— I11- , ■ .. — . , _ r- , , rrrrT-nT_.I m_ ... he Gastonia _ | Dovotoil to III* PwloiMlon 01 Hump nn«t flip Inlm'CMl. r»1 til CoMuly. \ <>1. {twitnr .md } Gnstoulu, X. (!„ 1 tacemIk*r 8, 1898. * * ■. '■»> L^J I ■ " ■ ■>— .. ——- __ - —; J|uia . - w^-rw_ii. I TM1 MAJOR JONES TRAVELS FIFTY YEARS AQO. By Major Joseph Jones of Qeorgia. LETTER XX. Nr« York, July 2J To Mr. Thompson ; Door Sir—Tii'-r wasn't no grate rush of passeogeis like tber always Is ou tbs North River bote*, and noboly didn't g:l nocked overboard in tin; o-iufushm uud hurry, meal uf gettin nlioard nf ilm Chief Justice llobineari. At the ting nl tho bell we was all on botrd, *' U u cum fortubler bole or ■ taoie ubllgbi cap lain ain't uHoal on river, lake or an* than ours «u. Tlicr ain’t nothin very wonderful to lw seed garlue down seven miles nn thn N lag ary to Ia*ke Ontario, except It is the Old Fort Nlagaiy, what’s bettri look aud reluck, uni capitiiatrd and in: tendered so olleo. 'id out) thn Frauch, thn logics, tin* British, ai d thu Aenericsas, that it ain’t very rosy to make out who u go; tin best nte to It now. It's seed lively thm* In Its day, that old plaoe ba>; hut it’s mon strous loneaota now. and they aay It’s be«n banted ever sense they nut Hilly Morgan In It for hlowlu the Micn-ur. 1 liulu't got much bln-f in phosl slums, hut they aay it’s a |msitiv fsCl and that (bn pure old feller is to Is- reed every dark utght, dodgin about tin* dark em nera, with a tailor cardie m bis hand »u*l a Free Mmou's apron on. lookl.i like he wsuted to tell eumbody sun thing; but evrvh sly's so 'fruid of him thst he can’t git oo chance to tell Ms secret. One Hung la very certain 'bout Billy Morgan, If Im couldn’t keep the Mason'a secret, ha kw-pa Ida own mon strous well. It wus n bright sunshiny dny, and the water of ll« like hi if ft wonted to show ns how Well it could belmvr it self, after lta fi click in among ihe rocks c( the Niagiry, w*» as still und quiet ns n uiill->uid. Our splei-dld sli.ia.ei with ill Jhitoli Dig llylu—Jrst as rialura' ms ir it mi the uaui e. r.f u sovereign ptcpln uud Imd n ;i*hl tu wave “over tin* land uf I be tie*- and (lie houiu of tiie brave," — errnt riMiki'i along, on its way nc'Oii tUr luku • > Toronto, while thu passengers niDii'vd themselves accordm tu tlxr hkiu. Sum ulil codgers luck a ert-tuo ’ism: t o’i tic.; sum of ib* ireiith m*n red hnoks ni.il newspapers: aum siunkrd tlv r se gaie, and aum irrmoenuOed wiUi the lady*, wlitlu the llule ones wuul to playln rorai>s nn the d' ck, her pin the mothers iu a jack of tumhbs for fetr they noouglit jtiulp ovei l*'Urd, ur brake liter necks climbin on thu awnin-pot;* We wasn’t lung gwlno to Toronto, whar we ouly »toi>prd loog euufT tu git into auotlwr bote, mot iu a few mluIt? wo was underway agin hi llte steam, hula “Sovemun” nf Ihe “Royal Mail Line,” ns Utey called It. on cur way down the lake lu Khigttou. The unines of thing* begun lo sound Oku.*Uou* queer to my republican bars, nod tli® red and gold crowns whit was painted on tbe csblu dorm, and was ilrickeu about In dUXereul places on tue bote wlrar tbe. eagle ought tu laf, looked odd eriuff; hut I didn’t Hud fit it they made tbe bpte go any taster, or that my clothes gut any tlrlitcr for me, because I was on a llilttsJi Sovereign of tbe royal line gwine to Kingston. One don’t roe very ranch to interest hlut on tbe lake, as what little in lo bs seed on tho ahore is so far nil' Uiat we don’t sit much good of !t. Hooper mid I ps—i1 rt Ui« time very ugreuable thongli. amokin our segars m.d lalkiu over what w« had seed--now and then pinkin up a little