_The Gastonia G - ... . _ U*Tnl»< tQ tt,c fw>t»otlon ot Horn* .no rt>o Int.m.t* «M rt> comxty. , V >L XIX {MTj.r,»ggfer.}_ Uiwtonla, X. c.. November"lOy.ISflsT MAJOR JONES TRAVELS FIFTY YEARS AOO. By Ma)or Joseph Jones of Georgia. ..... EKTTE11 XYI. Nrw Youk. Juuo 20. To Mr. Thompson. —Dear Sir: I could sleep Bound us n rock iu n bIiuc pen, atUr bavin Ix-tu nocklo about at. day and bavin on mind onueluiiUy on « stretch to tu‘<e In lb* wnudera I seed In Yankeedoodiedum. Uut in sicli a airy room. unJ etch a aott, coil, clran bed as they gin me at the Merrymack Money. I could liare gone to sleep with the tooth-ache, mid never waked up ill Christman. If <1 hadn't bean for Hoop or. who was teiurlued lo trn the galls gwloe to work iu Lite raoruln. 1 waa dreamln about twin in It a hum et's heuren among Uie tluurics Ttwr was more'o Um than* ind of 'em, all as butlful as Hayders and Vniuses, witb cracker bouuets on. ilancln und cmpcriug about under the shadowy archea of tbc trees, irom which hsug festoons of brlgbt Uownrs, whllu fount ains ot crystal water was guihtn up in eyry direction, and music (baled in the air that was perfumed with the bretb of roses. Jil'neliy oue of ’em with butlful eyes and long golden ring lets, what hong down below (lie c*|<« of ber bonnet, cum op to roe with a bank of ootloo yum lo her band ‘ Cum with me—win you coin with raa my dear V" era she. emiliii so n«-«t and wavtn bar hand at roe "No, I thank you." are I. bluahlu to think aha would ax mu aluh a ijueaUiMi. ••Say not ao. dear,” see «lir, ouiyn oloaer to me. “j>ay not an, dear—you must bn mlue;" and with that she Ire gun to undo ber liauk ot cotton I soon seed what she was up In, a»d so I started to quit the place, but the (uat thing I ktuiwd she had the yarn round my neck, and the next minlt 'bout five hundred of ’em wag pulling at mo. all alngln “Cum with me. my daar," like a p.i»sel of salhrrs a psyin uwny on a hoaxer ( . oiled and holler ed ax hard as I could—I (old 'em I wag a married man —hut they never let on they heard me. and jest pulled Hie harder, each oue aaytn l 'longed to “Let ms an ■" ih 1, grsLbiu hold of 0 tree to hold un by, and klckiu nt ’cou situ both fret at n tlmr; ' let roe loose, you eTeiiiutio witches, you I’a got a wife, uud a child to home and can’t marry uonc of you—1 tell yoo I’s a murried man !" Jost then the hunk of cotton broke, mid away 1 weut, and thn galli art np one of the loudest squalls 1 ever heard. “Wliat upon yeath’s the matter with yos, Major V" sea Hooper, who wua lifllii Ilk* ha hud tho lugbsterickl. “Why, I uever seed a body cat slco antlcki before Id all my life. Ijesttuek bold of yoo and ehuck you a little to wake you up. so we muugbl take a walk before breckfust, and yea begun to kick and rare like a wild 7.;bra, cus sln said iwaarlu about helu a m mlsd roon. liko that had anything to do with eettin up early la the inoriiln. “And was It you that had Imht of my neck ?” ses 1. begiuniii to too how it was. “I Jest shuck you a liulo,’’ ecu lie. “Well, if 1 didn’t think-“ ses I. "Wbst was you di ramiii, M*jer V ses he. nuu u ib woman c ao 10 Lej| Hooper whist I was dre»mln,1f I ever wauted to boar the wind of It. So I JMl got upuud put on my clothes a* quick as puaslblo, and went with Hooper to see the galls gwlne to work. Tlie sun was Jest tip when we went dowa on to the corporashluos, a* tliey call ’em here, whar llm tnllis is. It waa a moat lately moruiti. The facto ry* was all still. The yards in fruut of the build Ins was clean, and the little dower gardens b* the dote* was gllt terln with due, as the fust bees or the mornio cnrn to suck the honey from the blossoms Titer wasn’t many people to be seed In tbs streets. Now and then we could see sum men gwlne to the counUn-room* and offices, or to the factory*, but the cracker-bonnets was In eclipte. Tho galls vrasat Week fust *t tber buardln.hnuss*, which are neat two and surullmes three story brick house* whsl atsud In Mocks near the fsetorys, and M owned by the proprietors of tho mills. Blmeby the bells rung, fn a mlnlt more the streets leading to the mills was swarmln with gall*. Hern they com In eery direction, laugtifn and Ulkin to one snotlier la groops and