_ The Gastonia — . __ _ _==I_ra__==__^ DUVOt’d to Ulw Promotion ol Homo and tin iBtorMU *1 th Coutr. Vol. XIX. {isaJtoT'aJId p£££f£.r.} Gastonia, N. C., November 17, 1808. MAJOR JONES TRAVELS FIFTY YEARS AGO. By Major Joseph Jones of Georgia. LETTER XVlf. Nsw Yoiut. July 15. To Mr. Thompson — I told you iu coy last that w* was gains to Nlagary. Wo 11, tho Muodny alter I rlt you lay last tetter. Hooper sod ma lurk pas sage oo board the ateamUulo Nlckrr bocker for Albiuiy, up the IIuJs mi R1t«.t, what you’ve h.-.u J a > much about. It was a butlfn’, alleriooit, ami ther was pe«plo euuff aboard to to ikn a Qrst rate uatopiuerttn-od«o. wimmlii and eblldreu, of all uge*. sorts am) a xes, aud a merrjer ciosd couldn't bo well raked together. W* wasn't long I gittln away from New York, and in a few not nits our fl-utllit castle wasmuvln through a Heet of vnasela of all kind*. Swine and oumlu to tin' city, la one of le largest aud liaodsumest river* In the world. 8 >'o« of the passengers h. d book*, aud uta|>s, uu«i spy glatans In tbar hands, and waa sll the time ph.tin out tbs Interesting plauei. I had no time to read about 'em. and while they wsa porlo over ther books and map*, sod axio which is tills and Hint, au 1 snd wliar'a u snd so. I Jest tuck my ail by look In nt everything that was to be seed. We had a furl rate vlwir of the Palll sadea, as they oil I ’em. what pcs jest a lea tie ahead of any pile of rook I over seed before, extern]to for 20 mties on tbw left bank, and risin In aunt piece* more'n 500 feel pcrpeudicliiler nut of Uie water. No* and then tlier is u Hibernian's luma* atandlu nit the wa ter's edge, lookiu’ 'bout ns big us it ben guru agin the oyrrlistln stone wall be hind iu After psssiu tiic Pahiaadrs we cum Into the Tapimn 8eu. whar the river is tuoren four miles wide and look* -is quell asn dock-puml. Slug ding prison, what stands on the rigid nt the boil of tlm Tar pan 8e», was made to klvp tins rascals In Xuw York, what tln-y habit got loom Pir on llluckwell’s Island, bulonn man sed ho didn’t blievn ther was etoue vnuff In the Pallleitdc* to build a bouie big oauiX to hold all Hut emrbt to ha Lliar In a few mlnils more we wan paasin Stony Pint, wliar old Mad Antony WayDe waked up the British sogers with the pints of his luiyam-ta, one roorntn before bieukfuil, in 1771). umI then we was uuiour tlie highlands. The son was mot down, uim) the mountains—sum of 'em 1,000 feet high— stood nut in t> >KI relief agin the brown evenin sky, thruwiu their dark shadows far over Urn river, that crooked snd twisted about In every direction, as if It had got lost iu try in to find its wnv throngli ’em. Itsoemed as if old Miss Nature had Jest tried her hand at makln hills and boilers, wustiu yeath cuuff In her fancy work to moke two or llirro SUles like tbe Stale of Delnware; and I couldn’t help but think what capers old Borens must cat in the winter tlmo, when he undertakes to Uavo astniitblow soiour these everlaatm crags aud eaverna, and preclpises. One would think it would lake a right smart hurrycane to git through ’em without RcUin’ scattered Into 40,000 direction*, rtucli monstrous mountings I never seed before. They may talk about pllln Ossa on IVHon. but if a body wanted to asloulsh the world with a mounting, ell they would have to do would bo to put Crow's Neat on Duller Hill nr Dull Head on Haro Mount, and If that wouldn’t lay all the other hills In the shade, theu they mought taka my hat. The passengers was all terribly de lighted with the scene; and them that bad books and maps couldn’t git time to ace anything fur answerin questions at them wbst didn’t have none. Thar was one man from New York, with a crowd of ladya, that know'd all about every place wc passed, and, to hear him talk, a body would a’posed be had been born and ralaoJ all along the shore like the Indian was. The ladya krp hiuo monstrous busy, yon m,iy depend. ••Whar’a