The Gastonia G _ = - I | • »o^otoJ to th. fwiKMitlon ol noma ati4 the Intere.r. u. Co.n^. Vol. XIX. Unatonla, N. Cm Pwcemboi* 15. 1808.7 MAJOR JONES TRAVELS FIFTY YEARS AOO. By Major Joseph Jones of Georgia. LETTER XXI. Nkw Youk, July S-l.—To Mr. Tboropaon : Dear sir—After brushln up » llttln and getting a fust rftto breekfust. we look n sli'iUI through tin* town to sre tlw curiosities. 1 ciiuld «p«ad s weok vary well In this city luokln about among tire? cbutalte* nrul Dunnerles wild soger's quxitcrw and other public place*, bat ns I didn’t have no time to spun*, 1 had j-wt to give everything a p-nuln glance. ’Uiuiit stoppin long euull to know roucl- about It. Undei well cirounMtnutpm you ■rnisn’tex|*ect me to gtvuynu much ol a description >.•( Mootryal. If 1 was travelin like Mr. Dickens or Captain Uarryalt, nr anv u( u*ui En glish travelers, jest lo no tk i a bn >k for , a pet-pie who is so bllndel with preju- I dico that they can't i* anything but faults, It wouldn’t in ike no dllterrhce whether I knoa’d much *l><ut th» thing* I described or not; all I’d have to do would jest bn to go abed amt rind alt the faolt 1 Child with evrybodv and with evrytlilog I hoard of or m-ed aot down in the gidn-bouke; mid the furtiv. r I cum from ths truth, so 1 aunt on lh-. black side of It, the Itelicr I would please, Bui I xio’t writln for no eic-li pevple, and I’m not gwiue lo Had fault, with what 1 don’t know nothin nlr>ul, jest for ttoo mke of The fust place went lo aes the gtstn Crunch Cithe-lnl in Notm Untie street, a regular Xoali*a Ark or a meetlu-houst. you m it rtepeu.t. whul li-dds 20.000 peeple 'thout urowi'.lu 'em. and takes 28i step] to go to Ui • top of Its towers. Ther wo* a grit*- many pictures and sum aax Oxers in it. hut lli*r names was nil so outlandish that 1 couldn't make Vra nuL After lo ikin about in tlie church fot awliii.-. we went to tlio Urey Nunuery Here wo . seed lota of nunr. and slaters ol charity lakln can- of Hula children wl.xt In.) no lathers xml mo'.lirrs. and of «icli pcepln whitt had no ui-> .i>y x-.d no frends to do for 'em. Then vrr xr.-til to Uie Hotel Chen, what Unri.i M ->.k givessicha terrible bad account of In h»r book: then to the Hisbop'a Chxp.-l. wlivb is ona of the ri-iest churches on the OontiuoLt; and then to the Parly m-ut House, wbar t2ie (ftnady p-upl* mike eieh laws as ther masters over the water don’t caro abict lioiiblin themselves with Tho blldiu ain’t no grata shake* compared to wlixt sum d our state cafdtola Is, but it’s rug. .1 off In mighty due etyie iasldr, with ml velvet and gold-leaf, to keep thi- lejepln In mind o' what monstrous One ivx-He ther Royal mostcra I*. Th-j geullemx:. what allow’d at in pintod out tlm p ir tislts of siita of f>e kiags mid ipi-ein and other grate dlxlxetcra wbut urns hsngin about, xr.d ax'd us if we wouM like to take * seat ou the throne wliar the representative uf British m» joity sot ou grain occasions. Bather than to rocks him fesl bod, wUru hit was av pvrlito and ulaligia to u*. ) tuck a seat for a mmlt, and ) couldn't heip but think bow I would like Vo glvo th© csslln vole on a i>roposition to annex C.tnsdy to the United States. tiioli a loessure of human emancipation would be worth all Hi < laws ever iu ide in that Irons*. t rnm U>© railyuiMot llouie rh went to the barracks wlmi the sojt-ra was Tlier was ■ svorlastln Jot of r.m—in f*ot they was all »Ter the city, anil tlier red cotta and shlniu bayonet* wan to be Men at every roraer. in evry •liny. They