_The Gastonia G . a _ novoted tn tlio Promotion ol Homo and Iho lntnrMU «| th Cminty. V<»U XIX. {iia^r^^^'&r.} Giwtoiiia, N. C.. November :t. 1898. MAJOR JONES TRAVELS FIFTY YEARS AGO. By Major Joseph Jones of Georgia. I.KTTEU XV. New Yokk, June 16. To Mr. Thompson—Dear Sir ; In my lad letter ( told you I was gwhie to Y'ankeedood ledum. VVeU. Tvo been to Bovtoo and Lowell. and seed the lire Yankee*, Bunkerhlll monument sod llic faotry gall*, nnd a heap of other natural curiosities that inore’n paid □M for the trip. Hooper, who you know la it OJd Feller a« well aa a very clever one, wauled to go to the great celebration wbat was to lake place in a few days In Bostou, and as 1 wanted to tee that ' part of tbs world before 1 ueol home, we agreed to go togetJier. and I 81 Monday evenln we tuck paaiaga In this steamboat Narryganset for Boston. We hadn’t beru g.ma long from the wharves wlion the rust thing i know’ll tbs inglne wits stopped, the boat o >ru menoed slnwln round, and the people ruonin In evry direction. Dtmeby the logine give another lick or two and lbee etopped agin. Thinks 1 thei’a something out of Jlnt. Thlnkln t ie btter was gwitie to boat nr the bole wss broke, t »x’d a old gent lemon what was the matter ?" *’\Fe Is right at llell-gile,’’ set |u». “Tbe dsvll ws UI— as close as thatl’’ sed a man with mottaabys no bis mouth. Hell-gate! thin.# (. aod l looked oat, and shore enuff tbe watri was whirlic round and round, and rniniPi up stream and orutswaya and rvry other way. Jsst tlmu thump went the old bote agio aumtlnug, and ovry so man squalled, ami tbs noon atmal on ther tip-toe*. Thinks I, If uc is to go to the bottom, I’d a go--d deal rather lake a swim in some other place. Everybody said doo’l be alarmed—and one man ted It didn’t make oiucli dif ference to him. for be started to go to Boston, nnr how. Bimeby tJie b.'ll roog, aod the old logins tot up a ter rlbie puflin and aourtln, and in u low minlte wo was lsavln tne gate of the Internal regions far behind us. Wo passed Frog’s Neck—whir i.ey’ne blldin a young Giberaller to keep tho British lrua coming down to New York when Mr. Polk driers ’em out of y/roguu — •Huunwiii uim ujr utrK we we* )» whet they cell the Sound. After smnklo a argar we went in our bertha, whir we wu soou sound asleep. It wai ’bout daylight next morniu when we gut to Stunnlngton, in Con necticut. whir they aay the peeplc Urn on fish an much that they smell like wtt*le oil aud have scale* nn tbclr backi This may be a bug wlmt they pat on me, but one thing 1 do kuow— and that la that they is great whalers, for they whaled the British out of liter harbor, in the lsst war, a monstrous tight aaloker than tlisy cu e lu. It was a bomiuable dark foggy niorniu, and I couldn’t sen much of 8tunu)ng too, bat wlmt 1 did too untde roe tblok it waan’t badly named—for it is rock* from oue eend to totber. and it was long after wo was out of sight of the town fore wc could ate any thing hot rock-fencee and* rock chimneys, sod whole corn-Held* of rocks from the at** »f a Roose-egg up to that of a pin-house. We got a mere rqulnt at providence, in Hodoialnnd, when we ws* crosal > the river in the atcambote, sod in about a ower more we was in sight of liuatnu, which looked at a distance like it wus hilt on stilts lu the middle of a overlaaliu big frog-pond. When we got to the depo, the white hsemen cum reariu nud pit chin it us like evrv one of ’em bad a capias nd satisfaction, as the lawyers say, for us, god to keep from gittin tramped Into Ihsyeath by ’em. we Jumped into the fast back What had tlis dore open, and told the man to drive us to the I’url Street Hotel. Well, twin as 'i wasn’t near dinner Uojo. we luck a walk lOand to see the city, hut we soon found out that wouldn’t do. If a man aouM walk like Mr. Hubert Acres wonted to Ace his duel, edgeways, he •ought possibly manage to git through s square or two of Boston ’ttvnut gittin socked off the sidewalk troro’n a dozen • lines. Hut for s man of my six* to •■•are vivvibi-u ■uryi 5. them Bo*i«n street* l», u out of the gpiltioV' Colonel Bill Skinner would £ like Mr. (Julllver «m In the oily of ^ LUlrpuahin* — the corporation jJJJokl be bound to accommodate him film oommon to keep him from block £ up the itreete Intlnely, Why. they ' Xi’t mueli wider than tha epaoe be Zfttn the rowe of u pea-patch, nuii mao they are *o twiaud tbat it** ua Jlooh aa a common sired body can do " kMp both feel In tha tame atraet at ma Mitre time. And then what makes ■a worse, la ihe way the Boston people * ik«. They nil go daahln along Ilka T£j waa gwine to die, and hadn’t hut "rLm hour* [oft to selllo tber blanaas. Aa tor I***'1 the walk In n lady, or Zji of it to a gentleman, they don’t Sok of »o slob a thing, and if you rL.t want to have your bra lb nuoknd of fee e^fy few »t«pe, you mought °7 well take tlio middle of the atroet at . whar. If you don’t keep a aim 'vr0<U akarp lookout, you la oartaln to r. foo over by tber averlaatio grate, r\t ahaop^bror !,**k1n carta. Hooper rtfm« tried tn k»ep together on the SZwalk- But It wasn’t no usn. After along for ’bout halt n eqnaro, I •’Lpd myaelf If* tbe etreet and ray rHwid half ««T luln a etore dorr, whar aoekert by a teller what waa ahead with a armful of woudrii •^SVigadO our way tha beat way w« Tja In the direction or tbe Mono what etauda over in ubarlaton KaUv* Americana had a crlehra T** ok the bill, aad oua of Utar oratoie 1 . nakla a speech to a beep of people **". waa crusrdln all around the wh*. hat like our people In Georgia fourth of July kaekyoue. Aa ** * Ae tber apeeebaa couldn’t make ua Americana than We la, we UfCt tlw orator and III* flights or elo quence for the (light of step* what tuck us. after purlin and blowin e-ofl' to work u two nos power strain tngtne; up ho Hie top of the great Ysnkeo Monument, what baa been ratted on Ibis Hlnal of American Freedom. If tliri li a unm m the nation wliat don’t liko the Utiion and don't feui wlllln to alied hl» blood to pteecrva It he ought to make a pilgrimage to this oonsrera ted epol. If, s'KDdln on thlg majestic pile and looklu down on the ground that n ceivr.il lire foat red hciptiaiu of J.lbcrty. while lie breathes the air that received the rxpirili t-retli of so u>an» mirtyred heroes, and looks upon the sky that witoossed ther heroic valor, he does nut fee! tils buenm glow with pat'totlo emotion, and imbibe a lose ef country shove Mil sectional prejndleee or lute reals, then he may he sure lie was born ou tho rung side of the At lantic. From tho top of the monument, which Is a hoot 300 fret high, we could ere half over Massachusetts Among oilier thing* that was piiited out to os lu llie guide book was another nionu meat, ol which Die Boston people I'Wdn’l be so Very proud. The rum* ■f tbe Urtullne Convent Is still stauilia in sight, to reprmich the intolerant spirit of a pee pie who have violated Ihe laws and diaiegaidnl tnn pnuciplee which ther fattier died to establish Id this country. After o'lmtu down from ths inutru meat, wrn tuck a walk through the navy yard mid the rope walk. wlrar they w.ia uisklu ropes long enuff and strong enuff to pn'l Ihe Bloue Moon ttin. In lieKelli Couuly, up by the root, and limn we went back to our bole). Ou the way lack I tuck lie opimrtu ulty W1K1II we was ridln In Ilia hack, ahd nubcJy couldn't run over ns, to notion tlio atorea tod booses. P.xueplin tho narrow, cruoki-d street, BihIoii look* a good deal like tho other North ern cities, though lo my tastu It uln'l to compaie in no rr»;ieot lo either Baltimore, KillaJolfy or New York, lu sum p.i la of the city the slreeU la wide enough and very clssu, aud tbe bonaea la very One. but llier’a a aristo cratic air about It, a sort of starchy Sundy-go to-uieetio kind of a look about this part of tho city, that 1 don't Ilka a bit turner than I do (be pinched up, uairow contrived appeurance Of tbe real. X noticed olio Hung ab >ut the signs Id J1 onion, which nooouulu for tho curluai way lliey pronounce (her words 1’lu r letters Is all littler in the middle than they is at the send*— as for instance, a letter 1 looks like a lady that was dylu’ of tlUlaein. Now you know the Yankee* ses kyew lor cow, nod gives a lood-nUbolh eeuds Htidlour-in-llm-middle sound to all ther words. Well It’s my opinion that it is the shape of lbs letters on thei signs that make* ’em do a, or maybe the letters le (mule by thu painters to suit the pronunciation of the people. In Pllladolfy the tnoat of the