The_ Gastonia G _ _ ' Ouvoiort to tbo I’rwlttctlun oi Homo and ttau 1ntnvo«u oi tt> C'OMnt>■ Vol. XIX._ fwTi'.r.limwJeiir.) Gastonia, N. C.. October 27, 1898. P^cnwq W—f—f—■ ■ —J- ■■JL.' —PTn—r tt——m—r I III — — - MAJOR JON EST RAVE LS **1 FIFTY YEARS AOO. | By Major Joseph Jones of Georgia. MSTTKtt XIV. •Nirw York. JuuelJ. To Mr. Thompson —ll#»r Sir : To I tell tou the plain truth, Mr. Tbomp-1 aoo, I'tu a altered man sense I cum lo New York, at Inast no far t< auperr- , nnre gosa, though 1 btievn my bait li in to* same place it uaoi to b.\ It w«s sum tluis bdoro 1 oou'd gin in to my Trend LUlleliigh'a arpyrueula. but ss J'ui always wlHIu to uocominodatc my aalf to the wliiis* nf my Irens, wbrnt it ! can be doun willtmit ssorlBoln uiy principles, I nonsuited to have sum I new clothes nsnJo In tiie lsteit fssulou. j Accordingly tho other day h i lock me down to Mr. Lowitsbwrry, in Pina streot, and giro the dltwotl ms Vi hsv.i e rost rate brnvlcl nth salt made for cue, jest like his own. Well, in tw > days afterwards, here cutui a bran-new suit to lay hotel—cost, yen', ami trous er*. Tho bootmaker iu Fulton streit bad tent me h pair of new French boots, aa hn called 'em, and 1 got a bat from Leary, the great Jiruadway hat man. I shucked out of my old ololhe* and got Into my new ones, aud sich u alteration I don’t reckon you ceer seed afore. It’a a positive inot. [ dou’t del leva Wise or ibuarl, my conn dig* at homo, would be sble to know ms without sinelltu’ at toe for nwhlle ( don't hardly kaow raystlr, uud if it hadn’t been (or uiy role*. whioli soui.d ed aa tamiliar as a dinner horn, 1 would a-had tuy dowts. Mary wouldn’t seed llte least resemble ;.on to her hus band iu me. aud l hlieri* if I liad mode my appearance tu I’loevllia my neigh bors would lasen for i ulllu ui« iujail. for a Impost! r. My cols ain’t so very outlandish, bul coy trousers nnd jacket is the tedries kmkin’ tilings iu the world. Tlui trousers ls“all buttoond down bufore,” llko Daddy Orituei’ old hi on onto, and makes me so shamed when 1 look at ’em that i don’t know what lo do wiih myself; and uiy jacket onmns almuit down to my knees, and Is cut nut swallercr tailed in front, tike li-imral Washington’* regimental J nsket. <eli it I seed lu Washington City. Tncy’ie hII made fust rale, though, u>ul 111 like they had growd on roe. They bjgin hi feel a little better now than ivlien I fust put ’em nil, but it will be sum lime befure 1 gii used In ’em, aud uerorn t can pis* anybody lu lli« street without fiitlio' like I wanted to turu round to hide my trousers. You know I told you I had no very grate opiuion of operys. Well, ihsl's a fact; out the other availin' whan I cum to dinner at my hotel, the clerk handed me a note from Mr. Liltlo high, statin’ that himself and two or three of bi* fieri Je would lio very glad of Major done*' company in a private fox at the Olympic that evenin’ to nee the opery ol “Tlie Daughter of the liegtmcot.” It wouldn’t he |«rht* to i-eiute ilch a invitation, and I staid home to meet Mr. LlUlehigh accordin' to hla applritment. Well, 'tout 0 o'clock Mr. Lllllehigh called for roe. and we went to the 1 Olympia, The house was packed like a barrel of poik,\vbur thcr ain't room eouffleft to git another foot nr jowl, uor so much as a ear Into tho barrel, all except my Iren’s private box, what was pretty close to the stage, and what had nobody In It but three or four gentlemen who belonged to our party. Tb* curtain rls with a everlaatln’ alog rn and flddlln. Ilka It did io t’lllndolfy. lilmeby the daugblar of tba regiment cum out, and then ( thought they would tear the theater down with Lber everlaatln ’ rumpus. '•That's our Mary, Major,” tea Ur. LiUtehigh, "and now If you wimt to bear a bird of paradse, Jett buck back yer ears.” V « UIIU tWKHI and tbe wny the could slug wnn per fectly ’matin ; and lben sbe handled a musket knd marched about tlm stag* like a regular sargeant of Infantry. How tbe uaiachief she ever cum by ao many fathers I couldn’t well tunke one, for tbo iliigln, which, aa I told • you before, apilea eery tiling lu a opery. But It waa eery plain to ho seeu Uint If tba regiment was her daddy*, eery feller la tbe houw) was In love wlui her; and I couldn’t help bat think that tlie feller'with Lheilbbona on hla hat, what kep follerln her about and (login to her how im loved her, loud snuff to be henrd all over the house, stood a monstrous porn chaoce among ao many. Whenever ebe cum on to the etuge, tlm p**|>le all over tbe house would rap and clap and boiler like they waa half out of liter routes; and whenever she sung a song by beveolf, they was cer tain to make Iter sing it over agin. I llkod the Daughter of the Itsgl tnent myself rather better than I did tbe Bohemian Gall, but I'd Ilka’am hotli a good deal better if liter wasn't so reach vinglo in 'em. After the opery w«s over wo went down to tbe Battery, and after walktn about In tbe moonlit walk* til sre rut l|red, w* SOt