Antony’* Nose, Mr. John son T” says one of ’em. “Oh, yee,” sea another, “I want to see old Antony’s Noea. They any it's cue of tbe greatest enrioatllsa In tbe world—lt’» eo perfectly natural.” “Antony’s Nose?” acs Mr. Johnson, puttln bis apyglaai up to his eye. “let in« see. Ah. tliar It la You eau j*it see the Up send of it round tbut pro jection.” r wb a uuzon Oi ODD It OBOO. “1)0 till us. ” “lu a mlolt, ladlos, we'll have a good view. There linvr, do you Me ? Thar |t ia. rite ahead. That'a Antouy’a Hoit.'' Well, I looked, and eodld everybody else, but It looked m moeh Ilka a fod der itaok as a man's uote to me “I can’t *ce uo noae,’’ ms a old cltap what had bta lied tied up with a red handkerchief to keep from ketch in oold. “Which *nnd Is lira nova mi ?*> aes ,«s of tbn lady*. ••Oh, I wo It—I tee It,” tea a long legged dandy In cheek trowaera W tee it Jett as plain at tho noao r>u n tsan'a face.” ••Whar la It ?” ana a doxen ilmt waa ttretobln liter eye* ont of liter Itedt, but couldn't maka It no UUcr than 1 oinld. “Why,” ai a Mr .lohnaoo, “rltatbnr, a little oo ttie right of tlto wheslliouse. JCow. omit you »e« It, Mb* Ahblgal. j«tt leyond that Mg rock III tlte edge of the water that V I cam almtwl, tee the nostrils.” ••To bo tore,” at Hit glumly: “If It was a little Inter ws could bear It fosro." • •I can’t aee no stem of noso,” Mia (Mtn what waa oglln tbs mountain with all bla Might, with a ous-ryrd t)«eta eta tied to a Mark ribbon. •Kor me ttother,” aed all of Voi. ••Wall. ll*a moralroua strange.” •ea yr. ioltnaon- "li'e ao plain. I rant gm nothin eJae.” • ■Ain’t goo mlalaken, Ur. Joliuann!” art ooa Of the ladya. ‘f.ord oo,” aai Ira; ”1 know it to well- I've been on It os ofton sa I've got Huger* au*l toe*.” 'Bout till* time tb« captain of the lioat pasted along. Tlie p-mtetigrr* slopped ltlm end m'll him wlmr wa* Antony's Nose V '• ‘Boot Hvo mile* uha.nl.'' v* be; "you will sac It ahurtly. after w* prat lb* next lamlln.” Mr. Johnson was luck with a sudden desire lo promenade with one at Hi* Indy*, anil we didn't w his unw no moif! on tlie top drek that night. Ministry we cum lo Antony's Kuse, sine aoud. but It tied Won liluwod Bo lh»t nobody couldn't tell whether it whs a Roman none or pug—nut by the old gentleman himself, Int by seme oudxciou* sinnr qasrryerji, who hi I to to mil UUst it all lo pirn***, h.i If «li.-r wk»u'1 ctiuff rock m the place without tlier taking such n lihrrty wltb old Antony's countenance. Souls men, you know, find »» much tathfactini in spllln a wonder k» otherb does In flmlln 'otu. It was ao dark when wn got lo West Pint—tlie place »hur Lucie Sum leach** the young Ideas lm* to shout the nnemleJ of our country—th it wo didn't aea unt luontlronc littls of it, Tim bout nlnpped at tho Inudln a few inlullB, un i u a iiad time too look round on the hills that aeeul.'d to :|.i» to the •kie*. frncin m in mi every side. Cut In: off the river abova and below us, so It looked m* If wo was In a little hike Huron/ the lilils. iuateaduf hem on u river two hundred miles long. IV* bid a uionstmiis good supi«r. but I lost my share of the strawberries snH cream j*s'. 'cailxi I happen,d In c ill ona of tiie nigger waiter.* '‘boy.". 11 i“ kinky-headed c us looked w me sideways, uud rolled the white* of h;s eyes at rue like ho wn going to have u fit of I;Id\vto:», and carried Ui* her rlcs and cream rllu past me to tlie other send of the table. I o*lled some more of (h* waiters, but U whs no use. The fust one had told the rest, and ■UI mci uiuiitj wni up. llivy KCO lookin' si me Bud wliispcm’ to ono another, and makiu’ motions, and I could muv l the musk no strong lint It Ilk to tuck my appetite from me, hungry *< I va*. If you should ever com this way n tlavrllii’, you mesn.t Rail the Digger wallers boy, uor une! . nor buck, nor su-y friendly home nsme; and If your tiuuk linp|>eo* to have Georgia on it, you’d better aointch It off, if you want any Hi tot lion or civil ity from the waiter*. They’re all mister* hero, anil the sue ont-o l.