by pair*, or single, all lookln as merry and happy as if they was gwlne to a frolic lotted of to liter work. Wlmmln look well l»y moonlight, and io tliey do l>y mrly sunlight. Tlie re freshing iurtui*iiee of sleep give* a brightness and animation to the fea tures of a healthy young gall, who bsa bean fatigued by tlie labors of lbe day, and tbs momlii aMooebuu*. as Mr. Willi* cell* wash in ims’a face, like the due on the rose*, give* freshness to tlior chsek* and brilliancy to th'er eye*. You mar rfepHud (bar was sum bright incratn race* in Unit crowd. I thought uf my dream, and I ’lermliied to take wsrnin by It. I frit If l was n Imcbelor H wouldn’t be safe lo go wlthlu a skein of cotton yarn of sum of ’em. end It wouldn’t take a very strong or n eery hard twisted thread lo bold me In lb* * They poured Into the mills by tbous und*. Ilk* bees Into a Itlye, and to a few inlnlta in or* tli* uoiseof the ma chinery begun to git louder and louder, nntll each fscion sent out a buzzing spend, with which all other founds »oon becu® mlied pp, until It seemed w* wao Into a city whar tnen. wlmmln nod children, water, Ore mt.d light, waa a|t *t work, and whar the very nlr breathed tbs song of ladattry. After breakfast we went to ,me of i he mill*, whar w* got a lltllw boy to abow u* the way. Tlw, little feller ttsek n* from on* room to anotlstr all oe«r the mill, and atok other onntrap HOOS 1 never seed before. Ths nsa ehlney Made sleh a noise tk ,t wa couldn't hear ourselves think, let alon* sayln autl.lng lar one another, m.d then wo wna so completely dumfouuded by "hat wo seed tint we couldn't found a word to say nvan if vir coulil lisar one another talk. Thai was (ho galls tend in llm looms and the spindles, mixed jail up among the cranks and wheels, and druuilinda nod crn».btnd«, and iron Alius, that wav all agwtce like llghtum. and llier little wli'te bands Ilyin aboil like limy wav a part of the macbluety. liisvy as they was. though, they found time now and llo-n to steal ) a Sly glanco at ua, and then I could sen a mischievous smile pleyio round sum »r thcr pretty mouths, us much as to say, what green tellers we was lliat never seed n cot ton-mill Iwfoiu. I tried to git the bang of sum of tho machinery, but It wasn't n» use. Ev erything 1 wed, fiom the cwilin to the floor, was whlrtin and whltrxlu, and rattloi. nnd daxhin. ns if it would tear nvrytlitng to plcc-s. but wlml they wo* doln nr what sot ’em agwine wav mnre’o I could mak-- out. UlDUt tit. went the sp ndl-s und the spoo|a;ol«uk r.lauk, went tho looms, and the white cloth Was rollla off In big bj|Ll, but lioar it wav done, wra.v wh.il I nonldo’t sen into. • « ♦ V • • • « After gwioe through thin or four of the mills, which wat ill pretty mooli alike, w., went Into one wljer thoy print calico* This jMrt of tho blsocee aiu'l lire i.iowjt work io the world, though It'd very Inter, stln. We went into llm drylu-rnum, as they call It, bet we illu't stay thar but • very abort time. If llm other country is nmoli hotter thin tide dryin-rootu. it is not much misrepresented io tlie accounts wn have of H. Whin I stepped in i felt the hot air, and as I breathed it I 'to my louys, like botllu water, un i my balr crirpvd up like I tvae in n bake-oven. !ioo;*-r, who. yon know, takes a good deal of pains with his whiskers, daxvot risk 'em In the dry lu-rnom uioni'u a niluil; nod when we got out 2 feil ji-st like I'd com out of a u'.eam-'atb. ..— r—w —v im iv *»■* mi whip iDtnurrtClory, w!i »r *p te(^J * cover braided onto n whip-stalk, by machinery, in H>>ont two uilnlls. From thar we went to another place, wliar they made cotton ami woolen cards. Thai maclilneiy bunged anything I ever sued in nil my life. I've always thought that u machine IIsat rou'il uinke anything as well ns It cnnld he made with hands wus pretty isonsiilern hie of a in.ichine. But to st> little iron contraption tako a pioce of Jellier and n coil of wire, ami cut off the wire ami la-itd It double, punch the holes in the lullu-r, pat the wire In the l„les, posh 'em iu and bond 'em, and tauten 'em thar quicker mid butter than live men cunld do it, went a ISttln ahead of anything I ever heard or dreamed of. The mini that Invented that machine could invent one to cut shad without awallnlo the bones, or one tint could pick a man’s pocket when ho was wide a wake, without getlin found out. Tno only wonder is, '.hat he didn't inyvnt •nm way to fool Old 1Mb himself, and Ilya forever, Uul the poor man in ded, and, like all meu of getifns, died very poor. Tho next plain w« went Into wax a machine carpenter's shop, whar thx rough hoards cum into one dura in n cart and went out at the other In panel dores, winder-sashes, pine boxes, etc. Sows and plat tiers sod chint-ia and awgers w.