down on the benches and spoked oar tegare. while tbe wave* splashed and roared agin tlm rooks, and tli* wind played with the lope of tbo tree* behind no. After lalkin over patters and tlilngi awhile, we started for home. As we was gwiue aloug np Broad way we saw a ainoku coming out of a roof of a Ivouse down la one of the cross *treel*, and turned down to sm what It waa. When wngot opposite (u it wo mw a redish anil of a light in the winders on the rnof and Ik# smoko pour In out of tvry track. Mr. I.ltUe high run aortisa and mpped at |b* il-ue. .ad In a mlult a old man stuck hts bed cat of the lower winder. ••Year bouse Is n Are,” sc* Mr. Lli (Irklgk The nld snsn gruMled ont » urulhin* hut didn’t take In hi* old red night cap M pate ami movement like ho eared whether hla ho* aawaa til re or imiI. “Fire,” so* my fiend, loud »* he could holier, plnlln op to the Top of the bouse. The old man griiolod out something lu Dutch, cud "too I at "till at a post, starln at its on lint other side of tlio atreet. Than Mr. Muggins tun aarose ami waul close up to thn ohl ondgrr, and hollered to him: “I say. old hoes, your Iionsa la on flie — up In Hot garret.” It uras 'hout t‘J o'clock, mk] the street was still as i. grarevard. Mr. Muggins madn a g-md deni of noise, and the old man pnlled In his head and Cuiu back in u mini! wltli a uld shot gun In bis baud and begun to cm lo D-itoli us hard as bo <-ould. Mr. Mug gins backed out a little ways and let gun lookln fur a brickl-nl. Mr. f.lttln high, eeeiu that thn light was gill In brighter In tlio winder, -tept on lliu steps and Irish the don-. Hy thin time two or three morn red nlght-an|>* was stlckln out, looicln at us without s ay in a word, excep tile old teller la-low. who Was dourlstiln Ills shotgun anj luaklua terrible racket. Just then sumo winders was raised on the other side of the street, “That house Ison Are,” s-s Mr. Uuyclui. "tvaku Vm up next dom,” sea some ho-ly from tother side. “Iliey can’t uudersland Mnglisli lu that house. With that we nipped at the next Jure, and tohl the onu that cum oot what was tho matter. The fcllrr iprung Into the street and looked up rot a second, and then run to the old :l:a? that waa cumin with tin. guu lu Ida hand and sod annulling Io li'.ui. Iktwo (trapped tJie gun. nod out of tha winder com the old Dutchman, with nollimg oa but Iris shirt und idght-cap. As anon as he newt the ernok* and light lie sot up a yell th«: wiked the whole neighborhood and in half a tuimt tlo-y waa condo out of every winder in the liouae like uut-sijuirrels from a c>m srlb—cllnibln down the watcispout, sud jampin out ut ttie uriuders. tana wliumlu, and children—all or Vm hulf nuked mid holloriu nud yellln like (lvo thousand wild-csta. lly till* time the it nni - lbs people cuiu pourln out of ihn luuses lu every direction, etch « seem* I nevor seed refine In nil my life. All »*' could Lear In Knalisli «u« the 1 Hr.-!” tunl in a fo* luin'la lien ;um the il.eumu, with th.ur ittglt.eii, ratlin over live atonoe, aiul nhoutin and fellio like half the eitv vs ,ie in II imss. die (1 >r<Mi and winders wa* op’rr, nml >ld trutika and fnrnilure and bed* was Hjlnen erry direction. And aflei all wliat dvi you Ihiuk It iraj? Why nothin but u smoke rulm-d T> the family what lived In the garret, to drive out the muskalent. Thar was sum leu or a dozmi families livin hi the house, and all of 'em was frightened ilowsl to detb. and I u rued oat of ■her lied* into the street, jmt Ixwan v he family In Um roof ha<1 gone to deep lravin a pile of old rag* all™ to lnve off the uiuaketerr. Tlio Ureroeo went home cussln the lutebmeu, but we alahl awhile with lbs crowd what was growlu bigger and Jigger, to sec the fun—and I would liu almost anything if I conl.1 jest iiudoratood Dutch, s> 1 might kuow • hat the pore people was sayln to one in other when they wtia gvllmrln up utd disputing about iber plunder. Tin* >ld chap what had the gun wus com jletelv out of his senses. He didn’t lit the idee that Ins house sui adrsfor lum lime, hut when ho did git it ioto lit bed ther was no sioh thhig us persuadln bias out of it. lie never lack lime to put on hi* clothes, bat lest grabbed bold or bis daughter, • Millfnl gel), and hollered "Ore t "Ore" is loud an lie could. The pore gall iried her best to pacify him, but the more Slav cried and talked to him, tliu more lie luck on. vm* KPiej kw i'u iu bud c r»i w(l, jud wlien we <«■ aatlified that trau guillty was restored iu Holland, Mr. Little high and myself wont home, tcavln tha old Dutchman hollerio Are, and his wife and daughter tryln to git him in thn house. It’s Wgiuoin to get pretty warm here now and tbcr’a a good many SonlliHrnera here, and among ’em ia loin of my (Georgia fraud*. Totlwr day aa t was gwina along Broadway, •bo should I meet but Colonel Dili Skinner of FlnevtUe. You know Col onel Bill's oce of tho cleverest foliar* In Hie world; and as h* was 'uont Urn Orat old acquaintance I bad seed