* ralli es. and it pot* the old lurry in ’em to call ’em l-y anything l.utther Northern names. You may call pore while men und wimmln tv titer* servant*. slewoiS. nr anyth log you pleuar, but you must take monstrous good Care how you speak to the fret) niggers. After supper we luck a smoke on ! In to p deck, if the scenery of the Hud son is “gruud, gloomy und pecnlar,” lu tho day-time. It don’t loan .ion* of Ke charms by moonlight. To tmxuio. Hie mountings don’t look so bold, and wo dont see so mouy prominent objects Standiu’ out seperale and distinct, ex citin’ our admiration ou thcr own book, xs it were, but ther la muff to be seed to help lltn imagination to route improvements eyen on nater Itself. Thar’s the broiul buzum of tho river, relleclla’ the silver light o( the moon, with her* and tbar u little sloop or sohoonor, glidin’ along lo silence, with Its snow-white sails Jest fliled br the soft bo-rue lUst funs the smoko of y >ur •egar away from yonr none—th» curvin’ banks, now shootln' txildly out Into tbs strong light, disturbin’ the quiet current of the rives', and now retirin' into the deep shade, whnr the water is sleepln’ still and dark ns a nigger baby in a shack-pen —the lofty peaks rsisiu’ tber bald beds Into tbe sky to baths ’v>o In UK) oold moou-beams - tbe ra vine* and gorges windin' and twistin’ about between the Mila. nr sprvndin’ out Into broad valleys, nud rvaehlu’ nway for rallea Into tbe dim hare, wlmr the dark Catskills rises llwr misty rnrmi ipmit toe vaulted Iikhtbo* - all conspirin’ to make a landscape which — which, at tbo novel rltera w-a, Is more easy U) imagine than describe. Ulcceby our cagurn went out, the moon went down, the lady* went t.> llier uabln. and wo went to look for our bertha. Altar buntin’ about half a oarer or more for the rita one, I got Into a tong cue, whar 1 hadn’t more'ii last got into a dote bcforo a old feller com along and hustled me out. showin me a ticket for the place. Ily this time sum feller itad got into mine, mid when I fonail him out, and got him awake, and ahnw'd lilru my tlakot, be got out, earnin’and growlin’ like n bur* with a aoro hed, and want to rout out aumbody 0U0 that wee la hi* place And so the thing want uround from berth to barth, and ’tween iha rnuu girt, about of the aerranta, the gentle men wliat had got into tlw mug niico bar*, thn cumin' of tlmm that was wakod upon anaiioiou and the growlln of thorn that wn* haulin’ abont for a bed, it) ther barn feet end drawer*, I didn't gtt to »leap for raora’ii two •■war*. One litlto duok-logged iu*n, what **d ho was tire editor of a newspaper up In Albany, hud all the •nryinils on thn bole helpin’ hlaj l» a And hod and made more rnnipua than all lira real put together. lie didn’t have no ticket himself, an t« Jo»t krp gwhia round, rnntln everybody up to aro II ilray waa am lain they waa la Uiu rite b*d. tVliat aada It win*e, bli uternry waiot very good, and ha would euw to the aara* man two or three 11 tufa Hooper waa lagln* rile under me, and veu know how oroa* .,14 haoliel nr* I* at night when l hey're In bed. klr. ■'qulh bad waked hide npoora, nod I could hear him eeaetn’ about It, and I 'proud rvry mini! the raaay liule fel ler would cow* back, and then I kaow’d ther’d ho a row. Shore enuff here omo Squib with a gang of niggers behind him. all with candles In tlier htudi. Fust bit looked into coy eui^ tain*, ‘•nool" tes t, nurt lb* littlss man'* bed disappeared like a »hol. Tho next minlt I hoard him wakin up Hooper. "Wlist uttmbers’s this you’re lo stranger I” sis lit. “Ah. !