-ia sawin, plainln. chitxHin and bortn Ip every direction by machin ery, with men to loud ’em; and for one Unit wasn't acquainted with the bearlua of the place, It was n*c-saary to keep a pretty sharp look-out to p»e vent hayiu a sliuvln tuck off of hi in auruwhar, or to koep from beta dove tailed, «r bavin a awger-bole put ritn through him fore hekouw’d what hurt him. It was moat dinner time, and we didn’t stay (bar long. ■ns mu jicirjraacs House WC IlSO on* of Ilia Uneat dinners ( ever eat In my life lint tl>« dials what took my fancy most, was a Hue Idled Merry mark salmon. What a pity salmons dou’l. grow on pine trees—then wu could have 'em in Usorgia; but as that can’t be. I would sdvlan yon, If evor yon onm this way in pea-time to stop at ttm Mt-rryraack House. Hue they git ’em tits out of tlie water, and if a dish of Merrymack wlruuu aud green pens wouldn't bring a drd mart to tits, (lien he may be burled with perfect Safety. After the desert wc bad frolt, end among other things sum of the lineal ox-bart cberlies. Tliey wers moo ■trous good, and If tbe man counted the aeeds on my plata, Ig knows I done ’em justice. Hooper loved ’em too. We sot (bar sum (Iicm ratio oherrlea and lalklo ’bout the factory gaits and the machinery. •’Ain’t it h pity," ted Hooper, ••llwt tires* gulls Is Vankers. Ir It wssu’t for that,” sea l,e — ‘ Well, that’s a faet,” sen l. ••But you oughtn’t to mind that, lliaiper." "All, Mujer," srs lie, "it wouldn’t do. Hot I dlo see one gall (liar that—” "Stole yoor hart,” -ea t; fiw I know’ll ho wae very icepltbt* of the tender passion, sod t had haul work U> git him out id one room In the Moot Mills. "Xn, not >»«tly, M»J«r; hot to lell yon the truth, I couldn’t keep my eyas off that tail, dark comptrxintted gall what was teadlu (ha Starcbln machine the nos What Was teadlu Id a book Titer wae snathlng so wlnuln. soaiala Lie, aod ao dicnided about that gall that I shall never forgtt iwr. Mot she’* 0 Vaukee, and maybe a raviu aboil 1 ion 1st.” "Well. Hooper,” sea f, to elisego the subjsot wlrai wsa brgiuuiu to n.ske him arrloin. "|r ( was s wo.ul peoher I*d cum to Ibis country erry in on ro-r Jest lu eat ehenles-llMy’re so good ” ; "Weil, if i was • wood prc k»r i , wouldn't do no slrli a thing" arc lloop ' cr. : “ Why not am 1. "Why, because theta ovorUa'. in Yankees would be certain to Inv.mt •tun cussed machine to ketch n»t>," Titer was suinUitnj Inllmt, and I h»d oo nor* to tray. Iu lh« eveutn w« took it walk to look at lira town. P.iadti ,• by h bookstore, wh went In (O git unmlhing to read, llm old gemletnuti what keeps (be ettiro vliuw'd us sum nuojhere of (be "Lowell Offering," what he a*d vai mode up of the wrltlns »f tho .'nolory galls, lloopm aed ho’d bst Hist gull he seed rend in In the inlll* who one of llle writers, and he told ths muu to let him hare ull (he numbers. Ilearin us say we would like lo see sum of the writers, Mr. Darts, who Isa tuouilrous clever, ubliglu roan, »*d h« would Ue vc-y happy to inlirrduce U4 to sum of ’mn. We tuck him at Ills ward, and la a few mliiils more lie show'd as Into a neat little parlor. wh«r ws was anon mule vct|uaiuled with Mis* Harriet r-. tire editor of the Offering, and her mother. Miss F-promised Mr. Davis to toks good oars of os, and to see that none of the Lowell galls side our hsrta. and he went back to bit store. tYn spent a ower in a very agree able dial wllh Miss F-. wno Is u (rue specimen of a New England gill. Sbc tin worked in the mill for several years, bot now Unvotes herself lo Uie maganxtnn what she odlts, support In line mother by her own Industry. After Awhile she i>ro|u>s>d to lutrrducc ! us lo sum more of the liter try factory galls, and takiu my arm she carried u* through t.