fur •nm time. 1 waa moustrou* glad Li meet him. We stopped on th* comer of Park place and ilrosdway, and shuck bands and was ehattln bout home, when Uio fust thing ws know’d tlieie was a crowd of 'boot live hundred ;mhi plo gathered round us. ••Look here, Major," see ho, “I can’t stand UiM. I don't thluk there’* auy danger of ther swnllrrln me alive, but I don’t like to lie gaped at like I was a wild animal.” So off be started for his hotel, roskln a wake caaong lira erosrd Ilk* a seventy.four In n mill pond. Tt>* fact Is, Colon*! Bill I* oou tillered a full grown Georgian at home, bnt among us Ira don’t look more'ii hair to big aa he doe* here, slur the ivrrage "l**» of the man it much lees than It Is lo oar genial soil, what m*n’a bodys aa wall a* thcr liana kit Iu bn aa large ea the M iker intended ’no to he. The Colonel nin’r so sensitive as aum pevple about slch tilings and taken a good joke ns well aa I he went man; but when he found they bad Wen pulttog him In the Herald. OaUlu him lira Grorgla giant, and makla out s Wap bigger than ha la, be djeso’lllk* it a bit. My oW fraud, J.ilm Hopper, Is here, too, from Ravannah. and I don't bauw bow many Of th* Petcg* from Angus’*. Ojloecl Hlarastrlbg. from lira wiregrasa Mlllsment, Is thlolng hers Ip bit owa peculiar way The Cobras! It one of the oldest specimen!.* of human natun I ever eetd la my life, and takes jau a uiuclt pride In a r igged note, h dirt; shirt collar, aud a long lie*id aa thi ftrealtsl dandy Joes in his Query. Ufa nctiona of notoriety, hnwovor. dosan'i suit this ntfuidoau ut all. In u am.t) town wbar It would be poaaible foi him to l>» known by moat of the in | habitants, perhaps In' mouglit bronuir distinguish'd In Ida line; but Imre, wliar ther la unuinlaboo of all kinds of loafers, and *rii.»r a |>oraou who (a a man nl home la nothing but a Individ aal, It la no uao to try to git uotoriety for Stch peculiarities as lie Indulges lu. The Colonel oiianrslti* ommlnybuiaea, and turns up liia nose at the dandles and free nlggora from cnorulu1 ill olgbt, aod drinks saasyparllly aody water, and smoke* the worst sugars h* can flud. lie use* Miami the Urwery, und goes to Cbatlism Street Theater. flc can’t bear Niblo’s or the Park, and sos tbst Broadway is worse than a mcnagery of wild varmite. I lisyrn’l sed northing to you abrut Uin New York 1-idlns, sod, aa 1 tuld yon toy opinion about Ilia Baltimore galls, 1 ought lossy aamthlug of ths lsdys of this city. Wall, so far at dree-dn’ la onucerned, they heat Balti more and Filludelfy all lioller. But lu pint of buly they ain’t to compare to Uie wlmmln of the other eltiee. Tho fact la, I Und tlMS farther North I go Ibe more Sue clothes and ths lesihaud sum faces I am, It would laku -ivifT money to boy a plantation Ur dress one or these Broadway bells at they cdl ’em, und after all a roan of taata couldn’t rec much In ’em to fall In love with. They’re generally taller thsu •>ur Southern galls, and with tho help of tire milliner* they la pretty form*, when they Is walkin’along be fore you. But, Mr, Thompson, all ain’t flesh and blood that walks, any morc'n all ain’t gold that ah tuna lu Peter Funk’s winder; and when y iu cum to hoick up with ’urn and see tiler races, whatever nothin* of billy you 'nought had before Is soon gone. A.ud even if you do new and Ultra cum neros* a handaum race Uror’a aumthlog wrong about ’em, that I can’t ejcrutlv ouJersVand. Sumlrow tlrer ain't ran If difference between the expression of the countenances of the wlmmin ami the m-n. Tim prelUmd blue eyes you loiet lias a kind ol a h*rd, cost-steel expression, so different- from tbs soft, mnUlu’ looks of our m ideal, blur eyed Georgia gall*. Sumtlrars yon rnsv sees pair of dark, bright eyes, but ther ain’t no depth In 'em. Tlrer’* tier s.nno diff erence Iwtimou the eye* uf the North ern vriiuinni and III* eye* of our g«lla at home Hist ther is between u look'll’ gl\s* sml a deep pool of pure, crystal " • ■ *» villi ■ ■ • k*; vlU ‘"'V, and Iw’.b rrfl.-ctr upon your own face; but the glm* I* nil Cold, shallow aur fac?, while you *** down deep Into. the r>mntuln and understuud Urn source tmni wlur it* pure wsur* flow. Tim Northern July*' eye* poem like they »»« only iu*<Jh in look with, while our Southern Bull*. y>o know, cnu speak sooloquonlly with their’*. No doubt lielu’ in etoli a Brute city, whar they 1* all tlic time *x;m*ed to the Bate of stranger*, has sum a ft wa on the lady's to make ’em less bashful and Al.rinkln' than our Southern Balls la. sud perhaps ther U other causes of education ami habit* to make ’em leU feminine in Uie style of tiler boty But certain It 1s ther U lb* BTcutest difference in the world between them nud the wimmio of the South, aud in my opinion the tdvsutagfc It all ou the side of om Southern galb. Mr. Hooper And me Is gwino to take a trip to YAnkortluodlcduio in a few day*, lo ago Hot ant sod Lowell; I want in «eo the great Ysukee city, anil the factory galls wh*t t’eo hand «o much About. 