' 11 ' * '■-fill II I1ll»ia»it«i »■——| 1 u The Gastonia OtroUil to ell* Pmuotlnn ot tluino and (Ha Jjitoroata ol m Vol. XIX. UiiHtoiila, X. C„ D«MJombcr i, 1808. —* " * - 1 ] PMEH ■■■■ -- - -— ■ mi MAJOR JONES TRAVELS FIFTY YEARS AGO. By Major Joseph Jones of Georgia. LBrTEtt XIX. New Y'»iik, July 20. To Mi. TU'iuipiun—Dour dir: 1 lack ray leave ot y >u. la tuy la-t letter, joet k* I was gwinu tu bed In tliu l'a vlllon Hotel. Well, you ru :y depend I dreamed all sorts uf leu.Me dream* tbnt night. [ weut tu sleep with the roar of tiio a.1 l.tniol iu ray rare, and it eecmod tu me Mutt the hed-posta ireaiti led wiUi tliu Jar. The rosrin lit my rare Imp growln I.radar and loiutsr, til , ilseomed to me lilts heaven and yeiUi j was cumin together, and the fust thing I knotted oomnlnw or oilier, 1 waa ' stumlln oil tbu edgu of iho Table Hock agio. and a mounting of wutrr, that reached to tbe sky, was cumin rolln rite onto me, to sweep me dnwu into the bilin lusto below, wlmt. sopined to be ’bout B*a miles deep, und tilled with ■ It tbe devils In the Infernal rug I-us 1 tried to run. but (or tl.n ami! of iue I I couldn't imvn a |wg — on km) evrr It cum rite on fp of me. and down t | want—down. down, wtth ray mouth ■ chock full of water, so 1 didn’t oven | ■ay ray pruyeis-hat jest as 1 got to llm bottom and was ’Unit pitch In Ued fust Into the mouth uf n water devil that waa as big -is a nieetiu bouse ! fetched cos ull-Qred yell—slid Hie next mliiil I found aiyeelC mi llm Quor, wnli the bed-cloUiae on l»p of me. Hooper sed It was the night-mare, uml if I hadn’t loitered jest as I did, l*d been a gone dona, shore eaud. Might-mare or no ntght-mira, I don’t blieve I’d felt much Worse If I’d gi be over tbe Falls In down-right yearnest. 1 was afraid to g» s innl to sleep aglu And so 1 ji-st link a turn round tbe bed tviat with nno arm and sleii with oos eye open tbs bahrice uf the night. lu Iba mnrui'i before brtckfust r.r tuck soother look hi the (all* (runt the Table lleck. This tliuo w*- lu«d a bel ter view of the Pall itself, hi well as the aurrouudin scenery. Hut ontwilli tUudiu It whs light, and we could *-e for miles unmud. tiro object* wh linked at was on ski) a different scale of p-o pirtioo from anything We was u*».| lu ihat tber was no slob tbloa as foinnu any Idee* ’bout highls aod distances, or anything else. Tbs more I looked the more I couldn't tell Imw hlg a thing was. .Sometimes s rock would look like a mounting, and somaliiiies It was nn bigger than a goose's ogj— some times tbs Islands would look b g nt my plantation, and then ugiu the) vri uldn’t look no higgor Urau eo usauv tnterddlU —aod X begun to wonder how th-y could hold tbor holts; thar rite in the middle of alch a racin tivrr. ’ihoutgi t tln washod up by Ihn roots und swept oeer the precipice Mow. He magnitude of things at Klagary depends altogether ou how .t b.idy con trusts ’em. When my ryu tuck In nothing but the miglity riser, theevor lastln baulouannta or rock, und the terrific cataract, why then they didn’t aoem to htse no (artickclerdlmcnsions; but when I happened to see tho honscs on tire American aide, nr a terrybo.it crossln beiow yre Full, or a company of rum clamlierlng about amoog the looae rooks, down hy the water’s edge, lookfu uo bigger than so many ants, then I was uble to comprehend the stupendous wonder* of Nlsgary, and to feel myielf no bigger, standing tbar ou that rock, llrau a **ed-tick in Hcrivcn County. Borne perplo se* Nlagary is a great place to rievrio a body's id-ru, but With me it had exactly tho con trary effect, and 1 do bllevo If I was to use Htsrut thar loog, I'd glr slcb an