•»! I’ve got you? uow.” shouted Ii< oper. *pringln>; rmm ills berth likna mad tlgnr, unit grnbblu S his fair, the rascal went to Ins ooach, jumped ou Hie l»x, au-1! ring in for eyrrhndy tn gil in lbs car*— ooo chap was Jim caught tryn to Haul h ganllemart’s trunk rltn bn for>« In* eyos~l Iroked nP ag;i, ti10 W<|| an«l Herd handbills s'.ickin all about, what aed In nig Ictlurs. ‘•Look onl for l'icit pockets !” aud I J >s» put my humln tn injf p-'fkrts and krp my eyes wide o;»6", til I got my rest tn tba cars. Whe-i we suit'd I lirawrrd a long Drcth. and thanked m/ aiars tint wir was nut of Albany. And now r iu gwloe at llio rate of ufleau tulles i> DW'r, ami Albany Is Jaw fartl'i from my light. J will atop lero while I gn on to lliiffalia-. leaven you to luutgin what happens tn iu« on the wny, HI you hear fsom me agin, do no more from Tour frend til del It, Joe. Joints. (To its ConUuued Next Week ) varai. intusios suhiiuxusy. K«tln»r I'lnwin nw4 nn Cskwnti ■Imm UJIlrU Tlu* Ilajlitrvr** rfc IfMd FltupIM lt. Illofcory tyvrtml, »f»i% |U Cfcailaiv ntutcrvtfr. About -1 o’clock this morning a freight train, Mr- Cline engineer, anat bouu'l ctdllded with xn engine. No, 74( we*t bound, Xfr. Walton, of Morgunton engineer, about three mile* fr.ni town. Walton wai killed and Mr. Moody, of Waynesvllle, Orereau on ll)« freight train, xlao. Two negroes were Iwdly Injured nud » third Is iu a dying condition nn. 74 carried cattle, a Hus hoise anil other fictght. Order* (A No 74 were to pu*g at Oonoyer, but Mr. Walton saw by hi* wntofi thi't ho had lime to reaoh Hickory and pushed on. Ala*, hit watch had stopped mid he rushed to Ilia swift death; his head was almost severed from hit leafy. It Is under stood hers lUi lie w»s « married man. “Tho arms of an unknown until were round. Hawse pievemahly n frump and Ilia body may bo found under the debris. Both engines stern wrecked. Ouo fell on the road-bed of Ui* Chaster H Nortliweatorn aud obstructed travel on Hint road for hums, aa well aa nn lhe Southern. A wrecking train was aooo nn hand and a great number of hands worked, but the vostlhuM train from Knoxville was delayed here until noon. Kacli engineer law and sup posed tho other to bn a Chuster & Northwestern train approaching nn its own track. ft«!!f*a r*r «M*f. CKteJtr.* Dshf Hewr». •‘John,’’ she naked. "Iicw'lo tou Ilka l hie bat mi me?” “Oil. I Junnn,” lie nnawortd. "Have you i.ougbt Itf” "No. nut exactly. 1 brought It home on approval. I Intend to take either I Ida or another no*, which UtSmore th.ui thla, hut I I Untight1' ••Kay. Ftomncclie Interrupted, •’tbet'a the moat tieeomlug Imi I t>vrr aaw you haw on. Telephone to Uvetn drat thing In the morning that you’ll take It eo na to make enra ihoy’H not anil It to aliybody flee." fiaei Xr* Seaman. Rkknnx, Naw ttattitxl, Nov. J3. on I am very pleated to elate that ah.ea I tMk tlm uBenny of Chamberlain'S meoTeloe* the witu haa lu ru very largo, moro tt{N-cUI1v of tl>* Cough Itrmedy. I« two yeara 1 have lo'.rt morn of Dili POiUcnlilf reo.edy than of all other tn*kea fur the prevloua i|t« vaara. At to Ita efficacy, I have bean informed bv aoorea of paeanaa of tlw> good reunite they Uava rreaived from It. and know Ita value from the na« of It In my owm boneHioM. It la to plmaart to take tbet we bavo to place the loir.a beyond Urn reach of tka children. B ), VcAMrr.aavRY, For aala by J. K Carry and Company. | RIOT AND REYOLOTION IN WILMINGTON. jSeven Negroes Killed and Others ! Wounded. Three White Men Among the Wounded—Amid Scenes of Bloodshed the City Government Changes Hands— Committee of 25 Effect the Destruction of Negro Manly’s Printing Office -Ex-Congressman Waddell, Mayor, and a Democratic Council Have Effectual Control of the City and Quiet is Now Restored. WluirMiTOK, Not. 10 -After a day of bloodshed and turbnience, Will ■alnztou has anbalded lo ulght into comparative procefulom Eight na groca wn» killed mcu three while men wnnuded duilug tlie day, on a of then), IVJlltuoo Mayo, seriously. To-night the city le In Mm h.uids of a near municipal government, and law and order are Mug established. Tbia afternoon tire board of aldermen ie slfTnod, ona by one. A a arch nldarnitti Tacot'd, the remainder elected til* an> Ofruxrr, nstmsd liy tlie olMvtna' commit U’« until tire eutlro hoard was changed lega.ly. They resigned iu npeiM to puhlio sentiment. Tho new board la cojrpoi*l of oonaorvttlvu citlx*.