fun nmong llit* paa< (-tigers. After tea. ami when thn inoin was up, we was a good deal interested In a courtship what was gwine on. be iwoeu a young cupple from Nr * York. It seemed that two very rich familya was tryio very hard b> nnke a match between a VCIas-Naucy sort of a son on one Side, and a Liddy-Languish sort at a daughter on the other; but neither of the young ones seemed to havn sense eiiufr to ktiow how to go ubont It. The old peeplv gin Vra alt the chanco they oonhl. and helped ’em along now and ibrn. but the young feller et-oinrd to think more of hit sorrel-colored whis kers. what grnw’d all over his uuinean )i■ face, Ilian anylhltig rise; and Uie gall, ttiongh she didn’t leeru tc have no grate objections to Uie arrange ment, wasn't willin. or didn't know how to rto all the oourtln. The old peep!* managed to keep 'em together pretty well all day. only wlieu tho young spark went down now and I ben to get a Jewllp; and. In the rveiling the felier’a daddy made him go and aing to hoi; but sleh atngm I never heard before— half a owvr of It was onufl lo kill any vouoo woman In the world. What ef fect It did have- I can’t say, but ha kep it up 'bout six owers. ’thoiil stopping 10 giv® tli* pore gall time In draw a long broth between Ids I otninuhle toot*. Oiu* or twine Ilia lugiue Mowed oft Uie ateuni, when *h« couldn't hoar his oroahlu, and it must really been a grate relief to her. At on* o'clock we went to bed and left hlia lingln tbe -yinit gou at He*,” to unn of the awfoleat «am limes 1 »vor heard. At 8 o’clock the i.nl uornln wi cked up at Kingston, and aa we had but a few minus to atop before we tuck another l»te to go down the gaunt Istwrcpce, wr hurried up iulo the town to see It. Wo lied got meat „» to lliu arile atone Market House, what’s hlg eMufT for five or tlx etch towns, when the 8tuaid oum ronnin after n» to ask us If w* hadn’t left « wateb on the h-ite. Shore enutf It waa |Iuopcr*a sold walch the man had In I,U hand. When Hooper ofreitjd him a dollar for brtoflln II In him, he wouldn’t take a ornt, and away ha went. ••Very welt,” »»x Hooper, ‘'that watah la worth Ju»i ntie haiwtml nod aftr dollar* mure than If It nad been uft on a M*w Vink twin.” After lakm a look at the market* bouse* which la mma like a castle lhan utaoo U> wit aoeat and regetebtaa, and Which 1 expect waa Inlet:ded as ■neb (of °*>n "* lt,° 01'wr, we started for the garrlanu tu are tha morula pa* radii of tbu soger i. Vi'Urn we go' l.» lb-! ante* Hie 71st rlgissnt o! Uigiilaud right Infantry vra» drtllin In (Ihi »)U4rv; but is wn vseut to Walk In tn Br;< 'riu, .. ugly-lookln cuab.tui r, wlmt was standing on gird ut llm gale, brung lilt bayous". down within 'bum threw Inches or o>y now. “Take cate," srs 1. "Mister I What the thunder I* you ab ml ?" tin sort V glinted, yud didn't *ay nothin. Then Hooper walked upon lulhvr Sid*, and Its poked Ids baynui l tile ut him. •‘Ain’t thur no admission 7" se« Hooper. 1 ho Idler shook Ms lied. ‘•Uo must ton dum,” se* Hooper. “Ur inn)bo bo bilks- Hipi.lund nod can't nndeuethud American,"’tea I. Ji'ht tlt*u it olmji will, e led tap and sum extra bullous on h.s cute c.iia to tile gate and told os tbut nobody wasn't allowed to com In thar. and that wo in Han’t talk to Hie aeolioel on '.he p»M; and the feller with Hie bayonet Ivgiln tu walk up and down agin na stiff e* it lie ml spike, and Inoki.'g s.rvagn as n meat axe. liy lid* liw* the lady* from the l-n’.e cum up and 'fore they kintw'd i bar witvn’l no admission they me re In I rite I•'•rr'UBb the .’ale. and the grurle toen all fullered 'em T.n* feller with