Insignificant opinion of myself, that I wouldn’t dare to say my tool was my own. I know some jaienle that it would dn a monstrous sight of good to go to N tagary, If for nothin fits hot to git a correct measurement of their own Importance, In the scale of beirt if they didn’t git tbelr uotious tusk down a pea or two, then I’m terribly mistaken. Tlrs stick In lo lira mud the night be fore bad laid up our English frend, und we got back lo breckfuit ho was Jstt gtttin out of bed. but ho was ton sick to go with us lo lbe Fallai After rat in a good breckfust we went down to the museum kep by Mr. Harriet whar we seed all Boris of varmlta, and In jin curiosities, and mineral* and *lob likes, nnd than bought sum tickets to go down under the Fall to Termination Itock, at they call It. I didn’t liavo much notion of foolln about quit* to familiar with aleh ler rora aa tlia great water-fall Itaelf; bat tber all eel tber waa no danger, wad that evrybody went tltar, and iiolhlu would do Honprr but w« moat go. Bo we wont to tlm Iioum at the top of llio ktalrwoy. whar a old ulgaer feller tuck ui Into a room and told nt we moat atrip off all our ulotlua and put oa turn aallor rlgalua what he would give ua. to go under the falift with. ••But whar (ball wc leave our money and our waicheo T” in Mr. More. ••you needn't he ’tall fear’d, gtm men," aea llw old nigger; “Jett leave emthlug here, and when you Miu beck you’ll Dud ’em all a&fe and ef you •ever euma back, you know, you wan’t want ’em.” ••We won't I” think* I, and I begun to feel a little jobooa 'bout gwloc lo any aleh a place. ••I aay, uncle—beg pardon,” aea l_ •M later. la lhar any danger In gwlne to Termination Bock t" "Not a Wt," aea l.e, a* he handed me n red flannel whirl, hlgemiff for Colonel Hill Sklmer and a pair of eouraa dock trowaea, wlthont no betteu* oa 'em. ••Mot a bit, If you don't fail Into the •aaum below, and Uwltn up from tiiiv d uk pit on our left, and drives in surgtu lorrcus agin the slimy lock* on our rtgl t—tn the daikons «ro can Jest ecu iho black, alielviu rock to wli'cfl wr cling ou one aide, und liio curtain nf'mad waters that, la mVuin down within Hruit-leugUi of us on the other—Uie deep thunder of the water •'op< our ears to all other sounds, and the spray la s •• heavy that we gasp for tuetl. us wc shrink close to the trerob lilt rocks. Agin whicli it drives til it fails in rain upon its slipry vide. Vow the gtdp turns (>ack. we have reuchrd Terminalinu Buck, aud, ailed with u lerriblu awe Hint cun Unit uo woids in express it, w« tace about and gropo our way bick (rom a scene of terrlllo grandnre and tvlilch is worth (lie riskin of one'# life to know ! When wu gut out lrmn behind Uio •Unit, him! Ii.hJ got in a pi c< wlitr the footln was sure, you nmy depend I felt monstrous c nniortnhle, and when Mr. More proposed "three cheers for Old if 1.13017,’’ I lin’d in most heartily, r.orl didn't stop til I had gin It ut least h.ilf a dozen of ’em. I apnsa I felt very much like n man does lifter’s lie's been mode a Free Mason or 3 Odd Feller — the skeer was oyer, I lard found out the uitslery, mid 1 felt that wlieueyer 1 met anyone hereafter who lisd put Jits foot on Termlnntlou Rock, I would bs oblo 10 participate with him let « svnLi ilMit what nobody who had ntver been lhar o-u!dn't understand. f wonder tlmt among all ilia way* they have of making money hero, out of strangers. Uiejr never have lilt upon a order of brotherhood, tho initiation ceremony of which to take plico on Termination llock. A order founded on sicli a rock-a rock what the mighty Xluxury itaelf can’t move—cerUlnly would stand, in spite of all the Utlly