask*. Hut for lilsa 1 would rnysetf have l>r*n aeat a prisoner t > Loalavlit* aad baa* pas* I shell as msyor for irrrmllUug a ooa ffdrnste flsg to be diapluyed ooe night In the olty hall. war* Ilia times that tried m'n’s smtls and toks. Ilow old Father Tints, dors mriktw as down | That oM Hag can i« dhq>laved new at a tabisau aad glvs. no uffeeaa. Mom ■ «a nan li.sva ouwfrderat* rcoulowa and . ran build monument* to cocfedetata hern«* aad *v«a Ik north honor aad tribute to our loyalty, and tba bias •ad ike gray Qgbl side by old* la dofaaca »f our county. Tiraslt a grad duo tor. but iw it alow, awful Maw. w« fought four year*, but U took longar than that to make MM. tiro fought four moat la tkia timo, bat Ira* long will It taka to aako paaec no area can ir 11. Two iinuaaod yaara ago a Latin poet wtoto about a gnat con quoror and naid lm isade a solitude and oelied It pawn. I reckon that la vital lira Mpaatarda Uilnk of a*. Wa de stroyed their navy aad took ad their Ulande and oill It poaoe. But one thing I* certain: Toe election it over and we will n»e have imlKJcal parse. Of eourw, we have all fait excited and anginas about our atmte election*' but happily it 1* all over aad aobatfy feele aggrieved. tVe have a good governor and ha tua a good cabinet aad oor mn in bars of ttia legUUlurt are unusu ally aelect aad so oar ship will sail ou smooth waters anleee old Do tan is doing llko Ira did In Jut’s day—“going to and fro la Ilia onli and walking ap aad down la it." I sroadrr If Ira la doing that all tlra tlnra pretty ranch. A xkmm MiiMLcniaiTruJUt. «• TMlisnMMIMI* Alai—ee At—eo Uivsnar. You have heard the Democrat* charge that Uu-ia are unro school com mitteemen right tiers la Alamance, and you bare heard HapubUcans star lu an swer 1.1 that eharg*. that tbei uegrvc* only had char** uf the negro school*. ”1. Mlaa Alma L. McCulloch. of Morion township, AUmnnoo county, Aortli CaroUma, do hereby errury; That la Uw winter nr Utf7.18M. cam menelng In October. 18*7. a ad eudiug In Potiruery, I8U9. I laoglit the [.ublle reboot fur school d mulct No.—, la. Pleasant Crum townslalp, Atamioee ‘ eoutny; that our uf (Ira aotiuul commit-, Uv who had taprrvtsiun of Utle school ■ Will * i.rgru uaaol doluaooo Martin; I that wlilla I was teaching the school Hit# ' negro comuiltle. man. the wild dulunton Martlo. camu to Hie school on (Wo asp- - nrute cocatlotis. Uls drat visit waa dui lag school home mid while l was them In ohaigv. lie said be came to see it the desks had com*. Ula other visit Will befuru scli-Kil bad opened la Ibu morning and before I bad ooas# to me school house and wee reported to tee by the students. The students re ported to me Dial Martin Mid tbat the while school, which 1 was teaching, would br rilsciiktinuol tho next day. though as a waiter of foot It waa noL scheduled to slop the next day, and in trulli did not stop for miny days nftsr this. r “AuiaL UcCvlukil "8worn to and Mib-erllf-J before OIS, this, tlie Utti ilay id Oo'. brr. 1606. “M, pAUttltll, Jt*., (deal) “Notary Pubtlc ” Whits men, what >io you think of this * Mis* Mcduli-ich la known lo litany uf you. Hhe hi Ihu equal uf any lady in Dus or any other oonutv, and yet. under this Infamous school law. passed by a fnslun lAgisUlure, she Is foteed t.. receive visit* from a urgro school com mitt email while she la la dieohsicn uf her duties ** traener of a wlitio school light here iu Alamance cmuly.* are pledged to change this school law amt If you are a wlilla man you want It changed. We have ‘'mixed lob'iel euimnlUess now and Jt is but une in wo step lu “mixed” schools. ” Are yuu In favor uf that step and liarlug ''dntSsJ schools ?” It o-i vote the Itepnliliixn t:okrt. If yon *re la favor uf while committer* hav ing charge of white schools and agatnet “mixed school*,” then lie a white man and vote the Democratic ticket. 