1 will tell you all about my trip In my next.. So no more from your rrleud till drib, Jos Jones. (To bn continued next vrnek.) SKiiae rui.nxMxVLviD orr. II im Only * X«]ii»itar •( Rimflll'H no ft Rpyw Wilt UffCfflvf* Til Mr Knll l*ny. vriimuudon UUvikMiiti. 8IX of the to'grn polioemsu who were foisted m>oii tlio decent while people of this Mly by Urn rtusvIMYi If ht-Melton coraMnatioo Uayo been put off Uut fore*. Thera has lieeu eome motion among tbe police officers fur some ll mo, and theta bare beeu frequent dashes. It la aaid, at the city hall over placing ll* negro officers Id certain sections or Item citf and the matter came to a head yesterday when six of them were out off theiuren. Inquiries at tbe oily hell elicited tbe lororiuatlon that the while people bad been making so much fust recently about negroes being on the force lliat the six referred to had ouu eluded to resign. Tills is the excuse given by Russell to his henchmen to be transmuted In turn to the public, but lliat Ule won’t wash. Any mao with two minces of common sense can mo Hist it la dune for political effect ond that It is one <>f tho schemes hatched out by Russell and hla arch oonsplmtnra at the rcoont gathering of tho freaks. if tbil gang intended la> dsoelye the leapsotablo pends, however, they should Imvc studied I heir plana more closely. The negroes will be laid uff until af ter tho elootlon on full pay, and then quietly resume their heats again, fa the ninantlme the taxpayers will liava to nay the salaries of the six De grees sod the additional burden of the • lx white men who arn put on the foren la thi-lr nieces. Rev. ilaytus Cade, Rowell's private secretary, w*s heard in say yesterday that It wse tho pint to get rid of tbs negro polleemnn lor awhile until tilings qtilctod dowa. Il«w iff I'm < 'rffity We have two children who are sob Jecl to attacks of croup. Whamnu an attack is eomlog on my wlfo gires them Chamberlain's Ouagli Remedy ami It always prevents the atUek. It la a household tienraslty to Uils omial) and no matter wlml Hss w» run out or, R would net do to be without lihswber Iain's Cough Remedy. Mure of ll la sold hers than of all enugfc iwedlcbiea omtducd -J. M. Mickle, of Nlelil* i Urae.. marahanu, M icklevUI*. Pa. Ko» [ sale by J. E. Curry sod Uoapeuy. ARP OR SOLDIERS' GRAYES. TAf.KM OF Till) XUUUT I* AT TKTMXtJ Til THRU. Mhauhl rt»T» ll««MnM-0 Thai frapln ('Mil* latAio Their Lon4 m*iut Til. ]>H In Bofraa* mt Their Cvoalrjr-kwrlvra > Ullrr. Ulll Am, In Ailaul* Const ituttori, Mr J<ihn 8 Hoaliour. of Woodstock, Vi*., write* inn that “Colonel William Holt, of ilia BIbIiUi nr perhaps the Truth Georgia Tolnutaera, dleal at my mother’* home during tho civil war. Ilia body cm tenderlr imrlad, for lie waa a soldier, a gonttemsn andaChrls tlun, and we becuu- much nttachod to Iilao. I think Ue was from Macao, bat wo have never beard from hi* kindred. 1 was then a boy of sixteen, and now there are ouly two of ui living srhn know of 1iW grave. Ths headboard that marked it has goo* to decay, lie cetitly 1 le irned tliat your wlfs wa» a Holt, and FUMlbly roav be related to or know of this Colonel William Unit, and bene* 1 write to you. *» Who can respond to this letter, ai,d I who will mark that aotdier'a grave V My wire was not a Holt, but her mother was. and as all lha Georgia I Holts are kin, either in tr or remits, I *he wishes u>s to makn Inquiry and do , something for tUU forgotten uian. I She say*: "Mr. Unehoar ead his u»'*tber have been kind and thooghlful, and now that grave must be re-marked. It will ooat only u dollar oi two fur i* tuarHe headstone. I wonder what brunch of tho Holt family this CM me! William Holt beloogod to. 1 have looked over Colonel Avery’s catalogue and llo l tLnt Captain WIIIU (*. Holt commanded Company C In thr Tenth Georgia liegimmt; that be af terwards became major aud then coin, nel of the regiment. This iiuimrnl was commanded first liy CM I.afayctto McLiws. neat by Alfred Camming, next by John 31. Wcvms, uext by 'V, C. Ilolt and last hy ,v. J. McllrkK Of oours* sous surviving comrade out tell ns about tills Il-ilt, mil will wrlto hi j Mr. Uostiour. If lha aplrlta of lbs dead do hovar arouuj their gr.nroa, I how UearUeeait Is to neglect them. Ic Is sad enough to be buried hy atrau/.u's afar from liemi an.I kindred, nnd sol der still to he a<n» ig tbs unknown a.rt I unrecorded detail Of course this cs i I iHit to] avoided dnrfug war. bu: there la 1 no exou-c tor neglecting the grave.* of kindred who aro burled wltlru easy re,inti nf homo. If there G: ghosts and h nulls and spectre* frequenting grave yards, tliev oi'ist ciiuiw iruro three new. leet-tl grave*. Uruj-ec- for llie home of til- dead—tin- gravey iril -(lie Cemetery —I* olio of llie beat evidi-ou-e •■f a civilized and kliidtirorhal people. OtitTc* do out require uioii'imsuts, but ibey do *11011117 demand rttentlon. 