Morgans iu ilia world. Before gwlne up to change oar clothes the glde luck us down to tl>» water’s edge whar a little rock ’bout the size of Farsn Stor’d church in Plne Tille, lies a llttln ways out iu the edge of the water. To git a cood view of the Fall from the bottom, we oli.ua up the lad dor onto tbo top of this rock arid tuck a seat aud looked right up agin tho great Uorseahoo Full, what looked like iu If It cum lourin out of the besvfliM. It was so grand and high. Soma ladys waa Standing upon the Table Rock tonkin at us. They aermi d to ua about as big as toy finger, and I •pose we looked ’bout the same size to them. They waved titer tittle parasols to us. and we tuck off our oil cloth cepa and wived ’am at (Item After taklu a good look from the lop of the rock we went down end purl died about awhile tu tlio water that runs through Die broken rocks bslwft.ni the big rock and the bank. 111 one of us enru monstrous near grttin washed out luto the rapids. After that wu wont back to tbn room, wliar we found uur clothes ell right. We hadn't loon’n gni out of the place bufore • lliar wan 'imul a rlctiii liacktssn after u» to lakes* all or*r Canada If we wauUnt to go. Ooe red I leaded fHler, wlial red be wet ■ pt trlot In the retaHllon, und waa pul In prlaon to keep him from tuklii the country from the llrltleh, was so press In that four of tie chartered him to g > to the Bumln Spring and Lundy’a Lano. At the lilt ruin Spring, whar the water blue* up when ynu luuuh It off with a Lucifer match, and burnt Ilka a fat ligfatwnod knot, tea lit our eegara, and Ur. More, who -la a little bard In hllere, burnt lilt Anger to ba certain It we* no lake In, ami then we druv to the hullo ground whar our brave anger* In the Inat war gly Uki llrltlali aloh a delightful evenin'* votvrtjln mant. A old chap wkat m* ha 111 la the halite In U»o licit tab army lie* got what he calls a ohaarvatoiy blit on llw spot, nod Idle people all aorta of a r-rk and bull Kory ’b ml h-iw Urn thing took place, for a quarter ol a dollar, and always I me gut a few maahet halls Ul that waa picked up tin Urn ground. Ha told oa a dnlliir's worth of hi* egpo rleone, and arc bought aam bullets of him, aud than druv bank to the ferry to go over oa tha American now i On ihla hid- ul the river Iber I* a pretty considerable ul a town, ard the Yankee character ie strikingly llluilra J te.l l.y the way Inal they have sot tlie Nlug-iry Itself to work for ’am mrkln It I urn saw uillla, grlal. unlit), and otliar niucliloary. I wouldn't bo snrprlmd much If llie* wits 10 set tbo whole Arnertcsu full to drlvln cotton looms uml aplniiin ijltinie* liefnro long. W* vtenf (»-hivM Curiosity blmp. as they r ail il. whirs fvller lias got a hiiugary Full* lu i p. ration by machioe iy. Tlio tiling would do very well out in rmevlllo, bat wliat upou yettlh aould possasa a man to try to run oppo sition to alcn a wonder, rite lu site of IU« real cataract itself, I* wlmt stumps tte. Xob dy but a Jeunewlur Yaukre would over undertake alcli a thing, lie don't charge to Me lilt Xiagsry, bat makes a lu-ap of roomy selling Yaokne madir I r.gln Asia, sloh ns rn ioaailns. bend bags.csid ones and u heap nf fancy articles inch as the Inatus tbem lelvra in ur dnttmtd of maklu. Thru *i' crossed lbs bridge to Iris ielaud. Aflir vlsltlu the llkddlc Blair-1 cane nnd Ilia C»v« nf the winds, and srtiu the Amu lean Fall In all Us best views. «« weul to the Tarrapln llrldge and ilx> Towir. wbsr thrr was lots of ladjt and cm lit coin vtblnrln about in plac's whsr a cat rqutrrc) wouldn’t bis safe. 