the bayonet lushed oi nsUnilt shrepttli, but even lie couldn't riuirgn bayonet nn » platnson sT i.itifnl American Biilie, and was comprllrd to surrender to dial on souli sa In wasn't u-ed lit eeein In Ida o»u countty. In a fow uiiulta af.,i w« w«ot in the rtgutent wav funned In Hue—tins b*»nl tliu'-k up. am! away they marcheJ over a bridge to the barracks o:i the other aide of the river. I couldn’t help but think st. I beard tliu nry of timr big pH':*, sml walcluil the and crnin leiianc.,* and incrh iiii'nl innveuient of tlin.ii pore sugrrs, nlist it Hurry life il.er'amns’ Ire —wv.iv so fai from tiir' buncs and relations—givia User lives to support a power that only trauiplys 'em under ita feet. Hut tbo monurclii cid ti sllli,:inns that nmki*a alavea of while raea, truins hhu to U- contented In tlirr servile condilinot, mid teaches ’em lo fl"ij in the shallow glitter of a cion it that Is uphold by thsr own sweat and Mood. I would lilted niouslrout well to tuck a heller look ut Kingston, hot we bad no tune to sptie. After inklu a short wall: through one or l w.i of tfia b*«t streets we emit aboard of tl'P steam lede Canady. and at seven o'clock We n aa nn nuf way down thsr Allot r.nrv reneo. After i*sr.»ir Fort Henry, whnl loots a (leal like Governor’* Iand nt t>esv York. we way »Jon *111005 tint Thousand Isluiid*. u ljai the water* of 1 the tialut, Lawrence msius to git tort, and runs la evcy direction ’tlignt i:iv In any shores ut all. Su.u of t!ie*« !• lauds 1* monstrous pretty—toe fan. is tlier'* n gennrul aasartmyot of cm. of all nliupei mid sizes, nod a m.m would have to be terrible hard l» nlravr tf lit couldn’t Qr.tl NUU) among ‘rtu U> ault lila fancy. The water twin scattered nil about eo, Ir.iln’t gut toueli current, and runs at ill and deep, ao the Into could pisr close to thr-r aider. Ona loiult we would sail by one big enulT for a pUuUthni. and then usrbi wa would lie twMIn about nnaong aum tint wasn’t bi/rm than an in uiy taler hilla. Who ever counted Vn must lord a rikmI dual of p rllcuce, hut l nckon Ixr wasn't far nut of tint way. If ther’M one thorn's ut loist a thoosind of 'em, I do bliuve. You rcinemb-.’r it was aiming there islands wlmr h'ominolora Hill .7 dmsoii •nt up for himself dor 111 the Canady ro tiellimi. Dill waa u monstrous I all customer in his way, nod gin UieDrilli lab a heap of troubln, rohblu thor hen roosts am! pig «tys, and akreitn tlio wl®yin and ublldreu out of llu-raansrs with his PtucUtoalton*. They gin liiiu sum terrible hsrd clias'a, but they m-Right as well looked for a needle In u shuck pen, as to try to dud him in aioh a place, and so Dill sreatliered ’em out, II rid uever seas notched The Captain of Uie bole plnted not the placo what be burnt lbs Rteamboie Robeit Peel, and robbed all (lie passengers; but be aed that “Fort Wallace.” wliar he nsed to date Ills Proclamations, was like Dllly Morgan—nobody could tell wbat had cum of it. After getuo out ot ute ii.ioiu'm, nr the Islands, tre cum to Rtockvllle, whar the bote stopped for n few tolnll*. and (hen sr» i-ftMid Presootl’s lamdin, end the Captain plnted out sum old •tone ruins srn.il he led eras the place whar tin* Ikltlth sogers fit the wind' mill, and luck Ibe pal ■lots prisoner* what they hung at Kott Henry Mom of these lowt.s along here nil (ha Cana dr eid« uio’t no grunt shaken, and all of ’eui makes monstrous bad contrast to the smell butlnese looking loans an the American aide, sltowln plain emilT that our institutions is beat calculated to promote the pmnarily nf tits peoplu. It was n very liutiful day, :md the •emery as we passed