'I'ltoy should lw protected front wanton latruuo-i. Thorn It a gray- ||«ra! l)ow In an wbauloned cemetery—n potter's Arid —over which rude nuj Careleai f<wl trump dully, and lo this grave was hurled llte father Of a mail long mm* on-d and loved In Georgia. A broken, mtldvwel marble alab that lias lilt name and ago Ilea open lint ground where it hi* fallen. It Isa blemish up-in ti.e futaily name that this grovn of the nucesldr l< so long negtiMlc I Once I wrote tn a man and augga-ted that a simple shaft or t-ualislnne bi placed over hts father's grave—a lather 1 dlatlngutahnd tu hi* day—and !•« wrote ew saying Hist tbe waots of the living were more Important Gian aeulia>?ntiT Irorwrs to the dead. That man was wealthy. 1 hid a marble beadslono placed U> mark tint grave. Woman Ira* more heart, more sentiment about socli things thru mao. ft is the mother wbo visits the grave of her child and dealt* It with flnweis. Tl.e puet Harrell ary* thot ‘'Woman was last at the cross and earliest nttho grave," and llaltock say* that "The graven of out luved one* am onr pil grim shrlnsa." « wvuuui it umin iv - ■ iiUUBll In lilt* country. Weru do Uit-y Bud room for th« dead lu New York city mid Chicago f read Hut In Bug land and eomn part* of Germany the bodies of the dead are allowed but i thirty year* to sleep la tires cemetery mid am then taken up snt the bona* thrown In the charnel huiune and Ultra they dec-iy and settle down into dust, larird Is bio Valuable to krep spreading It Into graveyards aod eu they keep on using the same gtound every thirty Tears. The eeutlment of respect fur tho homes of tire desd Is presumed to pass away In that Ume. Thera Is nnlhlog there hut boues turd not ns my of thenr.. This Is at lest hatter thso ei emotion, tro better for U>o deed, uf course, hut more grateful, to the Hying who loved them. Ssored i.i>l profane history abounds hr mention of honors to I tie dead and respeot for their burial place. Tiro cate ttf M.iohpvlali Is positively known and was the burial plaoe of Ahrabam and Sarah, of Isaac and Re brkah aod Jacob ft Is (bo oldest burial place hi tiro wirrhl. Jacob built a monument to RrClwI. but none Is ru curdnd to LrCSIi. Eoali, poor woman, was not good looking. The children of Israel took up tha bnics of .loeepb nod crrriud them along wlUr them on their forty year's Junracv. Even |n our day ttm remains of dlstlngulsbt-4 dead are carried thousands of miles Lu tbelr homo and ooun'ry, as W. W. Corcoran dH the bones of .Min How ard t'ayop. Colombo* doe* not aacm lo rest anywhero permaeanll* and om welt nxnlalm as Samuel did to Haul, '•Why Hast thou dlr<)tilled me ?’• I think that Spain might let oe have the remains uf either Columbus or Arsarl One Vespucci us, for tire latter, though an Italian, la burled bi dartHe. The gravoa of our Oon federate dead are by Uils time pretty generally mark ed with Barbie headstones. I have often wosdrint that US State bas aot pntillsbed In pli*raphlet or booklet torra tire names of all onr soldier* by oum pants* and regiments and Other deal/ net Ion. It wouldn't cost much and would be a great eenifart l« Urn Vvter ane and their fssslHsv (Monel A very'a eaUlogoe centals* ndloar* uoly. I aeed seed a book statue* every day. U would be a bom* evidence ul i tins aervlcca of father*, brother* and I uncle* In the CearMsntn army and should bate a plane on the parlor labia braid* the family Bible. VfUy coa t tlw next legislature bate aucb a book compiled f I was rutploutlng a boot tbe orxt legislature, for the praat lulls us It will not have a negro lo It and only ono Be publican, 1 was a prem ier of Ilia legislature of lflfifi. ahleb w.ia purely while and solidly Demo cratic. Since then ovary legislators luu lied one or more colored members and several Republic ins. Verily w* are on Ilia up grade. 1'iior. asLxtcr seukna Telia Steal ihr Kowh mf ions «*.«• linn—Tax Ml Wad Wteda. State lleologist Holmes addressed the Watauga Club et Uilulgb recently an good roadi. Prof. Holme* Is always practical, yet always Interesting. Bn aav* that tbot far only 23 oouottea in Ur* Stale have a road tax law. Ttits ranges from 8 to 1H cent* on lb* <100 Of property valuatloo. Mecklenburg having tbe highest figure and having ulto 70 miles of macadamised roads. Tlie 0(bt Is In many counties against Ura tax. In foot, liters U an In tense nud ip this case must unreasonable prejudice against tax In North Caro lina. But a tax ou bad roads Is iisltl, ueyertlirlms, and It la no leas s aum than 8l.ww.0a) a year. Prof. Holmes esya tins is au under, rather than an ovrr-oetloiate. It Lt that worst of all taxas. mm which beusQUi nohndy. To aacadanlxe all Ihorvidsln the State would cost somvtiling like $£>.001),000 a year. There I* no way to Improve roads save by taxation. Tire beat way la to issue bouts and levy a lex t« meet the hilerest and create Ilia ■inking fund. Intelligent supervision la a prime requisite. The re loca tion of roads Is necessary. t)u« had road hIoiim c -stx Mltcliell county pro pin $80,000 a year. Charlotte's quid road*, six mil-* out In all directions, arc w-otli $80,000 a year more to that city than Rilelgh’s ranis, only thren u>|:*s uut. are to tliat city. Bat wliat will imiv da with tlie unheeding pcopl» of this 8t*t* ? Tim road lectn re. brist ling with fact*. Ml up mi t he o*r* of Llv* invnb.irs of tbs last legislature with no m ire effect than If they had bi-au d*T«1 men I i tli.i .