msy ha and to be the atrlkia (eater of danady—anil one can’t brio Uwt wonder wlmi up in yc.ith Kng land cau want of territory wlmt tikss slob a terrible I it of money and sogiT.s to keep It. IVliit n difference. uri, tlier i* lo tbs s-cere mad* in C.iutdy and In OUV cnnntiy. While our e >^era ii armed and fed to protect (tie p-opte. theirs is pnt thar to auhjeot dm perplo who support* ’em. U’j enuit 10 m.kt a man’* hhtod bile to itii them swarms of grate Isay bulks sumilti themselves about or> the pavements, ami louoiitn round tlier quarters. wall In like bloort buunda Jest to be »ot loose on the poir peel’*". *o *snr 'em to pieces for Urn bane that they sit fioiu the taldo of thsr masters And Ilia pore devils ain't very well kept nutbur. for t ■»«] Iota of ’em without the «i*t) of a pair of trooses to thrr legs any cioru’n a Seminole login, and with nutliin but a •jrt of rod-plad huntln shirt on. Hurt Jest cum down to tlier ueea. in the after noon we lack a dilvn round tbs mounting to see Ilia gurern or’s house, and at Hvn o’clock lu the oveuln l,*ch paurtgn in tbe ttcambote tjneen for fj'iebeok. The scenery on too Saint Lswre. cn was very butlful, sod tre sot up til twelve o’clock lo see Saint Peter's Lake. About seven o’clock Hi* neat movnln we arrlv at (inebeck, and druv to Payue's Hotel In the Tfeio* ile Avars. TO tan piium I wanted to go to wee lb«N<autu Gibraltar of Ametloa, tho * fortreu of tf leheck, Hot Mr. Fayne **d wn'd have to watt til be could git a permit for ue to rlelt the Citadel; *o we look a calaeh and went out to tli* Plate* of Abraham, wb«r tho grain tattle w«a tit whet Inat France tier Northern poeaMahun* In Arnevlo* I dont’l remember to wbat Uaiot IM eat* we went out at belonged. hut that doeea’t waller—a Frenchmen lock n* to Urn Flalna. wltar wn had u quiet view of that pl*o* wltar an inucH gal lantry wae d .tidajrad, and no much blood eptiW on tie 14tb of Hrpl' tnber, jTtO. IF* a Hutlful plane to light a battle, and I oaa't aec what ever p>i» wuwrd the brave Montcalm, with Ida oudleolplloed Iroopa. to glee Wolf a<xl I,i« |liillah regular* butt In tltar, wlien tin mnugtkt have defended lilineelf at mack better In III* work*, even pair gnd weak •• they we* then. It wai a bard jdaot of bUiteaa. that cm teat, In Hblch Franco lost her (irneral nod her eadHi *<mI though lb# Hag llah may ire 111 dooeaa-dag to make the French raaadlan* foiglt IHa la|n«llc* they I have suffered, by glvln tlicr Catholic churches ell tot tu of tuivilege*. and bv loldtii momrmmt*, like limy i.sve In the Wire* Ga rilin' with Wtill'd imne ! oil one side and Montcalm'* mi llie | i'll er. try in tn make the. honors ef (hot day easy bctwerti 'ein—they rri err cun louite loyal, contented .•uhjrcts out of ■ tu hs long at Cup.. Diamond stands I what It diet. White they’re in the reach of British bayonet* they don't mare noy fur*. t ut i(>tw-|!loss isslIcMn | out ol ’em all over, and lire fust light good ill MICH they litt they'll give tlier cunyurruts plenty lo do to keep Vn» unUer. If Htiy'ssly »ny proof of th"r bad ferliur agio the British, j st let 'em look ul Wolf's JJoi invent what stands Oh the spot sshgr lie fell. The voids “llrre lied Widf Vlctoirous," that va* cut deep in the solid marble, it prekrd «<id Isslleied »o. rile iu sight of Ihesrulry or lh« walls of the cita del. I list tf it wasn't for the side hook nobody c mid trll altst aot on It. livery eounliyuan th-t crosses over the pluint with a basket of eggs fur the insrki't