from lalnttd to Inland, nud lake Ur lake, was very hath rul. tiomrtlmss wo could sltntsl roach the binnottonof tile c.tdar Irrrn from the deck of the bote, then ngfn wo wee In the middle of Lake llowu, or sum Oth er laka Wltst wo couldn't hardly see tho slHirrn. Monl of I he 11.1*e*-ttgets wits deUghtrft with the InttieHlin oh Jootn that ptenenled thcmte lvt s lo rapid snce. ssloo. Jest before «« got Into tlte ttnpida I happened lit notion that New Yntk Chap wiint Wan ojorthi t louttg lady—llte river didn't linvn wo curiosities for him- nud llurr tin not on (he brnoh by the 1 Ido i f the pore gall, tsndlit Mhakeptar 10 hor, and net lu It na ho went along, whlln Shu wut sleephi with her mautli whin ci<sn, »-«l hot green vnle oyer her f*v to k«»|' tint (lies off. I'orn errater. he had aung her almost t» deth 1 he night before, and Bow Its ws* rev It's what lltUo Ufa shs had left onl sf h* r. Tho bomlnubls fool didn't kootv slit* HT.it nlccpio u| *I|C Isgim to fnoin pretty oniikli-i'ahiv loud, mul then lip g.,l up and nlmt 'ip 111I.1 b >ok, nml went uml luok suraUitug j to drink. Thinks l. if tout's Iho w.ty pimple courts In lliB-a parts, lluy’d inlandu monstrous pore olisncn of get. [ tin 11 wlfenmong tlm iJeorglA galls, Himebv wo cum to the I/mg tf i« I Uipida vv they cnll Vui. and yon tuny [ I' peiid It <|i»n-• •■‘lie Very lull oh steam i to go down Vui, I-, made the liny | Nlirid cu iuv In.; 11 ;{■. ivlilrltn tend for vend 113 Wo did down that r icin car retd, wlmr the water r<Ms mi swift that It malum ooo's lied awioi to look ut 11, mid the bote Jest lakes her lied aud "or* j whnr.nr.il how she picnics m spits of ail ! the padd'.a wheels aud rudder can do. rJ'jinUtnr.i, when we cum to a short turn, we would cum tu a lieu of tunuir. rite spang nil tlm vuefc shore, auil thn Odth would slew over In nne side like it. Wit* ewlno tu spill us all out, and thn lust tiling w« would know while wu was all IkiIJIii our biolh in keep from tti'ltln i.'/ownrd. would llud ourselves gwlue like 11 strvaic uf Iigliluln. .‘tarn fust., down the next stretch. It was r.iMoslruus One itrtln.and tl.elhlle b •)* ■in] null* da’ieni and clapticJ tier tiands with Joy, hat llm grown people we Is (Houmous long fiuws eumtliaes, ■ml upwinl trier cyos light; whit* the < apUm and Him man at Urn Wheel had tti-t hands full to keep the loir off tlm ruck*. Tti'j Uaotalh ssd It wouldn't l*e< u a. 1 bud if Dm wind hadn't biowd so hard down tlm river. After gnltin tlit oujU the liipids, wt had a little slowur and aafer travolln through f, ike •'lint Francis tu Co-stn du Lick, wlmr we arriv a little aftrr dark Hire we wai to lake stage*, sixteen miles, tu the (.'escudos Hut they wasn't e-cii atif-s u< w- lisv» In (idorgy, i.ot by'a ion / sh it They was southing la-tweon it New Vurk Omni Ini' »"d n Not’# Ark. and would osrry 'h nit ns ia«ny pasieng. r« a* either uf Vn». llef.ire the lailti got in thn jaodiu the 'ell rang for iho uuiuhor of conclies i- W' l.Id lake t.icirry u*. Mil l liy the tune w- ifui on shorn i.har they all wan, reddy to alart. I don't kn.iw liow raiOV uf U». men, wimunu. And child reo. they stnwi d inaldanud on top of n.icli .me of Vm bat tlx coaches carried "wI* n hull Jr-d of us, big suit c.tJ. gag--, without the least d.illcnUy. H-nbier, and iu«, mid li vo or nix more, luck neats on top, tKdilud the driver* »* we could aouitn our a- guie Pop wreat the whips, uud iu Ilia ui-xt ini*:>'. ve was rollin along over a plank •Oad, id Hu rate of six in lea a uwer, ns 4nmolh ns If »•« was in a Mlernde ear, amt 11 mo iatroiii sight, comfort itul/r. It w 1* • l.o ili-ll-'tilfnluar. t,avol In l ev-r .bad in my Ilf,*. The plank I slo (7,ti os l.