-aat olay can be mlxod with the *anly rued* and Uius a dm roadbed will bo incur*! In tins clay ciuiitry sand can he mixed with a like result, if in* giadiui he properly d me. Broi l tlrel vehicle* are earnestly n-co-xninru tod. They »Iav* Ulllel It. •f tl Min^turi gur Itnnky Mount Butin-, Cy Thmnpiiiti, Harry Sltlunn- ct (•!., trim wesr the Populist dUiulee white they are fitting in tliu *.4'iio councils, sloapiug in the hnuke :llid s ipping not of Llie sum* dish with J«ur Pritchard, Ah Holme, of dec Hunlcr D «k»ry. Dm Uuue'.l, Geo While (black), Ah) Middleton (ditto) tha "ilicttiir" of Djplla, and theAiudo‘•Prof”. IkeSmith. uf Craven, tint they are doing it to pro serve the organ iatbhMl nr tha Populist party, so lint it may be In sh ip* la go into the eempnlgu iu 1II00. They ere simply playing thin fraud to fool lilt Po|<ullst, who may still trust them and svcura thrir vote* far the tlcki't they me Support iug. Tticy know that limy an I other* liae Uiera, who tiHvu betrayed \lie party hr com bining with thfi Itnpnhllam gold |i»rty end IIi-j tmgnx)* who are la It, have driven tliouuuda of Imuest men out of tho Populist party, *nd practically do •troyi-d It. It was stronger in Georgia and in Moith Carolina limn la uuy other of ilin Southern Stttes, hat In Georgia it It iu so dea l tt* mi organiI .lion that one of the leading Populist papers of that Stale, and the only l'opullut dally in Uie South. the August* Trtitunt, advises wbst is left of U to ceasn not ing at-parnlety and go to the itemo eratio party, as thousand* of Populists did boroie the lust (leullon, us shown by the decrease lu tlielr vote from M.OO'J I wo years ago to 48,000, Includ ing the negroes wlio supported their iMiivu arv*%>• W« Ventura the prrdiotfou tbaltMr vole In lb* coning election In ibis Slate will show p/no a greeter falling off IIinn 11Is, If ibem be anything In tlin sign* nl Ihn lime*. The people are ■ llAguftiol will) lli« dickering toenaga •nuot of the** meroruary mouotebatik*. who know il and are head beot fur tin Itepublicar- parly, where they logically belong end mould bays been loug ego. Til re* Oor lore la Oaaaaieataa. From Itcnpimln Pnieilln. " " h«o you am sick, wbat you Ilk* best U to bo clio*;r> for a medicine in the first place; what experience tell* you la best, to he oltosen la the second place; wbat reason (I. a.. Theory) my* Is treat lo bn ofroaan In lbo last place, Brit if you enn get Of. InvUh'itvm, Dr. Expri-fcncr nod Dr. Uni ton to Imlil a oonsuUation together, they will give yon the beet advice that can be taken,’’ XV Heri you have n bad cold Dr. lo ci laat Ion would rtoommeud Chamber lain’a Cowglt Dsastdy trecauan It to pleaaant and *»ra tottM Dr. Ciperl aace would recommend it tree*nee it ■ever fails to effect • speedy and par ntanrnt earn. Dr. Ilstacii would recommend II l>eeaus* Il I* prepared on seientlDn prlnclidea. and acta ou ns lore's plan In rrltotlug the lungs open ing the sserelhtos and restoring tb* aysfeu to a natural and healthy eoadl [ lion. 1’or sale Ity J, E. Curry A Co. j.'i : .. RiSakUtiaa I'mwIww )a He. OoMrliet *nr>at Then are fully 5,000 white llvyuldl can* In Korth Carolina who will vrtle lb* Democratl>t ticket la tiie coming November election. Wayne county will furnlsli her full per cent, uf such voter*. Mark tire predict In* The Arynt |a not giver to Idle talk. Tire entire l)>monratki ticket will ka rtooted in Wayne county Ity mafortolw raagfng from 500 te 500 tmiso* trruti pj i> m «m. ttMndllM HmmIiINw rnaWwtsO-WMI Try to far With r»!mi iia’ui ^r'K't >U*on af rtuU«'» Wo at* glad so many volar* «f Ot tswbe had au oui-or’.anily to lwar th« abhrat defender of ths Populist parly lay before them the claims of that party fw support Uiia year and to de fend the record of Uw party la the past. Weaayws are glad, becausu tf any defence could be wade for Uw record of fuston govvrnment, |e lu. creasing taxes, increasing oSom, Ik creasing eaUrira, Increasing few. for uegroUlng Uw eastern counties end towna. for elect I jg gold bug members of the lower bouse of Uongree* sod the Seoalo when the petty claimed to be for sllrer. surely ho could and would liavo done it, but we appeal to every wan that heard him speak, whether be dented t single charge Uw Democrats have mad* against tlw fesloe adminis tration of affairs in Ibis fltate. Bo did not deny that tlu> Slate tnrprnsna lusve been (090.000 mors the feat three years than under Uw last three yuan Of Democratic administration; lm did not deny that Uw two fusion Legis latures cost 114,000 more than ttw lest two