signs Is pointed In grato big block letters, and In Now York. In all sorts aud kinds Well, tbe I'tlladolfy people talk very square and plain, and ill New York liter ulot no peculiarity Rbout tlielr pronunciation— nobody can't tell e New Yorkor by his accent. So ynu see what thu Influence of ass-rcisllou Is. After dlDiior wu was gwioe to rmolte our cigara, but jest a« 1 was bilen off tbe rood of mine I happened to look up mid seed a notioe which aed. No smok In 'lowed here. ” ••Well,’' ses Hooper. spose they consider this room nft tbe machinery — Isas go forward.” We went into another room, but the fust thing we aeed thar sear, iu gram big WlUra, “No arooktn 'lowed here.” With that we went to the door thlnkln we tnoughl smoke eu ll»« steps, but thar wns tho evertastln "No amokln 'kiwsd here,” stickln tip on both side* of the door. I looked at Hooper and lauglied, but he didn’t feel like Uogliin. “What kind of a plane is this, XVI like to know ?” ees he, "I wonder If they allow orsple to eneez* when tbey lake cold ?” I peopoaod to get sum matnlaw and gj to the common. ’’Agreed,” sea Hooper, any altar wbar w* ean brcatlie 'tliout violatin the rule*.'' t sx’d the man iu tlia ofttce, wlml jnwl been lookm at toy cigar all ilia lime, like It wae a rattlesnake, for a match. •’I guess you'll Qnd somo In the •mokln room,”ses he. -•Smoklii-room,” s«s I, "wherV that ?'• •• i mi way, air, T »< * l a and he opened a door of a little dirty room tlml smelled strung «nuS of loimcker smoke to nock a tnen down. Thar was no. body In It but a old codger, In u snuff colored coat wbal was ateokln on* of the worst kind of American wgurs, ■ od read In ••all aorta of paragiepht’’ In the Boston Port. The fl.ior was Covered wftb eshoa nnd old stumpi of •agars, the walls looked llkn the tnslda of a Georgia smokehuuso. nod the air was etruug ruuff of smoko to turo a msu Into wrll-oured bacon in ’bout fifteen mliilts. ••Majer,” e*s llnnpnf, “I ain't stand this place.-1 're had Jeat nt much of Uoeton as I want. Less go to L-iwoll this afternoon. Maybe we can smoke s cigar thsr, n id If you want to soe nny more of llotton. w* can stop whrn trn rum bunk.” I was jest alaiot as sick of the city of rvetlsetln suty’s ns lie nss, and to leas than no limn wo was an the railroad to Ixiwell. This is una of Ike finest r ued a In tlm world, lead In through a country that aaema Ilka out continual village. Tim laud Is poor and entered with rook a, but ll’a studded all orer with butlfnl country residenofl*. with ctiurcliei and •uilia and factories of nut* kind and an other, til you git to I/owall, which la the handsomest small town t was ever In. TV'c tnck rooms at the Merry m;ick Uoum, ona Of the best hotels, and, be fore ten, tuck n walk u**r tlw place. It waa n pleasant after noon, ami as wa walked along on tbo tviuk of thn oaual what oarrlr* the water from tiro river to the faotnrli**, wh couldn’t holp but uotica tbo dean sml healthy appearance of tbe town. Th# clenr cool water I went sweopin aloug, deep nnd strong, lo IU rook bauka. orer which tbe 1 green grtua and flowers bung to dip ibemielvea iu tbe stroma, while a roar In sound, that cum from tbe direction | of tbo great blocks or flveatory factor ies. reminded ua that It waa no Idls | stream, ruauiu lo waito its usefulness ■ mi tba doaart shore, hot tbut It gave its power to aid the Industry of man and to coniiibuto to tire wraith of the na tion. We tuok a stroll on tho bauka of tbe M'trytcuck, below the town. From different, pints wo (ot a One via w of tbe ikaCH. anil found piently to intaraat ua til tea time. Wn waa poaaln up Merry mack street to oar hotel when the belle rung, ai.d tlie fust thing we kuow'd tlie whole town was fall of gulls. They com twunln oat of the factories like bees out of a hive, and apreallu In every direction, (Hied the sLrvtUeo that nothin else was to tw aeru but platoons of Sun-lion nets, with loug capes Imogiu down over tlie shoulders ot the factory gilts. Thousands upon thousands of 'em was psaaln aloog the street*. all lookln na hnpinr, m.d cheerful, and neat and e.li-uu, and hutitul, as if they waa bfiatdiu-achnnl nnsses Jest from llwi hooka ll was Indeed n Interesting eight, and a gralifyln on* lo n pereou wins has