-i'nl oi;4 clean .1* a hiro II nil, mul I tin liltiu Canadian hose* ir.itri-d off with us without 1 v.*r wtop t>i't .<r tii-shi iher I'.mU nr tells out of Uio sun/ position, ilurlii the whole drive, only when Wo ctnpp.at twice to water. Tne na,‘iv*iy tv, is buflfiii. On our rlgh- w.n the b.-uad H'iui Lv.v rvoce, shiiiin like it sli.-i-t of silver in tlio in tonlignl, wit I mi evry now ami tliru ten could look down OHIO Utu loots of lt)i: llllUi vine i;r,v 010*1 uabiu* what was tliitlod all along on both I'Jr* of l lie twill, willi ttier 11k tb narrow tii-lda lead in buck to the •voids and lillli on the left, or tlio rivet ou lint lUbt. Now anil thru wo would cam to a house bigger than tile lot what bud shade-Iren* nod a hi/ wooden Or05* nut litfoiv tbn lijrv, whar l!.n priest* II ve-l. Hut erryb >ily w.m was gun* to be*i, mil tlie little cottage* themselves seemed to he slcaeimi in the calm ino.iuliglit. Three owns wli.it didn't seem longer than oats over la a (tenr/y outgo, wli tr Iho IntrteS Is radio nivwleep In | lie Ssud hihI utio d'int hear the wheels mnro'ii oucai or twiC i ill a mile, when tlu-y biotpiui to run GVi r m pine root— briing "8 lo tile CuSnidea. Alter ■buchln out I to pHiuvugers mid bag gage, ami ifetlin all the chi'.ditin and ««nd-boX"S gntlieretl up, limy tuck up down n steep hill hi the alemubor.o, ivliur we went to bed. Uu the ui"rui:>. «ru«i wo wav'd up, ivi: found uurrelvra on llm tiotlfnl I.ako Stalnt Louis, on Our way Vo I,* Chin. We gul up In time to 21W sum Uutlful Islands—arming 'em Nun's Isluud wit at stands high out of lUe water, wail is uovercil wlt.li hnu»-s soil little plant ations. On lltc highest Part nf Nun'* Island is h monstrous big cross, wbat are could sea h I mg ways off, rmotndln ns that we was In a OiUvdie u >untry. By seven o'oluok we was at La Chin, vrlotr xve tuck soma more stages over a good rod*, only eight miles to Mon treal. This is another butlful country. Tim nslu run* all tli« wsy through out nontinua) string of cottages, what utand« close by the rode, with little pLiiUtlloo* 'bout sa big us a «<>,»] eixed Georgia turnip pitch, ruriam down to thii river on one side, und twok tn tln-en Itnunlrin of Montreal on the other. It was early In llis mornln, and tlin people wss jest swine to work; snd It was mid eiuifT to seel he men with tlier blue frocks, end thcr red cups sllckln on otie sole of tiler lieds, gcrriii up llh-r tra in*, and tlio pretty llilln b.reloo'.sd French gall* with (her short petticoat*, gwiue to milk the cows. From the top of the stsge We coiilil look tlto down Into the clumber winders. rod every now und IIkv I nouUI see ai|alr of bright eyes pevptn nut through the morale glory* and trumpet tlowcra nt us. Hi* wtiole el 'lit miles Wa* » |Minrains Of laity and glnd a* I wa* to see Moiitiesl, f would ltk« it Tory well If the rode lout bteu a I Sit Vr longer. Hilt tlio wfiia la n! our nnoh was soon rnllln river the wooden tnrametilt of tlio oily, and In a few inhriile* more we found nursilvee all safe and wound ■it tile Kxrhange Until, wllli good op. p.'titrv tor out breekfusts, *» no oinre rr in your frvr.d til d Hi. Jo* Jon x» (To be ouritlnued next week ) .V corra-puiidiail ask- tire Raleigh A'hm nml (Xa.inr, "What count!** vrlll lis teprrawnled In Ui» legislature l.y negnas?” They *r* Vance, War tea. Niwthaaii'an end Craven. Thsre Is one i (fro Vnslnr, T. O. Kullsr, who will serve In the Hsnslo. II* rap* rvaaat* V*ne* snd Warraa. I RXWjiliV Pott IM'M'r S im ox. I - ■ (’•inert h)I Dan t'ntsoaa I’Mdarla liana rininiaral rnnlwn lllakf lu Use Pal ! Inn l .rM. 1 fmler tlin above basiling tin Nrw Vnrk Su.i priulH a vet y inftrui'llvo letter rmm KdgtU.