Democratic Legislature*; bo did not deny that ths petitionUary cost to Uw salaries and mileage of tbs officers *10.000 wore la 1907 (ban la 1800; be dhl not dtny that tlw penitentiary euperluteudent hat felted to tasks a report and refuses to let Ueliook* bo aaoo; bo did not deny that tlw peniten tiary lias been full of tbo grossest kinds of scandals; he did not dotty that Uie legislator* pet the towns of OrewuTilt#, New Berne, Wilmington and other t>l«ws lu otiargs of tlw as greet; be did not dray that Uw fusion kola have elected negro county oommia aU liars to many coaoUcs, that two thlnla of Uw tel■,ml eommlttae* in mtny oountics which have ovrralgnt ot Uw relax 9* of both the whites end the blacks. arc itrgroee, end that oegru magistrals* to ths number of 9(10 or 400 have l»-en elected by the c^-opera tion of Populist end Bepubllone votora and (hat there ere negro •lieiiffe. dep uty sheriffs, onsuble*. poiletiurto, e:c., almost without number la ths •wst-. as a result of fusion success In tbo last two elections. H* did im* coo trorrrt e sinals slsUcnenl of tb« Kev. Jusse Page, Uev. A. W. th-tzar or eey ot tlir newspaper cunespondaut* about the condition of tho east. We say if Uw ablest man the fuslnnit'a have cun nut clear tlw party of ISa l>Uck record It mmt stand condemned lu Uweyiw of every fair-minded, honest man. • * Uh admitted that li« said that tho I sat Legislature was a da mat bio dis grace t < ttw mate. sod than triad to allow that the Dsmncratio members were iur U11* lllbraon. All Un* pari of Ui epcvcli WAS a hog* JuUe. Il« Mil lli'fH *tr* 7 DiisxmU in the skn»t* Mud 83 tu tlus House. This would leave-U (list >n -Senators uml flu fusion members tu l!ie Legisla tor*, yet for m >rn than km liuur lis talked about bills Uisl Iwd bue« killed by thia tiainlful of Danioorata. Tho till I tu prevent tlie rt moral of eases from lHa ttUto courts to the federal courts lie s«kl ivoclvol In tha House the vote* of S Democrat*. 1H Republi can* and 37 I'upalUta. Tim bill to re duce freight rates be arid recalved th* ro'e*°f 93 I’opalhta. t» U'publicaiu and 10 Domic rati. The bills agstnst free passes, revoking the lease «f the Nurili Carolina Utllroad and aeveral 1 other bills were voted no In about Ilia • inw proportloo. How we oak why ' did not the fort mitt member* who 1 bad about a two third* majority in tire ltousn end a six aev.-ntha msjorlly iu the Men ate. pass those bills 7 ft la either a Joke or lb* vsi lest hypocrisy to charge that Um DsaaoeraU were re sponsible for itwlr failure » * • • y0 kind of aopblvtry can convince any thinking people that a minority pwriy Is responsible for Um failure or Um ane ere* of any kind of * bill before a Legislative body. * a * • There was nothing In Mr. Butler's spevcb to give comfort to Republicans lie did not cnee advise Populist* tu va«e for KepubUcsn* on the fneion ticket*. If* said that k* waa sorry that tb* Democrat* bad not accepted bit proposition to fuse with tt.a Toon Halt to tight tiis Bepublleeti*. and that be would rsosw the proposition to the Democrat* two years beuoe. Ue aet nally said this after he had slmoet ex hausted th* dictionary of aboeiv* ept tliete against Ike Democrat*. Bad ns we are, he said be w*e going to try to get with ua In 1800 TKI X MAY AMAIN, Its Owl W»A at AwM«w Cell*** la l.aaalhm a Nanai. CtnrtoMV Ohuvw. Wlvat • wonderful friend lo Uvu bo uau rata Uva X rata in, floda added proof In the operation performed at I>attd»op yeaWrday, Niven Ur. Xnuroe located and asUactad a bullet froai Um ••fa o* Mr. Jobaaton. recently abet by • nearc Tb* ball a a* lo tit* parlaard ial **■!, b*Iveta the foertli autf eixlh riba, and vU proximity to Uva I Mart rendered Uva operation very daagerouit. and yat live new Intention baa. aided by lb* plirilelno’eeXUl. aa far a*oaa lie **eu, rendered tb* uparadlort eiioaimful Tba ball bad carried Into live body a alttnd of oloUIng. vhlco, lettarlog M it waa, meant certain death ouleea qatekly remnted. Prof Itoantgea d* eanrea a Nviaawt. MHMaaa w«ta Avar It la eertaluly gratifying to Um pub lie lo k*ow of on* concern In Lite laud wlm ere not Afraid lo b* gooeraue la tb* needy and entering. Tb* praarl •tow of lit. Ui|k X«Y IMaaovery fur CciveumpUo*, Goagtva and Gold a, bar# iivau away over ten mill km trial bottlea of Ula great mariietn*? and bat* lha aatltfaetloa of knowian it baa atnotnteiy eorod Ihoaaaada of tmpeleaa Meet. Aathma. DrearblUe. Uonreatteaa and all dtaanaaa ot Uva Throat. Wheat and Laaja Aft Barely enredby It. Gall an /*. Garry 4 Go . OruggMA and gat a irlal battle free. Ilagater Mm Me. and ft. Kr ary hottto rueruteed, or price ra I fended. pi lltiarteMvw- Mrt Otearv. Thb f uii'i orator* Baku theaadv.a ridiculous i-j declaring la tMr paUla ■peuuhca that the IhaMntl* party la “tba Mgro potty." Men wbe wN •aah absurd MMtati aa this cannot SBffiWWKiSrfi!; U not a white mia of common arnae, n<*r a nagra la lha Mate, who doct uat know that tba lUpobitoM party la, wad