always thought that the oppar alivea aa they call rm in the Northern factories, waa the meat miserable kind of perple In the world. i' v.a- a uoiitin raniii ngni nigiji, and after li a we walked out luto the alrvet agin. Tbo stoics wus all Ht up, and the gal s was n.itkii about io pairs, aud half dixena, and dozens. ehoppln from store to store, runt laughtii und Lalkln atmut liter purchases, as If it didn’t hurt ’em to spend thru carnios no raore'ii oilier t-eepis. Under tber curious louktn crsrker-bonnets lltar was mill lovely fares and cj**, Uiat looked I tetter by moonlight than aur I have sued sense I lefttieorgis, aiul poor Hooper, who you know is a bachelor, twin exposer) to slcli a cmutUtil display of ritf-llkn forms. loiy cheeks, bright eyes, and sllvsr-lonrd rotors, begiiu to feel inunalroiis weak about the hun t long before lha owner cum fur the galls to retire Ui tli*r burdlu houses; and I was monstrous Irani lie would need selin up with (ho bilanct of the night, Ida ■imptoms wus so alannin. !Iy 10 o’clock not a cr.icker-binr.ct was to bn seen iu (he Ntrreta. though the moon light was us bright as day. ami tho stars t winkled and danced tn the heav ens above aud a eo»l brerle played through the brandies of tbe lien and rippled the surface of the canal, while UiB walcie, esoapin from ther oooflue mont In many a millraoa, scut up a droamy murmur that blended harmoni ously with the soeue. and made It one of tbe loveliest ttvenins imaginable. It w*n n scene and a own to Inspire love — wIibii the world is turntil Into a par.v dlse and women into angels—and I ooulduT help but feel soiry for the six thousand little nlmphs of tbo spindles, who had no lovers thar to court 'em on ■loti a nigbt. ft was Isto before we went Ui bed. As I’m to the end of my r.hect. I’ll stop here, aud tell you ubout ray adventures in I/Owell. the factoriesuud tbe rectory galls, iu ray next. So no more at pres ent fmra your friend til delb, Joe. Joxtsn. (To l>e continued next week.) *». kwtii withdrawn. FmIwu ml If! Kin far Senator St w llaaenr lor nglrlaiMiiarrminr Mr. H. F. Keith, of Wilmtogtoo, the Fusion candidate for the Senate In Now Hanover and Heuoawkik counties, liaa withdrawn from the race, and bae issued the following card : “Owing to llie deplonttde condition of the politico uf lha Sixth district and the bitterness uf feeling which it liaa engendered, and the fact that my busi ness now demand* my personal atten tion, t hereby withdraw from any for liter participation In this campaign, a* 1 cannot afford to sacrldoo tuy business Interests tor a political consideration. I havn always been, and still am in favnr of AnghySaxon supremacy In all tiling# pertaining to out State, aa well as our National government, and 1 have always tried to make It plain to all fair-minded people In all ror efforts for l he t etlormeul of our people. Respectfully, “U. F. Krtryn.'' Onr I'roplr Nan Thalr IllatHr us Will MmImIaIm Tfirru. tUieivU Vr*t. l<ct the troops come, come from the NortJi or Urn tj >ulh, snd oor people will show them es well •• lbe world llmt tliey know their right*, mid know ing, wltl dare maintain them. Reconstruction days have passed. The day of martial law has passed. 'lire day of troop* at the polls is gone. The day of negro domination will so’tu liavs ended. Tl>e white men only have to stand Grtn. as lbay will do, and tho victory is Wtu. A UnrrSIjs si Oaap. lloarscnrM In a child that It Subject lu cionp I* a sura indication of (he approach of Urn dbwuw. If ntiaiobrr Islu's Cough ltnneedy is elvun ar soon us the Child become« luisrso, or even after tho croupy cough h<* appeared. It will i«r*y#nt tli* attack. Many mothers who h»v« croupy children al ways k*ap I Ills remedy at hand snd Had that It savta them much Itoobte and worry. It ceo always t* depended up I on aod I* pleasant |o toko. Far saJ* | by J. K. Curry sod Company. Job Printing. What Kind Do You Want? Letter Heads, Note Ueadh, Bill Heads, Envelopes. Circulars, Posters. Cards Or Wlmt T No matter which you want, if you have your printing done at The Gazette Job Office, It will be done Right, It will be done in Stylo, And it always Suits. Anything Else? If so, just mention it. THAT ASBPOLE RIOT. uurLtn; uioisf t»i tiii: at tack. •Imj* WtoUhey aoul Kctil N«Anpr Ltud. rm Ombp Snir Uutlavn r*lrmti Hue* |'«Mtlrl-PrcTMiiMl 0»|y by ika I'NrUcATAiKa au.l c^olnawi or U» TTIi|U*w 'Oulnjeong iloatlcarl of (be XttroN-M>Vfral Arrrala HkHp. I uinb&ion ItohrOuriUa. On tut Thursday Arthur VVitlUrt, loloted, and Hurley Bass, whit*. were n Atiinolr, and Waller* ailed up on finger tonic. He aniuaed the while leople generally, nud Bsaa In particular, breatrnlug to cat bit Ihroat mid risking him get In a wugon. Severn I >f the ynuug white men ot tho town •old Walter* (hat no should not abuse Baas. This angered tha negro, who rat into hi* wagon and left, saying io would cjoie again and aen tliraj. In ulxiut un hoar th-reaiter ho it :urued aimed with a guo and ainiclied insolently and UnealenUigly through die streets. About sunaot he left for ioni« in company with tbreo other un true*. Between that tiro* And tnl.l light I he negro was visited at His nouisaod whipped—Ilia neglow claim by white men. Between the boms of midnight and 8 o'clock the store ot H. li. Stubbs, at Ashpnle. waa burned. About 11 o’clock Friday morning Pickett Wallets (a brother ef Arthur ) »nd hla mother went to Ashpole ana Began talk lag to the negroes of the recurrence of the night before. They claimed to know who the par tie* were that did the whipping, aald Hall Stubbs was tha leader and he was thu tuan they wer* after. In the afternoon Kd. Walteru, a younger brother, reached the Iowa and got on a stage to talk' rr« told the negroes In tones plainly u«aru uy me whites all auout lie* whipping of hla brother, and «M that If he knew who it waa be would send Uictn »u li-ll before nlglit. ” He Him laid he knew who Uie crowd waa. naming 11*11 G. Stubtn »« leader and meulioulng sevsrsl other young men aa of the party. Tliere wrre, lie e«i<t. Eleven white men and two negroes m the crowd. The uegroes talked of ihe affair no the siirets during the afteraoun mak ing threat* against the young while n.eo. They put Charley, youngest of Hi* Walters boy*, on a mule sod tent him all over llie aaiomuolty to tail or the whipping nad to say to Iks negroes Uiat If they wauted In see some fun to com* down to Athpole that eight and ■ne It Between 160 and dOO negroes nssetabled In Uie town that night, gath ering in squads of ten to fifteen and leaking threats. They went Into all Hie store* trying to buy cartridges. Tba youug whit# saeo Imd prsyloualy •rosed themselves and went oat to frighten tbs negroes oB Them was considerable ttrlng of gan* Id l*oth par lies ontll shout It o’clock, when Ue dlsturbaure ended. About 10 o'eloek Saturday Andrew Campbell was arrested for tolling In tnalcstiog liquors and tba esse was C'>ni|ir»mised by tlie negro giving up wlml liquors be had and promising out to sell any more. Aflir lini trial whs over Arthur and Commodore Walters come Into town armed with sun*. Ihen iiis Craiiam also cams In end seeioed Incensed because Campbell. Id* ton In is w, was at 0|>pe4 from selling whiskey. He said if they oould not sell It they could giea It away. Gralismtouk Waf ters aside and gut him to call user thnae wbo were charged with Whipping him. the iMmta being wrltlin down by Char)** Baldwin. fle than took lha two Walters boys, wbu still esrrted tbalr guns, to a magistrate and de manded that be issue warraata for lb* young me» Till* wasrefased for want of svMsmt. After tills an agreemont whs made ll(»i ih« Walters brothers should go 1 am) get llitir friends with guns and that Deunit Graham would get his r«|- : aiivss and friends with guns and they ; would c-iuie to Atlipolo that night and J “burn up the d— d town wlili bullets.” ■ That evening Um negroes began to : utsemblo at about the tlm* of I lie ar rival of the train. A Jug of whiskey i belonging to Graham was taken from ' tlm express offlee. part of it wsnhsnded ' , aroumi und thoy went to Harley Bnld . win’s house, wliere Graham was to ' meet thrts. The whits met) armed * | tuemselva-* in anticipation or trouble, riveting Ji. tj. With art captain. They ' trout up neor where tlm negroes were, ' ami J. T. Ionian advene**) lietwern ] the two er.isds und begged the negroes, who had pistols rtiid guos, to disperse. They agreed to do so provided that 1 ! tlm white uien would. One