'Tween cllinbin recksand wadit> In the water and trnvelm about 1 was brglnnlu to be pielly tired, acd nf ter Ukln a view from tbs lower w« lack a hack for the ferry and by eun down was nt our hu't-l again uu the Canady aide, wliar our clwvr landlord hart a fust rate supper reddy for u«. Tie next morom nur ml-hrarttd conch man luck ue down to Queens' ton, by way of the great w)iii1|mw>1. rvlhcli is tin- next greatest curiosity to the falls. The river gits very narrow le-fnrs It eulsrs Ihu whirl|«ol, wh»r II iuiii in an ont at right angle*, and whirls rnutnl and round uni bolls over and over in its grain rook hastn, wiiiil jit sod ro be rnom’ii five hundred test deep After laklir u good look at tbs whirl we pasred onto Urn Ik yll’n Hole and pool ’hrn to tin- l.ittlu Devil’u Hole, aod from lhar to Quseiunm IllgUtS whsr *i) stopped to isle.- s look nt Brock'a miinuuienl, wbal tuts moan rascal tried to blow up during the late rebel lion. This was r. butlfal ra moment, stan liu In a batllu! puco, »nd it make* one sorry to sen it bur'ed and ruined -u It 1*. The scoundrel what could he gilty of slch a mean net us the desiruo ttcu of a c. on union t lo a bravo icud Willi shert nls blood for III* country, ain't Ct to live huiouu homuabla taei>, end w.uiltl lor a disgrace t-« a nation of heal lie us. Wh wniti'd fruiu lliti monumrut down to (J'leeuSlon, while uur Jrhu lock mir b*guugs to ihn bole that was to start in half u own for itontmil Quhmk to:i U a wondrous dull, dirty lookiny HUIe plueu, whn’ st-mdi ill* at the ler mliiiill.-n of the Highlands, through wlilcli l!i© Niigurj rum on Its w«y from Lrike JEry to Mhi Ontario. The effect Is slrtbh:, after fuller In Hie rive: from I'.ie rapid* »b>v« the fill* to this ul-iee, witii Mto roir of Us tumnl tous wateis conatantly iu one’s ears ami the tenpin ungry current Const* III ly before one’j eyra. to see It suddenly spread out II* nroud smooch bosenn in tli© quin vale as placid and e ilno ns If Its Ihirr Ind been unobstructed from its source. There la Indeed, a “change i over the hp/rit of it* dreams” ut tfuesnsbui, and the traveler is mon strous apt to discover tlmlhia thoughts is not wholly without sympulhy with the ntrram. Hnt l havo luck up a wh ile letter in trvlu In Imriy over ’bout Sevan (piles. I’ll try lo travel further In ray next. Soup more from your frond HU dnlli. Jon. .Ionxb. 1*. fv —I spaas you know Ihut they halitT got no Fourlli or July In Cunu dy, nnd I wav so completely tnox up wlUi tbe wuuih-rs of fflngarv tluit I forgot all about it. Ii’a tho fust time in my life Hut that day ever miain) a harty welcome •mm me, and I can’t account for It In no other wny thou be In In Mils buttl'd Country. (To he Continued Next Week.) xew l AVDiiiv.kni.s: nou. Tlir larttims epaulet t'i»u Abuai Dr n* Ouat-r. Ja|i/tnaee *pr. King’s Ni w I.lfe Pills, the wonderful /Stomach and Liver llemetly, gives a aplendkl appetite, annul dlgeellnn end a regular bodlle habit that insures per f" Vm»ula>> Roll. What to Haiti to b* tlw largeet tiugle wlicut MO In California I* now being planted lo the groin Unit wake* the HaR at life. It (nvrri over 53.0U0 non or 40 tqirarn mile* Tlilt enormoue lleld of gr tln la loca ted uo tlw bonk* of tlio din Joaquin river, near tlw town of Ctovla, In >(»■ d*ra county Tha Held 14 purl In Froe no county and part to Madera coun ty. Cloela Cole la the man who lo |mt ting In tbla roatanmagc, and lie lut* undfrUkiw one of tlio laigoat j.»be that any man Ima yet doao In California. while It la true that larger acreages of wlioat have been planlwl by certain lam lvera In tliv etule. there aroma lo bn no record .if an rturtiaftlW to tlw pTeeei.t eaeo. On tha MUIri and J,nt raouli, lu Kern county. 