-ld. 8. (\. giving an »?o >uut "f the .nilicdi of handing Hi* | c •tt'iii crop at Hint p!»c * mi .if to Ret [ out of it li.s full u pnbiiiUi* *iid vslu •. The writer xayn: Ssvi'n yesrs ago llu< Edgefield .Msnu (aclurlug C-mps-iy ■ «tni>II«lieJ hi x mndutt wny it public g'nncry, n farflllst-r mi.t an nil mill, all in surabuilding. In tills way k utilised tiin seed, which corns'. I tulc-a tit weight nearly two third* of tlis: crop. Rcccully It uaa pul up another i.longeido tbc original rictory, uud in till* uaw tuiitdlng II bag placed spindle* and loom*. Tiini tnoug Ilu* ontto-i Uolila In line establishment time are fnnr primary pruueura—a gin, nti oil mill, aferliliaer plant ami n cotton mill. Tii* oil Is not lamed Into illro oil mi the spot, cr Into butter, nor do tii* *plodle« turn nut Oce jams, tint tlio Edgefield plant will da> u* n begin* uiutr ut an industrial rnvolutloic The uniquo feitti.ro of tie- Edgi-tle’d plant coexist* in the fact tliat *• ed Out tou Instead of lint cotton. is considered In it raw malaria], Uul cotton ia r^ly n manufactured article. Tii# taw mutulal hiaberu through a mill— a ginnery. It la pressed and Isilrd. Kdyelli Id deals with tile product of the fertile Held* all about it taking the raw (Satcrlsl directly from tha Isiiuhis built-up w.iguti. Tim iftni cotton is purchased dmcily from tisu funnels as they tj-uig it tu. it cHotw d.rrctly I rum the Balds. It may h.tvc been lu tho bolls J few hour* lie foie Itlsxu toraull'ally on loaded, going directly to ■ ha glut. Tim need* is'o xtdonaliislly o-. ued eillu-r to the large atoragw huu*o or to lire oil inlli If u> Uie latter they ate at omsn freed from all dirt uud other torrlgn muter and ere teghictd in older la secure the short Hot Tefl by tha first ginning. Trio needs ure (Ueu pursed along lu lit* tu .Chino for reur-V lug the hull'. These hull* arc cither itoreii in bulk to be tv.Id an final f->r cr'.ila m bal'd for chipinaut nr rr.ix.-d elsewhere in the m il null cotoa ae- d iu«.l, ltins forming r.dum.iMc nnltlr fouJ Alter Hie o.i I la have ta-cu isi> moved the kernels SOI passed ttirough heavy eluded roil* for the pci ;-o*e of crushing tha oil sx-hs. end lhcu -lie mass is pine d m the li -aUra, wher. it U stirred ntnl conked by steam. The cooked milenal is thou farmed Into rakes, and the ml Is f oved from liirpi l.i powerful hydraulic prt.so-s. Tin. CRttc lh s', is left atler His - airac (tun of the oil is then ground, becoming an article of ciutumc* know as he coUouaoi-d meal. This ureal is a nil nl Eigeth-i.l for the feeding uf cattle nr tor fertilising puriami*. It is > xeellaljl Ju't aa it, comes from the grinder for either ptirpn*.-; bat the Edgi O-jkl pi mt. hi following nut Its gem-ral design of nx verting all produat* into li.eir nil I Dixie fortu of iirefulnes*. pir-ler* cither hi mix tiie tuoa! with tile nulls thus forming an excellent urliclo fur treding purpose*, or else lo carry the men) to till, fmikz-r mi!! Wlu-re It lx manipula ted into various brands of f.