1 '.-'u——msa n„ii«r AsfceO Mt tiaMlaa Taa a**r. X*w’us Spv.-wl. Uih, In 1hoOMrvt*t«c Own-. «*. Marion Rutter .poke her* to-day Is about 300 pi-«pl*, on*third being Dsto oerata. • * * For about one hour Butler plead w|U. the people to believe In bis honesty, tlocarky and faithful ness. and Uatq |M exposed tai* sore plana-, caused by the Democrats’ re 1 usal Ut fuse. Tha oditor* casts to r«n- s loog crllletsei for nut imbltohiiig Bryou’s tetter, although he bad ee-it copies of Uie Cnueusfnn containing tint letter to at) lb* editors. Hero the tea mtken ef Uw day ocenrnrd. Better asked if tbe editor of Uw lewd paper era* present, wbeo Mr. F. M. Williams arose sod mid, "I aw bars.” HeUwa MUed if be had seen tlm Wtlvr in tbe Guweusfrtn, and Mr. William* began to reply: "I did not receive Uw Out roekm enntoinleg Uw letter. Tbe—., "Did you see Uw letter euywlwre ole* ?” broke In Mr. Butler. Then Mr. Williams excluded the In terrupted reply: -Tbe loot issue of the Co ear tv hi 1 Usra seen was Uw ana to which ran said tbe last IwgUtsture was a dess sable disgrace to tbe 4UU." Tlin lions* roared With applause sod Butler oonsumed another hour la a* a-xplanatkm of bit coodanttiaUon width dnl not explain. 1 ■I'tniiniii Tbe** Saaieae In Osnaaallari in. tract Haajanla PnaawMn. "tvben ton are sick, what you ltk* best I. to ho oho*>o for a mJielaa In Uw Orel place; wlwl experience Utte you Is Wat. to lie eboaen la Uw second Place; wbat renown (|, e.. Theory) says Is beat to be chosen In the last plao*. But If yq* can get Dr. /ncflnDr. Cxprrkanr and Dr. Mr-won to bold a consultation togstber, Uisy will gtvo yon the bast advice that eao be taken," When yen h*v# a bad odd Dr. In elluaUen would recommend Obembrr I lain’* Cough Bemdv bacawsa It la | pleasant and ante to take. Dr. &qwy| ; aooe wooM iscoasmeod It boesoae ft Meyer fails to idol a speedy sod p*f . mitnent eur* Dr. HeroMi would rewiutmeod it heoauoe It Is prepared on ! aetanildo prtnelptea. nod seta an os I tore’s plan la ml*ring (be lungs opeo , Ing tbe seeretlnne and restoring Uw Itioo. Fur sale by J. ft. Carry dl Co. WM*< liuatM* MomT Mr. CUm. r. iMte. of Uii« ail*. «ad hu am ruled uyUlMbat tU repulallwn betti, feu jut reff—rt f™* » M*Pto Mr. Kadi* U sot only * republican. bat two jwm M« *M UM HfeNMiM {ar »r chvwu« to»iub(pu«icet Mr. Irwin (tahMttt.) He feu buw • prvmiiieut futon worker, and «u m Jiowww kdvocat* of tfefe principles of ■Willie 'Weej Mr. If. r. H0*l« *»d eererel other «femjcr*u ware dl* euMlng tha attuMlau in osetora Aortli Carolina, and Hr. Kodlo rawrehed that h« was a inpnUfaaa wdiMMMMt 00*. bat that bo believed to white rule “ ■»*» “* »•/ •*» did; that ha bad nod It* report* la the dawneratio nawmoiawa aboat ti<« situation to Maw S*** Wttwlagtow, mu thought that they ware greatly exaggerated Mf^tlowto thentoUMr.SSutbet U 5S3HW1, *°*° WttwJiwtoa, and to* YMtigat* tha situation tiara, and did uat Bud it a* Rated, ha wonu pay toll oxpooaaa there and t>>ch. aad U« lot. ^sssissss^rJ^, •*?»