*. The mayor and chlnf of |>ollo« then resigned, and tho new hoard elected th»lr tnneetaora, according to law. K:: UepreaenlntlTe Waddell was l ieclol mayor, and E. 0 I’urmHoe chief of poilc.. Tne Brat act of liu new gov ernment mu to swear In ii'J fpiriul policaim. chosen from the rank a of reputable white altiaeua Thi-y are vealed arllli ali tho authority of the law nod will t.iku charge of tho city. The cltinos «i!l remain nn guard. However, in prevent poa>il'l* allemp'.s at mnendiariam The new goveinmeut will cevoto iu attention to restraining rrotle*»ne*H among Ilia wlillns, at well at Weeping flown lawlertnes*among tba negroeu Kurllier trouble of a aencrnl nr acrloua natura is not -vp-cUd. Bonn af'er the meeting. Mr. (ieoige llonntree received a tylegniiB from Governor Russell, any lug that he would uso all his efforts to influence Ilia may or and city council to resign. If that would rotore peace. Mr. lliuntrer sent the following reply : ••The mayor and nidermeu hays tv ti;«ed. Two huudrad and Ilfty special l-olieemon have been sworn in. Law and order trill be maintained and i»-ar.e resUirvd.” Mr. Rountree la n prornh eut lawyer hero, nnd a member of the Democratic campaign commUloo. The trouble In Wllmlugtm today comuivuced at 8:30 this morning, when an aruod body of eiliz-nis, numbering nl out 400, ami led by va-ltepre-euta ll vu Waddell, chairman of a committee or 2o appolnle.l for tba purpose, pro oetded to thn publishing bouse of tin: negro newspaper, tbe Record, to wreck It. Tbe editor of this paper had pnb liriied an article defamatory to white women, arid • miss meeting of oittz-uia jeaterday ordered IDS expulsion fmin the city within 24 hours and the removal of bla press. Pirteen leading negroes ware called In by tbe oomoiit tc« of 85 last night, end directed to notify thecliatrmsn by 7:30 this morn ing whether they would agree to the removal of the press. They were la formed that if no answer were returned the press would l>e demolished. Kn answer was reoeived by thecliwlruian this morning, and after waiting an bnur, the ettisens iwoceeded in a body and demolished the fixture* of the printing office. The building was alto Bred and gutted. The leaders say lint this action was the work of Irreapoasi tde persons, nnd as soon as the Oie was dUonvored tlie Bra deportment was exiled to extinguish It. Tlie burning of tbe Printing oflloe ort-atea * great commotion nuong ilia negroes of tlm town. Thernniorspread that the whites wore going tn burn sud reorder In the negro quarter*. This rumor reached the negro employe-* of u o-*t ton sum press, numbering IJIjO „r 400, who quit work and hnug about the streets in manifest terror. Other parties congregated lu the negro tac tion. run) It Was In oua of Ulnae that the first Irsgaily was enacted Th# men aero staodliig on a comer oud were ordered to diapers*. They declined, nsd. It is claimed, fired into the whites. A fusillade was luwntdlalely opened upon them liy the whites, and (liras negroes were killed. Two whites went wounded slightly. Uns negro ran dovu tin* street, and passing a residence. Bred s rills at William Mayo, white, •landing on the yorsuda, shouting him through the left latig. TbU negM was leeogniud. uursui-d and captured while hiding under a tod. It I* sahl ha Cutv fyssed to the sliootlag. Ha was rid dled with shot Uy hi* captors and killed. In tht meantime lh« town w«* In a slats of excitement. The whites ruxhrd to the scans from ovary dlrrc lion, IlM local militia company wax or dered unt, and * hattalloii of Naval I teen i vr* pMoeadcd to lh« vicinity of the lruui.it) wtUi a rapid-fire gun. About 