given It n pelt will) a stone, ui the whole side of lire monument 1* al most nocked off aipt uinner we got u permit t.i *o In Hi* citadel' Imt tlioy nm u Merg-ont "till us. will rv-ilrh-d u* all I lie tuna Ilk- ho was ’Irani tv- w.s gwttiu In Mlrli nil ilo piwilrr .n.ij zau! nr spike IHn cniwu. We inusn't g» here, am! -i tauter* w.i-n’l 'lowed to go that; ami If *o urcul. !u g.i up on sum of LUm iMlIernri. as tlrey culled ’em. v lets Would cum -yiy harp Indy and t.Mlk-Ollt, l-l lell US We tsunu'l go 111 II* Tin y teemed in ,w diru lfii', 'luld uo'd llud mil •uui'.Mns. It'a a inn.svmur alativllimis plrcn, unit e.uimamis m i ••C til- liuevt viniri ia tb- wuilil. One looks dawn upon (!•* mil le Salat I, i«. reuce lit fill fee!, uml over the iDilX'lets and Insi'ii of the chure'tr.s, ami t:a rmifs of thy old and cm mus luolun at mo li.iiiaes of tin! upper town, atm on tlm utliei sHe. at tue of more'll u thousand Imuses 1i| tlm S.ilm It ok 1)1 itli-sl, beyond Whii'li Ua bull* ful Silnt Charles win.hi ft* way to mii'Bhi It* water* with tlio waters .f tlm Salat I.Hwrtncw in tii- great b «ui below, ufler vs Ii loti tlioy ll-w aeav tie ge'.lirr lit flies llml the aya. All l,. gt’.kcr. ieheck tv a curious aid inter entin place. It. loots like it lirloog d lo another C" tiuyiit ami to utmti.i; «t« of tlm world; ami when i.ns loot.* upon it* power uud its tiaiy, unj re rneiuliers ilist It stand* on tlm Ironndry o! civll'iill"it, close t" the cdvi* i.f tlm wild, unexplored wilderness that u tmarls northward to ties regions of eyerlaslin free f t a delli. hit i» upt la excldm with Ills p at—-‘Tim j’s a - ideal empire i* lb- last. ” Sum ..f tlm clUccrs—who wr fnaud to bn immstnnis clever feller*, t'mug.i sum of ’em was ilredful green—Invited us t > see ii grand review ou the Espla nade. It was a very considerable of a allow, uml cnnvlncod toe that IlieJlrit I>1‘ soger* lx under fust rite discipline; but T couldn't help but thiuk bow ter ribly ’.bey would git ther rellicr* sil-d in a login campaign In tlm liatnmccka of Florida. Wn spent the even In lu walk in about through the street* look in at tlm public hildiug* uud odd-lookin houses. JUie UcXl uay wax Monday, mid we ueol lo (h« i'lcnch Otliedral, wlmi was so full lliul 11 was snm time ln*ror« w* could git through the crowd of tueo »ud wlmndu lint wits sotliu on the •Up* and a**y out In the street, alriugiu beads and tnlkiil I<ittu to tliemielves. lliarhy h ibhii com nod look us luto a fun. ruto seat, what w* flould see and luar nil that wn* seine on. Ther was any number of priest* Ore*$rd ont lo red. white aud Week pHllycolea, and lot* of orgau aiu»ick, aingln end presold..; bat tbe only word 1 understood tbe whole time w.t« *'K« beck, Kebeek,” which rnu ull lliroo)[h tlie Mtrmoti. Annul S o'clock we luck paasuge on tire Queen xgln for Moulryut, wh*r we amv tlx ixgt uionthr alrout hreckfutl time. A* no boto didn't leave til tveulii, wc took are.Uier round through Moutryal, and speul tlx time very agreeably til 8 lu tbe rvculn, wlteo we started lu tlx Prince Albert for !,a Pralrv. on oar way home. The tsUambote Prince Albert ain’t no comidlnxnt lo llx Qnrco’* hus band; awl if Ilia highness' popilarily in Cenedv I* to Im estimated by the quali ty of Ilia bole they have uaun-.l after blra, one would aoppose that be didn't stand »urv high iiuntng llx lovul Canu dlans. It ain't ruu-.b bigger than n Htw York ferrybotar, and Its aceommo datioi.a <• but little better. Tlxr was a good many pasaetig.