-reral of tho mills Interfaced us lo the galls who was then at tVr work. As we was puss to the great machine carpal factory, alia ax’d us if we had *e«d ’em weavin cupel* on the pow«r looiua. IVe told her no-U«at we went tbsr Id the day but they wouldn't Irl ua in. "Oi” led she, "they didn’t it now T»u was $ lutherners, or they wouldn't been ’frald of your stealing tlier nit Cnt." I didn’t know * icily whether th* maaiit llml as a compliment or not. Wo went to the olKoe, and ses Miss F-• "Mr. Peter*, horn's a couple of hHithcrn trends of mine, what went*’ to arc (lie carpel-loomv" i "Well, but Mum F-.’’ ses he “you know It Is entirely ngln th* rules for anylrfaly lo la: itJcnllU-vl Lo ses the Mo cHftfi«*ry.M 1 v», win, sijrssue. 1 liuiri o*iv for tlm rolls—Him* gentleman are ail the way from ttnorgt*. imd limy must ••Due-—-’ tvs tlio old man, "Idoi.t cari>,” sos she; “l'lt be an swerable for *11 lire damage.” "Well,” so* Mr. Peters. "you can go Into that mom (ulntln t-»a dore) aad wbeu you're In the parkin room. I anna* y»n cm II-id ll,a way into the looms without my lettiu you In.” That was snfUotent, and la we wcut. I ax'd Mua 1‘-- if that man wasn't» YauItco hiveutor. '•(), no,” sea ahe; "tie’s out]'a ordi nary genius In there parts ” The carpet-lituioa Is a grate sped men of Aiueiictn ingenuity, helu lbs only power-loom* for weaytu Mrmtio in the sTorlo; hut my heJ was so full of won ders that I had won durin I lie day, that I hail no room lor tlic oarp-t looms. Besides, there 1* such thuuderin grate big, sinsshin Iron things, and go at such a terrible rate, that I expected ovry mioittogit my braces kuackel out by 'em. After laikln a look at 'urn for a few oi in its, »« went out, anil visited sun more of the literati. MlasK-luler duced uie to Mist T.ucy L,-, the author of "The Wasted Flowers,” one of the prettyest litilo allcg rys la the English language; and which Judge Charlton of Georgia and sever*! other popular p>et* has tried thsr hand* on without belu able to improve It a bit. ills* L,-w.ia In ilia packln rvoro of on* of the mills, na alcrk, ahrokln off the goods as they wen; twin put up In to Iailv*. rtho Juid woikrd In the milla aeveral years. 1 met with a more 1st* lervalln young lady, though I iposeahn wouldn't thank me for call in her a lady, as ahe gin me her autograf la a TWWJ VIIUVII •«. • I. IHiUI, "Major J Juan : Sir—I have ilia hon or lo ba, jouii, vary retpecUuliy, a bona-ltda f*oP>ry girl, Lucv I._.*» We found lha place si ill room, attrac tive su onr acquaintance* extended, ami 1 began to loir that lloopt r would Haver be wlllln tn quU l .0 well. We luck tau iliat avanin with Min P-. nnd afterward* oallud on aevcral of our new acquaintance, who, with a party of thcr frenda, tuck a Walk with ua on lha banka of Ilia Merrymack. Hoop er’* ayroptoin* waa gatlln woiae and worn every hour, and I wa* ’frald to riak him another moonlight night with tlw tnotary gall*, fur fear ha mought moot llie fate ua a man wbat he would bo ’(raid of aa n woodprcke. So we hid ’«m all good-by, when wo parted with ’em for our hotel. We »a* oil oarly to the morniu for Button, whar w» ejietit a few hour* tit tho car* atarlad for Mew York. I won’t (top to tall you ’bout our trip— wliat a raoc we had with another *UMeol>olr, and how we like to got Mowed to Hallyhark gwlne maud Pint Judy, aud how on* man lout bit ling new liat overboard, aud the captain wouldn’t atop for It. MuOtcUtit that w*> arrlv aalo in Hit* ally, though I ain’t rite oerfain that Hooper didn’t leave Hla hart In tha Boot Mill*. Mu roore from yoiir frrnd III doth. Joe. Joxne. P. S.