of Urn ne gro** remarked that “no white man { could make bitu go away. He would 1 st-iy as long ss Ira pleased sod would leave wlisn be got ready.” Harley Baldwin it-marked “kill just as many . wiili* wen ns you c»n. Don’t go hnm» to get your rlgt.tr. Kill Died—d white men and then run sway." I Mr. Inman leported to the white 1 turn wlul h«d lawn grid und they prr- 1 paird to are upon the negroes. l)r. * Browo bogged llurtn not to shoot, and 1 Ur. Inman went again to the negro** J and implored Ibcm to laavs. They ■greed mid a few want through the 1 gross in fiont of the wbito man, and 1 going about 200 yard* down the road. 1 tired their guns. The fire was answered ' by Dennis Graham ni.d his crowd, who 1 were across the swamp ou Ihetp way to town. Onnof the negroes sail that 1 “tbs d—d democrats Imd tubs kill*), 1 the quicker the batter, that the ne- < grnrs were going to rule this coun try.” ' ujspcraiui irm crowa u ura. win's, lli« while meu went to meet : Debate Gmliam end hi# crowd wlio ; wen getting drunker and sweeting I they would ‘-barn the d—d town with | Unite.” W l»hart told Urn hum that lie | uould not enter the town aud I bat hia 1 crowd mutt leave. Graham replied that lie lied to cet a paokage froia tltu ex press ofllee, but waa told mat bit only paokagn waa a Jug or wbleky, which had already been Ukati out. Wlihart told him that he oouU lint go Ui town that night or U*« next oight and Beat leave. Another of lire party. Jed Stev ; ana, claioied to have business with a party to towo. hat was told that be ooold not aee him. Tire orgroee then turned their irorae* around and alert ed hack. Dennla Graham lagged be hind aud waa given two minutes lo which to leave. Having dispersed Graham'* crowd the whit* man beard that a parly of oegrova had oaMmblad at a houei iu another part of tewo where gout aod ammunition had been deposited daring the day. A rquad wrnt Urate and found aoaoa oegroo* who quietly dis persed. Thinking the trouble over, the white sen went ap to the academy and bold a meet lug to disc eat tl:e situ etlon. Mliertl Hall arrived tomi after tba ton-ting waa held and the situation waa explain'd to him. U« waa told that no further tronblw was apprehen ded and Uiaulu were tendered him and Hw Lemherton men for coming to their atriaUncr. Fearing, from threat* made. UiMtltre negroes would ailtmpt to bum other property If the town waa left eultraty untwotretrd. It waa decided bast le hay* a guard oat while Ut* bltlaeos! nought sleep. Rnglnrev Murrlll. W. H. | Mallard, It. K. U lumen. Albert FleyJ 1 and others were tba guard After be-, leg oh duly some time ll«ey stopped 1 near lit* poalcfflee and built a amall M asd wet* Standing around It when a gun was Ored at them from ambush. Dullard and Inman were Mrwofc In the bard asd neck. Albert Floyd la lb* leg and lire elatbee of several other* were I IS——ggyw vlerwd. Xoh at tha wouuds warn aa »kaab<* Mat «nN. Sngi.ee; MurrtU, who waa oot (truck, aaw Mom men running from where the gun waa Bred uod »hot a. thorn with a Wlnehea ttr i idr. H. G. Byrd also shot at there with « goo. Nona of Iba negnwa wore ■»r<*ok *1 far as kaown. Aftar the ah noting the ell isms wore cr-xictd and •Uyed up the remainder of the night. At (J o’elook Sunday mornlag Xi0 near Hurt-Ill .wit to Klrad iud tele graphed to Kiorener, A 0. for blood fjoauds, wbloti wars ami, arrtvlag a* Ashpcl# about 10 o’clooh. Pending the wrlral of the docs the olitaaus went to Uw point from which Uw gun wu Bred aod aearehod Three traoka ware found two of litem with about on aod one barefoot. The dogs wore taken to Iba traoka and latuStlauiy took up tba trail, running thioub tbi swamp! aad woodi uoanioglr. Theresa* (oa pUoo Where o Aia bad torn built aad then on to a Belt! and t lire ugh * houaa. There they began baying aad being —rad that tbe men were found Uir boose waa entered aod Juba Uaddy Its occupant, arrested. Gaddy mad# a ooufamtoa implicating Piokett Walton, who tied followed tba eraiehss at u distance, and bo was arretted alto. The pirty then want to Walters’ bouse sail arretted Arthur aod Comma dore Wallers. AH ware taken to Aak p°l« "be™ Bd_. Walter* waa amated bf Sh»rl fT 11 all. After the arrest of Ed. Waiter* Uw uclaooara ware taken