-r*. most i f *«tn Irish rmrujginets wlial hud cum to Canady, nml was now cnmln orer Into thei Slates. Pin. peeplo, they was nil hoddlwl up together, big aud N»jra*g.-, on tlx forvoaatle, end wasn’t Unwed lo take the air ou the deck no morn'.. |f llxv’d been ao many cuttle. My lout uked for tine pore family. The mm wu* dyln With I ho el,|p fnvrr, while hi* wife and chlldron arid youug si*ta-r, u liitlful girl about 10, was wtTpIn over him. lie lay on the deck uu a coarse, dirty muttrass, hie pore wife *up|«itila him while llx tears pound down her pale obeeka, end hi* dylu hnl wu* rocked to It* lu*t sleep on her liimvlu bosom. Ill* slater wu* nerliu by Ids side and ImUiIu Ida patched Up* 'with wait r mingled with her Umrs, and the two oiliest children, little gill*, was dingln round Idas, eryln ns If tlxr i hsris Would btake Tbe youngest , olilhl,a fat little boy 'l#»l two jest* . old. wllli cheeks a* red a* the *pjrfe lie i had In hi* hand, looked ..t Id* djtn 1 father end theft «t Ids u.ollxi, a* If ha »peeled sniDlblo i wa* tlx matter, hot th* pore little feller w*a n stronger to 1 llx bluer »orrow Hint wa* agi'nlxin the heite of that usournhi gioup. Theviaavgraote made as mueh room round th* dylu nan as they could to Ill** him air. anti mm uf ’em triad tn I conjoin Hie family. Tho alatcr tuck Jllia orom what she wore round litr look, iiuJ pul It to litr blether's 11m bn klurd it and Hied to apeak, mid tin n tinted blaeye*. In a minit utter 1 •red hlrt gaapln for breth. and a kind •cream frnui the nlmmiii told that lio was (led. Tlie people laid him alrulc In the bed, wliar lie rairiiioeri til Hie bole arrlT at l.a Parxlry. “ft was hard," and .urn of the einmy. smut* »» they tvae In the bota, •’llmt pore Dnnnla ah old die wMoiu ever putt In Ii la fut In Aislrica.” “Ah !” another. “hn'j gone In a belter pUo.', real lit* soul !” At La 1’.(tally we tuck the can for e>t. dolin’* leavlu iha pore wife to berry hur (led huaiavud lu a strange land, but 1 con Id i't go III I bid gin her u dollar to help her In her nurr of distress. Tim lnok al e gin me wnt morn than n rrno'i.pei.jn for all tho goad actions 1 ever done to my lltn. Tie ileum i '»l o Haro Back tuck III IVnugli Lake. < hamplali., wbar tre end lucd of U.e fit e»i iceuety and In teiiodlli plum*, among tlie rent tin. rulna uf old Kurt Tienudarngy what Kilnn Alien luclt fimo the llrllltli hy •sell high nnthoi ity lu Ibe lterolutioii my War. Darin the day wo stopped to pit rum Wood Hi u place called l)u|. liutlob. in Vtinmnt, and II no per and tpe went aalo,io to look at the place. Uul we hadn't gut tunru’n 10 aloys rrum ibe late when we teed n thunderhi grille tdg Sign Htickln cp nver the rude, with “No euioklii Allowed Here I” “Hus tlio piece,” *v* J1oo|ut, who hud M wear lu hi* mouth, “Major, let'* •bake liar Him ilu.t friitn our feol and go buck to the hue, I cmi*t I rust my. •elf lu the In.'idi of in. p rple wbiit would slick up •lull a a’g.i m that ;»•. i vt- ii»it*..t« Inni'.i.i" —tiiut back va went. Alter gwiiie abo ird. Him foal thing t'Ml lurk iu> nlleutlnn was a chap what wnia root In mund among the bap gaco ift'-r tuu'liln. I didn’t like lib* in'k» much. a> 1 J*t ke,. my cy« ou llllii to fen Mint Hu fell, r Was after. Uimcby l wed him gigb held iUy trunk. Thinks | that’s lUbklu ralli’er to> lice, nod aoa I —“Wllal upon Veiilli ia you up t<>. Mister, with my trunk »’’ “Is that your trunk *” ses lie. “Wwll.” sea I, “J nek ii ii ain’t nu Inwlv else*. ” “Very au'll,*1 res be; “I J-5t wai.W to know wind as* in It. Ulal’s all " “The mbadtlwf you do,.rj I; “|M liko to know wngl lii mesi you’ve gnl with what’s in roy trunk V” •I siwso lin r ain’t nothin contrail i.