-itidz-o* KuUutdc to varlou* gait* or crop,. Having foili)aed tin) ac.xl lo Its ul'.l mate loruis. it It time 14 return u thu lint n* I; came from Uw glut. Usually in tin* point it is pack'd into titles to bo hauls ) over poor road* nul I arnf reablppej und rcconipieiurd aud robbed and covered with dirt wad lilted Willi rain* and tmh and damaged be fore its arrival at the Cotton mill, winch may ;-o la Jopin or In the hem of UumIu. Wherever it la Um fibre l.i crushed und mulled to such so extent Hint several procesaea of U-attng and lie selling become iieoctsary lanore it la ready f ir tlm spiudlr*. In the Kdge bchl plant nil Ihc processes Irelwet-u Sinning and cloth ntaJiiug uru elliuhm ted, the louse Hut U lug tu condition to ru automatically to tier tappers Hi thu cotton mdl. Xnt uuly arc llin middle met- in the handling of the cotton «l| mniati-d. huts.) are mlddhi machine*. Tbnuntlun mill of the Kdgelleld plant contains oOllO spindles and 1W looms, with room lor twice Uwan nnoiberu. Tlic entire plaut Is now lo full ojwra tion Its ehlvf desire la to produce good* tb.it can be marketed at bum*. Ii hulls oud mini, mixed or single, Its fertili sers sud its l'altuello shunting, stamped with the tree Dial Is tho emblem of the State are all sold st borne. If its oil were turned Into refined lard unit other products on the spot. Instead of at Chicago, every part of Ihn etop grown at home would lie ooiuuomt at iiomv. The mnunger* of lire mill will doubt lews reach Him state at no distant date. Tho feed cuUnn carried tu Him KJjjm Bekl tiiill is no longer 0»e-etmt ontton Tim bale of cntlnc I* wm lli at Edge Bald 4} cants n pound, ur atv.ul gjj >) Tin* wad 1000 pound. I* worth gG h t-ii., or |d, making gio 90 llm ultanst sum ilia coitou la worth to ilia com touii11v winru marketed in tIso euntom nry uinuner Ac BdgvBcld Hus lutri minnila of wed Sutton become: T’OO yard* of Rhanllttg at U{et*.. 87i,Ob Jo mil Ion* crude nil lit 14 *-nt*... 2 SO 8',‘U pound* nf feed nr feillllser.... G.00 i Total..670.80 This I* iqulvatent lu 10-crnt initon In uiim renpeut, but tu tlia community II i* lunch brllvt than 10 cent o dton, i lirraiuo It inrolvc* mure labci, more whlll and mart: direiaitj of production. Tim Ivlin-Held mill m irk* w point In the evnhill.ii. uf cotton handling. H I* a stage toward nltimate product* Win-it n NuiUhto mill turn* Ilia |n,| lulu lliie.nl or clot hind landed In the fk'Otb nnd Him wed Into foot, for people In t:n> Mouth ai d feed for Ikiulhetn e*t , tlo ai d fertiliser* hn MmlliernwHI, and i Um ImUlp* of ilia plant into iMper for S oil ki rn uoninaria ton, (lien the Up. Oehi «rollitl.m will liaee rue lu oo«r*a. mate, aas ■ ClMu.brilaln'a Coho. Cholera and IXsrrlroen Remedy o*m alway* ti* de pended aiwn aud is idmsrnl and aafa to lake. Mold hy J. K. Curry A fit. Until Thursday December 29, 1898, - , Five Five Subscriptions To THE GAZETTE, new subscriptions. _ During this year THE GAZETTE has reached the greatest circulation it has eryoyed in seven years. But we want more subscribers. We want to add during the month of December 600 new subscribers to our list. We want to print more papers, reach more people. The extraordinary offer made above is intended to enlist the active help of our present subscribers in ad ding these 500 new members this month to our grow ing family of readers. Just think of it: Until the 29th of this month, $6 will pay five subscriptions when as many as four are new ones. . •. .1- .> . • /5' .* : JA Speak to your neighbors. Bring in four new sub scribers and four dollars; then renew your own sub scription for 1899 with the fifth dollar. But you must do this now—before December 29. Don’t stop. Read on. Get not only four new sub scribers but four times four and more, and win one of the prizes mentioned on the inside pages. No six months subscriptions taken under this pro* position. Who will be the first to respond ? ^ ■•KOrWKTY TAX V4UIATIM. Be port tl I tie I taunt mf Reullutlan. ' Ualkiou. Nov. 90.