1 o'clock sum* nagriM In a lionse flrad upon a passing parly of whit* men. Tim In*us* wassorroundad and four negro** raglured and taken to the fall, Una (Mgrutwoks away and ran, but was shot down and killed be litre he had proceed ad lailf n Mock, baring lHo afternoon there were other affrays, a»4 fi negroes war* killed at various paints In tao dldurbtO soot km. Tbelr names era St tlrl* Hksa onksawn. A* the news of the rioting sfwaad thr-.uglioal the Mat* iwrtgbofln* olUas | offered to tend help. All lueb offer* wer* declined, except Id tho cmc of Fayetteville. At nlekl fell, the town wn« oanpletoly patndkd tod guarded. *«J ftwM|nti were nn tbottreeto. end they were not nllowed to onogre «*to eny where. The not4ou of the clllsriu tu organ* ixlng u new manlclpel government (■ expected to bring praoi nod order, end no rioting It expected tonight. It de velnped later iu till day that the negro comiclttoo lutnm inwl Uit night bed e-trend to offer tliclr tervleet to b»To the prree removed, although the editor had deported, mid tiny had no author ity in the premlso*. Till* l«t t«r, in* ate'ol nf lit-iug del lr-rod to (be chair* mun of the cumm litre of 25 In iwrtoo w-s put in the null, and did not rench him until three hour* after lit# expira tion of Urn lima limit which had l«en Hxod r«ir Ilia receipt of the anewer. A crowd formed lo-uight to Ukr fro in I hi. Jail aud lyueh two negro**. Time, Milter and Ira ilryaxjt, wtm were a mated IimUt, charged wiUi making threat*, noil wrro regarded -a dangi-r •”»* character*. The new mayor, Cijlo i.e) Wadlrll, promptly prohibited t ie -aaeuitiliug of Uic crowd at the Jail u»d himiHdr lie.idrd a guard of 23 tucu with 'Vloc’ieatere to guard tho prtioner*. f.**T ll'illtVl'ucKUT. All IVm tain ■■! n Ulc Hoar -Trait. •uaRj or An Kji» Uliana rTtiii | »*• li*riM Plre ih» yini TwaKb.na. 'Viuaixorux, N. Noy. 10.— TV iluilligton la comparatively quiet t,*. night, after h day, abldi for turmoil ami atrift, ha« nu equal In the city's history. The fact !* that a compile r(■»<).utiou lu the C:Ly government Uk..u place, |a tir.it the Urtiubtinan mayor mid board of » Mermen have re aiSi od and given place to suewsaou, who ara atanneh wltilo supremacy ad vocates and Democrat*, who have already eai-ihlj.bed a llsirough syntrin of Mice prohcllon, ami it la Mtcved Unit there will lw 1,0 further clash at urm* UtKftMt Hit* r*cv*. yow that the •■smoke haa chnrrd "*ay,” anil couditintii nre sornn’wlnil morn aetllad, it upprar* that leu ns erra:* were killed outright nud ut leant 25 are more or lean nertoualy wounded and II otbera win** ooudncl haa Iwen offensive Utid calouUted In airjrraVst* the etraiued attitude of lire raw* Hr« locked Id Jill. Not a Alnak white tuts has lievn klllnl, uid only or.r, William Major, Setljualy wounded. Them Is n» doubt Hint the negroes bed. and my wife oalletl me to tbo wlodow. * 1,T« oli.,X“rt!\ fonrtb atreet, next to 5>t. Mark’* J.iiUieran church. My wife •aid: Mllily. there u going to be Iron (.le.» I Jumped np and went to tbo window and law a white man retsoii »trating with n negro with JcetlcoU llona. I heard the white man aay, *tfu ou, go on,’ The negro wrnt about ten p-icca. und then I saw the negro afemt. lie pointed tt pietol at the white n*aq I and 11 red. Immediately 1 eaw Uood d.»w fnna tlm Mid white man’* right arm. Then there war another allot fired from tbo negro aiaomhlage. and then lbare wxe firing from the white aeeemblage, with the result that three negro** fell. The negroes tlnm dis permd. Tlien the wblta men proceeded toward* Moore’a drug atore. to tain pliouo for aiuriiUiice. “Wm. McAr.i.taTxu.” “Sworn to before me, this, 10th day Novomber, A. 1», 1808. HThis U a eertiOed copy of tlie arigi ««1. J. II. Uoatbioiit, _ “Notary l>uMio.” The city I* llioroagbly quiet at a late hour to night Three companion of tbe I Invertn>r’« Onard from Ktueton Maxton and Clinton are expected hero to-night, and hundred* of ai*n hat* Clocked hero mi apectal train* daring the evening. However. It le not be Itartd that they will be died Into eervleo. A Jfewrw Killed l.