to tbu Depot and locked In a bug car. During Sunday algfatlbowea ware taken from tha car one at a time and examined erperaU-ly. Arthur Wallen confessed that Harley Baldwin t«M hloi aad hit broUier, Pickett, that be hjck* Jnlo «*# aide door of tbe store of Stubbs' Thursday ulglit, atola a ha aod pair of ah<wt and pouring kero reno oil oa tb# Boor sol Are to it. la running u way be lust tbe ha aud •WA' They were round m tlit* ll<-Id by other parties Friday. Pick ett 'Valten* told nothing. John Gaddy said Hint ha und Arthur aud tfeamo <3ore Walters cum luck to A oh pula after leaving early Salnrday night and crept through tba Bold tourer where Um white men wore standing by tbe Ora. Arthur Walter*, wbu bad bis pun. shot at Albert Floyd, whom ho had sworn to kill. He did rot Intend lo shoot Ballard or lomsu. Comma d.ne Walters, wbo was barefooted, fol ly corroborated Uaddy os to lb* shoot inf. Several other arrests were made Monday aad lea mea were brought to Lumbert-m teat aigbt sad lodged la jail. They were Arthur, Commodore, i’ickeU and Kd. Wallers. Joliu Buddy. Ale*. Atkinson, Bob Smith, Sell Gra ham, Wilson Graham aud Tborulou Reuse. Dennis Giaham waa arrested to Whileville aud will li« brought here, Otlier unrata will be mail a Harley Hold win. tbe nngb-ml-r .m4 apy f.»c tire oilier*. Hindi! hi* <ur-ap* uu-l has 0-> far eluded arrest. Ash pole I* imw quiet aud it la hyped there will bo oo more trouble. Tba while citlgtni uf the town deserve credit for their cooiuea* and tucJera tlou In a lies of l-nuis- excitement, lint for tins action of tlnrirs tliero wonld doubtless havo b-eii bloodshed. Judd Stephens, another of the riot er*, was arretted yesterday aud brought hi re sad placed In Jail. Tht DllhMwrp. Itnikaui lUcwJ. It I* amusing ua well ns disguallug o sco to what desperate strait* the lepubllcaiia are driven, as I* «vide Dead >y the "Cs'npalgu lisa" luster* licit,g ircnl*to.| by them. One of tltalr stoat la the ataleoMut Uist au old coi ned Democrat in this county, named ['Ip Alston, was alee tad a dnoikteprr n the Legislature, some years ago. I«d was (Mid $1 a day. Kow, It no mppeui that no part of tbla statement s true. Tip was uot elected door ceepor, nor was lie paid dl a day ! lie was appointed, as were aome >ther aegroaa by differed LsglsU urea, a simple laborer to carry wood lid sealer and du such other menial sort aa negro** arc accustomed to loing for while people, and was Mid ho usual prior that ell oar LegMa urea hare oakl f..r such work. And let Rspubllmne seta* upon this as aa ustaooe of Democrat* patting negroes ii ofltoe over while people. Mo. the difference between the Iiem >craU and Republicans lo this reapeet d yary striking. Tho Republicans elect •eoroce as tDaesbeto of th» Legislature mil then appoint whim employers to wait oe them, while the Democrats Fleet only white man to the LegiaUtare tud appnlot oegroea to wait oa theca 1 T»o Imm Why. ■fceiaem Uueort. The Hrpebllijeo pally oannot ba ex Djcwd to glaa •• good foyvntmeot to North Carol Ian aa the Democratic par ty can. Why? Simply broaifta tbe Itapubltaau party >o North Carol Ioa la Oom Beard oliiady of orgroea, alia am Inaipabta Of loaaralng tboiaoolaoo. Tar, ihrse fouriha If not four AMu of tha Rnpob Means in North Carol ion ora oagrora. flow than eaa any tans man aaarat •ueb a party to giro good goraroaiaot f A ad I row ean any daeaat, aalt-mpoet log while man TaU to pat (neb a par ty la poaror 7 On lha nthar band l bn DMeoeiatle party In North Care lino to <-ocni»oar<] of tim boat white men lu the Stale. «• * «* el*'“ that alltho vlrtot aad totolliganoa of tbe rttale la eoe Ulaod In tb. D^aaoeraUa pari,, bat *• do claim (and It la «-rtatal/ irar) Umt lbn (rani tmlk of both U In It. Tfca ■rat Ptaataw. A Plena of Aaoorl dampened wHb CtmmWIalnU l*aia Balm aod bowed on U llm affrotod parts to aopootor to any lAmter. MTbea tfoabtad with a |Mia in li«r chant er aMr, or a lame boot, gloo It a trial Von am oartata to bo mure than ph-artl wKh promt roltof wbtoh It aCtoda. Pain lHba kaMo a eartatn rare tor rhawamUam. yg mla by J. ft. Carry gad Company. I mi SIGNIFICANT a ■•rrau ' I» Um *wlk Kalsbalan OM MkAraMIky m rrerethsPuMlaoSItem UumiNiik. at. *«u» Lerollun Lumber company at Tfllary. ^XKASrswa la a telling apaaoh. Mr. lLkatS Mate aayarsl hundred thousand dal •»r» latarsat la this county, aad a •tiDog northern BfpabUcaa. Ha spake la part as follow*, and carried Um coo vmMai (■ Uml umlMaw "Ur. Cbmlrmts aad Gaottamaa vf the Coavnntlon:—I thank yoa far this boa •* *»•* to km tbs opportunity to talk to yea. “I want to tell you that I am with . “in aj natlra StaU, New Vote kaaaaaa of ooodltloaa which hate be ease almost aa IslolcraM* whioh aow aoeuiaa North have l wan now pal lad In da MTtoolpiaa to work and rat (.