- Wa’re gwiuu to lake a trip to Mtagary Pall* an<l the Lake* next wick. (Continued hrxt week.) -t r ’i. ii . j A ronhirnt niuwdev Will often aaaaa a horrible Born, Hoald, Cut or Brulaa. Dueklen’* Anil ca Salve, the beat In the woild. will kill tha pain and promptly Uwl It. Cum Old bore* Parer Hotel. Ulcer*. Unite, Felon*, f orm, all Skip Prop lh>u*. Uoat 1’ila cure on earth. Duly i 25 ota a box. Cure guaranteed. Bald | by J. K. Cany A Co., IJruffftat* Job Printing. What Kind Do You Want? Letter 1 Leads, Note TIeadm, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Circulars, Posters, Cards Or What t -—♦— No matter which you want, If you have your printing: done at The Gazette Job Office, It will l>o (lone ltlfflit, It will bo clone iu Style, And It always Suits. Anything ElseP If so, just mention it.... tux aoxs» ui:t’uvB«3». a *r*w-« Nlr MolbuSa *fu*4l las XW*J with lam Mun'r. Aii interesting account of an old uvgro'a llyorna in ataiillng lost money i» given by llie YurkvilSe K.u/uirer of Saturday. Mr. Neil ii a her-Uilaw Dr. E F. GlO'in. ««l GmUih tiy 1 tin Kn7x1.fr ; Mr. P. Uroo'ih Xeil lias recovered tlx' IU), the ion of which »•*» advertised in (he last utue of tho E119ulrrr, Tin thief wan an old Negro by ti.n ixmc of Willi uu Gill, and the itfj It quite In tereailng. Ou Wednesday morning. Gill wimt Into Hope’s store at SUiron. m.iJe a parchrse nnd handed the nWr, Mr. Sam Carroll, » $10 bill. Mr. Carroll I knew Gill’* olrou'iHUtno44 well, was ' inniriaoil to nee him will) a $10 bill, ' •ad h iving previously noted Mr. Nell’s •dvertiM’ir.ent, eras ■ iisplcinut. lie ttkod : ‘ Hello t old mao; you appear to lie pretty (losh this itiornlns. tVlieru did j you gel to muob money T” Gill, who lives on Mr. VV. J. Suipii uienn’a place, said Mr. Bteplieusnri had klveu it to him for ootlon picking, rin: fellow owei an aocoant at tlm ; flora, and Mr. Carroll naked If :m wanted to piy It. He aaid ho could not pay at that lime, as tlm balance or the money Indulged to Mr. Stephen too, and he wquld hava to carry back the change Till* tendoJ to eonOrn Mr. C'irroll'a luipieions, and mounting a horse lie went over to see Mr. Stspheuson, who •aid that be bad not pi id Umi Negro •ny money. Mr. Niel was c.imiauni sated with ns soon at poMlble, and during tlie day be otoio to Yorkvilie, •wore nut a warrant against Gill, and t'K*k Deputy Sheriff llar«haw back witli bim to nerve the paper. When approached by Deputy H*r tliaw, OUI pretended compUt* Inno ceiice of any knowledge of Uie moin-y. Mr. Nt-il assured the Negro timt Ihcru "*> ev'uaooe eoougl. to ■««" h wrong osar. It tlie money was surrsuilmed thu com would be dropped; otherwise It would be puntied vtgorooily. Ulll •till hesitated; but finally bis wife *d vised him that If he had Ur. Nell's' money lie had better give It up. lie went Into an aom-room, dialed up t<> tlie joist plalea and cauaeb.tck with a little doth-wrapped buuttle wlilcli proved to be lha mlaaiog money. It was all II.era-ilia whole •13n-except W US which htd been apent. H seems tint Gill was at Morrow's will st the time the money was lost on Thursday of laat weak. A liny had seen him stoop doarti *1 a plnoa when. Mr. Nell htd been ataudlog u aliort time before, and during ih* hunt, after the dlaouvtry of tlie !u*a, the old fallow was aeardted; bot without result. Till*. In a measure, rellrvrd I he old man from simpleton. *'\Vb*te was that monoy wlten we seerched you, GUI »” s*k«l Mr. N. ll, after the money had been incuvered. ‘•I picked It up where yon dropped It.” replied tlie old Negro, ''and then I hid It in a cot tor. bale where 1 let it stay until t got a ohuure lo get It again wHheui *«.jb )1y seolng me” * Nwee aisrw •• <***"»■ tloarsrneaa In a child U.«t Is subject to croup la a sure Indication of llm approach or Mm dleaase. if Ohamber laln'a Cough Bemedy Is given at aoow a* the child become! hoars*, or even after lh* croupy cough h«s appearad. It Will prevent the Sitae*. Many •other* who have eroupy eblldrea »f. ways keep thl* rsmedy at baud sj«d 1ml the* it saves them moth Mould* and worry. U e-.n always kedeps.'ded op en and Is plewsart to taka. For *»l« by J. X. Curry and Oompany »'K AUt t*KED TO CIIVE rU4IK\ nal'mMnllnin iHaabwJI u f h. ulutl rl >* laj. The Pmldcut Friday Issued the I,Mowing Tl)»nk*glvl»g procMma l toil: ••The approaching November bring* to miod Uta custom of our anoeetor*. hallowed by time and rooted tu our moat sacred tradllKoe. of giving thanka to Almighty Cod for all the blessing* lie b*a vouchsafed to at dar ing the lint year. “Fvw je.ir* In onr hlatory have af forded lurli came for ttankMivlag *» this. We have lawn bleated by almid anl harvest, nur tiade and commerce have been wonderfully liicrre-nl. nur public