ku bean aiooe tlva day af hie frat dan, tha home of Urn negro. Nobody baa arar elwimed that of Um 130.000 vote# polled, er claimed ta have beta polled by that party (a tba Um ateo t(on, caora that 90,000 war* pallad by white mo. and lha balaaaa wet* gnat by cegreea. Ttaara at* ptoWUy lio, oot legal oagro voters in UlsStataT lll - UM la*t election tbry cart stoat 10, 000 fraodaleat vote*, making Urn legal sad fraudulent vecea aaM Grab# 9b' a root in um Uat eleotlow saaoaal to 130/Mi, Tola Imtaaoee nngre veto, aa everybody know*, wax east art idly far BaaMfl, MoKitilay aod'ib* balaaaa of Uta Republican Dckat; State and aa tlocal, yat fusion enters bate lb* gall to aay teat the Democrats aapawS'-’’ negroH to eflteu. Why ebonld they appoint negroes to ode* when aU tba dagree* rote against, them ? Tbl* 1a MM fact known to alt ana which allow* tba aboard I ty nod falsity of Ihm ituteoiMiU. Again, It m mil known that (n ■astern Csmllna, Itepobltesn coa rantlena, without an aroaptloa, are coapoaad largely af nagraaa. Ia D raven but a taw dara ago tba w« reutlon had about 110 dclagatea, S3 of wIiob were negroes. lo UM aaoood [odleMl dlatrlet the convention which rvoe«Uy art at Boaky Mount sod nominated Oh .is. A. Cooks for Judge, a State ;<Mltlo:i, then was eat a alngl* white drlagrt*. la everyeounty In Um mat where (be negroca have a sufficient rot* to alect Utelr ticket, wllboot the tld of Um whites, tbry nominate a* a rule a number ot negro** on ttooonnty Liesubtiosu ticket, la Craven ooonty, »ut Of eleven candidates oe lb* Bapab llean ticket, they nominated aevao negroca, lo Bdgecombt eoanty they nominated guile n number of oegtom, niuiug Uinta two caadidv«< for Ute f-eglautur*. Likewise In Halifax touoty they nominated two angrw-.M for die Leglaiatur*. la Wake eoanty they sore oaly kept from nominating no rma* oa the county ticket by Um white Itapablleaes, at tha laateuoa of the I’opo lists, agreeing to give the aegron* .wo pUevs with aalarten of $900 each n the Agricultural Dapartinwit. and uxl they have nmninateil uegro mag at rates. jvl* know*. imiH upon putting uno »f Umlr color upon a ticket, were U ■ut for the fast that In the oounltxt *lt«*r» they cannot elect wtiluni; Um •hit* vole, they are tHd that If thuy Hit nrgroc* upon the ticket toe Pup il uta and white Urpubliauia would be ll«1nclin*J to aupport Lite llelcel. Since ■bo Legislature provided fur ilia elec tion of magielrate) and ountUWee by MfNHOC rote, Uie eegrtee hero almost (•variably loeMed upon Dominating .•eraone of Lbalr own race tor thee* important petition*, and that account* lor ilia (act that la uutrly every town rtilp la tee eaetern pert af tlia State, aliere there la a negro majority, there ua only negro magtairwie* and coo itablee. la Umm oountUa they also lamnnd the minor poaitiom, anca as lepaty tlierlS, Jailer*, ate. to tlm ■water n town* they demand and are Irttiog the petition* of aldermen, po le* man a tin M !>n. Recently they cave been elaiming the poatoffiaea. end in tbe Mwtera part of tim Stem, a* pMlally In theaecond JUtrlct, oaarly •11 tke potto 111 ore are Blled by uegruer. r«i»w >if»t rimm Ike MinfMunr. PkUaeWjbU. What the South wilt do Iq the next (aw JWI along tba Hue of maaafao taring cloth from cotton floor probably tba luoat optirotaalc cannot foretell. Tba day whan tba Southern people waw aaUaCcd ta predew cot too for Lmocaablre and Wow Bngttnd baa paaerd away. Thara waa a aanllwia tal laterwt attached to Uw plantation Ilia, arao with tta bnama etaeery. hot It It« distinct economic adranee when the 8 her nau ba apea and wewo at home, in many aaoaa Is the a Mat of tba delta of open lag cotton boUa. A raw weak* ago an noocnot waa pot llabad of a S •aUtrrn ootton mill wbooa wglna and boiler rooms ware eat hi n ooal bed. The flraman nod alokars reached down from wtwn they stood and wot thalr foal oat af Urn ground. The Utrtt dovaloymeut In thta Son th at a wonderland la a roeUntUno of Mr. I). A. TbmpMne' idea that tba ooltao kale should boatlatuatod and that Urn doth should ba made an Urn farm. A Dint huajust been cnmaletad at Edge Md. S. O.. when tale la elrtnally the •etbod pursued. The eottee is picked and ginned, the aaad la pwwad, and tba oil, cattle food and phaophalo am pot Into a marketable farm. Uw Hot Is •pan lain yarn, which ta inn la woven loto cloth—all tanatagtepUct. Here Utarn la wa Ming, no atolpplogofjbe raw cotton to EogUod. Germany Haw England or U any plana. Tba Sooth from a prod bow of raw salatlal ha eomaa a producer af Uw Oelabed maay. factored arUde. wlileh la randy to take tie pises at rone In tbadammUc or for algn nark eta. If Uw 1m wad let a fat urn «— Iwne any each Wlaatilal dewlap mautoM twee oomt to na In tba pant tow years It will la hard t» mg what wemay oonneMowta. Tba ganUwrn manufacturers af ootten goods ham at wady main wry notaMa adeaaam ta Me eapart trade, and thalr tat art la wUb Me gwrnUag of

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