„t in it, ” pi inj. '' 'Vh *t the thunder** lliat V” tel I. ‘' >’ ny, nutUin sniuggliai.” Jsiiu^glln iov.ob steal in. il.w.i m tieorgy, nnd whe., hj,s.d lliat my dan d-r was up in * tulnlt. 11 Hiked at the feilrr what Win .ai.tuinnln to grip all ••Vi r Ins face, mot res I — "!) i you un m ‘o in>lpiw..t- the likes of Dial C*t mr, piii infMrii.l1, iui*a*r. dent cus ?” ‘•l.’ti'u, cum. Mlst-r,” >ts lie, “It ain’t no itsm tn git Into no passion the l.w’a Uie law. and ilier ain’t, no iuo tryiu to git r .mill it.” • I'll tell ynil Wiert;” sea t, “1 don’t know iiuHiiii about your law out in these parts; but I know one tiling, nnd that in. If you insini wale to inn that. I’m a ihirf, or Hurt I’ve gut any thing wlnu don't iw'.nng to uie in my trunk. I’ll I.HSfi you uvcrbuutd off tbia hotw ’film you can have time, to nay yor prayers.” Ami X WHS Belt:it reddy lu pilch iuto Lite ou.l.inloui oiu, when Hooper cum up nud tuck hold of me— “dluiw. Majer," see he. “iWt git riltd— It’s the outturn— ’’ "Hu* ther cuitorii,” see I; I know H’aa Yankee custom to meddle okh cvryb idy'a bisueM Put liter own. But I’ll lurn ’em better lluu to Intel Ict with my cunsHrns." “It’ii Hie ciijIoqi lions,, officer, I •wan." »>■« Hootwr, “wlint want* to nee all light will, tin- baggage, to keep peepln from olie-itl.i the g ivornmsiii. It’S only the tH*.|l hisuvss wlint you Whins Voted fit .it tlie lull election It’s protection, Major; ad I at sure you’ro to uo<i.l a Whig to miUe a rum pus bllUUt It." By this lime l begun tu te„ into the Me icvs. and uf count, X hadn't uottiin m ire to any. But may drpaod l vr*a toil lor a few miuils; and wlml insdu It worse, tlie ouooai -Iiousa offic-ir, hs hnautlml lilmseif, kep lnfTln st nm, like lie would bust Ins bides. We slinclc band*, liowever. and made **ty Iking strait. Uo didn't opm my truuk when I told Mm that it didn’t hay- nothin In It but ury olotttet, and sum curiosities what I’d picked up In my travels; latl you may depend. when ever be uum ooioss a Dutch man or sny ■ iitl.iudish foreigner with s big trunk, hu made 'em snow up. Aud shore enuff he cum across one feller wlml I-.hU h truuk Toll of Ktigllsh hr. Mid clot I > and silk, wliak be was tryiu Ui binnggle Iuto tho Stoles. Tho uffiwir tuck ’«in all fraui him. the feller was 'lull* u* much out of burner with the officer as 1 was. After r.inlu I,-ike Champlain out to the little cend of uo.i.iii,ll| tlier w-nu't wsier to dost, a breadtray, and wo bad to dodge Urn bote atoim auioiig theliay e >eks ttiut tint peeplc was mnkln iu the marsh meadow, what we was gwlnn through, we uum tu u pluoe failed While llall, about four o’clock iu the evmlu. ll*re we luck a oanal-butefur Mechituk-svlll*. Ill ill* r.ira |>url ul the at anIn. whll* an Wiu all on deck, cviy thlotf went well. rsoepl ’l»ul eery H»« nilulu vr* woiilil cum In a Ulduo, when wa would Ii*t# to drap down lUv mi the deck; ami ‘win aa II wa « mai-d with utcu. wlmntli' ami children. u« line* could a'niel. llu iluOdii* waa rallier awkattid UUdea*, and hruiit; m enm time* In Tallin clt»-*e oniil.tcl allli altanga paaMuffer*. One old falter, a hat »» 4 liltlw J oi he irlu, and wai hi»«y ttlkiii politick* with Ilia lull turned t>a rone vn, didu’l hour tlm word "Urlddal" and Ilia faat thin* ha km.wl, k*rabo*h ha w*ul heel* he«i nir luvilha