—The slate board uf laxt itBMlUuiuu t»-day completed Its tepott. Tilt* shows that there art 27.0U3.820 Kirn of land, average value 88.117 |*f acre; town Iota 74.410. awr tfpt fain* toll each; Imrsa* 172.100. avnrnge value 8.V>,45, mnlva 120 040, average Value 830.35; uaUls 508,015. average value hog* 1 ,212 030. average value 8131; »heep 310.17U, average value UU ovut*. There la a falling off of (W.OUU lings and lA.UOO •bwp. ae comtiarrU with Usl year The total vulue of taxable properly Is8230,* 217,030. which la mi Increase or*3.lttt.> U03 over lu«t year. Unoai Income reported aggregate fdlB.&Oo. and rale rhrs and tee* in ncm of il.UUU are repotted at J747.KB lllcyclini Hated for taxation nnoitwr O.OUd P.ilna tn lit* clie»l ntiea a pt-taoo Imi a cold IndiiMi* a lendnaey inward puountoaU. A picor oi donaal damp* auitl wall OiAialteilitln'x l*am Umm and tmutid ui ibe ebral over Dm ad ot pain will promptly Mfc\« lh* p«iak aud |«r*ronl it* titiralaiwd attack of pneu monia. TtiU urn* irealuM-wi will car* a Inn* imck lit a fow bo mix. bwtd by d. K Ourtj and Coaipway. ►.. a* Tim W ilknbufu VhnmieU up Uiai I atom Mrimn boa a pumpkin etna Umt bu- oa It <7 pumpkin* and Utdr malfkt will from *) la 90 pound* aack. tkMl laraMkam. Tbs Raleigh Ntm owl (Mmrttr pub- , Halt** a hat i< crimes (or whicb aa of ■avr (viii ba Impeached iu North Caro lina. Thera are six: “C Corruption or other misconduct In his official capacity. d. Habitual drunken*** 3. Intoxication while rnfayed la (ba exercise uf bt* office. 4 UraakeouM* (a say public place. 0. Mental or physical Incempe leue*. C. Any criminal matter eewvie tkw wtnrreot woeM lead to brlaf hie office lout pnblto oontotnut.” It to or fed l<y many that Governor Him (all should be overhauled,, aad ao«t lay that Lteuleaaat Uovarnor K-ynr4d» Is also open to such a dory ■•riteal. Who to the Hercules who win clean the Auemn Matte* ? Th* A tier itrrr( Okscrrtr edltuslallv says: “It Imw been generally understood that impeachment souM iwt InmdI rd lo axeepi lor what are declared to be kl«h erliur* ana oatodemennoa**— lieawm, pruaa corruption, or latamoue C'lMtuet. Asa mat ter of feet Urn ht*r nonsuit-* talwnraduet Is his official oujatelly er tnffieieni muse for im p-atbrnsett." M>js the tYHite*born (VneA-le: Mr*. U. \V. t’pehurcb lie* a remarkebla tsrkey bee Tbla hen has laM lha eamwi KH etw> ead 1* still Kylf ■ W# havs never heard o< scything to tqwal i FNf AX *m Mi, »r to* tmu rnim -nitim m MfOISMWXMWMklAUtflMM (A* »imH. POlUkMpAU bHN. Tho qoulloc la no loogor wbotoor wo oholl toko Um Pblltpplou. It sop bo otfolr uoamMl lb a oUbor *t tbo ©owing or during ibo noxt following oaaotoa of tbo feooto tbo Uoadp of poooo Will. «ptla Will bo rolttod, ood o»ir pnoouQlon of Uw trtooOl tborooftor Min b* 01 obonlau 00 0»oU bo aoM pooolWt o» tbo obooMowoot of Upao tab Artrnolgwtf oo oor OlWoog. Tbo qnrotlooo MX to bo OOooWorod Mill Uo whothor mo toon boopto© Pbll IpfHooo; and, If m# Moll Motto to boop llww. wbotbboll mo Oo with thow. It lo ooMont ot tbo ottotoib tort tbo* »'.»<*bottootodaojoitoof too toon lurjr of IhO Unltrd SUtu, oMlttM to too v-rtntagw ood boixrt bp tbo !»• oaootod tor too gotwowoot ot tbo pom plr Of Ibo Unit*4 Mato© baMt tho Krtorol CoooUiotlu©. Ttvrf wort bo gewiDo4 oo ootoolol 4opoo4oortoo B| tho llwo mo oboll bo«o ootrod tbo prob tooo oiirlog frow ooob mm ooodltlooo, ood oboll boro paid tbo OMMry MM Of ©or ropwtaaor. m mi «bo lo bow ooUod opr*, to 4ooMo Mbrt fMTbb'. dooo Mtt bo oltro to art too nwb a©» ooowNobod. Wo on odroatortag. go Colombo* Old, opoo to ogoo wo, trot*, tag la ahoaor for too ootrow.

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