* tbs candidate* of tea •*&. the asme reason in North Oaro Um I shall work nod vote, od local la •<wa, nt least, fortes Democratic par ly. “No man worked wore nealoaaty Uumi I for thn risottos of the present kdmlolaJration In Washington. Der log thn cam pain 1 made Urea pttgrlm a«a to Oaatoa to worship at thspalttf* ®»ltertoa. McKinley wai ay fctag, and ‘Um king can do ao wrong.’ That waa the point of view. IVore this point of view, and ns a resident of rt» Stale of North Carolina, I wlU charge ah ad DO tnlkt ration with treason against the Anglo-Saxon rare, which Will. he casts of lgcorenaa of ulaUcg oomti fedfrafoKoe* any Iwt a white oaaa to < Furthermore, I charge with trcaata, •vary white mao who falls to da hi* doty at Uia coming election; treason not <itily again it u«, but against oar wives aad children. “I know uothlngoftha causes which brought >U)out the present stats of af Calrs In North Carolina; l only know H ■ vxlsta. and 1 fM a prenul dsgrada tton to think that tho ooblast rae* is the world, tbs Auglo Saxoo. should la this Stats have lost Its tormrigaly. Qod Almlgty luteadsd that the Anglo Saxon race* should dominate and role tbs world, aad am should be miserable Indued, in algtit of Ood sad man. If ws not at U a coming alaetlos, ptuss tha Old Nnm h dt«U bsck In tho powaroC Ui# white man. Tho eyre of the satire s»utli are upon ut. Our wtvsa aad ehtl< dreo tremble and pray far our success **» uot be lalnt hs.rtcd booauac of uoartrere and nolsa." "hit* »**, NTA*» mr m« um TVlmrcrauMnin eftfce IiiMiw •flhe Mrmrm i-M-r-irn rwlue l«i Mm to MnI Ike Tirtliu kej •wnwmkrwMa the Uui« win tm “— ■ ifniiic Wiim.nmon gt«r. tbe Slate Democratic rxasatiee com. ■KUw*. received tbe followlog tele gin® from Chairman IIbbooi hit night: B*Lxieii. S. t? oet. M. UM. W*. U. Bernard, WfUtogton X. C.: Xotblug lota bapfM ned or U likely te happen in Xorth Carolina to justify eeflieg lor federal troop#. U they are aeked for It will be for Urn purpoM ef iuUa»kU.tlng the white*, amboldeutag the negrnM aud aidiBg ted protect!*! the deaperata and panic-etriofcaa faakm lute la carrying oat Uwiehamee they are koowu te be haiahlog for stealing the vkettmi. Thee* pot it id*** toe the wrath of the people when their dflapw ate method* of fraud are eipeeed aud l!55LS!Li,r V}? Kmjr tu '«them into We are going te carry this election by peaceable method*, and we threat of tba bayonet. Atk eothlua of UoKlnler Send no eonitu2"2 WMhtngtoo. We need have so fear*. Tj>»«ro-tod«ivd outrag'd *u..hood of the Mew will uury thorn who aaek by inti mid at ton and fraud to earry Um State, nadir a majority ef *0.000 veto*, bayonet* or oc heyeoaU. T. X. Stir non a. Chairman. 4 imimi. ttat lh«r u, ttmi, WitatarriMi Mar. "*Tnt” U ttuteeJI, Pritchard. Better mod the “VT****"?* “»• **•**<> puty really Al*b„F^?r^ lro?M. mA «* Worth Carolina, It l» onuolualee evidence that they have dm up all bouee of carry sywa&ik*&M"s8» srsra&sr ^ars Wb,\? Vvtlh -HI oelr malt In an Inereeee of the Democratic ■ajmrlty. It area ee la 1970. when Kirk* fleealaat triad U Intimidate Crrolloa. It wee M fa llTd la tenth Carolina, whea Unltad Stelae aoMlere were cent there 10 beep the negro party la power, and when Um white men walkrdbeMtokt >• U» Ike ballot has octet oroewd hryoaeto RaarTOK, Maw Xealaad.Xae. ti m , ‘.AT ***** H *2* **«* *t*a I toolt the aeeuey at dumber lata'a medlcleea the eahehae ^W«W|hl. m eeiwcUT; of the Coath ttmX in two yean 1 hate eeli antTafi partlaadat remedy than at all atiwe taakee far the atotluwo Bee mra. Aa iiiESH «wa hMNtaU. It m ae phmaeet u tabe Ural wo been 9a pleat the bottle hayead Um rente of the ebkdeaa. rwnkk/1 SmpmHSm

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