00,000 core* •Ore planted ouo youhl nut be celled a wluwt Held of 90,000 acre, nay mure than ail Iba wheat Betdi In tha ktote couM be elameed under one bn4, Tlw Clovla Held, however, le an Ideal wheat Belt). U Is almost >■ flat a« a I lloor. will) a genii* slope towards ths I riser. The outer Hues of lbs Arid ’ tun Its It almost n peifrot sqoare. Each { ■Ids It s little over tlx miles, and If ths ' dav U clear every part of the field ean • he aeon front any otlier part. It will ho a benullfiil tight worth seeing when all t!>e grain Is up and waves gently in thn bieete of tlie wpri glluie. llntrr ure no roads through the CJo- I vis wheal Ovid. It it to beooo solid I stretoh of xralu. sod svsry square foot of land to toe ut tilted. Ploughing and Hunting began in tbo big wheat Hold about Um middle of last July and will hardly bn compwtod for tbe neat two months at lenat. but tits grain will mature at about lbs asms lime. Then will coma tbe liar eiilenti teak of bnrvetUng It. To rot an Idea of tbs enormous stay of this great wheat Add. 1st us imagine that It is close to San Fra>.cisco. K no* end of It oho mils wide leashed on Market street, tbs rust at Iba Bold w«uM at ret oil one mile wide almost to | Bsu Jtos Title same wheat Betd Is over four limes Ure stsi of the Im proved portion of Ban Krauchoo. The winds oily and manly of Ban Francis co. lasladhig all thn ouUytng districts, Is about the an me shir. With the big lapr»vwh them eras much work Sjamt an pHutlng and har vesting the Debt. Hut suppose owe man had to baodle tbs rrap, It SuSh w thins were possible, bow long would It taka blm f HqppoM tin Oekl «M on* mil* wife ond 40 a lie* In**. ond U>a om mo ted • double |ui ploucb cutting a fnrrow M Indie* wife. Ife would *urt at a corner of tbe Md la fen FraaeUoo and ytaugh tooth toward 9aa Joe*, a dltUnce of 40 mi tea. Then be would ootau back and oat anotlwr farrow to fen Franriooo, making BO ml lot fur tbe round trip. Thi* amount of work woald o*ly bo a tiny terateb four foot wide alim om tale nf Ilia 4U-mllo Bald, ami tbo pro feat would have to be repeated at lea* 13.000Uiaot, matte* a total diataaoo of a beat 108.000 mile*. dappote that ilia pleoghaMu worked at the rata of 90 mite* a day. To got “vw the IWjOOO ante* would tSa 8.980 day*. To plant would tab* about tho tame tlot, making a total of 10,100 daya, nearly tOytum. It would I* like rpvmllag a llfeilate, and Um dlMancii uavaled would ko rq*lr»leut *« «?l«l aroood tbo world futr llraw. And all In on* UUItornia wheat BuM. To aeoovpllU Urn iwewnary aaMont of work within the llm* at kit dlapntal, th* owner of tho Ulmri* wheat Arid ha* to employ oe*r J0U mow, om 1,000 borar* and teetral tons of Mg ate ebInert. The M ate working ttrly aid boa now, and If tbo Thirl* anrngal la plnatad liy January and a tolietoiA quv.uiy of «wlw falUtkrr* will ku »aob u bmp «f wheat ad baa never beaa teird of. for the bond la good lead aad Uewud laa«odt*«d Thao w|H th* [ I wood oaten of the world g|** tbaaba I for tte ntUUM* of tbe largaat wheat Atld to Uell ferula. OPEN BOOR POLICY DEFINED ■CAM BtoVAUTt nr niAnar W.xiiikotox, Xov. tt^-CtilraM Dinalry, of tbe wiyi and MMcni aritta*. lu an interview with a Aar t» po»tar to-day. explaloed Um tarn policy.’ wlitoh to aoar bcbxr —,—* about ao much is ute urwwrApera.’’ S'5'iS«s-3S53St A. applied to tb. dependency of. oology |t rimply town, that Import, from all *->uotrie* am la ha admitted oil Hie mine term* aa Import, from tba mother coui.try. a. .pulled to tb. PhOtoUm It wuaid mwo that lam ' from Great Britain aod number for" •ft" aoaatrtoa are to ba admitted at “Of course tiito policy could not Le apptwd to UM rbBfp^aS If they rbould sas^ssssa&s; avrssa."ss5 ss,*as Butaa. a atom there ahuald be an a-J-dreoiri to tii. consUluttou pm “Whether It weald ha poarible to ssm^.s5s territory of Ua Uattad St.tew wader that provtoioa of tba cuuaULalloa' which authorises Ooaataaa to ‘make rtkt aad ngubtioaa reapect tnf the territory or other property of ■ the United Sure*.’ I am not £epirrt wmj- II la BOtlreaUa, however, that In lb. rreolotion provldiag for Urn aa i‘MatIon of Hawaii, nmd at tba UM morion of CoujtrtM. il waa provided that the Hawaiian tariff ahoSdaoT tlnae la force aall] (octrees ahohld KlbenrUe determine. “It to to be bo rue la mlu.1. bowwver. that tba preaoat talk about aa topao door policy* for the Philippine, to lo toodad to apply aatireiy bi (how 1*J anda while under a military adsiou tratioa, which would be petmiaritor, ami not apply to tboea lalanda aftar ‘bey ahril bare been formally treoe ntoed aa a purl of. tb* United Staton. “Of comae. It would ba oocapatent for the Porta commlaatowre to Ineor Porate to Ute treaty with Spain a pro vtohm sreatltt* to Spanish import* iota tba Philippi tirs equal tty uf treatment with Import! from the Catted Staten htr a term of year*, end that maeblo* In the treaty, wbrn ratUtod be the ton Ml* and projected Iain by Confrere, would be 1 he Lew cf tbs lend. ■ In the discussion of the ‘open dour policy* I notice thel many paper* se same that It I. tbe uuiform policy of Greet Britton lu her relations with bar colon lea. It ahouid ha boron la mind, however, test there la a cooantcooua reason for tbla lu tbe cam of Canada-, Ih-t most Important colony, which ad mit* Import* from Omit Britain at 19 P*f I*m doty taaa tb.'y are ad mitted fr«m tbe tJulted State* sod other count Doe. It la aoderateoJ that this policy waa adopted by Canada. If not on the eagRMtloo, at leaM srtth tbe approval of ldr. Chamharta)*, British Secretary fur tb* Catodtoa, aad Umt he to urptnp other colonies of Great Britain to live a simitar prefer ence to that poller. XlMkil hrlMktin* Pe»0u». V*}>ll4ilrla>hiii |i_-„_l a«la Whea Robbie Dun* celebrated the potrnoycf wbiskry la peace aad war, end declared that F»e«toil sail wkaiaay met theatre, •yao hla l«oet*e fancy did oot carry aim to Um bound af hie auhlcet. Tha ******* *f taaltlnc oordlt*. otherwise relied smokeiew powder, re^elres uw am af aleotml Is eery loros nuaalKim. MUUoot uf uAm. are now needed for the manufacture af tbe new caploslre. The B. Utah gomnment iu IU late war prrpamtloas was a my bet try purchaser oC alcohol la tha I’niied mates. Orders hays also been merited from other guests snouts. Hereafter tbe Amerloaa farmer aaa expect am only to furnish food to sub sist tha armies aud uavlm of tho world, but tote lila abase la tim produeuoa tha raw material of daotrootton wtlh whioh thoy decide tho Woody game of war. ~l-II 1-r—■ Whet la the amor making • better article uen jour com pet I to* tf von aaa m* get a bvtur pries ter It » A«t“Ai lhere le no dlflrreaoa la Mm prim Urn puttie wUl hoe oalj MM bettw, to that utile our proflU may be emellrr on a tin tie eels they WUl be ■Mb gieetrr lo the aggregate. Horn eaa joo get tbe publie to know your make le Urn beet 1 It both arttake are brought prom I neatly Mon the publie both eeo mtv Ula la be tried and the pottle wOt very quickly pars ) a da mint ea them and uaa aoly Urn hatter ooa. This «pi a) as the Urge sale ea CUamberUiu'e Cough Remedy. The SKXKawSflB* ayjvis-.JMagsast not forth with exaggerated tklma, bat art certain to Nurra to the eao reoMy that they know to be iMUbta, and for cougba. ouhli and erowp then [Ujsttir* iwrt Carry end CUepaay.