wrier. | ** monel ruin wall for him tint li I waan l no d«r|wr Of lia’d neirai bid mu .olhnr vota tn Uila world—for lia .oonUln'l aarlm a llok, ami tin bnaar* was so porn anil hard in the moutli i Hint It tuck Vui ’bout trn adults to i so us to stop the t'olr. The (-’a|>tulu gut him mil, thonsli mid the Kid cbnii wrtn below for llm Iwl nnce of the night. They picked us into U»* Un ramonk* a* they culled llino, In strep — Imt IM tifeu mot Ktrous glad to exchanged mine for tlie worst hammock In Fhnl tls. It was ootliiu mure tliuu a luter of caurua*. then u paatrugsr, thou a layrr of dirty sheet, then another layer, of cimrasi, iiii ) thou snoibrr pawn irei mid another ahrirc, and so on to Ih# Uip. Tin r ivus ri-i clch thing ns turiitn or* r I limit ktuick'.i* yer nrm into the I ribs of lhi< loan -ilaive y*u, nnd when you w..» ones p.eked in thcr was no glttln out 111 muriiiu. 1 newt cuai so near suffocutln In niy life, and nsvrr »*S So liuxli'iis to see tlie bmeX of day brfere. Tbo wlmoilu and children was all,. i end Of tlie Mr, with iiuiimi hut m blanket tan wren u« and ‘.lien.: and ticli olbrr Mustek l never liraid foie—It wis wow Ihsii n concert ot cats „|i night . 'lkmt Mli.rhu we got to Ilia place we lack the cars fur Troy. litre we lui'k lh* stcaiuer for Albany, and fr>-u> Albany «i wi sn’t long cumin to New \*nk In l lit K nickel I airkrr. So l.ere 1 nm, nnd by tlui llm* you 1 lienr (mm mr egb. 1 will lx- homo tu nld Ueurgi* JJU mure rt pn-seat frum Your freed til deth. Jos. Junks. (To b;: c-oat I nurd next work.) iiL-jn-vovn-uoue rrrrv. A rlrnltHS I'uMljr liFUMural R<j*l«ni lu n inn In»MO IMurmaM U tails. tffcd»•> Amitmh, Ml*. A. K. Elliott *!l.>*C) U 4 011 Monday !*nl u beautiful him tarn mi*** buiii vtJiic'i 4i« h.n] Ju*t tvceirr.1 by »*x pi*** Irani lion. Tiwo. |*. Klu’i* lain KiMsman-rlrct from thia dlutnot. Tim born I* l.i lc drily, r..I lo Mr. M J*. L\*Uy% of IMtit-H), ut a c*4iup litfu pr» % • u:. Mr. 1‘etly u a y-ry indent d«:nw crul »!•»•».! as an hi dent ligntrr, and IiaiI ion, snrro <>t ins populist friends U> it sliru III ■ JD.’iiKjcraU c.rrled No. 0 (uwurhlp In- arnr corns lo uet Ida ln«rn and blow it lajxo ».nd i.m. n. tv noil Mr. Knit: t *.*s on tl,., lutii'pilyii lui u-arii or want Mr. IVuy ii*i sad «iid pni’aiu-d lu ru;,;Mi mo b na. Mi. I'otly’s in-liiilia1 fi Ivuil* Mid tlu-y i «-Vor t-X; eoloJ In iiaar I bat !,:,ru blow, but It | aetruu now Unt Uu-jr will U.i sadly dlt ■ iiptmiitod Tim turn I* w Ir-auty, uloe • **t U njiy iHiIbbc: and ia united MISS I s .lid Ailyor biiuiA O . t|,.. band ul the 1 irgo end is engraved. -To M. I*. IMtf fr'3i Tlieo. P. Kim,z. M. U., Uj'JJ.” Mr. Klutlt's gri-uuiKs to Mi. Petly la lliat “liu Jioia-s lu «r;ll liy., to blow that burn in celeuralriif tuir.y d- in ,• cru'.le vicbjrb'a in tbe luiuiu.” 'ill* IfaMMlS U«u:i< -, ItdlrUli Kc'a arrl Observer. Tilti inesvigeof rirti'lw. McKinley hu naturally li»-u awulUKl with unue na' inlrr.ll, PnlU at born-- oil nhfiMul. Now that It lull appeared It cau semes it i n Mid to clear the situation unit-it ally to that its m mi reC'inm-nd uimis bad already beeo Indicated as tbe policy ot iti* ad mi n titration. Apart from Ibc many lliotitinda uf word* of ‘[w ldloBwhich the mom— roliin t-venis of the auuiaier and fall (pivo occasion for iricorpuralion iulo lbe taeisage nod which is in cenurlly a mere ir|irtitioii of an oil-told tale, the recommendations are out a ex plicit. The intannign may bo a .id ui commit tbe edraiuiitration to ilia following: An at oiy of 103,OUO men. A stronger navy. The maintenance of the gold ainu daril. A chinge iu t»per ctureuny. Advocacy of Ui« Nicaragua canal. The ultimata Indept ndeoce of Cub i. ooudilioimlly. Active pjrlloipAtimi iu question* of tie* fur Hast. Thu holding of the Philippine*, I ei re el y Increased appropriation*. While all cl these are not apecIQouliy stated aa undi to be pursued such may bo taken aa legitlmmn Inference!. . h’,,|lnwing his usual policy, Mr. Mo Kiuley has hinted at ratlwr thaustroBg ly reo-iQiuienilvd Mm course he thinks Congress slitmUl purine in many Im portant matins, nnd bis rocommetida M'US ate general rather tlnn particu lar. Opinions will probably differ widely a* to whether Mm teenage riees to the occasion, but tber.i to little room vi doubt Mint |t I* altogether cUaric’.er>s lio of President McKinley. T*» r«lnifiigar>1l<nn AHawamt. M'lial ia the use of making a tirllsr arliola Ilian you; competitor If yon can not gel n better pries for it V Ana. —Aa lImre ia no difference In the price the public will boy only the belter, so that ehlln oar proiits tuny b« smaller on n single sale they will be ranch greater la (lie aggregate. ll»w cim ton get lira public to know your maka Is Uie brat ? If ball nil Idea are brought prrml nrMly before tlic public both are cer tain lo ** tried end tin* public will my quickly |wsa judgment nil them ami use only lira belter one. This explains toe large sale on ('hmuborUhi's Cough Itsmwidy. Xlm ptopla hava hern using It for years ami have fniirid that It OuB always b» dr pnuld main. They may ncoestonnlly take up wlkli soQIS Issbi inuhls Bu»»lty pu* forth v.'IMi rxsggeiatnl claims, but ore pm uhi |n tel urn tu lias unit remedy iliat they know In be reliable, and for oougha, oold< rai l croup Uiera I* nothing (i)uil •<> thau.berla Iti’a taiugh lt-nedy Knr fcslr hy j. K Carry nnd Cotupsi y. i ■ ■ ■ ir'i ■■"ii Tito hard of aldercaau in IVlinPni hive pr-.n I Wild the dlerhtrgu of nre works In Hist town during the hull days, Tits lliptlst State Ooavrmlon of South Carolina which bekl Ita annual session In OsrllngUui last wees iseets In Oafthpy next year. FIVE DOLLARS _' ^ POD ^ — Until Thursday December 29, 1898, Five Dollars will pay ' . '' :v,'v' • ••••"., ' ftp Five Subscriptions __ __. To THE GAZETTE, - , • • .\r: -*y •• k v*Vry ./iV-^V vj■f*1 • - •: v *■ ' new subscriptions. • , r \r* .’ .• ’ . • ■' •/•*'■•■''< -Vl £ V^>*4 During this year THE GAZETTE has reached the greatest circulation it has enjoyed in seven years. But we want more subscribers We want to add during the month of December 500 new subscribers to our list. We want to print more papers, reach more people. The extraordinary offer made above is intended to enlist the active help of our present subscribers in ad ding these 600 new members this month to our grow ing family of readers, Just think of it: Until the 29th of this month, $5 will pay five subscriptions when as many as four are new ones. Speak to your neighbors. Bring in four new sub scribers and four dollars; then renew your own sub scription for 1899 with the fifth dollar. But you must do this now—before December 29. Don't stop. Read on Get not only four new sub scribers but four times four and more, and win one of the prizes mentioned on the inside pages. No six months subscriptions taken under this pro position Who will be the first to respond P ------|-| Wl— IIOKNM ro* (Its HKI.H u«ri.». OiMk,•!ISnirna ax4 a UaH Nnlal raw AM'** General Wheeler, of AlabitDr, last ■ Moud«\ Intioduced la the Hones, ' through lUprewnlatlv* gulling*, rasj la'Ion pro v id lug tint in ’'recognition of the patriot io da rollon of Mias Helen i Miller Gould lotto aoldlertof tto army of tto United ftratetdnring the war with Spaia, tto thank* of ('.wares' are tora oy tendered tor, and Congrats hereby nullmrhn* and dirvete that a gold med al with appropriate (Jamtgnn topivpared Uy tto iXreoior of tto Mint and that aaid medal to preeeotrd to her tty the I’resident nf Ilia CsiUid gUtpial such fine and In such wanner as ha may de termine." ll M*iu« that llw Ivtapbom njrMuio la sntusnltat lilt, rft-riu* wltli ilia mail*. Tb* JCayn<rt>' »iy« lbat Ul>« Mini* Moor*. Hi* | ii’l utitir ai Yurkviild, mud# «n i>i'*rrr*Uou to Hi* n^mrlor mi Monday«yta lafci-tt as a valu aUa testimonial lo lb* local totrplwn* natrm. *'<f «H Hurt ibo tailing «ff of llm Irltar mail by lb- aim route* lu aa-oMnns Uppwl by lbs li-te|rtio«iv ays tarn. i« rjiili* n«<lc»uWu. f.lMMibutUln*a Coll*. Cliolsr* and illxrrWora Kroord/ cun ulvray* Us da pMdad *iata and ta ideamnt amt Sa/s W taka. Sold 19 J. K. Carry * Co. fcaoeoeeM Bern* HAN la tun* Im)» \pw V>fV lnmM 10 CUWaeo Trilmoo. Cbl. Ruo«*v#K planned to hold a conferee©* with deeetor l'Ult ibia morning and then .took lha 1 p, a limited «»pT<n* for 11-nt.oa. where he •hi billed to deliver a lecture at tb# L>well luetil at*. Bathe did ant get any fur liter away from hla oounuy borne no dafatanre llltl than theOyater Bay railroad depot The a now norm or Tneaday alght lied ap the Long 1*1 and lUltroad aad knocked all hie plena Into a oncked hot. Hot the u -looel did not watte Lite day. He aot m the efteraooo dictat l tug one of a eerie* of Magaalee artlckre he ha* contracted lo ©outturnta to a leading periodical. He talked to kle itewog raphe r (or three hoar* and dulatad the aitloie. For eeek ooutrlueiteu to the nagirioe lie reoeiTte £1,000, end l>e actually earned that tea by hi* afternoons work. At the pace the ootooel tebuead h r aavlo 1*\1T1 per hear, »r fS3.S0 and * a f raotton pet uiiauto. 11 Hr* IMn Mtrtnata ■ »■* ManuTariarm' Mn ml. Tb* r*ce«l Ml* of la load* l*mwd Inf IK« eiiy at AlUau, Q i, *»• Uxelrd old* fnaa tb* principal mrwt ■Hi ernur* nf tb* won try. m wall *• from * Iiaaibix «C AUabl* oavorrwa. i Ham Mvarry, Jo*** 40*., af Haiti-1 Mora, •»* u rad lb* icttra Mar, pay la* tub 810 Tb* boadt *r* it baar taWr- I MittpH e«at. Tbt* H tb* M|Ih> • prlca paid f»r baud* »f ibuaoMMaaUy. j mimm aMtoPngn. Kwr VurV Jour**). La* rmr lha pcodta of iba t*raaal«a Hut# railway* paid Um aoUaa lattNai and lafla aurplaa of to,ooo,rwf>. Tba po-'ple of ab* Uattad State* pay art «C uaw to tba railroad con*’ panto and Mother tat to tba Coaara mant »u ucoouat af Iba public date. Tit* paupta of pay oot tad ta tba flonromoat, ablob aattlaa (hair traaaporUUon btlta tod tbok (attract oa booda at thaaaa* u<»*. W« poy o«ar a Uouaaod Billion dob tot a nor to tbo ratkooda. It aoau «* barf a* auab, te notl uaw*. to »ou ■' to rtdtooWT wa aha aid Sad a way to mba lb* roHraad iarnlo«a ooaat oa tb* eiadlt iuattad af tba debit aid* *1 tli* popular bdpr._ KtoiM—Tii» inoior*. H on; at Mil lit nnhwdaoM bo* m Uli r lb >1 tko MhUmo pun*!* wUt not •oeom uo|t«Iho out AlrtcwolMO t» •»7 oh*** or form, Ml thrnt Umjt 4a bo% won* ontf wu bo* hot* Mgtt'. <>m-Uln or »ny kiod 14 MnillMI •Mm. Tboj om d«tnwh.»Tto m W Ihlo. oM Ik* lOMtimt mm iow ivmrsswsSjfs bmwiMMomm »>fM iho h MwW root o« tofk

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