**'* ooa negro ragieter of dairta, 1 wIB vut« aad work for tba dm»ratio party la too analog aloe* »i«o. Tlia rxpeooM to be paid by W. P. Howie. Thl* October SthT^ * Ouai Kudu. •VViini-a*: VT. C. Doad.” Mr. Eudie then odered to go to W1V mjogUM totaa the exact atoteof af lain time. Mid told that ha would .MtuoUon exactly at It warn Mr. Kudte left Charlotte lor Wit onutton uu Thursday aoralug. Mr. Madia give, toe following ac ouant of what Im aaw in Wllmlagton: "la tba dret ylooa I took mu to. look around town, baton 1 water talked to anybody, to are what I coaid aw re Prd^ll.lto* n*«r« odder holder*. Af ter looking aroond the etiy for now# u"“ 1 *•* Mr. W. U. Cbadbowro, in publtoM.) Uw pretountar. I acted htal for iaferwotfcn about tha eewbar of urero magistrates, pollciuMo. ate. Mr. Chad boors said they dim uo |n> policuuien, ore aeronaut and four •an I tarT polioeare, fonrtrea lu all. Ha Mid thorn warn forty negro wagto trata* la Mew Hanorer oiuuty. fl« did cut nfota the auwber of ungrore to tba po*U>*», hut Rated that all tha elerju who eaiae in ooaUet with the public who wblu, a? lc r prominent republican. -AM iiien g«v« me an introduction U> Mr. Ki*a*L, who la acting as etwriff, A. M. Hewlett was elected sheriff, bat Mr. French U actio* sheriff and baa charge of aU the alfslrs of the oMoa. 1 went to me Ill'll, cod h* approved what Mr. Cliadbonra bed mid. U* »tal> d aJai that there wen* four tasgla tratra lu the city who did tu« principal work vf the justices of the peace Ik lha ooutiiy and that each owe of thsae had a tirgro deputy. Mr. Frencli stated that Ik liad a deputy who waas wblta mail, lie did aot state anything ns garding uegro deputy sheriffs. Uni* a promiuetil republican ■ ‘1'iwlioasUr Ob*dbourn said the elty was divided lute two school districts, wiilt three oommltletlMu far tub dls trlct. Tp* board siu together wbaa U<ey meat, Thar* are two negro** sad four win tee on the board, ttay have oootrol of all lb* pubHs schools, both white and cohuvd. ••While la th* sheriff* otto* I aw* 11k chief of polio*. H* mid ha bad, when the uegro policemen were flrst appointed, given them certain beats tu ♦eottoua of Um city. Out round ml* didn’t worn well and uow they rang* around where they phssee. Us say* tliry do net latarfar* with the arrest of a white man naleas it to Mmury. *• *»}d the people of VTUwIngtan liked tlra negro better fur sanitary po licemen time UHry did Um white*. Ha toaKrooginpaMica*. -Mr. Barney Strickland, who Is a Car inspector, lias three little daagb Un who go to the Cathotto eon mil. Afem dayaago they war* retarttlag Lome from sei.nol wbaa Urny mot two neff*y Jw>* wlw oferrd thorn Inaalt aud lodlgaltms iu a wav that eaasat be pwt to print. Th* aMMna raw bo«* and Um father baa atom been hunting Uto b«ys, aad they will b* dealt wttb If eaaght. 11* will make an aOMavlt to thtot niKI kua a A bVUft |B L|M C. LI on m V °»" kook, nd looked It tw tkor ookliU. I talked with o Bomber of prominent eitlaeae, demoerata, reoab lloooe end popolleU aad Done of them deny Um uatoiaoati that have haoa u«do regarding Um eoaditloat there “I found ouoUUliMM (bore >aaeh wowetUto I bad 0«hr expected to lad. “I *> dlMwUd with thoooadi dowh there toot at mind le fully oiade «i». I do Dot Utah ttat there la a white repeilloea or p-v nllr. to kleeklouhorg oouaty who. If ho wont to ivilaiogtoa aad eew Um ooa dUiua of ateica there I eew thorn, «Mtd Tote Um tieket Ulo year.m2 2s£,£cs$z"~ 1 “Though 1 am a rtfmhlUaa la gria olpie mid here hemUforo alwaye va led tba repaid loan ttekat at tkle eloo tum f ahottoeakmyyote for Um «tam er* Uo etateaad wuHMM. I he here that it to the dety of every white mao to ibU coenty to vote that Ueket title year. A vote tortho faolio lagto hOivu ttekat la Meckleelrarg eouety, tssawB®!1** A • trout tffiktUI. 1 heiehy otrtify that T hove read the article la tba Ohattolto Kvrulaf Xrm ead thU U Uaa and oonoot. Cmao. T. Bt'ata. * dworu toaad eokoerthed ta Mom mejUdcOetoher |A IMA WHoimioi Jp. a. Aetna, 4.X. , E- Xtb Mcr(.Tti»oe. M. In UAVm, . “ A “«SSn..

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