crvdlt Ima been Improved nod strengthened, all aeetion* of our enm mon country have Into brought to gether and knitted into outer bond* of national purpose and enllr. “Tim a'daa have been for a lime darkened by the cloud of war. hut. a* wa are com;>*)l-d to tak* up ilia aword in cause of humanity, wo are permitted to re/ j|«» th «t the vonIIlot tu* hern of brief duration, and th* hitae* w* bav* had lo mouru, though grievous and i'uportnot. have been an faw, eonvMsr ing the great rMulla accomplished, a* to iutplrs us with gratitude aud praise to the le>H of host*. We may laud and magnify HI* name that th* ow*a liuu of lioittlUtf* CaTDS so Root as to •pare both tides tbs counties* sorrow* *>ul dimtiera that atUnd protracted war. •*I do, therefore, Invito all my fel low citlasii*. a* well tlvw* at home as those wlio may he at se* nr soj-iuro (ng In fr'reign lauds, lo wt apart and oliacrvu Thursday, the 3iUi day of November, as a day of nation*1 thanks giving. to coma together to thstr several plao«* of worship for a service of oral** and thank* to th* Almighty Cod Cor ad th* blat-logt of tin y*sr, fur the mildness of the Mason* and lbe fruitfulness of the sol), for tit* con tinued promierltv nf tlm people, for ll*e devotion an-1 valor at our ouuotryciui, for the glory of our victory and the hope of a Tighten** peace and to pray that the divine guidance which ha* brought us heretofore to safety aod honor may Im graciously eoellnuid io Ui* y* ir» to eom*. “Willias McKiklkv •*13y the President. ••John Hat, “tfeeretary of State.” tlMlirr Heir. Tbu postponement of pnWIdttlua In the care of a large nuraier of work*, many of wbleb were retarded i««t •pTlri g. lute given unniual in tore >t to tire November larne nf ‘ Kook New* ” It* "Descriptive LUt" of books pub lished during the month oontalne four hundred tlUee, each with a brief sum eiaiv of the book from reengnlaed critical authorities. the most eztenelee ! survey of currant lltaratara poblHbed i In any lllerary mnguxlnnor weekly In ' the country Out of IbU large lint a I brief "tlnlde to tbs Christmas shop ! per" l>ae boon compiled, which will I lie Invaluabln to times ordering books ! from a divtanrr. A Southern dialect story by Mies Lafayette Mo Laws opeoe j the number, which oonlnkii the letters from nanh u( the graat publishing cen ter* In I lie country end the urual re view nf leading work*, Published by John Wanemaker, Philadelphia 00a a year; go a euvy. w—seo-wwHHi The mu riMir. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound mi to tbs affected part* If In port or til any i-lwtrr. Whoa tmebtol with a p«m to llwclieU nr altlr.oralamebtek, giro It a trial. Yoa are certain to In more thaa ptaaard with prompt rrllel which It afftmta. Pale Balm U also a cnrula cur* for rhevrnatlam. for tali by J. I. Curry aud Owmgf. I 1111 T!E1L6Mm VCTHUXX ABB TailllTO Wr. All At A—laaswta «niiaAI« •All As Aw—li tt Waes-WrAi "nr I'm 14*1 I—llA. Bill Ary. Iji Atlanta UMMuaot. Thirty year* A the average life of u generation. Within that time there k «uu»o»t bb rutlie cUanga la the popula tion «f ■ town or ally or enausuoity. Death play* lbe —net band. Hemovsli oome next, and Of tba root the children bare grown to be nan and emem ead they are as flood oe new, for we oM People know them not, neither do they know oe. Often do young people My t« OB’-. "Why. I am a grandchild of yoor old friend." rte, e friend who ha« perhaps breu dead for a toon of 7«*rm, end I hod almost forgot tee that no ever lived. I lived la Borne twenty ■evM years, but now 1 ore aitranger to that oity. I woe ruminating about this because I happened to oak Major Forte yesterday liow away of hie eom redos be remembered. II# shook hie o®l*y sleeve and powdered. “Thirty Arc yean ago." be gold, *•! could oaJi the roll of a hundred men lo my cam pony, bet oow 1 do not believe 1 ooaid name over twenty without e etnin of mind end memory. Meet all of them are dead, and you kuow that erbeo a man, a common mao, dies he seemt to drnu oat of tboagbt or raualketloa. Only great men or notable mea or Itcroce are remembered long." ITow, then, U a oUal.yua or list or mater of our oontederata soldiers to be obtained. The legislator* pasted a law providing Ihst Ilia ordinaries of each county should make a list tor his county and get information from any source |«»siUe, sad 1 suppose they ere doing Uila, but of course tt will lie im perfect aud Incomplete. Colonel A vary exhausted all resource* at Uiscommand in 1660 and tabulated only tbs officer* Of this list, he Bays : "It Is admitted ly Intnituplel* nod painfully Imper fect.” — vwougwe «u vwiivy T«M«, hot our iwIbwU and cimpanlee changed M radically lu fnur years that Uiey can hardly la MrntllM even by llurir surviving comrade*. 