**t Xleht—Three few paale* r* HmI. WiLMiwomw, Nov. tt)._Aa otln-r negro wat kWIrd benight at Tenth mid MuIWrry itrr.it lie wua hah*J hy a guard, but refuted to halt and continuing fu advance wne abet by tin) goaid. A CrarlMiulni by Mayer Water ll. WiMfixoro*. Nor. 10—At wild utght Uie uewlr-veiceted mayor lataed the following proclamation: •The anderalgaad, upon whom he* placed lb* great reeponelblllty by tlm action of hi* feHow-ettloina. takaa thle method of aMurihg Urn good (wo pfeof lAleeiiy Ih.t ell lb* power with which ho li Invented will be rxarUv) to proeorvo urdvr end peaoe la thle oma- I ■aaHy, tud that power I* amply eodh o»*«t fertile iwirpna*. All wolt4l*. Pom<) person* an earnestly (teamtod to co-oprratB with lbnioog tJin negro** la nc hr end, and tin-authorities ara now turulug tl:elr jtteuUou to preventing 1 rn ani uu the saitoftlie white people. Tn thie eud, »U clliz-iie, u'eipt a .Idler* on duty »ud the ■perfsl police force, will be re. |ulr«d to nl i»t,tn* | ay ,lueru anna, t*e irrve the peace end thereby aid the city g'iVerRRii-iit in rveloilug order, fiili nourae has been atrouxly mlvUed l>y conservative elite >na and adopted pestrnlay by the lajar.I of a'drramn. In I'd.it MMl’m with tho ellinui c lUtuoU [**■• On adjournment nf ttie hoard. Mayor Waddell inued the following iiroelimaiiun! "Tile, comparatively few ra-rwoa In Mile oily who w-em diapoaed to abut* ibr opportunity of carrying arm* which recant events afforded, and who are lol ng some very foollah talking, are hereby notified that ua faitbar turbul ence or disorderly conduct will be tolerated. They aw notified that a regular police force will nrt-eerva order tad every peaceable ciltetn. black and white, will be protest*] in UM person oid properly Nc armed nitrul, except tlioan ag Lborlttd by tiie chief of police, wll ap near i»u tins street*." (Signed.) "A. M. Waduill," "Mayor.” huiuuci in ucjtro-i anown m have been killed In tbe fight ThurwUy Iteix Nine iMgitxM and Uuee white »*3) were woandrd. On y one of tbe white no, William Mayo, teearlonaly hurt, Poor of lbo negroe* ore mortal ly wounded. Tliey am to tbe city boa pltaL Tho negroei wbo w*r* killed are at Urn nudertaklog ee Labi I ah moat of D. G. Vvnue (colored), on SWooud Itft-et, Their bod lee were viewed to day l>y large crowd* of people. At 10 o'clock tomorrow the coro uer'a luqoaat ovar then will ha hold. The coroner la a negro. ThU fact, twrlMpa. together with tho Impoaalhlli. ly of getting wltueaaea. prevented Urn inquest balng held to-day. The five companies of troop* on duly in the city to-night, paraded the ■Ireeta In a body Ullx afternoon, ft waa hoped that thta formidable mili tary dlipUy would aervn th* donblw porpom of ttmohlog ilia negro** tho utlar fouliahnam of fortbar rcetatanoa, nnd would inaplre th* whit* peoplo with oonOdenc* lo th* city government and Ita ability to protect Ikon and their property. Th* troop* will pro bably he kept her* for aawral day*. a arm atr rww witanara*. An I’arnty XrxMHkMbr aha Vanrtn mm* Mk«n-Xa fawkw *iltn«ln klpMtlO. WfLXKAruM, K. 0. Xov, fl— Gum I paratlve qulat haa retgoad her* to day. Uaarde ebnt on* nnraly negro la a negro el ora of tin elty ttih afternoon. A wnaailon waa created by the cap tom of J. It Jlaltou. UU chief ot potlea, by a oruwd ot "Baugh bldort,” who would h tv* Dona4aHied vUleao* had not tbe ullitln Interfered, and at • o*elnok bleJton, ft. If. Bunting, lUpub Itaan Justice of U10 paooa, and C H. UUburt, ex fualon pottevmao. alt ot wbotn are to danger of atvem Inat meot by red shirt*. »«r> amortad to tlm depot and aeut out of town. Act ing Sheriff U. Z. French left tho oftv tut uight. Hight aagrnr* In theaeww IV Jail, whom the rad ablrta and Bough Hldvra bod threatened to lynch, were rent to OMdObaro Ibu (Doming foe anf'vkreotag. Them mere anootnd dorbig the riot big Tturtaay. The oity la *«« owder thorough military mid polio* protect!