1 find la Colonel Avery ’■ table (hat oompauy a, first Georgia regulars. Ut«t went loto service comma add by Captain If. 1). Terlgga, lutd twelve captain*. /J. Boat •very ninmoy hod two or more. The Fourteenth regiment had foer eotonels. Are 1 teuton* ot colon*]*, four majors nod twenty optoim. The TwentT-Moeod regiment had twenty four explain*; the Twenty-sixth bad twenty-neves oapUlna; the Klghtb cavalry Iwd tbirty-our, and lb* Ninth had thirty-*!*. Of ooune the private* suffered more frequent chanra* Untn tlx officer* and tlx ro-n are few who went In at Hie <«-gln"Ln< of tlx war nod came oat at it* rlex. list cyan thoix few cuiiH'it mnrmlwt all the ctiaugre—ttx HllleJ lo bride, llus dead from otixv can*-*, ilx discharged, the transfer* lo olher a-impir.l** and Ux recruit* that. cnuliujully aam* (o HI) up the rank*. Ttxu Ibvre were wise few deserter* and tboueaod* of prlton ria takes, many of whom died to prison and were forgotteu by (heir c xeradt* Ceorgln seat lo tlx Avid alxty-ilx iegl men la nod twenty-lira ball* lino* of in. fantry, eleven rvgtmenie and thirty la Uni! lone of cnvalry and twsotr-clght battalion* of artillery. Of all tbuae who served a* volunteer* daring tlie first two year* It Is estimated that not over 2U (er cent, are living. Only Ove regiment* brooglit book the Mae col onel* thev took out. No; tlx lift* are lost and wlU never tn m»d* complete, but mu eh can yet bt ilmx to approximate them, sod It should iMdutia qutokly and put in a book or pamphlet form nod distributed. 1 was ruminating about this beeeutt that grant-hearted woman, Ur*. Blla alxth Gnbbett, of Atlanta, the widow of n Con federate who fell In battle, has voluuluered to exeoute the resolution of tlx Colled D lUfhtcm of tbs Con federacy to present badge* or creme* of honor to the veteran* er their widow* or families, and ibis good worn so 1* now prrplexed to Bod thins. Well six may be. Hardly a week passes Mat I 4e not receive letter* from Georgia Sold lore or Uwir widow* written from the Western lit ate* and wanting to know abovt cur pension lawn. Eves tbelr kindred here lu Georgia do not know where they are. for they keep moving nod leave no sign behind. Hot Mr*. Uxbbett Best net be diwenroged, for there are a few thousand within bar reach and Ixr work will be grateful to into, Then let ua be op and doing before It U too late. IM the eeteraiu eooridcr Hand take action tlu*t wlU reeall la *yM«m«Ue methods. The time win oone. In feet. It baa already comt. when the ehlld will feel proud that IU f*thi-r or greudfether or uncle wea a Confederate soldier. As the twin roll oa the halo grows brighter. It it like the rerolatlon of 177*. We here pre •erred In oar family a lloaton newa lwpar of that year. It la la moeraise. H»d aeren tha top are little cate of oolDna—sevtuteeH blaok ooOtoa, with the naoaaa eodrr them of those who Ml at Leslukton. My great graad father's name ft Utere. aad 1 am proud of It, nsd we veteran* believe that the cause far whleb we fought was Jett as boly ea that. This la our faith. And now I amplaaead teeat Umt my friend Dr. V tUhiag, of Athtnta, had beru Inapt red to write a booh ef ooo federate memorln net htaown meat oriea. but tlmae of ether peepfe-vetor •aoaud thoir wivaa drrridawp. It la not to t>e the lameotationa of Jeremiah, but an aoUrtainteg aad ft furtive oompeodlaw of how wa llpad aad gat ahw'f the latter part ef tha war, when the h oeknde waa M U, Ilf m had eaten «p and worm cat everything la all this meti,«rn land. Ilk waste every body who area ta tha warned baa o alary to tell Umt le foney or fmrtaatle or luthotie or mixed, to write It down and sand It to Mm to Is put la tha booh. My WIN aara the weat through • rough to make a booh of her a am, and nor good neighbor. Mr*. Ah I a hoe Img rteoo to*d ua enough to maho two or sassssjsj'ssawa I children qatetot nfHetcr night, u cnDdpa nr mumra*Ti»tifi3d5} ■tmlea of Dm war. I toll yon our f onai «•"* of this geaarM*, yZ CT ' know noyiltlHg about the poverty of f* pop;*, In 1804 tof 184* Uw** ^.rxs'tsrusSL;* js whtak oar wivoe and mC— tatn eadarid It. UmHi *n JWW^ oow U xnaiQthllMUr M*5*t55 hu* around ftsilo gir— and obUdraow otothm and eraotidap tnSt> *«*“< pa—d carpeU. Why, that* waawt a diene nor a monk* tbow nor , a pound of inro enough coffee nor a lump of auger aor • stlok of candy n«r aoy atoreeiothc* lu alftha MnfjfiW; pOiDotcranadOMofocitorotl tofoi asSi«?a««3thS ■y wlfr, too, ontofoaitfiSnaSgttad >**o tanned In a tub. >udtha celTs hair wo* sticking out lo pat—l but Ml pwttTi>■ : ?*•**•'*■••*»* «*»*•■ j mind jan or tha war, and of poverty," 1 woaMant uaarttoa. la—n boat !»»■ *thc4d Idiot haven Mil la it, for there wm no oath. F borad b— wtth a braac aod hit nod pegged It together with wooden pfcw, it never leaked ■ drop. DslToe wrote RoWnaon Crusoe. ond Dr. Q««Jdlug •rota Um Young Maroooen. aod they 2T* Txc!rnrot *?>•**. kndjanthora had to etrain tli.lr mlude to oaake flatten lead like facts. Hat tha Ceteblag unmV haeo to Mila anything to «lfeO Ml ' rmd like notion. So lot a* all not bt«» a ekoUli from our own and I have no doubt tu> will give ua a dUlghtfaibook. It It to be a labor of or. wUhhhB.fer ho says lie baa no idea that them U aoy money in It. Bo ha. cputaataUd such n book for n °ng time, cad hi..heart is act out 00 it Sot long ago Dr. Sm Jacobs gave ,7 “ 77* drllghtfaiiketab aboutW tb« doetoae and druggists had to than blockade dsya when a pound of opla® sold for I5.0CD la Confederate mo -i ®jr. ** U»*ol nr WMMn IMUT. *M.Hm t»*m n Uw H.n «r Koalgu Worth Jleghr. Um lint Atnaricaa cOcer to fall la the 8panU i Amaricaa war, la to ho naaanontal by a inemsrla! tablet lu Um chapel at Anoapolia Naval Acnteay, “tha Weet miQtternf lii« nary.” Offlser Baglay waa killed on board the torpedo boat 'V'uVoff, May 11, ut Cardenaa harbor; after a gallant eagageneat wblcb dam oaat rated to tba Spanleli Uw kla<l of men with whoa they bad to deal. Tha Ublet la of p >tl*hed brute, with a pain branch and a award eruaeed at the too and a laurel wreath eraat'M tba palaa at tha bottom, aad few)* ru follow*: la memory ef WORTS Baatsr, Sedan raked eta-ar -Vary. The giyt dmaetaaa oAeer who fHI la tka -?&&TeA Wmise&mz it *l am.rteaw Sen* la* la ataaiary. a*t order Eeaalna Pirn. Tha Traaaary of Um Co)tod Mtatwa ha* ju«t laaued a as<»t loatrwaUva auin ***T of Um banking, currency, coin age, aad production of prtetooa ■■Tala in the country to the century of 1797 180J. Soma of tbe banking aad esrres cy figure* ro baokaa far at 177*. Dar la* tbe century tba tncraaaa ta tba uamber of banka waa frott twenty Ova to»W7; laamo jntnf capital atoct from 919,9000d)0() tc 91,037,490,063. hod In amount of bank circulation from 91#, 000.000 to«108,9iO 070. From 1909. the eerkimt daU under which depoet ta were reported, to Um elate of the cealury, Vba Incraaan ta £'• from 10,300.009 ta ** ** »9«lmt asm. 91,080376,0S8 repraaaslad Um thrift of asr people aa chows la lhair deposit of meiuga. Tba tawney in circulation In 180b 1898laeraamdfram 94.99u34.74 far every mao, woman asd chMd Is Um canairr. yrriMH n#w Rnarvox, New Zealand. Not. S*. W. I e.fr eery pleated to Mate that elnee I took the afmm ot Ch.mbertale’t oeedtclaee the Utehee beee very lame, aeaie aevaetaUj of Ue Cooyh (Wendy, le twe yeere 1 here told more of tbli particular remedy than of ell ether makee tor the iWfeletH lee rears. As to lu etteaey. I here beee to formed hr eenrea of perseneofUe flood Nettle they hare melted from ft sad koow Ito raise from Ue ue tt It lw my •am beuetbold. It m ae plrnent to take I bat we hare to pitee the kettle beyeod Urn raeah ef UeebtMrwfl. „ , . , *■ J. JfCAWTUOWWY. for eele by J. * Gerry tad Ceeepaoy. eanardar Svealea Met. iillil ItiilJfeOtt. Ito ami «t the veeerte eod tfottmeat ef tha twe deeU ip^neg 23r2rSS^SS Mm tmil^hla I tom tary* at aeewr.

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