**, nnd them la awery Iud laat 1*0 that >0 further outbreak* iS^SaasSTSits^ turfced cotsoaulty nnsi at last to be era or peace and eo 4«r. Too complete ehttgk la the mo niotpal goeeromrut effected last algfcA with seme aeddritneea but greet aae olmlly. baapfcead aneu in c*ylro! of ; . local afalra nrn aeelliii Ibabeat eU •cnie of UM rt^ThAiSTillTf batag laid open ll,a town and U bold tag In restraint all daaaae •IjW* fight threaten disorder. The 4m set of the utw goeeroinera sassrSrr^jsTs tbaae peats and were Instrwcted to pre rant soy attempt# to ternorisa the el e&sw&ifflr* — - sS3I«SSS»BUJ.,« before they bad taken their seats to make good Martr twertwa to piastres wd£r.A big lynching party was planned for the night and it required ZSttZtthe ml£ oread his Mmfatae oeald date gra **ptit Then were six nagreeatefaM ' who bed bean arrested fanu tbs ex* swwsjaa&x.s be MW warily dispatched. Ooa Mas a promluet laader, Thomas MtUer. who waa charged wltl, declaring that he *■ • Wile wan* '*»* before night. Another was A. It. JJryaet, charged with being a daa geroa* charaeter, Tim others were fanr jTotaintaif, bat they bed been under Ibe ban of the whites for coodeet cal* eoUiadu.inotOlwnhle. Mayor Waddell and his amoaint»a im* a wo upon IM pro poind lynching, fbry t«id that food (oimont was to prevail la Wilmington from yik time forward. Tbs would-be lynchers were su insistent U>al the mayor —»fA °“l*JjJMi[»<•*«*U* Jail surrounded all night, nils morning the six aw Ktoes were taken out and eerniiteil to the northbound train by a defirhieeal ^ £• b*"Bkad fnua thaetty. The ett zrtu eherred as they saw theta going, for they considered thartrdepirt. nrecoodnoire topeaeain the reture. The men wars started for Richmond. This l« hat the beginning of a general muvtsKnt to rid the towu of the tor tnll*»t. "euro loaders. It Is not pro posed to me violence, hot to mod thorn SALTS' not to return. Siioada of men are out to-day search toe notorious sbaraetsrt. and they will tw departed as they are found. I-eat nlrht lbs wblto Republican drpnty «|»rl»T, «. Z. FreneuTuit the city. He was followed re tiiTtraJ? and narrowly escaped vl.lono-. \ party of men went into the car deter mined to fcoke him out. The arrival of Frstik Stedmao, who 1* one of the ®”*t conservative amrcool-baadod men In tire town, while bring at the same time a leader in tire movement for white supremacy, frustrated the at Hood iiy two other c1tl£ftii nn) wblts mou of tire community »l.o have lx come otorextoo* from their ksaderalilp •<, and association with. '£57* *>"“«*« *too »o be departed! Notloawaa nerved upon three of rirem riile morning tn toere within Id boon. These are rx-Ckirf of Paboc Holton. Oiea. Gilbert and XL IL Banting. The three men have signal toed their will ingness to gn. xcaom. Ia Xurfolk a nw* »ho «u taken for M»«ly «h knoeked down und beaten. Everythin* U QuWt aod bualoem ^rr“a''d- A temporary police roree » dlyl *“* y"mt P°l dat* *<* Ta« dtur ml Saadey mo rainy an* ouuacad that Mr. Mayo'a eonditloa •M tamable and that bh aoNiww •r hryead a doubt. The Coroner's laqatot waa bald Set. •Nay. The Hat of fatalities reported •» Jury Ineludod aeren yeraoE-*! MAroae. The verdict wee that the dueeatN erne ho their death from (onaliot wound* lofllctod by some nor ten or petoouo tothrjary onkaowiT ** *«fhn»oe at the cotton ell aelDa «** * fiWteeed that they weeM act •tart for their hewed When It became 2“ J&2S SSTatSit hia heat* ThU It jmedeeMtwoa Chat Wbo are worthy of ettlamoNp. taye the Tbo ormdlUoa'^T the oeeru man. wgroea, and ahlldrea who fed lb# city Tflthoetbadillac mlwB^mvl (a * few M^rwNiMih^Uf w^Tk,£> Www thronyh the wood* adjacent gga&asaKS a.,, c^ss&te'.srer.rs zf&Zyjrsjur&'i ss^ssssarwi ■lift ikm »